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2100 Whitehaven Road
Grand Island, NY 14072

Ph: 773-3322 | Fax: 773-3366

Trinity Church Fall Festival - October 2023

    Trinity Church Fall Festival is Saturday, October 28th, 2100 Whitehaven Road, from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Trunk or Treat will take place from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. There will be a Taste of Trinity, games, basket raffle, bake sale, hay rides and more! See FLYER.

Community Christmas Meal Food Drive - December 2021

    Trinity U.M.C Mission Team is conducting a Grand Island Community Christmas Meal Food Drive. Food will collected through December 17th at the big black bins located outside Historic Trinity or the brown bin in the Family Room of the big church. See FLYER. Monetary donations are also being accepted.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - November 2021

    Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a Thanksgiving drive-thru food give-a-way. Come to our white building on Sunday, November 21st , from 11:00 AM - 12:00PM. First come, first served, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Trinity Church Summer Breakout - June 2021

    Trinity Church Summer Breakout will be on Saturday, July 10th from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at 2100 Whitehaven Road. There will be free games, a water slide, obstacfle course, music, free chances to win gift cards and a door prize. Drinks and food will be available for purchase. Fun for the whole family. See FLYER.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - June 2021

    On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, is hosting its last drive-thru food give-a-way. On Sunday, June 27th, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - May 2021

    On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will continue hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday, May 30th, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - March 2021

    On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will continue hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday, March 28th, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - February 2021

    On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will continue hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday February 28th, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - January 2021

    On the LAST Sunday of the month, Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will continue hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way. Next event on Sunday Jan 31st, from 11am-12pm. Feel free to come to church service at 10am in our parking lot! First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

FREE Christmas Ham Dinner (in a bag) - December 2020

    Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a Holiday drive-thru food give-a-way; ham, potatoes and fixings. Come to our white building on Sunday, December 20th, 11:30-12:30 PM. First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - November 2020

    Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a Thanksgiving drive-thru food give-a-way. Come to our white building on Sunday November 22nd, 12-2 PM. First come, quantities limited. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church -September 2020

    Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a final drive-thru food give-a-way for this summer, on Saturday Sept 26th, from 11am-1pm. First come, quantities limited. Healthy food options. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - August 2020

    Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way every 4th Saturday this summer, next one on Saturday August 22nd, from 11am-1pm. First come, quantities limited. Healthy food options. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com. Flyer.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - July 2020

    Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a drive-thru food give-a-way every 4th Saturday this summer, next one on Saturday July 25th, from 11am-1pm. First come, quantities limited. Healthy food options. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com. Flyer.

Free Food Drive-Thru at Trinity Church - June 2020

    Trinity Church at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island, will be hosting a drive-thru food drive every 4th Saturday this summer starting June 27th, from 11am-1pm. First come, quantities limited. Healthy food options. Social distancing protocols in place. Walking up permitted. Questions? 773-3322 or gitrinitymissions@gmail.com. Flyer.

Trinity Hosts Drive-In Service - June 2020

    Trinity Church is hosting a worship service every Sunday through Labor Day in their parking lot at 10:00 a.m. See flyer for more information.

American Legion Donates to Pink Bag Project - September 2019

Seated: Pink Bag Co-Chair Nancy Hayes & American Legion Commander Ray DeGlopper.

    After recent stories in Isledegrande and the Dispatch regarding the Trinity United Methodist Women's Pink Bag project, the American Legion got interested. The 11 year old project makes decorated gift bags filled with healthcare & beauty items for lady veterans. Over 1500 bags have been made over the course of that time.
   On Tuesday, September 10th, many American Legion members and Pink Bag volunteers and donators gathered at Trinity Church to accept a check for $500. As a special thank you, in the future, the ladies will be making an equal amount of bags for gentlemen veterans. Missing from photo is Pink Bag co-chair Pat Shaw.

Trinty UMW Pink Bag Ladies - August 2019

From left: Bay Elson, Pat Shaw, Nancy Hayes & Anastasia Pikus.
Missing from photo: Sheila Cohan, Elly Zarbo & Sharon Nichols.

   The frontlines of battle and the rules of warfare have changed in the last 60 years. Women are serving in all the services, all around the world.
    Trinity United Methodist Church Pink Bag Ladies, members of Trinity United Methodist Women, have been donating healthcare items to Lady Veterans for many years. It started with church member Dan Brown putting a group of ladies in touch with the program director of the VA WNY Women's Healthcare System. The "Ladies" started by making 100 pink bags filled with healthcare items such as: toothbrush, deodorant, bar soap, lip palm, hand sanitizer, hair brush and medium sized toothpaste, shampoo, & moisturizer. Currently, over 1500 bags have been delivered to the Buffalo and Batavia locations.
    Four times a year the ladies gather to decorate bags in patriotic, holiday, seasonal or pink themes, that are then delivered. If you would like to donate to the project, you can drop off medium sized items listed above, or a check payable to Trinity U.M. W. to Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. Contact: Pat Shaw (773-4439) or Nancy Hayes (773-7127).

Trinity U.M.C. Vacation Bible School - July 2019

    Trinity UMC Vacation Bible School, 2100 Whitehaven Road, takes place on August 5, 6 & 7, at 6:00 p.m. each day. Join us as we travel back in time to Ancient Greece. Children will experience Paul’s dangerous journey to share the Truth. Each day children will experience Grecian culture, shop at the town market, sculpt pottery, try Grecian food favorites, learn to play ancient musical instruments and compete in our own Olympic Games!

Family Fun Day at Trinity U.M.C. - July 2019

    Trinty U.M. Church, 2100 Whitehaven Rd., is hosting a family fun day to o celebrate school being out for the summer, parents not getting kids up early for school and warm weather. On Saturday, July 13th from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Food trucks, bounce houses, water slide, carnival games, live music, free basket giveaway and more!

Family Fiesta at Trinity U.M.C. - April 2019

   Trinity United Methodist Church is having a family fiesta on Sunday, May 5th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Each ticket includes food and games, and a pinata every hour. Proceeds go to the Trinity Youth Mission Project. Adults - $10, Seniors - $8, Children - $6. See flyer.

Trinity U.M.C.Trunk or Treat- October 2018


    Just look out the window or down the street and you will be in awe of the changing leaves. With them comes our Annual Trunk or Treat and Halloween celebration at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. On Saturday, October 20th from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m, our activities will include free pumpkin painting and cookie decorating inside, as well as free trunk or treat in the back parking lot. Before or after, please stop inside for some delicious food and a basket raffle. You need not be a member to enjoy the festivities!

Trinity U.M.C. Offers Children's Sunday School - August 2018

   Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY, is excited to be offering Sunday School Classes for children (Pre-K to grade 5) during the 10:00 a.m. service and will include a variety of activities in order to engage children of all ages and learning styles! The children can look forward to learning about God's amazing love through skits/plays, crafts, games, cooking and other creative learning modalities.
    Nursery Care (birth - 3 years) will be provided during the 10:00 a.m. service, and childcare will be offered for parents who have an interest in attending Adult Sunday School classes at 9:00 a.m. All fall classes and child care will begin on Rally Day, Sunday September 9th. Our Blossoms, Buds and Seedlings will grow in Christ's Love as they "let (their) roots grow down into him, and let (their) lives be built on him". For questions about classes and registration contact Kate Fonte, Trinity's Children and Family Ministry Coordinator at KFonte@gitumc.org.

    Trinity United Methodist Church is also pleased to offer students in fifth through twelfth grade an exciting youth program. Youth Sunday School will be held during 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. hours. We also have a youth activity in our gym on Sunday nights from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Each Sunday night has a different activity such as glow in the dark kick ball, human bowling etc. We also do outings such as Darien Lake and Splash Lagoon. At U-Turn youth ministries every teen counts and is special to us. You are not a number! Our Sunday School starts on Rally Day, September 9th and our Youth Night Activities begin Sunday, September 23rd. Any questions regarding our youth program can be answered by contacting Mark Von Wald, Youth Director at mvonwald9@yahoo.com or by contacting the church at 716-773-3322.

Trinity Women's Luncheon - May 2018

   On Saturday, May 19th at noon, Trinity U.M. Church, 2100 Whitehaven Rd., is celebrating women everywhere with Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. A dramatic portrayal by Denise Reichard. Ticket Price: $14 and included lunch catered by The Village Inn. Menu: Chicken with lemon caper sauce, Vegetable Lasagne, Fruit salad, Broccoli salad, bread, cake, coffee, tea, lemonade. Contact to purchase tickets: (716) 773-3322. Please make reservations by Wednesday, May 9th.

Trinity Easter Services & Community Breakfast - March 2018

   Trinity U.M.C., 2100 Whitehaven Road has two services on Easter Sunday, April 1st. Sunrise Service is at 8:00 a.m. and Easter Service is at 10:00 a.m.
   Trinity U.M.C., 2100 Whitehaven Road is hosting a community Easter breakfast on Sunday, April 1st from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., free of charge. No reservations necessary.

Trinity Fall Fest - October 2017


Mary Stewart Photos.

   Trinity United Methodist Church held it's annual Fall Harvest Fest on Saturday, October 14th. Children looked forward to doing the trunk and treat where participants gave out candy from their car trunks, lined up in the parking lot. There was also face painting and painting of pumpkins. A raffle and basket auction was also held. Baked goods and other food items were available.

Trinity UMC Fall Festival - October 2017

   Trinity United Methodist Church's Fall Festival is coming. Preparations are underway for the Saturday, October 14th event. Food sales and basket auction runs from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. In addition to baked goods, pulled pork, chicken wings, hot dogs, and sausages, many other items will be available. There is also a basket raffle. Kid's activities include Trunk or Treat, face painting and pumpkin painting. These activities run from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. See flyer.

1000 Bags for Trinity Women's Program - September 2017

From left: Top row: Mina Atkinson, Nancy Hayes, Jill LaMantia, Jung Lee.
Seated: Ellie Zarbo, Pat Shaw & Heidi Fritschi.
Not in picture: Sharon Nichols, Sheila Colan, Catherine Long, Betty Killian.

    Trinity UM Women have been making gift bags for lady veterans since 2009. On July 9th, Women Veterans Program Manager Jill LaMantia attended a Trinity Church service to give an update on the new Women's Wing and the "Pink Bag" project. As of this date, over 1000 bags have been assembled. The number of female veterans has doubled over the last 10 years and WNY cares for almost 4000 female enrollees. There is now a Women's Primary Care Provider at each of the eight Veterans sites/outpatient clinics located from Buffalo to Olean.
   Four or more times a year as needed, the Pink Bag ladies meet to create a floral arrangement on 25 or more bags, and fill them with personal items. If you would like to donate to the project, drop off the following items to Trinity Church office; tooth brushes, medium size tooth paste, deodorant, bars of soap, shampoo, moisturizer (medium), lip balm, hair brush (medium) or monetary contributions.

2nd annual Fam Jam Summer Camp - June 2017

    The 2nd annual Fam Jam (Friends/Family and Me, Jesus and Me) summer camp program at Trinity Church is set for the evenings of Tuesday, July 11 through Friday, July 15th. There will be an Art Night, Sports Night, Carnival Night, and Water and Fire night with lots of fun activities. Each night will begin with a short worship under the tent and singing accompanied by a guitar player. The camp is for kids ages 5 to 12 and their parents or caregivers are invited to attend together. It isn't necessary for the adult to attend, but encouraged as a special way for families to enjoy fellowship. For more info or to register, call the church at 773-3322 or email Kelly at cedirector@outlook.com. Trinity United Methodist Church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road.

Trinity Women's Pink Bag Program - June 2017

From left: Catherine Long, Pat Shaw, Nancy Hayes, Betty Killian and Elle Zarbo.
Click photo for larger view

   Trinity United Methodist Women were made aware of a new program for lady veterans at Veterans Hospital in 2009. Trinity Church member Dan Brown suggested the Women discuss a project of gift bags with personal items with Jill LaMantia at the VA. She is the Women Veterans Program Manager. After talking to Jill, the Women agreed to start with 100 bags. Four or more times a year a group meet to create a floral arrangement on 25 or more bags. They are then filled with personal items. Thanks to the Trinity Congregation, and the District UMW donations, they have gone over 1,000 bags. July is designated Pink Bag month and the group will be making bags each Sunday at the church. On Sunday, July 9th, Jill LaManita will be at the church to give an update on the new Women's wing at the VA, and how the program is proceeding. Donations of the following items would be welcome: tooth brushes, medium tooth paste, deodorant, bars of soap, shampoo, moisturizer (medium), lip balm, hair brushes (medium) or monetary donations. Pink Bag Ladies are: Ellie Zarbo, Sharon Nichols, Jung Lee, Mina Atkinson, Sheila Colan, Catherine Long, Betty Killian, Pat Shaw, Nancy Hayes and Heidi Fritschi.

Trinity Women's Luncheon - April 2017

   Trinty United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, is hosting a Women's Luncheon on Saturday, May 6, 2017 at noon. A program celebrating the 150th year of Trinity Church will take a look at Grand Island History, presented by Historic Preservation Advisory Board Chairman Bill Koch. Lunch will be catered by The Village Inn and tickets are $14.00. To purchase call 773-3322. Seating is limited so call today! See flyer.

Free Community Easter Breakfast - April 2017

   Trinity Church is offering a hearty Easter Breakfast to celebrate Jesus's resurrection on Sunday, April 16. All on the Island are welcome to come anytime between 7:00 and 9:30 a.m. There is no charge. The breakfast is an expression of growing interest at Trinity Church in providing venues for people in the community to get acquainted. It is a follow-up to a successful Three Kings Dinner held at the church after Christmas. Other events welcoming anyone in the community will be announced in the future. Trinity Church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road, just east of the I-190 exit.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 2017

    The Trinity Tollers handbell choir invites you to their 8th annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Dinner includes all the pancakes that you care to eat, a serving of sausage, syrup, applesauce and beverages. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children 10 and under, children 3 and under free. The proceeds will be used to help the choir attend the 2017 Handbell Festival at Onondaga Community College at the end of June. Celebrate Mardi Gras with the Tollers.

Trinity United Methodist Church Three Kings Dinner - January 2017

    On January 6, 2017, everyone in Grand Island was invited to attend a free lasagna dinner at Trinity United Methodist Church. Some 40-50 Island residents came and enjoyed fellowship around dinner tables with Trinity members. This venture was the product of conversations between two adult classes and Town Supervisor Nathan McMurray. In a November meeting at the church, McMurray impressed upon the classes the need to provide settings on the Island for people to cultivate friendships and get to know their neighbors. Members of the Contemporary Issues Class and the Questions of Faith Class took up the challenge. The dinner was publicized in Island commercial establishments, local press and Facebook.
    Baked lasagna, salads and desserts were contributed by Trinity members. Trinity folk served as table hosts and servers, engaging the visitors in friendly conversation. Formal welcomes were offered by Pastor Lee and Supervisor McMurray. A trio from the choir entertained the crowd with songs. Information tables surrounding the Family Room represented County Social Services, the Sheriff's Department, the Golden Age Center, the Neighbors Foundation and Trinity Church.
    This was truly an act of faith. Since no reservations were required, the planners had no idea whether one person or 500 would show. The church's characteristic spirit of cheerful welcoming was felt by all who came. It is possible that some of these guests will return, seeking more of what Trinity offers. Already the classes have met to strategize next steps in the project to engage the Island community. Stay tuned or visit the website www.gitumc.org for ways you can help in the next venture.
The Trinity Family

Three Kings Dinner - December 2016

    The people of Trinity United Methodist Church have been looking into ways to improve community life. One need in Grand Island is to bring people together, to enable folk to meet their neighbors and make friends. Two Sunday morning church classes have joined forces to offer a free dinner, open to any Island resident.
   The "Three Kings Dinner" will take place on Friday, January 6th. Lasagna and tasty desserts are on the menu. This will be a chance to extend the happiness of the Holiday Season, renew acquaintances, make new friends and enjoy a time with Island neighbors. Everyone is welcome, no exceptions. The dinner is offered without cost and reservations are not required. Come any time from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Social service representatives will be present to provide information about their programs.
   Trinty Church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road, just east of the 190, across from Town Hall Terrace. For more information, contact the church office at 716-773-3322.

Trinity United Methodist Church Fall Festival - October 2016

    Trinity U.M.C. is hosting the annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 22nd from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. to include a "Taste of Trinity", serving pulled pork, sausage and hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, chili, baked goods and more. A basket auction, including quilts will be available and Trunk or Treat and children activities, such as face painting, pumpkin painting and other crafts from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Sunday Funday at Trinity United Methodist Church - August 2016

    Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, invites and welcomes everyone to Sunday Funday on September 11th. If you are looking for a church, a faith community of loving and caring fellowship, we welcome you. If you have been thinking about coming back to church for your children, come and see if Trinity Church is for you and your family. Are you thinking about renewing or starting a relationship with God? We, the people of Trinity United Methodist Church welcome you to worship with us, explore what Trinity Church offers to you for your faith growth, fellowship in faith and opportunities to serve the community.
    Come and experience the loving and welcoming spirit of Trinity Church. Worship service is at 10 a.m., one service for all. Nursery care will be provided. Picnic lunch, hotdog/chips/beverage is available, $3/person and maximum $10 for family, will follow worship service. You and your children can enjoy games for all ages and bounce house as well. Open house for Sunday school for children, youth and adults start at 9:30. You are all invited. After the service, tours of church buildings, historic and new, will be available. If you have any questions, please call at 773-3322 or email at gitumc@gitumc.org or visit www.gitumc.org.

Trinity Church Vacation Bible School - June 2016

   Trinity Church will host a vacation bible school camp on July 12-15, Tuesday-Friday at 2100 Whitehaven Road, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. What is exciting about this year’s VBS is its new format. The title of this new format is FAM JAM, which stands for Family and Me, Jesus and Me. This new format aims to provide fellowship and fun for Trinity's youth families and their friends. We will have an Art Night, Sports Night, Carnival Night and Water/Fire Night. Each evening will commence with a worship with singing and a Bible lesson given by Pastor Lee under the tent before we break up into groups for the evening's activities. Activities will be planned for the whole family to enjoy, and each night will end with a special treat and prayer. Register by June 20th by calling Alice Mock in the Church Office at (716)773-3322 or emailing Kelly Petrie, Director of Children's Ministry at cedirector@outlook.com.

Mercury Transit Experience - May 2016

Black speck in upper left of picture is Mercury crossing the sun.

Rev. Robinson with his telescope.

Current Trinity Church Rev. Sung Ho Lee and Rev. Paul Robinson.

    Rev. Paul Robinson (retired) set up his telescope at the Trinity UMC parking lot on Monday, May 9th to witness the Mercury Transit across the Sun. The Mercury Transit can be seen only about 13 times per century, currently occuring in either May or November, with spring transits happening about a third of the time. The event takes about 7.5 hours to complete. For more information, go to NASA Mercury Transit webpage. Rev. Robinson has been excited about the stars since he was a young child. The telescope featured in the photos was a gift from the Trinity congregation at retirement.

Phyllis Lange Honored - May 2016

    Trinity UM Church member Phyllis Lange was honored on May 3rd at the Network for Religious Communities banquet. Phyllis has been involved with Buffalo soup kitchens since 1982 when she organized and cooked for the new Good News Dining Room at Asbury Delaware United Methodist Church. A year later Phyllis became the coordinator of workers and a daily volunteer. When the dining room closed in 1990, Phyllis came to the Central City Cafe working the 4th Friday of each month and recruiting volunteers. When she stopped this in 2013, she designed a monthly offering at her home church, Trinity UMC, to support the Central City Cafe. For her dedicated support of the work to feed others, the organization has honored her.

Historic Trinity Committee Disbands - February 2016

    The Historic Trinity Committee started in 1991 with the purpose of promoting the use of and maintenance of the Historic Chapel and East room for a variety of functions, concerts and community events. Major projects that Historic Trinity Committee has done include white siding, bell tower repair, window coverings for stained glass windows, kitchen renovation, elevator installation, roof repair and landscaping. The commottee has done many fundraisings to provide financial resources for these projects.
    Recently Historic Trinity Committee came to a conclusion that they had accomplished their mission and disbanded. They turned the balance of their fund to the Trinity Church trustees and the fund was designated to the maintenance of Historic Trinity building. Thanks to recent committee members; Sharon Nichols, Lois Kaiser, Betty Killian, Shirley Luther, Fay & Rich McDonald, Susie Myers, David & Sylvia Long, Joe & Barbara Macaluso, Ginger Mason and Grace Kammerer.
    Thanks also to past members: Jennie Palmer, Dave Palmer, Bill Koch, george DeGlopper, Karen Bullock, Nancy Shiffhauer, Martha Martin, Fred Killian, Vivki Wilkinson, Tim Mordaunt, Harvey Long, Peggy Shall, Jay Martin, Suzanne Thomas, Marlene Grazen, John Harbison and Nancy Gorrell. Special thanks to Don Mason who has done so much for the gymnasium, heating system and many others.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 2016

    The Trinity Tollers handbell choir invites you to their 7th annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, from 5:00-7:00p.m. Dinner includes all the pancakes that you care to eat, a serving of sausage, syrup, applesauce and beverages. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children 10 and unde, children 3 and under free. The dinner will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY. The proceeds will be used to help the Tollers attend the 2017 Handbell Festival in Scranton, PA. Celebrate Mardi Gras with the Tollers.

Trinity Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat - October 2015

   Trinity United Methodist Church is hosting a Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 24th. The festival runs from 11-4pm and Trunk or Treat from 2-4pm. The festival includes "A Taste of Trinity" offering pulled pork, soups, chili, baked goods, sausage, Korean food and more. There will be a basket auction and for children "Trunk or Treat", a Creepy Corridor haunted house and Halloween craft room from 2-4pm.

Cross Illumination at Trinity UMC - July 2015

Mike Sexton of H.M.S. Electric installing new led lights.

New light on left replaces 250 watt bulb on right.

From left: Tim Callahan and Dale Berger of BDL Parts & Lighting.

   An all island effort was needed to get illumination to the Trinity UMC cross at the top of the church on Friday, June 26th. It has been over 25 years since the steeple has been displayed at night and long-time church member Phyllis Lange is to be thanked. Islanders Tim Callahan and Dale Berger of BDL Parts & Lighting specialize in LED conversion. The new LED lights replace a 250 watt bulb that had a life expectancy of 20,000 hours. The new LED's are 100 watt, are rated at over 100,000 hours, and reduce cost by 75-80%. Electrician Mike Sexton of H.M.S. Electric installed the lights 40 feet up in the air with equipment provided by Rick U'Ren of R.B. U'Ren Equipment Rentals. All participants are Grand Island residents. Next time you're driving by at night, take a look.

Vendor Sale at Trinity UMC - June 2015

   Trinity United Methodist Women are hosting a vendor sale. If you are a vendor or crafter or have flea-market or garage sale items to sell, you are invited to rent a space at Trinity United Methodist Church's large parking lot at 2100 Whitehaven Rd. on Saturday, July 18th from 8 am - 2 pm. The parking lot space will be approximately 10'x10' ($15). In case of rain, the sale will be held in the church. For questions and/or to make a reservation to sell, call the church office at 773-3322 weekdays from 9 - 4pm.

One Starry Night at Historic Trinity - November 2014

    Trinity Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Rd., is sponsoring "One Starry Night" an advent celebration on Friday, December 5th and Saturday, December 6th at Historic Trinity Church. Travel back in time to Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born, take a walk through Bethlehem, meet shepherds, villagers, shopkeepers, Roman soldiers and wisemen. Visit the Marketplace, make crafts, taste the food of Bethlehem, hear stories and take a keepsake photo. Everyone is welcome to this family event. See flyer and pre-register at Trinity website or by calling the church office at 773-3322.

Trinity UMC Fall Festival - October 2014

   Trinity United Methodist Church is having a Fall Festival on Saturday, October 25th from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. A "Taste of Trinity" will feature pulled pork, hot dogs, sausage, Gramms Maurer's chowder, Ruth Boettcher's German Potato Salad, Chili, Macaroni 'n cheese, baked goods, dessert and more. "Trunk or Treat" is from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., a safe way for children to dress up and trick or treat from open trunks in the parking lot. For a nominal fee, there are games, prizes, crafts and fun inside. Paint a pumpkin: $1 for small, $2 medium.
   There will also be a silent basket auction with many gift certificates from Grand Island businesses and restaurants, along with baskets prepared by church members. The church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road.

Pink Bag Project Fundraiser - June 2014

    The ladies of the "Pink Bag Project" at Trinity United Methodist Church are hosting a fundraiser at Bob Evans Restaurant, 6543 Niagara Falls Blvd., Niagara Falls on Wednesday, June 25th from 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., dine in or carry out. The Pink Bag project began in 2009 and the bags are filled with toiletry items and given to hospitalized female veterans. If you would like to donate items to the project please call Nancy Hayes at 773-7127. Items needed include: Tooth Brush & medium size paste, deodorant, shampoo & conditioner (medium), moisturizer (medium), hand sanitizer, bar of soap, lip balm and hair brushes (medium). Monetary donations are also accepted.

Krolick's Good Friday Fish Fry - April 2014

   The Trinity United Methodist Women are hosting a Good Friday Fish Fry by Krolick's on Friday, April 18th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the church, 2100 Whitehaven Road. Tickets are $10 pre sale for fish and $9 for chicken fingers. Dinners include potato salad, coleslaw, roll and butter, beverage and homemade dessert. Tickets at door are $1 more. For tickets/information, please call Jan at the church office at 773-3322.

Kudos for Pink Bag Project - April 2014

    The ladies of the "Pink Bag Project" at Trinity United Methodist Church recently received a letter from the Women Veterans Program thanking them for the donation of over 600 gift bags over the past few years. The Pink Bag project began in 2009 and the bags are filled with toiletry items and given to hospitalized female veterans. If you would like to donate items to the project please call Nancy Hayes at 773-7127. Items needed include: Tooth Brush & medium size paste, deodorant, shampoo & conditioner (medium), moisturizer (medium), hand sanitizer, bar of soap, lip balm and hair brushes (medium). Monetary donations are also accepted.