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Grand Island Rotary Club Web Page

Official Grand Island Rotary Club Web Site

Rotary International web site
President Robert G. Gruber

Meeting Time 6:15 p.m. Wednesday Evening
Buffalo Launch Club

Previous Rotary Page

Rotary's "Undie Sunday" Clothing Collection - 2010

   The Rotary Club will be at Top's Market on Sunday, December 12th from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
   The Grand Island Rotary Club is conducting its annual “Undie Sunday” clothing collection, (new undergarments and socks). The men’s clothes received will be given to the Buffalo City Mission and the woman’s and children clothing will be given to Cornerstone Manor.
   The Buffalo City Mission and its Cornerstone Manor division are privately funded Christian ministries that provide programs and services to meet the spiritual and educational needs of men, woman and children throughout Western New York. The facilities are located in one of the oldest residential sections in the City of Buffalo. The programs not only provide a work force but also provide day care and assist in developing personnel to meet the needs within the community. This is the 6th year that the Grand Island Rotary Club has conducted this worth while clothing drive.
    Rotary will be distributing cardboard boxes the week of November 22nd to local churches. The pick up would be on Monday December 6th. This would give Rotary time to sort and distribute in time for delivery to the mission on December 16th which would be 8 days before Christmas.

Rotary's Lobsterfest 2010

   Members of the Grand Island Rotary Club will host their 8th annual Lobsterfest (all you can eat) at the Buffalo Launch Club from 6 p.m. on Friday, June 11 (rain or shine). Maine lobster, clam chowder, beef on weck, salads & vegetables, dessert, coffee/tea, beer, wine and soft drinks at $85 per person. Tickets are available at the Chamber of Commerce office or call John White, 773-8579 or Steve Kaplan, 773-6625. "Rare Blend" will provide live music & dancing, 9 p.m. to ?

Rotary's Annual Hot Dog Sale - May 2010

   Members of the Grand Island Rotary Club will hold their annual Hot Dog sale beginning at 11 a.m. Friday, May 7 at Tops Market and continuing until 6 p.m. The sale will also be held on Saturday, May 8. Two hot dogs and a soft drink are at a special price of $4. "We encourage people to go to the American Legion's hanging flower basket sale at the VFW Post, then head over to Top's for Rotary's lunch," a Rotary spokesman said this week. "For $15 you can have a flower for mother's day and lunch," he said.

Rotary's "Undie Sunday" A Success - April 2010

   The Buffalo City Mission recognizes the efforts of the Grand Island Rotary Club to meet basic needs through the “Undie-Sunday Drive” of those who are truly trying to make a better life for themselves. "This drive is the hand up that so many need to keep moving forward in the growing and healing to a new future for," Suzanne Cervi, Manager of Volunteers, Buffalo Cith Mission said this week. "We are thankful for your continued efforts on behalf of the individuals and families here at the Buffalo City Mission," she said.
   The Grand Island Rotary Club thanks the Grand Island residents for their support. "We received and distributed over 500 pair of men’s socks and undergarments," Rotary member Gary Roesch said. "We also received over 100 garments for woman and children," he said.
   Donations for men were given to the Buffalo City Mission on Tupper Street and Cornerstone Manor on North St. was the recipient of the woman’s and children’s clothing.
   The Buffalo City Mission and its division Cornerstone Manor are privately funded Christian ministries that provide programs and services to meet the spiritual and educational needs of men, woman and children throughout Western New York. The facilities are located in one of the oldest residential sections in Buffalo. The programs not only provide a work force but also provide day care and assist in developing personal to meet the needs within the community.

Rotary Holds 7th Annual "Undie Sunday" - March 2010

   The Grand Island Rotary Club will host its 7th annual Undie Sunday on Sunday, March 21 at Tops Market. Collection will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Donations of new, packaged men's, women's and children's underwear would be most appreciated and will be given to the Buffalo City Mission. Those unable to drop off donations at Tops Market are asked to contact Gary Roesch (groesch@roadrunner.com, cell phone 583-7969) or any Rotarian. Rotary members will be distributing boxes to the various churches and the pick up will be a week later.
   Every year our community is asked to donate clothing to organizations collecting clothing for the needy. It takes different venues. Most often this is a call to help clothe those who are not able to give necessary clothing to their family to live in basic comfort. We rise to the occasion and donate sweaters, coats, shoes, socks and on and on. Grand Island is famous for their generosity.
   Several years ago, the Grand Island Rotary Club visited the City Mission in Buffalo and had dinner with those who used the Mission. It was an experience few of us will forget. We had a meeting with Pastor Bob. He told us of the work of the Mission and how it operated. He showed us his collection of clothing to be distributed and explained the turnover that takes place. His work was inspiring.
   The question was asked of Pastor Bob, "what do you need that you don’t have now?" His reply, with a smile, was underwear! It is the one item that is never donated to a charity. Think about it. It makes sense.
    The project was put into place in 2004 in Memory of Pastor Bob, Buffalo City Mission, Who Served So Many So Well. The late Christine Ryshkus was actively involved with the project during her Rotary years. Her husband, Gene, and son, Aaron, became active with the collection after she passed away.

Rotary To Host "Night of Wine and Tango" - February 2010

   The Grand Island Rotary Club will host a "Night of Wine and Tango" from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, February 19 at the Buffalo Launch Club, 503 East River Road. All proceeds are going to help the people in Haiti. Featured will be wine tastings of Argentine Wines along with food pairings for each. A chocolate fountain and dessert wine station will be also be featured. The evening will also include a silent auction of baskets will be offered, Live Jazz, as well as a live demonstration of the Argentine Tango by dance professionals. "Roses will also be given to all ladies attending, so please keep us in your Valentine plans and help a worthy cause." For tickets ($35.00 per person), call 465-3424 or email to FLRME@aol.com