St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church
1453 Staley Road at Stony Point
Grand Island, NY 14072
Ph: 773-4400
St. Timothy Lutheran Church Official Web Site
Pastor Adam Arends
Worship Services:
Sunday Service - 9:30 AM Indoor & Live Streamed
Livestream at www.sttimothygrandisland.com
Christmas Eve service - 4:00 PM
Our Why: To serve God by inspiring faith and passion through connections so that we can nurture and fulfill our community and the world.

Community-Wide Chili Cook-off! - March 2025
Community-Wide Chili Cook-off!
Saturday, March 8th, 4-6:30 PM
We're excited to host our second annual community-wide chili cook-off this winter, and we welcome you to join us on Saturday, March 8th from 4-6:30 PM at St. Timothy Lutheran Church!
To register your favorite red chili for judging, please fill out this form or call 716-773-4400: https://forms.gle/yoB28MyCAWtzoohy9
Tickets are available on Sunday mornings at the church (corner of Stony Point and Staley) from 9-9:30 or 10:30-11, or through the child care center office between 8 AM and 6 PM on weekdays. They are $5 presale or $7 at the door for tasting. If you would like to come but don't plan to taste chili, tickets can be turned in for a hot dog, chips, drink, and dessert instead; these will also be available for purchase for chili tasters.A collection for the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation will be held that evening, along with activities both kids and adults alike will enjoy! The Neighbors Foundation especially appreciates canned meat, tuna, mayonnaise, and hygiene items (hand soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, etc), and monetary donations will be gratefully accepted as well.
We look forward to spending an enjoyable evening with you! FLYER
Community Thanksgiving Celebration - November 2024
Save the date for our community-wide Thanksgiving celebration on Sunday, November 24th at 7 PM, hosted by St. Timothy Lutheran Church in partnership with Trinity and St. Martin's. All are welcome as we come together to express our gratitude, take some time for listening and reflection, enjoy music by the Grand Island Community Chorus, and complete the evening in fellowship around a spread of desserts. We hope you can join us!
Chiavetta's BBQ, Bake Sale, & Harvest House "Baby Shower" - September 2024
Chiavetta's BBQ, Bake Sale, & Harvest House "Baby Shower" is at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road on Thursday, September 12, 3:30-6:30 p.m.Get your pre-game meal at St. Timothy Lutheran Church on Thursday, September 12th between 3:30 and 6:30 p.m.! $15 includes a Chiavetta's half chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, and roll with butter; homemade baked goods will also be available for purchase. For presale tickets, please call 716-773-4400 or email office@sttimothygrandisland.com. This is a drive-thru event only, located at the corner of Staley and Stony Point Roads (entrance on Stony Point).
We also welcome your help collecting items for Harvest House in East Buffalo, one of whose ministries is providing for babies and young children living in poverty. They serve approximately 700 children per month and are looking for help so they can continue to support these families in their need. On their wish list are diapers (esp sizes 2-5), socks (esp children age 3+), clothing (newborn to 5T), bottles and feeding supplies, toys and books, baby hygiene products (wipes, creams, etc), and cribs, car seats, and strollers.
St. Timothy Vacation Bible School - July 2024
St. Timothy Vacation Bible School is back! VBS at St. Timothy will run from July 15-19 this year, 6-7:30 PM. All kids, age 4 to grade 4, are welcome! Each day includes a lesson, music, game, craft, and snack. FLYER.Our focus this year is on the unconditional love of God that both teaches us how to live and can get us through tough times. To register, please follow the QR code below or visit www.sttimothygrandisland.com/vacation-bible-school. While registration is appreciated, we are also happy to have last-minute participants! And if your availability is limited to only a few days, you are welcome to attend just those. Parents can stay if they would like or head home for a little quiet time. $5 per child is appreciated for the week but is not an obligation. Please contact Pastor Adam with any questions at pastor@sttimothygrandisland.com or 716-773-4400. We hope you can join us this year!
St. Timothy Community Wide Chili Cook-Off - March 2024
We're excited to host our first annual community-wide chili cook-off this winter, and we welcome you to join us for some time in fellowship on Saturday, March 9th from 4-6:30 PM!
Tickets are now available on Sunday mornings at the church (1453 Staley) from 9-9:30 or 10:30-11, or through the child care office between 8 AM and 6 PM on weekdays. They are $5 presale or $7 at the door, and additional food will be available for purchase.A collection of funds, shelf-stable goods (especially canned meat, tuna, & mayonnaise), and hygiene items (hand soap, adult and pediatric toothbrushes and toothpaste, & deodorant) for the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation will be held that evening as well. To enter a chili for judging, you can fill out the Google Form on our website, https://www.sttimothygrandisland.com/chili-cook-off. We hope you can join us! See FLYER.
Breakfast with Santa - December 2023
Takes place Saturday, December 9th, two time slots. Tickets available starting November 20th. See FLYER.
Community-Wide Thanksgiving Service With Community Chorus - November 2023
All are welcome to our community-wide Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 19th at 7 PM, in collaboration with St. Martin's, Trinity, and the Grand Island Community Chorus. Join us afterwards, too, for our famous Dessert Smorgasbord. 1453 Staley Road at Stony Point.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church Rally Day - September 2023

Rally Day is Sunday, September 17th at 9:30 a.m., join us for our Sunday School kick-off! After the installation of our Child Care and Sunday School Teachers and a Blessing of the Backpacks, our kids will head back for fun and games to get to know our teachers better. After the service, we'll connect around some goodies. Questions can be directed to Pastor Adam at pastor@sttimothygrandisland.com. We hope you can join us for a year of growth in the faith in a fun and engaging way!
St. Timothy Lutheran Church Guest Speaker - September 2023
Pastor Tom Glasoe spent the first eight years of his life as an orphan in Vietnam. This past spring, he embarked on a journey by kayak through Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, revisiting the orphanage he grew up in. Pastor Tom will be sharing lessons learned from his roots and from his recent travels to South East Asia on Sunday, September 24th at 5:00 p.m. at St. Timothy Lutheran Church. You can read more HERE. All are welcome to attend.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School - July 2023

Join us for Vacation Bible School this summer! Each evening from 6-7:30 PM includes a lesson, craft, music, game, and snack - it'll be tons of fun!! VBS is open to children Pre-K through 4th grade and is $5 per child with a max of $15 per family. To register, please use this form.
We take the safety of our kids seriously - all of our staff and volunteers have gone through background check screening and training, and each space is equipped with camera monitors. Parents are welcome to be on site if they are more comfortable with that, otherwise it's a great opportunity for a few quiet evenings and date night!
Any additional questions can be directed to Amanda at 716-773-9249 or director@sttimothygrandisland.com, and you can learn more about us as a church here. We hope you can join us this year!!
St. Timothy's Annual Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ and Spring Fundraiser - May 2023
St. Timothy's Annual Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ and Spring Fundraiser is
Saturday, June 10th, 1453 Staley Road, from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. There will be a bounce house, ice cream truck, basket raffle, bake sale and more. See event
flyer. There will also be a car show, to participate, see flyer.
St. Timothy Childcare Breakfast with Santa - December 2022
Join us for Breakfast with Santa! This is an annual fundraiser that benefits our St. Timothy Childcare Center, 1453 Staley Road and will be held on Saturday, September 17th with seatings at 9 and 10:30 and a sing-along at 10. Photo opportunities and interactions with Santa, crafts, and big-ticket-item raffles will also be available. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, and fruit for $7 per adult and $6 per child 3 and up. Our Christmas Eve service will be held at 5 PM this year. We hope you can come celebrate with us!
St. Timothy Lutheran Trunk or Treat - October 2022

Mary Stewart photos.
St. Timothy's Lutheran Church & Child Care Center, 1453 Staley Road, had a Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 22nd. Beautiful day and a great turnout.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church & Child Care Center - September 2022

St. Timothy's Lutheran Church & Child Care Center, 1453 Staley Road, will have a Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 22nd. Everyone welcome. See FLYER.
Teach Us to Pray - September 2022

Nurture a more authentic relationship with God in a way that’s personal to you. Hosted by St. Timothy Lutheran Church and open to all, regardless of background. We'll meet over Zoom on Wednesdays at 7, starting September 28th, and YouTube videos will be available for you to learn whenever is convenient for you. Find out more at www.sttimothygrandisland.com/educational-gatherings. YouTube Link
St Timothy’s Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ - June 2022
St. Timothy Lutheran Childcare Center is having a Chaivetta's chicken BBQ on Saturday, June 18th from 3-6 PM! Along with the best chicken in the business, there will be a bounce house, face painting, ice cream truck, bake sale, popcorn machine, vendor fair, and basket raffle among others. Bring the whole family for an afternoon of fun! Join us at 1453 Staley Road. We hope to see you there!
St Timothy’s Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ - May 2021
St Timothy’s Childcare Center is putting on a Chiavetta’s chicken BBQ Saturday, May 15th from 3:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Dinners include 1/2 chicken, potato + garden salad, roll & drink all for $13!
There is also a *Big ticket item* raffle and *bucket of booze* raffle happening during the BBQ! “The Balloon guy” is there from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. making balloons for the children! FLYER
Grief Support Group - August 2019
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road, is hosting "Love and Loss: Fall Grief Support Group". It will be on six consecutive Thursdays at 4:00 p.m., starting August 22nd - September 26th. All are welcome to attend denominations, religions, or nonreligious. There is no cost to participate. A minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 people. RSVP to 773-4400 or text or call 715-965-5940. Topics are: Need to Experience Grief; Five Stages of Grief; The Experience of Grief; Believe in yourself; Lifeline; Goal Setting. In 2020, Loss and Love will be offered in the evening.
St. Timothy's Lutheran Church Spring Fundraiser - May 2019

St. Timothy Lutheran Child Care Center Annual Spring Fundraiser will take place on Saturday, May 18th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at 1453 Staley Road. There will be family entertainment, Master's Chicken & Rib BBQ and a basket raffle. See flyer. BBQ tickets can be purchased Monday through Friday at the Child Care Center entrance 6:45am-6:00pm or the day of , at the front doors.
St. Timothy's Lutheran Church Trunk or Treat - October 2018

St. Timothy's Lutheran Church,1453 Staley Road, will have a Trunk of Treat Celebration in the parking lot on Saturday, Oct. 20th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. There will be prizes, hot cocoa & apple cider. Everyone is welcome.
St. Timothy's Lutheran Church Events - May 2018
Book Discussion: St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road, is hosting a discussion of the "Book of Joy" by Dali, Lama, Desmond Tutu and Doug Abrams on Tuesday, May 15th at 7:00 p.m. Community Carnival: St. Timothy Lutheran Childcare Center, 1453 Staley Road, is hosting a Community Carnival with BW's Chicken BBQ on Saturday, May 19th from 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. There will be a vendor fair, basket raffle and lots of fun for the kids. See flyer.
St. Timothy's Lutheran Church Dinner Theater - December 2017
St. Timothy Lutheran Church is hosting a dinner theater titled "Greetings", on Saturday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, December 10th at 1:00 p.m. "The carols and songs we love and the stories behind them we never knew!", written by Peter Green. Dinner is Winter Salad, Beef Stroganoff, rolls, gingerbread cake, and choice of coffee, milk and apple cider, catered by Jack's Catering of Niagara Falls. See flyer.
St. Timothy's Lutheran Child Care Center Summer Camp - June 2017
St. Timothy's Lutheran Child Care Center is hosting summer camp starting June 26th. The center is located at 1453 Staley Road. Each week is a different theme including; Summer Science, Calling All Superheroes, Out of this World, and more. Programs are available for infants through 8 years old. See flyer for details or go to www.sttimothygrandisland.com.
Chicken BBQ and Vendor Fair - May 2017
St. Timothy's Lutheran Child Care Center is hosting their annual Chicken BBQ and Vendor Fair on Saturday, May 20th from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. There will also be a Chinese Auction, basket raffle and bake sale. Lots of fun activities for the kids including a bounce house, arts and crafts, face painting and more! See flyer for details.
St.Timothy Lutheran Church Pancake Breakfast - April 2017

St. Timothy Lutheran Church is hosting a free Community Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at 1453 Staley Road. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage and coffee. Good will offerings accepted. Call 773-4400 for information.
St.Timothy Christian Book Fair - March 2017
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road is hosting a Christian Book Fair on Saturday, March 25th from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 1st from 9:00 a.m. - noon. Shop faith-filled children's books at a 50% discount, ages infant through early elementary. For more information call 773-4400 or go to www.sttimothygrandisland.com.
St.Timothy Lutheran Church Pancake Breakfast - January 2017

St. Timothy Lutheran Church is hosting a free Community Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, January 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at 1453 Staley Road. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage and coffee. Good will offerings accepted. Call 773-4400 for information.
St.Timothy Lutheran Church Breakfast with Santa - December 2016
St Timothy's Lutheran Church, corner of Staley and Stony Point, is hosting Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee will be served, along with children's activities and a Christmas sing along. Free will offering.
St.Timothy Lutheran Child Care Center Spring Festival - May 2016
St. Timothy Lutheran Child Care Center's annual Spring Festival BBQ and Basket Raffle will be held on Saturday, May 21st from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 1453 Staley Road. Call 773-9249 for more information.
St.Timothy Lutheran Child Care Center Expansion Dedication - September 2015

St Timothy Lutheran Church of Grand Island celebrated the dedication of the Legacy project expansion of the child care center on Sunday, August 30th. The morning worship service was lead by Bishop John Macholz who later offered the formal dedication of the new facility. Speakers included; Ryan Cummings, chairman of the church board, who welcomed everyone and introduced dignitaries that were present; Pastor Dean Hunneshagen who talked about "for the sake of the children"; Frank Sturniolo, head architect who explained the details of the new facility and Mike Endres, chairman of the finance committee who explained how the project came about and how the congregation stepped up and fully funded the project. A reception was held in the fellowship hall following the dedication.
St Timothy Lutheran Church Child Care Center was founded in 1991 and is considered an important ministry of St. Timothy. It is a continuous Christian centered child care for ages 8 weeks-infant to Kindergarten. Current capacity is five rooms caring for 240 weekly slots.
St.Timothy Lutheran Child Care Center Expansion Ground Breaking - April 2015

Mike Endres, Chairman of Finance Committee

From left: Director Lydia Shiposki, Supervisor Mary Cooke and Pastor Dean Hunneshagen.
St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church held a ground breaking ceremony for the expansion of their day care center on Wednesday, April 15th. Finance Chairman and lifelong member of St. Timothy's, Mike Endres, led the opening remarks, thanking all the participants that made the project possible. He spoke of an idea that started as "napkin drawings" four years ago, to being fully funded by contributions from the congregants of the church, raising $150,000. The child care center was founded in 1991, offers continuous Christian centered child care to infants eight weeks in age to kindergarten. St. Timothy saw the need to revise the building layout to provide better security for the entering and exit of children and parents. The expansion will also increase capacity by 20% with the addition of one classroom, and revise the parking lay out. The building is expected to be completed in September, 2015. St. Timothy Pastor Dean Hunneshagen, Day Care Director Lydia Shiposki and Town Supervisor Mary Cooke were the official groundbreakers at the ceremony.