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Grand Island Republican Women

Grand Island Republican Women Annual Picnic

Pictured left to right, seated: Rosemarie Shelp, Rosemary Wojick, Nancy Gorrell, Marilyn Gratto, Ann Dlugokinski, Shirley Martin and Barb Nowakowski. Standing: Councilman Mike Madigan, Mary Cooke, Councilwoman Jennifer Baney, Candidate for Supervisor John Whitney, Andrea Moreau, Candidate for Town Justice Mark Nemeth, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Margaret Ann Haller, Candidate for Council Tom Digati, Councilman Pete Marston and Lana Redell.
Click photo for larger view.

    The Grand Island Republican Women's Club held their annual picnic on June 12, 2019, hosted by Lana and Tom Redell. The main theme was "Get out to vote on Primary Day - June 25!" 2019 is the first year for a June Primary Election (instead of September) in New York and everyone needs to help get the word out! Informative speeches, great food and engaging conversation were enjoyed by all. Auctioneer duties were ably handled by Pete Marston, assisted by Tom Digati with Barb Nowakowski serving as cashier for the much anticipated annual event.

Grand Island Republican Women Christmas Luncheon - December 2018

Pictured from left: napping baby Clara Ochs, Marilyn Gratto, Rosemarie Shelp, Ann Dlugokinski, Mary Cooke, Bernie Callahan, Colleen Martin, Councilwoman Jenn Baney, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Kristen Ochs, Rosemary Wojick, Andrea Moreau, Bonnie Sciuk, Lana Redell, Barb Nowakowski and Shirley Martin.
Click photo for larger view.

   The Grand Island Republican Women's Club recently gathered for a Christmas Party at 773 North. The group included new members and all enjoyed a delicious lunch, great conversation and festive gifts. If you're interested in joining, contact any member.

Grand Island Republican Women Christmas Luncheon - December 2017

Left to right: seated: Shirley Martin, Lana Redell, Barbara Nowakowski and Andrea Moreau. Standing: Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Bonnie Sciuk, Councilman Marston, Margaret Ann Haller, Rosemarie Shelp, Nancy Gorrell, Ann Dlugokinski, Eileen Minton and Mary Cooke.

   The Grand Island Republican Women's Club gathered at the Riverstone Grill to celebrate Christmas and a very successful 2017 election season. While he was unable to stay for lunch (too many snowblower deliveries and pickups for Marston Equipment!), newly elected Town Councilmember Pete Marston stopped by to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Unfortunately, illness kept some home, including newly elected Councilmember Jennifer Baney. The group enjoyed festive cocktails and snacks, lunch and dessert and the great hospitality of Chaz and Kristina Bulera. President Lana Redell organized the door prizes and gift exchange, making the lunch extra festive! Any registered Republican woman is welcome to join; contact any member if you're interested.

Grand Island Republican Women's Annual Summer Picnic - June 2017

Click above photo for larger view.
Seated from left: Ann Dlugokinski, Barbara Nowakowski, Nancy Gorrell, Rosemarie Shelp, Wilma Greenwood, Marilyn Gratto, Bernie Callahan and Adela Huff. Standing: Town Council Candidate Jennifer Baney, Mary Cooke, Liz Wilbert, Andrea Moreau, Lana Redell, Town Justice Mark Frentzel, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Shirley Martin, Dorothy Lew, Bonnie Sciuk, Margaret Ann Haller, Town Council Candidate Pete Marston, Eileen Minton and Rosemary Wojick.

Candidates and Elected Officials attending the picnic from left: Highway Superintendent Candidate Dick Crawford, Town Council Candidate Jennifer Baney, Councilman Mike Madigan, Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick, Town Council Candidate Pete Marston, Town Justice Mark Frentzel and Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel.
   The Grand Island Republican Women's Club held their annual picnic at the home of Rosemary Wojick and enjoyed fine summer weather, a delicious meal and great conversation. Assemblymember Angelo Morinello was unable to attend but sent the beautiful flower arrangement shown in the photo.

Grand Island Republican Women Christmas Luncheon - December 2016

Left to right:
Pictured left to right: seated: Andrea Moreau, Barb Nowakowski, Lana Redell and Wilma Greenwood.
Standing: Rosemarie Shelp, Mary Cooke, Pattie Frentzel, Nancy Gorrell, Rosemary Wojick, Shirley Martin, Eileen Minton.

   The Grand Island Republican Women's Club celebrated Christmas 2016 at The Riverstone Grill. Delicious food, fun gifts and door prizes and interesting conversation were enjoyed by all.

Grand Island Republican Women Summer Picnic - June 2016

Pictured left to right, seated: Shirley Martin, Adela Huff, Andrea Moreau, Eileen Minton and Wilma Greenwood; standing: Sandy Minoian, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Barb Nowakowski, Liz Wilbert, Bonnie Sciuk, Lana Redell, Margaret Ann Haller holding her grandson Matthew White, 145th Assembly District Candidate Angelo Morinello, Ann Dlugokinski, Deputy Highway Supt. Dick Crawford, Rosemarie Shelp, Mary Cooke, 4th District Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick and Rosemary Wojick.
Photo credit: Bruce Wojick.

   The Grand Island Republican Women's Club met on June 15th for their annual Summer Picnic and Bag Auction, hosted by Rosemary Wojick at her home on North Colony Road. A delicious meal catered by McMahon's Restaurant was enjoyed, along with great conversation, under beautiful blue skies. Dick Crawford ably handled auctioneer duties and a great time was had by all.

Grand Island Republican Women Christmas Luncheon - December 2015

Left to right:
Front: Shirley Martin, Barbara Nowakowski, Adela Huff, Marilyn Gratto and Ann Dlugokinski.
Back: Lana Redell, Andrea Moreau, Bonnie Sciuk, Rosemary Wojick, Dorothy Lew, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Wilma Greenwood, Assistant to the Supervisor Liz Wilbert and Town Supervisor Mary Cooke.

   The GI GOP Women's Club met for a Christmas Luncheon at the Riverstone Grill at the corner of East River and North Colony Roads on December 16th. New members are always welcome! If you're interested in joining, please contact President Lana Redell at 773-7367, or talk to one of the members.

Grand Island Republican Women Summer Picnic - July 2015

From left seated: Adela Huff, Marilyn Gratto, Bev Mikulski, Dorothy Lew, Shirley Martin, Andrea Moreau and Town Justice Sybil Kennedy. Standing: Ann Dlugokinski, Wilma Greenwood, Nancy Gorrell, Bernie Callahan, Town Councilman Gary Roesch, Town Justice Candidate Mark Nemeth, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Liz Wilbert, Lana Redell, Rosemary Wojick, Bonnie Sciuk and Town Supervisor Mary Cooke.

   The Grand Island Republican Women recently held their annual summer picnic at the home of Lana Redell on Huth Road. Everyone enjoyed delicious food catered by McMahon's Restaurant and the famous brown bag auction. Gary Roesch served as auctioneer.