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St. Stephen's Church News 2018
Pastor: Rev. Paul Nogaro
St. Stephen's Church Website
Previous News

2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072
fax: 716-773-5792

Karen A. Sweet - Business Manager
businessmgr@ststephensgi.com 716-773-7647 ext #104

Office: Micahlena or Fran - 716-773-7647 ext #100

Mission: To enable the people of Grand Island to encounter Jesus by sharing Word and Sacrament with a loving concern for one another.
Events: Daily Mass Monday - Friday 7:30 A.M. and 12:05 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M., and 4:30 P.M. Sunday 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Open to All
Help: Promote and support our church and promote and support the events that we sponsor!
Strengths: A strong, stable, faith filled community that has open arms for all who enter through our doors.

St. Stephen's Parish Players Auditions - November 2018

   ; St. Stephen’s Parish Players is proud to announce auditions for their 2019 production of Hello Dolly. Casting is open to those ages 15 and above. This is a fantastic show with great parts for all! We are also looking for men and teen boys to take part in just one or two scenes.
    Prepare a song to sing at audition, preferably from a show. If you are trying out for a specific part, song selections will be posted to our Facebook page, St. Stephens Parish Players. https://www.facebook.com/ststephensparishplayers/.
    Wednesday, Nov. 28 - 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - Hospitality Room.
    Thursday, Nov. 29 - 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - Hospitality Room
    Saturday, Dec. 1 - 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - St Stephen School Cafeteria.
    Callbacks (if necessary) – Sunday, Dec 2 - time TBA
    If the above times will not work, please contact the director to set up an appointment.
    Show Dates are Thursday, Feb 28 - 7:00 p.m., Friday, March 1 - 6:00 p.m. - Dinner Show, Saturday, March 2 - 1:00 p.m., Saturday, March 2 - 7:00 p.m.
    Rehearsals for the cast will begin in January 2019. General meeting and script distribution will be held in mid-December.     Directing Staff: Director: Maura Rustowicz - (716) 867 - 4597 - macorust@gmail.com, Vocals: Jeanne Suski - (716) 316 - 6631 - suskijm@roadrunner.com, Orchestra: Kevin Michki - (716) 535 - 6473, Choreography: Cathy Thomas - (716) 864 - 2499, Stage Manager: Mary Bobak - (716) 998 - 3446.

St. Stephen's 10th Annual Shopping Extravaganza - October 2018

    Get all of your holiday shopping done at once. Join us at St. Stephen's 10th Annual Shopping Extravaganza event being held on Sunday, November 4th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Our vendors and crafters offer a variety of items to please and satisfy your holiday shopping needs. Looking for a unique gift for that someone special? We have it all! Food, drink, fun, raffles, crafts for kids and admission is FREE! Stop on by! Over 80+ vendors. See flyer.

St. Stephen's Parish Players' Mary Poppins Auditions - September 2018

    St. Stephen's Parish Players' Mary Poppins will be holding open auditions on October 2nd, 3rd, and 6th! The show will be directed by MaryElisabeth Rustowicz and David Conboy. Assistants to the directors are Mackenzie Barone and Maggie Rustowicz, Stage Manager is Julie Mistriner. The Mary Poppins show dates are February 14, 15, and 16, 2019. Please be prepared to sing a song, preferably from a musical for auditions. Children will also be asked to complete a dance audition. Those auditioning for the role of Mary Poppins, prepare the song, A Spoonful of Sugar.
   Tuesday, October 2nd: 4:30-7:00 p.m. in the Hospitality Room.
   Wednesday, October 3rd: 3:30-6:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Room.
   Saturday, October 6th: 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the St. Stephen School Cafeteria.
   Callbacks, if necessary, are scheduled for Monday, October 8th from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., in the Hospitality Room.
    The production is for those under 18. There are limited parts for younger kids. Please like our Facebook page, St. Stephens Parish Players, which will contain audition information, including a video of our dance audition piece and lines. We will have all of the information posted by Tuesday, September 18th. https://m.facebook.com/ststephensparishplayers/.
   Auditions for our adult production of Hello Dolly, ages 16 and up, will be held in early November. The show dates for Hello Dolly are Feb 28, March 1, and March 2, 2019. More information will be coming out soon. If you are unable to make any of those times or have any questions, feel free to contact MaryLis. Email - mrustowicz54@gmail.com, cell phone - (716)773-1335.

St. Stephen Church Fall Bible Study Classes - August 2018

   St. Stephen Church is hosting four, fall bible study classes beginning September 11th. They are:
   Tuesday Morning: MATTHEW; the King and His Kingdom (beginning Sept. 11). In this study you will come to see Jesus in a new way and discover what his life teachings mean for us (you) today. 24 weeks (12 in fall & 12 beginning in Jan.) Study set $29.
   Tuesday Evening: JAMES; Pearls for Wise Living (beginning Sept. 11). This is one of the most practical books of the Bible. Like the book of Proverbs, it is a book of wisdom of teachings on issues found by ordinary Christians in everyday life. 11 weeks. Study set $24.
   Wednesday Morning: THE BIBLE and the VIRGIN MARY (beginning Sept. 12). While Catholics know Mary is important, many of us never fully grasp how essential she really is. Through this study you can learn how she is woven into the fabric of sacred scripture. (12 weeks) Participant Workbook $20. Also contains full color masterpieces by brilliant artists and much more.
    Thursday Morning: THE TURNING POINT; Study of the gospel of John this is a 9 week Bible study experience that's perfect for people who want to get to know Jesus in the Scriptures but don't know where to start. In this study you will have eight encounters with Jesus that will change your life! Are you ready! This study features Allen Hunt. Study guide and Gospel of John $20.
   Please call St. Stephen Rectory for more information at 716.773.7647 and register by Friday, August 31st.

The Sparrows Choir at St. Stephen Church - August 2018

   The Sparrows, a French boys singing group (ages 8 to 16) is on a world tour and will be performing at St Stephens's Church, on Wednesday, August 22nd at 7:00 p.m. They are the French version of the Vienna Boys Choir! Don't miss the opportunity to hear some great voices at no cost.

St. Stephen Church Annual Rummage Sale - June 2018

   St. Stephen Church Annual Rummage Sale is scheduled for Friday & Saturday, June 29 & 30 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, July 1st from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Fill a bag for $3.) The church is located at 2100 Baseline Road and there will be a basket raffle available during the sale.

St. Stephen School and Parish Annual Golf Challenge - June 2018

   St. Stephen School and Parish Annual Golf Tournament is Monday, July 9th at River Oaks Golf Course. See flyer for details.

Ladies of Charity School Supply Drive - June 2018

Barbara & Angelo LaDuca.

    The Ladies of Charity school supply drive recently ended and the Grand Island community donated 27 boxes of supplies for the effort. On June 6th, the boxes were delivered to the Ladies of Charity headquarters on Broadway in Buffalo. Over 600 requests for supplies will be filled throughout the Diocese of Buffalo, so students will be well equipped for the new school year next fall.
    Barbara Frase of Tonawanda started the school supply drive in 2000 with the Ladies of Charity, and after her passing in 2002, family and friends took over the cause in her memory. Grand Island coordinator Barbara LaDuca thanks the community for their generous donations.

School Supply Drive - April 2018

    Yearly the Ladies of Charity distribute school supplies to children, ages 5 -17, by referral from Catholic Charities case workers in several WNY counties. Each year over 700 children are equipped for the new school year and as needed during the year. High school students can earn community service hours toward graduation. In July & August, book bags are packed and ready for distribution.
    This is a Spring Project for families, school children, discussion and prayer groups or anyone wishing to assist the Ladies of Charity. Place your donations in specially marked boxes in the St. Stephen's narthex, From April 29th - May 31st. Monetary donations are also accepted. New School Supplies Needed: Book bags, erasers, ballpoint pens, highlighters, primary & regular crayons, magic markers, loose leaf paper, comp. & spiral notebooks, folders, glue sticks, scissors, rulers, #2 pencils, colored pencils, 3 ring binders and small tissue packages. For more information contact Angelo & Barbara LaDuca at 773-2888. Supplies may also be dropped off at 139 Parkview Dr., Grand Island until June 2nd.

Encore for Evie - April 2018

   St. Stephen's Parish Players are staging an "Encore for Evie" performance of Disney's Lion King Jr. on this Friday, April 13th. Evie Baumler was one of the six year-old cubs in last week's performances. Evie's second open heart surgery was scheduled for Wednesday, April 11th at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, but was cancelled. Curtains go up at 7pm at St. Stephen School, 2080 Baseline Rd, with doors opening at 6:30. All seats are general admission and will be sold at the door. Suggested donation is $5 per person. All proceeds from this show will go towards helping little Evie's medical bills. Join us for an encore performance as we visit the Pridelands one more time and fight to make a difference for those, like our little lion cub Evie, who are living with a heart defect.

Catholic Charities Drive - March 2018

From left: Deacon Mike Ficorilli, Ted Korkuc, Father Paul Nogaro and Dan Linenfelser.

    Deacon Mike Ficorilli, a former member of St. Stephen's Parish, now with St. Andrew's Parish in Kenmore, spoke at all the masses at St. Stephen's last weekend about the upcoming Catholic Charities Drive. Deacon Mike has been involved with the Drive for the last seven years and gave examples of how he has seen Catholic Charities assist individuals and families overcome many different problems including drug addiction, mental health, spousal abuse, and more. He said that last year nearly 153,000 people went to Catholic Charities for help in the eight counties of Western New York, 243 of them from Grand Island. The Appeal runs through Easter Sunday, this years goal is $11,000,000, and the patron is St. Clare of Assisi. Donations can be made at the Sunday masses or by contacting the rectory at 773-7647.

Holy Name Society Breakfast Fundraiser - January 2018

   St. Stephen Holy Name Society Parish Community Breakfast Fundraiser will take place on Sunday, January 28th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the hospitality room. Tickets are adults - $7.00, seniors - $6.00, children 5-12 - $3.00 and under 5 - free. See flyer.