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St. Stephen's Youth Ministry presents: Kids' Night Out - December 2012

   Kids' Night Out, from 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, December 15, 2012, is an opportunity to drop your children (age 3 toilet trained to age 10) off at St. Stephen's school cafeteria and spend the evening Christmas shopping or having a special night out together. Activities include: crafts, games, movies, music and story telling. High School students (with adult supervision) will watch your children. Light snacks and drinks will be served. Faith Fitness will be on hand to entertain the kids.
   Cost is $15 per child - $25 for 2 children and $30 for 3 or more. This fundraiser supports St. Stephen's Youth Ministry programs. If you have any questions, or would like to pre-register your child, call Bill Tixier at 870-2071.

St. Stephen's 1st Quarter Honor Roll - November 2012

   November 8, 2012 . . . St. Stephen School announces its 1st quarter honor roll:
Grade 3: Mrs. Julia Moretti
1st Honors: Brandon Barone, Anna Bartlo, Samantha Falbo, Grace Frosolone, Alivia Frosolone, Elizabeth Garland, Natalie Hesch, Isabella Kelley, Dennis Misko, Marissa Mistriner, Colin Richey, Sheila Strott, Sophia Terlecky
2nd Honors: Graer Howell, Chance Luthringer, Sean Nemeth, Cassandra Pope, Bridget Sander, Nicolette Williams
Grade 4: Mrs. Maria Grapes
1st Honors: Martin Castner, Kristen Coghlan, Elizabeth Judd, Grace Misko, Vincent Ricotta, Grace Sweeney
2nd Honors: Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott
Grade 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hoplight
1st Honors: Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott
2nd Honors: Vincenzo Ciffa, Ryan Costolnick, Jessica Flash, Breckin Morris, Allyson Nemeth, Justin Ortiz, Victor Pavone, Brandon Smith, Taylor Stock, Kathryn Sullivan
Grade 6: Mrs. Daniela Schmidt
1st Honors: Mackenzie Barone, Sarah Berlinger, Jacob Eddy, Allisen Lepenven, Alexander Nemeth, Nicole Nobrega, Abigail Sonnenberg, Isabella Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Charley Benz, Catherine Faturos, Jake Flash, Emma Gandolfi, Emily Klein
Grade 7: Mrs. Bonnie Stevens
1st Honors: Priya Bommaraju, Zachary Buchman, Joshua Costolnick, Lauren Curtin, Nicole Finn, Shannon Klein, Nicholas Lenz, Isabella Panepinto, Joseph Pappano, Michael Pappano, Dominic Pavone, Elizabeth Strott
2nd Honors: Ruby Benz, Patrick Curtin, Nicholas Falbo, Mac Granto, Peter Marra
Grade 8: Mrs. Carol Buchholz
1st Honors: Andrew Faturos, Adam Frosolone, Lauren LoTempio, Miranda Nemeth, Garrett Robinson
2nd Honors: Virgil Castner, Rachel Colan, Jacob Gleave, Ireland Kramer, Ronald Loss, Wesley Wolf

St. Stephen School Shopping Extravaganza - October 2012

   The 4th annual Shopping Extravaganza is coming to St. Stephen School, 2080 Baseline Road, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, November 4, 2012. Over 80 vendors will be on hand to help you with your holiday shopping. There will also be a Chinese Auction, face painting for kids, baked goods and refreshments. Admission is free. See flyer for more details.

St. Stephen School Basket Raffle - October 19, 2012

St. Stephen's Basket Raffle, Friday, October 19, 2012....doors open at 7 p.m. and all proceeds to benefit St. Stephen School.
Tickets are 1 sheet for $5 or 5 sheets for $20
Beer/wine $2, water/soda $1
There will be all sorts of prizes including a 32" flat screen TV and a silent auction for an autographed Ryan Fitzpatrick jersey as well as a live auction for an "Around the Town" basket valued at over $450.

St. Stephen School Seeking Vendors - October 2012

   St. Stephen School on Baseline Road, Grand Island is seeking vendors of home-based businesses and crafters to participate in the school's 4th annual shopping extravaganza from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, November 4. Cost for booths range from $50.00-$30.00. For information and application call Kim Nemeth at 716-773-3331 or email her at kimneme@gmail.com.

St. Stephen's 4th Quarter Honor Roll - June 2012

   June 28, 2012 . . . St. Stephen School announces its 4th quarter honor roll:
Grade 3: Mrs. Julia Moretti
1st Honors:Connor Berlinger, Martin Castner, Kristen Coghlan, Marek Eddy, Elizabeth Judd, Grace Misko, Maisie Mrkall, Vincent Ricotta, Grace Sweeney
2nd Honors: Giuliana Congi, Kensey Morton, Hannah Pyc, Tyler Weigel
Grade 4: Mrs. Maria Grapes
1st Honors: Jessica Flash, Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Anna LeBrasseur, Dominic Loss, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Breckin Morris, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott, Kathryn Sullivan
2nd Honors: Vincenzo Ciffa, Ryan Costolnick, Matthew Curtin, Carl Finn, Patrick Loss, Michael Loss, Allyson Nemeth, Justin Ortiz, Victor Pavone, Brandon Smith
Grade 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hoplight
1st Honors: Sarah Berlinger, Jacob Eddy, Emily Klein, Allisen Lepenven, Alexander Nemeth, Nicole Nobrega, Abigail Sonnenberg, Isabella Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Mackenzie Barone, Charley Benz, Catherine Faturos, Jake Flash, Emma Gandolfi, Brandon Vedella
Grade 6: Mrs. Daniela Schmidt
1st Honors: Ruby Benz, Priya Bommaraju, Joshua Costolnick, Lauren Curtin, Nicole Finn, Shannon Klein, Nicholas Lenz, Dominic Nappo, Isabella Panepinto, Joseph Pappano, Michael Pappano, Dominic Pavone, Elizabeth Strott
2nd Honors: Patrick Curtin, Nicholas Falbo, Spencer Mitchell, Steven Nguyen, Matthew Rottaris
Grade 7: Mrs. Bonnie Stevens
1st Honors: Andrew Faturos, Adam Frosolone, Julie Klein, Lauren LoTempio, Miranda Nemeth, Garrett Robinson
2nd Honors: John-Paul Bobak, Nicole Castiglione, Virgil Castner, Rachel Colan, Jacob Gleave, Ireland Kramer, Ronald Loss, Wesely Wolf
Grade 8: Mrs. Carol Buchholz
1st Honors: Laura Bierbrauer, William Frank, Grace Fredricks, Alexis Fredricks, Peter Kroetsch, Zachary Lenz, Hannah Panzica, Nicholas Terlecky, William Tompkins, Ciara Vedella, Emily Westfall, Brigid White, Elliott Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Joshua Bobak, Michael Englert, Kaitlynd Howell, Lindsey Lepenven, Sabrina Mistriner, Cindy Nguyen, Charles Panepinto, Luke Strott

St. Stephen's Lady Eagles Softball Team Has Incaredible Undefeated Season - June 2012

Click photo for larger view.

    What a year. What a team. The St. Stephen’s softball team won the division after an undefeated season. Going into the season without an experienced pitcher, things were not looking promising. But hard work and determination turned the 2012 season into one to remember. It all started with the leadership of 8th graders Laura Bierbrauer, Hannah Panzica, Emily Westfall and Brigid White who not only played great defense and were strong batters, but came ready to play hard every game. Eighth graders, and third year players Grace and Alexis Fredricks (A.K.A. Twin Towers of Power) also had outstanding seasons including hitting home runs in almost every game including several grand slams. Seventh graders included Rachel Colan who played flawlessly in her usual position as catcher, but also became extremely valuable as a pitcher this year; Nicole Castiglione was the stealing machine who ran so hard and fast that she was often called Forrest Gump. Ireland Kramer who showed her versatility and athleticism by playing several positions, including pitcher. Miranada Nemeth was a new addition to the team this year and made a huge impact. She showed how tough she is after a pre-season injury that didn’t slow her down at all. Another first year player, 6th grader Isabella Panepinto was a pleasant surprise. She is not the most talkative girl on the team, but she let her awesome playing speak for her. One time, when she was at bat, she told coach, “they better move back”, referring to the outfielders. Congratulation ladies.

St. Stephen's 3rd Quarter Honor Roll - Apr. 2012

   Apr. 26, 2012 . . . St. Stephen School announces its 23rd quarter honor roll:
Grade 3: Mrs. Julia Moretti
1st Honors: Martin Castner, Kristen Coghlan, Marek Eddy, Elizabeth Judd, Grace Misko, Vincent Ricotta,
2nd Honors: Connor Berlinger, Giuliana Congi, Kensey Morton, Maisie Mrkall, Hannah Pyc, Grace Sweeney, Zoe Wallace, Tyler Weigel
Grade 4: Mrs. Maria Grapes
1st Honors: Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Anna LeBrasseur, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Breckin Morris, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott, Kathryn Sullivan
2nd Honors: Vincenzo Ciffa, Ryan Costolnick, Matthew Curtin, Jessica Flash, Patrick Loss, Michael Loss, Dominic Loss, Allyson Nemeth, Justin Ortiz, Victor Pavone, Brandon Smith
Grade 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hoplight
1st Honors: Jacob Eddy, Allisen Lepenven, Alexander Nemeth, Nicole Nobrega, Abigail Sonnenberg, Isabella Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Mackenzie Barone, Sarah Berlinger, Catherine Faturos, Jake Flash, Emma Gandolfi, Emily Klein, Brandon Vedella
Grade 6: Mrs. Daniela Schmidt
1st Honors: Ruby Benz, Priya Bommaraju, Joshua Costolnick, Lauren Curtin, Nicole Finn, Shannon Klein, Nicholas Lenz, Dominic Nappo, Isabella Panepinto, Joseph Pappano, Michael Pappano, Dominic Pavone, Elizabeth Strott
2nd Honors: Patrick Curtin, Nicholas Falbo, Spencer Mitchell, Steven Nguyen
Grade 7: Mrs. Bonnie Stevens
1st Honors: Andrew Faturos, Adam Frosolone, Ronald Loss, Lauren LoTempio, Miranda Nemeth, Garrett Robinson
2nd Honors: Nicole Castiglione, Virgil Castner, Rachel Colan, Jacob Gleave, Julie Klein, Ireland Kramer, Patrick McCormick, Wesely Wolf
Grade 8: Mrs. Carol Buchholz
1st Honors: William Frank, Grace Fredricks, Peter Kroetsch, Hannah Panzica, William Tompkins, Ciara Vedella, Emily Westfall, Brigid White
2nd Honors: Laura Bierbrauer, Michael Englert, Alexis Fredricks, Kaitlynd Howell, Zachary Lenz, Lindsey Lepenven, Sabrina Mistriner, Cindy Nguyen, Charles Panepinto, Luke Strott, Nicholas Terlecky, Elliott Ziolkowski

4th Grade St. Stephen's Girls Win - March 2012

Front from left: Chase Luthringer, Kathryn Sullivan
Back from left: Victoria Garland, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott, Sara Frosolone, Nya Sims, Emily Meka. Click photo for larger view.

   On Saturday, March 3rd the 4th grade St. Stephen's Eagles girls team took first place in the March Madness Basketball Tournament at St. Leo’s Church. The Team was coached by John Meka, assistant coaches Greg Robinson and Rob Luthringer.

St. Stephen's 2nd Quarter Honor Roll - Feb 2012

   Feb. 2, 2012 . . . St. Stephen School announces its 2nd quarter honor roll:
Grade 3: Mrs. Julia Moretti
1st Honors: Martin Castner, Kristen Coghlan, Marek Eddy, Elizabeth Judd, Grace Misko, Maisie Mrkall, Vincent Ricotta, Grace Sweeney
2nd Honors: Connor Berlinger, Giuliana Congi, Kensey Morton, Hannah Pyc, Tyler Weigel
Grade 4: Mrs. Maria Grapes
1st Honors: Jessica Flash, Sara Frosolone, Victoria Garland, Anna LeBrasseur, Patrick Loss, Chase Luthringer, Meghan McMurray, Emily Meka, Breckin Morris, Victor Pavone, Mikayla Robinson, Mary Helen Strott, Kathryn Sullivan
2nd Honors: Vincenzo Ciffa, Ryan Costolnick, Matthew Curtin, Carl Finn, Michael Loss, Dominic Loss, Allyson Nemeth, Justin Ortiz, Brandon Smith
Grade 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hoplight
1st Honors: Jacob Eddy, Emily Klein, Allisen Lepenven, Alexander Nemeth, Nicole Nobrega, Abigail Sonnenberg, Isabella Ziolkowski
2nd Honors: Mackenzie Barone, Charley Benz, Sarah Berlinger, Catherine Faturos, Jake Flash, Emma Gandolfi, Jenna Gleave, Brandon Vedella
Grade 6: Mrs. Daniela Schmidt
1st Honors: Ruby Benz, Priya Bommaraju, Lauren Curtin, Patrick Curtin, Nicholas Falbo, Nicole Finn, Shannon Klein, Nicholas Lenz, Dominic Nappo, Isabella Panepinto, Joseph Pappano, Michael Pappano, Dominic Pavone, Elizabeth Strott
2nd Honors: Joshua Costolnick, Spencer Mitchell, Steven Nguyen, Matthew Rottaris
Grade 7: Mrs. Bonnie Stevens
1st Honors: Andrew Faturos, Adam Frosolone, Jacob Gleave, , Lauren LoTempio, Miranda Nemeth, Garrett Robinson
2nd Honors: Nicole Castiglione, Virgil Castner, Rachel Colan, Julie Klein, Ireland Kramer, Ronald Loss, Wesely Wolf
Grade 8: Mrs. Carol Buchholz
1st Honors: Laura Bierbrauer, William Frank, Grace Fredricks, Alexis Fredricks, Peter Kroetsch, Hannah Panzica, William Tompkins, Ciara Vedella, Emily Westfall, Brigid White
2nd Honors: Joshua Bobak, Michael Englert, Kaitlynd Howell, Zachary Lenz, Sabrina Mistriner, Cindy Nguyen, Charles Panepinto, Luke Strott, Nicholas Terlecky, Elliott Ziolkowski

"First Night" Poetry Winner - January 2012

Kathryn Sullivan and her parents.

   Congratulations to Kathryn Sullivan from St. Stephen School! She achieved the 2nd place award in the 23rd Annual ‘First Night’ Poetry Contest. Her poem, addressing the theme, “Why You Want to be Drug-Free” was selected out of over 500 entries.

K of C Poster Contest Winner - January 2012

Mr. Peter Kuszczak and Spencer Mitchell

   St Stephen School student Spencer Mitchell was a winner of the poster contest sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 4752. He was presented the award by Mr. Peter Kuszczak, winning in the category of “Drug Awareness and Abuse”. Spencer received a Certificate of Achievement and a monetary award from the Council.

St. Stephen School Open House - January 2012

   St. Stephen School located at 2080 Baseline Road will hold an Open House on Sunday, January 29th, from 10am - 1pm. Currently, the school has approximately 200 students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Eight. The school was recently reaccredited by Middle States Association of Schools. Now accepting applications for a bright future! Space is limited.

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