Riverside-Salem UCC/DC

Program Schedule

May - June, 2008


Sundays from 4-6 p.m., at our Environmental Chapel, 3449 West River Road, Grand Island, NY 14072,

unless otherwise indicated.  Other events of interest in italics.  Check our website for updates: www.riversidesalem.org or call June (773-1426).



May 4              BUSINESS MEETING (& Western New York Churches in Covenant Spring Meeting                      Zion UCC, Tonawanda, 1:00; lunch available; registration 332-3438; $8).


May 11                        [Mother’s Day] “Was Jeremiah W/Right?”  Jon & Cathy will facilitate our discussion.


May 18                        Colin O’Malley, Argentina Report:  Building broad-based popular movements with                  labor, unemployed workers, and recuperated enterprises; media organizations; and                   ideological organizations.   


May 25            [Memorial Day Weekend]Garden Planting.  Bring seeds/plants of your desire.



June 1             BUSINESS MEETING [or may be Jim Whitlock instead of June 8th—check to be sure:                www.riversidesalem.org, jlicence@buffalo.edu, or 716-773-1426].


June 6-8            NY Conference UCC, 45th Annual Meeting, Silver Bay, NY


June 8             Jim Whitlock: "Bethlehem Travels: Healing the Stone" – A presentation by Jim                   Whitlock on his 2008 visit to Palestine to promote, develop and support meaningful                    public-benefit projects (medical applications in particular) based on next-generation                     Internet videoconferencing.  Jim will show slides of his work and travels in the West                Bank and Gaza, including his time with Sr. Kathie Uhler and the Christian Peacemaker                 Team.  The project is proceeding far better than hoped-for and those interested in this                apolitical and unusual humanitarian assistance effort will be encouraged by his report.                     [Or may be Business Meeting:  see June 1st entry]


June 15            [Father’s Day] Louisa Pacheco, “Fair Taxes in New York State.”  Louisa is an organizer                       with the Working Families Party (WFP).  In the last 35 years, the wealthiest New                             Yorkers have paid fewer and fewer taxes so that now the poorest households in the                    State pay the most in taxes.  WFP sees a budget that is always in deficit as related                          directly to the lowered tax rate for the super-wealthy.  The WFP has a 2-pronged                                approach to this issue:  (1) creating “Circuit Breakers” to help to control in a fair way                  the amount of taxes paid on properties, and (2) producing much needed revenue in the               state by taxing the top 1% of earners a little more. 


June 22            “Music in the Woods” with Nan Hoffman Annual potluck-picnic following concert


June 29            NO CHURCH



July 2              Starting WEDNESDAYS at the WATER’S EDGE….  Please let us know what                   programs you’d like to have and/or like to offer!  We generally have potluck for                                those who wish from 6-6:30 p.m. and then break into programs, outside when the                                weather/program permit, inside otherwise.  Call June at 773-1426 or email her at                            jlicence@buffalo.edu.  THANKS!