A regular meeting of the Town Board of Grand Island, New York was held at the Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Rd., Grand Island, NY at 8:00 PM on the 17th of January 2006.


Present:                      Peter A. McMahon                Supervisor

Mary S. Cooke                        Councilwoman

Richard W. Crawford                         Councilman

Gary G. Roesch                        Councilman

Susan J. Argy                                    Councilwoman

Patricia A. Frentzel                         Town Clerk

                                    Daniel Spitzer                                     Town Attorney


Also Present:              John Whitney                                   Town Engineer


Reverend Abram Dueck from Whitehaven Road Baptist Church gave the Invocation. 

Councilwoman Mary Cooke led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Supervisor McMahon called the meeting to order at 8:00PM.



This is an opportunity for residents to comment on any matter regarding the meeting agenda items only.

Residents who spoke:      None



A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Crawford to approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #1, January 3, 2006, Minutes of Regular Meeting #1, January 3, 2006.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0



1.      Golden Age Center  - Vehicle Usage – December 2005

2.      Golden Age Center – Facility Usage – December 2005

3.      Building Permits Issued – December 2005

4.      Meeting Minutes – Zoning Board of Appeals – December 1, 2005

5.      County of Erie, Department of Environment & Planning – Project Selection for the Community Development Block Grant Consortium

6.      County of Erie, Department of Environment & Planning – Quarterly Report 10/01/05 – 12/31/05

7.      Erie County Industrial Development Agency – 2005 American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc. – Staley Road Expansion Project

8.      Grand Island Fire Company, Inc. – Participation in Fire Prevention Open House

9.      Meeting Minutes – Board of Architectural Review – December 13, 2005

10.  Meeting Minutes – Planning Board – December 12, 2005

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to approve the consent agenda as distributed.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0




Budget Amendment – Buyback Sick Time

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilwoman Argy to authorize payments to two employees who made errors filling out 2005 sick time        sell-back forms last fall.  The forms were filled in by days instead of hours.  The total cost of the difference is $3,255.70.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0



Local Law Intro No. 1/2006 – Creating Enhanced Environmental Overlay District

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to refer Local Law Intro No. 1/2006 to create an enhanced environmental overlay district on Woods Creek from Bedell Road to Grand Island Blvd. to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


Local Law Intro No. 2/2006 – Rezoning SW Corner of East River Road & Whitehaven Road

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilwoman Argy to refer Local Law Intro No. 2/2006 to consider rezoning the southwest corner of East River and Whitehaven Road realigning the property from a North/South access to an East/ West access to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


Local Law Intro No. 3/2006 – Amendment to Zoning Code

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Crawford to refer Local Law Intro No. 3/2006 for miscellaneous amendments to the Zoning Code to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0



Request to Realign Election Districts

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Roesch to refer the request to realign election districts to the Town Clerk and Town Engineer for review and recommendation.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0




Request to Install Stop Sign – Northwest Corner of Birkshire at Pin Oak Circle

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Roesch to refer the request to install a stop sign at the northwest corner of Birkshire at Pin Oak Circle to the Traffic Safety Advisory Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


Parks & Recreation Annual Report for 2005

A copy of the Parks & Recreation Annual Report for 2005 was distributed to Town Board members.  A copy of the report is available at the Town Clerk’s office.

This is for information only, no action by the Town Board.



Change Orders – Performance Service Contract – Job No. M-171

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Crawford to approve the request of the Town Engineer for Change Orders for the Performance Service Contract Job No. M-171.  Change Order No. DANFORTH 7 is a credit for the Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance for a net decrease in the contract in the amount of $1,500.  Change Order DANFORTH 8 is to provide labor, material and supervision for the completion of the reactor tank sludge removal at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  This Change Order will result in a net increase to the contract in the amount of $38,446.  The monies will be taken out of the contingency fund in the performance service contract.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


Retirement of James J. Harmaty – Water Treatment Plant Operator

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilwoman Argy to accept with regret a letter of resignation from James J. Harmaty as a 36 year employee of the Town of Grand Island.  The Town Board will send a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Harmaty.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0



Activity Report – January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005

A copy of the Activity Report from Zoning Officer John McCarthy for the year 2005 was distributed to Town Board members.  A copy of the report is available at the Town Clerk’s office.

This is for information only, no action by the Town Board.



John Stickl – 28.5 Acres SW of Fix and Baseline Rds. – Rezone R-1D to R-1E

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilman Crawford to refer the request of John Stickl to rezone 28.5 Acres southwest of Fix and Baseline Roads to the Town Board.  This item is tabled in SEQR.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


Grand Park Vue - Section 5 – Preliminary Plat Approval

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilwoman Argy to accept the recommendation of the Planning Board and set a Public Hearing for Monday, February 6, 2006 at 8:00p.m. for the purpose of hearing anyone who wishes to comment in favor of or against the proposed Preliminary Plat Approval for Grand Park Vue – Section 5.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


New England Estates – Preliminary Plat Approval (Modified Plan)

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Roesch to accept the recommendation of the Planning Board and set a Public Hearing for Monday, February 6, 2006 at 8:00p.m. for the purpose of hearing anyone who wishes to comment in favor of or against the proposed Preliminary Plat Approval (Modified Plan) for New England Estates.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


Whitehaven Road Campground – Whitehaven Rd. – Site Plan Approval – Campground - Mining Overlay District

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Roesch to accept the recommendation of the Planning Board and set a Public Hearing for Monday, February 6, 2006 at 8:00p.m. for the purpose of hearing anyone who wishes to comment in favor of or against the proposed Site Plan Approval for Whitehaven Road Campground and to direct the Town Attorney and the Town Engineer to prepare the Local Law for the Mining Overlay District.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0



Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel, LLP – Liquid Sludge Hauling Contract

A motion was made by Councilwoman Argy, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to declare John Brundage, dba The Drain Doctor as a non-responsive bidder and declare the award of the sludge hauling contract to Brundage as rescinded and to direct the Supervisor to engage a sludge hauling firm on an emergency basis.

APPROVED       Ayes       4   Cooke, Crawford, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0

                       Abstain 1            Roesch


Marla DePan Brown, Esq. – Parkland Enterprises, Building Permit Extension – Corner Ransom & Stony Point Roads

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Roesch to refer the correspondence dated January 9th from Marla DePan Brown, Esq. regarding a building permit extension at the corner of Ransom and Stony Point Roads to the Town Board.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0



A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Roesch to pay

Vouchers #81828 – #81959

General               $  91,379.03

Highway   $  63,835.85

Sewer               $  13,519.58

Water               $  15,347.69

Capital      $149,416.99

Lighting    $     2,810.52

     Total     $336,309.66


APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


This is an opportunity for residents to comment on any matter regarding Town government on any subject. 

Residents who spoke: Dean Duguay  Re: Code Enforcement Officer Complaint



Councilwoman Cooke: Dog Sled Classic, Beaver Island, February 4th – 5th        

Snow date: March, 2006

Councilman Roesch: Rotary Chili Sale, February 4th – 11:30a.m.- 6:00p.m. at the High School cafeteria.



A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Crawford to adjourn the meeting at 8:23p.m.

APPROVED       Ayes       5   Cooke, Crawford, Roesch, Argy, McMahon

                        Noes            0


A moment of silence was observed in memory of the following:

Evelyn Barclay

Ralph Rathman

Jerry Thirion Sr.

Robert MacKenzie

Julia Hulbert

Arthur Ellsworth

Jean Lansberry


Respectfully Submitted,




Patricia A. Frentzel
Town Clerk