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Happy & Safe Holiday - December 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns Wants Everyone to Know… A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON IS A SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON. The Message is Simple: Don’t Make the Dangerous Decision to Drive Impaired.As Erie County Clerk, responsible for overseeing Auto Bureau operations, it is time to remind everyone this holiday season to not drink and drive or ride with anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you have had too much to drink, for everyone’s sake, please do not get behind the wheel of your car.
We all look forward to celebrating this time of year with our family and friends, but if those celebrations include alcohol, you, as a driver, need to plan ahead and arrange for a safe ride home. People who make the dangerous decision to drink and drive will find that local law enforcement is serious about combatting reckless and irresponsible behavior.
New York State imposes harsh driver license penalties for those with an impaired driving charge for either alcohol or drugs. If convicted of a misdemeanor DWI, your license will be revoked for a minimum of 6 months. Aside from the tremendous expense for an attorney, fines and insurance premium increases, there is total disruption of normal life, including possible loss of job, accumulation of points on your license, to include forfeiture of driving privileges for repeat offenders. We need to keep in mind that preventing drunk driving is everyone's business, and we all need to take a leadership role in this fight! Driving while impaired is simply not worth endangering the lives of innocent people, while ruining your own life in the process.
Every single day, impaired driving senselessly kills about 37 people in the United States in drunk-driving crashes. In every state, it is illegal to drive under the influence, yet one person was killed in a drunk driving crash every 39 minutes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) most recent study, more than 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths. In New York State, 38% of all traffic deaths in 2024 involved alcohol, which resulted in 444 alcohol-related fatalities. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drug-impaired driving is also a concerning public health problem. A NHTSA National Roadside Survey found that more than 22% of drivers stopped by law enforcement tested positive for illegal, prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Whether they are illegal, legalized, prescription or over-the-counter medicines all can affect your ability to drive safely.
I want to also remind everyone it really makes no difference whether the driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs. You can’t drive safely if you’re impaired. That’s why it’s illegal in New York State to drive under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, opioids, methamphetamines, or any potentially impairing drug–prescribed or over the counter. Driving while impaired by any substance—legal or illegal—puts you and others in harm’s way. Drug-impaired driving isn’t a mistake; just like a DWI, it’s a crime. Impairment is impairment, no matter the substance. The facts are, if you feel different, you will drive different.
While celebrating the holidays, know the signs of when to hand over the keys and call a cab, a ride-sharing service or designate a sober driver before the party begins. Plan a safe ride home before you start your holiday festivities. Please, think twice - don’t drive distracted or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Let’s make sure we all do our part in making this a happy and safe holiday season for everyone on the roads and at home.
Town of Grand Island Advisory Board Openings - December 2024
Town of Grand Island Advisory Board Openings. Many openings are available on the Town of Grand Island Advisory Boards. Check out the list here and see if you can help your community. Send letter of interest and qualifications by December 16th.Memorial Benches Installed - December 2024

A 13 year old girl was killed in a tragic accident at Broadway and South State Parkway in September 2024. Leah Isabel Mayer had attended Kaegebein Elementary School. Recently, her former elementary school teachers, along with a GI girls softball team fundraised and installed two benches in her honor. They are on school property near Broadway.
Renew Snowmobile Sleds Locally - December 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Kearns Reminds Snowmobilers to Renew their Sled Registration in Erie County Riders Save Money and Help County Retain Much Needed Revenue LocallyErie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns wants to remind snowmobilers to register their sleds “locally” through the Erie County Auto Bureau. This is an effort to keep vital revenues right here in Erie County. Riders can renew by mail or in-person at any Auto Bureau Branch. Due to higher than normal volume, reservations are strongly encouraged and can be made easily online at or by calling the Clerk’s Outreach Hotline at 716-858-8864. Same or next day appointments are currently available at all Erie County locations.
To renew your snowmobile registration riders, need to complete and mail in their renewal notice, a photocopy of existing snowmobile registration, and a copy of the registrant’s New York State driver license. Snowmobile club members need to also include proof of membership in a New York State Snowmobile Association (NYSSA) snowmobile club. Mail all documents to: Erie County Clerk’s Office, 92 Franklin Street-Suite 1, Buffalo, NY 14202 including a check, made payable to “Erie County Clerk”. Your snowmobile registration will be mailed back to you within 10 business days upon receipt of renewal request. To renew in person, be sure to bring in all required documents to the Auto Bureau to receive your sled’s registration.
Members of the New York State Snowmobile Association (NYSSA), or a local NYSSA-affiliated snowmobile club, will receive a $55 discount on all snowmobile registrations. Non-members will pay the full registration cost of $135. Snowmobilers are encouraged to contact the NYSSA at for information on joining local clubs and to obtain your registration voucher. All but $10 of each registration fee goes to the Snowmobile Trail Development and Maintenance Fund, which supports 10,500 miles of public snowmobile trails across New York State and maintained by over 230 clubs.
Snowmobilers must always carry registration and proof of insurance documents while snowmobiling. Riders must produce the documents at the request of any law enforcement officer or magistrate. Riders also must produce insurance documentation at the request of anyone who is injured or suffers property damage because of operating a snowmobile. Holders of snowmobile safety certificates must also carry the certificate when they are snowmobiling.
Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns also reminds snowmobilers it is illegal to operate a snowmobile while impaired by drugs or alcohol, and drivers and passengers must wear helmets on the state snowmobile trail system.
The Erie County Federation of Snowmobile Clubs have set the official open date as January 2, 2024, for trails in the Southern Hunting Zone, as well as all Erie County Parks with designated trails, pending sufficient snow cover and conditions. Riders are encouraged to check with their local clubs to ensure trails have been opened and to obtain the latest information on snowmobiling safety courses. For more information on snowmobile registrations, contact the Clerk’s Outreach Hotline at 716-858-8864 or submit a request at Additional snowmobile and trailer registration information and forms can also be obtained on the Clerk’s website under the Auto Bureau tab at
National Fuel Announces Grants - November 2024
(Nov. 26, 2024) WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. – As we enter the holiday season, the board of directors of the National Fuel Gas Company Foundation (Foundation), the charitable giving arm of National Fuel Gas Company (National Fuel), is pleased to announce recently approved Foundation grants totaling $75,000. Each year, the Foundation awards grants aimed at reducing food insecurity and enhancing winter-safety preparation. See Press Release.Stay Safe During Winter Driving Months - November 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns Issues Reminders to WNY Motorists – Be Prepared and Stay Safe During Winter Driving Months.Every start to the winter season, we promise ourselves that this year will be different, that you’ll be ready for whatever blizzard Mother Nature sends us. Flashback to 10 years ago, when the City of Buffalo and the Southtowns were clobbered by the infamous “wall of snow” that produced thunder and heavy snowfall of as much as 6 inches an hour. Yes, presently our weather has been without any winter weather events with this fall being more like spring. However, our weather can change quickly and we can be hit with snow, ice, rain and fog off Lake Erie without warning. Therefore, I encourage motorists to take a moment to review a few simple winter driving tips and double-check that you have the proper emergency gear in your vehicle to ensure your safety before any storm hits.
Not all drivers are prepared for winter driving conditions, so take it slow when driving on snowy, icy and wet roadways. Drive as the environment warrants, stay alert, reduce your speed. Due to poor visibility and/or bad road conditions, always leave plenty of room between cars. Brake early and slowly give yourself time to stop and react safely. Before pulling onto the road, be sure to completely clear snow and ice from your car windows, mirrors, lights, hood and roof. Take extra precaution when entering and exiting ramps and bridges as they can be extremely slippery. While four-wheel drive vehicles may help you get going quicker, they won’t help you stop any quicker – don’t get overconfident when driving one.
Make sure your car is properly maintained – the better shape your car is in, the safer you are on the road. Have your battery and ignition system checked, along with your brakes, transmission and tires. All fluids in your vehicle should be checked and topped off: de-icing washer fluid, oil, power steering and anti-freeze. Change or adjust spark plugs, air, fuel and emission filters. Check your headlights, brake and tail lights, blinkers and emergency flashers. It is vital to also know your car’s capabilities and the safety features built into your vehicle such as traction control that helps the vehicle gain traction and the anti-lock braking system (ABS) which is standard in most new vehicles and assists you steer in emergencies by restoring traction.
In addition, during the winter season, don’t crowd the plow. I ask that you be alert and courteous to County, City, Town and State snowplow operators who will be doing their best to keep the streets open and safe for traveling. Their goal is to maximize safety, be patient and drive with caution. For everyone’s protection, please assist in this difficult task by yielding to their efforts and keeping a safe distance behind snowplows to avoid having your vehicle struck by flying sand and salt.
We all know that winter driving can be a test for even the most experienced drivers. Being prepared is the best offense when it comes to driving in bad weather. Take it slow, buckle up, and drive safely this winter season.
Upcoming Events at the Alt Farm - November 2024
Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment at the Alt Nature Center, 2489 Whitehaven Road.On Saturday, November 23rd, from 10-2 and Sunday, November 24th from 10-1 there will be a nature-themed holiday market in the historic Grand Island Schoolhouse #8 – now the home of the Alt Nature Center. With plush wildlife friends, nature-themed books, holiday items, decorations, and more, you can shop for gifts and stocking stuffers and unique items while supporting CCWE! All proceeds support the Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment, a registered non-profit organization focused on environmental education and compassionate coexistence.
From 5-9 PM on both Saturday, December 7th and Saturday, December 14th join us for the 2nd Annual Wildlife Winter Wonderland! Come dressed for the weather for walking outside on the historic Alt farm to view educational wildlife scenes and festive displays! Inside the decorated schoolhouse, enjoy holiday craft-making, hot chocolate, and cookies! We will have free activities and lots to see and do for all ages!
Regular Firearms Season Begins - November 2024
Regular firearms season begins Saturday, November 16 and concludes December 8. Caution should be exercised, including wearing brightly colored clothing on woodland trails.Love Road Preserve - November 2024
The Western New York Land Conservancy has been busy on Grand Island. The nonprofit land trust plans to open a 44-acre nature preserve to the public in the coming weeks and hopes to close on two new preserves totaling about 100 acres before the end of this year.The Land Conservancy’s Love Road Preserve, which is expected to open to public access with a hiking trail on Nov. 8, brings users away from the hustle and bustle and into a natural oasis. It’s located on Love Road about 2.5 miles west from the intersection with South Parkway. Information
A New Era Dawns on Grand Island - November 2024
Buffalo Evening News Magazine dated June 21, 1941 has an article, "A New Era Dawns on Grand Island". It describes the history as the new WBEN News Transmitter "lifts area from honorable past into modern future." See HERE.Veterans Day Ceremony - November 2024
The Town of Grand Island cordially invites veterans, family members and friends to attend the Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 11, at the Veterans Park Memorial Wall in Veterans Park, located at 1717 Bedell Road. There will be a reception following the ceremony at the Charles N. DeGlopper Post 9249, located at 2121 Grand Island Boulevard. If you have any questions, you can contact Recreation Department at 716-773-9680 or by email to The Town of Grand Island extends a very gracious thank you in advance for your time and participation.Radisson Project Limbo - October 2024

Radisson Project Limbo - By Jonathan D. Epstein - Buffalo News Story - October 28, 2024.
DisAbility Awareness Day - October 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns and the Erie County Office for People with Disabilities will be holding his Semi-Annual DisAbility Awareness Day on Saturday, November 2nd from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm at the newly renovated Erie County Auto Bureau located in the Urbandale Plaza, 2122 George Urban Blvd., Depew. No appointment is required for this community outreach event.Individuals with disabilities and their families will be able to obtain state issued picture identification through the Erie County Auto Bureau and be assisted with other matters pertaining to the Department of Motor Vehicles. “October just wrapped up National Disability Employment Awareness Month,” stated Kearns. “We continue to assist those with disabilities obtain government issued identification so when an employment opportunity presents itself they are prepared with the required ID to accept the job.” Kearns added, “Inclusion matters for people with disabilities and many face significant barriers when searching for a job. Not having proper identification will never be one of them here in Erie County.”
The Erie County Office for People with Disabilities will also be on hand to share information and provide a thorough understanding of how the county can assist with identifying opportunities and services available to all residents who are disabled and their family members. If you need to coordinate a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Erie County Office for People with Disabilities at 716-858-6215.
Individuals interested in obtaining a Driver’s License, an Enhanced License, REAL ID or a non-Driver Identification are required to bring the following documents as proof of identification: original or certified copy of birth certificate, and original social security card. A complete checklist of original documents required can be found at or call the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center at 716-858-8864.
Charles N DeGlopper Documentary Schedule & Fundraising - October 2024
The Grand Island VFW Post 9249 and the American Legion Post 1346 are co-producing a documentary on the life of Charles N. DeGlopper, a Medal of Honor recipient, "Charles N. DeGlopper: An American Hero". The documentary is scheduled to appear on WNED-TV 17.1 on Veteran's Day, Monday, November 11th at 9:00 p.m. Also: Saturday, November 9, 03:30 p.m., Sunday, November 24, 11:05 p.m. and Friday, November 29, 04:00 a.m. Please see letter appeal for directions to donate.Early Voting Hours - October 2024

Past Due Water Bills - October 2024
The Town of Grand Island Water Billing Department would like to remind residents that any past due amounts not paid by 10/31/24 will be added to the 2025 Town/County tax bill.Temporary Closure South GI Bridge - October 2024
Northbound South Grand Island Bridge Will be Closed to All Traffic Starting Friday, October 4 at 9 P.M. Through 9 A.M. Saturday, October 5. Traffic Will be Diverted to Southbound South Grand Island.Southbound South Grand Island Bridge to be Closed to All Traffic Starting Saturday, October 5 at 9 P.M. Through 9 A.M. Sunday, October 6. Traffic Will be Diverted to Northbound South Grand Island Bridge.
The New York State Thruway Authority today announced the temporary closure and subsequent traffic shifts on the South Grand Island Bridges starting on Friday, October 4. The closures will allow crews to complete the inspection of the structures as required every two years by the National Bridge Inspection Standards.
Beginning at 9 p.m. on Friday, October 4 through 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 5, the northbound South Grand Island Bridge will be closed to all traffic. During this time, motorists traveling north on the Niagara Thruway (I-190) entering Grand Island will be diverted to a single lane on the southbound South Grand Island Bridge.
On Saturday, October 5 from 9 p.m. through 9 a.m. Sunday, October 6, the southbound South Grand Island Bridge will be closed to all traffic. Motorists traveling south on I-190 off Grand Island will be diverted to a single lane on the northbound South Grand Island Bridge.
The inspection process is weather dependent and subject to change. Drivers should plan for moderate delays throughout the duration of the closures. Motorists are urged to be alert and follow the posted work zone speed limits. Fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone.
For up-to-date travel information, motorists are encouraged to download the Thruway Authority’s mobile app which is available for free on iPhone and Android devices. The app provides motorists direct access to real-time traffic and navigation assistance while on the go. Travelers can also visit the Thruway Authority’s interactive Traveler Map for real-time traffic updates and sign up for TRANSalerts for traffic information. For more information, follow the Thruway on Facebook, X and Instagram, or visit
2025 Reassessment Project Meeting - October 2024
Tuesday, October 1, 2024; Time: 6:00 PM-8:00 PM; Town Hall Court Room - 2255 Baseline Rd.In an effort to keep owners informed and to promote a clear understanding of the process that will be taking place over the course of the next 12-months, an informational meeting is being held for residents. The meeting will take place at the Town of Grand Island Town Hall in the Court Room on the second floor, located at 2255 Baseline Road, Grand Island, New York 14072.
The purpose of the meeting will be to explain why the town is conducting the reassessment project, the process of doing it, how values are determined and when to expect your initial value. In addition, we will review the timeline and answer any other questions the public may have.
The handout material for the meeting will be available at the town website ( and the social media page. Paper copies will also be provided at the meeting. All town property owners are encouraged to attend the meeting to obtain accurate information and limit any misunderstandings regarding the reasons for the project and the process itself. Residents or Business owners may call: The ENPM Reassessment Project Hotline at (716) 710-9817, with questions.
Chinese Mah Jongg - October 2024
If you are interested in playing and learning Chinese Mah Jongg, instructor: John Chin will be at the NYS Welcome Center on Alvin Road, Wednesdays, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Learn traditional Chinese Mah Jongg including set up, play and strategies. Contact John Chin, Awareness Month - September 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns Wants Everyone to Know…September is Passport Awareness Month. The Erie County Clerk’s Office is celebrating National Passport Awareness Month by reminding the traveling public that my office is an official Passport Application Acceptance Agent of the United States Passport Service for first-time customers and children. Further, I would like to remind current passport holders to ensure that their document is valid prior to traveling.Most tourists know they need a passport to travel internationally to foreign lands, however many are unaware that in a number of foreign countries, your passport must be valid for six months beyond your date of return. If your travel document expires before that, you may be denied boarding your flight or entry to your destination and be sent back home immediately upon your arrival.
This information is hardly ever mentioned by airlines upon making your international flight reservations. As a first step in planning any trip abroad, check to see what identifying documents are required for your intended destination and verify that your passport is valid for at least six months. If the expiration date is less than that of the cutoff, take steps to renew your passport right away.
So how much will a passport cost you in total? There are a number of factors that go into the cost calculation, including the type of passport you want, whether you're renewing or getting your first one, and how fast you need to obtain your travel document. With the new fee, the cost of a first-time adult passport book comes out to $165, comprised of a $130 application fee and a $35 acceptance fee. The price for renewing an adult passport book now totals $130. The price for a minor passport book for those under age 16 is now $135, consisting of a $100 application fee and a $35 acceptance fee. According to the State Department, the turnaround time for routine service, including passport renewals, currently can take 6 to 8 weeks. For $60 more, an expedited renewal application can take 2 to 3 weeks. Processing times can change at any time, so it is important that you check the status of your passport application online at
Payment for the passport or passport card must be in the form of check or money order. No cash or credit cards can be accepted. A certified copy of your birth certificate and proof of identity, such as a valid New York State driver’s license or non-driver identification card, is required in order for any application to be accepted. Those looking to obtain a passport or passport card for any children under the age of 16 need to make sure both parents are present to sign the application.
The Erie County Clerk’s Office is open to the public and applicants can apply for a passport card and /or passport book at Old County Hall, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo, Monday – Friday 9:00am-5:00pm or at the County Clerk’s Outreach Center, 1088 Union Road, West Seneca next to the Auto Bureau in the Southgate Plaza, Monday- Friday from 9am to 5:00pm. In recognizing the challenges of coordinating schedules for travelers during normal business hours to apply in person for their passports, the Outreach Center in West Seneca has extended evening hours every Thursday till 7:00 p.m. Passport photos can be taken at either office for a fee of $10. No appointments are necessary.
Current passport holders with less than 6 months validity remaining on their travel document(s) must submit the renewal application directly to the Passport Agency by mail. Such renewals cannot be completed through the County Clerk’s Office. A complete list of instructions on how to renew a passport by mail can be found at However, the passport agents in my office will be happy to assist in making sure your renewal application is completed properly and also take your passport photo.
Additionally, U.S. travelers must meet the REAL ID compliance standard in order to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities. A valid U.S. passport book, a passport card, a state-issued enhanced (EDL) driver license or enhanced non-driver identification card all meet the new security standard that goes into effect May 7, 2025. Passport applications, a list of all required documents, and detailed breakdown of the new fee schedule are available by visiting or by contacting the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center at (716) 858-8864.
Seniors Stuff Tax Bills - September 2024

From left, back row: Liz Wilbert, Linda Clark, Lorraine Wilcox, Town Clerk - Pattie Frentzel, Jean Schlegal, Ann Dlugokinski.
Front row: Evelyn Lewis, Suzanne Muller, Jerri Benzing
This is the 21st year a group of seniors from the Golden Age Center have stuffed tax bills for Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel. It used to be called the "Hank and Nonny Crew" after the husband and wife team of the late Hank & Nonny Carroll, who started the tradition. The seniors spend the day stuffing envelopes and get treated for lunch. School tax collection began September 9th.
Cupola Dedication at Town Hall - September 2024

"Fall History Weekend", sponsored by the Town of Grand Island Historic Preservation Advisory Board
, Held the 6th, 7th and 8th, to show off some of our island's history. The event included the dedication of the "cupula", which was part of the old town hall built around 1852, now at it's permanent place in front of the town hall. Other events included Blue Marina's historic peddle event, antique car and boat show at Buffalo Launch Club, the Alt's home and farmhouse which was built about 1800, historic Saint Stephen's church which is now being transferred to a culture center and a "tour" of the DeGlopper Memorial Park.
Monument Installations at DeGlopper Memorial - August 2024

Shown in the picture are Bonnie Weiser from the Parks Department; Ray DeGlopper, Commander of American Legion Post 1326; June Crawford, Chair of the Historic Preservation Advisory Board; Dan Drexilius, Co-Chairs of the Expansion Committee; Charles Drexilius; Mike Boerschig; Mike Koch; Bill Savile; Paul Sommers; Bob Haag; Elsie Martino.
Photos by Elsie Martino & Robert Haag.
The DeGlopper Expansion Committee gathered on Monday, August 26th, to witness the installation of a Purple Heart monument that recognizes men and women who were wounded in battle, and a second monument which displays the poignant words of the TAPS song which is played at every military funeral. The monuments have been added to the DeGlopper Memorial Site, located at the triangle of Baseline Road and Grand Island Boulevard.Chair of the Expansion Committee, Dan Drexilius, oversaw the installation and praised the beautiful and professional work provided by Stone Artists of Lackawanna. The stones are carved from American quartz and feature a polished glass design. Ray DeGlopper, Commander of American Legion Post 1346, expressed his appreciation to all the donors to the Memorial Site that honors his uncle, Charles N. DeGlopper. He also praised the Town of Grand Island Parks Department for their care of the property and the addition of beautiful flower beds.
Grand Islanders are encouraged to visit the DeGlopper Memorial during History Weekend on Grand Island, September 7 and 8, when local veterans will be there to answer questions from 1 - 4 p.m. and offer poppies for remembrance. The public can show its support for the local American Legion and VFW by contributing to the poppy fund and proudly wearing a poppy for 9-11.
School Bus Safety - August 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns Wants Everyone to Know… Rules of the Road When it Comes to School Bus Safety. Motorists must stop when a school bus flashes its red lights – It’s the law.As summer winds down, children across Erie County are heading back to school and the "Yellow School Buses" once again dot our roadways. For a majority of the over 121,000 students throughout Erie County, the school day begins and ends with a trip on a school bus. Many children will be going to school for the first time and may not be as careful when crossing the street or running to catch the bus. Older children know the routine, but may forget in their excitement to catch up with friends. Unfortunately, each year some bus trips to school end in tragedy -- children are injured or killed in school bus incidents when motorists fail to follow the rules of the road. Data has shown that on a single school day, an estimated 50,000 drivers throughout New York State illegally pass stopped school buses. Although drivers are required to stop for a school bus when it is stopped to load or unload passengers, children should not rely on them to do so, a fact that parents should discuss with their children prior to the start of the school year.
The rules of the road in New York State are specific when it comes to school buses. Drivers need to know and obey the “flashing signal light system” that school bus drivers use to alert motorists of pending actions. Yellow flashing lights indicate that the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. That is the time to slow down and prepare to stop your vehicle. Red flashing lights and extended stop arms indicate that the bus has stopped, and that children are getting on or off the bus. Motorists must stop their cars at least 20 feet away from the bus and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop sign is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving before they can start driving again. When a school bus stops and flashes its red lights, traffic approaching from either direction must stop before reaching the bus: on a two-lane road, on multi-lane highways, or on divided highways.
All drivers should know that the fine for passing a stopped school bus ranges from a minimum of $250 and up to $400 and/or up to 30 days in jail for the first violation. Additionally, a conviction places 5 points on your driver’s license and may result in increased insurance premiums. If convicted of three violations in three years, your license will be revoked for a minimum of six months. It goes without saying that even one instance of passing a stopped school bus is not only reckless, but also unacceptable, and it could mean the life of a child.
Parents, it is important to talk with your child, or children, about school bus safety. Children need to know to stand at least three giant steps (6 feet) away from the curb when waiting for the bus to arrive. Children must also wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, the doors open, and the driver says it is okay before stepping onto the bus. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the greatest risk is not while riding on the school bus, but getting on or getting off. Children need to be reminded to be cautious in and around the “danger zone” of the school bus, which is the 10 feet in front, behind and on each side of the school bus.
When the new school year begins in the coming weeks, I remind motorists not to drive distracted, slow down around school zones and be alert for children approaching or exiting school buses. If we all exercise a little extra care and caution, drivers and pedestrians can co-exist and together, we can all enjoy the upcoming school year safely.
Fall History Weekend - August 2024
UPDATE - Openings for the historic paddle scheduled for Friday September 6th at 4:00 pm. Contact Blue Water Marina at 716-773-7884 for details and reservations. Memberships and Bricks applications for the DeGlopper Park memorial wall will be available from 1-4 pm on September 8 & 9.A Fall History Weekend, planned by the GI Historic Preservation Advisory Board will take place on September 6-8, 2024. It includes the Buffalo Antique & Classic Boat Show, DeGlopper Memorial, a Ferry Village walking tour, the Historic Alt Farm on Whitehaven Road and River Lea in Beaver Island State Park. There will be a Eco kayak paddle on Friday, September 6th and Old St. Stephens Church will be open for tours September 7 & 8. A dedication of the 1918 Town Hall cupola will take place on Sunday, September 8th. See FLYER.
National Airborne Day Proclamation - August 2024

National Airborne Day is celebrated on August 16th each year since 2004, when passed by the U.S. Senate. The Grand Island Town Board presented a proclamation at the August 5th Town Board meeting. Proclamation.
From left in photo; Councilman (CM) Christian Bahleda; American Legion Member (ALM) Mark Manthei; CM Tom Digati; ALM Paul Sommer; Peggy White, sister of Lt. Col. Terrance Crowe; Joe/John Synakowski receiving the proclamation from Town Supervisor Pete Marston; Ray DeGlopper, American Legion Commander and nephew of Pfc. Charles DeGlopper; CM Dan Kilmer.
Rabies Vaccine Bait Airdrop - August 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY – Look up in the sky from August 12-21, 2024 in Erie County, and you might see low-flying planes or helicopters in your neighborhood, part of a nationwide effort to protect wildlife against rabies, a disease that is 100% fatal to animals and humans. See Press Release.
Town Paving Projects - August 2024
Town Paving Projects - Starting Monday, August 5, 2024. First: Woodstream Neighborhood (Mill and Pave)
Second: River Oaks Neighborhood (Mill and Pave)
Any Questions please call GI Highway Dept. at 716-773-9632
Grand Island Moose Lodge Fundraiser - August 2024
The Grand Island Moose Lodge is launching a fund-raising campaign to bring fireworks back to Grand Island for July 4, 2025. The first fundraiser will be a open jam session on Saturday, September 7th from noon - ? See FLYER.
Historic Alt Farm Barn Sale Fundraiser - July 2024
Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment (CCWE) will be holding a barn sale fundraiser to support the non-profit on Saturday, August 3rd from 9 AM - 3 PM at the Alt Farm, 2489 Whitehaven Road on Grand Island. There will be dozens of farm-style and primitive antiques and furniture, including pantry cabinets, indoor and outdoor tables, vintage desks, little curiosities, wildlife themed art and figures, and much more! We will accept cash, check, or credit card. Some pictures of items will be posted on the CCWE Facebook event page in advance of the sale: And the Alt Nature Center and meadow trails will be open during the hours of the fundraiser -- come out and spend the day with us! See flyer - hope to see you on August 3rd!
ECDOH Septic System Replacement Fund - July 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY – The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is announcing a Septic System Replacement Fund available to property owners near specific bodies of water with failing or likely-to-fail septic systems. Eligible property owners can receive up to 50% of eligible septic system project costs – up to $10,000.
This program gives property owners access to funding to replace septic systems that can or may pollute local and regional water sources and could endanger public health. Failing septic systems can send human waste and disease to groundwater, drinking water sources and bodies of water used for recreation.
Signs of a failing or about-to-fail septic system include overloaded or clogged absorption areas, or sewage backup. A septic tank that needs to be pumped four times in a year, or discharge directly or indirectly to the ground surface, are other indicators that a septic system needs repair or replacement. Current funding is limited to properties within 250 feet of 12 specific waterbodies in Erie County. These properties must have septic systems that are failing or have been deemed reasonably likely to fail. Property owners are strongly encouraged to contact ECDOH’s Environmental Health division to learn more.
Priority water bodies for this program: Niagara River, Upper and Main Stem (Grand Island, City of Tonawanda); Chippewa (West) Channel (Grand Island); Ransom Creek, Lower and tributaries (Amherst, Clarence); Random Creek, Upper and tributaries (Amherst, Clarence, Lancaster, Newstead); Buffalo Creek, Upper and minor tributaries (Aurora, Elma, Holland, Marilla, Sardinia, Wales); Pipe Creek and tributaries (Aurora, Colden); Orchard Park Reservoir (Colden); Eighteenmile Creek, Middle and tributaries (Boston, Hamburg, Orchard Park); Lake Erie (Main Lake, North) (Brant, Evans, Hamburg); Eighteenmile Creek, Upper and tributaries (Boston, Colden, Concord); Muddy Creek, Lower and tributaries (Brant, Evans); North Branch Clear Creek, Upper and tributaries (North Collins).
Covered costs may include: Design and installation costs; Costs of the system; System components; Enhanced treatment technologies; Design costs (limited only to work needed to complete approved design).
Costs not covered include: Routine maintenance such as pump out of a septic tank; Expenses that are not appropriately documented; Government permit fee; Interest and late fees; Fines and penalties; Sales tax payment; Non-essential site beautification or interior plumbing changes; Administrative work conducted by the engineer; Construction observation by the engineer if the engineer, or an entity owned, controlled by or employing the engineer, is also conducting the repair or replacement.
To determine if your septic system replacement would qualify for funding, please email or call (716) 961-6800.
Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight Fundraiser - July 2024
Sponsors and individual donors are needed for BUFFALO NIAGARA HONOR FLIGHT’s annual fundraiser, the Golf Tournament at Diamond Hawk Golf Course in Cheektowaga on September 11, 2024. This year’s tournament is dedicated to all first responders on 9/11 2001.BN HONOR FLIGHT recognizes United States veterans for their sacrifices and achievements by flying them to Washington D.C. to see their memorials at no cost to them. Priority is given to WWII veterans, Korean War and Viet Nam veterans. BNHF is a 100% volunteer organization. The organization is dependent on donations, this event being the largest fundraiser. Please consider helping us say "Thank You" and honoring our veterans with sponsorship options. Contact Kathy Brown, 716-870-7758 for information.
Ferry Village Walking Tour - July 2024
The Historic Preservation Advisory Board is offering a Ferry Village Walking Tour on Thursday,
July 18th and August 15th at 6:00 p.m., and Saturday, September 7th at 2:00 p.m., the cost is $10.00. Meet at the end of Ferry Road. For reservations call Sharon at 716-773-2421.
Niagara Sailing Club News - July 2024

The Niagara Sailing Club (NSC) hosted its 2nd annual Board Boat Regatta on June 28 & 29. Sailors from across WNY gathered on the East River to race in Laser sailboats. Saturday's races were held through pouring rain and stiff winds. Grand Island resident, Chuck Meyer III, Past Commodore of the NSC said, "It was fantastic to see the fleet of sails on the starting line. We are a hardy group of competitors and as long as there is good wind, we don't care about the rain." Two races were completed before the race committee sent the fleet to shore after reports of lightning over Grand Island.
Sunday races started with winds blowing out of the north at 17-20 knots. Sixteen sailors launched, but due to high gusts and river conditions, only 7 boats finished the first race. Race committee chair, Fritz Dusel of Niagara Falls said, "I have raced on the Niagara River for many years and when the wind comes out of the north at that speed which could blow the numbers off the sails, only the most experienced sailors can handle those conditions. After the first race, we had several boats with broken parts that necessitated calling off further races."
Despite the weather challenges, the weekend was a success with three completed races. Final results, 1st place, Connor Godfrey, 2nd place Andrew Green, 3rd place Zach Harris. Presenting awards are Regatta Organizer and NSC Fleet Captain Kathryn Erikson and Fritz Dusel. Next week, the Niagara Sailing Club will host a sailing camp for kids ages 10-18. Info at
American Red Cross Blood Drive - July 2024
American Red Cross Blood Drive at Grand Island Fire Hall on Tuesday, July 16th from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. See FLYER.
Grand Island Garden Walk - July 2024
The Garden Walk takes place on Sunday, July 14th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and is free. Maps can be picked up at the Town Commons Gazebo, 2255 Baseline Road.
Made in America Day – July 2nd - June 2024
Made in the USA Day is celebrated on July 2 by consumers and manufacturers as a way of boosting sales for locally made products. The day is observed just before Independence Day when patriotic feelings are at an all-time high, which makes it an event of great splendor. Made in the USA Day encourages the manufacturing of goods in America and customers to choose these goods instead of those that are imported from elsewhere.It Helps the Economy - Buying American made products means you are contributing to the growth of the local and American economy. It Supports Local and Small Businesses. When you buy local, you support small businesses that are involved in the community.
Be An Educated Boater - June 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Kearns reminds you to be an educated boater – know and follow the "Rules of the Water". Do not to leave safety at the dock this summer.Summer is here and nothing signals summer in Erie County like boating. Whether you are visiting the Erie Basin Marina, fishing in the Niagara River, cruising through Canalside or motoring to the Point Abino Lighthouse, Western New York offers an abundance of waterways providing outstanding recreational opportunities for boating enthusiasts.
Just as there are "rules of the road" that govern the safe flow of traffic for vehicles, there are "rules of the waterways" that govern the safe maneuvering of boats. I encourage all recreational boaters and jet skiers to know the risks, learn the rules and be prepared before taking the helm this boating season.
New York State requires all persons are at least 10 years of age to operate a motorboat, as well as all personal watercraft operators, born on or after May 1, 1996, successfully complete a state-approved 8-hour boater education classroom course and proctored exam. According to research conducted by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) in 70 percent of all boating fatalities the operator had not taken a boating safety class. A list of an approved Boater Safety Course near you can be found at
State law also requires that any motor-driven watercraft must be registered with the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV). If you use a motor (electric or fuel-driven), regardless of the size of your boat or the motor, you must register your boat. I encourage you to take this opportunity to “Renew Local” and help keep a portion of your registration fees local by registering your boat in person at any one of our Erie County Auto Bureau branches. A completed Boater Registration/Title Application (MV-82B), proof of identity, date of birth and proof of ownership are all required to register a boat. For additional information, please contact the Erie County Clerk’s Outreach Center at 716-858-8864 or visit
Under New York law no one may operate a vessel on the waters of NYS while impaired or intoxicated through the consumption of either alcohol or drugs. Alcohol impairs one’s ability to function properly and is a factor in 30 percent of all boating related fatalities. In an effort to send a clear message to our young boaters, New York State has enacted legislation, for those under 21 years of age, providing for the suspension or revocation of operating privileges if caught drinking while operating a vessel.
One last safety tip, and possibly the most important, is to always wear a life jacket and make sure your passengers do as well. Seventy-nine percent of all recreational boat drownings occurred when boaters did not wear a life jacket. Wear It! A life jacket will help ensure you and everyone on board returns home safely. Everyone should do their part to make sure the waters are safe. Your time on the water should be enjoyable for you, your family, friends and your fellow boaters. I hope you enjoy the summer season by boating smart and boating safe!
80th Anniversary of D-Day Photos - June 2024

Guest Speaker David Conboy
Mary Stewart Photos
A special 80th Anniversary of D-Day and tribute to Charles N. DeGlopper was held on Sunday, June 9th at the DeGlopper Memorial. It was hosted by the American Legion and VFW Post 9249.
Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment Native Plant Sale - June 2024

Mary Stewart Photos
The Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment Native Plant Sale was Saturday, June 8th at the Alt Nature Center, 2489 Whitehaven Road. Visitors got a chance to tour the newly renovated barn and schoolhouse.
Road Milling on Baseline Starts June 12th - June 2024
Road Milling on Baseline Starts Wednesday, June 12th and is projected to be completed by Saturday, June 15.
Expext delays and use caution.
Single lane work will begin on Baseline at Whitehaven and go south to Bush, then return from Bush to Whitehaven with work on the other lane.
18th Annual Paddles Up Niagara 2024! - June 2024
18th Annual Paddles Up Niagara will occur on Saturday, July 27, 2024, at Beaver Island State Park. The events will start at 7am and run throughout the day. Registration opens on Monday June 10, 2024, at 8am. Information about the event can be found at: Registration for the event:
Accounts are FREE! If you do not have an account set up with us, you will need to do so (household).
If you have issues setting up a new account, please call our office M-F 8am to 4pm. 716-773-9680.
If you created an account last year and forgot your Login USERNAME, please contact us.
**Once the account is set up you can begin to register! Please note: You must complete the process through the checkout payment screen $0 (free event).
If you do not complete the checkout process, or receive a receipt for your registration, you are not registered.
Paddles Up Notifications will be sent via e-blast and text blast. Be sure to Opt IN for general & cancelation notifications as well as text notifications. Be sure to check your spam/Junk folder in case information is filtered there.
Staley Road Bridge Closure – Maintenance Repairs - June 2024

The New York State Thruway will be doing maintenance/repair work on the Staley Rd bridge over I-190. Thruway maintenance will be performing above deck repair work, and we will be closing the bridge to traffic to facilitate the repairs. The planned work includes:
Removing the steel armor angle bridge joints and concrete headers at each end of the bridge
Installing new joint header concrete and joint seal
Repairing isolated deck spalls and seal the entire concrete bridge deck surface
Removing and replacing the adjacent asphalt approach transition
The bridge closure is anticipated to begin on July 8th and will last for 2 weeks. (2) Portable Variable Message Signs will be installed on Staley Rd near the bridge one week prior for early notification of the closure.
Memorial Day Ceremony - May 2024

Mary Stewart Photos.
The Town of Grand Island Memorial Day Ceremony took place on Monday, May 27th at the VFW Post 9249, moved due to weather. Supervisor Peter Marston gave the introduction, followed by the recognition of Gold Star families, including Shirley Luther and family, Mary Ann Crowe and family and Fran Davis and family. Invocation was given by Chaplin Joe Mesmer followed by guest speaker, LT Damon Wright. Music was provided by the Grand Island High School wind ensemble.
Correctional Facility Flowers Beautify GI - May 2024

Shown left to right in the greenhouse: Jim Linenfelser, GI Town Hall Caretaker; Deputy Matt Dils and ECCF Industrial Training Supervisor John Fisher.
For the 11th consecutive year, the Town of Grand Island has been the recipient of hundreds of plants from the Horticulture Program at the Erie County Correctional Facility (ECCF) in Alden. The many flowers and a few vegetables have been planted on town properties throughout the Island. At the main entrance to Town Hall you will see the large variety of flowers grown for 2024. Both red and yellow cherry tomatoes have been planted at the Golden Age Center for use in meals served there. The plants are started in three greenhouses by inmates at the ECCF under the direction of John Fisher and Sheriff Matt Dils. They are distributed to municipalities throughout Erie County and to various county facilities.
Alt Homestead Wins Preservation Leadership Award - May 2024
The Alt Homestead, located at 2489 Whitehaven Road, has been awarded the Preservation Leadership Award by Preservation Buffalo Niagara. Owners of the property are Nicole Gerber and Dave Reilly. See Press Release. You can see for yourself at the Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment Native Plant Sale on Saturday, June 8th fom 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. It will be at the Alt Nature Center, 2489 Whitehaven Road. The nature center is located in a newly renovated Grand Island schoolhouse from the 1870's. See FLYER.
Native Plant Sale - May 2024
Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment is hosting a Native Plant Sale on Saturday, June 8th fom 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. It will be at the Alt Nature Center, 2489 Whitehaven Road. The nature center is located in a newly renovated Grand Island schoolhouse from the 1870's. See FLYER.
Do Not Flush Needles/Syringes - May 2024
Town Of Grand Island's team at the Wastewater Plant has asked for a reminder concerning the disposal of Hypodermic needles. Please do not flush needles or throw them in the garbage.
It is very important that these needles/syringes not go into the wastewater collection system as that presents special and possibly deadly problems for wastewater collection and wastewater treatment employees.
There are Drop-off Boxes located inside the main door of Town Hall for both needles and medication. If you need containers for syringes please see the Town Clerks office which is to the left of the lobby area. Town Hall is open Monday-Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm.
Thank you for your assistance.
Grand Island School District Election Results - May 2024
Proposed budget: $77,932,254, up 5.70%. Yes, 772; No, 445.Proposition 2: To spend $675,000 to buy three buses and two 4-by-4 vehicles. Yes, 763; No, 453.
Candidates (Elect 3:) Jennifer Chin, 511; Roger Broeker, 917; Joy LaMarca (i), 820; Danielle Bruno (i), 804.
American Red Cross Blood Drive - May 2024
American Red Cross Blood Drive is Saturday, June 8th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at Grand Island Community Center, 3278. Whitehaven Road. See FLYER.
GI School & Business Alliance Cruise Night - May 2024
GI School & Business Alliance hosts their first Cruise Night on Wednesday, June 26th. See FLYER.
Pride of the Island Selections - May 2024
Each year the teacher's of Grand Island select a student to receive the PRIDE of the Island award. This award is presented each year to recognize those students who make a positive contribution to the atmosphere of their classroom, their school and their community. Students who receive this award are consistently found to be: Positive, Responsible, Interested, Determined & Enterprising. Congratulations to all of the recipients of the PRIDE of the Island.
Memorial Day Ceremony - May 2024
The Town of Grand Island, VFW Post 9249 Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post, American
Legion NY Post 1346 and Grand Island High School Wind Ensemble will honor the men and
women who made the supreme sacrifice for our country while in military service. They are
remembered each and every day and will be honored on Memorial Day.Veterans, family members and the community are cordially invited to attend the program on Monday, May 27, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park. There will be a reception following the ceremony at VFW Post 9249 Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post located at 2121 Grand Island Boulevard. For questions on the ceremony please email or call at 716-773- 9680. Location: Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial. Located at the intersection of Grand Island Boulevard and Baseline Road Nearest Address – Walgreens - 2320 Grand Island Boulevard, Grand Island, NY 14072.
East River Road Lane Restriction - May 2024
The portion of East River Road (CR 11) between East Park Road and Winkler Drive will have a single-lane road restriction. Work will be centralized under the bridge approximately 200 feet from East Park Road. This restriction will begin on May 21 with an estimated completion of May 22 or until complete. The restriction will be
daily from 7am to 5pm. This restriction is for the purpose of structural steel repairs and light pole replacements.
Erie County & Tool Library Borrowing Progam - May 2024
Erie County Department of Public Health is partnering with the Tool Libary in a Lead Safe Tool Borrowing Program . It is to help residents complete home repairs and renovations. See FLYER.
Huth Road Lane Restriction - May 2024
Message from Erie County Department of Public Works: The portion of Huth Road (CR-309) from Sandy Beach Road to Pellamwood Court at the address of 1840 Huth Road will have a single lane road restriction. This restriction will begin on May 21 through May 23 or until complete. The restriction will be daily from 8am to 4pm. This restriction is for the purpose of water main and storm sewer installation. Anastasi Trucking will be performing the work.
Blood Drive at Fire Hall - May 2024
An American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place at the Grand Island Fire Hall, 2275 Baseline Road on Tuesday, May 14th from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. See FLYER.
Meet the BOE Candidates Video - May 2024
On May 21st, four candidates are on the ballot for three open seats on the Grand Island CSD Board of Education beginning the start of the 2024-25 school year. Meet The Candidates Night sponsored by the GI PTA Council is the chance to hear from the four people trying for those trustee positions during this public event, which took place in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School on Wednesday May 8, 2024.
Please cue up to the 28:50 mark to catch the event from the beginning.
Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive - May 2024
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive takes place on Saturday, May 11th on Grand Island. To donate, leave a sturdy bag containing unexpired non-perishable food next to your mailbox. See letter for complete details. Donations benefit the GI Neighbors Foundation.May is Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month - May 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Kearns reminds motorists and motorcyclists to safely share the roadways.The warmer weather has arrived, daylight hours are longer, it is finally spring and time to remind all vehicle drivers and motorcyclists that Motorcycle Safety is Everyone’s Safety as we recognize May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Motorcycle riders across Erie County are tuning up their bikes and getting ready for the riding season on the open road. Motorcycles are inexpensive to purchase, fuel efficient, fun to ride and easy to park. In Erie County alone, there are more than 21,000 registered riders who use their motorcycles for commuting, touring and other recreational activities.
According to the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA), although motorcycles make up only 3% of all registered vehicles and research shows that motorcyclists have the highest proportion of traffic crashes and fatalities each year. In 2021, there were 5,932 motorcyclists killed, accounting for 14 percent of all traffic deaths. This is the highest number of motorcyclists killed since national data collection began in 1975.
I ask all vehicle drivers, especially new motorists, to be alert to the presence of motorcycles and to share the road safely. Motorcyclists often ride to one side of the lane and at times the rider can hide in your vehicle’s blind spot. Always look twice before turning or changing lanes to be sure your path is clear. Allow more following distance for motorcycles -- two or three car lengths is recommended, more if the roads are wet or visibility is poor.
Riders should follow motorcycle safety protocols: wear protective gear at all times, including a helmet that meets or exceeds the U.S. Department of Transportation standard, ride within your skill limits, avoid riding in poor weather conditions, use turn signals, and never ride impaired or distracted. Riders can also benefit from any motorcycle safety programs offered to learn the critical skills needed to ride safely, including seasoned riders who want to reinforce safe driving practices. Course graduates may also qualify for insurance premium discounts with some insurers. Class locations and fees can be found at
Before hitting the road this driving season, I remind motorcyclists that their motorcycle registration expires annually on April 30th, so take time to visit the Erie County Auto Bureau to ‘Renew Local’. In addition, those who drive a motorcycle need to be properly licensed, as 36% of fatal bike accidents involve an unlicensed driver. Take the time to get properly licensed – not only because it’s the law, but because doing so may save a life.
Ultimately, safe driving and riding practices and cooperation from all road users will help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our local roadways. I urge everyone to use caution when sharing the road this summer. When we share the road, we share the responsibility of keeping each other safe. Together, the more we raise awareness and follow the rules of the road, the safer everyone is. Let’s ride smart, ride safe, and enjoy the season. For more information on motorcycle licensing and registration visit or call the Clerk’s Outreach Center at 716-858-8864.
Support for Revised M1 Law - May 2024
On Monday, May 6th, the Town Board is planning to schedule a vote on Local Law #6 of 2023. This law would change our current M1/M2 zoning law to limit the total size of all buildings on a “business campus” to 150,000 square feet and would remove distribution center as a permitted use. If you agree with this law, show your support by signing a petition HERE. You can also show your support by attending the Town Board meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, May 6th.Whitehaven Road Restriction - May 2024
Message from Erie County Dept. of Public Works: The portion of Whitehaven Road (CR-75) from East River Road to Stony Point Road will have a single lane road restriction. This restriction will begin May 8, with an estimated completion date of May 9 or until complete. This restriction will be between the hours of 8am-4:30pm daily. This restriction is for the purpose of the installation of 8" water main.Grand Island Central School District UPK Lottery - May 2024
The deadline for the 2024-25 Grand Island Central School District UPK lottery is approaching. Applications will be accepted until May 10 at 2 p.m. All are invited to attend the live lottery, which will be held on Wednesday, May 15, in the Professional Development Room 137 of Grand Island High School, 1100 Ransom Road, at 1 p.m. For questions, call Jill Morrish at 716-773-8818.Meet the Candidates Night - April 2024
The Grand Island PTA Council will host Meet the Candidates Night from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8. Come and meet the candidates for the Grand Island School Board in the Professional Development Room of Grand Island High School, 1100 Ransom Road.There are four candidates for three open seats on the Grand Island Board of Education this year: Jennifer Chin; Roger Broeker; Joy LaMarca (i); Danielle Bruno (i) Presentations will be recorded. The event will be streamed live for viewing purposes only; there will be no live chat available. On the day of the event, visit the link: HERE or search GITV AVTech YouTube channel.Community Education Summer Session - April 2024
Online registration for the summer session of Community Education is now open. Register early to secure your spot for classes like Sports Camp, Friends and Family Band, and SAT Preparation. Brochures will be coming home with elementary and middle school students soon. Go to to see the online brochure and to register for classes online.Public Notice from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - April 2024
CRED4GI NoticeMeeting on Tuesday, April 23 at 5:00 p.m. at the Visitors Center Community Room. Grand Island residents that directly surround the proposed Long Rd Warehouse Project received a package in the mail recently. This package contained a public notice sent by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, dated April 8, 2024. The deadline for responses is May 8, 2024. The full text (and diagrams) of the Public Notice are available online:
The Public Notice is asking for local input on the request of the applicant (Acquest) to destroy (fill) 1.36 acres of wetland in exchange for 1.36 credits from the Ducks Unlimited In-Lieu Fee Program.
There are a few things that you can do: 1. Join us for an in-person meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 @5pm at the Visitors Center Community Room. We will be having a discussion on how best to respond to this Notice. 2. Send an email to requesting a public hearing on this issue. This would allow residents to attend a public hearing and speak out against this request. 3. Send an email to stating that you are opposed to granting this exchange due to the already excessive flooding that occurs in and around this property that negatively affects surrounding residents. 4. Send an email to stating that an in-depth inspection of these wetlands should be performed to ensure that there are no endangered species living within the affected wetland area (i.e. northern long-eared bat and salamander mussel) and study how this exchange could jeopardize their critical habitat. Please help us by making your voices heard! We need as many of you to respond to this public notice as possible so that we can continue to fight this development!
April is National Donate Life Month - April 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — Erie County Clerk Kearns Urges Motorists to Register as organ donors. Check the box YES, save a life and be someone’s hero!Each year during the month of April, my office is pleased to join Donate Life New York State (NYS) in celebrating National Donate Life Month, in an effort to raise awareness of the lifesaving impact of organ, eye and tissue donation and honoring those who have saved lives through the gift of donation. By providing the opportunity for our customers to enroll in the NYS Donate Life Registry, our local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices are they key to saving and healing the lives of thousands of New Yorkers in need of a transplant. The Gift of Life comes in many different forms through many different stories, personalities, lives and backgrounds.
Just one person who donates organs (hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and intestines) can save up to eight lives, while a tissue or eye donor (corneas, bone, skin, heart valves, tendons, veins, etc.) can improve more than 75 lives by restoring eyesight, helping fight infections in burn patients and preventing the loss of mobility and disability. As you read this, over 8,100 New Yorkers are waiting for a life-saving transplant, including close to 800 people here in Western New York. The need is overwhelming, as thousands more are waiting for life-enhancing tissue and eye donations. We are very proud that our Erie County Auto Bureau plays a significant role in saving lives through the NYS Donate Life Registry. I am pleased to report since 2017, over 200,000 Erie County motorists enrolled in the Donate Life Registry at their local Auto Bureau. Erie County has also surpassed the state-wide statistic by registering 61.2% of eligible customers who have checked the box “YES” to this life-saving cause compared to 48.8% state-wide. These unprecedented enrollment numbers are something the staff of the Erie County Auto Bureau is very proud of.
I want to thank the staff of the Erie County Auto Bureau for their efforts in raising awareness and providing motorists with valuable information on the importance of organ, tissue and eye donation. Together with our community partners at Connect Life we have made substantial strides in the number of enrollments in Erie County, but we still have much work to do. I encourage all motorists, 16 and older, to come to any Erie County Auto Bureau office to enroll and add the “Organ Donor” designation to your driver license or non-driver ID. Simply check “YES” and sign the New York State Organ Donation consent on the driver license application or upon registering your vehicle in-person for the first time. When you do, a symbol of a heart and the words "Organ Donor" will be printed on the front of your new driver license or non-driver identification card at no extra cost.
So, when someone asks you: “Do you have a heart?” you can proudly answer: “YES!” According to Connect Life, 83% of current registrants have done so through their local DMV when applying for or renewing their driver’s license, learner’s permit, or non-driver ID. To learn more about saving lives through organ, eye, tissue and blood donation or enroll, please contact Connect Life Blood and Organ Donor Network at (716) 529-4300 or go to the Donate Life Registry website at
Rabies Vaccine Clinics - April 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY — The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) has opened registration for two free rabies vaccine clinics on Saturday, May 11 at the Town of Tonawanda Highway Garage and Saturday, May 18 at Buffalo Public School 84 near ECMC. Each event will run from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The sites will be set up as drive-thru clinics; pet owners will not need to leave their vehicles. Registration is available at and appointments are required. Up to three pets will be accepted per appointment. Individuals who are unable to access online registration may call (716) 961-6800 during business hours to schedule an appointment.Dogs, cats and ferrets three months of age and older are eligible for a vaccination. Pet owners are asked to bring proof of their pet’s vaccination with them to the event in order to receive a three-year vaccination certificate; otherwise, a one-year certificate will be given. Dogs must be secured with a collar & leash or restrained in a carrier; cats and ferrets must be restrained in a secure carrier. Please do not use retractable or extended leashes.
ECDOH expresses sincere thanks to the Niagara Frontier Veterinary Society, the SPCA Serving Erie County and the Erie County Medical Reserve Corps for providing volunteers and support in coordinating free rabies vaccination clinics for our community. Additional clinics will be announced for fall 2024.
Kara Kane | Public Information Officer (Health) Erie County | Health 95 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 P: (716) 858-4941 | F: (716) 858-8701 |
Forgotten Felines of Western New York Fundraiser - April 2024
A dock raffle to benefit the cats rescued by Forgotten Felines of Western New York. Mid River Marina has donated a dock for the 2024 boating season. The dock has a value of $850 and will be available to the winner for the season, which runs from May 1 through Oct. 15 at Mid River Marina, 3670 River Road, Tonawanda. The slip includes water and shared electric. Cost is $30 for one chance, $75 for three chances, and $100 for four chances, and the drawing will be held on April 20. To buy raffle tickets, you could go to either Venmo @meoconnor2022-rescueFFWNY Please include your name and telephone number in memo with marina raffle.$39 Million Federal Grant for South Bridges - April 2024
A Buffalo News story by Jerry Zremski announces a federal grant to strengthen South GI Bridges. See story.Historic Cupola Will Find Home Base - April 2024

If you drive by the Baseline Road side of Grand Island Town Hall, you will notice a pad and walkway is being created out front. This will be the home of the 1918 Town Hall cupola, which resided in that area until 1968, when the present Town Hall was built. Kelly's Country Store saved the cupola at that time, and donated it to the town in the fall of 2021. Over the winter/spring of 2022, GI Highway Department employees Mike Carlson, Matt Braun & Steve Dickenson, worked on rebuilding it. See Cupola Story.
Grand Island High School senior and Eagle Scout candidate Luke Gworek is working on creating a metal base as his final project. It will sit on the pad in front of town hall to display the cupola and tell its story. The Grand Island Engineering Department is helping with the project.
Sierra Club Endorses Timothy Kennedy - April 2024
Nation’s Largest Grassroots Environmental Group Praises Work to Protect New York’s Environment.Buffalo, New York Today, the Sierra Club announced its endorsement of State Senator Timothy Kennedy in the April 30th, Special Election to fill the seat vacated by Brian Higgins (NY-26). "We are pleased to announce today that the Sierra Club officially endorses Tim Kennedy for election," said Chapter Political Chair, Steve Redler. "We are confident that he will continue to work to protect New York families' health, air and water, and build a clean energy economy that works for all New Yorkers."
We are at a critical moment. As the Inflation Reduction Act – the largest investment in clean energy and climate action ever – continues to be implemented, it is critical to elect champions like Tim Kennedy who will prioritize our communities and our future. "We are deeply grateful to Tim Kennedy for his votes in favor of key legislation such as the NY HEAT Act, Lead Pipe Right to Know Act, and the Just energy Transition Act. We also appreciate the fact that he is sponsoring legislation that will help to improve the safety of our rail system in New York and decrease asthma causing emissions from fossil fuel powered busses", said Janet Lenichek, Chairperson, Sierra Club Niagara. "He is a true environmental champion who will fight to protect New York’s clean air, clean water, our climate and natural resources."
Along with the endorsement, the Sierra Club will lend its volunteer strength to Tim Kennedy’s campaign. "We pledge to do all we can to help ensure Tim Kennedy is elected," said Sara Schultz, Vice Chair, Sierra Club Niagara. "Sierra Club volunteers will contact voters on his behalf and we will speak to the public as often as possible about his exemplary environmental record. We look forward to a victory for Tim Kennedy on election night and to Tim fighting for the environment and environmental justice as a U.S. Representative."
Clean UP Grand Island 2024 - April 2024

Volunteers needed as solo, groups and clubs to come out to clear trash and debris all over Grand Island. We are returning to centrally hand out bags and collect trash at the Town Hall Parking lot, 2255 Baseline Rd, Grand Island, NY 14072 is where it begins and ends.
WHEN: Saturday, April 20th. 8am -9 am: Pick Up Bags & Assignment Location Maps, as well as free coffee, hot cocoa and donuts. 8am - 12pm: Clean up your assigned area and return trash to the dumpster at Town Hall, or have it picked up from your location if it’s too big/heavy.
Clean UP Grand Island is an event organized by the Town of Grand Island, Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, Grand Island Rotary, Niagara River Greenway & Grand Island Lions Club to encourage the local community to come together and spruce up our beautiful Island. With the snow melted away and the foliage not yet in bloom, it's easy to identify areas where trash & debris have accumulated over winter and are in need of removal. All that's needed is a few hours of your time, a little passion to keep nature clean and a heart of service. You can put a team together or attend as an individual. Either way, please join us and help Clean UP Grand Island! Check Out These Important Links:
Event Day Contact Info: Eric Fiebelkorn 716-319-7292 (mobile) or Dick Crawford 716-818-6992 (mobile) Underage volunteers must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are encouraged to stay hydrated and to wear proper attire (gloves, work/rain boots) and insect repellent. Additionally, groups wishing to work along heavily trafficked roads should speak with Dick Crawford to be aware of regulations and safety practices required.
Share your cleanup photos on social media and to if you are ok with your photos being shared to showcase this wonderful community event. If you would like to do even more to support the environment, we are requesting people to download the Ocean Conservancy's Clean Swell app and track the litter they collect. Use Grand Island.yourname as the group name. This data is tracked on the Tides Marine database and is useful in supporting new environmentally friendly laws. For more information about CleanSwell go to If you or your group would be interested in adopting a Grand Island trail or road on an ongoing basis please contact: For adopt a road information email Dick Crawfor at For adopt a trail information email Niagara Greenway at

QR Code to Register
Recognize This Old Photo? - March 2024

Do you recognize this woman? An old building on Baseline Road near Webb Road was being cleaned out recently, and this photo was found. If you have any information please contact Thank you.
National Poison Prevention Week is March 17-23 - March 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY - Pause your scrolling for a moment and save this number to your phone’s contact list: 1-800-222-1222.Calling 1-800-222-1222 will connect you with your nearest Poison Center. Erie County residents’ calls go directly to the Upstate New York Poison Center, which serves 54 counties in New York State and manages more than 50,000 calls each year. They are staffed with experts trained in preventing poisoning and limiting injury from poisonings and are open 24/7, 365 days a year.
When unintentional poisonings happen with chemicals or medicine, call the Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222. Get help right away from a nurse, pharmacist, or other poison experts. If someone has trouble breathing, call 9-1-1 or your local emergency ambulance number right away. “If you are in a situation where you know or suspect that a person or pet in your home has ingested or touched something poisonous, do not delay in making that call. Upstate New York Poison Center experts will be able to direct you on any immediate actions to take, from watching and waiting, to seeking medical care, or calling 9-1-1,” said Erie County Health Commissioner Dr. Gale Burstein.
National Poison Prevention Week takes place every year on the third week of March. Its purpose is to draw attention to the dangers of poisoning from everyday household items. Just take a quick look under your kitchen sink, in your laundry room, or in your medicine cabinet; you will find bottles, boxes and cans that contain items that could be poisonous. Cleaning products, prescription drugs, pesticides, chemicals and certain hair and beauty products can pose a health risk to adults, children, and pets. This week is about raising awareness and being mindful about the commonplace risks that lurk in our homes.
"By educating local residents about preventive steps in the home and in their lives, we can make common poison injuries less common," said Dr. Burstein. "It is vital that people arm themselves with basic information on poison prevention in the home, such as keeping chemicals out of the reach of children and carefully reading the labels and dosages on all products. I strongly urge all parents and caregivers to take an extra moment to ensure that products are stored properly and out of reach of children."
In the U.S. more than 2 million cases of potential poisonings are reported every year. Over 90% of these happen at home, and most involve young children. Every day over 300 children are treated in emergency departments because of poisoning. On average, two children die each day because of these events. Most of these incidents are caused by highly toxic everyday household items such as cleaning products and medicine.
The Upstate New York Poison Center provides a variety of resources tailored for different needs, including childcare centers, in-home safety, seasonal poisoning risks, how to dispose of medications safely, tips for medication safety, and specialized advice for older adults. They also offer guidance on food and mushroom safety, handling bites and stings, and keeping pets safe from poisons. Additionally, the Center has created an online guide for teachers, offering training materials for those interested in teaching poison prevention. More information can be found on their website at
Here is what YOU can DO to prevent poisonings from happening: Keep medicines and household products up high and out of reach of children.; Use child-resistant packaging but remember nothing is child-proof.; Read the label and follow the directions on medicines and products.; Store poisons in the original containers.; Take your medicines where children can’t watch. ; Teach children to ask an adult before eating or drinking anything.
Correctional Facility Provides Xmas Wreaths - March 2024

Pictured in the photo taken at the Correctional Facility greenhouse left to right are Jim Linenfelser, GI Town Hall Caretaker; John Fisher, Supervisor of the Horticulture Program and Officer in Charge Sheriff Matt Dils.
Once again, for the 2023 holiday season, the Erie County Correctional Facility’s Inmate Horticulture Program provided wreaths for the Town of Grand Island. They were displayed at Town Hall shown in the photo, the Highway Garage and the Golden Age Center on Whitehaven Road and the Library on Bedell Road. Grand Island is on the list to receive flowers from the horticulture program in May. The Horticulture Program allows inmates to learn valuable and useful skills while providing very much appreciated wreaths and plants for use on the grounds of municipalities around Erie County.GI Recreation Dept. Youth Program Information - March 2024
A few tips and tricks for making summer registration easier.Make sure your child's age, grade & medical information is up to date and correct.
Plan out what programs you are registering for beforehand.
Log into your account before 8am.
You can add your child to as many waitlists as you'd like at no cost.
Please read all disclaimers before signing and read up on our policies and procedures.
Read the program description and view the schedules to make sure you have the correct dates and items needed for that program.
Reminder: Opening registration date is Monday March 25th at 8am for residents and Monday April 22nd at 8am for non-residents.
KidBiz is BACK - March 2024
KidBiz is BACK, for the 26th time! Mark you calendars for Saturday, June 15th from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Town Commons outside Town Hall. Come support 2nd-8th grade Island kids by shopping at their pop-up stores. It’s a great program that teaches young entrepreneurs how to start and run a business.The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce has planned and organized the KidBiz Young Entrepreneur Program for the last 25 years. Annually, we have anywhere from 100-150 students who have a blast participating in the program. The KidBiz program shows students in 2nd through 8th grade just what it takes to run a business. The kids come up with their own ideas for a product to develop, market and then sell. Some students even sign a loan agreement with their parents to cover start-up costs. This is a wonderful opportunity for business leaders in our community to set a great example for our future business owners and provide some guidance & support to these budding entrepreneurs.
When: Saturday, June 15th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.; Where: The Town Commons (2255 Baseline Road); Cost: FREE! *But bring plenty of $ to buy some of the great items the KidBizers have created and will have for sale!
Maple Grove Cemetery Annual Meeting - March 2024
Maple Grove Cemetery Annual Meeting will take place at the GI Memorial Library on Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Contact Karen Webb at 716-773-7351 with questions. Refreshments will be served.Veterans Park Improvements - February 2024
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Environmental Protection Fund is providig $500,000 to upgrade the accessibility of Veterans Park with a broad array of athletic and social facilities, as well as a comprehensive new drainage system around its primary athletic facilities. From Town Engineer Lynn Dingey: "The Veterans Park Improvement grant is for drainage and walking paths between the little league fields. It’s a $1.49 Million project, the Town has a NYSPRHP grant for $500,000. The Town Board has not authorized the $649,000 match. The Town also has a grant ($1.1 Million) for Miracle Leage Improvements that include a new scoreboard, a safety net system, vandalism repairs to the field & playground, resurfacing the field and a small splash pad (basically whatever approx $500,000 can get us for a splash pad)."Patrol and School Resource Officer Applicants Wanted - February 2024
The Town of Grand Island is seeking qualified applicants for both Patrol and School Resource Officer positions. Applicants for Patrol Officer and School Resource Officer must currently be a NYS/DCJS certified police officer with a minimum three years’ experience working as a police officer with a federal, state, county, or municipal police department.Interested applicants should submit a resume and cover letter by Monday, February 26, 2024, to: Thomas Franz, Officer In Charge Town of Grand Island 2255 Baseline Road Grand Island, NY 14072
Read and Feed Book Club - February 2024
Written by Jan Yardley.The Read and Feed Book Club meets Fridays at 10:00 a.m. at the Golden Age Center.
By its name you might think it’s a group of people just sitting around reading cookbooks and trying out recipes on each other. No, that is not what we do. Well, once in a while we will go on a picnic, or have a tea party, or even a crock-pot party.
The Read and Feed Book Club is a group of friends that meet weekly and share their friendship and love of reading. At the beginning of the month we get a book which you can choose to read all of it, some of it, or none at all of it. Successive Fridays are spent learning about the author, the time period, or the topic. Sometimes we have guest speakers or carpool for a field trip to a site that is related to our reading. Sometimes we just have a field trip because we are a social group. We have lots of discussions and share titles that later we vote on to make our group reading list. We work with the librarian, Bridgette Heinz, who searches and gathers copies of our selections throughout the year. Here are some of our favorite reads:
The Orphan Collector... Ellen Marie Wiseman; The Dressmakers of Khair Khana... Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
The Henna Artist... Alka Joshi; Horse... Geraldine Brooks
Remarkably Bright Creatures.... Shelby Van Pelt; Joy Luck Club... Amy Tan
Wonder Boy of the Whistle Stop... Fannie Flagg; Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane... Lisa See
The Spy and the Traitor... Ben Macintyre; The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks...Rebecca Skloot
Ordinary Grace... William Kent Krueger; Notorious RBG the life and times of Ruth Bader Ginsberg
The First Ladies... Marie Benedict and Victoria Murray; Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen... Liliuokalani; The Uncommon Reader... Alan Bennet
County Road Closure - January 2024
Erie County Department of Public Works Notice of Road Closure: The portion of East River Road (CR 11) at the intersection of Winkler Drive and East Park Road will have a single-lane road restriction. This closure will be on January 31 or until complete. (This is expected to be a one day job, depending on weather conditions). The restriction will be daily from 9am to 3pm. This closure is for the purpose of installing an access over East River Road. Piasecki Steel Corp. will be performing the work.Seniors Stuff Tax Bills - January 2024

From left, back row: Pattie Frentzel-Town Clerk, Kathy Lechner, Lorraine Magin, Jean Schlegal, Evelyn Lewis.
Front row: Liz Wilbert, Linda Clark, Suzanne Muller, Ann Dlugokinski
This is the start of the 21st year a group of seniors from the Golden Age Center have stuffed tax bills for Town Clerk Pattie Frentzel. It used to be called the "Hank and Nonny Crew" after the husband and wife team of the late Hank & Nonny Carroll, who started the tradition. The seniors spend the day stuffing envelopes and get treated for lunch. They also come back in the fall to take care of the school tax bills.ECDOH - Cervical Health Awareness Month - January 2024
ERIE COUNTY, NY - The idea of a vaccine that can prevent cancer sounds like science fiction, but a cancer vaccine is an established scientific fact when talking about cervical cancer. During National Cervical Health Awareness Month in January, the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is sharing information about vaccination and screening as tools to reduce the risks of cervical cancer.There is good news from the American Cancer Society (ACS) about cervical cancer. In the past thirty years, the largest decrease in cancer rates occurred for cervical cancer. The human papilloma virus (HPV) causes nearly all cervical cancer and several other cancers. The decrease in cervical cancer cases is largely attributed to the availability of the HPV vaccine. The vaccine became available in 2006 and cervical cancer rates have decreased rapidly since. ACS, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention routinely recommend HPV vaccination for both females and males between the ages of 9 and 12. It is also recommended for everyone through age 26, if they are not yet vaccinated. Individuals over the age of 26 should talk to their doctor about HPV vaccination.
Cervical cancer screening with a Pap test or a combination of a Pap test and high-risk human papilloma virus (hrHPV) test are routine procedures done in a standard ob/gyn or primary care office visit. Routine screening can detect pre-cancerous changes or early cancer in the cervix that are easier to treat. Pap tests are recommended for most women through age 65 as a routine part of health care. When diagnosed in its early stages, cervical cancer is highly treatable, and screening is the first step to a diagnosis.
ECDOH is reminding uninsured and uninsured residents about the Erie County Cancer Services Program, which pays for cervical cancer screenings (Pap smears) and hrHPV tests for eligible women age 40 and over. "For more than 25 years our Cancer Services Program has focused on connecting people with cancer screenings," said Program Manager Michelle Wysocki. "Early detection of breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer - before there are visible or painful symptoms - gives patients better chances of recovery and survival." Erie County residents with little or no health insurance can call (716) 858-7376 for more information, or visit
Erie County residents under age 40 may access cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccine directly through the Erie County Family Planning Center at 608 William Street in Buffalo. Appointments are encouraged and walk-ins welcomed. The Family Planning Center accepts most insurances, and people who are uninsured or underinsured will be screened for a NYS program eligibility to help pay for services. For any questions or to schedule an appointment, call (716) 858-2779.
2024 Town/County Tax Bills Mailed - January 2024
Town Clerk Patricia Frentzel announced that the 2024 Town/County Tax Bills have been mailed. If you have changed banks, have paid off your mortgage or do not have an escrow account and did not receive a tax bill, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 773-9600 ext. 620 or 600. The office will be open extras hours: Saturday, February 10 – 9:00am – 12:00pm; Wednesday, February 14 – 8:30am – 6:00pm; Thursday, February 15 – 8:30am – 6:00pm.Checks should be made payable to Town Clerk. The last day to pay without penalty is February 15. Envelopes must show a legible postmark of February 15 to be accepted on time. Taxpayers should call the office for correct amounts for payments made February 16 and later. Payments can be made until June 30, 2024. After this date, payments must be sent to the County. ONLINE TAX RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS - SERVICE FEES APPLY DEBIT AND CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED AT COUNTER, SERVICE FEES APPLY
Emergency Blood Shortage - January 2024
Donate: Grand Island Fire Company, Tuesday, January 23rdBUFFALO, Jan. 8, 2024 — The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage as the nation faces the lowest number of people giving blood in 20 years. The Red Cross blood supply has fallen to critically low levels across the country, and blood and platelet donors are urged to make a donation appointment to help alleviate the shortage and help ensure lifesaving medical procedures are not put on hold.
Over the last 20 years, the number of people donating blood to the Red Cross has fallen by about 40%. When fewer people donate blood, even small disruptions to blood donations – such as the nearly 7,000-unit shortfall in blood donations the Red Cross experienced between Christmas and New Year’s Day alone – can have a huge impact on the availability of blood products and dramatic consequences for those in need of emergency blood transfusion. Blood products are currently going to hospitals faster than blood donations are coming in, and in recent weeks, the Red Cross has had to limit distributions of type O blood products – among the most transfused blood types – to hospitals.
"Small changes in blood donor turnout can have a huge impact on the availability of blood products and dramatic consequences for those in need of an emergency blood transfusion," said Dr. Eric Gehrie, executive physician director for the Red Cross. "More challenges may lie ahead as the potential for severe winter weather and seasonal illness may compound the dire blood supply situation. Donors of all types – especially those with type O blood and those giving platelets – are urged to give now." Blood donations made within the Western New York region help supply all our local hospitals and the patients they serve. For a Horseheads, NY resident, Dr. Kristina Workman, blood donations saved her life after what should have been the joyous birth of her second daughter, Eva, turned into complications that nearly cost Kristina her life. It took 33 units of blood to save Kristina's life and ensure that she would be there to raise her daughters with her husband, Jason Harris.
"One thing that really strikes me about blood donation is that you think about saving one person or helping one person to be healthier, but really, I would have been gone," Kristina said. "I'm very glad that I'm here. I would have been gone and everybody else would have been left with a hole and grief. I don’t know what life would have been like for my husband and my daughters."
This National Blood Donor month especially, Kristina encourages donors to make and keep appointments in the days and weeks to come to help alleviate the shortage and ensure lifesaving medical care for patients in need. "It is just not about the life that you are saving, it is about all of the other people that care about that person, and I hope that is a strong motivation for people to donate. It is touching a lot of lives. Every single donation has that power." Don’t wait – to make an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
The Red Cross and the National Football League (NFL) are partnering this January, during National Blood Donor Month, to urge individuals to give blood or platelets and help tackle the emergency blood shortage. Those who come to give blood, platelets or plasma in January will automatically be entered for a chance to win a trip for two to Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas. See FLYER.
NYS Parks to Provide Seasonal Dock Permits Along West River Shoreline - January 2024
The Niagara Region of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has announced that they will be issuing seasonal dock permits along the West River Shoreline Trail - on a first come first serve basis for the 2024 season.Permit applications will be distributed on Thursday, February 1st, 2024, at 8:00am inside the Park Office. We will extend business hours until 7:00pm that day. Participants will enter the Park Office and be given a sequential permit application on a first come first served basis. A waitlist will be started after all applications are handed out. If applications are still available after 7:00pm, interested parties can call the office anytime, to leave a voicemail or speak with a staffer. All inquiries will be handled in order until gone.
As a reminder the Park opens for patrons at dawn and there is no overnight parking. Additionally, participants may apply for a permit or serve as a proxy, not both. Please plan accordingly. Further information is available online at, by calling the Beaver Island State Park Office at 716-773-3271 or emailing