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Trinity United Methodist Church Web Page

Trinity UM Church News - 2010

Official Trinity UM Church Website

Previous News Pages

2100 Whitehaven Road
Grand Island, NY 14072

Pastor: Jeff Childs

| Ph: 773-3322 | Fax: 773-3366

Christmas at Trinity UM Church - December 2010

   Christmas Program at Trinity . . . The public is invited to come join us for a combined worship service with the children sharing the message during the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, December 19th. We will hear and see the younger children share their faith as well as a play performed by the older children entitled “The Three Wisemen?” adapted by our Christian Education Director Mark Von Wald. There will be Christmas Carols to sing with the children and music shared by soloists, chancel choir and the praise band. There will be something for everyone this Sunday. Pastor Jeff will preach to the early bird service at 8 a.m. for those wanting to hear more about “Joseph’s Dream” from Matthew 1:18-25. Please come and join us this Sunday (Dec. 19). Trinity UM Church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island.
   Christmas Eve at Trinity . . . Again this year there will be three distinct services for Christmas Eve (we are named Trinity after all.) At 5 p.m. we will gather families of all ages, but especially the younger ones for a time of celebrating Christmas with the younger children with a message adapted from a children’s story, “We Were There,” by Eve Bunting. There will not be any handheld candles at this service with so many children present.
   At 7 p.m. we will have a Contemporary Christmas with a message for today from our new associate Pastor Nate Lange and music performed by the Trinity 3.0 Praise Band. Handheld candles will be raised as we sing Silent Night to the band’s cadence.
    For those who can stay awake that long, at 11 p.m. we will share a traditional service of lessons and carols with music shared by the chancel choir, soloists handbells and congregational singing of Christmas carols. Holy Communion and handheld candles will close the service as we ring in Christmas Day.
   On The Second Day of Christmas . . . On Sunday, December 26th there will not be two turtle doves but there will be two worship services. Pastor Jeff Childs will preach at the informal 8 a.m. service from Matthew 2:13-23, a message on the “Downs and Ups of Christmas.” At a combined service at 10:30 a.m. we welcome our college students home as several of them will help take leadership in the service accompanied by music by the Trinity 3.0 Praise Band and Christmas Carols.

Trinity’s annual Christmas Concert - Dec. 2010

   Hallelujah! “And He shall reign forever and ever!”
   Come and join us for Trinity’s annual Christmas Concert directly after church service, on Sunday December 12th at 11:45 a.m. Hear an array of Christmas carols and the Hallelujah Chorus sung by our Chancel Choir along with many other Christmas favorites to be performed by our Handbells and Orchestra. Offerings will be graciously accepted to help support Trinity’s mission to setup up mobile health care clinics in Lescayes, Haiti.
    After the concert, join us in the Family Room for a luncheon and reception given by the Trinity Youth in efforts to support their funding for Work Camp this coming Spring.
   This is an event for the whole family to enjoy. Even Santa Claus will be in attendance!

Prominent Elder Law Attorney to Speak At Trinity - Nov.. 2010

    We all know we should have a will, and many of us do. In a will, there is provision to designate someone to make decisions on our behalf if we are no longer able. Being unable to make your own decisions can happen to anyone at any age, though it most often affects older folks. Recently, fundamental changes to New York’s power of attorney laws were made in an attempt to combat elder abuse. It is important to know about these changes if you have chosen a power of attorney or if you are the power of attorney for a parent or friend.
   Bruce Reinoso, prominent local attorney, will discuss these changes and how they affect you. He will also answer questions and share his wisdom.
   You are welcome to come and invite family members and friends on Tuesday, November 30, noon – 1 PM. There is no charge. Call the church at 773-3322 for more information.

Trunk or Treat/Haunted House at Trinity - Oct. 2010

   Members of Trinity Church and the Grand Island Girl Scouts are going to hold Trunk or Treat and Haunted House from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 30th. Cost: is $2 and includes haunted house, games and crafts. There will be trick or treating in the parking lot and a haunted house in the church along with games and crafts. There will also be pizza, pop and chips available to purchase. Trinity UM Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road.

Trinity Fall Festival - Oct. 2010

   Trinty UMC is having a fall festival the weekend of Oct. 15-16-17th. Check out information for the full schedule. Everyone welcome!

Trinity Church
Sing or Play an Instrument? - Oct. 2010

   If you sing or play an instrument, please consider performing with the Trinity Church Music Dept. Membership is not required.
   Trinity United Methodist Church is currently seeking musicians to play in the church orchestra. For many years, the orchestra has displayed great talents, but is currently lacking membership in the Saxophone, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, and Percussion sections. It could also use assistance in the Oboe, Bassoon, and Bass Clarinet and String sections. Although our Flute, Clarinet, and Trumpet sections are well staffed, those members are welcome as well. Membership to Trinity United Methodist church, or any other religious denomination is not a requirement to join our ensemble.
   The group often performs in the 10:30 a.m. Sunday church service as well as other venues around the Buffalo area. They also perform as an ensemble and in smaller chamber ensembles as well, in addition to performing annual spring and Christmas concerts at church. Orchestra rehearses every Tuesday evening from 7:45 p.m. to 9 p.m between the months of September and May. Our next Christmas Concert is scheduled for Sunday, December 12 at 11:45 a.m.
   Trinity United Methodist Church also welcomes membership in the Chancel Choir which rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. between the months of September through June. The Chancel Choir performs during events in and around the Buffalo area in addition to our weekly 10:30 a.m. Sunday church service and annual spring and Christmas Concerts. Anyone interested may contact Music Director, James Welch, by phone at 983-2596 or by e-mail at PianoM1539@yahoo.com.

Special Events at Trinity Church
Have a New Kid by Friday Parenting Class - Sept. 2010

    Starting Sunday, September 26th, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.: Have a New Kid by Friday Parenting Class, based on the best-selling book by psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman. Join us in the family room for the best little parenting study around. What you learn is sure to improve your child’s attitude, behavior, and character. Dr. Leman combines a healthy dose of common-sense psychology with his unique brand of humor to make a delightful study. You won't have to wait weeks or months to see a positive difference in your kids. When you apply Dr. Leman's principles, you'll see better kids in 5 days because you will become a better parent in 5 days. In fact, you can expect to see results the very first day. Everyone is welcome! There is no charge.

Special Events at Trinity Church - Sept. 2010

   Sunday, September 12th: It’s Rally Day! A special worship experience and church year kick-off. An 8am informal service as usual, an Adult Informational Fair and Sunday School Registration in the Family Room at 9am, one combined (traditional and contemporary) service for everybody at 10:30am – OUTDOORS (weather permitting, tents provided, bring a lawn chair or something to sit on), followed by a picnic, fun, games – a grand time for all!
    Wednesday, September 15th, 6-8pm. Wonderful Wednesdays returns with a potluck dinner, video, small groups, and Kid-Impact for children.

Veterans Awareness Day - August 2010

    The Trinity United Methodist Women, along with McMahon's Restaurant, are sponsoring a Grand Island Community Veterans Awareness Day on Friday, August 27, 2010. Between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at McMahon's Restaurant, 1849 Grand Island Blvd., a free food or beverage voucher will be given with every donation. The donated items will be used in the Pink Love Bags project started by the UMW. The bags are given to hospitalized women veterans and the Military Morale care packages sent to military personnel in Iraq & Afghanistan. Donations needed are: toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, 2 in 1 shampoo, feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizer, hand soap, Dove bar soap, hair bushes, baby wipes or sanitizer wet wipes, individually wrapped snack foods & cookies, Gold Bond foot powder and batteries. Cash donations are also gratefully accepted.

Special Events at Trinity Church - August 2010

2100 Whitehaven Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
   Sunday, August 8, 10:30-11:30: Worship Service Time Change – 8 am Informal worship with communion in the family room, 10:30am contemporary service with praise band in Historic Trinity, and 10:30am traditional worship in the main sanctuary.
   Sunday, August 8, 10:30-11:30am: Youth Workcamp Sharing – Come and share the experiences of the Trinity youth who went to the Reach workcamp in Hurricane WV, July 24-31. The youth will share a “mission moment” at the 10:30 traditional service and will share their testimonies as the morning message at the 10:30 contemporary service.
   Sunday, August 8 – August 13, 6 -8:30pm: Vacation Bible School – Children (preschool – 5th grade) - come and join the “High Seas Expedition!”

Trinity UM Women Help Veterans - May 2010

From left: Nancy Hayes and Pat Shaw, missing from photo - Judy Maurer.
- Click photo for larger view

On May 26, 2010, three members of the Trinity Pink Love Project joined representatives of the Women's Health & Wellness Center of the Veterans Hospital. The event was a Veterans Benefits * Resource Forum held at the Connecticut Street Armory in Buffalo. The purpose of the event was to inform and enlighten area veterans of the resources available in the Buffalo area. Many veterans are unaware of benefits available to them at the Veterans Hospital, as well as through many local businesses. The women of Trinity brought the Pink Love bags they make for the lady veterans and met with nurses from the hospital and veterans. The nurses and veterans shared with the ladies how much everyone appreciated the bags that are filled with personal care products.

Special Events at Trinity Church - JULY 4, 2010

2100 Whitehaven Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
    Sunday, July 4th, All Day Extravaganza. Starting at 10:30, with Worship-on-the-Lawn with the Praise Band, followed by an All-Day Picnic (come-and-go-as-you-please), followed by a Praise Band Concert at 8, followed by Watching Fireworks, followed by a Bonfire! Whew! Bring a lawn chair and a dish-to-share. What a wonderful day of fun and fellowship. Everyone is welcome!

Western New York Chorale To Perform At Historic Trinity - June, 2010

   The Western New York Chorale will perform at Historic Trinity Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 6, 2010. The Chorale is under the direction of Herbert Tinney, music director.
   The WNY Chorale is area's oldest vocal chamber ensemble, specializes in Early Music (13th to 16th centuries). Suggested donation at door $10 ($7 seniors; age 12 & under, free) See

Community Events - Trinity Church - May 20, 2010

    Saturday, May 22, 4-6pm: Friendship in the Common Good Café. Through fellowship, fun, food, and recording for Common Good Radio,(an internet radio broadcasting at www.commongoodradio.org), you and your family can explore friendship in a context of family, faith, social relationships, sharing a meal, games, scripture, and speaking what friendship means to you. Freewill offering for the meal. Everyone is welcome.
    Sunday, May 23, 10:30am Service: Confirmation of our 8th grade students. Everyone is invited to come and support them as they confirm their faith in Jesus Christ.
   Tuesday, May 25, 11:30-1pm: A seminar by the Erie County Sheriff’s Office about the SAFE Program, Elder Abuse and Senior Safety, and Crime Prevention Tips for Seniors. $5.00 for lunch, everyone is welcome. Please call the church (773-3322) to RSVP.
   Tuesday, May 25, 7pm: Recovery. National Support Group with trained facilitators. Help and support for dealing with anxiety, sadness, isolation, depression, and the like. In the 3-4 grade classroom. Everyone is welcome.
   Decommission (dispose of) your old flag. Drop off your old flags on or before Sunday, May 23rd. Flags go to the VFW for an official decommissioning ceremony.

Community Resource Event - Trinity Church - May 2010

   A community resource event (Mobile Safety-Net Team - A basic human needs initiative supported by The John R. Oishei Foundation) will take place at Trinity UM Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road as follows:
Monday, May 17 - 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Tuesday, May 18 - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wednesday, May 19 - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
   Are you struggling to make ends meet? You're not alone. You may be eligible for help right in your own community - and we're bringing all the resources together under one roof. No charge. For more information, call Grace at 854-3494.

Special Events at Trinity Church - May 2010

   Saturday, May 15, 2-4pm: Family Movie Matinee. K– 5 “A Furry Sequel to a Musical Movie”. Snacks and Surprises! In KidZone. Everyone is welcome.
   Sunday, May 16, 11:45am: Spring Concert, “His Light Still Shines”, presented by the Trinity UMC Music Department, featuring the Trinity Handbells, Chancel Choir, and Orchestra, directed by Jim Welch. Donations accepted to help benefit the Trinity Music Ministries and The Niagara Frontier City Ministries. A luncheon given by the Trinity Youth will follow the concert as a fundraiser for summer workcamp in W. Virginia.
   Sunday, May 16, 4pm: The Trinity congregation is hosting a free cookout and friendly neighborhood get together with our neighbors across the street in the Town Hall Terrace Apartments. Music, food, surprises. In the clubhouse.
   Monday, May 17, 4:00-7:00pm: Tuesday, May 18th, and Wednesday, May 19th, 11am-2pm. Community Resource Event. For anyone needing a little help surviving the economy , The Mobile Safety Net Team is hosting a one-stop shop at Trinity. You can get help applying for benefits and meet agencies that serve our community including Consumer Credit Counseling, the YWCA, Angel Food Ministries, HEAP, and organizations that offer rent and mortgage assistance. Free and everyone is welcome.
   Tuesday, May 18, 7pm: Recovery. National Support Group with trained facilitators. Help and support for dealing with anxiety, sadness, isolation, depression, and the like. In the 3-4 grade classroom. Everyone is welcome.
   Saturday, May 22, 4-6pm: Friendship in the Common Good Café. Through fellowship, fun, food, and recording for Common Good Radio, you and your family can explore friendship in a context of family, faith, social relationships, sharing a meal, games, scripture, and speaking what friendship means to you. Freewill offering for the meal. Everyone is welcome.
   Decommission (dispose of) your old flag. Drop off your old flags on or before Sunday, May 23rd. Flags go to the VFW for an official decommissioning ceremony.

National Day of Prayer – Thursday, May 6, 2010

Local Observance at Trinity United Methodist Church
    The 59th Annual National Day of Prayer will take place Thursday, May 6, 2010. Millions will unite in prayer at thousands of events from coast to coast. The theme for this year is “Prayer for Such a Time as This” and is based on the verse fromNahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of trouble; he protects those who take refuge in him,” A National Day of Prayer event is being planned for Grand Island for those unable to go to the event downtown Buffalo. We will gather in the main sanctuary of the Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, at 12:00pm for a non-lunch hour of prayer. Participants are asked to fast, foregoing their lunch that day and instead to bring food items to the church for the local food shelves. The Grand Island prayer event is open to people of all faiths. Prayers are being gathered from various congregations and pastors across the island. A planning and design meeting has been set at the church for Monday, May 3, at 7:00pm for any people on the island wishing to help with the Grand Island National Day of Prayer event. For more information please contact Pastor Jeff Childs at 773-3322. I thank you for your ministry among us and for this opportunity to be in prayer together for the nation and for the island.
Grace and Peace for the journey,
Pastor Jeff Childs
Trinity UMC, Grand Island

Trip to the Holy Land Jan. 11-20, 2011

    Pastor Jeff Childs of Trinity United Methodist Church will be showing a travelogue of a trip to the Holy Land on Wednesday, May 5 at 7:00pm with information for anyone interested in joining him on a ten day trip in January. There will be stops in Bethlehem, a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, as well as many sites in and around Jerusalem retracing many places where Jesus walked. The cost of the trip from and back to Buffalo is $2200 plus fees and taxes. Trinity Church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road. For more information call 773-3322 or go to the church website at www.gitumc.org

National Day of Prayer – Thursday May 6
Local Observance at Trinity United Methodist Church

    The 59th Annual National Day of Prayer will take place Thursday, May 6, 2010. Millions will unite in prayer at thousands of events from coast to coast. The theme for this year is “Prayer for Such a Time as This” and is based on the verse from Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of trouble; he protects those who take refuge in him.”
    A National Day of Prayer event is being planned for Grand Island for those unable to go to the event downtown Buffalo. We will gather in the main sanctuary of the Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, at 12:00pm for a non-lunch hour of prayer. Participants are asked to fast, foregoing their lunch that day and instead to bring food items to the church for the local food shelves.
   The Grand Island prayer event is open to people of all faiths. Prayers are being gathered from various congregations and pastors across the island. A planning and design meeting has been set at the church for Monday, May 3, at 7:00pm for any people on the island wishing to help with the Grand Island National Day of Prayer event. For more information please contact Pastor Jeff Childs at 773-3322.

Special Events at Trinity Church - April 2010

   Saturday, April 24, 8am: Quiet Strength Men’s Bible Study by former NFL coach Tony Dungy. All men are invited to come and join us for this 6-week study.
   Saturday, April 24, 9am: Change The World – Earth Day. Join us as we clean up public areas around the community. There is an opportunity in Buffalo for those who would like to go and serve lunch from 11am – 1:30pm to students from Buffalo State who are volunteering on projects in the city.
    Tuesday, April 27, 11:30am: Trinity is hosting a seminar, Medication Safety at Home and in the Hospital. The talk is targeted at seniors, but its message is applicable to all, with the goal of helping participants prevent the mistakes with medication that are so common in today's environment. There will be a time for questions, as well as handouts. The seminar will be presented by highly-qualified speakers from Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center. Colleen Congi is Clinical Coordinator, Registered Nurse, and a Respiratory Therapist. Julie Eagler is Director of Quality. Lunch (Chicken Soup for the Soul) at 11:30 AM ($5.00) and presentation from noon to 1 PM. Come for both or just the seminar. All are welcome! Please join us at Trinity, 2100 Whitehaven Road.
   Saturday, May 1, 8am: Trinity Work Day. Join us as we clean up around the church and the church grounds.
   Wednesday, May 5, 7pm: Holy Land Trip, Jan. 11-20, 2011. Have you ever wanted to see the Holy Land? Come and hear more about it and schedule to join Pastor Jeff on a ten-day tour early in the New Year. The basic cost is approximately $2200 per person with options for extending the stay or continuing on to places like Egypt or seeing more of Jerusalem. Included in the tour cost are round trip airfare from Buffalo, 1st class hotels with breakfast and dinner, motor coaches entry fees, tour guides and lectures. Come and join Pastor Jeff for a video and time for questions and answers about the trip. See the bulletin boards or website for the full itinerary, and sign up for a trip of a lifetime.
   Thursday, May 6, 6:30pm-7:30pm. Girl Scout Pet Photo Rally to benefit the Girl Scouts. Bring your favorite pet, get your picture taken. Please take precautions to keep your pet safe.
   Friday, May 7, 5:45pm. Calling All Women for the Daughter Dinner (For all women). Dinner by Carmine’s, entertainment by young daughters, program by Dottie Freeman about US First Ladies, including her collection of First Lady dolls. Tickets available from Colleen Marx: $12 adults, $5 for children, under 5, free.

Trinity - “WHAT ON EARTH AM I HERE FOR?” - April 2010

Starting on April 7th the Wonderful Wednesday night program began a new series using videos and materials from Pastor Rick Warren’s best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life. Dinner at 6 p.m. is provided (free will donation accepted). At 6:30 a short video from Rick Warren will be shown with discussion to follow about why God has created us to be who we are and what we might do with that. At 7 the discussion will be extended to the purpose and meaning of Trinity Church. You are invited to come and join in the discussions for the next seven weeks, leading to Pentecost and the birthday of the church. No charge, drop in anytime.

Trinity - FOR HOMETOWN CALENDAR - April 2010

Saturday, April 17th: Discerning Our Call to Prayer Ministry. 8:30 a.m.. Speaker: Rev. Roy Miller
Personal and communal prayer inspiration and growth. Childcare available. $15 per adult. $5 per youth. Finding a way to pray that seems satisfactory or simple enough to fit in our busy lives can be elusive. Some people may have tried to pray but don't know if they are praying “the right way” or if they are "getting through." Your questions and ponderings about personal and communal prayer will be dealt with in a non-judgmental way and interactive way - worshiping, learning, discussing and praying. There are many ways to pray and much power to be found in the practice.

Trinity UM Women Help Veterans - March 2010

From left: Sharon Nichols, Judy Maurer, Betty Killian, Nancy Hayes, Pat Shaw, Catherine Long, Carolyn Gentz and Ellie Zarbo
Click photo for larger view

Ladies of Trinity United Methodist Women took time out on Friday, March 19th to fill gift bags for women veterans receiving treatment at Veteran's Hospital. These bright pink bags are filled with personal items and decorated with silk flowers. This project began in 2009. If you would like to donate items to the project please call Nancy Hayes at 773-7127. Items needed include: Tooth Brush & medium size paste, deodorant, shampoo & conditioner (medium), moisturizer (medium), hand sanitizer, bar of soap, lip balm and hair brushes (medium).

Special Events at Trinity Church - March 2010

Saturday, March 20th: Women's Ministries Ultimate Birthday Bash. 1:30 – 4pm. Childcare provided. Come for food, fellowship, and pampering $5 admission. All are welcome.
Sunday, March 21 st: Children's Musical Sunday at Trinity. Everyone is invited to the 10:30am worship service to hear the Trinity Children's Choir, under the direction of the Rev. Robin Blair, sing and perform an original drama "There Is a Hope" written by the Christian Education Co-director Mark Von Wald.
Sunday, March 21 st: Haiti Medical Clinic Benefit Concert. 2pm. Trinity's Chancel Choir, St. Martin's Church Choir, Brighton Community Church Choir, St. John Vianney Church Choir, Amherst Trinity Choir, and other community and church ensembles. Come and enjoy!
Saturday, April 17th: Discerning Our Call to Prayer Ministry. 8:30am. Speaker: Rev. Roy Miller. The seminar is about personal and communal prayer inspiration and growth. Finding a way to pray that seems satisfactory or simple enough to fit in our busy lives can be elusive. Some people may have tried to pray but don't know if they are praying “the right way” or if they are "getting through." Your questions and ponderings about personal and communal prayer will be dealt with in a non-judgmental way and interactive way - worshiping, learning, discussing and praying. There are many ways to pray and much power to be found in the practice. Childcare available. $15 per adult. $5 per youth.

Trinity Events - March 2010

Saturday, March:13: 10am-noon. Spiritual Enrichment with Sister Mary Jo Colucci -Our Lenten Journey. Medititation, prayer, spiritual guidance. All welcome.
Saturday, March:13: 2:00pm. Teaching non-English-speakers English Seminar. Mary Cummings from Buffalo State shares some easy, but effective ideas that make learning English fun for everyone involved. All welcome.
Sunday, March 14: 5:30pm. Children’s Trip to Skateland. $5 to skate and use the bounce house, $10.25 to play 2 games of Laser Tag. Child care provided ages 0-4 at Trinity Church. Call (773-3322) to sign up. All welcome.

Trinity Events - Lenten Lunches - Wonderful Wednesdays - Feb. 2010

Ecumenical Lenten Lunches: every Wednesday at noon, hosted at Trinity Church, food and speaker provided by one of the churches in the Grand Island Ministerium:
March 3-The Cleansing of the Temple
March 10-The Teachings and Controversies
March 17-The Anointing of Jesus
March 24-Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet

Lenten Wonderful Wednesdays: Meal at 6 provided as a fundraiser in the family room by a group in the church, KidMo for children at 6:30, and a short video and discussion for adults:
Mar. 3 -Jesus, Barabbas, and Pilate
Mar. 10-The Torture and Humiliation of the King
Mar. 17-The Crucifixion
Mar. 24-Christ the Victor
Mar. 31-What If Judas Had Lived (Pot Luck Supper)

Trinity Events - Feb. 2010

Saturday, February 27: 6-9 pm. Children’s Luau. FREE. Parent-child dance featuring a Luau theme. Dancing, music and crafts. Come and wear your best Hawaiian shirt. We provide the party.
Sunday, February 28: 7:00pm. Workcamp Worship Night in Historic Trinity. A special night of worship. Come enjoy contemporary style worship, music, fellowship, prayer and testimonies. Workcamp is a youth, as well as adult, mission’s ministry at Trinity that we would love to share with you.
Wednesday, March 3: Noon. Ecumenical Lenten Luncheon hosted by: St. Timothy Lutheran Church
Program: The Cleansing of the Temple, by Riverside-Salem Church. $4.00 per person. Child care available.
Wednesday, March 3: 6-9pm. Dinner at 6 for Free Will Donation, 6:30pm Video and Discussion - Jesus, Barabbas and Pilate. Activities for children.
Saturday, March 6: 7:30pm. James Wright. Baritone, Concert, accompanied by Jim Welch, piano. Featuring selections from Handel, Mozart, Schubert, and others. Free will donation. In the Sanctuary.
Sunday, March 14: 5:30pm. Children’s Trip to Skateland. $5 to skate and use the bounce house, $10.25 to play 2 games of Laser Tag. Child care provided ages 0-4 at Trinity Church. Call (773-3322) to sign up. All welcome.

Trinity Events - Feb. 2010

Sat, Feb 13: FREE children’s program while Parent’s Have An Evening Out. Movie, crafts, etc., 4-8 pm
Sun, Feb14: Snow Park Niagara Outing for Middle School Youth. Fellowship, learning, and Pizza in Historic Trinity, leaving for Snow Park at noon, return at 3pm. Middle School Youth welcome!
Tues, Feb 16: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, $5.00 (children under 2 FREE). 5-7pm. Everybody Welcome!
Sat/Sun Feb 20-21, 2-day seminar, God’s Word For All: Language, Culture, and Translation, led by Dr. Philip C. Stine.
Take Up Something for Lent
   On Ash Wednesday, February 17 we will begin the 40-day period of Lent as Christians around the world prepare for Holy Week and Easter. Since the dark ages this has been a season to remember the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness. For faithful Christians Lent became a season of self denial with traditions of not eating meat or giving up favorite things like desserts.
   But this Lent I write to encourage the faithful to consider the opposite and not just give something up, but to take up something for Lent. It might be a spiritual practice like daily bible reading, or a daily practice of meditation and prayer. Are there some things you never seem to get around to doing, like sending cards or notes of care and encouragement maybe to people who live alone, women or men in the military or their families. If you do not regularly attend worship services, this is a great season to start. Attend the church of your choice this Sunday. And may your spirit be truly blessed this Lenten season and forevermore.

Souper Bowl of Caring - Feb. 2010

Trinity United Methodist Church
Sunday, February 7
20 years ago the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group, “Lord, as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those without even a bowl of soup to eat.” Since then over $60 million has been raised from churches around the country to help feed the hungry through the Souper Bowl of Caring.
   Come to the 8, 9 or 10:30am worship services and drop a financial contribution or cans of soup into the Soup kettle for the team you expect to win. At the end of the worship services we will tally the results and declare the “winning team.” Through your contributions the people who need the Central City Café soup kitchen and the food shelf in Buffalo will be the ultimate winners!
   The public is encouraged to wear their favorite team colors and come join us for worship. The church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road. For more information call 773-3322 or check it out the web at www.git umc.org.

Adult Christian Education Event - Feb. 2010

   On Saturday, Feb. 20, from 9a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (continental breakfast at 8:30), Dr. Philip Stine, linguist and Bible translator, will offer 3 sessions to help people understand more about translating cultural issues, overcoming language problems and learning translation methods that are used. The afternoon session will focus on the questions, "who changed my Bible? and "Do I need a Ph.D to understand the Bible?" For those able to stay, there will be an informal evening session (7-9 p.m.). On Sunday, Feb. 21, there will be a Sunday morning Sunday School class (9 a.m.) session as well as an opportunity to hear Dr. Stine preach at the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
   The cost for the event is $15.00 per adult, $5 for youth and $25.00 for a family.
   There is nursery care and a children's program.
   Dr. Stine, alumnus of Asbury College and The University of Michigan, is a linguist who spent a career with United Bible Societies supervising Bible translation projects all over the world. After earning his doctorate in linguistics at the University of Michigan, Dr. Stine began his career as a Bible translation consultant in Africa. He also studied Bible at Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He retired from his position as global translation and publishing director after serving the United Bible Societies for nearly 30 years. He is widely published in the fields of Bible translation and textual interpretation. He is currently writing a book about the King James Version of the Bible, the 400th anniversary of which will be in 2011.
    Trinity United Methodist Church is located at 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island 14072 (716) 773-3322.

Valentine's Babysitting Service - 2010

   Trinity's movie ministry will sponsoring a Valentine's Babysitting Service from 4-8 p.m. on Saturday, February 13th. Parents can drop of their children at the church and have a date night. There will be a movie, pizza, games, and crafts. Nursery care will also be provided. The program is free but donations will be accepted.

Parent/Child Dance - 2010

   A parent child dance will be held at Trinity UM Church on Saturday, February 27th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This event will include dancing, music, dessert, and fellowship.
   Also a Music with Mar teacher will be starting a music class at the church on Thursday mornings starting Febuary 4th from 10-11am. This is a great program for 0-5 year olds based on brain based research. The cost is $7.00 per family.

Special Haiti Relief Offering at Trinity Church - January 2010

   On Sunday, January 24, a special emphasis of prayer and sharing will be devoted during each of the three morning worship services for the people of Haiti and all who are offering the immediate relief care. Two officials of the United Methodist Committee on Relief who were in Haiti tragically perished in the collapse of one of the buildings and prayers will be offered for their families, friends and coworkers. A special offering will be collected to support the relief efforts through the United Methodist Church. People who have been in ministry in Haiti, including Pastor Jeff Childs, will share their personal reflections and encourage others who might feel God's call to go on future mission trips. Worship services are at 8, 9 and 10:30am and the public is always invited. Members are expected.

Financial Peace University - January 2010

   Come and join all of the people who are learning the baby steps to financial peace. Find out why debt is dumb, cash is king, and the paid -off home mortgage has replaced the BMW as the status symbol of today, with your (video) host Dave Ramsey. New York Times best-selling author/Radio talk show host and financial guru Dave Ramsey teaches 12 lessons and a bonus lesson on how to save money, beat debt, build wealth and give away money like never before.
   "Live like no one else, so later you can Live like no one else!!"
   In 91 days the average household can eliminate $5300 in debt while saving $2700!
   Join us for a Free Preview to find out more on Jan. 24th - 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. or Feb. 3rd at 6:30 p.m.
   Family Room, Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. 773-3322. Open to the public.

Ecumenical Taizé Service - January 2010

   Through days of exhausting schedules, multiple responsibilities, and critical decisions many people are looking for a place of quiet rest, a setting for worship that will refill and revitalize. Sometimes we find such buoyancy in praise or in the preached Word of God. We also may find such spiritual refreshment in worship which is still, reflective, and meditative. One worship experience with these attributes is the Ecumenical Taizé (teh-ZAY) Service. A Taize service is a quiet, meditative service that allows you to take a break from the hassles and weariness of daily living and reconnect with God. It consists of candlelight, singing Taizé songs, Bible reading, silence, and prayer. It lasts from 30-45 minutes. Taizé songs are simple phrases repeated a number of times. A monthly ecumenical Taizé service is currently being held in the Historic trinity Sanctuary, 2100 Whitehaven Road. The next service is Sunday, January 10th at 7pm. All are welcome to attend. Taizé originated in France in the village of Taizé, in 1940. Today it is an international, ecumenical community consisting of more than 100 brothers from more than 25 nations, who are both Catholic and Protestant. Tens of thousands of people come from all over the world to participate in three times daily Taizé services. A typical service consists of: song, reading of a Psalm, song, reading of Scripture, song, silence, Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, song. You should dress comfortably. Once you enter the area of worship you become silent and remain silent during the service (except for singing).

Trinity Recital Series Continues - January 2010

   The Trinity Recital Series continues with renown pianists. Free Admission
   Pianist Anne Denis, a doctoral candidate at the University of Memphis will perform works by Haydn and Liadov and Pianist James Welch, Director of Music for Trinity UMC and Faculty at SUNY Fredonia, will perform works by Scarlatti and Beethoven on Sunday, Jan. 10 at 12:30 p.m. in the Trinity UMC Sanctuary, 2100 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. Admission is free!
   A native of Orchard Park New York, Anne Denis has made her way down south first by completing a Bachelor of Music degree at the State University of New York College at Fredonia in 2004. While at Fredonia she was awarded the Bromely piano scholarship and was the first place winner of the 2004 Erie Music Teachers Association Scholarship Competition in Erie, PA. After completing her undergraduate studies she began to work on a Master of Music degree at The Ohio State University in Columbus OH. Following graduation in 2006 she took a year off from her studies to gain work experience where she was Instructor of Music at Villa Maria College in Buffalo NY. Wanting to further her education, Anne made the decision to begin Doctoral studies at the University of Memphis on full assistantship where she currently teaches Class Piano and studies studio piano with Sam Viviano. She has previously studied with Robert Jordan, Fr. Sean Duggan, and Caroline Hong, with further assistance from Barbara Lister Sink. Anne is a two time prize winner in the Beethoven Club’s Young Artist Competition.
    James Welch is known as a collaborative pianist and soloist. He is a graduate of East Carolina University where he received his M.M. in Piano Performance and worked as a graduate teaching assistant. He received his B.M. in Piano Performance and a Performer's Certificate from the State University of New York College at Fredonia. His teachers have included Dr. Paul Tardif, Brian Preston, and Robert Jordan. He is the 2nd place winner of the 2007 Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition.
   James regularly accompanies vocal and instrumental recitals, choral concerts, musical theatre and opera workshops, master classes, and auditions throughout the Western New York area including a master class given by Renee Fleming in 2006. James has served as a staff accompanist for the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp in Michigan and the RockyRidge Music Center summer seminars in Colorado. He presently serves on the faculty at the State University of New York College at Fredonia as a vocal accompanist and instructor of class piano. James is also Director of Music for Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island, NY.