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St. Stephen Family School Association
President Christine Falbo
St. Stephen School Shopping Extravaganza - Nov. 2011
The 3rd annual Shopping Extravaganza will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, November 6, 2011 at St. Stephen School, 2080 Baseline Road.See Extravaganza Details.
St. Stephen's 4th Quarter Honor Roll - June 2011
June 30, 2011 . . . St. Stephen School announces its 4th quarter honor roll:
Grade 3: Mrs. Julia Moretti
1st Honors: Elizabeth Belter, Jessica Flash, Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Anna LeBrasseur, Michael Loss, Dominic Loss, Patrick Loss, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Breckin Morris, Allyson Nemeth, Victor Pavone, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott
2nd Honors: Vincenzo Ciffa, Ryan Costolnick, Matthew Curtin, Carl Finn, Justin Ortiz, Nya Sims, Brandon Smith, Kathryn Sullivan
Grade 4: Mrs. Maria Grapes
1st Honors: Christopher Belter, Sarah Berlinger, Jacob Eddy, Jake Flash, Emily Klein, Allisen Lepenven, Alexander Nemeth, Nicole Nobrega, Abigail Sonnenberg, Isabella Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Charley Benz, Mackenzie Barone, Catherine Faturos, Cole Kramer, Brandon Vedella
Grade 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hoplight
1st Honors: Ruby Benz, Priya Bommaraju, Liam Carey,Joshua Costolnick, Lauren Curtin, Patrick Curtin, Nicole Finn, Shannon Klein, Nicholas Lenz, Dominic Nappo, Isabella Panepinto, Michael Pappano, Joseph Pappano, Dominic Pavone, Elizabeth Strott, Gracie Tompkins, Theresa West
2nd Honors: Nicholas Falbo, Steven Nguyen
Grade 6: Mrs. Daniela Schmidt
1st Honors: Nicole Castiglione, Andrew Faturos, Adam Frosolone, Lauren Lotempio, Miranda Nemeth, Garrett Robinson
2nd Honors: Virgil Castner, Rachel Colan, Jacob Gleave, Julie Klein, Ireland Kramer, Ronald Loss, Wesley Wolf
Grade 7: Mrs. Bonnie Stevens
1st Honors: William Frank, Alexis Fredricks, Grace Fredricks, Peter Kroetsch, Hannah Panzica, William Tompkins, Ciara Vedella, Emily Westfall
2nd Honors: Laura Bierbrauer, Joshua Bobak, Michael Englert, Kaitlynd Howell, Zachary Lenz, Lindsey Lepenven, Sabrina Mistriner, Cindy Nguyen, Charles Panepinto, Luke Strott, Nicholas Terlecky, Bigid White, Elliott Ziolkowski
Grade 8: Mrs. Carol Buchholz
1st Honors: Quinn Carey, Nicholas Colan, Justin Figler, Jacob Frosolone, Robert Nappo, John Sosnowski
2nd Honors: Michael Bobak, Jenna Bruno, Nathan Ciffa, Gabriella Congi, Brandon Costolnick, Thomas Gagola, Luke McConnaghy, Nicholas Ortiz, Griffin Stone, Steven White
St. Stephen School News - June 2011
St. Stephen Students celebrated Flag Day and and kindergarten students enjoyed their Kindergarten Friday Fun Club. See Flag Day.See Friday Fun Club.
Congratulations, Patrick Curtin - June 2011

Pictured above is Patrick Curtin, a fifth grade student at St. Stephen School on Grand Island, and his father, Pat Curtin, a Buffalo firefighter. Patrick was recently selected as one of 18 winners for the 14th Annual Fire Prevention and Life Safety contest conducted by the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY). His poster will also be used in their annual calendar and activity book. When Patrick was asked why he chose to participate in this contest he said that “being a firefighter is amazing! And when I grow up I want to be a firefighter just like my dad.” St. Stephen’s School is very proud of Patrick’s accomplishment and his aspiration to be an honorable firefighter.
St. Stephen’s 3rd Quarter Honor Roll - May 2011
May 12, 2011 . . . St. Stephen School announces its 3rd quarter honor roll:
Grade 3: Mrs. Julia Moretti
1st Honors: Elizabeth Belter, Jessica Flash, Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Anna LeBrasseur, Michael Loss, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Breckin Morris, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott
2nd Honors: Vincenzo Ciffa, Ryan Costolnick, Matthew Curtin, Carl Finn, Allyson Nemeth, Dominic Loss, Patrick Loss, Justin Ortiz, Victor Pavone, Kathryn Sullivan
Grade 4: Mrs. Maria Grapes
1st Honors: Jacob Eddy, Jake Flash, Emily Klein, Alexander Nemeth, Nicole Nobrega, Abigail Sonnenberg, Isabella Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Mackenzie Barone, Christopher Belter, Sarah Berlinger, Catherine Faturos, Allisen Lepenven, Brandon Vedella
Grade 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hoplight
1st Honors: Priya Bommaraju, Liam Carey, Lauren Curtin, Patrick Curtin, Nicole Finn, Shannon Klein, Dominic Nappo, Isabella Panepinto, Michael Pappano, Joseph Pappano, Dominic Pavone, Elizabeth Strott, Gracie Tompkins, Theresa West
2nd Honors: Ruby Benz, Joshua Costolnick, Patrick Curtin, Nicholas Falbo, Nicholas Lenz, Matthew Rottaris
Grade 6: Mrs. Daniela Schmidt
1st Honors: Nicole Castiglione, Andrew Faturos, Adam Frosolone, Ronald Loss, Lauren Lotempio, Miranda Nemeth, Garrett Robinson
2nd Honors: John-Paul Bobak, Virgil Castner, Rachel Colan, Jacob Gleave, Jeffrey Goris, Julie Klein, Ireland Kramer, Wesley Wolf
Grade 7: Mrs. Bonnie Stevens
1st Honors: William Frank, Alexis Fredricks, Grace Fredricks, Peter Kroetsch, Hannah Panzica, Nicholas Terlecky, William Tompkins, Ciara Vedella, Emily Westfall, Brigid White
2nd Honors: Laura Bierbrauer, Joshua Bobak, Michael Englert, Zachary Lenz, Lindsey Lepenven, Sabrina Mistriner, Cindy Nguyen, Charles Panepinto, Luke Strott, Elliott Ziolkowski
Grade 8: Mrs. Carol Buchholz
1st Honors: Justin Figler, Jacob Frosolone, Luke McConnaghy, Robert Nappo, John Sosnowski
2nd Honors: Michael Bobak, Quinn Carey, Nathan Ciffa, Nicholas Colan, Gabriella Congi, Brandon Costolnick, Nicholas Ortiz, Griffin Stone, Steven White
Moms & Muffins Event - May 2011

Alice Gerard Photo/story - Click photo for larger view
A Moms & Muffins event was held Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at St. Stephen School as a Mothers Day event for students in grades 3 through 8 and their mothers or other loved adult. It was sponsored by the Home School Association of St. Stephen School. The event featured coffee, punch, juice, pastries, and yogurt. All of the work involved in setting up the tables and the food, planning the menu, serving the food, and cleanup, was done by the students’ fathers and organized by Mike Ziolkowski, with the assistance of Joe Fredricks and Mark Mistriner. Michele Sundeen, whose older daughter Abigail is a fourth grader and whose younger daughter Sophia will enter the pre-kindergarten program in September, said about Moms and Muffins, “We love it. We come every year. It’s so nice to see the moms and the other people. We enjoy the family-oriented activities.”
Community Helper Job Fair - Feb. 2011

Click photo for larger view
The Pre-K, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade students at St. Stephen School held a community helper job fair on Friday, February 4th. Parents who live and work in the community came in to talk to the students about what they do for a living. We had a wide range of jobs covered including a secret service agent, a fitness instructor, a bomb squad member and an architect. The students were thrilled to hear about some of the different things that they can do when they grow up!
St. Stephen’s 2nd Quarter Honor Roll - Feb. 2011
Feb. 10, 2011 . . . St. Stephen School announces its 2nd quarter honor roll:
Grade 3: Mrs. Julia Moretti
1st Honors: Elizabeth Belter, Jessica Flash, Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Anna LeBrasseur, Patrick Loss, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Breckin Morris, Allyson Nemeth, Victor Pavone, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott
2nd Honors: Vincenzo Ciffa, Ryan Costolnick, Matthew Curtin, Carl Finn, Dominic Loss, Michael Loss, Justin Ortiz, Nya Sims, Brandon Smith, Kathryn Sullivan
Grade 4: Mrs. Maria Grapes
1st Honors: Sarah Berlinger, Jacob Eddy, Emily Klein, Alexander Nemeth, Nicole Nobrega, Abigail Sonnenberg, Isabella Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Mackenzie Barone, Christopher Belter, Charley Benz, Catherine Faturos, Jake Flash, Allisen Lepenven, Brandon Vedella
Grade 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hoplight
1st Honors: Priya Bommaraju, Liam Carey, Joshua Costolnick, Lauren Curtin, Patrick Curtin, Nicole Finn, Nicholas Lenz, Dominic Nappo, Isabella Panepinto, Michael Pappano, Dominic Pavone, Elizabeth Strott, Gracie Tompkins
2nd Honors: Ruby Benz, Nicholas Falbo, Shannon Klein, Joseph Pappano, Matthew Rottaris, Theresa West
Grade 6: Mrs. Daniela Schmidt
1st Honors: Nicole Castiglione, Andrew Faturos, Ronald Loss, Lauren Lotempio, Miranda Nemeth, Garrett Robinson
2nd Honors: John-Paul Bobak, Virgil Castner, Rachel Colan, Adam Frosolone, Jacob Gleave, Jeffrey Goris, Julie Klein, Ireland Kramer, Brian Smith, Wesley Wolf
Grade 7: Mrs. Bonnie Stevens
1st Honors: Laura Bierbrauer, William Frank, Alexis Fredricks, Grace Fredricks, Peter Kroetsch, Hannah Panzica, Nicholas Terlecky, William Tompkins, Ciara Vedella, Emily Westfall, Brigid White
2nd Honors: Michael Bobak, Nathan Ciffa, Nicholas Colan, Gabriella Congi, Thomas Gagola, Nicholas Ortiz, Griffin Stone, Steven White, Cindy Nguyen, Charles Panepinto, Luke Strott, Elliott Ziolkowski
Grade 8: Mrs. Carol Buchholz
1st Honors: Quinn Carey, Justin Figler, Jacob Frosolone, Luke McConnaghy, Robert Nappo, John Sosnowski
2nd Honors: Michael Bobak, Nathan Ciffa, Nicholas Colan, Gabriella Congi, Thomas Gagola, Nicholas Ortiz, Griffin Stone, Steven White
St. Stephen School Open House - January 2011
St. Stephen School located at 2080 Baseline Road will hold an Open House on Sunday, January 30th, from 10am - 1pm. Tours will be available by appointment, call 773-4347. Ranked 17th in WNY by Business First. Now accepting applications for a bright future! Space is limited. See Poster.St. Stephen’s Meat Raffle - January 2011
A first ever Meat Raffle will be held at St. Stephen's School on Friday, January 14th. Doors open at 6 p.m. with first raffle at 7 p.m.$5 presale/$7 at the door...includes beer, wine, pop and your choice of roast beef sandwich or slice of pizza and snacks. Featured will be over $1,000 worth of fresh meat and door prizes along with a mystery raffle and grand prize. For questions or to reserve a spot, call Betsy at 408-7001. Must be 21 to attend. Only 250 tickets will be sold, so hurry.