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Morinello Staff to Hold January Mobile Office Hours - January 2023
The staff of Assemblyman Angelo J. Morinello (R,C-Niagara Falls) will kick off mobile office hours for the new year at Grand Island Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Road on Tuesday, January 3 and again later in the month on Tuesday, January 17 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Residents and elected officials are welcome and encouraged to stop by to address any ideas or concerns.Message from Casella - December 2022
Tuesday, December 27th - Garbage and Recycle will be picked up tomorrow, Wednesday, December 28. Have your totes out by 7:00 a.m. Monday & Tuesday pick-up will be next week. Thursday and Friday normal.Message from Casella - December 2022
Thursday, December 22nd - Garbage and Recycle will be picked up tomorrow, Friday, December 22. Due to the forecast for high winds they are asking Totes be out by 7am, as they may be sending additional trucks to Grand Island to pick up as much as possible. Should NYS band driving they will stop collection. If your garbage and recycling is not picked up by 2:00pm please put it away as the wind will blow them and the garbage around. Collection is scheduled for next week Monday, December 26 thru Friday, December 30, 2022.Happy Holiday Season - December 2022
Erie County, NY – Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns. As Erie County Clerk, responsible for overseeing Auto Bureau operations, it is time to remind everyone this holiday season to not drink and drive or ride with anyone who is under the influence. If you have had too much to drink, for everyone’s sake, please do not get behind the wheel of your car. We all look forward to celebrating this time of year with our family and friends, but if those celebrations include alcohol, you, as a driver, need to plan ahead and arrange for a safe ride home. People who make the dangerous decision to drink and drive will find that local law enforcement is serious about combatting reckless and irresponsible behavior.New York State imposes harsh driver license penalties for those with an impaired driving charge for either alcohol or drugs. If convicted of a misdemeanor DWI, your license will be revoked for a minimum of 6 months. Aside from the tremendous expense for an attorney, fines and insurance premium increases, there is total disruption of normal life, including possible loss of job and jail time for repeat offenders. We need to keep in mind that preventing drunk driving is everyone's business, and we all need to take a leadership role in this fight! Driving while impaired is simply not worth endangering the lives of innocent people, while ruining your own life in the process.
Every single day, impaired driving senselessly kills about 32 people in the United States in drunk-driving crashes. In every state, it is illegal to drive under the influence, yet one person was killed in a drunk-driving crash every 45 minutes in 2020. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) more than 11,500 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths, which is a 14% increase from 2019. A NHTSA National Roadside Survey found that more than 22% of drivers stopped by law enforcement tested positive for illegal, prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Whether they are illegal, legalized, prescription or over-the-counter medicines all can affect your ability to drive safely.
I want to also remind everyone it really makes no difference whether the driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs. Those who choose to drive under the influence of drugs, whether obtained legally or illegally, pose a danger to themselves, their passengers, and other motorists and pedestrians. Drug-impaired driving isn’t a mistake; just like a DWI, it’s a crime. Impairment is impairment, no matter the substance, you can’t drive safely. The facts are, if you feel different, you will drive different. While celebrating the holidays, know the signs of when to hand over the keys and call a cab, a ride-sharing service or designate a sober driver before the party begins. Plan a safe ride home before you start your holiday festivities. Drunk driving is no accident; it is a choice and a potentially deadly one. Let’s make sure we all do our part in making this a happy and safe holiday season for everyone on the roads and at home. Please don’t drink and drive or drive under the influence of drugs.
Wreaths from Erie County Correctional Facility - December 2022
Photo in the greenhouse at the ECCF in Alden from left: Jim Linenfelser, GI Town Hall Caretaker; Matthew Walkden, ECCF Bldg & Grounds; John Fisher, Manager of the Horticulture Program at the ECCF; Austin Carr and Jon Webber, ECCF Bldg & Grounds.

John Fisher and Corrections Officer Matthew Dils making wreaths with two inmates.

GI Memorial Library.

Town Hall.
Photos by Mary Cooke.
The six festive wreaths decorating Town Buildings are compliments of the Erie County Correctional Facility (ECCF) in Alden. Made by the inmates with a little help this year from the Building and Grounds Department, two are at each of these high traffic town locations: Town Hall, GI Memorial Library and The Golden Age Center. The program is back to almost normal after closing down during the pandemic under Erie County Sheriff John Garcia.
Renew Sled Registration in Erie County - December 2022
Erie County, NY - Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns wants to remind snowmobilers to register their sleds and trailers "locally" directly through the Erie County Auto Bureau. This is an effort to keep as much as $1.5 million in vital revenues right here in Erie County. Riders can renew by mail or in-person at any Erie County Auto Bureau. Appointments are no longer required, but encouraged and can be made easily at or by calling the Clerk’s Outreach Hotline at 716-858-8864. Same or next day appointments are currently available at all branches.
To renew your snowmobile registration riders, need to complete and mail in their renewal notice, a photocopy of existing snowmobile registration, and a copy of the registrant’s New York State driver license. Snowmobile club members need to also include proof of membership in a New York State Snowmobile Association (NYSSA) snowmobile club. Mail all documents to: Erie County Clerk’s Office, 92 Franklin Street-Suite 1, Buffalo, NY 14202 including a check, made payable to “Erie County Clerk”. Your snowmobile registration will be mailed back to you within 10 business days upon receipt of renewal request. To renew in person, schedule an appointment, and bring in all required documents to the Auto Bureau in order to receive your sled’s registration.
Members of a snowmobile club will receive a discounted snowmobile registration for $45.00. Non-members will pay the full registration cost of $100. Snowmobilers are encouraged to contact the NYSSA at for information on joining local clubs and to obtain your registration voucher. All but $10 of each registration fee goes to the Snowmobile Trail Development and Maintenance Fund, which supports 10,500 miles of public snowmobile trails across New York State and maintained by over 200 clubs.
The Erie County Federation of Snowmobile Clubs have set the official open date as January 2, 2023 for all trails in Erie County, pending sufficient snow cover and conditions. Riders are encouraged to check with their local clubs to ensure trails have been opened and to obtain the latest information on snowmobiling safety courses. For the wellbeing of riders and others, remember to stay on designated or signed trails only.
Any riders who require a registration renewal form or a “Renew Local” envelope can request one by email at or by calling the Clerk’s Outreach Hotline at 716-858-8864. Additional snowmobile and trailer registration information and forms can also be obtained online at
Real ID Requirement Postponed - December 2022
Erie County, NY – Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns announced the Department of Homeland Security has postponed the enforcement of The REAL ID Act by another two years, with the new enforcement date of May 7, 2025. U.S. travelers will then be required to provide a REAL ID-compliant credential if they want to board an airplane to fly domestically or enter a secure federal facility.
New York’s REAL ID-compliant driver’s licenses and ID cards have a star inside a black circle, in the upper right corner. Additionally, New York State’s Enhanced ID (EDL) meets the new federal requirements and has the U.S. flag in the corner. The EDL is also are valid to return to the United States by land or sea from Canada, Mexico and some countries in the Caribbean. An EDL is not acceptable for international air travel.
Congress passed the Real ID Act after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Eighteen of the 19 hijackers had obtained state IDs, some fraudulently. The law, which set minimum security standards for driver’s licenses and ID cards issued by states, originally was to take effect in 2008.
Anyone needing to renew their driver license, learner’s permit or upgrade their standard driver’s license to meet the REAL ID requirements must do so in-person at the Erie County Auto Bureau. To learn more about what identifying documents are required to obtain a REAL ID or Enhanced driver’s license or non-driver identification card go to or call the Clerk’s Outreach Center at 716-858-8864.
Stay Safe this Winter Season - November 2022
(Nov. 17, 2022) WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. - National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation (National
Fuel) advises homeowners to be vigilant and pay attention to outdoor gas meters, furnaces, and
vents throughout the winter season. With this week’s predicted weather, snow, ice, and extreme
temperatures can pose a variety of safety and performance issues for heating systems.
Ensure outdoor gas meter safety and proper service by:
Keeping the gas meter, and the area around the meter, free of snow
Clearing paths to the meter
Exercising caution when working, shoveling, plowing, or snow blowing around your
Calling National Fuel, 1-800-365-3234, if a meter becomes encased in ice; do not
attempt to break or melt the ice
Exercising caution when removing icicles from a meter or any area of the roof above the
Not letting children play or climb on the meter
Natural gas furnaces and fireplaces have a vent pipe or flue that sends exhaust and gaseous
byproducts outdoors through a chimney or pipe. Furnace exhaust vents can become easily
clogged by debris, ice, or snow, causing the furnace to shut off or operate inefficiently. Blocked
vents also can lead to a buildup of carbon monoxide gas inside a residence.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and dangerous gas produced when fuel (heating oil,
propane, kerosene, charcoal, gasoline, wood, or natural gas) is burned without enough air for
complete combustion. When inhaled, carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness, brain
damage, and death. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include fatigue, coughing,
headache, irregular breathing, dizziness, overall paleness, nausea, and cherry red lips and/or
ears. Those experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning should immediately open
windows and doors, move outside, and call 911.
Avoid a carbon monoxide emergency by:
Having a qualified professional inspect and test chimney, appliances, and heating
equipment annually
Install at least one carbon monoxide detector in your home
Never use a gas oven or stovetop for heating your home
Never run a gasoline engine (such as a generator) or an automobile in an enclosed
Never use a portable charcoal or propane grill indoors
As always, if you Smell Gas, Leave Fast: If a rotten-egg natural gas odor is present, leave the
premises immediately and call National Fuel's emergency line, 1-800-444-3130, from a different
location. If you smell an odor of gas outdoors, please call National Fuel’s emergency number
and provide the address nearest to the site of the odor. To learn more about natural gas safety,
Finally, National Fuel’s energy-efficiency rebate program offers residential customers in
Western New York several money-saving rebates for replacing specified appliances with new,
energy-efficient models as well as rebates for furnace and boiler tune-up services. For more
information, please visit
National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation is the Utility segment of National Fuel Gas Company,
a diversified energy company that is engaged in a number of natural gas-related activities. The
Utility provides natural gas service to more than 740,000 customers in Western New York and
northwestern Pennsylvania. For more information, visit
Winter Driving Months - November 2022
Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns -
Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns Issues Reminders to WNY Motorists –
Be Prepared and Stay Safe During Winter Driving Months.
Every start to the winter season, we promise ourselves that this year will be different, that you’ll be ready for whatever blizzard Mother Nature sends us. Yes, presently our weather this fall season has been extra ordinary and without any early winter weather events as in years past. However, our weather can change quickly and we can be hit with snow, ice, rain and fog off Lake Erie without warning.
We all know that winter driving can be a test for even expert drivers and you need to be prepared at all times. Before the storm hits, I encourage motorists to take a moment to review a few simple winter driving tips and double-check that you have the proper emergency gear in your vehicle to ensure your safety.
Not all drivers are prepared for winter driving conditions, so take it slow when driving on snowy or icy roadways. Drive as the environment warrants, stay alert and reduce your speed. Due to poor visibility and/or bad road conditions, always leave plenty of room between cars. Brake early and slowly giving yourself time to stop and react safely.
Before pulling onto the road, be sure to completely clear snow and ice from your car windows, mirrors, lights, hood and roof. Don’t use cruise control in inclement weather as the slightest touch of your brakes to deactivate can cause loss of vehicle control. Take extra precaution when entering and exiting ramps and bridges as they can be extremely slippery. While four-wheel drive vehicles may help you get going quicker, they won’t help you stop any quicker – don’t get overconfident when driving one.
Make sure your car is properly maintained – the better shape your car is in, the safer you are on the road. Have your battery and ignition system checked, along with your brakes, transmission and tires. All fluids in your vehicle should be checked and topped off: de-icing washer fluid, oil, power steering and anti-freeze. Change or adjust spark plugs, air, fuel and emission filters. Check your headlights, brake and tail lights, blinkers and emergency flashers.
If you get stuck in inclement weather, be prepared by keeping these emergency items handy in your vehicle: a spare tire, wheel wrench, jack, shovel, jumper cables, tow and tire chains, salt or cat litter, charger for your cell phone, working flashlight with extra batteries, bright cloth, first aid kit, ice scraper and snow brush. Extra clothing such as gloves, socks and hats, a blanket, as well as non-perishable foods and bottles of water or juice are vital should you become stranded.
In addition, during the winter season, don’t crowd the plow. I ask that you be alert and courteous to County, City and State snowplow operators who will be doing their best to keep the streets open and safe for traveling. Their goal is to maximize safety, be patient and drive with caution. For everyone’s protection, please assist in this difficult task by yielding to their efforts and keeping a safe distance behind snowplows to avoid having your vehicle struck by flying sand and salt.
Being prepared is the best offense when it comes to driving in bad weather. Take it slow, buckle up, and drive safely this winter season.
Veterans Day Ceremony - November 2022

Mary Stewart photos.
The Vetrerans Day Ceremony was held at the VFW Post 9249 Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post on Friday, November 11th. Boy Scout Troop 630 presented the Military Flags. Program: Invocation by American Legion Chaplain Joe Mesmer, Pledge led by GIHS rep Sydney Lomansney, Words of Welcome by Town Supervisor John Whitney, Musical Interlude by the Union Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps, Silent Prayer and Presentation of Wreath by VFW Commander Brian Tippett and American Legion Commander Ray DeGlopper, Rifle Salute by VFW Post 9249 Color Guard and Taps by GIHS trumpeters David Still & Nicholas Pilon, Benediction by VFW member Danielle Dillard.
American Red Cross Blood Drive - November 2022

American Red Cross Blood Drive at Grand Island Fire Hall, 2275 Baseline Road, Tuesday, November 15, 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. See FLYER.
Veterans Day Ceremony - November 2022

UPDATE 11/10/22: The ceremony will now take place at the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post #9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd due to weather concerns. It is still scheduled for 11:00 a.m.
Grand Island, NY - The Town of Grand Island cordially invites veterans, family members and friends to attend the
Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. The ceremony will take place at the Veterans Park Memorial Wall in Veterans Park located at 1717 Bedell Road.
There will be a reception following the ceremony at the Charles N. DeGlopper Post #9249, located at 2121 Grand Island Boulevard. If you have any questions you can contact Recreation Department at 716-773-9680, or by email to
Veterans Day - A Day of Honor, A Day to Honor - November 2022
Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns - “Thank-A-Vet” Program Pays Tribute to Veterans Throughout Year.
Veterans Day occurs on November 11th every year in honor of the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918 that signaled the end of World War I, honoring the men and women of all wars who have served our Nation and answered the call to defend it. The United States rose to greatness on the strength of their service and their stories are woven into the fabric of our Nation’s history.
Whether they served in times of war or peace, all veterans share a common bond, their belief in the cause of freedom. A belief so strong they are willing to give their lives, if need be, in its defense. We know them as our fathers and mothers, our family members, or perhaps our next-door neighbors. Here in Erie County we have approximately 52,000 veterans who have risked their lives to protect us, many of whom served in Vietnam, which is two and a half times greater than any other conflict. As Americans, we all must take the time to honor and thank them for their service.
Every Veterans Day, Erie County holds a number of memorial services to honor these men and women for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice. I encourage all Erie County residents to take time to honor and celebrate the heroism and courage of our local veteran community by attending a veteran’s event in your community or by simply displaying an American flag outside your home.
At the Erie County Clerk’s Office, we proudly pay tribute to our veterans 365 days a year through our “Thank-A-Vet” Discount Card Program. I would like to remind veterans if they have not already filed their honorable discharge papers and received the “Thank-A-Vet” discount card, to come in and do so. Presently, over 1,500 Erie County businesses, both large and small, have registered in the program to give valuable discounts on goods and services to our deserving veterans. We constantly add participating businesses to our program and I encourage any interested business owner to enlist and join us today in “thanking” our veteran community.
When a veteran place their discharge papers (DD-214) on file with the Erie County Clerk’s Office, it safeguards the document and makes attaining their free certified copy quick and easy for the veteran and their loved ones. The “Thank-A-Vet” photo ID card is issued at no charge and our heroes walk away with a real benefit of potentially thousands of dollars in savings and local participating businesses benefit by assisting a veteran and earning the loyalty of a new or existing customer.
To obtain your complimentary “Thank-A-Vet” Discount Card, visit the Erie County Clerk’s Office located at 92 Franklin Street in Buffalo or the Clerk’s Outreach Center located next to the Auto Bureau in the Southgate Plaza, Monday–Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Veterans and business owners can learn more about the Clerk’s “Thank-A-Vet” Discount Card Program at or call 716-858-6787.
10th Annual Light Up The Boulevard - December 2022

The 10th Annual Light Up The Boulevard takes place on Saturday, December 3rd at the Town Hall and Town Commons. Festival Fun 3-6 p.m. in the Town Hall Parking lot, visit Santa from 3-5:30 p.m..
Electric Light Parade starts at 6:00 p.m., tree lighting ceremony immediately folling. FLYER.
Grand Island is seeking Election Inspectors for the General Election! - October 2022
Grand Island is seeking Election Inspectors for the General Election!
Please consider serving!
$250/per election day. Hours are from 5:30a.m – 9:00p.m. Training is provided!!
If you would like to work on General Election Day – November 8, 2022, the Erie County Board of Elections has openings on Grand Island and neighboring towns!!
Please call the following numbers:
Republican Leader: Pam Huff – 716-858-4982
Democratic Leader: Katie Kamieniarz – 716-858-6835
Elementary Turkey Trot - November 2022
Elementary Turkey Trot on Saturday, November 5th at the GIHS track. The Fun Run will begin at 11:20 with kinder/1st grade. See FLYER.
1.3 Million Sq. Ft. Warehouse - October 2022
October 26, 2022 - CRED4GI Press Release regarding the 1.3 million sq. ft. warehouse on Long Road. (Previously Amazon/Project Olive).
Water Billing Advisory - October 2022
The Town of Grand Island Water Billing Department would like to remind residents that any past due amounts not paid by 10/31/22 will be added to the 2023 Town/County tax bill.
GICSD Wellness Series Returns - October 2022
Family Support Services of the Grand Island Central School District is bringing back the Wellness Series to an in-person setting.
The first educational wellness presentation of the year in the Wellness Series program will be provided by Kids Escaping Drugs and is titled "The Dark Side of Social Media." The program will provide an in-depth look at current popular social media trends and how they can escalate substance use and abuse and sales among adolescents.
This particular program in the Wellness Series will be most relevant for middle school and high school parents, however, any adult member of the community is invited to attend. (Due to the nature of the content, students will not be permitted to attend.)
The program will begin at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20, in the Veronica Connor Middle School Little Theater. If parents have questions or concerns about the program, they can be directed to
Veterans Needed for Indoor Veterans Parade - October 2022
The Grand Island Central School District is extending an invitation to veterans to be featured guests at an indoor parade through Grand Island Middle School and High School.
The parade will take place Thursday, Nov. 10th.
Veterans from the Grand Island School District, Grand Island American Legion Post 1346, Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post 9249, GICSD employees, veteran family members of current students, and members from the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, are invited.
A brief program will follow the parade featuring a performance by the Grand Island High School chorus and band. A breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice will be served.
Veterans are required to register for this event by calling Anna Bruno at 773-8830.
All veterans must assemble at Veronica Connor Middle School at 7:45 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 10th.
American Red Cross Blood Drive - October 2022
American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Monday, October 17th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus, 1841 Whitehaven Road. See FLYER. Eligibility Changes
5th Annual Grand Island E-Waste Recycling Drive - October 2022
The 5th Annual Grand Island E-Waste Recycling Drive is on Saturday, October 29th from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at GI Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Road. All accepted items are free except for tube tv's and crt monitors. See FLYER.
Exam for Jail Management Deputies & Officers - September 2022
Buffalo, NY – Erie County Sheriff John C. Garcia announces the Erie County Sheriff’s Office is offering a Deputy Sheriff Officer and Correction Officer exam for the Jail Management Division.
Interested individuals who are dedicated and ambitious are encouraged to register for the upcoming civil service exam by October 26, 2022. All applications must be postmarked or hand-delivered to the County of Erie – Department of Personnel at 95 Franklin Street, Buffalo, New York 14202.
The exam is scheduled for December 10, 2022, and all applicants must be at least 21 years of age at the time of their appointment.
A $30.00 application fee is due at the time of application submission, and the fee is non-refundable.
For a detailed description of the position and guide for the exam and how to apply, please visit
All applications must be delivered to the Erie County Department of Personnel. Applications are not accepted at the Erie County Sheriff’s Office.
National Fuel Forcasts Higher Heating Bills - September 2022
National Fuel forcasts higher heating bills this winter, "hovering around 50%."
Read National Fuel press release HERE.
Family Support Services Programs Video - September 2022
Grand Island Central School District Social Worker and Family Support Services Program Coordinator, Jessica Hutchings, explains the many avenues of mental health and counseling support that students and their families can receive throughout our five schools, as well as through partner organizations that work in conjunction with the district. Navigation throughout the FSS website, and contact information for the Family Support Services Staff is also included within this video. See VIDEO.
Erie County Clerk Kearns Announces September is Passport Awareness Month - September 2022
Erie County, NY -
The Erie County Clerk’s Office is celebrating National Passport Awareness Month by reminding the traveling public that the office is an official Passport Application Acceptance Agent of the United States Passport Service for first-time customers and children. Further, I would like to remind current passport holders to ensure that their document is valid prior to traveling.
Most tourists know they need a passport to travel internationally to foreign lands, however many are unaware that in a number of foreign countries, your passport must be valid for six months beyond your date of return. If your travel document expires before that, you may be denied boarding your flight or entry to your destination and be sent back home immediately upon your arrival.
This information is hardly ever mentioned by airlines upon making your international flight reservations. As a first step in planning any trip abroad, check to see what identifying documents are required for your intended destination and verify that your passport is valid for at least six months. If the expiration date is less than that of the cutoff, take steps to renew your passport right away.
So how much will a passport cost you in total? There are a number of factors that go into the cost calculation, including the type of passport you want, whether you're renewing or getting your first one, and how fast you need to obtain your travel document. With the new fee, the cost of a first-time adult passport book comes out to $165, comprised of a $130 application fee and a $35 acceptance fee. The price for renewing an adult passport book now totals $130. The price for a minor passport book for those under age 16 is now $135, consisting of a $100 application fee and a $35 acceptance fee. Passport photos can be taken at the County Clerk’s office for a fee of $10.
According to the State Department, the turnaround time for routine service, including passport renewals, currently can take 7 to 10 weeks. For $60 more, an expedited renewal application can take 4 to 6 weeks. Processing times can change at any time, so it is important that you check the status of your passport application online at
Payment for the passport or passport card must be in the form of check or money order. No cash or credit cards can be accepted. A certified copy of your birth certificate and proof of identity, such as a valid New York State driver’s license or non-driver identification card, is required in order for any application to be accepted. Those looking to obtain a passport or passport card for any children under the age of 16 need to make sure both parents are present in order to sign the application.
Current passport holders with less than 6 months validity remaining on their travel document(s) must submit the renewal application directly to the Passport Agency by mail. Such renewals cannot be completed through the County Clerk’s Office. A complete list of instructions on how to renew a passport by mail can be found at However, the passport agents in my office will be happy to assist in making sure your renewal application is completed properly, as well as take your passport photo.
The Erie County Clerk’s Office is open to the public and applicants can apply for a passport card, passport book or both at Old County Hall, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo or the County Clerk’s Outreach Center, 1088 Union Road, West Seneca next to the Auto Bureau in the Southgate Plaza, Monday through Friday from 9am to 4:30pm. No appointments are necessary.
Furthermore, effective May 3, 2023, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities. A valid U.S. passport book, a passport card and a state-issued enhanced drivers license or non-driver identification card all meet the new security standard that goes into effect May 3, 2023.
Passport applications, a list of all required documents, and detailed breakdown of the new fee schedule are available by visiting or by contacting the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center at (716) 858-8864.
School Tax Bills Mailed - September 2022
Town Clerk Patricia A. Frentzel announced that the 2022/23 School Tax Bills have been mailed. If you have changed banks, have paid off your mortgage or do not have an escrow account and did not receive a tax bill, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 773-9600 ext. 620. The regular office hours are 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday-Friday. The office will be open until 6:00pm on Friday, October 14, 2022 and open on Saturday, October 15, 2022, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Checks should be made payable to Town Clerk. The last day to pay without penalty is October 17th 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.. Envelopes must show a legible postmark of October 17 to be accepted on time. Taxpayers should call the office for correct amounts for payments made October 18 and later. Payments can be made until November 30, 2022. After this date, payments must be sent to the County.
Town Police Officers Wanted - September 2022

The Town of Grand Island is seeking qualified candidates for the Town of Grand Island Police Department.
Applicants must currently be a NYS/DCJS certified police officer with full time experience working as a police officer with a federal, state, county, or municipal police department.
NASRO certified (school resource police officers) are also encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants should submit a resume and cover letter by October 7, 2022, to: John C. Whitney, P.E., Town Supervisor / Police Commissioner, Town of Grand Island, 2255 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072.
School Tax Bills In The Mail - September 2022
Pictured is: Front Row: Pat Cummings, Lorraine Wilcox, Martha Mueller, Jeri Benzing
Back Row: Pattie Frentzel, Town Clerk, Shirley Norman, Jean Schlegal and Kathy Lechner.
For almost 20 years, the seniors from the Golden Age Center have helped the Town by preparing the tax bills for mailing.
Town Clerk Patricia A. Frentzel announced that the 2022/23 School Tax Bills have been mailed. If you have changed banks, have paid off your mortgage or do not have an escrow account and did not receive a tax bill, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 773-9600 ext. 620. The regular office hours are 8:30am - 4:30pm. The office will be open until 6:00pm on Friday, October 14, 2022 and open on Saturday, October 15, 2022, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Checks should be made payable to Town Clerk. The last day to pay without penalty is October 17. The office will be open until 6:00p.m. on Monday, October 17th.
Grand Island Central Community Ed Program - September 2022
Grand Island Central Community Ed Program begins soon. Classes include: Fine Arts & Crafts, Fitness & Fun, Just For Kids, Special Interest & Self Improvement. See offerings HERE.
American Red Cross Blood Drive - September 2022
American Red Cross Blood Drive is Tuesday, September 13th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the Grand Island Fire Company, 2275 Baseline Road. See FLYER.
Antlerless-only Deer Season - September 2022
Antlerless-only deer season in mid-September (9/10 - 9/18/2022) using firearms, crossbows, and vertical bows in WMUs 3M, 3R, 8A, 8F, 8G, 8J, 8N, 9A, and 9F, and using only vertical bows in WMUs 1C, 3S, 4J, and 8C. DMPs and DMAP tags only. See MAP
Erie County Clerk Kearns Announces Extended Hours - August 2022
Erie County, NY - Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns announced the extension of hours at the Clerk’s Outreach Center in order for Erie County residents to submit their pistol permit applications prior to the changes in the New York SAFE Act that go into effect on September 1, 2022.
“The temporary change is to accommodate an even higher anticipated volume of application submissions leading up to the changes in gun ownership laws,” stated County Clerk Kearns. “My office is just one part of this multi-step process. I want to make sure every law-abiding citizen in Erie County has the necessary time to submit their pistol permit application prior to the September 1st deadline date.”
The extended hours will be held August 29th and 30th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm and August 31st from 5:00pm- midnight. The location for these additional hours will at the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center in the Southgate Plaza located at 1088 Union Road in West Seneca, directly next to the Erie County Auto Bureau.
Applicants will be required to have the application and all 12 steps, as required on the instruction page, completed in order for the application to be accepted. The application fee of $20.00 in the form of a personal check or money order and made payable to the “Erie County Clerk” must also be included.
If any application is found to be missing any information, the entire application will be mailed back to the applicant and it will need to be resubmitted at a later date. No information or record will be retained by the Pistol Permit Department.
“We ask that those who will take advantage of the extended hours, please make sure that you follow the application instructions no differently than if you were applying by mail,” added Kearns. “My staff works tirelessly in order to process the overwhelming amount of applications we receive on a daily basis, so any hindrances, such as missing information or items simply delays the approval process.”
Due to the limited appointment availability through the New York State vendor, IdentoGo, for digital finger prints, if the applicant is unable to be fingerprinted prior to August 31st, Kearns said his office will accept a copy of the applicant’s appointment confirmation form as verification of their future appointment. Once the applicant completes the fingerprint process, they will be required to bring in or mail their receipt so their file can be updated and moved to the next step in the process.
Kearns has reported for some time that his department has seen a significant increase in new pistol permit application submissions dating back to 2017.
Pistol permit application packets are available online at, at the Clerk’s Outreach Center,1088 Union Road, West Seneca, and at the Pistol Permit Office, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo. The Pistol Permit Office will continue to be open Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm.
National Airborne Day Proclamation - August 2022
Accepting the proclamation is retired 82nd Airborne trooper Joe Synakowski and Peggy White, sister of the late Lt. Col. Terrence K. Crowe.
On Monday, August 15th the Grand Isalnd Town Board presented a proclamation naming August 16th as National Airborne Day to retired 82nd Airborne trooper Joe Synakowski and Peggy White, sister of Lt. Col. Terrence
K. Crowe.
It reads in part: WHEREAS, Grand Island, New York is the birthplace and final resting place in Maple Grove Cemetery of Pfc.
Charles N. DeGlopper (MOH), posthumously awarded the Nation’s Highest Award - Medal of Honor - for his
heroic actions while serving as a member of Company “C” First Battalion, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment,
82nd Airborne Division, at La Fiere, France on June 9, 1944; and
WHEREAS, Grand Island is the birthplace and final resting place in St. Stephen Cemetery of Lt. Col. Terrence
K. Crowe, trained Airborne Trooper serving with the 98th division and killed by hostile fire while part of
offensive operations in Tal Afar, Iraq on June 7, 2005; and
WHEREAS, DeGlopper Park was rededicated DeGlopper Memorial on June 5, 2021. This Memorial honors
Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper (MOH), the servicemen who were killed in action or died while in service, as well
as all Grand Island Veterans;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Grand Island does hereby proclaim August 16, 2022 NATIONAL AIRBORNE DAY.
Full Proclamtion.
Antique & Classic Boat Show - “Boating Through The Years” - August 2022
Niagara Frontier Antique and Classic Boats announces its 43rd annual Antique & Classic Boat Show, “Boating Through The Years”, to be held at the Buffalo Launch Club, the oldest power boating club in the world, 503 East River Road, Grand Island, NY, on Saturday, September 17, 2022. We are expecting over 100 vintage mahogany runabouts, cruisers and early fiberglass “glassics” from across the Northeast and Southern Ontario. This is one of the largest and finest antique boat shows in the country.
Boats on display, both on land and in water, span four decades, from the thirties to the sixties. We’ll even have a few from the twenties. It’s a family event, with hands-on Kids Camp, junior judging, working model boat displays, an afternoon seminar, nautical flea market and a fantastic car show with room for over 200 registered cars! The show is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 pm with food and beverages available all day. Although admission to the show is free, there is a $10.00 per car parking fee. Past shows have attracted over 5,000 spectators.
Rules of the Road When it Comes to School Bus Safety - August 2022
Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns wants everyone to know.
Motorists must stop when a school bus flashes its red lights – It’s the law.
As summer winds down, children across Erie County are heading back to school and the “Yellow School Buses” once again dot our roadways. For the over 120,000 elementary and secondary students in Erie County, the school day begins and ends with a trip on a school bus. Many children will be going to school for the first time and may not be careful when crossing the street or running to catch the bus. Older children know the routine, but may forget in their excitement to catch up with friends. Unfortunately, each year some bus trips to school end in tragedy -- children are injured or killed in school bus incidents when motorists fail to follow the rules of the road. There are an estimated 50,000 or more incidences of motor vehicles illegally passing school buses every day in New York State. Although drivers are required to stop for a school bus when it is stopped to load or unload passengers, children should not rely on them to do so, a fact that parents should discuss with their children prior to the start of the school year.
The rules of the road in New York State are specific when it comes to school buses. Drivers need to know and obey the “flashing signal light system” that school bus drivers use to alert motorists of pending actions. Yellow flashing lights indicate that the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. That is the time to slow down and prepare to stop your vehicle. Red flashing lights and extended stop arms indicate that the bus has stopped, and that children are getting on or off the bus. Motorists must stop their cars at least 20 feet away from the bus and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop sign is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving before they can start driving again. This law applies on all roadways in New York State, even when approaching from the opposite direction of a divided highway.
All drivers should know that the fine for passing a stopped school bus ranges from a minimum of $250 and up to $4000 and/or up to 30 days in jail for the first violation. Additionally, a conviction places 5 points on your driver’s license and may result in increased insurance premiums. If convicted of three violations in three years, your license will be revoked for a minimum of six months. It goes without saying that even one instance of passing a stopped school bus is unacceptable; it could mean the life of a child.
Parents need to also take time to instruct their school-aged children on school bus safety. Children need to know to stand at least three giant steps (6 feet) away from the curb when waiting for the bus to arrive. Children must also wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, the doors open, and the driver says it is okay before stepping onto the bus. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the greatest risk is not while riding on the school bus, but getting on or getting off. Children need to be reminded to be cautious in and around the “danger zone” of the school bus, which is the 10 feet in front, behind and on each side of the school bus.
When the new school year begins in the coming weeks, I remind motorists not to drive distracted, slow down around school zones and be alert for children approaching or exiting school buses. For additional information on school bus safety rules please visit
ConnectLife Blood Drive - August 2022
ConnectLife Blood Drive is Thursday, September 1st from 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Town of Grand Island Highway Dept., 1820 Whitehaven Road. See FLYER.
Free Rabies Clinics Planned - August 2022
ERIE COUNTY, NY — The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) has opened registration for three free rabies vaccine clinic sites clinics this fall. The first two dates at Orchard Park and Cheektowaga will follow the drive-through model used by ECDOH for the past two years. For the Broadway Market location on Saturday, October 8, pet owners will walk or carry their animals through.
Saturday, September 10, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Erie Community College, South Campus
4041 Southwestern Boulevard – Bldg.#7, Orchard Park – drive-through site.
Saturday, September 24, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Erie County Emergency and Training Operations Center
3359 Broadway Street (Near Union Rd.), Cheektowaga – drive-through site.
Saturday, October 8, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Broadway Market
999 Broadway (Parking Ramp-Ground Floor), Buffalo – walk-through site.
Registration links to all dates are posted at
Appointments are required, and up to three pets will be accepted per appointment. Individuals who are unable to access online registration may call (716) 961-6800 during business hours to schedule an appointment.
Dogs, cats and ferrets three months of age and older are eligible for a vaccination. Pet owners are asked to bring proof of their pet’s vaccination with them to the event in order to receive a three-year vaccination certificate; otherwise, a one-year certificate will be given.
Pets must be secured with a collar & leash or restrained in a carrier; please do not use retractable or extended leashes. Pet owners should limit the number of people in the vehicle for drive-through sites. Please, wear a mask.
ECDOH expresses sincere thanks to the Niagara Frontier Veterinary Society, the Medaille College Veterinary Technology Program, the SPCA Serving Erie County and Erie County SMART for providing volunteers and support in coordinating these free rabies vaccination clinics.
Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH), Rabies:
ECDOH, Division of Environmental Health: (716) 961-6800
Morinello Mobile Office Hours - August 2022
The staff of Assemblyman Angelo J. Morinello (R,C,I-Niagara Falls) will hold mobile office hours at Grand Island Town Hall on Tuesday, August 2 and Tuesday, August 16 from 10:00 a.m. - noon. Residents and elected officials are welcome and encouraged to stop by to address any ideas or concerns.
American Red Cross Blood Drive - August 2022
American Red Cross Blood Drive is at the Knights of Columbus, 1841 Whitehaven Road on Tuesday, August 16th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
National Night Out 2022 Photos - August 2022

Mary Stewart photos.
Honoring Our First Responders. A night to build police-community relationships and neighborhood camaraderie.
Held at the Town Commons, the event was well attended. Live music was provided by GI's own "Kiss" band, Lew'sers. T-shirts were given to the best "Kiss" fans.
Paddles Up Photos - July 2022

Mary Stewart photos.
Morinello Mobile Office Hours - August 2022
The staff of Assemblyman Angelo J. Morinello (R,C,I-Niagara Falls) will hold mobile office hours at Grand Island Town Hall on Tuesday, August 2 and Tuesday, August 16 from 10:00 a.m. - noon. Residents and elected officials are welcome and encouraged to stop by to address any ideas or concerns.
Bank Robber Sentenced - August 2022
Timothy Mulvey, 35, recently sentenced to 77 months for two bank robberies in 2018. See Buffalo News story.
Highway Department Thank You - July 2022
From left: Mike Carlson, Matt Braun, Steve Dickenson, June Crawford & Dick Crawford.

Finished cupola at Highway Department garage.
Grand Island Historic Preservation Advisory Board Chair June Crawford stopped by the GI Highway Department recently to personally thank the employees who restored the 1918 Cupola. She presented a copy of her Grand Island history book, Images of America - Grand Island, to Steve Dickenson, Matt Braun, Mike Carlson and Highway Superintendent Dick Crawford. Over the winter the group worked on the preservation of the historic cupola and it is pretty awesome.
The cupola is now located in the Town Hall parking lot, waiting for permanent placement in the Marion Klingel Town Commons. Kelly's Country Store donated the cupola to the Town last fall.
Thunder on the Niagara - August 2022

Thunder on the Niagara will take place at Gratwick Park, North Tonawanda on Saturday & Sunday, August 6 & 7. FLYER. Schedule is as follows:
Saturday, August 06, 2022
6:00 am – Main entrance (Witmer Rd.) open for VIP, Officials, Vendors only. Ward Rd entrance open for spectators only. North entrance open for Car Show Contestants only.
7:00 am – Pits open
9:00 am – 5:00 pm – Car Show – Northern entrance of park
9:00 am Safety meeting in pits – Coast Guard, petrol boats, buoy crew, pit workers, dive team.
10:00 am – First heat
5:00 pm – End of racing – River open
Northern entrance restricted for fireworks and NT Emergency equipment only
6:00-8:00 pm – Pit party pavilion for contestants, sponsors, officials and workers
8:00 pm – Pit security / pits closed
Sunday, August 07, 2022
6:30 am – Security at main gate – entrance closed VIP, Officials, and vendors
9:45 pm – Playing of the US, Canadian, and New Zealand National Anthems
Flag laps with vintage Skiffs – Words of welcome by Mayor of NT
10:15 am – First heat
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Intermission — Vintage GP and Vintage Skiffs
5:00 pm River open
6:00 pm Awards
Ferry Village History Tour - July 2022
Ferry Village History Tour – Wednesday, July 20th at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $10.
A one hour walking tour of Ferry Village will point out historic homes and buildings dating back to early 1900’s.
Limited spaces available, call Sharon at 716-773-2421. Tour sponsored by Grand Island Historic Preservation Advisory Board. For a sneak peak, a display is currently at the Grand Island Memorial Library.
KidBiz 2022 Photos - June 2022

Mary Stewart photos.
KidBiz took place on Saturday, June 25th and was quite successful with numerous vendors and shoppers.
Memorial Day Photos - June 2022

Mary Stewart photos.
There was a good turnout on Monday, May 30th for the Memorial Day program held at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park. Grand Island Supervisor John Whitney gave the introduction, followed by the recognition of Gold Star mothers Shirley Luther and family and Mary Ann Crow and family. The roll call was read in memory of those who gave their lives for our country during Wold War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom. As each name was called a family member or close friend laid a flower at the foot of the DeClopper Memorial in honor of these fallen soldiers.
Musical selections were presented by the GIHS wind ensemble. Guest speaker for this years program was
Lt. Col. William Snyder from the New York National Guard. Also on the program was the presentation of the wreath by Brian Tippett and Ray DeGlopper from VFW and America Legion, a rifle salute by VFW and American Legion Color Guard and and the playing of Taps by high school students.
Town Receives Plants from EC Correctional Facility Program - June 2022

Pictured in one of the greenhouses at the EC Correctional Facility from left is John Fisher and Jim Linenfelser, caretaker at Grand Island Town Hall.
Spring beautification at Town of Grand Island buildings and properties got an extra boost this week, compliments of the Erie County Correctional Facility’s spring plant program. Inmates at the Correctional Facility, under the direction of Industrial Training Supervisor John Fisher, plant and care for a variety of seeds, beginning in February and March until plants are available in May and June. Plants are distributed to Erie County Municipalities for garden beds at municipal buildings and properties. You’ll see these beautiful plants all around the town including at the entrance to Town Hall, around the flagpole and the plow at the Highway Garage, at the Water and Wastewater Plants, at Fisherman’s Landing, in Veterans Park, at the south bridge entrance to Grand Island and at Miracle League Field. Hanging baskets from this program greet you at both the front and back entrances of the Golden Age Center at the Nike Base. This program, providing training for inmates while producing beautiful plants for municipal properties, would not happen without the support of EC Sheriff John Garcia and the EC Legislature. This year over 20 flats of plants and 6 hanging baskets were donated to the Town of Grand Island.
Eco Gardening & Environmental Education Event - June 2022

Free native plant giveaway, ecological gardening, and environmental education event. Will take place on Saturday, June 4th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the WNY Welcome Center on Alvin Road. See flyer for complete details.
Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment Fundraiser - June 2022

Native Plant Sale on the Historic Alt Farm on Saturday, June 11th from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. A fundraiser to support the educational and outreach activities of the Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment. See flyer for complete details.
Sheriff Urges Safe Boating - May 2022
Buffalo, NY -Erie County Sheriff John C. Garcia encourages everyone to have a good time on the local waterways but warns boaters to be prepared and safe.
The Erie County Sheriff’s Marine Unit has launched its boats and has begun patrolling the nearly 90-miles of coastline around Erie County. The Marine Unit is on the lookout for reckless operation, boating while impaired, and stands ready for all types of emergencies on the water.
Sheriff Garcia states, “My office has two specialized boats that patrol from the Cattaraugus Creek to the northern tip of Grand Island, the Erie Barge Canal and the Buffalo River, and along the Niagara River. My Deputies are there to ensure everyone has an opportunity to enjoy our great boating season and will stop anyone who is operating in an unsafe manner – this includes personal watercraft and paddle craft.”
Starting this year, anyone operating a motorized vessel born after January 1, 1988, is required a boat safety certificate. This requirement, known as Brianna’s Law, was enacted in 2019 after the tragic 2005 boating accident where 11-year-old Brianna was killed.
In addition to Brianna’s Law, anyone operating jet skis or personal watercraft must be certified regardless of their age.
“I want everyone to have a great time with their friends and family on the water, and one of the ways you can do that is to follow the three “C”s,” said Sheriff Garcia: Cautious – be cautious of the waterways and surrounding vessels; Courteous – be courteous to other boaters so everyone can have a good time; Common Sense – use your common sense. If it seems dangerous or wrong – don’t do it.”
The Sheriff’s Office also warns boaters to pay close attention to the water and weather conditions. Local weather patterns can change in a moment, turning calm seas into dangerous ones. Operators should be prepared to head to shore or seek safety in a secluded bay until it is safe to return to port.
To sign up for boater certification classes or personal watercraft courses, you can visit our local boating club, the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, or the NY State Parks website to find a class near you. Operators can also find a list of required equipment for all types of watercraft.
County Clerk Re-Opens GI Mobile Auto Bureau - May 2022
ERIE COUNTY, NY - Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns and Town Supervisor John Whitney will be on hand as the Erie County Mobile Auto Bureau re-opens inside Grand Island Town Hall every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Customers will once again be able to renew or replace their current New York State driver’s license or non-driver ID, apply for a standard non-Driver ID, renew any vehicle registration, surrender or replace peeling license plates, and pay any violation penalties. However, due the complexities of certain transactions, and in an effort to provide quick, efficient service, not all DMV transactions will be conducted.
Appointments are not required and customers will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. The office will serve motorists in Grand Island as well as the surrounding areas of Niagara Falls, Lewiston, Wheatfield and Youngstown.
Elevated Flu Activity Prompts Advisory - May 2022
ERIE COUNTY, NY - The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is sharing a recent health advisory from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) related to statewide influenza activity. This advisory was sent to public and private schools.
NYSDOH conducts routine influenza surveillance each October through May. Influenza is
unpredictable; and while it is not uncommon for influenza activity to extend into late spring, current activity remains elevated and widespread. Therefore, NYSDOH is extending the surveillance season beyond May until influenza activity has decreased.
Surveillance data has shown an unusual bimodal [two peaks in activity] distribution of influenza activity during the 2021-22 season. Following consistent declines during January and low rates in February, laboratory-confirmed influenza cases and hospitalizations have been steadily rising since March with significant increases in lab-confirmed cases occurring throughout April. It is unknown if activity will remain at high levels or continue to increase in the upcoming weeks.
“NYSDOH data on reported flu cases typically show a steady decline throughout the spring season,” said Commissioner of Health Dr. Gale Burstein. “This year, spring reports of influenza are higher than in previous years, and this increase in reports follows a decrease at the tail end of winter.”
“Flu is still circulating here in Erie County. Despite being near the end of a typical flu season, a flu vaccine may still reduce the risk of severe illness,” she continued. “Flu symptoms can be similar to COVID-19 symptoms, and the preventive measures are also similar.”
Influenza A viruses cause disproportionately more illness among young children and older adults. Since the start of the current influenza season, 100,656 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases and more than 5,600 hospitalizations have been reported, with 59% of all laboratory-confirmed cases occurring in persons aged 0–17 years and 42% of hospitalizations in persons aged 65 and older.
The NYSDOH advisory encouraged these preventive measures to reduce the risk of influenza transmission in schools and other settings:
Stay home when you are sick.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects.
All persons aged 6 months and older are eligible to be vaccinated. Influenza vaccine for the 2021-22 season can be given through June 30, 2022.
May is Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month - May 2022
By Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns.
Warmer weather has arrived, daylight hours are longer and it is finally spring. Motorcycle riders across Erie County are tuning up their bikes and getting ready for the riding season on the open road. Motorcycles are inexpensive to purchase, fun to ride and easy to park. In addition, with gasoline prices at record highs, consumers are looking for more fuel-efficient ways to get around while saving money. In Erie County alone, there are more than 21,000 registered riders who use their motorcycles for commuting, touring and other recreational activities.
I ask all motorists, especially new drivers, to be alert to the presence of motorcycles and to share the road safely. Motorcyclists often ride to one side of the lane and at times the rider can hide in your vehicle’s blind spot. Always look twice before turning or changing lanes to be sure your path is clear. Allow more following distance for motorcycles -- two or three car lengths is recommended, more if the roads are wet or visibility is poor.
Riders should follow motorcycle safety protocols: wear protective gear at all times, including a helmet, ride within your skill limits, avoid riding in poor weather conditions, use turn signals, and never ride impaired or distracted. Riders can also benefit from any of the motorcycle safety programs offered for both new riders looking to learn the critical skills needed to ride safely and seasoned riders who want to reinforce safe driving practices. Course graduates may also qualify for insurance premium discounts with some insurers. Class locations and fees can be found at
Before hitting the road this driving season, I remind motorcyclists to visit the Erie County Auto Bureau to get properly licensed and to ‘Renew Local’ when renewing their motorcycle registration which expires annually on April 30th. For more information on motorcycle licensing and registration visit us at or call the Clerk’s Outreach Center at 716-858-8864.
I urge everyone to use caution when sharing the road this summer. Together, the more we raise awareness and follow the rules of the road, the more everyone is safe. Let’s ride smart, ride safe, and enjoy the season.
Memorial Day Ceremony - May 2022
The Town of Grand Island, Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post #9249, American Legion Post
#1346 and Grand Island High School Wind Ensemble will honor the men and women who made
the supreme sacrifice for our country while in military service. They are remembered each and
every day and will be honored on Memorial Day.
Veterans, family members and the community are cordially invited to attend the program on
Monday, May 30, 2022 at 10:00 AM at Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park.
For questions on the ceremony please email or call at 716-773-
School District Voting Results - May 2022
Grand Island: Proposed budget: Yes 943, No 777; Proposition 2: Yes 986, No 718 Candidates (Elect 2):
Jay Grover (i), 842 - Sherry Steffans, 831 - Nicole Novak (i), 818 - James Mulcahy, 807.
ConnectLife Blood Drive - June 2022

A ConnectLife Blood Drive is on Wednesday, June 1st at the Town of Grand Islnd Highway Department, 1820 Whitehaven Road, from 1:00 p.,m. - 4:30 p.m. FLYER.
HEAP Outreach Program - May 2022
A HEAP Outreach program will take place at the Grand Island Memorial Library, 1715 Bedell Road on Tuesday, May 31st from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. It is to help residents with the application process for cooling their homes. See FLYER for additional information.
DMV to Return to Town Hall - May 2022

Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns, Town Supervisor John Whitney and Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel.
Erie County, NY - Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns announced the Erie County Auto Bureau’s Mobile Unit will resume services inside Grand Island Town Hall starting Wednesday, May 25th. Kearns has been working with Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel and Supervisor John Whitney to ensure a healthy environment to offer expedited services to residents of Grand Island looking to conduct their DMV transactions locally.
“I made a pledge that I would resume Mobile Auto Bureau operations once I was confident that they would operate efficiently and in a safe and healthy environment for our customers and staff,” said County Clerk Kearns. “I am pleased to work with our partners in government in order to do just that, re-open DMV operations for all motorists on Grand Island with no additional costs to the residents of Erie County.”
The Mobile Auto Bureau will serve Grand Island motorists every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. inside Town Hall located at 2255 Baseline Road. Those who enter through the front entrance on the second floor may utilize the elevator to get to the lower level. Residents will be served on a first-come basis; no reservations are required.
“We are pleased to welcome the Erie County Auto Bureau Mobile Unit back to Grand Island Town Hall and work with County Clerk Kearns to offer DMV services to our residents and promote the ‘Renew Local’ effort,” stated Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel.
Kearns added, “My goal has always been to provide our customers with the finest service possible at a convenient location, and this mobile site will continue to do that. In addition, the more transactions performed in our local auto bureaus the more revenue we retain in Erie County, not Albany.”
Customers can renew or replace their current New York State driver’s license or non-driver ID, apply for a standard non-Driver ID, renew any vehicle registration, surrender or replace peeling license plates, and pay any violation penalties. However, due the complexities of certain transactions, and in an effort to provide quick, efficient service, the following transaction are not able to be conducted: applying for a REAL ID/Enhanced Driver License or non-Driver ID, any class permit or endorsement testing, driver improvement or enforcement related transaction. As always, motorists are encouraged to “Renew Local” and patronize any of our other Erie County Auto Bureau offices in order to complete the full spectrum of DMV transactions and to help keep a portion of the transaction fees in Erie County.
Grand Island Garden Walk Cancelled - May 2022
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Grand Island Garden Walk has been canceled for this year. We are looking forward to welcoming Grand Island gardeners to participate in the 2023 Walk. For more information, go to our website: or contact Jan 716-465-7396 or Nancy 716-435-9738.
National Fuel Announces Community Grants - May 2022
(May 10, 2022) WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. - The board of directors of the National Fuel Gas Company
Foundation (Foundation), the charitable giving arm of National Fuel Gas Company (National Fuel),
recently held its quarterly meeting and approved Foundation grants totaling $190,000.
According to David P. Bauer, Foundation President and President and CEO of National Fuel, our
Foundation is committed to initiatives that uphold health and vitality across our service territory,
evidenced by our recent grant recipients.
"The Foundation proudly supports the food banks in the communities where we live and work,” Bauer
said. “Today, we are happy to announce a 5-year commitment to FeedMore WNY to help further its
mission to alleviate hunger in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie and Niagara counties.”
In addition, the board approved grant requests to the following nonprofits in Pennsylvania that advance
community education and development: • expERIEnce Children’s Museum • Pennsylvania Parks & Forest Foundation for the benefit of Sinnemahoning State Park.
The National Fuel Gas Company Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private foundation funded entirely by National
Fuel through shareholder funds to better establish National Fuel’s commitment to the community.
Foundation focus areas include the underserved/economically disadvantaged, education, community
vitality/economic impact and veteran services
Garden Updates - May 2022

The Celtic theme proved too difficult, now easy access to seven rows. Peas and lettuce are in. If you would like to share photos of your garden, send to
2022-23 UPK lottery - May 2022
The deadline to apply for the 2022-23 Grand Island Central School District UPK lottery is approaching quickly. Applications will be accepted until 2 p.m. on May 13.
All are invited to attend the live lottery, which will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18, in the Professional Development Room (room 137) of Grand Island High School.
For questions, call Jill Morrish at 716-773-8818.
Food Drive to Benefit Neighbors Foundation - May 2022

The National Association of Letter Carriers will conduct its 30th annual national food drive on Saturday, May 14th. The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is the country's largest one-day food drive, collecting about 1.82 billion pounds of food since its inception in 1983.
All Grand Island donations will go to the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation. To donate leave a sturdy bag with unexpired non-perishable foods next to your mailbox. See FLYER.
Clean Up Grand Island - April 2022

Mary Stewart Photos.
"Clean up Grand Island" was a big success on Saturday, April 23rd, as individuals, families and organizations spent the morning cleaning up trash around Grand Island. There were over 250 volunteers who signed up to help in making this a huge success.
Welcome Gardners! - April 2022

Above is the first stage of a Celtic garden. Do you have any interesting garden idea's to share? Send to and we can post your progress over the spring and summer. Happy gardening!
Hate Crime Charges Following Assault - April 2022
Buffalo, NY - Erie County Sheriff John C. Garcia reports the arrest of Charles Vacanti of Grand Island following an investigation of an assault complaint on March 19.
Deputies responded to San-Dees Pub on Ferry Road in Grand Island at approximately 4 a.m. for reports of a female struck with a pool cue. After speaking with the victim and witnesses, Deputies arrested and charged 46-year-old Vacanti with one count of felony assault with intent to cause injury with a weapon as a hate crime and a misdemeanor count of criminal possession of a weapon with intent to use.
The defendant is held at the Erie County Holding Center pending his arraignment.
Grand Island
Garden Walk Cancelled - April 2022
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Grand Island Garden Walk has been canceled for this year. We are looking forward to welcoming Grand Island gardeners to participate in the 2023 Walk. For more information, go to our website: or contact Jan 716-465-7396 or Nancy 716-435-9738.
Spring is here, which means it is time to start thinking about gardening and planting flowers and trees. If you enjoy gardening, whether you have been doing so for years or may have just begun learning and creating new gardens, you are invited to join the 2022 Grand Island Garden Walk and share your gardens with the community. Grand Island’s annual garden walk will be held on Sunday, July 10, from 10:00am-4:00pm and it is a free event for participating gardens and the public. Since the start of the Island’s walk, over a thousand visitors have toured and enjoyed Island gardens as garden walks across the region have also experienced increased interest and support. The public enthusiasm for garden events just keeps growing!
The Grand Island Garden Walk committee is looking for gardeners interested in adding their gardens to this year’s event. All types of gardens, from large to small and from shady to sunny, are invited to participate. Previous Grand Island walks have featured colorful flower gardens, native plant gardens, themed gardens, and even vegetable and pollinator gardens. If you have unique garden themes or landscaping designs and even if you are developing new gardens, consider sharing them as all gardens are wonderful experiments that evolve and each and every garden has a story to tell.
If you are interested in placing your gardens in the 2022 Garden Walk, applications are being accepted now until June 1 and can be found online at or by calling Jan at 465-7396 or Nancy at 435-9738. Email inquiries can be sent to
This free event would not be possible without community participation and support! The garden walk committee is very grateful to all who open their gardens to the public and for the continued generous support of local businesses and individuals. If you may be interested in supporting this year’s event, donations are gratefully accepted. Checks can be made payable to Bridgeview Garden Club and mailed to 3280 Stony Point Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. The committee is appreciative of all the generous support that makes this event a continued annual success!
Mark your calendars and get ready to explore the Island, its beautiful gardens, and the natural scenery during the Grand Island Garden Walk. The date is Sunday, July 10 and the event runs from 10:00am-4:00pm. Information on the walk can be found at Garden Walk maps will be available on the day of the walk at the Town Commons Gazebo, 2255 Baseline Road.
Parent/Community Event - April 2022

The GI Central School District is presenting a free screening of the documentary "Like" on Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. "Like" helps us understand the impact of Social Media on the lives of students. After the film, teachers and student panelists will discuss tips and tricks to promote self-regulating skills. See FLYER
Battery Recycling Event - April 2022
Each year, approximately 97% of vehicle batteries are recycled. However, the remaining 3% add up to millions of pounds of lead and gallons of sulfuric acid. These can be discharged into the environment, creating health and safety hazards for humans and animals, as well as a potential fire hazard.
Motorists can take part in AAA Western and Central New York’s free lead-based battery recycling – any brand or type of lead-acid or AGM batteries will be accepted, including car, boat and RV batteries, however, lithium batteries are not eligible. Drop off hours are Wednesday, April 20, through Saturday, April 23. Weekday hours, Wednesday through Friday, are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Saturday hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Buffalo-area locations include: AAA Western New York Fleet Operations, 505 Duke Road, Suite 500, Cheektowaga; Bellreng’s Towing and Automotive, 2131 Eggert Road, Amherst; Transit Auto & Detail, 2021 Transit Road, Elma & Friday only: AAA Amherst Branch, 100 International Drive, Amherst.
Easter Recreation Activities - April 2022

Mary Stewart Photos.
There was a great turn out for this year's Easter Egg Trail and activities at Veterans Park on Friday, April 15th. It was presented by the Grand Island Recreation Department, Grand Island Memorial Library and Miracle League of WNY. Refreshments were hosted by the Grand Island Golden Age Center. Photos with the Easter bunny, and coloring/craft stations were available in the library. Kelly''s Country Store provided prizes to those who found the golden eggs.
A Walk in the Woods - April 2022
A Walk in the Woods, sponsored by the Town of Grand Island Conservation Advisory Board and the GI Parks Department will take place on Arbor Day, Saturday, April 30th at the Nike Base on Whitehaven Road. There will be guided trail hikes at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and a presentation on the recent Tree Survey at 12 noon. Dress for the weather, trails may be muddy. FLYER
Call Before You Dig - April 2022
(April 11, 2022) WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. – April is Safe Digging Month. In recognition, National
Fuel is reminding homeowners and professional contractors to Call Before You Dig.
Digging without knowing the approximate location of underground utilities can result in serious
injuries, service disruptions and costly repairs. Before starting any landscaping, gardening or
outdoor improvement projects this year, call 811, a toll-free national phone number, or visit New York homeowners and contractors should call 811 at least 2 but not
more than 10 full working days, not including the date of the call, in advance of the start of their
The national 811 phone number connects callers with local One Call Centers. Operators record
the excavation locations and notify National Fuel and other underground utilities. National Fuel
then dispatches professional locators to mark the approximate positioning of lines for free for all
callers. It’s a fast, easy way to be safe and protect those within the vicinity of the project.
“All excavation projects– even small or shallow digging home improvement projects like planting
trees and shrubs, or installing a fence or mailbox require a call,” said Karen Merkel,
spokesperson for National Fuel. “Many of the pipeline leaks and emergencies we respond to
each year occur when homeowners and businesses dig on their properties without knowing the
location of underground utility lines. These types of accidents can be easily avoided by calling
811 before you dig – anywhere on your property.”
Maple Grove Cemetery Meeting - April 2022
Maple Grove Cemetery Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 5th at 6:00 p.m. at the Grand Island Memorial Library, 1715 Bedell Road, Grand Island.
Spring DisAbility Awareness Event - April 2022
Erie County, NY- Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns and the Erie County Office for People with Disabilities will be holding a special DisAbility Awareness Day on Saturday, April 23rd from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Erie County Auto Bureau located in the Urbandale Plaza at 2122 George Urban Blvd. in Cheektowaga. No appointment is required for this community outreach event.
Individuals with disabilities and their families will be able to obtain state issued picture identification through the Erie County Auto Bureau and be assisted with other matters pertaining to the Department of Motor Vehicles. “People with disabilities continue to face ongoing barriers when it comes to employment,” said Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns. “My office will continue to focus on inclusion and equity when it comes to assisting individuals with a disability in obtaining government issued identification so when an employment opportunity presents itself they are prepared with the required ID to accept the job.”
The Erie County Office for People with Disabilities will also be on hand to share information and provide a thorough understanding of how the county can assist with identifying opportunities and services available to all residents who are disabled and their family members. If you need to coordinate a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Erie County Office for People with Disabilities at 716-858-6215.
Individuals interested in obtaining a Driver’s License, an Enhanced License, REAL ID or a non-Driver Identification are required to bring the following documents as proof of identification: original or certified copy of birth certificate, and original social security card.
A complete checklist of documents required by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles can be found at or call the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center at 716-858-8864.
Free Rabies Vaccination Clinics - April 2022
ERIE COUNTY, NY – What better time than National Pet Day (April 11) to announce the schedule of free rabies vaccination clinics in May? The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) has opened registration for two rabies vaccine clinic sites clinics in May.
Saturday, May 7, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Town of Tonawanda Highway Garage, 450 Woodward Ave., Kenmore 14127
Between Sheridan Dr. and Kenmore Ave. Register:
Saturday, May 21, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Buffalo Public School #84 (Parking Lot), 462 Grider St., Buffalo 14214
Behind ECMC Hospital Register:
Appointments are required and a limited number of appointments are available. Individuals who are unable to access online registration may call (716) 961-6800 or (716) 858-2929 during business hours to schedule an appointment.
Pet owners must make an appointment in order to attend these clinics. Up to three pets will be accepted per appointment. No walk-ins will be accepted.
Dogs, cats and ferrets three months of age and older are eligible for a vaccination. Pet owners are asked to bring proof of vaccination with them to the event in order to receive a three-year vaccination certificate; otherwise, a one-year certificate will be given.
Pets must be secured with a collar & leash or restrained in a carrier. Pet owners should limit the number of people in the vehicle. Masks are encouraged but not required.
ECDOH thanks the Niagara Frontier Veterinary Society, the Medaille College Veterinary Technology Program, the SPCA Serving Erie County and Erie County SMART for providing volunteers and support in coordinating these free rabies vaccination clinics.
Clean UP Grand Island 2022 - April 2022
Earth Day is Friday, April 22nd.
The following day “Clean UP Grand Island 2022” takes place. Individuals, civic groups, local agencies, businesses and environmentally-minded residents are invited to participate in the 3rd Annual Clean UP Grand Island. The event is Saturday, April 23rd, from 8am until 12pm. Clean UP Grand Island 2022 is organized by The Town of Grand Island, The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, Grand Island Rotary Club and Niagara River Greenway. We are also announcing a new logo selected from submissions from Grand Island High School. The final logo was created by Anna Hammond. Anna is a senior in Sports and Entertainment Management class.
To get involved: Register yourself as an individual or as a site captain and include all participants from your group via our event page on Eventbrite. Registration Link
A few days prior to the Clean Up day, you will receive an email with your site location, if you have a site request, please email If you have questions, email In all there are 29 locations targeted that encompass over 50 miles of roadside, tree lined, open space and other areas for debris removal.
Start Info: Meet in the parking lot at Town Hall (2255 Baseline Road) between 8:AM - 9:00AM to get garbage bags & get additional clean up location assignments info if needed, unless your site captain has provided other instructions.
Wrap up Info: When finished cleaning your assigned area, bring your bags and debris back to the Casella Waste System’s dumpster located in the Town Hall parking lot. We want to get a total weight for measuring our impact to the Clean UP.
Event Day Contact Info: Eric Fiebelkorn 716-319-7292 (mobile) or Dick Crawford 716-818-6992 (mobile)
This year, the whole Island Clean UP is registered for recognition by “The Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup initiative”. This initiative has grown to all five of the Great Lakes and streams and waterways feeding them in both US and Canada. The initiative grew out of our own Rotary District 7090. The goal is to make this the single largest cleanup event ever planned and coinciding with Earth Day 2022.
Underage volunteers must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are encouraged to stay hydrated and to wear proper attire (gloves, work/rain boots) and insect repellent. Additionally, groups wishing to work along heavily trafficked roads should speak with Dick Crawford to be aware of regulations and safety practices required.
Share your clean up photos on social media and to if you are ok with your photos being shared to showcase this wonderful community event.
Old Town Hall Cupola Saved - April 2022
Steve Dickinson with original cupola.

After stripping.

End results!
Thanks to GI Highway Department employees Steve Dickenson, Matt Braun and Mike Carlson, the Town Hall Cupola is better than ever. The cupola built in 1918 was originally at the top of #9 School, located in front of the current Town Hall on Baseline Road. It became the Town Hall in December of 1938 when Charlotte Sidway School opened. In 1968 the building was torn down after the current Town Hall was completed. Walt Kelly saved the cupola and it resided behind his store on GI Blvd. until the fall of 2021, when Kelly's Country Store donated it to the Town.
There are many talented individuals at the GI Highway Department and Superintendent Richard Crawford, Supervisor John Whitney and the Town Board agreed to allow them to work on the project over the winter. Less than four months later it is in prime condition. At a recent meeting it was decided to place it back in its original home, on the front lawn of Town Hall. It shouldn't be too long before a pad is laid to place the cupola for your viewing pleasure.
Senior Wishes Fundraiser - March 2022
Buffalo, NY - Senior Wishes, a local non-profit, will be offering a take-out version of its wine, beer, and dessert sampling fundraiser on April 28, 2022. Tickets will be on sale from March 25-April 21. In addition, a virtual basket raffle will run from March 25-May 2.
Presented by Geico, with additional support by many caring corporate sponsors, this year’s event will be a boxed sampling of beer, wine and sweets for participants to enjoy at home. A $45 donation will allow guests to pick-up their event box at one of three locations: Fox Run at Orchard Park, GEICO in Getzville and the United Church Manor in West Seneca on Thursday, April 28 between 3-6pm. Delivery within 30 miles can be arranged for an additional fee. Deadline to register is April 21. Specific details, including link for the basket raffle which is open to the public, can be found at or on their Facebook page.
Senior Wishes’ grants wishes to lower income seniors living independently and to those living in care facilities in Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming counties. Wishes have included attending sporting and cultural events, visiting a loved one not seen in years, and re-engaging a senior in a hobby. Simple needs are also considered.
In 2021 HERO Boxes were delivered to local Veterans, including nine WWII Veterans, holiday gifts were delivered to 277 seniors as part of the organizations “Sips, Suds & Sweets” event for seniors with little or no family and Valentine’s Day was celebrated this year by distributing stuffed animals and goody bags to residents of Absolut Care in Gasport.
Community support of this year’s event, will assist the program’s ability to continue these important programs throughout 2022.
For more information visit or call Wendy Backman at (716)-508-2121.
Narcan Training - March 2022
The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) and the Erie County Opiate Epidemic Task Force are announcing the next three months of free trainings, where participants will learn to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and use Narcan (naloxone) to reverse an opioid overdose.
All participants will receive a free Narcan kit after the training is complete. Virtual training participants will need a computer with Internet access or a smart phone with the ability to access WebEx. Additional in-person trainings will be announced. For information on a group training for your business or organization, call (716) 858-7695. Register for virtual or in-person trainings at
Virtual Trainings: MARCH 2022: Wed., March 9, 2022 12:00 PM; Sat., March 19, 2022 9:00 AM. APRIL 2022: Fri., April 1, 2022 12:00 PM; Sat., April 16, 2022 9:00 AM. MAY 2022: Wed., May 4, 2022 12:00 PM; Sat., May 21, 2022 9:00 AM.
In-Person Trainings – Erie County Emergency Training and Operation Center, 3359 Broadway # 2, Buffalo, NY 14227: MARCH 2022: Sat., March 12, 2022 9:00 AM; Tues., March 15, 2022 6:00 PM. APRIL 2022: Wed., April 6, 2022 6:00 PM; Sat., April 30, 2022 9:00 AM. MAY 2022: Sat., May 14, 2022 9:00 AM; Thurs., May 19, 2022 6:00 PM.
Radisson Hotel Hosting Blood Drive - February 2022
Grand Island NY - Radisson Hotel will host a community blood drive with the American Red Cross on Saturday, March 5, 2022 from 9am to 2pm at 100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island NY 14072.
For more information or to make an appointment to donate, sign up online at with sponsor code RADISSONGRANDISLAND.
Radisson Grand Island is committed to strengthening our community and helping meet hospital and patient needs through blood donations,” said Laura Zoldowski, Executive Housekeeper. “This blood drive is our way of giving staff, colleagues and neighbors an opportunity to help save lives.”
Blood is a perishable product that can only come from volunteer blood donors. With someone in the U.S. needing blood every two seconds, blood products must be constantly replenished, according to the Red Cross.
“We urge community members to donate blood and help ensure that patients in local hospitals have a supply of blood ready and waiting before an emergency occurs. There’s no better feeling than knowing that your blood donation may give someone a second chance at life.”
According to the Red Cross, donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with types O negative, A negative and B negative.
25th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count - February 2022

25th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count takes place February 18-22, 2022. Participating is easy, fun to do alone, or with others, and can be done anywhere you find birds. Step 1 – Decide where you will watch birds. Step 2 – Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days, February 18-21, 2022.
Step 3 – Count all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location and use the best tool for sharing your bird sightings: If you are a beginning bird admirer and new to the count, try using the Merlin Bird ID app. If you have participated in the count before, try eBird Mobile app or enter your bird list on the eBird website (desktop/laptop). If you are participating as a group, see instructions for Group Counting. Birdcount Website. FLYER.
National Fuel Announces Grants to Community Nonprofits - February 2022
(Feb. 7, 2022) WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. - The board of directors of the National Fuel Gas Company
Foundation (Foundation), the charitable giving arm of National Fuel Gas Company (National Fuel),
recently held its quarterly meeting and approved Foundation grants totaling $220,000.
According to David P. Bauer, Foundation President and President and CEO of National Fuel, our
Foundation is committed to initiatives that uphold safe and healthy communities across our service
territory, evidenced by our recent grant recipients.
“We are extremely proud of our ongoing support of the American Red Cross. Their numerous public
safety efforts coupled with expert and compassionate disaster response makes them a vital and worthy
organization,” Bauer said.
Grants were awarded to the Western New York, Northwestern Pennsylvania and Mid Central
Pennsylvania American Red Cross chapters.
In addition, the board approved grant requests for the following nonprofits that help underserved
populations as well as advance healthcare and veteran services.
In New York: Buffalo City Mission; Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center; Veterans One-stop Center of WNY.
Fuccillo/National Grid Provide Charging Stations - February 2022
GRAND ISLAND, N.Y., January 31, 2022 As more electric vehicles are hitting Western New York roads, Fuccillo Hyundai of Grand Island partnered with National Grid’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Make-Ready Program to install five EV charging stations at its Grand Island dealership located at 1910 Alvin Road.
Through the program, National Grid covered more than 80% of the infrastructure costs to install the stations, which include two fast-charging stations with a combined output of 125 kilowatts, the most powerful EV charging station output on Grand Island. This means quicker charging times for EV drivers. All five stations are currently available to the public free of charge.
“Thanks to National Grid’s EV Make-Ready Program, the EV charging stations were able to come online just in time for us to receive inventory of the 2022 Hyundai IONIQ 5 Plugin,” said Russell Tabone, general manager, Fuccillo Hyundai. “We’ve been receiving calls both locally and from across the country for a chance to purchase the IONIQ 5, which charges in only 20 minutes."
“We are excited for the opportunity to invest in the community. In addition to making our EV charging stations available for Fuccillo customers, our goal is also to serve as a destination for motorists who want to charge their vehicles,” added Tabone. “In just the past several weeks, both residents and Canadian motorists have taken advantage of the free charging opportunity.”
National Grid’s EV charging program is available for businesses, multi-unit residential buildings and retail stores, as well as parks and vacation destinations. The company also offers a program for businesses looking to electrify their fleets, which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and help to meet National Grid’s decarbonization goals.
Whitney Skeans, senior program manager of National Grid’s EV Make-Ready Program said that collaborations with customers like Fuccillo Hyundai are central to National Grid’s Project C commitment, which was created to inspire change and create a more equitable future. With new EVs hitting the marketplace, she also sees a timely opportunity for all Western New York auto dealerships to take advantage of the EV incentives as they prepare to receive and sell new inventory.
“No matter what your business, installing EV charging stations can create more customer traffic for your sales, convenience for your workplace, and sustainability leadership within the communities where you live and play,” said Skeans. “National Grid’s programs include incentives for business customers who are future-focused, not only supporting a new segment of EV drivers but also maximizing value from the clean energy initiatives that will get us there. Partnerships with customers like Fuccillo help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and support New York State’s goal of having all new passenger cars and light-duty trucks sales be zero-emission models by 2035.”
In 2021, National Grid invested $4.1 million to install 756 charging ports in upstate New York. This work is part of the company’s $143 million commitment to install 16,000 charging ports across New York by 2025, which supports the state’s goal of having 850,000 electric vehicles on the road by that year.
Pure Performance Renewable (PPR) Energy Solutions, Western New York-based licensed electrical contractor that specializes in the design, development, and construction of EV charging station projects, conducted the installation of the five EV charging stations at Fuccillo Hyundai.
“Investing in EV charging stations is a way for businesses to future proof their parking lots,” said Mike Prinzi, president, PPR Energy Solutions. “With the demand for electric vehicles increasing, motorists are going to more places throughout our community where they can charge up. By partnering with National Grid’s EV Make-Ready Program, Fuccillo Hyundai was responsible for only 20% of the installation costs for their new charging stations.”
National Grid representatives will be available at the Buffalo Auto Show, Feb. 3 to Feb. 6 at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center to share more details about the EV Make-Ready Program.
Cupola Rehab - February 2022
Cupola stripped of rotten wood. Using original tongue-in-groove interior walls.

The roof is made of tin and is in good shape. The tin overhang will be mostly replaced.
Text Messaging Scam - February 2022
ERIE COUNTY, NY – - Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns is alerting residents about a new text message phishing scheme that is circulating across Erie County. The text messages include a link that claims to direct consumers to a page that will provide information of overpayment to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV). The link then prompts individuals to confirm their email in an embedded link in order to acquire a refund.
Phishing is an attempt by scammers to acquire sensitive personal information from unsuspecting users by disguising themselves as trustworthy businesses, organizations or individuals, such as a government agency like the NYS DMV. Scammers use this information to steal people’s identities or trick them into installing malicious software, known as malware, onto internet-connected devices such as their cell phone.
“I want residents to know that the Erie County Auto Bureau or the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles will never solicit your private information via email, text or over the phone,” said County Clerk Mickey Kearns. “If you receive such a fraudulent message, please ignore and delete such requests.”
Phishing attacks are big business and are one of the most common online scams. They often tell a story to trick you into clicking on a link or opening an attachment and can be carried out through emails, text messages, phone solicitations, fraudulent social media accounts or websites.
The most common indicators of a phishing attempt usually involve tone, grammar and urgency in a text message or email subject line. Major warning signs are an unfamiliar greeting, grammatical errors and misspelled words.
County Clerk Kearns states, “The best way to protect yourself from an attack is to be aware, avoid opening or responding and delete the messages immediately. If possible, you can block the number or email address from your device to prevent further contact.”
“The safest way to conduct your DMV business is at your local Erie County Auto Bureau. Appointments are required. However, same day or next day appointments are currently being accepted at all area branches,” added Kearns.
Appointments can be made 24/7 online at For those without internet access or require a reasonable accommodation can contact the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center at 716-858-8864 during normal business hours and a representative will assist you.
Walk-In Covid-19 Tests Available - February 2022
ERIE COUNTY, NY – Starting January 31, 2022, the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is expanding its COVID-19 testing operations to the Jesse Nash Health Center at 608 William Street in Buffalo.
This site will offer free COVID-19 testing on weekdays from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Walk-ins/drive-ups are welcome; appointments will be accepted, but not required. Appointments suggested, but not required; call (716) 858-2929.
The ECDOH COVID-19 testing site at the Erie County Fire Training Academy (3359 Broadway, Cheektowaga) is a free drive-through COVID-19 testing site that will also accept people without an appointment starting January 31. Days and hours of operation at this site may vary; call (716) 858-2929 before you go to confirm the site is open.
Available tests will include the COVID-19 PCR test, with results available in 1-3 business days, and a rapid COVID-19 ID Now test, with results available on-site.
For more information, including guidance on which type of COVID-19 test is recommended and when to test, please call the ECDOH COVID-19 Information Line at (716) 858-2929.
Reminder: Winter Parking Policy - January 2022
The Town of Grand Island Highway Department “NO PARKING” law is in effect November 1, thru March 31, 2022
Please observe our “No Parking” restrictions on all public highways between the hours of 2:00 a.m. thru 7:00 a.m. from November 1, 2021 thru March 31, 2022.
This allows us to give you effective snow plowing in all areas of the town. Our Town of Grand Island Police Department and the Erie County Sheriff’s Department enforce this ordinance.
Birds on the Niagara 2022 - January 2022

Birds on the Niagara 2022 takes place February 11 - 13, 2022. Events will take place in the US and Canada, online and in-person. There are events on the Island, at Beaver Island and Buckhorn State Parks. See events HERE. Registration is required.
1918 Town Hall Cupola Rehab - January 2022
Highway Department employee Steve Dickinson will be working to bring the cupola back to life.
The inside features tongue and groove walls that will be able to be preserved.
The outside base is covered with tin that will be replaced.
There was some good news in assessing the rehab possibilites of the Town Hall Cupola. Built in 1918, it had seen better days. Kelly's Country Store donated it to the town in the fall and it was moved in December to the GI Highway Department for assessment. The good news is the interior tongue and groove walls are salvageable and Steve Dickinson is pumped to replace all the wood exterior and tin roofing and base. I will be updating readers on the progress of the cupola rehab over the upcoming months.
Pistol Permit Recertification - January 2022
Erie County, NY- January 2022
Kearns Reminds Pistol Permit Holders of Recertification Process Deadline.
New York State pistol permits due to be recertified with the New York State Police.
Erie County Kearns wants to remind New York State Pistol Permit Holders that they need to complete their recertification process with the New York State Police (NYSP) in order to be in compliance with the NYSAFE Act.
Under New York State law, if an individual’s permit was issued prior to January 15, 2013, the deadline to submit your recertification to the State was January 31, 2018 and every five years thereafter. However, if your license was issued on or after January 15, 2013, the deadline recertify with the State is five years after the date the license was issued and every five years thereafter.
To clarify, the next five-year due date is here for some, but not all pistol permit holders.
For example, a pistol permit holder who recertified on January 15, 2017 would be due to recertify with the State by January 15, 2022.
A pistol permit holder who recertified on March 8, 2017 would be due to recertify with the State by March 8, 2022.
A pistol permit holder who recertified on January 15, 2018 would be due to recertify with the State by January 15, 2023.
Applications can be submitted to the State online or mailed-in. To submit your recertification online or to see when your current recertification expires please visit the New York State Police website at Forms are also available online at or at State Police stations throughout the state mailed to the return address listed on the form.
Your recertification status can be checked at According to the NYSP, your status will be "No recertification on file" until your information has been entered into the State system, so please allow sufficient time for mailing and data entry.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the electronic recertification process, please contact the New York State Information Technology Services (ITS) Service Desk at 1-844-891-1786. All other questions should be directed to the New York State Police at 1-855-LAWGUNS (1-855-529-4867) as the Erie County Pistol Permit Department cannot answer explicit questions related to the recertification process.
Passport Fees Increase - January 2022
Erie County, NY- January 2022
Erie County, NY- As the Erie County Clerk’s Office is an approved official Passport Application Acceptance Agent of the United States Passport Service I want to make the traveling public aware that the U.S. State Department has increased first-time or replacement adult passport fees will increase by $20. The increased fee is necessary to maintain ensure that the Passport Agency continues to produce one of the most secure travel and identity documents in the world.
So how much will a passport cost you in total? There are a number of factors that go into the cost calculation, including the type of passport you want, whether you're renewing or getting your first one, and how fast you need to obtain your travel document. With the new fee, the cost of a first-time adult passport book comes out to $165, comprising of a $130 application fee and a $35 acceptance fee. The price for renewing an adult passport book now totals $130. The price for a minor passport book for those under age 16 is now $135, consisting of a $100 application fee and a $35 acceptance fee. Passport photos can be taken on-site and are available for $10.
According to the State Department, the turnaround time for a standard passport renewal currently can take up to 11 weeks. For $60 more, an expedited renewal application can take up to 6 weeks. As processing times can change at any time so it is important that you check the status of your passport application online at
That said, there are numerous reasons for processing delays such as unprecedented mail volume and agency application centers throughout the country are limiting in-person services due to COVID-19 cases. Additionally, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities. Both a valid U.S. passport book and the passport card meet the new security standard that goes into effect May 3, 2023.
The Erie County Clerk’s Office is now open to the public and applicants can apply for a passport card, passport book or both at Old County Hall, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo or the County Clerk’s Outreach Center, 1088 Union Road, West Seneca next to the Auto Bureau in the Southgate Plaza Monday through Friday from 9am to 4:30pm.
Payment must be in the form of check or money order. No cash or credit cards can be accepted. A certified copy of birth certificate and proof of identity such as a valid New York State driver’s license or non-driver identification card is required in order for any application to be accepted.
Current passport holders with less than 6 months validity remaining on their travel document(s) must follow the instructions on how to renew their passport by mail at Renewal applications must be done by mail and cannot be completed through the County Clerk’s Office. Passport Renewal Applications are to be submitted by the individual applicant and mailed to the address on the Renewal Application Form.
Passport applications, a list of all required documents, and detailed breakdown of the new fee schedule are available by visiting or by contacting the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center at (716) 858-8864.
Town/County Tax Bills Mailed - January 2022
Town Clerk Patricia Frentzel announced that the 2022 Town/County Tax Bills have been mailed. If you have changed banks, have paid off your mortgage or do not have an escrow account and did not receive a tax bill, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 773-9600 ext. 620 or 600. The office will be open extras hours:
Saturday, February 12 – 9:00am – 12:00pm
Monday, February 14 – 8:30am – 6:00pm
Tuesday, February 15 – 8:30am – 6:00pm
Checks should be made payable to Town Clerk. The last day to pay without penalty is February 15. Envelopes must show a legible postmark of February 15 to be accepted on time. Taxpayers should call the office for correct amounts for payments made February 16 and later. Payments can be made until June 30, 2022. After this date, payments must be sent to the County. ONLINE TAX RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS - SERVICE FEES APPLY - DEBIT AND CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED AT COUNTER
NYS Parks Issuing West River Dock Permits - January 2022
The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has announced that they will be issuing temporary seasonal dock permits for up to 35 public docks along the West River Shoreline Trail on a first come first serve basis for the 2022 season.
Permit applications will be distributed beginning at 8:00 am on February 5, 2022 until 35 applications have been distributed. Due to Covid-19 protocols, participants will be asked to remain in their cars and follow signage and staff direction.
Further information is available online at or call the Beaver Island State Park Office at 716-773-3271.
GICSD Substitute Recuitment Job Fair - January 2022
The Grand Island Central School District will hold a substitute recruitment job fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 21, at Grand Island HIgh School, 1100 Ransom Road.
Substitutes are currently needed in all areas at the district office, high school, middle school, and three elementary schools. All applicants for substitute teachers, aides, nurses, custodial, clerical, monitors, buildings and grounds, food service, bus drivers, and attendants will be interviewed on site. If interested, submit an application in advance on the WNYRIC portal available though the Grand Island district website (, or be prepared to fill one out upon arrival. Interviews will be conducted on site, and interested parties can continue to apply for these positions on a continual basis throughout the school year.
Applicants should bring their current resume, copy of transcripts, certificate (if applicable), driver’s license, and Social Security card. Parking is available in front of the high school. Substitute teaching applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree. Email for more information.
Town & County Tax Bills Mailed - January 2022
Sitting from L to R: Ann Dlugokinski, Martha Mueller, Suzanne Mueller.
Standing L to R: Lorraine Wilcox, Linda Clark, Kathy Lechner, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Jean Schlegal and Pat Cummings.
Despite COVID – 19, the Town and County tax bills are in the mail!!
Our volunteer seniors, socially distanced and wearing masks, prepared the tax bills and were treated to lunch.
Town Clerk Pattie Anderson Frentzel reported that the last day to pay without penalty is February 15, 2022.
Erie County Sheriff Sergeant Local Hero - January 2022
The Erie County Sheriff's Office announced on Monday, January 3rd the following; On January 2, 2022, while working as part of the SWAT Reaction Force at Highmark Stadium Dr. Kevin McGee and Sgt. Chris Soluri responded to assist with a first aid call for an individual having a seizure and potentially a heart attack. Upon arrival, cibilians were observed to be performing CPR on the victim. Without hesitation, Dr. McGee and Sgt. Soluri sprang into action, took control of the scene, and deployed a Sheriff's Office
AED. The doctor and the sergeant continued to work on the patient, who had no pulse and was not breathing, ultimately regaining consciousness. After traveling in the ambulance to a local hospital, Dr. McGee turned over the patient to emergency room staff; the patient was conscious, alert, and talking when Sheriff's personnel left the facility.
National Law Enforcement Day - January 2022
Thank An Officer Today - January 9th, 2022.
Policing was a haphazard process in the young nation. Protective forces were privately operated and for profit. Frontier justice was a mix of factors. The military was the primary law enforcement during the time of the Civil War, but during reconstruction, local sheriffs played an important role in enforcing the general order and the right to vote for the slaves who were freed.
By the 1880s, the major cities of the United States had police forces who served and protected the public from criminals and wrong doing in the growing cities.
In 1929, President Hoover assigned the Wickersham Commission to examine the effectiveness of law enforcement in the whole nation. The idea of a mobile officer was developed to professionalize the police.
The American police were formed having quasi-military aspects of rank structure and accordingly uniforms were assigned. Their main task was to prevent crime and provide a wide array of other public services. The police power in the United States in a specific area gave benefits to the government and local people.
Inauguration of Newly Elected Officials - January 2022
From left: VFW Honor Guard, Master of Ceremonies Eric Fiebelkorn, Town Justice Mark J. Frentzel, Councilmen Peter Marston, Jr. & Christian Bahleda, Highway Superintendent Richard Crawford, Jr. and The Honorable Joseph Cassata.
From left: Mark J. Frentzel, Pete Marston, Jr., Christian Bahleda, Richard Crawford, Jr.
The Town of Grand Island held the Inauguration of the newly elected officials on Saturday, January 1, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) at the Sandy Beach Yacht Club. Inaugurated were Mark J. Frentzel – Town Justice, Richard Crawford, Jr. – Highway Superintendent, Peter Marston, Jr. – Councilman and Christian Bahleda – Councilman.
Eric Fiebelkorn was the Master of Ceremonies. The Honorable Joseph Cassata was the installing officer.
National Fuel Tips for Winter Safety - January 2022
(Jan. 4, 2022) WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. – National Fuel advises homeowners to be prepared and safe this winter and pay attention to outdoor gas meters, furnaces, and vents. Also, payment assistance information. See press release.

John Fisher and Corrections Officer Matthew Dils making wreaths with two inmates.

GI Memorial Library.

Town Hall.
Photos by Mary Cooke.
Family Support Services Programs Video - September 2022
Erie County Clerk Kearns Announces September is Passport Awareness Month - September 2022
School Tax Bills Mailed - September 2022
Town Police Officers Wanted - September 2022
School Tax Bills In The Mail - September 2022
Back Row: Pattie Frentzel, Town Clerk, Shirley Norman, Jean Schlegal and Kathy Lechner.
Grand Island Central Community Ed Program - September 2022
Antlerless-only Deer Season - September 2022
Erie County Clerk Kearns Announces Extended Hours - August 2022
National Airborne Day Proclamation - August 2022
Antique & Classic Boat Show - “Boating Through The Years” - August 2022

Finished cupola at Highway Department garage.

After stripping.

End results!

The roof is made of tin and is in good shape. The tin overhang will be mostly replaced.
Standing L to R: Lorraine Wilcox, Linda Clark, Kathy Lechner, Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel, Jean Schlegal and Pat Cummings.