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Snowstorm - December 2012

   Grand Island, NY and surrounding towns got the promised 16" or so of heavy snow, beginning Wednesday afternoon and through the night. Opening the door in the morning to get out and clear cars and shovel was a struggle. Shoveling was another one (struggle) with the heavy snow sticking to the shovel.
   As usual, roads here were kept "clear" through the efforts of Highway Superintendent Jim "JT" Tomkins and his topnotch crew. At this writing, 12:30 p.m. Thursday, December 27, light snow is falling, but it is believed the storm is over.

Northbound South Bridge Lane Restrictions - 2012

   The following lane restrictions will occur on the northbound South Bridge resuming the week of January 7th.
  • Monday 1/7/13 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Tuesday 1/08/13
  • Tuesday 1/08/13 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Wednesday 1/09/13.
  • Wednesday 1/09/13 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Thursday 1/10/13.
  • Thursday 1/10/13 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Friday 1/11/13.
  • Friday 11/11/13 10:00 pm -through- 8:00 am Saturday 1/12/13.

    State Parks to Issue Snowmobile Use Permits - 2012

       Beaver Island State Park is currently issuing permits that will allow snowmobilers to use the more than 12 miles of designated and signed snowmobile trails on State park property, located on Grand Island. The trails will be open between the hours of 10:00am and 10:00pm beginning on December 15, 2012. Snowmobiling is not allowed within Beaver Island State Park.
       There is no fee for the "Snowmobile Use Permit", but applicants must present a valid registration and proof of current insurance. A decal will be issued with the permit along with a copy of the rules and regulations and map showing the location of the designated trails and parking areas.
       Major David Page of the NYS Park Police reminds all snowmobilers that the park lands are off limits until December 15th and that there must be at least 3 inches of snow before the trails will be open.
       Permits will be available at the Beaver Island State Park Office on weekdays between the hours of 8:00am and 4:15pm.
       For additional information, please contact the Beaver Island State Park office at 773-3271.

    Northbound South Bridge Lane Restrictions - 2012

       The following lane restrictions will occur on the northbound South Bridge starting November 26, 2012.
  • Friday 12/07/12 10:00 pm -through- 8:00 am Saturday 12/08/12.
  • Monday 12/10/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Tuesday 12/11/12
  • Tuesday 12/11/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Wednesday 12/12/12.
  • Wednesday 12/12/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Thursday 12/13/12.
  • Thursday 12/13/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Friday 12/14/12.
  • Friday 12/14/12 10:00 pm -through- 8:00 am Saturday 12/15/12.

    Northbound South Bridge Lane Restrictions - 2012

       The following lane restrictions will occur on the northbound South Bridge starting November 26, 2012.
  • Friday 11/30/12 10:00 pm -through- 8:00 am Saturday 12/01/12.
  • Monday 12/03/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Tuesday 12/04/12
  • Tuesday 12/04/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Wednesday 12/05/12.
  • Wednesday 12/05/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Thursday 12/06/12.
  • Thursday 12/06/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Friday 12/07/12.
  • Friday 12/07/12 10:00 pm -through- 8:00 am Saturday 12/08/12.

    Northbound South Bridge Lane Restrictions - Nov. 2012

       The following lane restrictions will occur on the northbound South Bridge starting November 26, 2012.
  • Monday 11/26/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Tuesday 11/27/12.
  • Tuesday 11/27/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Wednesday 11/28/12.
  • Wednesday 11/28/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Thursday 11/29/12.
  • Thursday 11/29/12 9:00 pm -through- 6:00 am Friday 11/30/12.
  • Friday 11/30/12 10:00 pm -through- 8:00 am Saturday 12/01/12.

    UNICEF 2012 Results - Nov. 2012

        The weather was dreadful on Halloween night this year. Some people said they had no Trick-or-Treaters! Did that happen to you?
        About 1800 little cartons were distributed to our youngsters through Mrs. Jennifer Kropidlowski at Huth Road School, Mrs. Maria Siebert at Kaegebein School, Mrs. Linda Samland at Sidway School, Ms. Jayne Schaber at the Connor Middle School and also to the Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School and to Saint Stephen School.
        This is the 34th year that Grand Island Boy Scouts have opened and sorted all the coins. This is the first year that High School students from classes of Cheryl Chamberlain volunteered to spend a Saturday morning at the Grand Island Key Bank counting and rolling all those sorted coins.
        So how did we do this year of the stormy weather? Short of matching our goal of $2,000 as of last year, we did collect $1,700. You can still add to this. Children in Syria and other crucial locations around the world are suffering the horrors of war now. A check to U. S. Fund for UNICEF mailed to Lee Tetkowski, UNICEF Chairman, at 1530 Whitehaven Rd., Grand Island, will immediately be rushed to support UNICEF¹s efforts.
        Thanks to all of you who have already helped. Here are the names of the Scouts who worked this year:
    2012 UNICEF ­ Money Sorters - 34th Year of Grand Island Boy Scouts Sorting UNICEF Money - 11/7/12 Boy Scouts ­ Troop 510
    Jake Matwijkow ­ Senior Patrol Leader
    Evan Bedell
    Jesus Cisneros
    Cameron Fairbairn
    Max Grenda
    Jason Held
    Ethan Hodge
    Alexander Sendlbeck
    Ben Starr

    Adult Leaders
    Other Helpers (Parents)
    Pat Garten ­ Scoutmaster
    Joel Bedell
    Debbie Held ­ Troop Committee Chair
    Carlos Cisneros
    Sue Grenda ­ Assistant Scoutmaster
    Lisa Hodge
    Steve Winder ­ Advancement Chair
    Dori Matwijkow
    Lee Tetkowski - Grand Island UNICEF Chair Debbie Mondoux Hal Pierce - Former Explorer Advisor ­ Post 254 John Mondoux
    High School counters:
    Alexandra Griffin
    Shannon Kieffer
    Matt Sutton
    Kevin Aronica
    Alex Brown
    Ben Purrington
    Marisa Phillips
    Brookeyan Peaseel
    Katelyn Ruszkowski
    Melissa Sainsbury
    Rachael Ruszkowski

    Hardwick Announces HEAP Outreach Event - Nov. 2012

        Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick announces that a Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Outreach will be held Tuesday, Dec. 4 at the United Way of the Tonawandas, 34 Seymour Street, Tonawanda, 14150. Interviews will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m. Doors open at 8:30am. All applicants will be interviewed. See flyer for complete details.

    ReTree WNY's Fall Tree Planting - Nov. 2012

    Click photo for larger view

        Grand Island participated in ReTree WNY's fall tree planting on Saturday November 4. Four trees were planted at the Ransom Village Playground, at the end of Park Lane off Ransom Road. A donation made by the Grand Island Lions Club helped fund the fall planting. Shown front left of one of the newly planted trees are Nathan Marino, Ben Wright, Mary Cooke, Mike Ochs, Alice Gerard, Dick Crawford, Diane Evans, Roy Tilghman and Jim Tomkins.

    Let's Help Island Family - Nov. 2012

       An Island family lost everything due to a fast moving apartment fire on Monday, November 5th. Please see WE Can Help for details.

    Fatal Crash - Nov. 2012

       The Grand Island Fire Company responded to a report of a truck driven into a utility pole and tree in front of 1169 Baseline Road at 12:59 p.m. Sunday, November 11, 2012. The driver, Barry Vanderbrook of Jenell Drive, was traveling north on Baseline Road. He was found unconscious and trapped in the 1994 Chevrolet pickup truck. Firefighters extricated the victim from his vehicle and he was pronounced dead at the scene. The incident was turned over to the Erie County Sheriff's Department, and an investigation of the fatal accident is underway.

    American Red Cross Blood Drive - Nov. 2012

       An American Red Cross Blood Drive is being held in Grand Island Fire Headquarters, 2275 Baseline Road from 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13th.

    Firefighters Battle Island Apartment Fire - November 2012

       WGRZ Web Staff - Monday, November 5, 2012 . . Firefighters in Grand Island battled an early morning apartment fire. Firefighters were called to an apartment building at 2079 Whitehaven Road just after 6 a.m. Grand Island Assistant Fire Chief Chris Soluri tells 2 On Your Side that when firefighters arrived on scene, they found heavy fire conditions in the apartment. There are seven units in the complex. The fire was contained to the one apartment. A male teen was in the apartment at the time of the fire. He was taken by ambulance to ECMC with minor injuries. Officials say the teen told them the fire started in the living room. The Erie County Sheriff's Office is investigating the cause of the fire.

    Daylight Saving Time Ends November 4 - Nov. 2012

       Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 4, 2012. At 2 a.m. on Sunday we will "fall back" one hour to 1 a.m., proving an extra hour of sleep but also creating the illusion of waking up an hour earlier than usual.

    Holiday Inn Sold For $4.4M - October 2012

        The Grand Island Holiday Inn was auctioned off Wednesday, October 24, 2012 for the high bid of $4.4 million.
    Buffalo News Story

    2013 Reassessment Project News - October 2012

       The Town of Grand Island 2013 Reassessment Project is on schedule to be completed in the Spring of 2013. See update for current information.

    UNICEF Time - October 2012

       Have a cup of coins ready as well as all that candy, when the gremlins come. You may be surprised at the new design of this year's UNICEF collection boxes, but what you drop into them will provide health care and immunizations, clean water, education, and more!
       You can make Halloween be meaningful as well as fun, when our children participate in one of the longest-running youth volunteer initiatives in the United States. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has been active each Halloween on Grand Island for decades! Now in its 62nd year this original Kids Helping Kids provides an outlet for our children to help kids in desperate need around the world.
        Teachers in our schools are using educational materials from UNICEF to promote understanding for global citizenship at all levels. Little boxes will be distributed to all who want them. If you have school age children, please remind them to promptly return the heavy boxes to their teachers.
        Right now over a million children are facing extremely difficult and dangerous conditions. Local UNICEF Chairman Lee Tetkowski urges us to surpass our goal of raising $2,000.
       Checks made out to U. S. Fund for UNICEF may be folded and put into those little boxes or mailed to her at 1530 Whitehaven Road.

    Grand Island Dollars For Scholars Wine Tasting - October 2012

       The Grand Island Dollars for Scholars program is hosting a wine tasting fundraiser on Friday, October 12th, from 7pm- 10pm at the Knights of Columbus on Whitehaven Road. Wine, Champagne, food and music will be provided. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per couple and are tax-deductable. You may purchase your tickets at Aceti's Wine & Spirits or the GI Chamber of Commerce office, or call 773-3651 to reserve with your credit card. There are limited tickets at the door. You must be 21 years old to attend.

    Register for Grand Island Crop Walk - October 2012

    Walk Route Map
       *Registration forms may be picked up at the Chamber of Commerce booth at the Fall Festival, Grand Island Plaza, Saturday, October 13th.

       Grand Island residents can help stop hunger in our community and around the world by joining the CROP Walk on October 14th. It begins at 1 PM in Beaver Island State Park at the picnic shelter adjacent to the marina. The Commmunity Response to Overcoming Poverty (CROP) walk has been endorsed by the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce and the Grand Island Ministerium. The honorary chairperson is Robert W. Christmann, Grand Island Superintendent of Schools. Twenty-five percent of donated funds remain on Grand Island where it is administered by the Neighbors Foundation and Trinity United Methodist Church. The remainder is used by Church World Service and other designated international agencies to reduce hunger and poverty throughout the world. Even relatively affluent communities such as ours have many people in need. In fact, recent census data indicates that one out of every twenty-five Grand Islanders lives in poverty.
       Additional information, including pledge envelopes, can be found at Key Bank, Creative Leather Concepts/Gr Island Ship Center-Fed X, deSignet Jewelry, the Chamber of Commerce Office, Serene Gardens, Niagara Frontier Publications, Trinity United Methodist Church, St. Martins Episcopal Church and Island Presbyterian Church. To learn more please visit www.cropwalk.org or call the CROP Walk Coordinator, the Rev. Paul E. Robinson at 773-3550.

    Friends of Shelia Ferrentino Hold Fundraiser - October 2012

       Friends of Shelia Ferrentino held a "Fantasy Casino" fundraiser on Thursday, September 27, 2012 at the River Oaks Clubhouse. Shelia is the Republican candidate for Grand Island Town Council. A great time was had by all. Election day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

    Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Classes - October 2012

    Fall Class Offerings from the Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse The Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse is a valuable resource offering classes that touch on many issues that concern our youth. The following classes will be available this Fall: Gangs 101 on October 10, Motivating Adolescents to Make Positive Changes on November 28, and Overview of Synthetic Drugs on December 10. All classes are held at the Harlem Road Community Center at 455 Harlem Road, Amherst, NY 14226. For more information about registration and course offerings, please visit the website at www.eccpasa.org.

    Island Autism Support Group To Meet - October 2012

    The Grand Island Autism Support Group will meet on Tuesday, October 2nd 2012, at 2139 Grand Island Blvd., (Realty USA office) from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. The guest speaker is The Parent Network Of WNY, see flyer for details. This is a free event! Light refreshments provided. RSVP appreciated, but not required. Call / Text Vienna Haak at 716-430-5118 or email vahaak@yahoo.com.

    National Grid Will Take your Discarded Fridge - September 2012

       Let National Grid get rid of your old, second fridge at no charge.
       Tired of your old, second fridge wasting electricity and taking up space in your home? Let National Grid haul it away at no charge, and we'll even give you an extra $30 bonus for recycling. It's a convenient way to clear up space in the home, conserve energy and get some easy money. Call 1-877-691-0021 today to schedule a free recycling appointment!

    Island Shoreline Sweep - September 2012

       Grand Island, New York: Riverside-Salem United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ Environmental Cottage, 3449 West River Road, will host the Grand Island Shoreline Sweep from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, September 22nd. Volunteers will be asked to meet at 8:45 a.m. at the environmental chapel.
       Grand Island’s event is one of 20 Western New York sites that will participate in the shoreline sweep on Saturday that is being organized by the Buffalo-Niagara Riverkeepers.
        Anyone under 18 years of age who wishes to participate will need a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. Volunteers should plan on wearing clothing that is appropriate for potentially messy work and for weather conditions, which could include rain. Gloves will be provided, as will trash bags and clear recycling bags. Volunteers will have a checklist to keep track of the kinds of trash being collected (cups, bottles, food containers, etc.). This information will be tabulated and fed into a national database. After cleanup activities are completed, at around 11:30 a.m., pizza and soda will be served to the volunteers.
        For further information, call 773-1426.

    Auction Sale of GI Holiday Inn - Sept. 2012

       September 17, 2012...Grand Island, NY, Blackbird Asset Services announces the bank owned hotel auction of the waterfront Holiday Inn on Grand Island on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, at 11am local time. Williamsville, NY based Blackbird Asset Services, LLC, is working with Tulsa, Okla., based AmeriBid, LLC, to sell the landmark Grand Island Holiday Inn Resort & Conference Center at auction. See Press Release for details.

    Erie County Clerk Reminds Voters of Registration Deadlines - Sept. 2012

        Erie County, NY- Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs is reminding residents of fast-approaching voter registration deadlines, and that his office has Voter Registration Forms available at any of the Erie County Auto Bureaus and at the Clerk’s Office located in Old County Hall at 92 Franklin Street, downtown Buffalo. To be eligible to vote in the upcoming November 6th elections, voters must have their completed form post-marked or hand delivered to the Erie County Board of Elections by the October 12th deadline.
        In order to update your registration or change your Party Affiliation, you must complete a new Voter Registration Form. Any information provided that is different from what is currently on file will be updated. Please note that a party affiliation change will not take effect until AFTER the current year's General Election in November.
       For more information, or to obtain a Voter Registration Form, contact the Erie County Clerk’s Office at 716/858-8785, by e-mail at ErieCountyClerkOffice@erie.gov or go directly to www.erieboe.com and click on the “Register to Vote Now” link.

    Island CROP Walk - Oct. 2012

        The annual CROP Walk for Hunger (Communities Response to Overcome Poverty) is planned for Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 1 p.m. Please note the date change from the 4th Sunday in September to the second Sunday in October. The meeting place is Beaver Island State Park. Registration will precede the walk that begins at 1 p.m. in the Park Pavilion down by the docks. 25% of the walk is shared between Trinity UM Church Food Pantry and Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island.
       Grand Islanders are encouraged to pick up an envelope and encourage family, friends and colleagues to support them financially as they walk for those who have to walk for food and water. For envelopes and more information, call the CROP Walk Coordinator, Paul Robinson at 773-3550 or email him at prka2ymf@roadrunner.com.
       A long time supporter of CROP Walks, Schools Superintendent Bob Christmann will serve as the CROP Walk's first Honorary Chairperson.

    Primary Election Day - Fall 2012

       Primary Election Day is THURSDAY, September 13th. All polling locations open from 6am-9pm.
    Listed below are sample ballots.
    Democratic Ballot*New Addition
    Conservative Ballot
    Independence Ballot
    Republican Ballot
    Working Families Ballot

    American Red Cross Blood Drive - Fall 2012

       An American Red Cross Blood Drive is being held in Grand Island Fire Headquarters, 2275 Baseline Road from 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 4th. Thank you for helping promote blood donation in the community.

    Cycle-paths Annual Labor Day Pub Crawl - August 2012

    The Cycle-paths annual Labor Day pub crawl will be held Sunday, September 2. Meeting place is the Island Deli & Meat Market (2488 Grand Island Blvd) at noon.

    Plaza Mural Fundraiser - August 2012

    Click for larger view

        A painting of the Town Commons Gazebo will be raffled off to benefit the painting of a mural behind the Grand Island Plaza. Former islander and artist Terry Klaaren painted the gazebo while attending a recent Town Commons concert. Tickets will be available at the last concert on Tuesday, August 14th and at deSignet Jewelry, 1869 Whitehaven Road and are $1.00 each or six for $5.00.

    7th Annual Hoffman's Hospice Golf Outing & Fundraiser - August 2012

        The 7th Annual Hoffman's Hospice golf outing and fundraiser is planned for Sunday, September 2nd, at Beaver Island Golf Course. Golfing starts at 10:00 a.m. and registration is due by August 27th. If you would like tickets to the golf outing or dinner, see - golf/dinner flyer. For more information on donating see - donation flyer.

    National Night Out - August 2012


    Pictures by Mary Stewart

        Grand Island Parks & Recreation Department hosted "National Night Out" on Tuesday, August 7th at Marion Klingel Town Commons. The Bar Room Buzzards {Dixieland Jazz} and Grand Island's own Casey Bolles entertained the crowd with their music. Law enforcement vehicles from the NYS Police, Erie County Sheriff's Department, Grand Island Police and fire trucks from the Grand Island Fire Company were on display. The dogs from Search & Rescue and the Sheriff's K-9 department were a big hit with the kids. Also taking part were the Grand Island schools, CERT, St. Stephen School, Coast Guard, and River Lea Quilters

    Trees Taken Down? - August 2012

    See WIVB.com Story.

    Veterans Administration Identifies Email Scam - August 2012

        VA has identified an email scam that is targeting VA employees. The email uses the Department of Veterans Affairs as a lure in the subject line and claims to offer $1,000 in Visa gift cards—free of charge—on behalf of VA medical centers. Recipients are directed to a bogus website to redeem the gift card. Some emails are even personalized with an employee’s name in an attempt to appear legitimate.
       If you receive this email:
    Contact Arlyn De La Rosa, ISO immediately.
    Do not click on any links within the email.
    Do not reply to the sender or open any attachments.
    To learn about email safety and how to avoid email scams, contact or visit the Veteran Information Protector (VIP) Resources Page.
    Arlyn De La Rosa
    Information Security Officer
    OI&T, Field Security Services
    New York Regional Office
    Phone: 212.807.3078
    Fax: 212.807.4024

    7th Annual Hoffman's Hospice Fundraiser - August 2012

        The 7th Annual Hoffman's Hospice fundraiser is planned for Sunday, September 2nd, at Beaver Island Golf Course. The group is seeking donations and/or sponsorships for the golf outing and dinner/fundraiser. For more information on donating see - donation flyer. If you would like tickets to the golf outing or dinner, see - golf/dinner flyer.

    Take Precautions, Lock Your Cars - August 2012

       Sheriff's Deputy Matt Cipollitti recently stopped at Isledegrande to report the high volume of larcenies occurring on Grand Island, particularly in vehicles parked in driveways. This is not a new trend. Every neighborhood on the island has been hit at one time or another in the past year. Deputy Cipollitti advises homeowners to remove any belongings from cars, as locked and unlocked cars are being targeted. Outside lights and motion detectors are deterrents for would be bandits. If you notice anything unusual in your neighborhood, do not hesitate to report it. The smallest tips sometimes lead to possible arrests. If the activity is after the fact, or out of the norm but not threatening, please call 858-2903. If it looks like it is a possible larceny in progress call 911 immediately.

    Waterfowl ID Class Offered - 2012

        Beaver Island State Park will be sponsoring a waterfowl ID course presented by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on August 9 from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. in the Beaver Island Club House. This course, which is required for entry in waterfowl blind drawings at local New York State Parks including Beaver Island, will teach hunters how to properly identify various waterfowl in the field and the hunting regulations that apply to each species. Participants must pre-register by calling 716-773-3271 and the session is free to attend.

    End of Season Discount at Big Six Mile Marina - 2012

       Big Six Mile Marina is cutting the price of soaking up the last of summer by offering 50% off seasonal boat slip until October 14 when the Marina closes. Big Six Mile Creek Marina located at 3219 Whitehaven Road in Grand Island, NY. The price of the slip is based on the registered boat length. There are currently 19-foot to 30-foot slips available which include electric and water hook-ups. You may either call Big Six Mile Creek Marina directly at (716)773-3270 or visit the marina to find out what slips are available.

    National Night Out planned for Grand Island - 2012

       The Grand Island Parks & Recreation Department will be conducting “National Night Out” on Tuesday, August 7, 2012 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM at the Marion Klingel Town Common gazebo area. National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention; generate support and participation in local anticrime programs and strengthen spirit and police-community relationships.
        Free entertainment will be provided by The Bar-Room Buzzards, a Dixieland Jazz group. Law enforcement vehicles from the NYS Police, Erie County Sheriff Department and Grand Island Police will be on display. A US Border Patrol helicopter, a Coast Guard boat and fire equipment from the Grand Island Fire Company will also be at The Commons.
       Children’s activities will include table games and crafts. The Grand Island Fire Company will be having a chicken bbq. All are welcome, bring the entire family.

    Paddles Up This Weekend - July 2012

        For information on 7th Annual Paddles Up Niagara on Saturday, July 28, 2012 see http://old.niagaragreenway.org/paddlesup_2012.htm. Grand Island Historical Society members are sponsoring a pre-paid lunch at River Lea in Beaver Island State Park.

    Island Trees and Shrubs Need Your Help - July 2012

    Distressed Tree at Fisherman's Landing

       Island residents and businesses; please do whatever you can to protect the trees and shrubs on your property as well as the adjacent public lands. The recently announced voluntary measures to reduce water consumption on Grand Island only apply to activities like the watering of lawns and the washing of vehicles. These measures do not apply to your trees and shrubs. Please take a moment to check the vegetation on your property as well as the trees and shrubs that may be located within the public right of way in front of your home. If the leaves are starting to lose their deep green color, are turning brown around the edges or are dropping to the ground in large numbers you need to take immediate action. Use a trickle feeder hose or a sprinkler on a very low setting to allow water to slowly enter the tree root zone. The root zone is the circular area extending out from the tree trunk or the base of a shrub to the ends of the branches. Deep watering in this manner will help the trees and shrubs through this drought crisis. There are signs of stressed vegetation everywhere. We all have to work together to make sure that the flora that makes Grand Island a great place to live survives for another season.
    Paul G. Leuchner
    Town of Grand Island Conservation Commission

    Cuomo Institutes Statewide Burn Ban - July 2012

       Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has urged all New Yorkers to take extra caution, as dry weather conditions have led to a heightened danger of wildfires across Upstate and Western New York. In addition, the state has instituted a statewide residential burn ban for 90 days through October 10. See information for more details.

    American Red Cross Blood Drive - July 2012

       An American Red Cross Blood Drive is being held in St. Stephen's RC Church, 2100 Baseline Road from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Sunday, July 22nd. All presenting donors receive a coupon for a free carton of Friendly's Ice Cream. Thank you for helping us promote blood donation in the community.

    Homeowners Workshop on Emerald Ash Borer - July 2012

       The WNY Emerald Ash Borer Task Force will present a Homeowners Workshop on Emerald Ash Borer Saturday, July 21st in coordination with the 20th Annual NYS ReLeaf Conference. The workshop will be from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at Grupp Lounge in the Richard E. Winters building at Canisius College. Registration begins at 8:45 am. (A map of Canisius College is available at: http://www.canisius.edu/admissions/PDFs/Web_Campus_Map2000.pdf.)
       There is no charge for the workshop but pre-registration is requested by July 17th to CCE of Erie County at sin2@cornell.edu or 716-652-5400 x 150. Funding for the workshop has been provided by The Erie County Environmental Education Institute (ECEEI), an organization that seeks to fund grass-root organizations to facilitate local community efforts in the development and promotion of environmental education programs. See Workshop for complete details.

    If This Isn't A Drought, What Is It? - July 2012

    Ray Pauley Photo
       July 12, 2012 . . . Gazebo garden plants surrounded by 3" cracks in the soil caused by lack of sufficient rainfall.

    7th Annual Paddles Up Niagara - July 2012

       See Paddles Up Information.    The seventh annual "Paddles Up Niagara" along the southeastern shore of Grand Island will be held on Saturday, July 28, 2012. The non-competitive paddle starts at Little Beaver Island Launch Site and continues to East River Marsh Launch Site then back to Little Beaver, all within Beaver Island State Park, a 4.8 mile journey.
       For information on a pre-paid lunch fund raiser to benefit the Grand Island Historical Society, call the Niagara River Greenway Commission at 716-773-5361.

    July 4th Parade Photos - July 2012

        Slideshow - Photo Credit: Mary Stewart

    A Word From the Publisher - Parade Feedback - July 2012

        The 43rd Independence Day Parade on Grand Island Blvd. drew a record crowd yesterday and most of the appreciative crowd survived the sun and heat. The annual parade was preceded by the Dick Bessel running race and a kids' race. Isledegrande.com staff received some feedback in the form of suggestions for next year’s major community event. If you have an idea on the subject, send it to the editor at teddy@giecom.net and it will be posted on the Letters to the Editor page. Any derogatory responses will not be posted. Your name must be included.
       Town Recreation Director Linda Tufillaro has the tremendous job of organizing and running the parade which has become a tradition. "This was the first year all units were in order, and was the largest number of units and largest/longest parade," she said.
       “I would like to know what people like/dislike, want to see more of or less of. What can be done to make their visit to the parade more enjoyable? Do they like having the running race ahead of the parade, no race(s), a different race route etc.?” Mrs. Tufillaro said.
    Publisher Reg Schopp

    NYS Parks Announces Summer Events - July 2012

       See NYS Parks Summer Events

    Boater's Safety Guide Available - July 2012

       Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs announces that the 2012 New York State Boater’s Guide is now available through his office. The guidebook is made possible by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. The guide provides a summary of the more important laws, registration and training requirements, as well as suggested safety information governing recreational boating within New York State.
       “Just like there are “rules of the road” for vehicles, there are “rules of the waterways” that govern the safe maneuvering of boats”, said Jacobs. “I encourage all recreational boaters to know the risks, learn the rules and be prepared before taking the helm this season.”
        The Boater’s Safety Guide is available by request. Please contact the Erie County Clerk’s Office at 716/858-7754 or e-mail ErieCountyClerkOffice@erie.gov to receive your free copy. Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs announces that the 2012 New York State Boater’s Guide is now available through his office. The guidebook is made possible by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. The guide provides a summary of the more important laws, registration and training requirements, as well as suggested safety information governing recreational boating within New York State.

    20th Annual Crop Walk Planned, Donations Needed - June 2012

        A CROP Hungar Walk is planned for Sunday, October 14th at 1:00 p.m. For twenty years, Grand Island neighbors have been walking together to take a stand against hungar. This is a Community-based and interfaith group that is raising awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting. Twenty-five percent of monies raised is split between the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation and the Trinity Food Cupboard. In the last 20 years, more than $294 million has been raised world-wide. Local individuals and businesses are being asked for donations of monies or items that can be used as prizes and refreshment for the participants. For more information go to www.cropwalk.org. Thank you to last year's sponsors: Derek Ostrom, Ostrom Enterprises, Rockwood Brothers Collision, Kaiser Funeral Home, Grand Island Auto Tech, Wynne & Wynne CPA, Say Cheese Pizza, Dr. Hugg's Car Wash, Mt. St. Mary's Hospital, Susie's Produce, TOPS, Tim Phillips Garage Island Pet Lodge, American Family Dental Group, Erie Plumbing, Dick & Jenny's, Fred J. Claus Photography and Trinity United Methodist Church.

    American Red Cross Blood Drive - June 2012

       An American Red Cross Blood Drive is being held in the Grand Island Fire Hall, 2275 Baseline Road from 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 10th. All donors will receive a coupon for a free carton of Friendly's ice cream! Currently there is an urgent need for blood; particularly from A negative, B negative and O donors.

    Stefan Mychajliw Running For Comptroller - June 2012

    From left: Daughter Mia, Stefan Mychajliw, father Stefan Sr., and sister and Grand Island resident Maryanne Mychajliw McMahon

    See formal announcement dated June 3, 2012.
    Press Release...June 20, 2012
       Republican, Independence, and Conservative Erie County Comptroller candidate Stefan Mychajliw spent part of Father's Day attending the Grand Island Father's Day Lawn Mower Races and Classic Car show with his family. Joining Mr. Mychajliw in the photo are his daughter Mia, father Stefan Sr., and sister and Grand Island resident Maryanne Mychajliw McMahon. Prior to attending the car show, the independent candidate attended Mass at St. Stephens Roman Catholic Church on Baseline Road.
       "I am crisscrossing Erie County, humbling and personally asking people for their vote this November. It is always great to spend time in Grand Island with my sister, who lives on the Island with her husband Sean and my nephew Jacob. We met wonderful people on the campaign trail and I will most definitely be back many times between now and November. People have been very receptive to our message of desperately needing an independent watchdog as Erie County Comptroller. I am the only candidate with a strong track record of uncovering fraud, waste, and abuse in Erie County government," said the former "Redcoat" investigative watchdog. The festive, family event benefited the Grand Island Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society.

    Free U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Vessel Safety Check - June 2012

        Start your boating summer safely with a free Vessel Safety Check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary WASHINGTON - With Memorial Day now behind us, the summer boating season is “officially” under way. Now is the time to get a Vessel Safety Check (VSC)!
        A VSC is a complementary safety inspection of a recreational boat conducted by a trained and certified U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadron Vessel Examiner. A VSC helps to ensure your vessel meets current Federal safety standards. Items reviewed during the VSC include number, type, and condition of life jackets and fire extinguishers, emergency distress signals, navigation lights, ventilation, and registration and numbering. While not mandatory, a marine VHF-FM radio, dewatering device(s), anchor, and a first aid kit are also recommended.
        Boats passing safety checks are awarded a VSC decal that indicates your boat was in full compliance with all Federal and State boating safety regulations at the time of inspection. A successful VSC may also qualify you for a discount from your boat insurance company. If your vessel does not meet the requirements, your Vessel Examiner will provide you with information on what corrective action needs to be taken to bring your boat into compliance to receive your VSC decal. No citations are issued for safety violations discovered during a VSC.
       To locate a vessel examiner in your area, please visit: http://www.safetyseal.net/GetVSC/
    Get your Vessel Safety Check today and BOAT SMART FROM THE START!

    Sidewalk Project Underway - June 2012

    Mary Stewart Photo

       June 21, 2012. . .The first phase of the new sidewalk project for the end of LaSalle Avenue to East Park Extension was completed last week with water and gas lines staked out. On Monday, June 18th crews removed the dirt where the sidewalks will go in preparation for the concrete work and the completion of this project.

    Attention Military Members - Scam Warning - June 2012

       1. DFAS Warns of Scams: The Defense Accounting and Finance Service is warning military members, retirees and federal civilians about potential scams seeking access into their pay accounts. If you receive emails supposedly from DFAS that you think are attempts to defraud you, call the DFAS customer service number at 1-888-332-7411 to verify if they are attempting to contact you regarding some pay-related issue. To read about current scams and what you can do to better protect yourself online, go to http://www.dfas.mil/pressroom/onlineprotection.html?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=graphic&utm_campaign=hp_graphic_prtct_5-21-12.

    Town Honors Those Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice - May 2012


    Mary Stewart photos - click for larger view

       A large crowd turned out to honor those who gave their lives for our country at this year's Memorial Day services held at DeGlopper Memorial Park on Monday, May 28th. Supervisor Mary Cooke gave the introduction and opened the program with the Pledge to the Flag. Gold Star mothers, Shirley Luther and Mary Ann Crowe and their families, plus Mary Martin, 93-year-old sister of Eugene Dinsmore who was killed in World War II, were given special recognition. A family member who lost a loved one in defense of our country from World War I to Operation Iraqi Freedom placed a flower at the foot of the monument honoring those who gave their lives. A member of the VFW, American Legion and DAV made the wreath presentation followed by a rifle salute by the VFW honor guard and taps being played by one of the Grand Island High School trumpet players. Musical selections during the program were presented by the Grand Island High School Wind Ensemble. This year's guest speaker, Peter Morelock, is a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserves.

    Adi's Closet Ribbon Cutting - May 2012


    Left: Adi pictured with the cupcake/gift table. Click photo for larger view

       "Adi's Closet", a consignment shop located at 1719 Grand Island Blvd., officially opened on Monday, May 14th. Many members of the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, town officials and friends were on hand to welcome Jodi Rider and granddaughter Adison to the island business community.

    Dino Mart Ribbon Cutting - May 2012

    Click photo for larger view

       Dino Mart Convenience Store has opened at the corner of Ransom and Stony Point Roads. A ribbon cutting was held on Friday, May 11th to mark the official opening. A new brand of gasoline/convenience store, it is the first of its kind in Western New York. The site is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and features a "store within a store concept". A "Coffee Culture Cafe" and the "Grand Island Eatery" where fresh sandwiches and grab-and-go meal items will be made fresh daily.

    Delay sought in closing of Isle E-ZPass Center - May 2012

    See Buffalo News Story.

    Community Service Groups Clean Up Town - May 2012

    Left: Scout and Cub Pack 630, Right: Life Technologies employees.

    Click photos for larger view

       The St.Stephen School Boy Scout and Cub Pack #630 picked up litter from one of Grand Island’s largest protected creeks at Grand Island Blvd. and Staley Road as a community service project on Saturday, April 28th. Life Technologies employees picked up litter on Staley Road, Friday, May 4th, as their annual project for "Global Volunteer Day", celebrated nationwide by the company.

    Adi's Closet, Consignment Shop Opens - May 2012

    Owner Jodi Rider pictured above.

       "Adi's Closet", a consignment shop, located at 1719 Grand Island Blvd. opened on Tuesday, May 1st. Owned by island resident Jodi Rider, the store, named after Jodi's granddaughter Adison, is a bright, attractive addition to the boulevard. The shop will be open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - Saturday. Name brand clothes are available for newborn, kids, junior boys and girls, mens and misses. In the future a daily auction will be available on Facebook and a "Pre-Slumber Party" is in the works for Friday evenings from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Children ages 6 - 10-years-old will be entertained with crafts and games, a chance for parents to have a date night. Classes are limited to ten children so call ahead for information. A grand opening is planned for Monday, May 14th at noon. Everyone is welcome to stop by, see the store and enjoy goody bags, cupcakes and a basket raffle with proceeds going to GI Relay for Life. For more information call 930-3661.

    Ramp Closed May 4 - May 7, 2012

       The Route 324 Ramp to I-190 Southbound, will be closed, 7:00 PM Friday, May 4 through 6:00 AM Monday, May 7. Detour will be posted. Traffic Impact - Moderate. All traffic will be detoured to the Whitehaven Road entrance to the I-190 to drive south.

    Boater Safety Class Offered - May 19, 2012
    Session kicks off “National Safe Boating Week”

       Beaver Island State Park will be offering a Safe Boating Course from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on May 19th in the lower level of the Beaver Island Clubhouse. This course is for ages 10 and up and is recommended for recreational boaters and paddlers. This class is required for Personal Watercraft Operators.
        There is no cost to attend the course and students must attend all 8 hours of classroom instruction to receive credit. Seating is limited to 60 people and it suggested that participants bring a lunch as there will not be time allotted for leaving the premises for a lunch break.
        Please call the park office at (716) 773-3271 to pre-register.

    GICSD Makes "Best Communities for Music Education" - April 2012

    On April 17, the NAMM Foundation announced the results of its 13th annual Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) survey, which acknowledges schools and districts across the U.S. for their commitment to and support for music education in schools. In all, 176 communities were recognized, including 166 school districts and 10 schools. Grans Island was one of several local school districts to achieve this honor. See NAMM website for information and for the list of schools.

    Oil Spill Simulation "Today" - April 2012

    As a precautionary measure to test emergency preparedness strategies NOCO Energy Corp., the U. S. Coast Guard Sector Buffalo and other local and state agencies will conduct an oil spill simulation "today" (April 24) at 1 p.m. See Oil Spill Simulation.

    Gold Pass For Seniors, 60+ - April 2012

    The Grand Island Central School District would like to invite all residents 60 years of age or older to apply for a Gold Pass. A Gold Pass allows the bearer free admission to all Grand Island School activities and athletic events held on school property. If interested in applying, please download and complete the form then return it to: Grand Island Central School District Office, 1100 Ransom Road Grand Island, NY 14072. For questions concerning eligibility or Gold Pass access, please contact 773-8801.

    Grand Island Neighborhood Challenge - April 2012

    On Saturday, April 21st, Myra and Jim Kaiser plan a neighborhood clean up on Love Road from Wilson Farms (meet there at 12:00 noon) to East River; and they are challenging other neighborhoods to get out and clean their own piece of our Grand Island community. Remember our residential parcels are allowed a maximum of ten items in their normal garbage pick up, so please distribute full bags between the volunteers willing to place the debris with their own weekly household trash.

    Sheriff Holds Meeting At Town Hall - April 2012

    Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard will hold a town hall meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 17 in the Grand Island Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Road. The meeting is the first of a series of public meetings Howard plans to hold throughout the county over the next year. The focus is to reacquaint residents with services the Sheriff's Office provides and to answer questions about concerns or crime trends in the community.

    Public Meeting To Review Property Tax Increase - April 2012

    An open public meeting to review the proposed 2.4% property tax increase (3.25% school levy increase) followed by a Q&A with Superintendent Christmann and GIS Board Representatives will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at the Bible Presbyterian Family Life Center, 1780 Love Road. Mike Madigan, TeamWatch™ Erie County, will facilitate.

    Blood Drive - April 2012

    A blood drive will be held from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 17th at the Knights of Columbus, 1841 Whitehaven Road. All donors will receive a coupon for 6 free wings from Buffalo Wild Wings and are entered in a contest to win an iPad.

    Golf Returns Early To Beaver Island State Park - April 2012

    See Golf Course Open.

    Fisherman's Landing Slideshow - March 2012

    Kevin Cobello Photos

       A concept plan was developed in 1989 to make use of the site of an obsolete sanitary sewer, just south of the South Grand Island Bridge. Twenty-three years later, the project is complete and provides a handicapped accessible fishing station for all. There are two handicapped parking spots and a bike rack river side. Above and across the street are more parking spaces. The parkland was made possible through several grants received by the Town of Grand Island. Construction of the facilities was funded through the Niagara River Greenway Commission.

    Garbage Pick-up Update - March 2012

    See Buffalo News Story.

    Spring Events Bloom At State Parks - March 2012

    New York State Parks Western District Marketing and Public Affairs Coordinator Angela P. Berti, APR has prepared an extensive list of activities taking place in our parks including those on Grand Island, NY. See State Parks for information.

    Earth Day Spring Shoreline Cleanup - March 2012

       In honor of Earth Day 2012 Aura Salon of 1744 Grand Island Blvd. and Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper will be participating in a spring shoreline cleanup at Buckhorn State Park here on Grand Island from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday April 21.
        "At Aura Salon we are committed to giving back to society and making environmentally friendly choices for our world. Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper is the only science-based, community focused, advocacy organization in Western New York dedicated to protecting and restoring the quality and quantity of our most valuable natural asset - our water. They are committed to improving the legacy we leave for future generations. Our goal is for everyone to have access to fishable, swimmable and drinkable water throughout the Buffalo Niagara Region. Together we hope to bring together as many volunteers in our community to help out in keeping our Island beautiful."

    Location VFW
    American Foundation For Suicide Prevention - March 2012

       The following event will be held at the VFW Post 9249 on GI Blvd.
    Moose member Kathy Butcher will host the second annual benefit to raise money for the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention. The event at the Grand Island Moose Lodge will be held April 28th and doors open at 5 p.m. Last year, attendees donated $6,300.00 and Kathy is hoping to surpass that amount this year.
    Ticket amount: $25.00 per person.
    Dinner: 5:30 - 7:00pm - Pig roast dinner with sides. Includes draft beer.
    Entertainment: Music and karaoke from 5:00 - 9:00pm. Route 66 Band from 9:00 - 1:00am.
    Basket raffles and 50/50s through out.
    Tickets are available at the Moose Lodge, or by contacting me at 716-775-5522.
       See complete information.

    Petition To Honor William & Marion Pinkow - March 2012

       An effort is underway to name the Grand Island High School auditorium in honor of the late William and Marion Pinkow. Bill and Marion spent most of their lives going above and beyond in the Grand Island community through their love and sharing of music and so much more. They are remembered by hundreds of Grand Island students who have made music a part of their lives through band, orchestra and choral participation under the direction of Bill and Marion. Please review the petition and if you would like your name added, email Reg Schopp.

    Head-on Motor Vehicle Accident - March 2012

       The Grand Island Fire Company responded to a two-car, head-on motor vehicle accident with injuries on Baseline Road between Love and Staley roads at 1:07 p.m. Monday, March 26, 2012. It was reported at 1:35 that two patients were extricated with transported to ECMC.
       See Grand Island Fire Company story.

    Another Island Graffiti Arrest - March 2012

    See Buffalo News Story.

    Resident Arrested for Drugged Driving - March 2012

    See Buffalo News Story

    20-Year-Old Charged with $30,000 Worth of Graffiti Damage - March 2012

    See Buffalo News Story by Matt Gryta.

    Unyts and Fuccillo Chevrolet Promote Blood Drive - March 2012

    A Unyts Blood Drive will be held at Fuccillo Chevrolet Grand Island, 2000 Alvin Road, on the Donate Life Express Bus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, March 22, 2012 . Fuccillo Chevrolet is offering a free oil change and tire rotation to presenters at the blood drive. It's a great way to reward people for helping out in their community. All Unyts blood donations stay local and help save lives here in WNY, and Fuccillo Chevrolet is the class of Grand Island and WNY when it comes to quality customer service.

    Wind Storm Does Little Damage - March 2012

    This car on Cox Road in Ferry Village was crushed on Saturday.
    Click photo for larger view

    Ray Pauley Photo

       Grand Island, NY was spared any major damage during the Saturday, March 3, 2012 wind storm when winds were predicted to reach up to 70 miles per hour. The Buffalo Airport reported winds at 63 mph at 7:30 p.m. that evening. The Grand Island Fire Company encountered no major power outages or damage, and responded to only the usual calls for assistance or medical help.

    Daylight Saving Time - March 2012

    Daylight Saving Time begins 2 a.m. Sunday, March 11, 2012.. Move your clocks ahead 1 hour in spring and back 1 hour in fall ("Spring forward, fall back").

    Mild Winter Saves $ At Highway Department - March 2012

       What are the ramifications of a mild winter to the Town Highway Department? Highway Superintendent, James B. Tomkins, spoke recently about some of the advantages that have occurred. Due to the mild end of 2011, the lower costs in fuel and overtime have made up for the hard spring we experienced last year. A drainage project on Huth Road was completed in December that would not have been started until spring 2012. The Town Hall interior was painted for the first time in many years by the Highway Department. The sky rocketing cost of fuel will not have as much of an impact as if a "normal" winter had occurred, because of a reduction in fuel use. The Highway Department employees spend the winter on the maintenance of buildings and machinery. This year, branch pick-up was regularly scheduled as weather permitted. The purchase of salt for the roads is half of what was bought last year. Below are some figures sent by Superintendent Tomkins:
    Grand Island Highway Dept. Estimated 2012 Winter Savings      
    Item      Quantity   Cost per   Total   
    Overtime  1,960      35.00      68,600.00  
    Fuel      5,400       3.30      17,820.00  
    Salt      1,500      39.92      59,880.00  
       Superintendent Tomkins reported "these are all estimated numbers through the end of April. There are other costs that are harder to estimate, such as wear and tear on equipment. Also, 2011 was a wash cost wise because the first half (of the year) was more expensive than normal. A tough second half of 2012 could wipe out most of the estimated savings rather quickly. Mother nature has a way of balancing things out over time."

    Miracle League Registration- Feb. 2012

    Registration for All Players is NOW open.
    PO BOX 833 / GRAND ISLAND, NY 14072
    716-773-9600 x725
    Diane Thompson, Administration

    TeamWatch- Erie County Meeting - Feb. 2012

    When: Monday, February 13, 2012 at 6:30 PM
    Location: 1715 Bedell Road - Grand Island, NY
    Subject: Round table discussion on town, county, state and federal issues
    Who: Open to the public - this is open forum of ideas
    Topics: May 2012 School budget vote, Follow-up discussion on property assessments, other issues relating to town, county, state and federal government


    Time to plan for summer!
    The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has announced that boaters who sign a slip rental agreement at Big Six Marina on Grand Island between February 1 and April 15 will be entitled to a 10% discount off their 2012 rental. Big Six Marina boasts 130 slips, gasoline service, holding tank pump-out, a family friendly atmosphere, and spacious launch ramp, all nestled in a quiet, protected harbor with placid waters. Rates at the Marina are $35 per foot before the discount and include water and electric hookups. For more information please call 716-773-3271.

    North Bridge Closure Monday - January 2012

    On Monday, January 23, 2012, estimated between noon and 1 pm, the north Grand Island bridge will temporarily be shut down to accommodate an oversized tractor trailer load that requires both lanes. They will then exit at Long Road. A large piece of chiller equipment is being delivered to the pharmaceutical facilities at the west end of Staley Road. Your patience will be appreciated as this delivery is accomplished.

    Dino Mart To Open In February - January 2012

       The long awaited convenience store located at the corner of Stony Point Rd. and Ransom Rd., is due to open in February. The business name is Dino Mart and is the first new build franchise store from NOCO. The store will have a Coffee Culture coffee shop and seating area. Included in the seating area will be a fireplace, wifi, TV and comfortable seating. Dino Mart will offer fresh made deli items available for eat in or take out. The store will be a Valero gas retailer which is American made and features energy efficient heating, cooling, lighting and refrigeration.

    Electronic Waste Recycling - January 2012

       There’s good news for the residents of Grand Island, who all have to comply with the New York State Electronic Equipment Recycling and Reuse Act, which went into effect on January 1, 2012. This new law prohibits trash companies from taking electronic waste items, effective immediately. The Town has a drop off point for these materials at the Highway Garage, located at 1820 Whitehaven Road, and will be open to accept items Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Acceptable items will include, televisions, computers, computer peripherals, small scale servers, monitors, electronic keyboards, and mice or similar pointing devices, fax machines, scanners, printers, VCRs, DVRs, Portable Digital Music Players, DVD Players, Digital Converter Boxes, Cable or Satellite Receivers, Electronic or Video Game Consoles. Also accepted are cell phones, cash registers, PDA’s, typewriters, digital cameras, telephones, and stereo equipment, etc.
       The Town has a contract with RCR&R (Regional Computer Recycling & Recovery) who will pay 8.6 cents per pound for materials recycled at the site. The Highway Garage CANNOT accept batteries, light bulbs, appliances, heaters, dehumidifiers, personal care appliances, paint or chemicals.
       The goal of this law is to have proper recycling of unwanted electronic equipment, diverting thousands of pounds of waste from landfills and incinerators, keeping toxins such as lead, mercury and cadmium from potentially contaminating the air, water and soil, and conserving natural resources. For answers to any questions about acceptable items, visit the DEC’s website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/66872.html or call the Recycling Hot Line at 1-800-721-2208.

    Tree Damage In Area Caused By Beavers - Jan. 2012

    Click photo for larger view
    Tom Burke trapped two beavers on Wednesday, the smaller one from Motor Island and the large male from Strawberry Island.

        Wednesday, January 11, 2012 . . . When Tom Burke heard that beavers were doing a lot of tree damage in the area, he offered to provide a solution. The DEC granted him a permit to trap Motor Island and New York State Parks issued one for Strawberry Island. "Not only were the beavers toppling large nesting trees, they were also devastating the willow shoots that were planted to stabilize Strawberry against further erosion," Tom reports. "I added a few more traps today and hope to eliminate several more beavers before the weather turns. The traps employed are lethal body grip traps that dispatch the animals quickly." Tom said the larger one pictured weighed 51 pounds.

    Seniors Stuffing Tax Bills - January 2012

    From left seated: Dorothy Lew, Gloria Diringer and Martha Muller
    From left standing: Don and Evelyn Lewis, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Christa Bihler, Jean Schlegel and Betty Marinell.
    Jodi Robinson photo - click for larger view

       A group of seniors from the Golden Age Center gathered at Town Hall on Thursday, January 5th to help with the town and county tax bills. Every year, in January and September, the volunteers work many hours folding and stuffing envelopes and affixing labels to help Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel and her staff.

    Christmas Tree Recyling - Jan. 2012

    The Town of Grand Island waste removal company, Allied Waste, is picking up used Christmas trees along their usual routes. The trees are being collected as a separate pick up, which may or may not be on your normal collection day. Please leave your tree at the curb for recycling and it will be picked up.

    TeaNewYork Hosts Meeting - Jan. 2012

    TeaNewYork.com will host a presentation and will facilitate a Q&A session with representatives of the town board and the town assessor (confirmed) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday, January 9, 2011 in the Bible Presbyterian Family Life Center, 1780 Love Road (across from Wilson Farms). The objective of this meeting is education on the plan for all Grand Island resident property owners and follow-up from prior meeting questions. The topic of the presentation will be GI Re-assessment Plan Presentation.