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Grand Island Soccer Club News

Official Grand Island Soccer Club Web Site


Board of Directors
President Rom Figler
Vice President Chris Hollander
Secretary Terri Pitts
Treasurer Jim Masiello
Brian Ailinger - Director/Travel Coordinator
Ray Billica - Director/U6 Coordinator
Diane Victor - Director/House Coordinator
Becky Szabo - Director/House Coordinator
Bethany Bernatovitz - Director/Player Development Director
Lisa Harrigan - Director/Registrar
Brett Banker - Director of Coaching

Travel Tryouts For GI Soccer Club

   The Grand Island Soccer Club is excited to announce travel tryout dates and locations.
• Saturday August 27th - Veteran's Park
• Saturday September 10th - Sidway School
Times to be announced later.
Please register online at www.gisoccerclub.org. Registration is currently open and closes 8/24.

Soccer Club Scholarship Winners - August 2011

Click photo for larger view
   Grand Island Soccer Club is proud to announce the 2011 John A. Koller and Richard E. Jones Memorial Scholarship winners. Selected candidates to receive the scholarship, as shown below with GISC president Rom Figler, are Ariana Mendel, Alaina Pariso, Sara Victor, and Nicholas Masiello. Also awarded, but not shown in photo was Jessica Osvath.

Grand Island Soccer Club - Registration - April 2011

   Grand Island Soccer Club 2011 House Registration is now open for the U6-U15 age groups. The registration period will run from April 1st to April 30th. Visit www.gisoccerclub.org to register online and view detailed information about the house soccer programs. Late registrations will be accepted from May 1st to May 14th, with a $20 per player late fee. Registrations will not be accepted after May 14th to give us adequate time to plan and organize. The registration fee is $70. Current GISC travel players receive a $25 discount. Contact Lisa Harrigan at registrar@gisoccerclub.org with questions.

Fall, Winter and Spring Soccer Opportunities

   If you enjoyed the GISC Foot Skills then join the GISC Academy. This Academy program was developed to provide quality professional technical training for players age 6-10. These sessions are designed to provide additional training options for children during the non-house soccer months. The Academy will provide player development instruction, focusing on foot skills. The cost is $65 per session, or $180 if you sign up for all three sessions. To register or to find more information go the the club's website www.gisoccerclub.org and click on the player development tab. For FAQ's click on information. If you have additional questions contact Bethany Bernatovicz playerdev@gisoccerclub.org.

Three sessions (each with (6) training dates); one per week (Thursdays)

Session #1
November – December (Epic Center -- Back Field)
Nov 4, 11, 18 & Dec 2, 9, 16
6:30 - 7:30 pm (ages 6 - 8)
7:30 - 8:30 pm (ages 9 - 10)

Session #2
January – February (Epic Center -- Back Field)
Jan 13, 20, 27 & Feb 3, 10, 17
6:30 - 7:30 pm (ages 6 - 8)
7:30 - 8:30 pm (ages 9 - 10)

Session #3
May – June (Outdoor – Veterans Park)
May 5, 12, 19, 26 & June 2, 9
6:00 - 7:00 pm (ages 6 - 8)
7:00 - 8:00 pm (ages 9 - 10)

Soccer Club's Charging Rhinos U-11 Win Championship - July 2010

Click photo for larger view
   The Grand Island Charging Rhinos U-11 boys’ soccer team clinched the championship at the Wilson tournament by winning the final game 5-1 against the U-11 North Town team. The Rhinos team consists of John-Paul Bobak, Joey Boyko, Troy Brady, Anthony Emmi, Louie Fabiano, Jacob Gleave, Justin Kozlowski, Peter Kroetsch, Jason Miller, Sean Pufpaff, Nicholas Rallo, Garrett Robinson (not in picture), Cameron Smith, Anthony Stolfo, Charlie Stube and Nicholas Szabo. The team’s head coach is Angelo Grande, assisted by Lou Fabiano, Alex Grande and Anthony Grande.

Grand Island Soccer Club - Verizon Donation - June 2010

    The Verizon Foundation recently donated $750.00 to the GISC, in recognition of Jim Beatty's volunteer time. Jim is the coach of the U11 girls travel team and has spent many hours coaching and volunteering within the Grand Island Soccer Club. Verizon has a policy of matching volunteer hours of its employees with a donation.
   Thanks to Jim for volunteering so many hours and to Verizon for making such a nice donation.

Grand Island Soccer Club - Scott Boyko Joins Board - June 2010

Congratulations to Scott Boyko for being elected to the Grand Island Soccer Club board. Scott is a former house and travel player with the GISC in his younger years, and was a house coach for a number of years for his children's teams. He is currently the head travel coach of the U13 Boys A team (GI Force). His son, Jack, plays U13 travel, his son, Joe, plays U11 travel, and his daughter, Rosie, plays U10 travel on Grand Island.

GI Soccer Club Recognition Awards - May 2010

   The Grand Island Soccer Club held its annual Coaches Clinic May 2nd at Connor Middle School. Over 35 coaches attended this year's clinic. The annual awards were presented to the following volunteers.
   Volunteer of the Year – Bethany Bernatovicz - Enough can’t be said for all of her efforts in the various capacities she has contributed not only this past year, but in all her years with the Club. She is currently a board member, past travel and house coach, the Club’s Player Development lead, has been one of the leads for the previous coaching clinics, and has filled in the position of secretary on the board as well. She is also the Club’s lead for the annual foot skills clinics and heavily involved in the Club’s annual picnic. The award is to honor those individuals who have gone above and beyond in their support of the GISC, and she has exceeded that criteria.
   Coach of the Year – Tony Pariso - Current head coach of the U10 Girls Dynamo, his nomination was supported by the people in the know, his players and their parents. He is considered to be a model coach, especially for our younger players playing in the early development years of their soccer careers. He is someone who not only volunteers countless hours to teach and train his players, but takes the time to attend coaching training at seminars and clinics. He also brings in “subject matter experts” to train his players. The award is to honor those individuals who over the course of the 2009 spring/summer season displayed high qualities of coaching excellence, and also exemplify high character, commitment, dedication and developed their teams to the maximum level of their collective talents. Tony certainly exceeds that criterion.
   Legacy Honoree – Bill Waddington - Bill’s involvement with the Club goes back 24 years, and he came in to the organization after it was in existence for about 10 years. Last year’s recipient, Clive Roughsedge was one of the founding fathers of the Club, and it could be said that Bill was the first generation to pick up and carry the Club forward. He has been involved in almost every position imaginable: house coach, travel coach, age group coordinator, house league coordinator, referee coordinator, referee, board member, and past president to name a few. He is still the Club’s lead for training all of our youth referees on an annual basis, which is a critical component of our continued success. He is very passionate about the game of soccer and the Grand island Soccer Club, and his nomination and selection were unanimous among the year selection committee members. He exemplifies the selection criteria of having gone above and beyond in his support of the GISC over the course of many years, and his work with soccer on Grand Island has left an ever-lasting impact. He has given countless hours toward the betterment of the club all of the selection criteria, and he definitely deserves to be our second annual recipient after Clive Roughsedge.

Soccer Registration - April 2010

   The Grand Island Soccer Club House League Registration will run from April 1st to April 26th. Registration will take place online this year. Please go to our website at www.gisoccerclub.org to register and see more details. No web access? Registration available at the Grand Island Memorial Library on Tuesday, April 6th (6:30-8:30 p.m.) and Saturday, April 17th (10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.).
   The league provides basic instruction and is intended to be a "FUN" league promoting fair play, good sportsmanship and teamwork for the youth (ages 5-19) of Grand Island.
   We are always looking for volunteers to help expand what we offer to the children. During the registration process you will be asked to volunteer. Please consider volunteering.
   If you have any specific registration questions, contact Lisa Harrigan at registrar@gisoccerclub.org. General questions about the House League should be directed to Becky Szabo and Dianne Victor at house@gisoccerclub.org. If all else fails contact us at 773.9378.
Grand Island Soccer Club

2008-2009 Grand Island Soccer Club News
2007 Grand Island Soccer Club News
2006 Grand Island Soccer Club News
2005 Grand Island Soccer Club News
Previous Grand Island Soccer Club News