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St. Stephen's Church News Webpage 2010-2011
Pastor: Rev. Paul Nogaro
St. Stephen's Church Website
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St Stephen News 2007-2008

2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072
fax: 716-773-5792

Karen A. Cammarata - Business Manager
businessmgr@adelphia.net 716-773-7647 ext #104

Office: Sandy Beyer or Helen Lemme - 716-773-7647 ext #100

Mission: To enable the people of Grand Island to encounter Jesus by sharing Word and Sacrament with a loving concern for one another.
Events: Daily Mass Monday - Friday 7:30 A.M. and 12:05 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M., and 4:30 P.M. Sunday 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Open to All
Help: Promote and support our church and promote and support the events that we sponsor!
Strengths: A strong, stable, faith filled community that has open arms for all who enter through our doors.

St. Stephens Sizzling Spring Meat Raffle - April 2012

   A St. Stephens Sizzling Spring Meat Raffle will be held on Friday, May 4 at the school. Doors open at 6 p.m. and drawing starts at 7 p.m. Tickets $5 in advance/$7 at the door. For information please call 982-2120 or 906-2038 - Information

Ladies of Charity Book Bag Program -April 2012

   Yearly the Ladies of Charity distribute school supplies to children ages 5-17, by referral from Catholic Charities case workers in several WNY counties. Families of all faiths are eligible because of low income, victims of house fires, domestic abuse, and new immigrants. About 12 years ago the program started with 50 requests. Last year over 700 children were equipped for a new school year and as needed throughout the school year. An eligible student entering a community college also received help. Olmstead students received work experience by helping with sorting and counting the donated supplies. In July and August Book Bags are packed and ready for distribution.
(New) School Supplies Needed
Book bags, erasers, ballpoint pens, highlighters, primary & regular crayons, magic markers, loose leaf paper and composition notebooks.
Also folders, glue, scissors, #2 pencils, rulers & colored pencils, 3-ring binders and small tissue packages
   This is a Spring Project for families, school children, discussion and prayer groups or anyone wishing to assist the Ladies of Charity. Place your donations in specially marked boxes in the St. Stephen's narthex, from April 9 through May, 14, 2012. Monetary donations are also accepted.
   For more information, call Angelo and Barbara LaDuca, 773-2888. Supplies may also be dropped off at 139 Parkview Drive, Grand Island, NY 14072.

End of Life Seminar at St. Stephen Church - March 2012

   Thinking about the end of our lives is probably no one’s favorite topic. However, in an age of changing health care, technological advancements, and political pressures, it is important to know what Saint Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church teaches about end of life issues. Whether you are concerned for a loved one who is growing older or are growing older yourself, it is important to understand these issues before you are faced with difficult decisions.
   The Respect Life Committee at Saint Stephen Church is presenting a seminar on End of Life issues from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 24, 2012. Jann Armantrout, Diocese of Rochester Life Issues Coordinator, will be the speaker. The church is located at 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY. Refreshments will be served.

Divine Mercy Mission - March 2012

   St. Stephen's church will host a Divine Mercy Mission at two retreats that will be held starting Wednesday, March 28, 2012. A two-day morning retreat or a three-day evening retreat will be available. The retreats will be presented by the Marian Fathers from the National Shrine of Divine Mercy located in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. See
information for more details.

St. Stephen's Catholic Charities Drive Begins - March 2012

Members of the committee pictured from left are Maria Schory, George Minton, Eileen Minton, Jo Ann Linenfelser, Dan Linenfelser, Fr. Nogaro.

   Katie Crombe from Catholic Charities spoke at the masses at St. Stephen's Church (March 10-11 weekend) about the upcoming Catholic Charities Drive. Ms. Crombe is part of a small group of young people with Catholic Charities who works with immigrants. She spoke about the work she does as part of the many diverse services provided by Catholic Charities to people of any ethnic or religious background. Fr. Paul Nogaro, pastor of St. Stephen's said that last year the people of Grand Island contributed over $180,000 to the Drive, and that total was up some from the previous year. He said that in the 12 years he has been at St. Stephen's, Grand Islanders have donated a total of over 2 million dollars.
    The goal of this year's Drive is $10,600,000, the Patron is Blessed John Paul II, and the theme is "With your help, We are strong." The drive runs through Palm Sunday, April 1, and donations may be made at the weekend masses, or by contacting the rectory at 773 7647.

St. Stephen's Youth Ministry presents Kids' Night Out - December 2011

   St. Stephen's Youth Ministry presents Kids' Night Out from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, December 10, 2011. Drop your children (age 3 & toilet trained) to age 10) off at St. Stephen's School cafeteria and spend the evening Christmas shopping or having a special night out together.
   Activities include: crafts, games, movies, music, and story telling. High School students (with adult supervision) will watch your children. Light snacks and drinks will be served. New this year is Faith Fitness on hand to entertain the kids.
   Cost is $15 per child - $25 for two children - $30 for 3 or more. This fundraiser supports St. Stephen's Youth Ministry programs. If you have any questions, or would like to pre-register your child, call Bill Tixier at 870-2017.

Ladies of Charity Book Bag Program - June 2011

Jim Frase (Tonawanda), Jeanie Caprio and Barbara LaDuca, Grand Islanders and members of the St. Stephen’s Advent/Lent Prayer Group

   Nine years ago, Grand Islander, Barbara LaDuca, introduced the Buffalo Diocese, Ladies of Charity Book Bag Project to her fellow parishioners at Stephen’s Church and to Grand Islanders at large. The Ladies of Charity were collecting school supplies to fill book bags for needy students, distributed prior to the start of a new school year. During the year, book bags were also given upon request to children of domestic violence, new immigrants, and losses due to fires and floods. She drew up a list of 25 school supplies and tried to collect about 30 of each. Each year she heard that the need kept increasing. This year, beside Parish donations, supplies were received from Joan Droit’s Read and Feed Book discussion group, St. Stephen’s Advent/Lent Prayer Group, Grand Island Women’s Club members, St. Stephen’s CCD program and generous customers of Grand Island’s Dollar Tree Store. Two Bishop’s Committee Discussion groups in Tonawanda also were contributors. On Thursday, May 26, over 3,000 individual items filling 28 boxes of school supplies were delivered to the Ladies of Charity office at 1122 Broadway, Buffalo, NY. Now, another group of volunteers will go to work, removing packaging, organizing and filling book bags according to lists from the various school systems. Their goal will be to fill 600 Book bags for distribution in mid August.

Ladies of Charity Book Bag Program - April 2011

Mary Merritt (left) and Barbara Laduca
Mary Stewart photo - Click for larger view

   Every year the Ladies of Charity distributes school supplies to children, ages 5-17, by referral from Catholic Charities case workers in several WNY counties. Families of all faiths are eligible because of low income, victims of house fires or domestic abuse, and new immigrants. About 11 years ago, the program started with 50 requests. Last year over 600 children were equipped for a new school year and as needed throughout the school year. An eligible student entering a community college also received help. Handicapped students received work experience by helping with sorting and counting the donated supplies. In July and August book bags are packed and ready for distribution.
   The following (new) school supplies are needed:
ballpoint pens
primary & regular crayons
magic markers
loose-leaf paper
composition notebooks
#2 pencils
rulers & colored pencils
3-ring binder
Sm. tissue packages
sm. tissue packages, combs
   This is a SPRING PROJECT for families, school children, discussion and prayer groups or anyone wishing to assist the Ladies of Charity. Place your donations in a specially marked box in the St. Stephen's narthex, from April 9 through May 8. Monetary donations are also accepted.
   For more information, call Angelo and Barbara LaDuca, 773-2888. Supplies may also be dropped off at 139 Parkview Dr., Grand Island.

St. Stephen's Catholic Charities Drive Begins - March 2011

Members of the committee pictured from left are Dan Linenfelser, Jo Ann Linenfelser, Fr. Paul Nogaro, Trudy Walbert, Joseph Strychasz, and Ted Korkuc.
    Joseph Strychasz, Clinical Social Worker at the Monsignor Carr Institute, spoke at all the masses at St. Stephens Church March 26-27, 2011 about the upcoming Catholic Charities Drive. Mr. Strychasz gave examples of the many ways Catholic Charities assists people of all ages and denominations from 61 sites across Western New York. He thanked the people of Grand Island for their past, generous support and added that increases in donations are needed and appreciated.
    The Drive this year runs from April 10 - 17, the goal is $10,500,000, the theme is "Whoever, Wherever, Whenever", and the Patron is Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Last year nearly 160,000 teens, adults, seniors, and children in our community were assisted by Catholic Charities. Donations are being collected at the next 3 weekend masses or they can be dropped off at the rectory.

St. Stephen Religious Education News - Dec. 2010

Pictured are resident Delores LoVallo with (front row) Tyler Figliola, Rose Meaney; (second row) Joseph Figliola, Tyler Bernatovicz, John Griffin; (third row) Lydia Berntavicz, Alyssa Ruminski, Art Meaney, Carly Bernatovicz and Jacob Ford
Click photo for larger view
   A second grade class and a fifth grade class from St. Stephen's Religious Education Program recently made over 90 Christmas cards for the residents of Riverwood Health Care Center. The children pictured delivered the cards, sang Christmas carols, and spread some holiday cheer to the residents.

St. Stephen Lady Eagles Win First Playoff Game - June 2010

(front left) Brigid White, Nicole Castiglione, Rachel Colan, Cindy Nguyen, Helen Tran; (middle) Alexis Fredricks; (back) Gabriella Congi, Katie Grace White, Molly Meka, Marielle Buffamonte, Grace Fredricks
Click photo for larger view
    After finishing the regular season with a record of 4 wins and 4 losses, the St. Stephen Varsity Softball team won there first playoff game on June 4th at Sheridan Park. They beat St. Andrews by a score of 18 -14. Pitcher Katie Grace White helped lead the team to victory after St. Andrew's started a strong come back mid way through the game. An eight run 5th inning by St. Stephens, with a home run by Grace Fredricks, helped to seal the victory. Excellent fielding by Molly Meka, Rachel Colan, and Alexis Fredricks was also a contributing factor in the win. Marielle Buffamonte continued to be a consistent threat at bat and had another outstanding game as the team's catcher. Also contributing to the win were outfielders Nicole Castiglione, Gabriella Congi and Brigid White. All players batted and ended up on base including relievers Helen Tran and Cindy Nguyen.

Ladies of Charity Book Bag Program - April 2010

   Every year the Ladies of Charity distributes school supplies to children, ages 5-17, who are referred to them by Catholic Charities case workers. Some are from low income families, victims of house fires and new immigrants to our country. About 10 years ago, this program started with 50 requests. Last year, Catholic Charities helped over 630 children be prepared for September and throughout the school year.
   The following (new) school supplies are needed:
#2 pencils
ballpoint pens
primary & regular crayons
magic markers
loose-leaf paper
composition notebooks
folders, colored pencils
glue, rulers
scissors, 3 ring binders
sm. tissue packages, combs
   This is a SPRING PROJECT for families, school children, discussion and prayer groups or anyone wishing to assist the Ladies of Charity. Place your donations in a specially marked box in the St. Stephen's narthex, from April 1 through May 5. Monetary donations are also accepted and supplies will be purchased. For more information, call Angelo and Barbara LaDuca, 773-2888. Supplies may also be dropped off at 139 Parkview Dr., Grand Island.


2100 Baseline Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
Dates: February 20 – February 27
Time: 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Where: Main Church
   We all need some time in our busy lives to be where we can stop and focus on the love God has for us. That is the gift of mission. It is an excellent way to deepen your relationship with Jesus. This eight evening retreat will renew your awareness of the Holy Spirit in your life through inspirational presentations, liturgical celebrations, and engaging activities with other parish members. Each night will leave you looking forward with anticipation to the next. Accept this gift from our Lord. Register today for Mission XVII! February 20 through February 27. Call the rectory at 773-7647 by February 16th.

St. Stephen's Catholic Charities Drive Begins - March 2010

Members of the committee pictured from left are Trudy Walbert, Maria Schory, Sue Robinson, Barbara Griesmann, Fr. Paul Nogaro, Dan Linenfelser, Jo Ann Linenfelser, and Ted Korkuc
Click photo for larger view
Barbara Griesmann, Clinic Supervisor at the Monsignor Carr Institute, spoke at all the masses at St. Stephens Church last weekend (Mar. 6-7) about the upcoming Catholic Charities Drive. The Drive this year runs from March 21-28 and the goal is $10.5 million. Ms. Griesmann related a personal experience she had while living in another area where she lost all of her personal belongings in a fire. She contrasted the difficulties she had getting help there with the caring, helpful attitude used by Catholic Charities here. According to Ms. Griesmann Catholic Charities last year assisted more than 157,000 people in the eight counties of Western New York. 40,175 of the people helped were children, 31,290 hungry were fed, 6,228 were seniors, and 1665 were victims of domestic violence.
The Patron Saint of this years drive is St. Damien and the theme is "Whoever, Whenever, Whatever".
Contributions may be made at the next three weekend masses or by contacting the rectory at 773 7647.