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Town Board News - 2011

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Final Board Meeting For Supervisor McMahon - December 2011

From left: Ray Billica, Peter McMahon and Mary Cooke - Certificate of appreciation.

From left: Ray Billica, Peter McMahon, Sarah Harvey and Mary Cooke - American Red Cross Proclamation
Left: Right To Farm presentation. Right: 100 lb. Junior Vikings
Left: 120 lb. Junior Vikings. Right: 145 lb. Junior Vikings.
Click photos for larger view - Jodi Robinson photos

By Jodi Robinson
   Mon., December 22, 2011 . . .For the past fourteen years Supervisor Peter McMahon has presided over the town board meetings every other Monday evening. His final meeting was standing room only. It might have been three proclamations honoring the Grand Island Junior Vikings football teams. Or possibly the Right to Farm Bureau contingent in attendance to thank the board for signing on to the Right to Farm Laws. Maybe a little help came from the Miracle League group thanking Mr. McMahon for his help in the success of the building of the Miracle League field. For all of those things, it was a nice send-off for the supervisor.
   Sarah Harvey of the American Red Cross received a proclamation in honor of the "Kick Up the Heat" blood drive scheduled at the Grand Island Fire Company, 2275 Baseline Rd on Tuesday, December 27th, from 1pm-6:30pm. The Junior Vikings 2011 season was successful with the 100# team winning the Bob Bull Bowl and the 145# team winning the Superbowl. All three weight groups received proclamations.
   Two public hearings were held regarding the increase and improvement of facilities of the consolidated sewer district and adopting a resolution to set sewer rents in the district for 2012 at $5.20 per 1000 gallons of water usage. There were no speakers either in favor or against the measures.
In other business, the Board:
•Approved the creation of a PT Water Treatment Plant Operator position for inventory only.
•Approved the contract from J. O'Connell & Assoc. for grant consultant services in 2012 at annual cost of $34,000.
•Approved re-appointment of Joseph Donlon as Deputy Highway Superintendent for 2012
•Approved the purchase of a 5-6 Ton Compact Excavator from Bobcat of Buffalo, at the lowest bid price of $48,054.
•Appointed George Newman to a two-year term to the Electrical Examining Board for Grand Island. Term expires 12/31/13.
•Approved the renewal of a special use permit to Terry Mesmer, 2038 Grand Island Blvd.
•Concerns were made regarding the health of plantings at the Staley Rd. and Grand Island Blvd. roundabout. The town board will schedule an inspection before taking over responsibility from DOT.
•A request to split property at 2397 Love Rd. by James Kaiser was referred to the Town Planning Board.

Supervisor McMahon Resigns Effective Dec. 30th - December 2011

By Jodi Robinson
   Mon., December 5, 2011 . . .Peter McMahon announced that he intends to resign effective midnight on December 30, 2011, after 14 years as Town Supervisor. In his letter of resignation, Supervisor McMahon thanked the town board for their "help, cooperation and inspiration" during their years of service together. In related news, Liz Wilbert will be assistant to incoming Supervisor and Councilwoman Mary Cooke, and will have a period of job training in the month of December. Councilwoman Mary Cooke has been appointed Deputy Supervisor, a post Councilman Richard Crawford has held for the past 14 years.
   The public hearing for the creation of Grand Park Vue Phase VI Lighting District was approved after no comments for or against were heard. The district is located in the Havenwood Lane development.
   The town board approved the recommendations of the Grand Island Traffic Safety Advisory Board for the following speed limits on local roads:
		   Sub-Divisions - 30 mph
		   W. River Rd. - 35 mph
		   Huth Rd. - 35 mph
		   Stony Point Rd. from Whitehaven to East River - 45 mph
		   Fix Rd. from Hidden Oak to W. River - 40 mph
   The board approved a contract for E-waste recycling with RCR&R. The town will receive 8.6 cents per pound for all electronic waste. A collection site will be set up at the Highway Department which will be open during normal business hours. A new law will soon be in effect that prohibits putting electronics out with regular garbage service.
   By a vote of 4-1, with Councilwoman Cooke being the negative vote, the town board approved a resolution to support the upcoming GI School District Capital Project. The resolution stated the "Town Board supports efforts of the School Board to maintain and increase the educational atmosphere for Grand Island students." Councilwoman Cooke brought up the point of whether it was "proper" for the Town Board to support the project.
In other business, the Board:
•Set a public hearing date of Dec. 19, 2011 to "consider said increase and improvement" of the town sewer facilities.
•Approved an Additional Work Authorization for the Water System Capital Improvement Project at the cost of $23,700.
•Awarded bid for the purchase of polymer for phosphorous removal at the Grand Island Wastewater Plant. The only bidder was Polydyne, Inc. at $ .90 / pound.
•Approved change order #3 for Fisherman's Landing in the amount of $3,220.05
•Approved change order #2 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $376.00.
•Approved the recommendation of Code Enforcement Officer Doug Learman regarding the Board of Plumbing Examiners' Election. Eric Ackerman will have a two-year term, while Frank Graninetti and Michael Higgins will have a one-year terms that runs from January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012. Gerald Soto and Sean Towlson will then serve from January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013.
•Approved a resolution that directs the town Code Enforcement Officers to inspect and enforce all relevant codes for the property located at 2761 Long Road. This property has been vacant for an extended period of time.

McMahon seeks seat on board - December 2011

See Buffalo News for story.

Searching For Isle Supervisor Portraits - Nov. 2011

The Grand Island Historic Preservation Advisory Board is seeking photographs of the following Grand Island, NY supervisors to complete the display in the town hall lobby.
Daniel Morgan

Levant Ransom

John H. Staley

Sutlief Staley

John H. Stoneway

Thomas McConkey

The project taken on by Shirley Luther in l981, produced the hanging of all Grand Island supervisor with the exception of these six men. A great deal of effort went into finding all of these photos. The thought is that, now with internet access, the Historic Preservation Advisor Board, of which Mrs. Luther is a member, will put the word out and try to complete the wall gallery. Contact Mary Cooke,
maryscooke@roadrunner.com if you have any information on the missing photos.

Town Board Seeking Candidates - November 2011

   The third year of the unexpired council term of Mary Cooke will be served by a person appointed for 2012 on January 2, 2012, at the first Town Board Meeting of the year. This appointment will be made by Supervisor Cooke and Councilmembers Billica, Crawford and Roesch. The remaining year in the unexpired term, 2013, will be served by the successful candidate for the 1-year council position to be voted on in the general election in November 2012.
   Interested citizens should send a resume and a letter of interest outlining their credentials to Mary Cooke, 2255 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072 or via e-mail to mcooke@grand-island.ny.us, rbillica@grand-island.ny.us, rcrawford@grand-island.ny.us and groesch@grand-island.ny.us Material sent by mail needs to be postmarked no later than November 30, 2011 and material sent by e-mail must arrive before midnight on November 30, 2011.

Town Reaches Tentative Deal With Unionized Workers - November 2011

See Buffalo News for story.

Cooke Wins Supervisor Race - Nov. 2011

   November 9, 2011 . . . Mary S. Cooke, who has served on the Town Council since 1993, was high vote-getter in the election for the position of Grand Island Supervisor over incumbent Peter A. McMahon. Unofficial election results gave Mrs. Cooke 3,193 votes, and McMahon, 2,814. Supervisor McMahon was first elected in 1997.
   The unofficial results of the Tuesday, November 8, 2011 election on Grand Island, NY follow.
Incumbent Councilmen Gary Roesch with 3982 and Richard Crawford, 3768 were re-elected. Also running for the two council seats were:
James Sharpe, 2106
Norman Moorehouse 1511
    Running unopposed were Town Clerk Patricia Frentzel (5513) and Town Justice Sybil Kennedy (5166).
Official results will not be available until at least next week when Absentee Ballots are counted and the election is certified. See Erie Co. Results

Town Board Honors Eagle Scout Shaw & American Legion - November 2011

From left: Gary Roesch, Dick Crawford, Peter McMahon, Evan Shaw, parents Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaw, Mary Cooke and Ray Billica - Eagle Scout Proclamation

From left: Gary Roesch, Dick Crawford, Peter McMahon, Fred Wornick, George DeGlopper, Joe Synakowski, Mary Cooke and Ray Billica - American Legion Proclamation
Click photos for larger view - Jodi Robinson photos

By Jodi Robinson
   Mon., November 7, 2011 . . .Island resident and recent high school graduate, Evan Shaw was honored with a proclamation on the occasion of his receiving an Eagle Scout award from the Boy Scouts of America. Evan's Eagle Scout project was the cleaning, painting and repairing of the Nike Base Community Center. Over 160 hours of work, including 50 hours of Evan's own time was required to finish the project. Helping hands included family, friends and other scouts from Troop 630.
   The town board proclaimed the month of November 2011, American Legion Membership Month. On hand to accept the proclamation was Commander Fred Wornick, 1st Vice Commander Joe Synakowski, and Adjudant George DeGlopper. All eligible veterans and service members are encouraged to join the Grand Island Post #1346 American Legion during the month-long membership drive.
   A public hearing was held on the Grand Island Right to Farm Law. Many supporters were on hand to encourage the board to approve this law, including Hans Mobius, a Director of the Erie County Farm Bureau. Mr. Mobius stated that the ECFB's "mission is to save every farm that we can" and that 21 towns in Erie County have passed Right to Farm laws. There were no negative comments made and the board approved to adopt this law.
   At the recommendation of the Grand Island Little League and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the town board approved the naming of diamond #1 at Veterans Park after John McGowan. Mr. McGowan is a former Grand Island Little League Board member and a veteran. A formal dedication will take place on Opening Day 2012 baseball season.
In other business, the Board:
•Approved the appointment of Tammy Violanti to the position of Golden Age driver.
•Approved the replacement of a tree destroyed in an accident by a GI Police Department car on Baseline Rd.
•Authorized Supervisor McMahon's signing of a two-year collective bargaining agreement contract.
•Approved a resolution accepting road dedication and easements for Grand Park Vue subdivision near Havenwood Lane and Castlewood Drive.
•Approved the addition of delinquent water and sewer accounts to the 2012 taxroll, along with an increased change order to the 2011 highway resurfacing contract of $66,275.30, for additional resurfacing of Bedell Rd.
•Approved the request to advertise for bids on November 11, 2011 for the furnishing of polymer for phosphorous removal at the Grand Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.
•Approved the hiring of part-time winter hires by the Recreation Department, accepted the resignation of Jessie Petit from the Engineering Department and advertise for kitchen help at the Golden Age Center.

Town Announces Preliminary Budget - November 2011

See 2012 Budget
A public hearing is scheduled for Thursday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.

New Law Regarding Sex Offenders Approved - October 2011

By Jodi Robinson
   Mon., October 17, 2011 . . . A public hearing was held introducing a new law titled "The Town of Grand Island Sex Offender Residency Law." The requirements include registering with the police department within 10 days of release from incarceration. The registration includes a long list of personal information. In addition, the offender shall not reside within 1000 feet of any facility used by persons under eighteen, such as schools, parks, libraries, etc. Over a dozen residents were on hand to speak in favor of the new law.
   There were no speakers in opposition at the public hearing regarding the Whitehaven Farms Development, Whitehaven Road. The board approved the detailed plan and Phase I providing that conditions set by the town Planning Board are met. Christine Sanborn spoke at the public hearing regarding the use of Federal Community Development funds. She mentioned providing transportation for low-income children to attend local events at schools that they might not able to get to.
In other business, the Board:
•Set a date of November 10th for a public hearing regarding the 2012 Town Budget.
•Approved the promotion of Jim Dlugokinski to Senior Operator Water Treatment Plant.
•Approved a lease agreement with the Board of Elections for registration and voting.
•Set a public hearing for the Grand Island Right-to-Farm Law for November 7th.
•Approved change orders for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (+$4,336) and Fisherman's Landing Projects (+$5,400). An anti-graffiti coating will be installed on all newly installed uni-lock walls and to the existing pump station.
•The board approved a three year service agreement with One Communications/Earth Link Bus. Communications for 19 phone lines.
•Approved a change of status for several Recreation Department attendents and the hiring of a part time seasonal office position.
•Referred to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for review, the naming of Diamond 1 at Veteran's Park.
•Referred to the Planning Board a request from David Bruno, 2878 East River Road, to transfer property.
•Authorized the Supervisor to sign agreements for improvements and changes of Nike Base Internet Service.
•Approved the Site Plan resolution for a parking lot, Turner's Port of Call, 997 East River Road.

Town Supervisor McMahon submits 2012 budget - October 2011

See 2012 Budget
See also Tax Comparison 2011-2012

Fishermen's Landing Update - Oct. 2011

Mary Cooke Photos - Click photos for larger view

    October 7, 2011 . . . The photos of Fishermen's Landing were taken from the south bridge and show the new Fishermen's Landing and the parking lot
See also July 2011 Update Photos

Town Board Approves Bond Resolutions - October 2011

By Jodi Robinson
   Mon., October 3, 2011 . . . The Town Board began its meeting approving two bond resolutions, after a public hearing at which no one spoke for or against the projects. The $80,645 Park Place/Whitehaven Farms Sewer Improvement area and the $100,484 improvements of facilities of the Consolidated Sewer District will be financed by the issuance of serial bonds.
   An addition to the wetlands map was adopted in an area bordered by Long Road, Bedell Road and West River Service Road. All affected landowners will be notified when the maps are finalized. Comments may be submitted by email to r9dep@gw.dec.state.ny.us, include "Wetland TW-30 map amendment" in subject line.
In other business, the Board:
•Approved the appointment of Cody Clarke as a Water Treatment Plant Operator Assistant.
•Councilman Gary Roesch voted against the motion to authorize a building permit to 1441 Ransom Road which expired in May of 2011, stating he would like to speak with the owner before approval.
•Approved a motion to authorize the Supervisor to advertise for the position of Zoning Inspector, part-time.
•Approved a Gaslight Removal Agreement between the town and National Fuel Gas Distribution Corp.
•Approved a site plan for grading activities at 1879 Whitehaven Road.
•Scheduled a public hearing for the October 17th, town board meeting regarding Whitehaven Farms.
•Approved budget ammendments for grant money received. $39,481 for the purchase of hardware/software/professional services for the collection of GIS data. $14,099 for a grant for the court office area and security.
•Approved special use permit renewals for John Ventry, 3440 Stony Point Rd.(agricultural animal), Joseph Higgins, 900 Ransom Rd.(agricultural animal), and Verizon Wireless, 423 Ransom Rd. (tower permit).
•Approved the closure of Baseline Rd. between Grand Island Blvd. and Whitehaven Rd. from 5pm-8pm, Friday, October 14, 2011, for the Grand Island Fire Company Open House.

Town Board Honors Residents - September 2011

From left: Gary Roesch, Dick Crawford, Peter McMahon, Rev. Earle King, Mary Cooke and Ray Billica - CROP Walk Proclamation

From left: Gary Roesch, Dick Crawford, Peter McMahon, Tim Carr, Forest Carr, Mike Carr, Hayden Carr, Mary Cooke and Ray Billica - Joanne Pinner Carr Proclamation

From left: Gary Roesch, Dick Crawford, Peter McMahon, Barbara Bagdy, William Bagdy, Mary Cooke and Ray Billica - William Bagdy Proclamation
By Jodi Robinson

   Mon., September 19, 2011 . . . The Town Board began its meeting with three proclamations honoring island residents. Rev. Earle King accepted the proclamation for the 24th Annual Crop Walk, which takes place Sunday, September 25th in Beaver Island State Park. The second proclamation honors the late Joanne Pinner Carr for her past contribution on the Commission of the Conservation of the Environment for 35 years. The Nike Base Nature Trail has been designated the Joanne Pinner Carr Memorial Nature Trail. The third proclamation recognized two islanders who served in the US Army and were recognized by Honor Flight Buffalo with a trip to visit the WWII Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. The town set aside Saturday, September 17, 2011 as William Bagdy and Torgeir Fadum Day throughout Grand Island.
   Will Tompkins of Bishops Gate spoke during the public hearing for final plat approval for New England Estates. Mr. Tompkins wanted to ensure that the new construction proceeds in a timely manner, unlike the project located at Ransom & Stony Point. He also pointed out what might be possible ramifications of traffic patterns on Bishops Gate. This matter is being referred to the Traffic Safety Advisory Board.
In other business, the Board:
•Approved that Supervisor McMahon sign an agreement to add the job title of Junior Sanitary Chemist to the CBA of the CSEA.
•Scheduled two public hearings for Monday, October 3rd at 8:00 p.m. Park Place/Whitehaven Farms Sewer Improvements and Improvements of facilities of the Consolidated Sewer District.
•Approved the appointment of Stephen J. Hinkle as Water Plant Operator Assistant.
•Approved a special use permit application by WNY Towing by Marty's, Inc. 1733 Baseline Road.
•Tabled the site plan approval for Turner's Port of Call, 997 East River Road, parking lot until Planning Board conditions are met.

Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

School Tax Bills Mailed - Sept. 2011

   Town Clerk Patricia A. Frentzel announced that the 2011/2012 School Tax Bills have been mailed. If you have changed banks, have paid off your mortgage or do not have an escrow account and did not receive a tax bill, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 773-9600 ext. 620. The regular office hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. The office will be open Saturday, October 15, 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Checks should be made payable to Town Clerk. The last day to pay without penalty is October 17. Envelopes must show a legible postmark of October 17 to be accepted on time. Taxpayers should call the office for correct amounts for payments made October 18 and later. Payments may be made until November 30, 2011. After this date, payments must be sent to the County.

Passport Day In the USA - Sept. 2011

   The Town of Grand Island is hosting Passport Day in Town Hall on Saturday, September 17, 2011 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. to provide passport information to U.S. citizens and to accept passport applications. The Town of Grand Island is joining the Department of State in celebrating Passport Day in the USA 2011, a national passport acceptance and outreach event.
    U.S. citizens must present a valid passport book when entering or re-entering the United States by air. U.S. citizens entering the United States from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda at land borders and sea ports of entry must present a passport book, passport card, or other travel documents approved by the U.S. government.
   Information on the cost and how to apply for a U.S. passport is available at travel.state.gov. U.S. citizens may also obtain passport information by phone, in English and Spanish, by calling the National Passport Information Center toll-free at 1-877-487-2778.
Event: Passport Day in the USA Passport Fair
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where: Town Hall – Town of Grand Island
2255 Baseline Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
Information: 773-9600 ext. 600

Public Hearing Scheduled - September 2011

by Jodi Robinson
   Tuesday, September 6, 2011 . . .A public hearing is scheduled for Monday, September 19, 2011 at 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of hearing from anyone wishing to comment on final plat approval for New England Estates, Phase 1.
   The board approved a cost sharing agreement between the town and the Grand Island School District for the appraisal of Town Hall Terrace Associates, by KLW Group. Town Hall Terrace has challenged the assessment of their property located at 2255 Center Terrace.
    In other business, the Board:
•Approved the addition of an Operator Assistant position at the Water Treatment Plant.
•Renewed the contract for HVAC Preventive Maintenance at the Library and Parks Building with M.J. Mechanical Services.
•Approved change orders for additional work to be done on the Water Treatment Plant, Sedimentation Basin Upgrades.
•Awarded a contract to Fairway Contracting as the winning bid for Wastewater Pump Station #6 Forcemain Replacement on Baseline Road.
•A change order for the Preliminary Treatment Facility at the Wastewater Treatment Plant resulted in a decrease of $3,236.00 to the contract.
•Appointed William Shaw as Code Enforcement Officer effective September 7, 2011.
•A change of use was granted for 2014 Grand Island Blvd. from restaurant to offices. This site will be the new location of the Grand Island Credit Union.
•Special use permit renewals were issued to Jennifer Tirone - 993 Whitehaven, Patricia Burg - 3030 Stony Point Rd. and Cyrus Ardalan - 5345 East River Rd., all for the purpose of keeping agricultural animals at their properties.

Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

Town Board Meeting Agenda - Tuesday, September 6, 2011

See Tuesday Sept. 6, 2011 Agenda.

Town Board Gives Go-Ahead to Dunkin' Donuts - August 2011

See Buffalo News for story.

Conservation Commission
Deadly Pinkish-purple Loosestrife - August 2011

    PRESS RELEASE from the G. I. Conservation Commission
    Grand Islanders have the opportunity of aiding the environmental health of Grand Island by taking action. Check to see if you have spikes of lovely-looking but deadly pinkish-purple loosestrife in your garden or growing on your property
    It is VERY invasive plant, degrading wetlands by crowding out beneficial plants, cutting off sources of food and shelter for wildlife.
    Please dig it out; if this is not possible, cut and bag it, hopefully, before the stalk goes to seed (there are a million seeds per plant). If it has gone to seed, hold the plants over the open bag while cutting. Put out for trash collection. Loosestrife grows rapidly, sometimes over a half inch a day and this nasty European import has no natural predators
    An insidious invader, this plant alters the chemistry of water preventing frog tadpoles from growing large enough to survive a first winter. Due to the many wetlands on Grand Island, it finds a welcome environment
    Recently, Conservation Commission member Ed Standora released leaf-eating beetles on town-owned, public land with stands of loosestrife. It’s private property that would be helped by home owner action and ASAP.
Dorothy Westhafer
Chair, G. I. Commission for the
Conservation of the Environment

Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

Town Board Proclamation For National Airborne Day - August 2011

From left: Gary Roesch, Richard Crawford, Peter McMahon, Joe Synakowski, Dave Birt, Mary Cooke and Ray Billica
By Jodi Robinson
Marilyn Synakowski photo.
   Mon., August 15, 2011 . . . The Town Board began its meeting with a proclamation honoring National Airborne Day, August 16, 2011. On hand to accept the proclamation were island residents Joe Synakowski, a member of 508th PIR and Dave Birt, a member of 19th SFGA. The 82nd Airborne Division was the first Airborne Division organized out of the success of the Parachute Test Platoon, an experiment authorized by the War Department on June 25, 1940. Two notable island residents, also members of Airborne Divisions who died in combat were Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper, June 9, 1944 (MOH) and Lt. Col. Terrance K. Crowe, June 7, 2005.
   Three Public Hearings were held at which no one spoke in favor or against; special use permit WNY Towing by Marty's Inc., 1733 Baseline Rd., referred to Planning Board, Special Use Permit Grand Island Blvd. LLC, 2024 Grand Island Blvd. and site plan approval for drive-thru approved by all.
   The Town Board approved participation in the Erie County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan was developed in 2005 in order to comply with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and maintain eligibility to apply for certain types of federal disaster funding.
   Jim Mulcahy spoke during the Public Comment period against increasing the speed limits in the town, particulary on Fix Road and Stony Point Road. The Traffic Safety Advisory Board is scheduled to meet in September and make a recommendation regarding this issue. In other business, the Board:
• Accepted a bid by Amherst Paving in the amount of $251,648.55 for the Bituminous Resurfacing of Various Town Roads, Job No. M-14-2011.
• Approved the appointment of Michael Judd as Code Enforcement Official, effective Aug. 16, 2011
• Re-appointed Maria C. Burns, Court Clerk/Marriage Officer to a four-year term ending September 2, 2015.
• Approved the site plans for Marty's Towing, 1741 Baseline Rd. and Mary Beth Fix, 2655 Fix Road.
• Adopted a resolution in which Supervisor Peter McMahon is approved to file an application for funding from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, for the Scenic Woods-Bicentennial Park Project in an amount not to exceed $400,000. The Town will be responsible for all grant administration, oversight and reporting required through this application.

Town Board Proclamation For Matt Mondoux - August 2011

From left: Gary Roesch, Richard Crawford, Peter McMahon, Matthew Mondoux, Susan Doyle, Mary Cooke and Ray Billica
By Jodi Robinson
Mary Stewart photo.
   Mon., August 1, 2011 . . . The Town Board began its meeting with a proclamation honoring Island resident Matthew Mondoux who just completed a 350-mile walk to New York City to raise awareness for ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Supervisor Peter McMahon noted that while in the city, Matthew met with NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who presented him with a Tiffany glass apple. See walking4lou.com for complete story.
   A bond resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Grand Island dated August 1, 2011 was announced, authorizing the reconstruction of and construction of improvements to various roads within the town, at an estimated maximum cost of $665,000, and authorizing the use of $100,000 from the Town's 2011 budget and the issuance of serial bonds in an amount not to exceed $565,000. The amount is to be offset by any federal, state, county and local funds received.
   The Town Board authorized the sealing and striping of the library parking lot by accepting a bid by Modified Asphalt Coatings, Inc. in the amount of $3,120.00. The board also authorized the request to advertise for bids for Waste Water Pumping Station No. 6 Forcemain Replacement Job #M-201.
In other business, the Board:
• Renewed a special use permit for National Fuel Gas Supply Corp., 1589 Stony Point Rd. - Natural Gas Regulator/Metering Station.
• Set a public hearing for 8 p.m. August 15 to consider a special use permit for a motor vehicle repair service at 1733 Baseline Road.

Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

Historic Preservation Advisory Board Presents Photo Display - July 2011

Click photo for larger view

   “Grand Island Then and Now,” a photo display presented by the town's Historic Preservation Advisory Board, opens at River Lea on Saturday, July 30, 2011. The photo of Daddy-O's Drive-in is just a small part of the display of old and new Grand Island photos. Grand Island Historical Society members will be on hand at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park during and open house in conjunction with the Paddles Up Niagara 2011. There is no charge to see the display.

Fishermen's Landing Update - July 2011

Mary Cooke Photos - Click photos for larger view

    July 28, 2011 . . . The photos were taken from the south bridge and show the new Fisherman's Landing and the parking lot, still in progress. Councilwoman Mary Cooke reports that the construction crew remains on schedule and projected finish is September. For previous photos/story, see Fishermen's Landing 7/14/11

Historic Preservation Advisory Board Prepares Photo Display - July 2011

Click photo for larger view

   The Town's Historic Preservation Advisory Board is preparing a photo display entitled "Grand Island: Now and Then" that will open as part of the Niagara River Greenway Paddles Up event on Saturday, July 30. Come see it at River Lea, home of the GI Historical Society, at the southern tip of Beaver Island State Park. Recently at work in Town Hall on the display are from left, Advisory Board Members Teddy Linenfelser, June Crawford, Joe Macaluso, Carolyn Doebert, Sharon Nichols, guest Barbara Zafuto, Town Board Liaison Mary Cooke and Shirley Luther. Not available for the photo Chairman Bill Koch.

Town Board Hears from Residents on Speed Limits - July 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., July 19 2011 . . . There were only a few spectators at Monday night’s Town Board meeting, but two came to question why the Traffic Safety Advisory Board is considering a recommendation to raise the speed limit on the West River Service Road and part of Fix Road from 35 mph to 45 mph.
   Jim Mulcahy claimed there was no reason to increase the speed limit and that to do so might save a motorist 37 seconds at the most. He also cited the fact that there are no sidewalks or shoulders on Fix and that increasing the speed limit would threaten bicyclists, joggers and walkers. Mentioning that two trucks passing on Fix would leave no room for pedestrians or bicyclists, his conclusion was that with no real savings in time for motorists by raising the speed limit, there was no upside or reason to do so. Debbie Hill agreed with him by reiterating the same comments.
    Change orders were approved for the Scenic Woods Wetlands Delineation Project and the Water Treatment Plant Sedimentation Basin upgrades. Three more days of additional fieldwork at a cost of $1900 are needed to determine wetlands at Scenic Woods.
    Additional work needed for sedimentation basin upgrades were outlined as well. The first change order entails the modification of the Motor Control Center that required changing the location of the tap on the MCC buss at a cost of $1,020.10. Change Order #2 addresses the additional excavation and stone back fill due to the poor subgrade soil conditions encountered during the construction of the sedimentation basins for filters 3-4 at a cost of $2,811.15. The costliest change order requires the removal and replacement of the top two feet of he existing sedimentation basin for filters 1-2 priced at $67,400.27. This basin was constructed in 1938 and upon dewatering, it was discovered that the top concrete was in extremely poor condition.
    Due to a recent accident that resulted in a Grand Island police car being totaled, the Town Board approved funding $18,000 for a new 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe. An insurance payment of $12,000 will help with the additional cost of purchase ($26,203) and associated fees (license plate, insurance, etc.).
    In other business, the Board:
• Created the position of Jr. Sanitary Chemist at the Wastewater Treatment Plant
• Set a public hearing for 8 p.m. August 1 to consider closing the West End of South Lane August 27 for a block party.

Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - July 5, 2011

July 5, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

Work Continues on East River Fishermen's Landing - July 2011

Jane Cooke photo - Click for larger view

Councilman Mary Cooke Photos - Click for larger view

Barbi Lare photo taken in May 1976 shows water treatment plant on the left at the time the new pump station was being built across the road. Click photo for larger view

    July 14, 2011 . . . Photos of the Fishermen's Landing project were taken this week and show the progress being made. The abandoned waste water treatment plant on the riverside next to the south Grand Island Bridge is being replaced by a handicapped accessible fishing station through several grants received by the Town of Grand Island. Construction of the new facilities is funded through the Niagara River Greenway Commission. The project should be finished by September.

Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 2011

July 5, 2011 Town Board agenda.

Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2011

June 20, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

Boat Noise Complaint Heard - June 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., June 20, 2011 . . . Larry Culp of East River Road addressed the Town Board, Monday, to complain about the extreme boat noises coming from the river. He cited Section 44 of the NYS Navigation Laws that states boat noise should not exceed 75 decibels. The noise he is referring to far exceeds the legal limit and is so loud at times that it rattles his windows. He asserted that the boats one Sunday morning were racing and were so loud that some of them threw rooster tails much larger than the boats from a hydroplane race. Other neighbors of his are upset as well. He asked the Town Board what could be done.
    His comments and a letter that he had submitted will be referred to the Erie County Sheriff's Marine Division, the State Police Canal Detail and the Coast Guard.
    Councilman Ray Billica introduced a resolution opposing the transfer of dog licensing and all costs associated with it from the state to local government. NYS is mandating that the Town will now have to collect a $1 additional spay/neuter surcharge meant for owners who have responsibly sterilized their dogs and then send the money to the state. His resolution, unanimously adopted by the Town Board, opposes this surcharge and the resolution will be forwarded to Governor Cuomo, the WNY Delegation, Erie County and the NYS Commissioner of Agriculture Patrick Hooker.
    In other business, the Town Board:
• Appointed Joseph Leggett as Junior Sanitary Chemist, provisional, at the starting rate of $24.45 per hour effective June 20.
• Approved the hiring of Terry A. Wendel and Davis Williams as Recreation Attendants part-time at $12 per hour effective July 5, and the transfer of funds from the General Fund contingency to Recreation to pay for them with no impact on the budget.
• Granted a permit to close a portion of Wallace Drive for a Block Party July 16 from 2-5 p.m. (raindate, Sunday, July 17).
• Accepted a recommendation from Town Engineer John Whitney to renew a contract for an additional year with Clean Waters Inc. to provide polymer for phosphorous removal at the current price of $0.975 per pound.
• Approved a budget transfer to account for a receipt of a $25,000 from the NYS Local Government Efficiency Grant for a Shared Maintenance Facility Feasibility Study paid for by Cannon Design.
• Accepted a bid from Ventry Concrete for miscellaneous repair work at a cost of $6 per sq. ft.
• Referred to the Grand Island Police Dept. an Erie County Resolution in recognition of National Police Week.

Speed limit on Ransom Road to Be Aired - June 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., June 20, 2011 . . .A public hearing has been set for 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 5 to consider reducing the speed limit to 25 mph for the school zone on Ransom Road in the vicinity of Grand Island High School and Connor Middle School. A recommendation from the Erie County Traffic Engineer to reduce the speed limit was approved by the Town Board and sent to the GI Central School District Superintendent, the Highway Superintendent and the Traffic Safety Advisory Boards.

Town Honors WWII Veterans - June 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., June 20, 2011 . . .The Town Board, Monday, presented proclamations to three Islanders who served in World War II and recently visited the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Joseph Muoio served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1943-1946 on Guam, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Peter Xanthos served in the Navy from 1944 to 1946 on the US Bingham in the Pacific Theater and Donavan Wasson served as a paratrooper in the Army from 1942 to 1946 in the Philippines and New Guinea.
   Honor Flight Buffalo, an organization that provides trips to D.C. for World War II veterans, selected the three who were accompanied by three Grand Island High School students. Corporal Muoio, Seaman 1st Class Xanthos and Private First Class Donavan received a standing ovation from meeting attendees.

Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - June 2011

June 6, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

Town Board Meeting Minutes - May 2011

May 16, 2011 Town Board Minutes.

Gun Club to Clean Its Site of Lead - June 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., June 6, 2011 . . . The Town Board, Monday, granted a grading permit to the Sheridan-Transit Rod & Gun Club at 551 Ransom Road for a lead reclamation project. Permits are required when more than 60 cubic yards of earth are disturbed. No soil material is being brought on or off the site, and once cleaned of the lead, the material will be placed in the original locations to the original grades. The Town’s State Environmental Quality Impact Review saw no impacts to grading or damage.
   Christopher Taylor spoke during a public hearing to consider a special use permit for him to run a used car business at 1693 Grand Island Blvd. He presented renderings of the project that pointed out the improvements he was making to the property. Eight parking places in the front and four along the side will be eliminated in keeping with the Master Plan requirements. The Board referred the request back to the Town for a State Environmental Quality Review (SEQRA).
   Another public hearing, at which no one spoke, considered the creation of a Lighting District for Park Place, Phase 5. The green light was given following a negative declaration on environmental impacts.
   A Certificate of Occupancy was granted to Mike and Kim Ludwig for Island Pet Lodge at 2120 Alvin Road with the understanding that the paving and striping must be completed this year and that the pavement include a one-inch thick top course of pavement to meet town requirements.
   In response to a request from the GI Chamber of Commerce, the Town Board agreed to close Whitehaven Road from Baseline to Grand Island Blvd. from 7-9:30 a.m. for the set up of Island Happenings/Kid Biz Sale that will be held June 25 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. In addition to the use of the Klingel Commons, the Town will provide police barricades, porta potties, trash cans, picnic tables and bleachers for the event.
    The Town Board announced the hiring of the following summer help for the Highway Dept.: Sean O’Donnell effective May 16 at a rate of $9 per hour; Mathew Riley effective May 23 at rate of $9.50 per hour and Korey Hagen effective May 23 at a rate of $9.25 per hour.
   Personnel for the Recreation Department’s Summer Youth Program were approved as follows: Nature Instructors Roger Wright and Susan Szczublewski at $20 per hour; Returning personnel Reba Conway, Molly Hyland and Kelsey Mash at $8.25 per hour; New hires Kathryn Boutet, Kolby Banker, Elizabeth Stanko, Kathleen Gilmore, Morgan Green, Liam Dodd, Chris McDonnell, Evan Shaw, Ale Killian, Kelly Stark, Joe Goc, Justine Lee, Codie Thomas, Max Hyland, Justin Frentzel, Christopher Serra and Sarah Williams at $8 per hour; Swimming Instructors Pat Kostenbauder at $15.50 per hour and Lauren Fonte at $12.40 per hour; Lifeguards Victoria Kostenbauder, Jenna Cardone and Amy Boutet at $8.50 per hour.
   In other business, the Board:
• Authorized the supervisor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2010-2011 Stop DWI Contract with Erie County that allows the county to pay Grand Island for supplying data on DWI cases appearing in Island courts.
• Approved the application to close Alt Blvd. between Love Road and 1030 Alt to permit a block party from 5-9 p.m. July 13 (one lane for emergency vehicles must remain open).
• Renewed Kemira Water Solutions contract to supply Ferrous Chloride to the Grand Island Wastewater Dept. for $0.945/lb. of iron through April 5, 2013.
• Awarded a bid to Carrier Controls in the amount of $112,249 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system project.
• Authorized the advertisement for bids on the Waster Water Pumping Station No. 6 Forcemain Replacement with bids to be opened June 22 at 10 a.m.
• Set a public hearing for Monday, June 20 to consider an application from Linda Velarde requesting a road closing on Wallace Drive between South Park and Huth Road for a block party from 2-5 p.m. on July 16 (raindate July 17).
• Accepted with regret the resignations of Michael Anthony Rossi, Esq. as a member and chairman of the Ethics Committee and Michael Dlugosz from the Cable and Communications Committee.

Speed Limit to be Lowered on Ransom Road - June 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., June 6, 2011 . . .The Town Board, Monday, accepted the recommendation of the Erie County Traffic Engineer to establish a 25 mph speed limit for the school zone on Ransom Road in the vicinity of Grand Island High School and Connor Middle School was approved.
   A copy of the resolution will be sent to the Grand Island Central School District Superintendent, the Highway Superintendent, the Traffic Safety & Advisory Board and law enforcement agencies.

Golf Course Villa Residents Seek Town’s Help - June 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., June 6, 2011 . . .Several residents of Golf Course Villas appealed to the Town Board, Monday, for help in cleaning up vacant lots in the uncompleted Golf Course Villa development. They also cited infractions of developer Frank Grebenc for berm requirements.
   Richard Szafran presented Town Board members with a copy of a Newfane law that addresses vacant lots in developed areas. He also cited Article 29 of the Zoning code that states requirements for berms – three ft. deciduous trees and five ft. spruce. He claims that none of the trees are properly anchored and many do not meet the height requirements. Richard also asked if a developer is required to report when the berm work is completed.
   Dave Gillen had lots of questions for the board as well such as wondering if there is a law regarding the turning over of the berms to the homeowners association and where liability for not following zoning law would be. He asked the town board if it would hold a public hearing on a law to address vacant lots and referred to the blight (uncontrolled plant growth, stagnating water, piles of dirt) of the vacant lots in Golf Course Villas.
   Supervisor Peter McMahon said that if a law regarding vacant lots was to be proposed a public hearing is mandatory. He added that when this came up before, there were 28 people at the microphone opposing such a law. McMahon also advised Dave to speak to the Town Attorney after the meeting for answers to some of the questions he posed.

Work Begins On East River Fishing Pier - May 2011

Photos were taken by Councilwoman Mary Cooke on Friday morning, May 20th - Click for larger view
    May 26, 2011 . . . Supervisor Peter McMahon reports: The Town of Grand Island has received several grants including a NYS Dormitory Authority grant (for demolition) which will allow the town to convert the abandoned waste water treatment plant on the riverside next to the South Grand Island Bridges, to a handicapped accessible fishing station and overlook, a public space for fishing and relaxing in place of the old plant. The first phase of the project was to remove the existing asbestos. That was completed two weeks ago. The next phase is demolition of the building and tanks which are on the property. The demolition will begin on Friday, May 27, 2011. Construction of the new facilities is funded through the Niagara River Greenway Commission. The project should be finished by September.

Amendments to Town Business Districts Approved - May 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., May 16, 2011 . . . The Town Board, Monday, adopted Local Law #2 that amended Schedules II and IV of the Zoning Law pertaining to the Grand Island Business Districts. Deleted will be designated descriptive language because uses are now uniform. Height limits of 40 ft. and front yard setbacks of 15 ft. were set with the law. No one spoke in favor or against the changes to the code.
   The Board scheduled public hearings for June 6 at 8 p.m. One will consider creation of Lighting District 46 for Park Place, Phase V. Another will address a special use permit for Christopher Taylor who wants to operate a used car sales at 1693 Grand Island Blvd. A third public hearing will address a request from Robert Mesmer to close Alt Blvd. from Love Road to 1030 Alt from 5-9 p.m. July 13 for a block party.
   A proclamation declaring the week of May 15-22 as Western New York Safe Boating Week was presented by the Town Board to the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Buffalo and U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. On hand to receive the document were Flotilla 33 Commander Rosemary Whitley, Paul Leuchner and Perry Figliotti.
   Supervisor Peter McMahon announced that public comments would be accepted until May 27 on a Draft Annual Report from the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation that requires small municipal storm sewer systems to obtain coverage under a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) for the discharge of storm water from the Town. The Report is available in the Town Clerk’s office and the Grand Island Memorial Library.
   Supervisor McMahon also announced that Grand Island would remain in the Erie County Community Block Grant Consortium as per an agreement that is renewed every three years.
   A site plan for APP Pharmaceuticals at 3159 Staley Road to construct a 28,000 sq. ft. addition for lyophilizer expansion was approved after declaring a negative environmental impact. The company purchased Fujisawa and will build the addition between two existing buildings which will then connect the buildings together. Though corporate headquarters hasn’t yet approved the project, the Town wants to be ready for APP to move forward if they get the green light. The expansion could provide for an additional 50 jobs.
   The Board also approved a special use permit for Sparks Trading Post Commercial Riding Stables. Currently, Sparks has more than the limit of 38 horses and must now seek a variance to increase the number of horses allowed.
   A special use renewal was approved for Parkland Enterprises for the convenience store and gas station project at the corner of Ransom Road. It was mentioned that a three-month building permit is current but will be reviewed.
   The hiring of part-time Recreation Dept. attendants was approved as follows: Peter Pitts at $9.75 per hour, Christopher McDonnell at $8 per hour
   In other business, the Board:
• Accepted with regret the resignation of Diane Darmofalski as Deputy Town Clerk effective May 30 and the hiring of Becky Sommer-Stufkosky as Deputy Town Clerk effective June 1 at Grade 6, Step A, $17.05 per hour.
• Appointed Gillman Cody Clarke as Water Plant Operator Assistant at the rate of $15.80 per hour subject to completion of required paperwork.
• Accepted with regret the resignations of Thomas Blonski from the Engineering Department after 32 years of service and Stephen Ciszek from the Engineering Department after 30 years of service.
• Approved a permit for a fireworks display at Martin’s Fantasy Island Monday, July 4 at dusk with a rain date of July 5.
• Approved a site plan to for Niagara Campground to add 12 more cabins to the 12 already existing.
• Approved the hiring of Jessie Petit as a summer intern (full time, seasonal) in the Engineering Department at the rate of $12.24 per hour effective May 16.

Town Gives Green Light to Whitehaven Farms Rezoning - May 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., May 16, 2011 . . . Golf Course Villa residents showed up in force at Monday’s Town Board meeting but didn’t speak out until the Town had approved the rezoning of a portion of Whitehaven Farms PDD from R-2, C-R & PDD to C.R. & PDD resulting in Local Law #3. The negative SEQR preceded the approval that redefines property lines between the golf course and the development by Frank Grebenc.
   Golf Course Villa residents are upset with the Town for not enforcing zoning laws pertaining to their development by Frank Grebenc and find it inexcusable that Grebenc was given the green light to take on another, Whitehaven Farms. They referred to Golf Course Villas as a half built development filled with debris, weed laden vacant lots, piles of wood and lots of rodents.
   Donald Sparrow spoke first citing the fact that residents of Golf Course Villas were facing a financial catastrophe - their homes devalued due to the surroundings. He maintains that the developer needs to be held accountable for the promises he made to clean up the development.
   Richard Szafran showed the board pictures of the twig size trees that are supposed to be 5 ft. high planted along Whitehaven Rd. and purports Grebenc does not adhere to Grand Island Design Standards. Lawyer James Gateway told a personal story about his house that has been on the market for quite awhile. The sale of that house is necessary to meet a financial divorce settlement. He feels that if the Villas had been properly developed, his house would have sold. And in spite of lowering the price substantially, the house is still on the market.
   Dave Gillen, president of Golf Course Vilas Homeowners Association, told about his frustration as well and referred to a June 4 zoning violation against Grebenc that has still not been rectified. Ron Ciamaga pointedly asked the Town Board, “Are you going to force him to comply.”
   Supervisor McMahon said he thought it had been taken care of but would check first thing in the morning.

Town Board Meeting Agenda - May 2011

May 2, 2011 Town Board agenda.

Theodore’s Hot Dogs in the Works for Grand Island - May 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., May 2, 2011 . . .It’s going to look like Ted’s and taste like Ted’s, but the official name is Theodore’s. The Town Board, Monday, waived site plan requirements for changes to the existing plaza at 1738 Grand Island Blvd. The plan includes reconfiguration of interior space and the construction of a 329 square ft. covered patio to accommodate Theodore’s charbroiled hot dog restaurant.
   Apparently, a taxi cab service will be available on Grand Island since the Town Board voted to add taxi cab licenses to its fee schedule ($60 a year for owner/operator and $60 per year for each operator).
   Bond authorization documents regarding installation of a supervisory control and data acquisition system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant were referred to the town attorney for preparation. The system will perform control, monitoring, data acquisition, operator interface and motion control tasks. Bids to advertise the project were also authorized and they will be opened 10 a.m. on May 25.
   The building permit for the still unfinished convenience store at the corner of Ranson Road and Stony Point has expired and Code Enforcement Officer Doug Learman requested the board to re-issue a permit or commence legal proceedings. The board voted to refer the matter to the town attorney for review and advice.
   In honor of May as Older Americans Month, members of the Golden Age Club led the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the meeting and were presented a proclamation citing their many years of service (since 1959) to senior citizens on the Island.
   In other business, the Board:
• Acknowledged the hiring of Robert Fraser as summer help for the Highway Dept. at a rate of $15 per hour beginning May 2.
• Approved the hiring of John Podlucky as full time Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator at the rate of $15.80 per hour effective immediately subject to the completion of the necessary paperwork.
• Approved the hiring of John Loos as a seasonal master mower for the Recreation Dept. at a rate of $10.50 per hour subject to the completion of necessary paperwork.
• Accepted a bid from Allen Marine Services for cleaning and the annual inspection of the Water Treatment Plant Intake at a cost of $10,975.
• Approved the hiring of Patrick Gallagher and Erik Billica at $8.25 per hour as seasonal full time employees in the Water Dept., and Andrew Donahue at $8.50 per hour as a seasonal full time employee for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
• Granted special use renewals for the keeping of two agricultural animals by Carol Merckel at 2324 East River Rd. and for the keeping of up to four agricultural animals by Jayne Schaber at 394 Ransom Rd.
• Referred to the Town Board a letter from Independent Oil & Gas Association in support of high volume hydraulic fracturing.
• Announced that volunteers are needed for trimming small trees, planting ground cover and maintaining beds around tree plantings on Sunday, May 15 from 1-3 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 from 9-11 a.m. at Tower Park (rain date June 5 from 1-3 p.m.); and Saturday, June 18 from 9-11 a.m. at Ed Ball Park (rain date June 19 from 1-3 p.m.)
• Announced that volunteers are needed Saturday, May 7 for the Rotary Parkway Clean-Up beginning at 8:30 a.m.

- .

Town Opposes Redistricting Plans - May 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., May 2, 2011 . . . A resolution opposing all existing Erie County redistricting proposals that place Grand Island in a district with the west side of Buffalo was unanimously adopted by the Town Board on Monday. According to the resolution, the proposals ignore the state constitutional constraints of contiguity and compactness which are explained in the Brennan Center for Justice New York Redistricting Memo dated March 1, 2010.
   Since the responsibility for recommending boundaries for districts in the decennial reapportionment rests with the Advisory Committee on Reapportionment and final authority rests with the Erie County Legislature, the Town Board voted to send the resolution to both the committee and the Erie County Legislature.

Residents Complain About Developer - May 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., May 2, 2011 . . .During a public hearing on a rezoning application for a portion of Whitehaven Farms PDD, several residents asked the Town to deny the request based on the developer’s track record in Golf Course Villas. Involved in the rezoning is swapping land with the golf course to develop parcels of land that would have frontage on Whitehaven Rd. (changing zoning from R-2, C-R PDD to just C-R and PDD.
   According to Al Hopkins, representing Metzger Engineering for Frank Grebenc and Whitehaven Farms, land that would benefit the golf course would be given in return for land that would benefit the development.
   However, Dave Gillen, speaking for a number of Golf Course Villas residents at the meeting, said developer Grebenc hasn’t finished their development and that Grebenc has been cited by the town in the past for piles of debris and tires etc. Promises of planted grassy areas, keeping vacant lots free from weeds, and planting of maple trees (not sticks) along Whitehaven Rd. have not been kept. Gillen referred to parts of Golf Course Villas looking like a war zone and wonders why Grebenc needs a new development when Golf Course Villas is a project not completed (22 houses out of 100+ lots).
   Dorothy Westhafer asked where is the farm in Whitehaven Farms indicating that 139 houses on 51 acres is high density and should be in the center of town not along Whitehaven Road. She added that this kind of development ruins the quality of life on Grand Island and called for open space in the project that did not count as golf course. The Town Board moved to table the rezoning pending further review.
   A public hearing was set for 8 p.m. May 16 to consider amending schedules 2 and 4 pertaining to the Central, North and South Business Districts. Specifically the amendments would delete descriptive language for Business District designations as they are now uniform and would also set height limits of 40 ft. and front yard setbacks of 15 ft.

Neighbors Support Special Use Permit For Sparks Trading Post - April 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., April 18, 2011 . . . A public hearing regarding a special use permit for Sparks Trading Post to continue to operate a commercial riding stable and farm in an R1-A zone opened Monday night’s town board meeting.
   While no one spoke against granting the permit, there were several who spoke in favor including Peter Sparks himself. He stated he had been running the stable since 1980 and that in 1996 Councilman Jim Sharpe had told him he did not need a special use permit. But then Zoning Inspector John McCarthy in speaking to Zone officer Doug Learman said the permit was required. Sparks felt he had been grandfathered in when the zoning changed from M-1 to R1-A and he wrote a letter opposing the special use permit.
   Several neighbors of Sparks questioned the zoning and didn’t understand why it had changed. Ken McCaffery who lives across the street from Sparks asserted there had never been a problem with the stables. The Wilkins, Sandra and Paul, who live next door agreed. They commented on how well he looks after the animals and said that their grandkids have been riding horses there.
   Dan Drexelius, another neighbor of Sparks, attested to the fact there have been no complaints about the stables, that he had ridden there himself in the 70s and that he doesn’t understand the rezoning when there is commercial property all around the area. He went on to question the town’s reasoning for the rezoning in the first place. Dan Pedlow suggested the Chamber of Commerce should be supportive of Sparks because he brings a lot of people to the Island who use the stables and then stay to eat in restaurants and visit other commercial establishments.
   Following the public hearing, the Town Board referred the issue to the Engineering Dept. for site plan approval and to the Planning Board for review assuring those in attendance that this is the normal procedure.
   A public hearing was set for 8 p.m. May 2 to consider amending the rezoning of a portion of Whitehaven Farms Subdivision from R-2 PDD to Commercial Recreation PDD for the purpose of cleaning up property lines between two properties. An agenda item for the approval of a revised concept plan for Whitehaven Farms PDD was tabled pending the outcome of the May 2 public hearing.
   Site plan approval was granted to Thomas Snyder of 2858 Staley Rd. for a barn expansion and recreational pond subject to the approval of the town engineer.
   The Town Board approved personnel changes for the Parks & Recreation Dept. as follows: returning personnel to part-time seasonal effective April 19 are Ben Certo, JR Certo and Justin Samland. Corey Ress was approved as a part-time recreation attendant for Reality Café, and new hires for maintenance, part-time seasonal beginning May 2 are Nikolas D’Ettorre, Joseph Fisher and Davis Nelson.
   In other business, the Board:
• Appointed John Anthony, Sean Dunn and Pat Dworak as Grand Island Police Officers at Non-Union Grade 5, Step A effective upon completion of required paperwork.
• Hired Edith M. Thompson as a Part-Time Clerk Typist at the starting rate of $10.38 per hour effective April 19.
• Awarded a bid for the Fisherman’s Landing project to Thomann Asphalt in the amount $507,000.
• Authorized the supervisor to sign a two-year contract for the annual inspection and emergency services on town-owned traffic signals with J.J. Emergency Electric in the amount of $1,050 per year.
• Approved a request from Parks and Recreation to purchase a tractor (1 Kubota 54 horse power with quick attach front loader and 72” bucket and cab) from Niagara implement Inc. in the amount of $20,200.

Approved Town Board Minutes - April 4, 2011

April 4 Town Board Minutes.

Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 2011

April 18, 2011 Town Board agenda.

Town Board Adopts Emergency Closing Policy - April 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., April 4, 2011 . . . After involving department heads and the collective bargaining units, the Town Board approved HR Policy 41.0 regarding emergency closings at Monday night’s meeting.
   Should an emergency occur that necessitates the shut down of town operations, a policy is now in place to determine procedure, expectations of employees in cases when no such closing is announced, along with the pay and leave process during these periods. Emergency closings are to be determined by the Town Supervisor or his/her designee. Notification will be made via radio announcements.
   Only employees deemed “essential personnel” will report to work during an emergency closure. Essential personnel will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be notified by the person responsible for declaring the emergency.
   Those personnel working during emergencies will be paid as though it was a normal work-day. They will be entitled to an “in lieu” day to be taken off in the future mutually agreed upon by the employee and his/her supervisor.
   Non-exempt (hourly) employees who do not work during the emergency will be granted unpaid administrative leave. Exempt (salaried) employees will be granted administrative leave and will be compensated at their regular salary during any work-week that includes an emergency closing date.
   Grand Island is part of the Western New York Stormwater Coalition that has received a grant for a NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation’s Round 10 Water Quality Improvement Project. The project, that includes mapping the entire storm sewer conveyance system for all coalition participants requires a letter of commitment from the supervisor that the Town Board authorized.
   Though the town auditors have not encountered the lack of oversight in the use of purchasing cards, it did recommend that the town consider implementing a formal written policy outlining the use of purchasing cards. The Town Board voted to adopt a policy to address the use subject to consultation with the bargaining unit.
   A site plan for a building expansion, 56 suites, at Elderwood Assisted Living at Riverwood, 2850 Grand Island Blvd. was given the green light by the Board. The project received a negative environmental quality review but plantings and sight protection for dumpsters will be required. Upon completion, it is estimated that the facility will be hiring 12 new employees.
   A public hearing has been set for 8 p.m. Monday, April 18 to consider a special use permit for a commercial riding stable/farm at Sparks Trading Post, 2630 Bedell Rd. The special use would cover a stable for housing and boarding horses, along with the ability to conduct riding and horseback lessons, all equipment and storage areas, plus feeding, watering and waste management plans.
   A request from John Stickl Construction Company to sale vacant lands that are part of Grand Vue Subdivision to four homeowners on Pin Oak Circle who wish to extend their property was referred to the Planning Board and Town Engineer for review.
   Site plan approval was given to JB Landscaping and Snowplowing at 2569 Whitehaven Road contingent on approval by the adjoining owner.
   In other business, the Board:
• Authorized the supervisor to sign a five-year contract with Ferguson Electric at a cost of $2,965 per year for annual preventive maintenance infrared thermographic inspection of the electrical distribution system at the water plant.
• Abandoned the rest of the north side of Harrison Rd., a paper street, as requested by Mark Zilliox of Jeffrey Dr.
• Appointed Deborah Billoni to the Board of Ethics for the remainder of a five-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2012.
• Appointed June Crawford, representing the GI Historical Society, to the Historic Preservation Advisory Board, for the remainder of a two-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2011.
• Recommended reappointment of Sam Akinbami to the Erie County Environmental Management Council for another two-year term commencing June 1, 2011.
• Announced that the 42nd Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner will be held at the Holiday Inn Monday, April 11.
• Announced that volunteers will be needed for clean up after the Grand Island Memorial Library book sale on Saturday.
• Referred to the April 4 Buffalo News article on the work being done on the Miracle League Field in Veterans Park.
• Remarked on the feasibility study being done to install turbines, 10 ft. in diameter, in the Niagara River as another source of power (five in the upper Niagara and five in the Lower Niagara.

Parks & Recreation Seasonal Schedules Approved - April 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., April 4, 2011 . . .A salary schedule for seasonal Parks & Recreation workers was approved Monday by the Town Board. Salary ranges for Parks are as follows: general workers ($8 to $8.50), Junior Workers ($8.50 to $9), Senior Workers ($9-$9.75), Master Mowers ($10-$12).
   Salary Ranges for Recreation Program attendants are as follows: Rec Aids ($8-$8.50), Rec Leaders ($8.50-$9). Instructors ($20), Lifeguards (WSI- $15.50); Instructors - ($12.40); Guards - ($8.50).
   Recreation Attendant part-time maintenance hires are as follows: Kyle Moody and Clifford Smith beginning April 5, Jared Billica, Ben Certo, JR Certo, Justin Samland, Dave Cole, and Edward Weiser from April 5-May 2; Anne Dyet from April 6-Nov. 1.
   Returning personnel for part time seasonal work effective May 2 are: Jared Billica, Ben Certo, JR Certo, Dave Cole, Neal DeMartin, Shane Eddy, Mike Karpie, Justin Samland, Edward Weiser and Kelly Williams.
   Permission was given to move Thomas Cecere to seasonal crew chief May 2 thru Aug. 19.

Approved Town Board Minutes - March 21, 2011

March 21 Town Board Minutes.

Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 2011

April 4, 2011 Town Board agenda.

Approved Town Board Minutes - Mar. 2011

March 7 Town Board Minutes.

Message from the Supervisor
Vets Park Drive Re-opened to Traffic- March 2011

   Mon., March 14, 2011 . . .At the request of the Parks & Recreation Department and with the help of the Highway Department, Veterans Park Drive will be re-opened to traffic this morning. This action is being taken because vehicles are driving around the barriers and the ground is no longer frozen. We hope to avoid any significant turf damage by taking this action.

Town Board rezones Business Districts - March 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., March 7, 2011 . . .Local Law Intro #2 of 2009 was finally adopted as Local Law #1 for 2011 at Monday’s Town Board meeting. The rezoning essentially gets rid of split zone lots in each of the three business districts - north, south and central, and distinguishes between permitted uses and projects that may need a special use. North and south districts are rezoned the same and the central district differs in that it is created to be a more pedestrian friendly environment. The plan to rezone the business districts has been in the works for years and will now finally eliminate the need to rezone each individualized project on land that had previously contained several different zoning catagories.
   Two public hearings were held, one for a bond resolution in the amount of $350,000 for improvements in the Consolidated Sewer District (wastewater pump station #6); and another for final plat approval to Phase 4 of Waterford Park Subdivision (16 lots).
   A bond resolution in the amount of $350,000 was approved for capitol projects at pump station #6 which includes the installation of approximately 1,740 lineal feet of 8-inch PVC pressure pipe.
   Questions posed by two nearby residents of Phase 4 of Waterford Park Subdivision were in regard to whether there would be wooded buffers to neighboring houses. Not really objecting to the project, the residents wanted information and were referred to the engineer on the development. The Town Board unanimously approved the final plat for Phase 4.
   An evidentiary hearing concerning an abandoned Mobil Station at 2333 Grand Island Blvd. was tabled by the board pending future action by the property owner. Apparently there has been recent activity at the station and board members will wait to see if their concerns are addressed.
   Several budget transfers were approved to balance funds in preparation for the year end. They were as follows: General Fund ($14,074), Highway ($8,100), Sewer ($475). The transfers are internal fund transfers that require no additional appropriations.
   During Voice of the People, Kimberly Yung, whose son was hit by a school bus earlier this year, commented on the safety measures being taken on Ransom Road. She cited the increased police patrols and the busing of students living on the north side of Ransom Road. However, she still advocates for better lighting and crosswalks at Tracey Lane and International Drive.
   In other business, the board:
• Approved the hiring of Timothy Burns as a full time Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Assistant effective March 8 at a rate of $15.80 per hour.
• Approved advertising for bids on a small size tractor to replace a 1973 John Deere hi-lift for the Parks & Recreation Dept.
• Granted special use renewals for a bed and breakfast by Glen Wallace at 917 North Colony Road; and for Elderwood Senior Care at Riverwood, 2850 Grand Island Blvd. - including its two-story addition.
• Accepted with regret the resignation of Maria Leszczak as cook at the Golden Age Center and the resignation of Raymond Gress from the Water Dept.
• Appointed Anne Fahning to the Board of Assessment Review to fill a term that expires September 30, 2012.

Approved Town Board Minutes - Jan. 2011

Jan. 18 Town Board Minutes.

Town Board Agenda - Feb. 7, 2011

I	ROLL CALL:     Town Clerk	
II	INVOCATION:  Harbor Lights Fellowship 	
III	PLEDGE:  Councilman Raymond Billica	
1.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #1, January 3, 2011
2.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #2, January 4, 2011
3.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #3, January 5, 2011
4.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #5, January 11, 2011
5.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #6, January 18, 2011
6.	Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting #2, January 18, 2011
7.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #7, January 19, 2011
8.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #8, January 20, 2011
9.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #9, January 25, 2011
10.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #10, January 26, 2011
11.	Approve Minutes of Workshop Meeting #11, January 27, 2011	
1.	Meeting Minutes – Commission for Conservation of the 
Environment – November 11, 2010
2.	County of Erie, Department of Environment and 
Planning – Public Review of 2011 Annual Action Plan
3.	Meeting Minutes – Grand Island Memorial 
Library – December 16, 2010
4.	Meeting Minutes – Board of Architectural 
Review – December 21, 2010
5.	Meeting Minutes – Long Range Planning 
Committee – November 18, 2010
6.	County of Erie, County Executive – 
Community Development Block Grant Consortium
7.	County of Erie, County Executive – Wastewater
 Treatment Plant Assistant (Non-Competitive)
8.	County of Erie, Comptroller – Report on 
Mortgage Tax Collections
9.	Golden Age Center – Vehicle Usage – January 2011
10.	Golden Age Center – Facility Usage – January 2011
11.	Building Permits Issued – January 2011
12.	New York State Division of Homeland Security
 and Emergency Services, Office of Emergency Management – FFY 10 Citizen Corps Grant Program

1.	Monthly Supervisor’s Report – December 2010,
 January 2011
2.	Appointment – Planning Board
3.	Appointment – Economic Development Advisory Board
4.	Appointment – Board of Assessment Review
5.	Abandoned Mobil Station – Set Public Hearing	
1.  Bond Resolution – $350,000 Increase and
 Improvements of Facilities of the Consolidated Sewer District 
 (Wastewater Pump Station No. 6) – Set Public Hearing	
1.	Street Light Upgrade Proposal – Kaegebein
 School Skating Pond - Broadway
2.	Appointment – Wastewater Treatment Plant
3.	Request Authorization to Advertise for
 Bids – Fisherman’s Landing,       Job #M-191
4.	Final Plat Approval – Waterford Park, 
Phase 4 – Set Public Hearing	
1.  Winter/Spring Part-Time Hires	
1.	Tower Permit Renewal – Crown Castle USA, Inc.
 – Bedell Road Bikepath
2.	Tower Permit Renewal – Crown Castle USA, Inc.
 – 3078 Staley Road	
   1.  Local Law Intro #2 of 2009 – 
   Rezoning of Business Districts 	
Barbara VanTassell                  Eric Roloff
Ronald Meyer                           Jean Hoover
Eva Ognibene                           George Bowman III
Patricia Less                             Connie Gibbons
Robert Jensen                          Richard Meyer
Carol Keenan                           Lawrence Gill
George Walk                            Franklin Mesmer
Jane Cutting	

Approved Town Board Minutes - Jan. 2011

Jan. 3 Town Board Minutes.

Traffic Safety Advisory Board News - Jan. 2011

   Tues., Jan. 18, 2011 . . .Early morning darkness can hinder the safety of students attending the Grand Island High School complex as they are dropped off by buses in the school parking lot areas. Children can be unpredictable and may run or walk in between buses and cars. Drivers should use extreme caution and if possible, avoid overly congested and waiting buses between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.
   The following is a round-about up-date from the Grand Island School District Dept. of Transportation:
    The project is finished. There are still major concerns and people have suggested that a round-about ahead, warning signs should be closer to the end of the bridge. The signs are in the correct place by law and need to be seen by drivers exiting the Stony Point extension and approaching the intersection of circle. Regardless of the type of signage, drivers approaching an intersection need to do so slowing down to a reasonable speed. This is actually a concern for law enforcement. Be especially cautious as you take the Staley Road exit going north due to unfamiliar drivers changing their mind and possibly changing lane. Most reports about the round-about are very favorable and that most times it is smooth flow at rush hour traffic and is an improvement.
   Next article: New law on law enforcement stopped vehicle.

Fire Company Contract Approved - Jan. 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., Jan. 3, 2011 . . .No one spoke at a public hearing on the fire company three-year contract for 2011, 2012 and 2013. For its services the company will answer and attend all fire calls at a cost of $995,623.05 for 2011, $1,015,535.51 for 2012 and $1,040,923 for 2013.
   Another public hearing, at which no one spoke, led to final plat approval for East River Landings (Phase 3 – two lots) at East River Road.
   Supervisor Peter McMahon was authorized to sign a professional services agreement with EDR for work on the Niagara River Greenway Grant application at a cost of $2,040. Work will involve obtaining current cost estimates, parking lot costs and some other drawing changes needed for the project.
   Additional services that include design modifications related to reactor cleaning and mechanical and electrical design modifications related to grinder replacement for the ragging elimination project at the water plant were approved at a cost of $8,015.
   A resolution authorizing the renewal of a site plan for River Oaks Marina, 101 Whitehaven Road, was approved. Renewal was subject to the following conditions: applicant shall record a Declaration of Temporary Easement prior to using the site for any accessory use; a storm drainage system, berming and landscaping to screen the storage area must be installed before the property can be used for additional storage; and the gravel and concrete storage area may be used for marine storage only.
   Highway Superintendent James Tomkins announced the appointment of Joseph Donlon as Deputy Highway Superintendent. The retirement of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Frank D. Potenza is effective Feb. 24 as announced.
   In other business, the Town Board:
• Approved public improvement permits (sewer, storm, water main, curbs and paving) for VI of the Grand Park Vue Subdivision.
• Accepted with regret the following resignations from advisory boards: Frank Dilliot from the Economic Advisory Board and Audrey Czesak from the Planning Board.

Supervisor & Town Board Appoint - Jan. 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., Jan. 3, 2011 . . . The following appointments were made during the reorganization meeting of the town of Grand Island Monday. Supervisor Peter McMahon named the following to committees:
• Audit: Chair Mary Cooke, Gary Roesch.
• Personnel Committee: Supervisor Peter McMahon, Dick Crawford.
• Sidewalk & Bike Path Committee: Chair McMahon, Town Engineer John Whitney, Traffic Safety Advisory Board member Christopher Russell, Highway Supt. J.T. Tomkins, Planning Board Chair Frank Sturniolo, Recreation Director Linda Tufillaro.
• Special Districts: Chair McMahon (chair), Mary Cooke, John Whitney, Brian Pettitt and Don Hoover from Water, and Ian James and Mike Braun from Wastewater.
• Historic Preservation Advisory Board: Mary Cooke as liaison, William Koch for four-year term, Shirley Luther for a two year term and Teddy Linenfelser (ex-officio for a one year term).
• Citizen Corps Council: Crawford as liaison, Dorothy Bitner, Frank Brusino, Kevin Koch, Hank Carroll, James T. Glass. Chair Stephen Stouter, Dan McMahon (ex-offico).
• Economic Development Advisory Board: Gary Roesch as liaison, reappointed Thomas Knight, Bonnie Sciuk and Robert Ratajczak, Jr. for three-year terms, appointed Jeffrey Scott Eberhard for three-year term, and Michael Manuszewski for the remainder of a term expiring Dec. 31, 2011.
• Commission for Conservation of the Environment: Mary Cooke as liaison, reappointed Stephen Birtz and Dr. Edward Standora for a five-year term.
• Cable/Communications Committee: Gary Roesch as liaison, appointed Robert Christmann for a seven-year term.
• Board of Ethics: Kevin Backus for a five-year term.
• Board of Assessment Review: Charles Meyer Jr. for a five-year term.
• Architectural Review Board: Ray Billica as liaison, Philip Buchanan and John Gilewica for a five-year term.
• Human Rights Commission: Billie Jean Harper for a five-year term.
• Library Trustee: Dick Crawford as liaison, Larry Slovick for a five-year term.
• Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: Crawford as liaison, David Reilly for a five-year term.
• Planning Board: Roesch as liaison and David Duchscherer for a seven-year term.
• Traffic Safety Advisory Board: Billica as liaison and Don Batalarus and Dorothy Bitner for three-year terms.
• Zoning Board of Appeals: reappointed Robert Mesmer for a five-year term, current alternate Timothy Phillips to fill remainder of five-year term, John Braddell appointed for a one-year term.
• Douglas Learman, Kevin Koch and Michael Eisenhauer were appointed as Code Enforcement Officers.
• Town Attorney Peter Godfrey and Supervisor’s Secretary Diane Nesbitt were appointed Harassment Complaint Officers.
• Gregory Butcher was appointed Deputy Disaster Coordinator.
• Teddy Linenfelser was re-appointed Town Historian for 2011.
• It was announced that James Tomkins is Highway Superintendent effective January 1.

Town Holidays Designated - Jan. 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., Jan. 3, 2011 . . .Town Hall hours for 2011 will be Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Offices will be closed on designated holidays. Special hours for tax collection will be determined by the Town Clerk.
   All town offices will be closed in observance of the following holidays, as set forth in the various union bargaining units:
   Martin Luther King Day (Monday, Jan. 17), President’s Day (Monday, Feb. 21), Good Friday (1/2 day Friday, Apr. 22), Memorial Day (Monday, May 30), Independence Day (Tuesday, July 4), Labor Day (Monday, Sept. 5), Columbus Day (Monday, Oct. 10), Veterans Day (Thursday, Nov. 11), Thanksgiving and day after (Thursday & Friday, Nov. 24-25), Christmas Eve (Friday, Dec. 23 & Monday, Dec. 26), New Year’s (1/2 day Friday, Dec. 30) and (Monday, Jan. 2).

Town reorganizes for 2011
Crawford continues as deputy supervisor - Jan. 2011

By Joelle Logue
   Mon., Jan. 3, 2011 . . .Supervisor Peter McMahon again named Dick Crawford Jr. as his deputy supervisor during the town’s reorganization meeting held Monday, January 3. McMahon asked for and was granted a 30-day extension for filing the Supervisor’s Financial Report for the fiscal year 2010. He also appointed Jacqueline McGinty as his secretary for the new year.
   The town board adopted three resolutions pertaining to methods of assessment for water, sewer and lighting. All operation and maintenance costs, net of water rents and other revenues shall be apportioned against the assessed land valuation of each of the properties or parcels of land within the Consolidated Water District. All lighting costs shall be apportioned against the properties in all districts of the town based upon the frontage of said property.
   The method for the apportionment of the capital construction and operation and maintenance costs of the Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities and sewer district lines and appurtenances is as follows: 100% of all net operation and maintenance costs and shall be apportioned to the water consumption of each of the properties or parcels of land within the town sewer districts and recovered as sewer rent; 100% of capital costs shall be apportioned against the assessed land valuation of each of the properties or parcels of land within the town sewer districts; where there is an accessible line frontage it shall bear an annual tax of 80 cents per front foot in the areas of the Consolidated Sewer District formerly known as Sewer District #4, except that lateral sewer lines installed by a real property developers such front foot charges shall not apply. Also, a charge per frontage feet in said former Sewer District #4 or those connected in the East River lateral to be determined by the county.
   The town board also took action on the following:
• Set mileage at .51 cents per mile for town officials and town employees performing duties for the town.
• Authorized membership at the NYS Association of Towns Meeting in New York City by those department heads and/or elected officials with necessary funds in the budget; and authorized the supervisor to cast one vote for the town at the meeting. The alternate delegate is Councilman Crawford.
• Renewed the town’s membership in the Association of Erie County Governments, NYS Government Finance Officers Association, State Association of Municipal Purchasing Officers (SAMPO), the New York Planning Federation and the Association of Towns of New York State.
• Adopted Rules and Procedures originally adopted Jan. 20, 1964 and amended January 18, 1988, May 19, 1997 and January 5, 2004.
• Set petty cash funds as follows – town clerk ($700), sewer and water ($150), town justices ($200), highway dept. ($125), recreation dept. ($100), Enrichment & Referral ($100).
• Set bond amounts for town personnel – supervisor ($250,000), town clerk ($250,000), deputy town clerks ($250,000), supervising accountant ($250,000), Court clerks – town justices ($100,000), and a blanket bond for each other bonded employee ($5000).
• Designated the Island Dispatch as the official newspaper for the town.
• Designated M&T Trust Company, HSBC Bank, MBIA CLASS, JP Morgan Chase Bank. Citizens Bank, and First Niagara Commercial Bank as depositories for the town.
• Named Bonadio Group as audit counselors.
• Set the payroll date as every other Thursday, beginning Jan. 1.
• Set town board meetings for the first and third Mondays of each month at 8 p.m. unless it falls on a holiday in which case it will be held on Tuesday. Workshops will precede the meetings at 6:30 p.m. There is no meeting the third Monday in February due to the Association of Towns conference.
• Designated Supervisor Peter McMahon as budget officer for the town, and as police commissioner and town liaison for the Grand Island Police Dept.
• Agreed to retain the law firm of Hodgson, Russ, Andrews, Woods & Goodyear LLP, Peter C. Godfrey, Esq. Of Counsel as attorneys for the town.
• Adopted an investment and procurement policy and adopted a fee schedule for 2011.