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HUNT-Sherry McDonald

John's Pizza & Subs
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Otto Zimmerman and Son

Grand Island Republican Committee Web Page

P.O. Box 104
Grand Island, New York 14072
Email - gigopmail@gmail.comEmail - gigopmail@gmail.com

2025 Endorsed Candidates:Jose Garcia, Mark Frentzel, Sherry Steffans and Jim Sedita.

   On March 11, 2025, the Grand Island Republican Party (GIGOP) hosted its annual St. Patrick’s Party at 773 North, where great company, spirited energy, and strong Republican support filled the room. With outstanding catering and a packed house, the event welcomed our endorsed candidates for this year’s election: Jose Garcia and Sherry Steffans for Town Council, Jim Sedita for Highway Superintendent, and Mark Frentzel for Town Judge. Also in attendance were County Endorsed Candidates, including Sheriff John Garcia and Christine Czarnik for Erie County Comptroller, along with representatives for Family Court Judge Freedman and Steffen Monpremier for Erie County Legislator.    This year’s celebration saw record enthusiasm, reflecting growing momentum for our town and county candidates ahead of the 2025 elections. A special moment came when longtime public servant Dick Crawford received a resounding ovation in honor of his retirement at the end of 2025. Another highlight was Committee Member Mary Cooke’s legendary homemade dessert tray, a cherished tradition that once again delighted attendees.

Republican Elected Officials

Supervisor Pete Marston
Christian Bahleda
Dan Kilmer
Tom Digati
Town Clerk
Pattie Frentzel
Highway Superintendent
Dick Crawford
Town Justices
Mark Frentzel
Mark Nemeth

GOP Call for Candidates - December 2024

    The Grand Island Republican Committee (GI GOP) is actively seeking candidates interested in running for Town Government. There are four seats up for election in 2025: Highway Superintendent; Town Judge and 2 Town Council positions. The committee is seeking Grand Island citizens who are passionate in their beliefs, who wish to serve their community, and believe in the Republican principles of transparency, low taxes and small government.
   The Republican Committee assures potential candidates that they not feel discouraged or limited by incumbents who may decide to run for re-election. After reviewing the letters and resumes, the Grand Island Republican Committee will invite all qualified prospective candidates to be interviewed. Interviews will be conducted during the last 2 weeks of January, and the endorsement meeting will be held during the first week of February. Those who win their races in November 2025 will serve four year terms beginning January 2026.
   Interested candidates, including incumbents must send a letter of intent including a résumé to be received no later than January 3, 2025 in order to be considered. Send to: GI GOP Chairman Michael Madigan; PO Box 104; GI, NY 14072. Emails will also be accepted and can be sent to mikemadigan98@yahoo.com and copied to GI GOP Secretary Susannah Zherebilov at suzherebilov@gmail.com.

GI Republicans Committee Results - June 2024

   On June 25th, the Republican Party held elections for twenty of their twenty-six republican committee seats on Grand Island
      (there are two seats/election district for each party). Results are below:
   Background: A Republican Committee person serves as a crucial link between their party leadership and grassroots members within their voting district.
   The Committee endorses candidates, advocates for them through voter outreach and get-out-the-vote efforts and support their fundraisers. Committee persons also provide feedback to elected officials on their perfor-mance and campaign promises
.    The primary objective of a committee person is upholding and promoting their party’s values and principles while working to grow and strengthen the party.

District #1
Daniel Kilmer 36% *Winner*    Eric Baur 31% *Winner*    T. Duffy Macguire 18% Frank Greco 14%

District #2
Patricia Frenzel 41% *Winner*    Susannah Zherebilov 35% *Winner*    Joseph Spinella 24%   

District #3
No election/challenge    Robert Davis     Carol Hamm

District #4
No election/challenge    Jose Garcia     Michael Todaro

District #5
Michael Madigan 28% *Winner*    Leslie Madigan 27% *Winner*    Rhonda Diehl 21%    Robert Diehl 23%

District #6
Thomas Digati 37% *Winner*    Sherry Steffans 33% *Winner*    Phyllis Martin 26%

District #7
Robert Richardson 30% *Winner*    John Rottaris 29% *Winner*   Kenneth Hamm 22%   Jeanne Treat 19%

District #8
Michele Kilmer 34% *Winner*     Dean Morakis 29% *Winner*    Peter Marston 19%    Norman Mrkall II 16%

District #9
Christopher Soluri 31% *Winner*    Lou Ann Cane 30% *Winner*   Kristin Ochs 22%    Vincent Ricotta 15%

District #10
Richard Crawford Jr 35% *Winner*    Elizibeth Wilbert 30% *Winner*    Debra Ann Daigler 19%     Ronald Cooke 16%

District #11
Christian Bahleda 28% *Winner*   Scott Hammond 27% *Winner*   Andrew Grinchishin 23%   Gregory Internicola 20%

District #12
No election/challenge    Mary Stang Cooke    Richard Planavsky

District #13
James Daigler 31% *Winner*    Abraham Zherebilov 33% *Winner*    John Whitney 19%    Daniel Sperrazza 17%

   (Results courtesy of Erie County Board of Elections 7/1/2024

Here is a link to the NEW Grand Island District Map. We will soon have contact information.

GI Republicans Seek Council Candidate - January 2024

    The Grand Island Republican Committee is actively seeking Candidates interested in running for the open Town Council position. The successful candidate will fill the term vacated by Supervisor Peter Marston, in a special election for one (1) year on November 5, 2024. This position would then be up for the general election for Town Council in 2025. Grand Island citizens of passion and ability that wish to serve their community and believe in the Republican principles of low taxes and small government are encouraged to apply.
    Interested candidates must address a letter of intent, including a resume, to be received no later than Wednesday January 31, 2024, to be considered. After reviewing the letters and resumes, the Grand Island Republican Committee will invite all qualified prospective candidates to be interviewed on Saturday February 3, 2024. The committee will hold an endorsement meeting on February 10, 2024. Letters of intent and resumes should be sent to chairwoman Kristin Ochs, kochs@signaturerealestateservices.com, and Dan Sperrazza, djs@sperazzalawfirm.com.

Dan Kilmer for Town Council - October 2023

    A vote for me is a vote for:
   A 38-year veteran who served in the Navy, Army and Air National Guard
   A 2002-2006 Deputy Supervisor for the Town of Lewiston
   A 2002-2005 Councilman for the Town of Lewiston
    3A past vice chair for Lewiston Chamber of Commerce, membership for 12 years
    A small business owner; owned and operated Yankee Doodle Brochure (2005-2020)
   My wife, Michele (Floro) Kilmer, and I have lived on Grand Island for 6 and 24 years respectively. I have four children from a prior marriage, and 2 stepdaughters from current marriage who were raised here on GI. My wife and I are proud owners of two dogs (Bravo and Phoebe).
   As Lewiston Councilman my record of accomplishments include:
   Initiated the renegotiation of the Modern Disposal contract that saved taxpayers $1M during my term in office a substantial savings for Lewiston
   initiated the replacement and hire of a recreation Director that greatly improved the towns recreation programs, generating new fees that fully offset his salary.
    As Councilman I learned that Town Board members often are pressured into increasing spending and staffing. I was a strong advocate for constraining the growth of our government.
I am running for Town Council and my commitment to residents includes the following:     Propose Suspending the costly and frequent property reassessment: Most towns in Erie County have not done a re-assessment in 10 to 30 years including all towns that border GI
   Cut spending first before considering overriding the tax cap
   Create a culture of Fiscal Responsibility with transparency, accountability, and productivity in all aspects of town government.
   Propose an Anti-Nepotism Policy ensuring all qualified candidates have equal opportunity for employment within the town government
   Continue reforming and align our zoning codes and our comprehensive plan with our town’s vision for the future
   Appoint a Citizens Finance Committee focused on cost reduction
   In conclusion…….We all know Lewiston has a great town center. I will bring insight to Grand Island, an outside perspective to what we could do to improve our town center and assure smart growth to this jewel of the Niagara.

Mike Madigan For Town Supervisor - October 2023

    A vote for me is a vote for:
   Certified Professional Project Manager
    Volunteer GI Fireman for 9 years
   7.5 years’ experience on GI Town Board
    30 years’ experience as a people manager
    20 years’ experience managing million-dollar budgets
   BA in Communication and AS in Fisheries and Wildlife
   I have lived on Grand Island with my wife Leslie (Elias) for 36 years. Leslie and I raised two boys (now young men) who both attended and graduated from the Grand Island School District. I am an avid hunter, fisherman, enjoy skiing and sailing.
   My platform, as your councilman reflects my passion for good government that is open and transparent. I recognize that the money that funds our town is provided through the hard work of the taxpayers, and I respect that fact and act accordingly.
   My past election platform included the commitment to listen to and support residents. My accomplishments include:
   Proposed a moratorium on Warehouses and Distribution Centers in M1 & M2 zones that has resulted in the proposed law to remove them as a right of use
   Proposed the LED streetlights conversion project which has been completed and will save over $250K/year
   Proposed the moratorium on solar farms, and it passed, and I managed the resulting amendment of the solar law making it more resident friendly
   Stopped McMurray from his planned acquisition of the former Canon Building, to replace town hall, this would have been a budget buster and a significant tax loss for the town
   Pushed for banning truck stops on the island, resulting in Local Law #2-2018 which was approved
   Gained majority support in 2018 to NOT breach the tax cap that McMurray wanted passed which would have cost residents an additional $1.2M since then
   Exposed a $116,000 theft at the Golden Age Center resulting in a prosecution
   Introduced the motion for Term Limits for the Town Board that passed in 2016
   Today I am running for Town Supervisor with similar goals as above including keeping Grand Island Affordable for Seniors, Middle Class, and Young Families and to better represent our residents through increased transparency and open and honest government that is results driven. I ask for and would be grateful for your vote.

Digati Seeks Re-Election to Town Board - October 2023

    I am pleased to announce that I am seeking re-election to the Town Board. I am endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties and prevailed in the Republican primary election in June. While the Town has faced its share of challenges during my term, those challenges have highlighted the importance of having a Town Board that is willing and able to navigate the issues facing our Town. This made my decision to seek a second term much easier.
    Both my wife, Ashley, and I, graduated from Grand Island High School in 2003. From there, I attended college at Canisius College and Buffalo State College before graduating from University at Buffalo School of Law. I am a litigation attorney and a partner with the firm Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak, LLP. After we were married, Ashley and I lived in the Town of Tonawanda. However, when we decided it was time to start a family, we knew that it was time to return to Grand Island. We both loved growing up in this community and knew that this is where we wanted to raise our family. At the time, it was a big commitment, especially for Ashley, who was working in Hamburg. We now have two sons, Angelo and Marco, and three dogs, and we love this community as much now as we did as children and young adults. This background is provided in hopes that it helps you understand why I want to serve them for another 4 years: I am committed this community and will continue to work diligently to preserve and enhance the things that our residents value about our Town. Put simply, I have and will continue to make decisions that I feel are in the best interests of Grand Island.
    Our Town is unique: we have plentiful greenspace, wonderful schools, and affordable taxes. We have farms, solar farms, industrial complexes, and an amusement park. Best of all, we have residents that are proud to live here and are extremely involved in the community. Our residents are dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle that brought them here and committed to making this Town better. If re-elected, I will continue to focus on the preservation of the unique character of our Island by, among other things, working to revise our zoning codes to ensure they are consistent with our Comprehensive Plan. I will make decisions that are financially responsible, contemplating not only short-term impacts, but the long term as well. I will remain steadfast in my commitment to serve our Town in an open, transparent, and accountable manner. I will continue to make myself available to our residents and explore ways that we improve the Town’s communication with its residents.
    Over the last four years one thing that has really stood out to me about our Town and how it operates is how reactive we typically are. As an issue comes up, changes are made to solve a singular problem, without concern about the long-term or more Island-wide impacts of these actions. During my term, I have attempted to be proactive in decision making, focusing not only on solving singular issues that arise, but making decisions that both address any issue at hand and contemplate the future impacts of our decisions. This is, of course, highlighted by the Comprehensive Plan and zoning changes. During my term and before, the Town has seen many projects that do not fit the "boxes" of existing zoning laws. Some of those projects, however, are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. As the Town Board contemplates some important changes to our zoning classifications, I have continuously stressed the need to consider both short term and long term impacts of any changes. We need to be proactive in addressing future projects and ensuring that any changes to our zoning codes conform to the Comprehensive Plan and the types of development that we would like to see in our community. This is only one of many examples of ways in which I continue to make sure the Town Board is proactive and contemplates the future of our community.
    One highlight of my term has been the successful work with the developer of the pending Rivertown development. Through continuous engagement with the developer and the residents, the Town Board was able to make significant changes to the project that resolved issues with neighbors and the Town Board. The Town also has an option to lease a portion of the premises with plans to relocate that deteriorating Golden Age Center, which is currently located at the Nike Base. This project fits the Comprehensive Plan perfectly with respect to the type and location of the development. However, the area needed to be rezoned to a Planned Development District “PDD” because the existing zoning codes are not entirely consistent with the master plan.
    During my term, I helped lead the Town to receiving the Climate Smart Community Designation from the State, helped negotiate collective bargaining agreements with all three of the Town’s bargaining units that helped address wage compression issues while not burdening the taxpayers, have worked closely with the Parks and Recreation Departments to improve the facilities and offerings here in our Town, and have always been available to address the concern of residents. I believe that my experience during this time, together with my dedication to our community and my professional experience, make me the best choice for Town Councilman. If re-elected, I will continue to balance the necessary budgetary discretion while also continuing to identify ways that we can offer more to our residents and improve the quality of life here on Grand Island. I will always put the residents and best interests of Grand Island, without concern to politics or other agendas.
    In closing, I want to continue to work tirelessly to make sure that Grand Island remains an amazing place to live, work, and raise a family. So, I ask for your consideration when you cast your vote for Town Board during the upcoming election on November 7th, or during early voting between October 28 and November 5. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: cell-(716) 984-4521; email: tdigati@gmail.com; Facebook: @Digati4GI.

Patricia Frentzel for Town Clerk - October 2023

    Providing excellent customer service has been a constant for Grand Island’s Town Clerk, Patricia Frentzel, since taking office in January 2004. During Pattie’s tenure, she has worked diligently to affect numerous note-worthy improvements to the services provided to the residents of Grand Island. Pattie’s efforts resulted in Grand Island being one of the few Clerk’s Offices in the state of New York that is authorized by the United States Department of State to act as a “passport acceptance agency”. Since spearheading this in 2006, almost seven thousand passport applications and photographs have generated over $246,000 in revenues for the town of Grand Island.
    In 2014, to better assist residents, Pattie sought and was approved to be an EZ PASS Retailer and has issued over 2,000 Island commuter tags. In addition, Pattie works closely with New York State to provide resolution for minor EZ Pass disputes. This added convenience has been most welcomed by Island residents! Pattie also collaborated with Town grant writers to obtain over $249,000 to improve the Town’s record keeping and website - giving residents and employees 24-hour accessibility and transparency to the Clerk’s office. Pattie added “e-gov” forms for requests of information and copies of public documents and through persistence and committed worked to provide the highly sought-after on-line tax payments and receipts.
    In addition to serving as clerk to the Town Board, Pattie also serves as the Records Management Officer for the Town, the Registrar of Vital Statistics for all births, marriages, and deaths on Grand Island, and she oversees the dog licensing program. Pattie’s years of expertise make her a sought-out source for all manner of information regarding Town services, voting and general questions. She partners with her staff to collect fees from water/sewer rents, building permits, hunting and fishing licenses, and Town, County and School taxes. Her wealth of knowledge is extensive and has been invaluable to countless residents and town officials.
    Pattie is professionally linked in the community as a New York State Registered Municipal Clerk, a Trustee for the Grand Island VFW Auxiliary, a frequent volunteer at St. Stephen’s Church and an invited Guest Lecturer on Town government at Grand Island High School, where she personally conducts Voter Registration for graduating seniors. Pattie has held Executive Offices in both the Erie County Town Clerk’s Association and the New York State Town Clerks and Tax Collectors Associations. She has been honored with the Woman of Distinction recognition from the Erie County Federation of Republican Women as well as a recipient of the Yellow Rose Award from Zonta Club for her leadership and service to the community. Pattie eagerly looks forward to serving another term as Grand Island’s Town Clerk. You can find out more about Pattie on Facebook @GITOWNCLERK or contact Pattie directly by stopping by the Town Clerk’s Office.

Mark S. Nemeth for Town Justice - October 2023

    Mark S. Nemeth is announcing his candidacy for re-election as Grand Island Town Justice this year. He has received the endorsement of the Grand Island Republican Party and the Grand Island Conservative Party.
   Mark has been the Town of Grand Island Town Justice for the past 4 years and was the Grand Island Town Prosecutor for the 16 years prior. As the current Town Justice, he has been responsible for hearing cases involving all crimes and violations within the town’s jurisdiction, including violations of the New York Criminal Law and New York Vehicle & Traffic Law, Small Claims, Landlord/Tennant actions and violations of the Grand Island Town Code.
    Mark Nemeth received his law degree, with honors, from Cleveland State University’s ClevelandMarshall College of Law in 1993, where he was awarded the American Jurisprudence Award in Ethics and in Secured Transactions. He also holds a B.S., with honors, in history and a minor in education from the State University of New York at Buffalo. In Mark’s private practice, he is a partner in the law firm of Hurwitz Fine PC. He has been a licensed attorney and a litigator for 29 years, practicing in NY Supreme Court, Town Courts, and Federal District Courts throughout the state. He has extensive trial experience and appellate experience. Mark is a member of the Erie County Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, and the Defense Research Institute.
    Mark has been married to his wife Michelle, a high school math teacher in the Buffalo Public Schools, since 1993. They moved to Grand Island from North Buffalo in 1997. Mark and Michelle have two children, Miranda and Alex. Mark and his family have been involved in various community organizations and activities over the years. Mark can be reached by phone or text at 481-8904, or by email at mmnemeth@roadrunner.com or msn@hurwitzfine.com.

Republican Party Meet and Greet - October 2023

   Meet and Greet Republican candidates at Niagara Sailing Club on Sunday, October 22nd. See FLYER.

Republican Committee Announces Candidates for 2023 - January 2023

   The Grand Island Republican Committee has announced the endorsed candidates for 2023. The Grand Island GOP is endorsing Pete Marston for Supervisor. Pete currently is a Town Board Member and also the Deputy Supervisor for Grand Island. Thomas Digati and Joseph Spinella for Town Board. Tom is currently on the Town Board and Joe is currently a VP Team Lead in Technology at M&T Bank. Patricia Anderson Frentzel for Town Clerk. Pattie has served as our Town Clerk since 2004. And Mark Nemeth for Town Justice. Mark served as our Town Prosecutor and is currently serving as a Town Justice.

Kristin Ochs Elected as Grand Island GOP Chairwoman - October 2022

From left: Leslie Madigan, Kristen Ochs, Dick Crawford & Sandra Nelson.

    Grand Island - The Grand Island Republican Committee met on October 4th and elected Kristin Ochs as its new party leader. Kristin previously served as secretary to the organization and the committee decided to elevate her to become its newest chairperson. "I am extremely excited to take on this new role and am very grateful to the committee for putting its faith in me to lead them. We have a great track record of putting forth candidates who care about the taxpayers of Grand Island and because of our success, this has resulted in good government for our Town," said Kristin.
    Kristin succeeds Dean Morakis who held the position for eight years. "I want to thank Dean for his dedication and leadership during his time as Chairman," said Kristin, "Thanks to him, and others on the committee, the Island has a Republican Town Board that continues to bring transparency and responsiveness to the residents."
    Highway Superintendent Dick Crawford said "Kristin will make an outstanding Chairwoman and will lead the committee to continue its tradition of providing strong candidates for the people of Grand Island." Town Councilman Tom Digati echoed these sentiments saying, "Kristin will bring a level of excitement to the organization that we will need going into next year's local elections. We want to continue to elect people who will provide high caliber government to the citizens of this great town we all call home."
    Kristin and her husband Michael are lifelong residents of Grand Island and have five children and three grandchildren. Kristin attended Grand Island Schools growing up and graduated from Erie County Community College with an Associates degree in Legal Studies. She currently works as a Real Estate Salesperson for Signature Real Estate Services and as a part time Deputy Clerk for the Town of Grand Island.
    Also elected were Tom Digati, First Vice Chair. Duffy Macguire, Second Vice Chair. Leslie Madigan, Treasurer. Dick Crawford at large and Sandra Nelson at large If you would like to get involved with the Grand Island Republican Committee, contact Kristin Ochs at 716-465-6945.

Grand Island GOP St. Patrick's Day Party - March 2022

    Tuesday, March 15th at 773 North, 2749 Grand Island Blvd., 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. See FLYER for details.

GOP Announces Candidates 2021

Elect Councilman Christian Bahleda
    Christian Bahleda is a lifelong Island resident running for Town Council on November 2nd. He is a graduate of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in 2007, obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 2011 and received his master’s degree in 2012 from Niagara University. His wife Megan, who graduated from Grand Island high school, is a life-long resident as well. Christian works in the technology industry as a Senior Partner Operations Manager and has been with his company, Yahoo!, for over 8 years. His wife, Megan, is a registered nurse for over 13 years working for Kaleida Health. She has worked primarily in the intensive care units at multiple locations such as Millard Filmore Gates, Buffalo General, Gates Vascular Institute, and Oishei Children’s hospital. She is currently working in the Neuro ICU at Buffalo General.
    In 2019, Christian was Appointed to the Technology Advisory board for Grand Island, wanting to help bring the infrastructure of the Island up to date, as well as help bring fiber optic internet to the Island. This is something Christian is very passionate about and has been working on this constantly for the past few years. Christian is committed to putting our community first and ensuring Grand Island remains a safe and affordable place to live. He hopes to carry over his skills of being a leader in his current positions and help make Grand Island flourish. Christian is committed to ensuring Grand Island remains a safe place to raise a family and will work diligently on protecting the aspects that make Grand Island so unique. Through transparency, communication, and leadership, Christian believes he is the best candidate for the position and for your support and Vote on November 2nd.

Re-Elect Councilman Pete Marston Jr.
    Pete Marston has been an Island resident for nearly 40 years. He is a 1987 graduate of Grand Island High School. He went on to study mechanical engineering and mechanical drawing at NCCC. Pete has Been a small business owner on Grand Island since 2001. His small engine sales and service business serves Grand Island residents almost exclusively. Over the years Pete, and his wife Sue, have been involved in many community events, and have been involved in fundraising events for organizations such as Relay for Life, Cycle for survival, Cub Scout pack 630, Grand Island Snowmobile Club, Grand Island Little league, Kaegebein playground committee, to name a few. Pete has been involved with several town advisory boards for many years. Pete has been a member of the Grand Island town planning board, Assessment review board, Long range planning committee, and sidewalks and trails committee.
    As an elected official, Pete has a clear picture on how to get projects done and to operate in a civil manor. Pete has enjoyed a good relationship with town employees and residents. Long term prosperity for Grand Island has always been his main focus. Improvements to parks and trails has been a passion of his while serving. There have been substantial improvements in these areas. Pete enjoys living, working, raising his son Pete, III, along with his wife Sue, on Grand Island, and is excited to continue to serve this community and asks for your support and Vote on November 2nd.

GOP Endorses Candidates 2021

Re-Elect Highway Superintendent Richard Crawford
    Richard “Dick” Crawford Jr. has resided on Grand Island for over 60 years and attended all Grand Island schools through graduation. He attended Erie County Community College and graduated from Brockport State with a Bachelor’s degree. In 1985 he accepted a job with Marturano Recreation as a sales representative selling park and playground equipment until 1993. An opportunity to sell orthopedic/neuro medical equipment was taken in 1993 where he worked as an independent sales representative until 2015.
    In 1996 he was elected as Town Councilman until 2015 when he became the Deputy Highway Superintendent. After serving in this position for three years he ran for Highway Superintendent and was elected in 2018. Serving the community, I believe we are obligated to provide an open forum in order that ideas for a better life can be openly discussed and plans implemented. The town’s purpose is to provide high quality services to the residents, industries and businesses in the most cost-effective way.
    As Highway Superintendent I will continue to manage our 78 centerline miles of road infrastructure and storm sewer system utilizing best practices. As a town we will continue to build on the resources of our highway, water, wastewater, parks, and professional engineering staff to complete projects in house.
    As a member of the community, I am an active member in the Grand Island Lions Club. Founding member of the Grand Island Alumni Association that provides scholarships for college bound students. I am a member of the Grand Island Lions Club, Niagara Sailing Club, Grand Island Rod and Gun, Grand Island Chamber of Commerce and support many other Grand Island organizations. As a community activist, independent businessman and your neighbor, I ask for your support and vote on Tuesday November 2, 2021.

Re-Elect Judge Mark Frentzel
        As your town judge for the past 16 years and as practicing attorney on Grand Island for over 35 years I have helped people in many different areas of the law, adoptions, real estate, wills and estates, victims of domestic abuse, small business issues, property disputes, financial problems, family problems, drinking problems and drug problems.
    As a general practitioner of the law, I have had the pleasure of learning so much about so many different things; and learning so much about people. As a member of our community over the years I have volunteered my time with our Grand Island Lions Club, the VFW, the Soccer Club, and the Young Life Golf Committee. It was with this background that I decided to run for judge.
    I believe that my experiences as Grand Island attorney has made me a better judge. And that my judicial experiences have made me a better attorney. In my years on the bench, I have been told that I have developed a reputation for fairness, integrity, and an excellent judicial temperament to all who come before me. Additionally, I remain at the forefront of managing growth in our town court’s caseload, and in addressing the complexities of ever-changing social issues, legal procedures and law. I have never and never will let politics or corruption into the courtroom.
    A town judge needs a wealth of experience, common sense, compassion, strength to do the right thing and above all the ability to be fair and impartial. No matter who you are, you cannot acquire these things in a short period of time. There is no on-line class or You Tube which will give you this knowledge, you have to live and experience it. I, again, humbly ask for your VOTE in on November 2nd.

GOP 23rd Annual Golf Tournament - August 2021

Pictured left to right: Pete Marston, Tom Digati, John Whitney, Pattie Frentzel, Christian Bahleda, Mark Frentzel, Dick Crawford.

    Grand Island Republican Committee 23rd annual Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, August 23rd at River Oaks Golf Club. Scramble Format - Locker Room Service - Power Cart - Driving Rang - Buffet Lunch, Cocktail Hour & Dinner - Prizes & Awards.
    If you have any questions or for additional information, please call Pattie Frentzel - 773-8788, Christian Bahleda - 998-2480, Tom Digati - 984-4521, Pete Marston - 982-5461, Mike Madigan - 812-6027, John Whitney - 425-2511 or Dick Crawford - 818-699.

Grand Island Republican Candidates - July 2021

Pictured left to right: Markj Frentzel, Christian Bahleda, Dick Crawford & Pete Marston.

    Mark Frentzel honorably serves as one of our Grand Island Judges and is running for re-election this year. With his 35 years of experience as a practicing attorney on Grand Island, and 16 years of judicial experience, he is highly qualified to serve our court. Judge Frentzel has the proven skill set to lead our court. By re-electing Judge Frentzel, Grand Island Town Court retains a wealth of life experiences, common sense, compassion, strength to do the right thing, and above all the ability to be fair and impartial. Judge Frentzel has never, and never will let politics into the courtroom. Your vote in November retains Judge Frentzel, a fair but firm judge.
    Christian Bahleda is a lifelong Grand Island resident and is running for Town Council. He has a technology background and currently serves on the Town Technology advisory committee. He is committed to putting our community first and ensuring Grand Island remains a safe and affordable place to live. Christian and his wife Megan were both raised on Grand Island. They both loved their childhood here on Grand Island and this is the only place they could imagine living with their two dogs, Bailey & Lola.
    Dick Crawford is our current Highway Superintendent and is running for re-election this year. As Highway Superintendent Dick continues to modernize the fleet of vehicles, and improve preventive maintenance operations of our roads and storm sewer system. The highway department staff prides itself in snow plowing operations by keeping our town and county roads open and safe throughout the winter season.
    Pete Marston is a current Town Councilman and is running for re-election this year. As a small business owner of 20 years and a 35+ year resident of Grand Island, he is committed to fiscal responsibility and investing in the future of Grand island. Grand Island is where he chooses to live, work, and raise his son, Pete Jr. Grand Island is like no other place; it is his forever home.
    Please vote for our entire team in November to continue the good government that we have been experiencing for the past 2 years.

GOP Announces Candidates - February 2021

From left: Town Justice Mark Frentzel, Town Councilman Peter Marston, Jr., Christian Bahleda (Councilman) and Highway Superintendent Richard Crawford.

   GOP Chairman Dean Morakis has announced the 2021 slate of GOP candidates for the November election. They are incumbents: Highway Superintendent Richard Crawford, Town Justice Mark Frentzel and Councilman Peter Marsten, Jr. Running for Town Board, Christian Bahleda.

GI Republican Committee Seeking Candidates - December 2020

   The Grand Island Republican Committee is actively seeking candidates interested in running for the following elected offices this year: 2 Town Council candidates, a Highway Superintendent candidate and a Town Judge candidate.
    The Republican Committee assures potential candidates that they not feel discouraged or limited by incumbents who may decide to run for re-election. We want to hear from all Grand Island Citizens of passion and ability who wish to serve their community and believe in the Republican principles of low taxes and small government.
    Interested candidates, including incumbents, must address a letter of intent, including a resume, to be received no later than January 15, 2021, in order to be considered. After reviewing the letters and resumes, the Grand Island Republican Committee will invite all qualified prospective candidates to be interviewed. Interviews will be conducted during the last 2 weeks of January, and the endorsement meeting will be held during the first week of February. Those who win their races in November 2021 will serve four year terms beginning January 2022.
   Contact: Dean Morakis, Chairman. C/O Grand Island Republican Committee, PO Box 104, Grand Island, NY 14072 Deanmor@roadrunner.com.

Meet Your GI Republican Elected Officials - March 2020

    Meet your elected officials at the GI Republican St. Patrick's Day Party on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 773 North, 2749 Grand Island Blvd., from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $25, if paid by March 16th. See flyer.

Grand Island Republicans Meet - January 2020

Pictured from left: newly elected Town Justice Mark Nemeth, Erie County Republican Chairman Karl Simmeth Simmeth, County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Councilwoman Jennifer Baney, newly-elected Town Councilman Tom Digati and Grand Island Republican Chairman Dean Morakis.

   Erie County Republican Chairman Karl Simmeth and County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw came to Grand Island on Monday, January 13th to celebrate Christmas and kick-off the New Year with the Grand Island Republican Committee. Election Inspectors, Town Committee Members and Elected Officials held their annual gathering at Say Cheese to thank everyone for a successful election season and make plans for the future.

21st Annual GOP Golf Tournament - April 2019

GI GOP Tournament Committee, from left: Mike Madigan, John Whitney, Mark Nemeth, Pattie Frentzel, Dick Crawford, Tom Digati.

    The Grand Island Republican Committee will host its 21st annual golf tournament on Monday, May 13th, at River Oaks Golf Course, with a shotgun start at noon. The tournament includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch and dinner. An awards dinner will be held after golf with a silent auction. The cost is $120 per player. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Dick Crawford (818-6992), Pattie Frentzel (773-8788), Tom Digati (984-4521) or John Whitney (425-2511).

GOP St. Patrick's Day Meet & Greet - March 2019

From left: front, Mark Nemeth, candidate for GI Town Justice; GI Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel; State Supreme Court Justice Deborah Haendiges; Gerry Greenan, candidate for State Supreme Court; GI Republican Committee Chairman Dean Morakis and Jake McMahon, candidate for the Erie County Legislature, 4th District; Rear: GI Town Councilman Mike Madigan and Tom Digati, candidate for GI Town Council.

   The Grand Island Republican Committee hosted a very successful St. Patrick's Day "Meet the Candidates" Party at 773 North on Tuesday. A great evening was had by all including delicious food, interesting conversations and and a chance to meet several candidates running in the 2019 elections.

GOP St. Patrick's Day Party and Meet the Candidates Night - February 2019

   The Grand Island Republican Committee St. Patrick's Day Party and Meet the Candidates Night will be held at 773 North on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Tickets are $25 pre-paid by contacting Sandy Nelson (866-2343) or Mary Cooke (255-5838). It includes your first beverage, Irish themed food, soft drinks, desserts and coffee. Tickets are $30 at the door. See flyer

GOP Announces Endorsed Candidates - February 2019

From left: Mike Madigan - Town Council, Pattie Frentzel - Town Clerk, John Whitney - Supervisor, Tom Digati - Town Council, Mark Nemeth - Judge.

   The Grand Island Republican Party has announced it has endorsed the following candidates to run in the November 5, 2019 general election. They are; Mike Madigan - Town Council, Pattie Frentzel - Town Clerk, John Whitney - Supervisor, Tom Digati - Town Council, Mark Nemeth - Judge.

20th Annual Grand Island GOP Golf Tournament Planned - May 2018

From left: Ryan Higgins, PGA Professional, Pattie Frentzel, Dick Crawford, Mary Cooke

    The Grand Island Republican Committee will host its 20th annual golf tournament on Monday, May 14, 2018 at River Oaks Golf Course, with a shot gun start at 12:30 p.m. The tournament includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch and dinner. An awards dinner will be held after golf with a silent auction. The cost per player is $110. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact: Dick Crawford at 818-6992, Pattie Frentzel at 773-8788, Mary Cooke at 255-5838, or Ray Billica 864-9055 for more information.

GOP St. Patrick's Day Party - March 2018

Pictured in front from left are Mary Cooke, Sandy Nelson, Councilwoman Jennifer Baney, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Town Prosecutor Mark Nemeth and Highway Superintendent Richard Crawford. In rear, from left, Sean O'Neil from Senator Chris Jacobs' Office, Honoree Ray Billica and Town Justice Mark Frentzel.

From left: door prize winners Thom Volk and Mark Nemeth.

   The Grand Island Republican Committee gathered on March 13th to honor recently retired Town Councilman Ray Billica at their annual St. Patrick's Day party. Held at the festively decorated Riverstone Grill, a large crowd enjoyed delicious St. Patrick's Day themed hors d'oeuvres and desserts, beverages, door prizes (a necklace from deSignet International and a shamrock plant) and a silent auction.

St. Patrick's Day Event Honors Billica - March 2018

    The Grand Island GOP is hosting a St. Patrick's Day event honoring former Councilman Raymond Billica on Tuesday, March 13th from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Riverstone Grill, 671 East River Road. Tickets are $25 per person and include Irish themed hours d'oeuvre's, complimentary first beverage, cash bar and silent auction. For information contact Mary Cooke 225-5838 or Dick Crawford 818-6992. Flyer.

GOP Announces Endorsed Candidates - May 2017

Pictured, from left, Dick Crawford, candidate for highway superintendent; Mark Frentzel, candidate for town justice; Jennifer Baney and Pete Marston, candidates for Town Council.

   The Grand Island Republican Party has announced it has endorsed the following candidates to run in the November 7, 2017 general election. They are; Dick Crawford, candidate for highway superintendent; Mark Frentzel, candidate for town justice; Jennifer Baney and Pete Marston, candidates for Town Council.

GOP Golf Tournament Winners - May 2015

Pictured from left are NYS Supreme Court Candidate Emilio Colaiacovo, Town Supervisor Mary Cooke, Ross Kaiser, Kevin Slachciak, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Dave Wilkinson, Erie County Family Court Candidate Brenda Freedman, Deputy Highway Superintendent Dick Crawford and GI Republican Committee Chair Dean Morakis.

    The 17th annual GI GOP Golf Tournament was held on Monday, May 11th, at River Oaks. Winning both the tournament and the putting contest was the foursome from Northtown: John Dickinson, Ross Kaiser, Kevin Slachciak and Dave Wilkinson.

Republicans Endorse Candidates for November Election - April 2015

From left: Gary Roesch, Mary Cooke, Mark Nemeth, Pattie Frentzel and Mike Madigan.

   The Grand Island GOP has announced the endorsed candidates for local races on Grand island: Mary Cooke, Town Supervisor
Pattie Frentzel, Town Clerk
Mark Nemeth, Town Justice
Mike Madigan, Town Councilman
Gary Roesch, Town Councilman

17th Annual Grand Island GOP Golf Tournament Planned - April 2014

From left: Ryan Higgins, PGA Professional, Pattie Frentzel, Dick Crawford, Mary Cooke

   The Grand Island Republican Committee will host its 17th annual golf tournament on Monday, May 11, 2015 at River Oaks Golf Course, with a shot gun start at 12:30 p.m. The tournament includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch and dinner. An awards dinner will be held after golf with a Chinese and silent auction. The cost per player is $110. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact: Dick Crawford at 818-6992, Pattie Frentzel at 773-8788, Mary Cooke at 255-5838, JT Tomkins at 867-0277 or Ray Billica 864-9055 for more information.

Republican Committee Seeks Town Board Applicants - February 2015

   The Grand Island Republican Committee is seeking applicants for two town councilpersons, justice, clerk and supervisor to run in the upcoming election in November. If you are interested in pursuing these offices, we are interested in interviewing and supporting you. Our goals include providing the best candidates to administer the best representation and government for our community. We must receive your application by March 20th to be considered. Please send a letter of intent and/or a current resume to Dean Morakis c/o Grand Island GOP, PO Box 104, Grand Island, NY 14072 or deanmor@roadrunner.com. If you are interested in becoming a committeeman, assistant or deputy committeeman, want to help us, or give us your input or opinions, we would also like to hear from you.

New Republican Executive Committee - October 2014

Front row: 1st Vice-Chair Mike Madigan, Chairman Dean Morakis, Sgt. at Arms Jim Maloney; back row: Secretary Liz Wilbert, Treasurer Debbie Caldwell-Billoni, 2nd Vice-Chair Dick Crawford, Executive Committee Members Donna Tomkins and Pattie Frentzel

16th annual Grand Island Republican Committee Golf Tournament - May 2014

Tournament winners from left: Kevin Kulikowski, Ross Kaiser, Dave Wilkinson and Jason Wilkinson.

From left: GI Supervisor Mary Cooke, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Congressional Candidate Kathy Weppner and Councilman Dick Crawford.

    The 16th annual Grand Island Republican Committee Golf Tournament was held at River Oaks on Monday, May 12th. Dinner guest speaker was Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs. Also in attendance was US Congressional Candidate Kathy Weppner. Winners of the tournament were the Northtown Team of Kevin Kulikowski, Ross Kaiser, Dave Wilkinson and Jason Wilkinson. Winner of the Ladies' Long Drive on hole #4 was Wendy Valint, winner of Closest to the Line on the 10th hole was Randy Gurney, First Niagara Risk Management and winner of the Men's Long Drive on hole #4 was Eric Seege, also from First Niagara Risk Management. Winners of the Putting Contest were Bob Richardson, Ron Deschenes, Mike Dowd and Dave Grant.

GOP St. Paddy's Day & Fantasy Casino Night - March 2013

    The Grand Island GOP is sponsoring a Corned Beef Dinner and Casino Night to benefit the Neighbors Foundation on Saturday, March 9th at 6:00 p.m. at River Oaks Club House. Tickets are $40 and include dinner and $20 in "chips". Call for tickets, Event Chair John White 773-8579. See

Republican Committee News - October 2012

   The Grand Island Republican Committee held it bi- annual reorganizational meeting on October 2, 2012 at the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club. The committee unanimously elected Debbie Michaux chairman, John White 1st Vice Chair, Neil Hoffman 2nd Vice chair, Dean Morakis Treasurer, and Liz Wilbert Secretary. In addition to the officers, the committee elected Shelia Ferrentino, Bill Torchia, Jen Buckley, Jodie Spero, Mary Cooke, Ray Billica, Dick Crawford, Duffy Macguire, Frank Greco, Bonnie Sciuk, Mike and Leslie Madigan, Dick Planavsky, Sara Slachiak, Jim Maloney, Brad Bowman, Maryanne Fechter, Bob Aronica, Patty Frenzel, and Debbie Billoni.
   The Erie County Republican Women's Federation held its endorsement meeting on September 27, 2012 at Bravo in Elma. Shelia Ferrentino received the Federation's unanimous endorsement as candidate for Grand Island Town Council. The Federation has many members from Grand Island as well as the rest of the county.

Beautiful Day For Golf Tournament - May 2012

The 14th annual GI Republican Golf Tournament was held on Monday, May 14 at River Oaks. The weather was beautiful, scores were close, and a great time was had by all. Winning team is pictured left to right: Charlie McDonough, Terry McDonnell, Duffy MacGuire and Mark Hajnos.

Stefan Mychajliw to speak at GOP Golf Tournament Dinner - May 2012

Click photo for larger view

   Stefan Mychajliw from Channel 2's TWO SIDES television show will be the featured speaker at the dinner following the Grand Island Republican Committee Golf Tournament on Monday, May 14 at River Oaks Golf Club. Registration and lunch begin at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. The day includes 18 holes of golf, special contests on the course, lunch and dinner, all for $110. Guests are also welcome to join the group for dinner only for $35. A large basket raffle and auction will be part of the festivities. Call Dick Crawford at 818-6992 for reservations. Gathering at River Oaks to finalize the details for the tournament are from left Highway Superintendent JT Tomkins, Supervisor Mary Cooke, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Republican Chairman Debbie Michaux, Council Candidate Shelia Ferrentino, Councilman Dick Crawford and guest speaker Mychjliw.

Republican Committee Planning Pig Roast - September 2011

   The Grand Island Republican Committee is hosting a "GOP Pig Roast & Tailgate Party", Sunday, October 16, 2011 at the Buffalo Launch Club, 503 East River Road. Tickets are limited, so check out
roast info. for more details.

Republican Women Hold Annual Picnic - June 2011

   Members of the Grand Island Republican Women's Club held their annual picnic in the yard of Lana Redell at Huth Road and Fieldstone Dr. Delicious food and good company made for a fine day that concluded with an auction of surprises brought by the participants.
   Seated left to right: Adela Huff, Gladys Benzing, Sharon Minet, Marilyn Gratto, Rosemary Wojick holding grandson Austin; Standing, left to right: Wilma Greenwood, Ann Dlugokinski, Town Justice Sybil Kennedy, Nancy Gorrell, Highway Supt. JT Tomkins, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, host Lana Redell, Councilman Gary Roesch, Martha Muller, Bernie Callahan, Eileen Minton, Councilwoman Mary Cooke, Bev Mikulski and Bonnie Sciuk

Republican Committee Golf Tourney Results - June 2011

   After two rain outs in May members of the Grand Island Republican Committee were finally able to hold their annual Golf Tournament at River Oaks on June 6. The gorgeous weather was well worth the wait. The Republican Committee and the Golf Committee thank everyone who came out to make this a very successful event. The winning foursome shown left to right are Mark Hajnos, Terry McDonnell, Duffy MacGuire and Charlie McDonough.

Republicans Endorse Candidates for November Election - May 2011

   The Grand Island GOP has announced the endorsed candidates for local races on Grand island: Mary Cooke, Town Supervisor
Patty Frentzel, Town Clerk
Sybil Kennedy, Town Justice
Richard Crawford, Town Councilman
Gary Roesch Town Councilman.
   Debora Michaux, Grand Island GOP Chairwoman.

Republican's Annual Golf Tournament POSTPONED AGAIN - Spring 2011

The Grand Island Republican Golf Tournament has been postponed and rescheduled for Monday, June 6th at River Oaks Golf Course. The persistent rain caused the delay. For more information, please contact Pattie Frentzel 870-0569 or Mary Cooke 773-7058 or Dick Crawford 818-6992.

Republican Committee's Annual Golf Tournament - Spring 2011

Members of the committee pictured from left are Highway Superintendent JT Tomkins, Councilman Dick Crawford, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Councilmen Gary Roesch and Ray Billica, Councilwoman Mary Cooke, and River Oaks Head Golf Professional Brady Clendening.
    The Grand Island Republican Committee's annual Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, May 9 at River Oaks Golf Club, 201 Whitehaven Road. It's a great chance to get out on the course early in the season for one of the first tournaments at River Oaks. The day begins with registration and lunch at 11:30 a.m. and a shot gun start at 1 p.m. Cocktails, dinner, awards and raffles begin at 6 p.m. Special guest golfer and dinner speaker is Mike Billoni, Executive Director of the Food Bank of WNY and former general manager of the Buffalo Bisons Baseball Team. The planning committee is pictured from left: JT Tomkins, Dick Crawford, Pattie Frentzel, Gary Roesch, Ray Billica, Mary Cooke and River Oaks Head Golf Professional Brady Clendening. Anyone interested in golfing (foursomes as well as single and pairs of golfers welcome) or joining the group for only the dinner, speaker and raffles can contact any committee member for more information, download a registration form at the Grand Island Republican Committee web site (gigop.com) or call 773-7058 or 818-6992 .

Party Seeking Candidates - March 2011

The Grand Island Republican Party is interested in interviewing qualifed Republican Candidates for the following positions; Town Supervisor, Town Council (2seats), Town Justice, and Town Clerk. Letters requesting an interview for endorsement should be sent to Grand Island Republican Party, PO Box 104, Grand Island NY 14072. Letters of interest, including resumes with contact information must be received by March 20th, 2011.