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Grand Island Rotary Club Web Page

Rotary Club of Grand Island, NY web site
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday Lunch at Eggsquisite Eats; 4th Wednesday Dinner at various Island locations.
Check our Webpage for event details at rotaryclubgi.org/events

Previous Rotary Page

GI Rotary Meat Raffle - March 2025

   GI Rotary Meat Raffle is Saturday, March 22nd. FLYER.

Rotary Sponsors Undie Sunday - January 2025

    The Grand Island community collection of new warm underwear to benefit those in need will be held in January this year. The Undie Sunday collection is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Grand Island. There is a request for new youth and adult sized T-shirts, warm socks and briefs, which will be provided to Niagara Community Mission and other local missions to distribute. As in most winters, emphasis is on warm socks. Starting Sunday, January 12th, please bring in packaged new items to place in the Red Hamper. The Hamper will be in place through Sunday, January 27th and be collected beginning Monday January 27th, when the club sorts and distributes the items to the missions. Drop Locations.

GI Rotary BBQ Fundraiser - August 2024

   GI Rotary BBQ Fundraiser is Saturday, August 17, 3 pm – 7 pm . Rotary Club of Grand Island announces they will be hosting a new fundraiser. Renowned BBQ pitmaster Neil Gallagher will create a BBQ meal available on August 17, 2024, at the VFW, 2121 Grand Island Blvd from 3 pm to 7 pm.
    Don't miss out on this unique opportunity! Pre-sale tickets are required for the exclusive BBQ meal, which includes pecan smoked pulled chicken, apple smoked pulled pork, peach BBQ baked beans, corn on the cob, slaw, and a roll and butter. Priced at $18.00, the last day to order is August 12, 2024. The meal can be picked up or enjoyed at the VFW. Scan the QR Code to visit the ticket site for purchasing meals and selecting your preferred time for pick-up or dine-in. QR Code.
    Neil Gallagher’s team, Too Sauced to Pork, placed 3rd in the world for Ribs competition category at the Memphis World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest. Recognized by USA Today as the “Most Prestigious Barbecue Contest,” the Memphis contest is a four-day competition held at Liberty Park in Memphis, TN. "Teams representing the best of barbecue that have been honing their craft for years compete for the title of World Champion and a share of the more than $150,000 in prize money. The Contest features championship pork categories of Ribs, Shoulder, and Whole Hog, as well as the ancillary competitions of Hot Wings, Sauce, and "Anything But Pork."

GI Rotary Paint Recycling - July 2024

    Rotary Club of Grand Island Paint Recycling Event is Saturday, August 3rd 9 AM - 1 PM. Have unwanted paint that has been hanging out in your garage or basement?? Well now you can easily get rid of it without it going into a landfill. Rotary Club of Grand Island is partnering with GreenSheen, a leading paint recycling company. Just register for a time slot between 9 AM and 1PM Saturday August 3rd. On the day come to the Ransom Rd Grand Island School District parking lot and follow signs. Stay in line and deliver your paints to attendants who will unload. For safety stay in your vehicle. It is FREE to the public, any quantity of accepted items (listed below). Cash donations to support your local Rotary Club are GREATLY appreciated. Registration    Acceptable for recycling: Oil-based, Acrylic, Latex, Stains, Shellacs, Lacquers, Sealers, Varnish, Urethanes. Not Acceptable for recycling: Spray Paint, Paint Thinner, Solvents, Cleaning agents, Adhesive, Roof Patch, Drywall mud, Driveway Sealer, Hazardous waste.
    About Rotary Club of Grand Island: Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. The Rotary Club of Grand Island supports a relationship with our schools, cleans up the environment on our adopted highway and trail, invests in services offered by Family Justice Center and Refugee resettlement. For more information, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org or facebook group rotaryclubgi as we get closer to the date.

GI Rotary Shred-it - July 2024

    The GI Rotary Shred-it will be July 27th from 10 AM - 1 PM.. The new location is at Sidway Elementary School Parking Lot.

GI Rotary Shred-it - May 2024

    The GI Rotary Shred-it will be July 27th from 10 AM - 1 PM.. We are in a new location at Sidway Elementary School Parking Lot.

Honoring Youth Service Month at EarlyAct and Interact Clubs - May 2024

    The Rotary Club of Grand Island representatives made the rounds to our four youth clubs in May to thank the Advisors and Students for their service this past school year. There are four youth clubs in the Grand Island School District which are affiliated with the Rotary Club.
   Huth Road Early Act - 3rd to 5th grade - Advisors: Patricia Andrews and Alyssa Cino; Also Sue Wolcott, coordinated the 5th grade bottle drive and who is our school district advisor for our scholarship review and selection committee.
   Kaegebein Early Act - 3rd to 5th grade - Advisor: Stephanie Pritchard
   Veronica Middle School Interact - 6th - 8th grade - Advisors: Carley Antonelli and Susan Moretta
   Grand Island High School Interact - 9th - 12th grade - Advisor: Caitlin Wojciechowski
   These clubs have participated in many community outreach projects this past year. The Elementary clubs have provided greeting cards to shut ins and Elderwood residents. They have made tie blankets distributed to children in the hospital. They made care bags with toiletries for the homeless. They rang the bell to raise money for the Salvation Army at Grand Island Tops Market and they participated in the Grand Island Clean up.
   The Interact clubs have organized a food drive for the Neighbors Foundation, helped with the Rotary trail cleanup, cleaned out the bird houses they created the prior year, created decorative items for and visited the occupants of the Elderwood nursing home and the participants at the Golden Age Center. They also rang the bell to raise money for the Salvation Army at Grand Island Tops Market.

Grand Island Rotary Expands Scholarships - May 2024

    The Rotary Club of Grand Island congratulated five graduating High School Students for being selected for scholarships after a competitive process. The club was the beneficiary of a bequest in 2022 which is now being turned into a plan to provide Trade Scholarships for at least the next 10 years.
   Taking a page from Publishers Clearing House a group of Rotary Club Members delivered the news to our 2024 Scholarship Winners. The excitement of our honorees and their families was wonderful to see. Our messaging team is composed of Faye Teluk, Donna Wilde, Eloise Olmstead, and Sherry Miller.
   Traditional Scholarships: Kaleigh Lockett - $1000, Patrick Kruse - $1000
   Trade Scholarships: Hailey Martinez - $1000, Lukacz Bastiliko - $750, Preston Whitfield - $750
    A reception for scholarship winners and their parents will be held on June 13th at the High School. The reception is jointly sponsored by four Grand Island service clubs: The Rotary Club of Grand Island, Lion’s Club, Zonta and Kiwanis.

Clean UP Grand Island 2024 - April 2024

    Volunteers needed as solo, groups and clubs to come out to clear trash and debris all over Grand Island. We are returning to centrally hand out bags and collect trash at the Town Hall Parking lot, 2255 Baseline Rd, Grand Island, NY 14072 is where it begins and ends.
   WHEN: Saturday, April 20th. 8am -9 am: Pick Up Bags & Assignment Location Maps, as well as free coffee, hot cocoa and donuts. 8am - 12pm: Clean up your assigned area and return trash to the dumpster at Town Hall, or have it picked up from your location if it’s too big/heavy.
   Clean UP Grand Island is an event organized by the Town of Grand Island, Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, Grand Island Rotary, Niagara River Greenway & Grand Island Lions Club to encourage the local community to come together and spruce up our beautiful Island. With the snow melted away and the foliage not yet in bloom, it's easy to identify areas where trash & debris have accumulated over winter and are in need of removal. All that's needed is a few hours of your time, a little passion to keep nature clean and a heart of service. You can put a team together or attend as an individual. Either way, please join us and help Clean UP Grand Island! Check Out These Important Links: To Register to Participate: https://form.jotform.com/240805109844052 To View The Current Locations Targeted For Cleaning List: https://shorturl.at/bjLR4 To Request A New Area To Be Added To The Map/List: https://form.jotform.com/240801001949045 To View The Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/3mawslJLq
    Event Day Contact Info: Eric Fiebelkorn 716-319-7292 (mobile) or Dick Crawford 716-818-6992 (mobile) Underage volunteers must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are encouraged to stay hydrated and to wear proper attire (gloves, work/rain boots) and insect repellent. Additionally, groups wishing to work along heavily trafficked roads should speak with Dick Crawford to be aware of regulations and safety practices required.
    Share your cleanup photos on social media and to cleanup@gichamber.org if you are ok with your photos being shared to showcase this wonderful community event. If you would like to do even more to support the environment, we are requesting people to download the Ocean Conservancy's Clean Swell app and track the litter they collect. Use Grand Island.yourname as the group name. This data is tracked on the Tides Marine database and is useful in supporting new environmentally friendly laws. For more information about CleanSwell go to https://oceanconservancy.org/trash-free-seas/international-coastal-cleanup/clean-swell-app/ If you or your group would be interested in adopting a Grand Island trail or road on an ongoing basis please contact: For adopt a road information email Dick Crawfor at dcrawford@grand-island.ny.us For adopt a trail information email Niagara Greenway at https://www.niagararivergreenway.com/adopt-a-trail.

QR Code to Register

The Growing Readers and Rotary Club of Grand Island Meat Raffle - March 2024

    Have you ever attended a meat raffle event? They are a party combining tailgating and bidding on excellent meat, basket raffle and 50/50 chances. Get a group of your friends together and buy a table to have a party and support a good cause. Tickets are $10 per participant, a table is 10 seats. Bids on meat is a dollar a bid.
    The Growing Readers and Rotary Meat Raffle will run on Saturday, March 9 at the Cristoforo Colombo Society Hall on 2223 Pine Avenue - Niagara Falls New York 14301. Interested volunteers will arrive at 5:30 pm. Doors open at 6 pm. The Meat Raffle portion of the evening will start at 7 pm. We expect the event to wrap up around 9:30 pm. Growing Readers puts books into the hands of infants and toddlers when they attend their 2nd, 6th, 12th, 18th and 24th month well baby visit! If you are interested in sponsoring a table and need tickets you can contact Jude Kuehne at judekuehne@gicsd.org or call at 716-773-8801. If paying by check, please address it to the Rotary Club of Grand Island and put Meat Raffle tickets in the memo field.
    Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. For more information, contact Tickets are $10 per participant, a table is 10 seats. See our website www.rotaryclubgi.org for more information about the Rotary club.

Rotary Club Solar Eclipse Presentation - March 2024

   Heard about the Total Sun Eclipse coming April 8th? We're excited to share an exceptional learning opportunity with you! The Rotary Club of Grand Island has graciously invited Dr. Kevin Williams, the esteemed Director of the Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium at SUNY Buffalo State University and Associate Professor of Geosciences, to deliver a captivating presentation on the upcoming Solar Eclipse. Open to all.
    When: Saturday, March 2, 2024
    Time: 1:30 PM
    Where: Grand Island High School Auditorium
    As many of you may know, Western New York (WNY) is situated directly within the "Path of Totality" for the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024. This rare phenomenon, where the moon completely covers the sun, promises an unforgettable celestial spectacle. It's a unique opportunity, especially since WNY is perfectly positioned for this event, attracting enthusiasts and visitors in large numbers. We encourage you to join the Grand Island Rotary at this free educational event. Dr. Williams's expertise offers a fantastic chance to deepen our understanding of this astronomical event.
    Additionally, we're pleased to remind you that the Grand Island School District has procured a pair of solar eclipse glasses for each student, ensuring a safe viewing experience. These glasses will be distributed before the Spring recess. For those interested in obtaining extra pairs for family members, Dr. Williams kindly offers them in exchange for a voluntary donation of $2.00 to the planetarium. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to engage in a community learning experience and witness a remarkable natural event. We look forward to seeing many of you there!
    About Rotary Club of Grand Island Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. The Rotary Club of Grand Island supports a relationship with our schools, cleans up the environment on our adopted highway and trail, invests in services offered by Family Justice Center and other local missions. For more information, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org

Rotary Club of Grand Island Undie Sunday Event - January 2024

    Extended to January 28th... With the cold of winter upon us the Rotary Club of Grand Island will host its annual Undie Sunday 2024 collection between Jan 14 – 28. For 24 years the Rotary Club has sponsored the collection of new and unused underclothing and socks which provide personal dignity, comfort and warmth and are so much appreciated by those who receive them each year. There is a particular need for warm socks, T-shirts, men’s underwear, sizes Large, Extra Large and XX Large and all women’s undergarments including leggings. The donated items will be distributed to the Community Mission of Niagara Falls and other missions in the area. Drop off locations.

Paint Recycling Event - July 2023

    GI Rotary Club is hosting a Paint Recycling Event on Saturday, August 12th at Grand Island High School, 1100 Ransom Road. See FLYER. REGISTER.

Rotary Club of Grand Island GI Shred-It Event - June 2023

   (Grand Island, N.Y., 2023)... Rotary Club of Grand Island will again be providing their annual Shred-it! event behind KeyBank in the Tops Market Plaza Parking lot, Saturday, June 17th from 10 AM to 1 PM. Patrons will get assured and confidential document destruction of all their papers. As done in the past, it will be drive through, in vehicle service.
    The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. $20 for double Banker Boxes. Free will donations welcome. Receipts available on request. Please follow guidelines for secure document destruction by removing binders, plastic and no items you would put into your curbside recycling. If you have more than 6 large boxes, please contact us so that we can accommodate them separately @ 716-773-7265.
    The Rotary Club started the fundraiser in 2010. The funds are used to support various community causes such as Miracle League, Afghan Resettlement, Trail enhancements, Family Justice Center, DeGlopper Memorial, Salvation Army of Tonawanda, Scholarships and International efforts. Remember: Shred anything that has your Social Security number or account number on it before you toss it out. Remove paper from binders, no plastic or household recycling. Staples and paper clips can be accommodated.
    How long important documents should be kept? - Keep for seven years if they include any tax-deductible items, otherwise they should be shredded after three years the following: Tax Returns and Any Document Used to Prepare Your Tax Returns such as Credit Card Statements and Receipts, Monthly Bank Statements, Deposit and ATM slips, Canceled checks, Business Sales Invoices, Sales Register Tapes, Vendor Bills, Credit Card Statements and Expense Receipts Keep for three years after the sale (property/investment) - Real Estate Closing Statements and Home Improvement Receipts, & Investment Account Statements; Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds. Annuities This event is co-sponsored with Christine A. Learman, CPA, PC and Madison Tile Carpet One. For more information, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org or facebook group rotaryclubgi as we get closer to the date.

Rotary Club of Grand Island Launches Shoe Drive Fundraiser - March 2023

   (Grand Island, N.Y., 2023) - Rotary Club of Grand Island (https://rotaryclubgi.org/) is conducting a shoe drive fundraiser on February 27th through April 24th to raise funds for Scholarships, Family Justice, Trail enhancements, and more. The Club will earn funds based on the total weight of the pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes collected, as Funds2Orgs will issue a check for the collected shoes. Those dollars will benefit our causes.
   Anyone can help by donating gently worn, used and new shoes at public drop off locations: Grand Island Memorial Library, Grand Island Town Hall, M&T (in April), Golden Age Center, St Stephens School, Cole International (1775 Baseline Suite 280), Trinity United Methodist Church (March), and Wavelengths. We have also partnered with the following organizations to do internal collections: Fresenius Kabi, 3159 Staley Rd (Internal collection) & Kaegebein School (school project).
   All donated shoes will be redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of micro-enterprise (small business) partners. Funds2Orgs works with micro-entrepreneurs in helping them create, maintain and grow small businesses in developing countries where economic opportunity and jobs are limited. Proceeds from the sales of the shoes collected in shoe drive fundraisers are used to feed, clothe and house their families. One budding entrepreneur in Haiti even earned enough to send her son to law school.
    "We are excited about our shoe drive," said Diane Garey, Rotary Grand Island Club Director "We know that most people have extra shoes in their closets they would like to donate to us. By doing so, we raise money for our local causes, and we have the chance to help families in developing nations who need economic opportunities. It's a win-win for everyone.” By donating gently worn, used and new shoes to the Rotary Club of Grand Island, the shoes will be given a second chance and make a difference in people’s lives around the world.
    About Rotary Club of Grand Island Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. The Rotary Club of Grand Island supports a relationship with our schools, cleans up the environment on our adopted highway and trail, invests in services offered by Family Justice Center and Refugee resettlement. See our website https://rotaryclubgi.org/page/we-need-shoes/; or facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rotaryclubgi for a list of locations.

Rotary Cub Undie Sunday - January 2023

    With the cold of winter upon us the Rotary Club of Grand Island will host its annual Undie Sunday 2023 collection between Jan 22 – 29. For 23 years the Rotary Club has sponsored the collection of new and unused underclothing and socks which provide personal dignity, comfort and warmth and so much appreciated by those who receive them each year. There is a particular need of warm socks, T-shirts, men’s underwear, sizes Large, Extra Large and XX Large and all women’s undergarments. The donated items will be distributed to the Community Mission of Niagara Falls and Journey’s End Refugee Services.
    Look for the distinctive Red Hampers in locations around Grand Island to deposit your gift of undergarments and warm socks. These will be at locations around the Island including but not limited to the following churches: Bible Fellowship, 1136 Baseline Rd; Bible Presbyterian Church, 1650 Love Rd; Island United Presbyterian, 1822 Huth Rd.; New Life in Christ Ministries, 2060 Grand Island Blvd.; St. Martin’s in the Fields Episcopal Church, 2587 Baseline Rd.; St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church, 2100 Baseline Rd.; St. Timothy Evangelical, 1453 Staley Rd and Trinity Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road.
    In addition, donations may also be placed in the hampers at Eggsquisite Eats, 1752 Grand Island Blvd.; Grand Island Library, 1715 Bedell Rd; Heron Pointe, 1993 Grand Island Blvd.; Niagara Frontier Publications, 1859 Whitehaven Rd.; lobby of Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Rd.; KeyBank, 2189 Grand Island Blvd.; M&T Bank, 2381 Grand Island Blvd; Northwest Bank, 2300 Grand Island Blvd. and Grand Island District schools.
    Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. For more information, contact Sherry Miller at smiller04it@yahoo.com. See our website www.rotaryclubgi.org; or facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rotaryclubgi for a list of locations.

GI Rotary Club Trail Walk - June 2022

   The Rotary Club is hosting a Trail Walk on Wednesday, June 29th at 5:30 p.m. Come out to walk the trail from the Beaver Island Park Kayak Launch. We plan to follow the trail south toward River Lea and finish up at Casey's Cabana. Everyone is welcome to join us and those who wish can eat together at Casey's Cabana afterward.

Rotary Club Shred-It - June 2022

    Rotary Club Shred-it will take place on Saturday, June 25th from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Tops/Keybank parking lot. $10 per box to safely destroy valuable papers. FLYER

GI Rotary Club Undie Sunday is February 20 - 27 - February 2022

    GI Rotary Club Undie Sunday is February 20 - 27, 2022. Bring New Underwear, Socks packages to Red Hampers that will be all over Grand Island! Help Community Mission of Niagara Falls and Afghan Evacuees You can find hampers at:Bible Fellowship * Bible Presbyterian Church * CrossRiver Tabernacle Church * Dollar General * Eggsquisite Eats * Grand Island Library * Grand Island NY Town Hall * Heron Pointe * Island Presbyterian * Island Shipping * KeyBank * M&T Bank * New Life in Christ Ministries * Niagara Frontier Publications * Northwest Bank * St Martin Fields Episcopal * St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church * St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church * Trinity United Methodist Church.

Rotary Club Shred-It - June 2021

    Rotary Club of Grand Island will again be providing their annual Shred-it! event behind KeyBank in the Tops Market Plaza Parking lot, Saturday, June 12th from 10 AM to Noon. Patrons will get assured and confidential document destruction of all their papers. As done in 2020, it will be drive through, in vehicle service. The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. $20 for double Banker Boxes. Please follow guidelines for secure document destruction by removing binders, plastic and no items you would put into your curbside recycling. If you have more than 6 large boxes, please contact so that we can accommodate them separately @ 716-773-7265.
    The Rotary Club started the fundraiser in 2010. The funds are used to support various community causes such as Miracle League, Growing Readers, Scholarships and International efforts. Remember: Shred anything that has your Social Security number or account number on it before you toss it out. Remove paper from binders, no plastic or household recycling. Staples and paper clips can be accommodated.
    How long important documents should be kept? - Keep for seven years if they include any tax-deductible items, otherwise they should be shredded after three years the following: Tax Returns and Any Document Used to Prepare Your Tax Returns such as Credit Card Statements and Receipts, Monthly Bank Statements, Deposit and ATM slips, Cancelled checks, Business Sales Invoices, Sales Register Tapes, Vendor Bills, Credit Card Statements and Expense Receipts Keep for three years after the sale (property/investment) - Real Estate Closing Statements and Home Improvement Receipts, & Investment Account Statements; Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds. Annuities.
    This event is co-sponsored with Christine A. Learman, CPA, PC and Madison Tile Carpet One. For more information, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org or facebook group rotaryclubgi as we get closer to the date.

Rotary Club Undie Sunday - February 2021

   Undie Sunday returns for the 21st Year! Bring New Underwear, Socks packages to Hampers that will be all over Grand Island! Help Community Mission of Niagara Falls and St. Luke's Mission of Mercy Buffalo help the homeless and those abused of Western NY! Take the items to one of the host locations listed below. WE THANK ALL THE HOSTS FOR THEIR SUPPORT: Bible Fellowship * Bible Presbyterian Church * Tabernacle Church * Eggsquisite Eats * Grand Island High School * Grand Island Library * Heron Pointe * Huth Road School * Island Shipping * New Life in Christ Ministries * Niagara Frontier Publications * Grand Island, NY Town Hall * St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church * St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church * Trinity United Methodist Church

Interact Club Collecting Items for Homeless - November 2020

    Grand Island High School Interact club* is collecting new toiletries, socks & gloves for the Homeless. If you have a High School student they can contribute at the school. Community drop off locations are Niagara Frontier Publications lobby, 1859 Whitehaven Rd and Dollar General, Grand Island Plaza. All Items need to be dropped off by December 4th for collection and distribution. See flyer. *Interact is a Rotary sponsored Youth program.

Dr. Ron Mergl Memorial Pedal for Polio - October 2020

    The Rotary Club of Grand Island is part of a Rotary District wide fundraiser for Polio. Michael Billoni will represent the club in the ride along with riders representing clubs on both sides of the border on October 24th. District Governor, Frank Adamson has challenged the 66 Rotary clubs and 10 Rotaract clubs to raise a total of $200,000 USD. With the help of over 2,000 Rotary members and our communities we can achieve this goal. Rotary Club of Grand Island’s goal is to raise $1,700 toward the goal. We appreciate any support we receive. Donations are tax deductible.
    In the 1980s, Rotary International took on the challenge of eradicating polio from the world, and we are almost there! Any support is greatly appreciated!! Donate Here.

Rotary Beaver Island Parkway Clean-Up - October 2020

    Beaver Pkwy Clean Up on Sat. Oct. 10. Can you Help?
    Rotary Club of Grand Island will be again coordinating the Adopt-A-Highway Fall Clean up of the Beaver Island Parkway on Saturday, October 10th. Trash will be collected along 2.7 miles stretch of road and bike path from the 190 Interchange to Beaver Island Park. Volunteers are asked to gather at 8 AM in the front Kaegebein school parking lot to pick up trash bags and instructions. If you can help, bring masks, work gloves, maybe you have a long handled grabber. Use Social Distancing throughout the effort!
    Volunteers are a critical component to the success of this semi-Annual event and all are welcome to help out. Rotary Club of Grand Island is accepting new members. Join us. For more information refer to the Rotary Club Facebook page or call 716-417-4937 to contact President, Sherry Miller. Please sign up so we can anticipate attendance.

Rotary, Deca & PTSA School Supply Drive - August 2020

From left: Student DECA Officers, Bethany Kulikowski, Riley Patterson, Megan Lavis, Rotary President Sherry Miller and Cheryl Chamberlain, DECA advisor.

    The High School’s DECA students will team with the Rotary Club of Grand Island and the Grand Island High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) for a school supply drive to support Grand Island residents who have been impacted greatly by this unprecedented pandemic. The drive, which will continue through Labor Day on September 7, is accepting the following items: Backpacks (large enough for a lunch box, folder and artwork), Large boxes of facial tissues, Bottled Elmer’s glue, Large Elmer’s glue sticks, Boxes (24ct) of Crayola crayons, Pink erasers, Fiskar student scissor, Sturdy traditional pencil boxes (not bag type), Black Expo markers, Box of Ziploc sandwich slider bags (Girls only), Box of Ziploc gallon slider bags (Boys only), One dozen #2 pencil packages (Ticonderoga brand), Poly folders with pockets and prong, Sturdy pocket folders.
    See complete Rotary press release here for full details on the project.

Repeat Rotary Club Shred-It! Event - July 2020

   Document Destruction Event Back by popular demand! The Rotary Club of GI sold out the truck capacity on Saturday, June 27th, therefore, we have scheduled a second event on Saturday, July 11th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Key Bank Parking Lot in Top's Plaza. The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. $20 for double Banker Boxes. Please follow guidelines for secure document destruction by removing binders, plastic and no items you would put into your curbside recycling. If you have more than 6 large boxes, please contact so that we can accommodate them separately @ 716-773-7265. Co-sponsored by Fuccillo Automotive Group of Grand Island and Madison Carpet One. See flyer.

Rotary Club Document Destruction Event - June 2020

   Rotary Club of GI is sponsoring the annual Document Destruction Event on Saturday, June 27th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Key Bank Parking Lot in Top's Plaza. The cost is $10.00 for a box approximately 12 x 16 x 10. Drop off service is available.

GI Rotary Undie Sunday Clothing Drive

   The annual Rotary Club of Grand Island’s “Undie Sunday,” which has been collecting new and unused underwear and socks for local missions for more than 10 years, will conduct its 2020 drive from February 10-24. Benefitting from this generosity will be the City Mission of Niagara Frontier in Niagara Falls and St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy in Buffalo, both of whom serve the most needy and homeless in our surrounding communities.
    “We are so appreciative for you thinking of the Community Missions again as a beneficiary because in the winter, our needs are always great,” said Rev. Mark H. Breese, director of ministry and community partnerships for the Community Missions of Niagara Frontier. “There is always such a great need for children’s and women’s undergarments and especially, larger sizes (Large, XL and XXL) of men’s underwear and socks.”
    Drew Bernstein, a missionary at St. Luke’s on the East Side of Buffalo and its Code Blue Coordinator, was equally appreciative. “Providing the homeless men who come to St. Luke’s with clean, warm socks doesn’t just protect their feet, it protects their souls,” he said. “What they ask for the most are socks because they are on their feet all day and they get wet, cold and dirty. New, clean socks make them feel so refreshed.”
    Donations may be placed in the hampers at the following Grand Island churches: Bible Fellowship Center, 1136 Baseline Rd.; Bible Presbyterian, 1650 Love Rd.; Cornerstone Baptist Church, 1290 Whitehaven Rd.; CrossRiver Tabernacle Church, 2920 Grand Island Blvd.; Harbor Lights Fellowship, 1821 Grand Island Blvd.; Island United Presbyterian, 1822 Huth Rd.; New Life in Christ Ministries, 2060 Grand Island Blvd.; St. Martin’s in the Fields Episcopal Church, 2587 Baseline Rd.; St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church, 2100 Baseline Rd.; St. Timothy’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Rd. and Trinity Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road.
    In addition, donations may also be placed in the distinctive red hampers inside Ace Hardware, 1889 Whitehaven Rd; Eggsquisite Eats, 1752 Grand Island Blvd.; Grand Island Cooperative Nursery, 2100 Whitehaven Rd.; Grand Island Library, 1715 Bedell Rd; Heron Pointe, 1993 Grand Island Blvd.; Island Ship Center, 1879 Whitehaven Rd.; KeyBank, 2180 Grand Island Blvd.; M&T Bank, 2381 Grand Island Blvd.; Niagara Frontier Publications, 1859 Whitehaven Rd., Northwest Savings Bank, 2300 Grand Island Blvd; Soma Cura Wellness Center, 2154 Grand Island Blvd.; Tops Friendly Markets, 2140 Grand Island Blvd.; lobby of Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Rd. and Viking Diner, 1849 Grand Island Blvd. A hamper will also be at Colvin Cleaners, 2375 Elmwood Ave., Kenmore and its home delivery customers on Grand Island are encouraged to put donations in their green pick up bags.
    “Undie Sunday is a promotion that fits perfectly with our Rotary mission of ‘Service Above Self.’ Both of these wonderful organizations are so grateful for the donation of new, unused underwear and socks for the needy and homeless they care for,” said Sherry Miller, the Rotary Club of Grand Island’s president-elect and chair of Undie Sunday. Christopher Billoni, vice president of Colvin Cleaners, added: "We are honored to be a part of this amazing community project. Colvin Cleaners is always looking for ways to help those less fortunate. Our trucks are on Grand Island twice a week picking up and delivering dry cleaning for our customers so Grand Island is our home, and we want to support the Rotary Club."
    The Undie Sunday sponsors are Tops Friendly Markets, Niagara Frontier Publications, Colvin Cleaners, Island Ship Center and Popular Graphics. The Rotary Club of Grand Island holds a breakfast meeting the second Wednesday of each month Eggsquisite Eats and a dinner meeting on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Buffalo Launch Club. For more information on the club or membership, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org or the Rotary Club of Grand Island Facebook page.

Real Kids. Real Stories. - Rotary Hosts Authors - October 2019

    GRAND ISLAND (October 16, 2019) - Real Kids. Real Stories. Real Issues. That is what Zuiker Press is all about and its co-founder Anthony Zuiker, will talk about this latest venture and his career as the creator and former executive producer of “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” the long-running, multi-franchise CBS megahit series, during the Rotary Club of Grand Island’s dinner meeting on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:15 p.m at the Buffalo Launch Club.
   The meeting is open to the public but seats are limited and reservations are required. Dinner cost is $25 and reservations may be made by emailing mike@billoni.com or calling 578.8948 by 3 p.m. Monday, October 21.
   In this next stage of his career, Zuiker and his wife, the former Michelle Territo, who was born in Buffalo and is a long-time educator of grammar school children, are taking story telling in a new direction - one focused on helping kids heal and understand themselves and others through the words of children affected by the subject. “I believed these books and stories could help kids,” Zuiker said. “What I did not expect was how Michelle and I would grow as people from this experience.”
    The first four titles of books Zuiker Press is presently distributing to school districts in WNY, including the Grand Island School District are: “Mend: A Story of Divorce,” (5th grade and up); “Click: A Story of Cyberbullying,” (6th grade and up); “Imperfect: A Story of Body Image,” (8th grade and up); and “Colorblind: A Story of Racism,” (7th grade and up). Future titles include subjects such as school shooting, transgender, Autism, suicide, etc. the subjects of each story are Zuiker’s authors and their ages range from 14-24 and the readership ranges from age 11-17 (Grades 5-12). For more information, contact Mike Billoni at 716.578.8948; mike@billoni.com.

Rotary Club Teams with GI Schools Interact Clubs - October 2019

    Rotary Club of Grand Island’s High School Interact Club to be heavily involved in Supervisor Candidates’ Night. Four students will Moderate Questions for the three candidates.
    The Rotary Club of Grand Island’s first Town Supervisor Candidates’ Night, with assistance from the Grand Island High School Interact Club, will be held Wednesday, October 16 from 7-9 p.m. in the Grand Viking Theatre inside the high school at 1100 Ransom Road.
    The candidates running for Supervisor are Thomas Franz, Conservative Party; Jim Sharpe, Democratic and Working Families Parties; and John C. Whitney, PC, Republican and Independence Parties.
    The Rotary Club announced two dozen students from its High School Interact program will participate in the event as moderators, greeters and runners to obtain questions from the audience. The three candidates will be seated behind a table on the stage and four students will serve as moderators, asking the questions. They will be assisted by Rotarian Mike Billoni, chair of the event.
   Seniors Lucas Kruse and Luke Hess and sophomores Alexis Nguyen and Natalie Carter will be the moderators. Junior Amina Shaibi will serve as time-keeper. Kruse and Hess are co-presidents of this year’s High School Interact program under Laura Estenoz, a High School teacher and the long-time Interact Advisor.
    Serving as greeters and runners will be: senior Breckin Morris; juniors Emily Cohen and Jaime Lechner and sophomores Ashley Battaglia, Riley Joseph, Hannah Martinez, Hayley Pizur, Tom Banas and Riley Weber. “It is extremely inspirational by the way these students have accepted our invitation to participate in this important event and how they have stepped up into leadership positions,” said Sherry Miller, president-elect of the Rotary Club of Grand Island and the club’s liaison with the High School and Middle School’s Interact Clubs and the Earlyact Clubs in the Huth Road and William Kaegebein Elementary Schools. “We are very proud of these students,” she added.
   The Interact Clubs are Rotary International’s service clubs for young people ages 12-18 that are sponsored by individual Rotary Clubs, which provide support and guidance, but the high school and middle school clubs are self-governing and self-supporting. The Earlyact Clubs are service clubs for elementary students from ages five to 13 and they are also are self-governing and self-supporting.
   After the candidates are introduced by the moderators, each will have five minutes to present their position. That will be followed by questions with candidates having two minutes to answers. Rebuttals will be one-minute. The format will not allow for audience members to ask questions from their seats. The questions must be sent via email to mike@billoni.com prior to the Candidates’ Night or they can write their question on a card that evening and they will be brought to the moderators by the student runners.
   The Rotary Club of Grand Island has been meeting here for 61 years. To learn more, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org. For more information, contact Mike Billoni at 716.578.8948; mike@billoni.com.

Rotary Club of Grand Island to host Supervisor Candidate’s Night - September 2019

    The Rotary Club of Grand Island will present its first Town of Grand Island Supervisor Candidate’s Night on Wednesday, October 16th from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Grand Island High School Theatre, 1100 Ransom Road. The event is free and residents are encouraged to attend to learn about the three candidates for the town’s highest elected office. The date gives voters plenty of time to decide before the State’s first early election period that begins on October 26th. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th.
    The candidates running for Supervisor are Thomas Franz, Conservative Party; Jim Sharpe, Democratic Party and John C. Whitney, PC, Republican and Independence Parties. After the candidates are introduced by the moderator, they will each have five minutes to present their position. That will be followed by questions. The format will not allow for audience members to ask questions from their seats. The questions must be sent via email to mike@billoni.com prior to the Candidate’s Night or they can write their question on a card that evening and they will be brought to the moderator.
    “There are a lot of important issues for our residents on Grand Island. It is the desire of our Rotary Club members to provide the candidates with the respect they deserve in answering the questions and presenting their point of view. We do not feel they can do that if guests ask questions from their seats with the potential of a shouting match occurring. That will not be tolerated,” said Michael J. Billoni, the event chair from the Rotary Club of Grand Island.
   “Our Rotary Club is in its 61st year and our members have a strong desire to continue to be active in the town and we feel an event like this is extremely important for the residents to hear an open exchange of ideas and platforms from the town’s next supervisor,” he added. For more information, contact Mike Billoni at 716.578.8948; mike@billoni.com.

Rotary Club Donates to Miracle League - August 2019

Standing behind Miracle League players from left for the check presentation is Coach Alex Kovacs, Rotary Club President Elect Sherry Miller, Coach Lori Reid and Rotary Club member Mike Billoni.

   In this photo the Rotary Club of Grand Island makes its eighth payment of $2,500 to the Miracle League towards the $25,000 commitment made. The League said it will use this payment for uniforms and supplies for the players.

GI Rotary Paper Shred Event - June 2019

   The GI Rotary is hosting their annual paper shred event on Saturday, June 15th at Key Bank, in Top's Plaza. It takes place from 10:00 a.m. - noon. The cost is $10 per box.

Undies Sunday Thank You - March 2019

Jonathan Beckman, Community Mission of Niagara Falls; Susan Falbo, events and volunteer manager at the mission and Rev. Mark Breese, agency minister.

Rotary Club of Grand Island members sort through the multitude of donations to Undie Sunday. From left Richard Earne, club president and members Sherry Miller and Mike Billoni, Faye Teluk, chair, Undie Sunday and Dan Flair, treasurer.

   Our homeless neighbors in Western New York are a bit warmer these days because of the wonderful, generous people of Grand Island. Hundreds of pairs of socks and underclothing, plus cash, were donated to the recent Rotary Club of Grand Island’s annual Undie Sunday promotion.
    The less fortunate clients of Buffalo City Mission, Harbor House, St Luke’s Mission of Mercy and The Community Mission of Niagara Falls were the beneficiaries of these donations and they were extremely grateful for these much-needed gifts. On behalf of all of them, we say “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You” to our generous neighbors and to the churches and businesses who collected the items. "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop

Rotary Undie Sunday Has Additional Drop-Off Sites - February 2019

Yusuf Mojawalla making a donation at his family’s Island Ship Center.

    The annual Rotary Club of Grand Island’s Undie Sunday has added three additional donation locations, announced a busy opening weekend for donations and a Buffalo television station will broadcast live on Monday from Momma De’s Bakery & Café on Whitehave Road to promote this important cause.
    Donations of new and unused underclothing and socks for homeless men, women and children in Western New York may be placed in the hampers at the following churches through February 24 at the following Grand Island churches: Bible Fellowship Center, 1136 Baseline Rd.; Bible Presbyterian, 1650 Love Rd.; Island Presbyterian, 1822 Huth Rd.; CrossRiver Church, 2920 Grand Island Blvd.; St. Martin’s in the Fields Episcopal Church, 2587 Baseline Rd.; St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church, 2100 Baseline Rd.; St. Timothy’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Rd.
    In addition, donations may also be placed in the hampers at Ace Hardware, 1889 Whitehaven Rd; Grand Island Library, 1715 Bedell Rd; Heron Pointe, 1993 Grand Island Blvd.; Island Pharmacy, 1728 Grand Island Blvd.; Island Ship Center and Momma D’s Bakery & Café, 1879 Whitehaven Rd.; KeyBank, 2180 Grand Island Blvd.; M&T Bank, 2381 Grand Island Blvd.; Northwest Savings Bank, 2300 Grand Island Blvd; Tops Friendly Markets, 2140 Grand Island Blvd.; lobby of Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Rd.
   "We are extremely pleased with the number of donations we have seen after our opening weekend. With it being so cold, these donations are much needed by the homeless,” said Faye Teluk, Chair of the Rotary Club of Grand Island’s Undie Sunday committee. The donations will be sorted on February 25 before being delivered to the Buffalo City Mission, Community Mission of Niagara Falls, Harbor House and St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy.
    Spectrum News (Ch. 9 on Spectrum Cable) will conduct live interviews with Rotary Club of Grand Island members and town residents about this important promotion on Monday, Feb. 18 from 5:15 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. at Momma De’s Bakery & Cafe, 1879 Whitehaven Rd.
    Undie Sunday has impressed Yusuf Mojawalla, 19, the manager of his family’s Island Ship Center on Whitehaven Road to the point he has promoted it heavily on his and the company’s social media network. “We love this promotion because it allows us to make a donation of an item we do not think much about. But, for the homeless in our community, they are so appreciative to receive new, clean socks and undergarments. Our customers were so happy to see the hamper in our store and they all said they were going shopping for these important items.
   “Our family prides itself on giving back to our community,” explained Yusuf, a Grand Island High School graduate, former President of its DECA program and current freshman at Medaille College who says he follows JFK’s famous message, "Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
   Helping others in the community is the culture his parents, Fahim and Seema have instilled into the staff at Island Ship Center over the past 14 years. Each fall, on Veteran’s Day, they work with the DeGlopper Post of the American Legion on Grand Island Blvd. to collect all types of essential gifts for local residents serving our country as active duty military. Volunteers help sort the donations, pack and address the boxes before they are shipped to each of the hometown military, who are pleasantly surprised when they open the huge care package from their neighbors back home on Grand Island. For more information on Undie Sunday, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org or call 716.863.2577.

Rotary Undie Sunday For Two Whole Weeks - February 2019

Pictured from left: Grand Island Rotary Club member Michael J. Billoni; Richard Earne, Club President; Dan Flaim, Treasurer; Faye Teluk, Undie Sunday Chairperson; member Kyle Clayton.

    The timing of this year’s Rotary Club of Grand Island’s Undie Sunday to benefit the homeless in Niagara Falls, Buffalo and surrounding areas is ideal considering the recent below zero temperatures during the Blizzard of 2019. Beginning on Sunday, Feb. 10 and concluding on Sunday, Feb. 24 Island residents are encouraged to donate the basic needs of new and unused underclothing and socks for homeless men, women and children.
    Donations may be placed in the hampers at the following churches on Grand Island: Bible Fellowship Center, 1136 Baseline Rd.; Bible Presbyterian, 1650 Love Rd.; Island Presbyterian, 1822 Huth Rd.; St. Martin’s in the Fields Episcopal Church, 2587 Baseline Rd.; St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church, 2100 Baseline Rd.; St. Timothy’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Rd.
    In addition, donations may also be placed in the hampers at Ace Hardware, 1889 Whitehaven Rd; Grand Island Library, 1715 Bedell Rd; Island Pharmacy, 1728 Grand Island Blvd.; Island Ship Center and Momma D’s Bakery & Café, 1879 Whitehaven Rd.; KeyBank, 2180 Grand Island Blvd.; M&T Bank, 2381 Grand Island Blvd.; Northwest Savings Bank, 2300 Grand Island Blvd; Tops Friendly Markets, 2140 Grand Island Blvd.; lobby of Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Rd.
   "We sincerely appreciate the generosity of the Grand Island residents who donate to this extremely important program. These items provide a personal dignity, comfort and warmth for the homeless in our community," said Faye Teluk, Chair of the Rotary Club of Grand Island’s Undie Sunday committee.
    The committee commended Tops Friendly Markets and Niagara Frontier Publications for providing the advertisement in the Island Dispatch, Island Ship Center for donating posters and Popular Graphics for creating the banner which will be posted on the Town sign at Whitehaven and Grand Island Blvd. The donations will be sorted on February 25 before being delivered to the Buffalo City Mission, Community Mission of Niagara Falls, Harbor House and St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy. For more information, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org or call 716.863.2577.

Rotary Undie Sunday For a Whole Week - February 2018

   From February 10 to 18th, we hope you will consider donating NEW underwear and socks in the HAMPERS placed in churches, schools, Tops, Town Hall and the Grand Island Memorial Library. G I Rotary will get them to Buffalo City Mission, and Cornerstone Manor, their shelter for battered women, to allow the homeless and battered, a chance at fresh things as winter drags on in Western NY. Flyer.

Rotary Club Volunteers at Gus Macker - June 2017

   Members of the Grand Island Rotary Club staffed the Gus Macker registration tent, checking in over 800 basketball players over Gus Macker weekend. The Rotary support allowed players to smoothly collect their player shirts, gym bags, bracelets and court assignments.

Rotary Club Week Long Undie Sunday - February 2017

Be on the look out for the Undie Sunday hamper.

Principal Kerri Nowak with students.

    Help the homeless and abused between Feb 5 -12th by bringing new, unused underwear and sock packages to bins set up in Grand Island schools, churches, Top's Market, County Library and Town Hall. The Rotary Club is sponsoring Undie Sunday for a Whole Week! Packages for men, women and children are welcomed and needed. GI Rotarians will take them to City Mission of Buffalo and St. Luke's Mission of Mercy. Please help the homeless, the abused and the under-privileged with NEW underwear, that means so much. Rotarian Kerri Nowak, Principal of Huth Rd School is heading up this program. She and other Rotarians will see to it that those near the bottom get some help!

Grand Island Rotary March Meeting - March 2016

   The GI Rotary Club dinner meeting is Wednesday, March 9th at 6:15 p.m. at the Buffalo Launch Club. Guest speaker is Supervisor Nate McMurray, sharing his agenda for Grand Island. If you would like to attend, please email: enrae.richard@gmail.com by Tuesday night, March 8th. Dinner is $20 per person.

Grand Island Rotary Art Auction - October 2015

   The Grand Island Rotary is sponsoring an Art Auction on Saturday, October 24th at Byblos Niagara Resort beginning at 6:00 p.m. Admission is $10 per person and includes Hors D'oeuvres, dessert and beverages. A cash bar is available. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. See flyer for details. Proceeds benefit the Rotary Student Scholarship and activities funds. Tickets can be purchased either at the GI Key Bank Branch or by contacting Richard Earne at 773-6346.
    This is a great opportunity not only to acquire nice pieces of art at very reasonable prices, and in all price ranges, but also to support a worthwhile cause. The starting bids on the art offered is usually around 1/3 the price you would pay for the same thing at traditional art galleries. Opening bids can start as low as $25 and are in a wide price range to suit everyone's tastes. So, not only do you save on the art for yourself, but a portion of the proceeds goes towards the Rotary's Scholarship fund. Great for the purchaser and great for the students.

Rotary Sponsors Document Destruction Event - June 2015

    The Rotary Club of Grand Island is having a document destruction event at the Key Bank parking lot in Tops Plaza on Saturday, June 27th from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The event is confidential and $10.00 per banker box. There will also be a drop off service. See