St. Stephen's Church Website
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fax: 716-773-5792
Karen A. Cammarata - Business Manager 716-773-7647 ext #104
Office: Sandy Beyer or Helen Lemme - 716-773-7647 ext #100
Events: Daily Mass Monday - Friday 7:30 A.M. and 12:05 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M., and 4:30 P.M. Sunday 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Open to All
Help: Promote and support our church and promote and support the events that we sponsor!
Strengths: A strong, stable, faith filled community that has open arms for all who enter through our doors.
Christmas Mission Project - December 2014

1st Row: Matthew Leone, Alyx Cruz, Tyler Figliola, Hunter Potts.
2nd Row: Noah Krathaus, Blaine Lewis, Brian Vanini, Olivia Moore, Madisyn Martino, Molly Leggett, Arianna Nasca.
The St Stephen's 5th grade Religious Education class participated in a Christmas mission project. The class packed shoe boxes with items that will bring joy to children. The boxes were distributed to St Patrick's Pantry, a local Buffalo mission and globally to the Samaritans Purse mission.Youth Ministry Kid's Night Out - December 2014
The St. Stephen's Youth Ministry presents "Kid's Night Out", Saturday, December 13th from 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Drop your children (ages 3 [toilet trained] - 10) off at St. Stephen's school cafeteria and spend the evening Christmas shopping or having a special night out. Activities include: crafts, games, movies, music and story telling. High school students with adult supervision will watch your children. Light snacks and drinks will be served. Faith Fitness and Santa will be by. Cost is $15 per child, $25/2 and $30/3 or more. Call 870-2071 to pre-register or if you have any questions.Mass for the Loss of a Child - October 2014
If you or someone you know is grieving the loss of a child, including miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortion, please join us for a special Mass to offer prayer, healing and hope. Men and women of all faiths are welcome. The Mass will take place on Wednesday, October 29th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Stephen's RC Church, 2100 Baseline Rd., Grand Island, NY 14072.Confessions will be offered before Mass beginning at 6:00 p.m. and after Mass. Rosary to be prayed at 6:30 p.m. in the Daily Chapel. Refreshments will be served after Mass in our Hospitality Room."Ladies of Charity" Book Bag Program - May 2014

Rose Buscaglia and Barbara LaDuca
Members of the St. Stephen's Advent/Lent Small Faith Group have been supporting the Diocese of Buffalo Ladies of Charity Book Bag program since 2003. Every year the program distributes school supplies to children, ages 5-17, by referral from Catholic Charities case workers in several WNY counties. Recently, there has been a large increase of requests due to many family members having lost jobs due to businesses closings, merging or downsizing. Last year over 700 children were equipped for the new school year and as needed during the year. High school students can earn community service hours towards graduation by sorting and counting the donated supplies. In July and August, book bags are packed and ready for distribution. The collection will end on May 20th so hurry to St. Stephen Narthex and make your donation. New School Supplies Needed: Book bags, erasers, ballpoint pens, highlighters, primary & regular crayons, magic markers, loose leaf paper, comp. & spiral notebooks, folders, glue sticks, scissors, rulers, #2 pencils, colored pencils, 3 ring binders and small tissue packages. For more information contact Angelo & Barbara LaDuca at 773-2888. Supplies may also be dropped off at 139 Parkview Dr., Grand Island until June 2nd.Catholic Charities Fund Drive - March 2014