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Grand Island Snowmobile Club Webpage


7:30 p.m., 1st Wednesday of the Month
at the Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Rd.

President: Paul Coughlin

Previous News Page

NYS Snowmobile Safety Course - November 2024

    The Grand Island Snowmobile Club in cooperation with the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club will be holding a FREE / NO COST NY State Snowmobile Safety Course on November 14 and 15, 2024 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. This is a NY State required safety course for 10 thru 13 years old who wish to operate within 500 ft of an adult and 14 -17 years old who wish to operate as an adult. A parent / guardian must sign the required registration form to attend the course. Parent / guardians are encouraged to attend with their children. Students must attend both evenings to obtain their certificate. Adults new to the sport, as well as experienced riders are encouraged to attend. Pop, water and a snack will be provided by the Club. Pre registration is required by going to NY State Parks website. Scroll to Nov 14 date with GI Snowmobile Club , click on register now and fill out the form.

Snowmobile Club Meat Raffle is Saturday, June 22nd at the GI Rod & Gun Club Pavillion. See FLYER.

NYS Snowmobile Safety Course - November 2023

    The Grand Island Snowmobile Club in cooperation with the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club will be holding a FREE / NO COST NY State Snowmobile Safety Course on November 16 and 17, 2023 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY 14072.
    This is a NY State required safety course for 10 thru 13 years old who wish to operate within 500 ft of an adult and 14 -17 years old who wish to operate as an adult. A parent / guardian must sign the required registration form to attend the course. Parent / guardians are encouraged to attend with their children. Students must attend both evenings to obtain their certificate.
    Adults new to the sport, as well as experienced riders are encouraged to attend. Pop, water and a snack will be provided by the Club. Pre registration is required by going to NY State Parks website. Scroll to Nov 16 date with GI Snowmobile Club , click on register now and fill out the form.

GI Snowmobile Meat Raffle - June 2023

    Grand Island Snowmobile Club Meat Raffle is Saturday, June 3 at VFW Post 9249 Pavilion, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. $10 admission tickets. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. - First Spin 6:30 p.m. BYOB and snacks, Door Prize, 50/50 Drawing, Freezer full of meat raffle Meats proved by Pellicano's. For tickets and table reservations contact Jeff Joyce 716 512 8343, Venmo- @jeffery-joyce-1.

Snowmobile Meat Raffle - June 2022

    A Snowmobile Club Meat Raffle Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, June 4th at the VFW Pavilion, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Doors open at 5:30 a.m. See FLYER.

NYS Snowmobile Safety Course - November 2021

    The Grand Island Snowmobile Club in cooperation with the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club will be holding a FREE / NO COST NY State Snowmobile Safety Course on November 18 and 19, 2021 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. This is a NY State required safety course for 10 thru 13 years old who wish to operate within 500 ft of an adult and 14 -17 years old who wish to operate as an adult. A parent / guardian must sign the required registration form to attend the course. Parent / guardians are encouraged to attend with their children. Students must attend both evenings to obtain their certificate. Adults new to the sport, as well as experienced riders are encouraged to attend.
    Pop, water and a snack will be provided by the Club. Pre registration is encouraged but walk-ins will be accepted. Social distancing and face masks may be required. To register please contact Paul Coughlin @ 716-812-2339 or gisnowmobileclub@gmail.com. Additional information may be found at NY State Parks website HERE.

NYS Snowmobile Safety Course - November 2020

    The Grand Island Snowmobile Club in cooperation with the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club will be holding a FREE / NO COST NY State Snowmobile Safety Course on November 19 and 20 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Grand Island Rod and Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. See details.
   This is a NY State required safety course for 10 thru 13 year olds who wish to operate within 500 ft of an adult and 14 -17 year olds who wish to operate as an adult. A parent / guardian must sign the required registration form to attend the course. Parent / guardians are encouraged to attend with their children. Students must attend both evenings to obtain their certificate.
    Adults new to the sport, as well as experienced riders are encouraged to attend. Pre registration is encouraged but walk-ins will be accepted. Social distancing and face masks are required. To register please contact Paul Coughlin @ 716-812-2339 or gisnowmobileclub@gmail.com. Pop and water will be provided by the Club. Additional information may be found at NY State Parks website: http://parks.ny.gov/recreation/snowmobiles/education.aspx

NYS Snowmobile Safety Course Offered - October 2019

    The Grand Island Snowmovile Club is hosting a New York State Certified Snowmobile Safety Course. This is free and will take place at the GI Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road on Thursday & Friday, November 21 & 22 from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. You must attend both sessions to receive certificate. For youths 10-13-years who wish to operate within 500 feet of an adult; 14-17-years who wish to operate as an adult; adults new to the sport, as well as experienced drivers. To register contact Paul Coughlin at 716-812-2339 or gisnowmobileclub@gmail.com. Additional information at http://parks.ny.gov/recreation/snowmobiles/education.aspx.

Snowmobile Club Trails Teardown - March 2019

    A Message from Grand Island Snowmobile President Paul Coughlin. Trails are closed for the season. Teardown will begin on Saturday & Sunday, March 30 & 31. Meet at the Nike Base barn at 9:00 a..m. Please consider giving a helping hand for two - three hours and trails can be cleaned up in one weekend. Contact any board member for more information.

Snowmobile Club Announcement - January 2019

   We are sure you have been watching the news and you know there's a possibility for significant snowfall in our area this weekend. So, we'd like to get ahead of all the questions. If it snows:
   We will open trails once there is enough significant coverage to do so.
   Riding on closed trails is trespassing and could cause permanent closure of the trail. Along with being ticketed and fines.
    If trails open, stay within the marked trails and obey all signage. Failure to do so could cause closure of the trail.
    Beaver Island State Park is within our trail system. However, riding in the Park is prohibited and will cause closure of the trail system. Please stay out of the Park.
   Trust us, we all understand the excitement to get on our snowmobiles, especially those who have dedicated so much time to making the trail system happen. Please do not take it upon yourself to ruin what we all work so hard for all year long. Opening and closing of the trail system will be listed on our website, http://www.gisnowmobileclub.com/ and on our Facebook page. Please respect our landowners and the trail system and ride safe.

Grand Island Snowmobile Club Safety Course - October 2018

    The Grand Island Snowmobile Club is hosting a New York State Certified Snowmobile Safety Course for youth 10 - 13 years-old who wish to operate within 500 feet of an Adult and 14 - 17 years-old who wish to operate as an Adult . Also, adults new to the sport, as well as experienced riders are encouraged to attend. This no charge event will take place at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road, Thursday & Friday, November 15 & 16, from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Participants must attend both sessions. Pre-registration is encouraged by calling Paul Coughlin at 716-812-2339.

Grand Island Snowmobile Club Safety Course - November 2017

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club is sponsoring a NY State Certified Snowmobile Safety Course, free of charge, on Thursday, November 30 & Friday, December 1st at the GI Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road, from 5pm-9pm. Paticipants must attend both sessions in order to quality and take the test. Pre-register by calling Paul Coughlin @ 716-812-2339. Walk ins are welcome if space available. Additional information at NY State Park website.

Grand Island Snowmobile Club Meeting - December 2016

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club general meeting is Wednesday, December 7th at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Rd.

Grand Island Snowmobile Club Safety Course - 2016

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club is sponsoring a NY State Certified Snowmobile Safety Course, free of charge, on Wednesday & Thursday, November 16 & 17, from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The class will be held at the GI Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Road. The course is open to everyone 10 years of age and older. 10-17 year olds must obtain certificate to ride on state trails. See flyer for complete details. Register by Saturday, November 12th.

Horrendous ATV Damage to Trails - 2016

   The damage done to the Grand Island Snowmobile Club trails by illegal ATV type vehicles is astounding. The snowmobile club spends money on grooming and insurance, plenty of volunteer time for trail work by a small portion of members, and have procured the consent of numerous private property owners. Rogue ATV riders contribute nothing and do the damage shown above. Gates have been locked behind Tim Horton's and the MOG properties. Bridges on the Powerline and near the Stony Point Extension have been blocked, all to prevent any additional damage to the trail. The ATV people always seem to find a way to get around the obstacles and cause further damage. See that mess as you come over the South Bridge? Thank your friends on ATV's for that!

Grand Island Snowmobile Club Honorary Members - 2015

From left: Gary Roesch, Pete Marston and Mary Cooke.

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club honored outgoing Town officials Supervisor Mary Cooke and Councilman Gary Roesch with honorary memberships on Monday, December 21st. 25-year Snowmobile Club veteran Pete Marston presented the lifetime memberships as Cooke and Roesch were instrumental in allowing a building at the Nike Base on Whitehaven Road, to be used by the Snowmobile Club for storage of signs out of season, and for trail grooming equipment. The same building was going to be torn down before the club stepped in and fixed the roof, painted and gutted the interior. Marston gave Supervisor Cooke yearly tours along the trails to view the improvements made by the club each year.The next Monthly General Meeting is Wednesday, January 6th at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, located at 1083 Whitehaven Road at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Grand Island Snowmobile Club Meeting - 2015

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club meeting is Wednesday, November 4th at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Rd.

Snowmobile Club Christmas Party - 2014

   The GI Snowmobile Club Christmas Party is Sunday, December 14th from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Mallwitz Island Lanes. All current members and families are welcome to attend. For more info, call Jim Teator at 432-8818.

Snowmobile Club November General Meeting - 2014

   The GI Snowmobile Club General Meeting is Wednesday, November 5th at 7:30 p.m. at the G.I. Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Rd. Interested parties are encouraged to attend and join the club. Membership entitles you to reduced DMV registrations.

Snowmobile Club Donation - 2013

Carol Marston presents check to Hank Kammerer

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club voted at their Christmas party on December 15th to give a nice donation to the Neighbors Foundation. Snowmobile Club representative Carol Marston presented a check to a very happy Hank Kammerer on Tuesday, December 17th, who noted that donations are a bit off this year and the check will certainly help. The Snowmobile Club is looking for new members and anyone interested can come to the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 8th at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club. The Snowmobile website announced that trails would be opening on Tuesday, December 17th at 5:00 p.m. Check out the website for info. and to see what trails are open.

Snowmobile Club December Meeting & Website Launch - 2013

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club has a new website where you can renew your membership, register as a new member online and find out what is happening with the club. The site provides a one-stop shop for all information pertaining to snowmobiling on beautiful Grand Island. There is a meeting planned for Wednesday, December 4th at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Rd at 7:30 p.m. Pizza and wings will be provided after the meeting along with story time.
   There are approximately 17 miles of trails on Grand Island, you can go to the website to take a look at the map. The club is looking for volunteers to finish the trail staking & signing on Saturday, November 30th and if needed Sunday, December 1st. Meet at Marston Power Equipment, 1970 Grand Island Blvd. at 9:00 a.m.

Next Meeting, Wednesday Nov. 6th - 2013

   The Grand Island Snowmobile Club meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, 1083 Whitehaven Rd. Everyone is welcome to attend. Registration may be made at meetings or online at NYS Snowmobile Assoc.