Official Grand Island Rotary Club Web Site
Rotary International web site
President Gary Roesch
Meeting Time 6:15 p.m. Wednesday Evening
Buffalo Launch Club
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Rotary Sponsors "Undie Sunday" - December 2012
The Grand Island Rotary Club is conducting its annual “Undie Sunday” clothing collection of new undergarments and socks, starting December 3rd. The mens clothes received will be given to the Buffalo City Mission and the womens and children clothing will be given to Cornerstone Manor. The Buffalo City Mission and its Cornerstone Manor division are privately funded Christian ministries that provide programs and services to meet the spiritual and educational needs of men, woman and children throughout Western New York. The facilities are located in one of the oldest residential sections in the City of Buffalo. The programs not only provide a work force, but also provide day care and assist in developing personnel to meet the needs within the community.This is the 8th year that the Grand Island Rotary Club has conducted this worthwhile clothing drive. The containers may be found at all local churches, Island Prescription Center, GI Town Hall, McMahon's and the Dispatch. The Rotary Club will also be collecting on December 19th, from 10am - 1pm in a tent located outside of Top's. The containers will be picked up from all locations on Monday December 17th. This will give the Rotary Club time to sort and distribute for delivery to the mission on December 19th.
Rotary Sponsors Paper/Document SHRED Event - November 2012
The Grand Island Rotary Club Paper/Document SHRED EVENT is being held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, December 1, 2012 in the Key Bank Parking Lot at Tops Plaza. $10/box (file or banker box size)Proceeds raised will be targeted for the "Grand Island Miracle League" and the GJ Mann Elemntary School (NF) New Library Book Fund.
Questions? Please Call Rachel D'Agostino at 465-3424 or Chris Learman at 773-7265.