Previous St. Stephen's Parish Players
2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072
St. Stephen's Church Website
Welcome to Parish Players' 2017 Season! - December 2016
The shows for this year are - Shrek Jr. - (ages 4-14) Show dates are April 20, 21, 22Director and Choreography - MaryElisabeth Rustowicz
Vocals - Taylor Kozlowski
Assistants - Mackenzie Barone and Kevin O'Leary
Disney's Beauty and the Beast - (seventh grade through adult) - Show dates are April 27, 28, 29
Director - Maura Rustowicz
Vocals and Music - Jeanne Suski
Choreography - Cathy Thomas
Please come prepared to sing a song, but you do not need to prepare any lines for the initial audition. Open Auditions: Thursday, December 8th - Hospitality Room of Church - Shrek - 3:45-5:30 pm
Saturday, December 10th - Hospitality Room of Church - Shrek & Beauty and the Beast - 10:00-2:00 pm
Sunday, December 11th - Hospitality Room of Church - Beauty and the Beast - 1:00-2:30 pm
Monday, December 12th - Hospitality Room of Church - Shrek - 3:45-6:00 pm / Beauty and the Beast 6:00-8:30 pm
Tuesday, December 13th - Hospitality Room of Church - Shrek - 3:45-6:00 / Beauty and the Beast 6:00-8:30 pm
Callbacks - TBA
If you are unable to attend any of the above auditions, but would like to audition, please contact Maura or MaryLis for an appointment. Shows will be cast around the holidays, with vocal rehearsals beginning in January.
Shrek - Please have a parent accompany children to the audition. Those auditioning for; Fiona should be prepared to sing Morning Person, Shrek should be prepared to sing Big, Bright Beautiful World, Donkey (may be cast male or female) should be prepared to sing I'm a Believer. If you need of music prior to auditions, please contact MaryLis. There are EXTREMELY LIMITED parts available to younger children, those under the age of seven. The cast will be made up of kids from St. Stephen School, Sidway, Huth, Kaegebein, Grand Island Middle School, and off the Island. We generally have around 100 kids audition, and we cast around fourty-five. Any questions? Please contact MaryLis at or call (716)773-1335.
Beauty and the Beast - Come prepared with a song. If auditioning for a specific part, please prepare the song for that character. If you are in need of music prior to auditions, please contact Maura. We are in need of a number of men and boys for one specific scene if anyone is interested in just a small role. Any questions? Please contact - Maura at or call (716)867-4597.
St Stephen's Parish Players Spring Plays - March 2016

The Parish Players present "The Little Mermaid" for children ages 4-14 on Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 1-2-3. Little Mermaid Jr. $6.00 each ticket. Friday, April 1st 7:00 p.m, Saturday, April 2nd 1:00 p.m., Saturday, April 2nd 7:00 p.m., Sunday, April 3rd 1:00 p.m.
The Parish Players present "Hairspray" on Thursday, Friday & Saturday, April 14-15-16. Hairspray, $9.00 each ticket, other than the dinner show. Thursday, April 14th 7:00 p.m., Friday, April 15th 6:00 p.m - Dinner Show -SOLD OUT, Saturday, April 16th 1:00 p.m., Saturday, April 16th 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available at deSignet Jewelry, 1869 Whitehaven Road, call or email 465-5574 -
St Stephen's Parish Players Auditions - January 2016
Parish Players is excited to announce their 2016 season! The shows for this year are Disney's The Little Mermaid for kids ages 4-14, directed by MaryElisabeth Rustowicz and music by Taylor Kozlowski, and Hairspray for teens and adults, 13-80, directed by Maura Rustowicz and music by Jeanne Suski. Disney's The Little Mermaid (ages 4-14) - Show dates will be April 1, 2, and 3, Hairspray - (teen through adult) show dates will be April 14, 15, and 16. All auditions will be held in the Hospitality Room in the church. Come prepared with a song. Little Mermaid - parents should accompany children to the audition. Those auditioning for Tracy in Hairspray should be prepared to sing the beginning of Good Morning Baltimore, along with another song. Questions? Call Maura at 867-4597 or email macorust@roadrunner.comAudition dates are as follows:
Monday, Jan 18:
Little Mermaid 3:30-6pm :
Hairspray 6:15-8:45pm
Tuesday Jan. 19:
Mermaid 3:30-5:00pm
Hairspray 5:30-7:00pm
Saturday Jan. 23:
Little Mermaid 12-2:00pm
Hairspray 2-4:00pm
Call backs - TBA