Year 2006 In Review
Grand Island, N.Y.
By Teddy Linenfelser
Town Justice Hon. Sybil Kennedy officially installed councilwoman Mary Cooke (winner of a fourth term on the town board); Susan J. Argy (elected to the town board); Mark J. Frentzel (elected Town Justice); and Raymond Dlugokinski (re-elected highway superintendent for a third term).
The Grand Island Board of Education, at a special meeting Friday, January 13, 2006, accepted the resignation of former Charlotte Sidway Elementary School Principal Frank Cannata, effective immediately.
A suspect was arrested in connection with a week-old Grand Island robbery in which the suspect was identified by his victim after he returned to the scene of the crime at the Burger King restaurant.
Grand Island High School basketball star, Ashleigh Frieday, broke her own points record (new total - 1016 points) and also the record for Grand Island High School girls all-time leading scorer during the Tuesday, January 10, 2006 basketball game against Lewiston Porter.
The smell of gasoline in the first floor court room at the town hall on the morning of Saturday, January 21, 2006 was deemed malicious mischief and the building was evacuated.

Boy Scouts of Troop #254 collected and sent over a hundred pounds of supplies to New Orleans to benefit the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
An audience of approximately 125 mostly middle school parents as well as high school and middle school students heard FBI Special Agent Holly Hubert speak on the dangers of internet access as it pertains to teens.
The Grand Island E-News at broke another record in "unique visitors" during January 2006. The June 2005 record total was 14,116 and the total recorded in the month of January 2006 reached 14,718.
The Grand Island Central School District initiated a lock down at its main high school/middle school complex in response to a bomb threat phoned into 911 at 7:10 a.m. Monday, February 6, 2006. No explosive was found
A 14-year-old Grand Island High School student was arrested for Falsely Reporting an incident in the Second Degree, a class E Felony. A threatening call directed at Grand Island High School was received by a 911 operator.
A 15-year-old Grand Island High School student was arrested in connection with a phone threat made against the school on Tuesday, February 14, 2006.
LtCol Rob Buzby, United States Marines, returned to Fallujah in February 2006 and will remain there for seven months. reported the 100th birthday of longtime Island resident Irma Winifred Westphal Dworak, born on February 9, 1906 in Buffalo, NY.

The cast, chorus and orchestra of the Grand Island High School's musical production, She Loves Me on February 2-4, drew standing ovations and much applause from all three audiences.
Grand Island schools were closed on February 17th due to high winds (46 mph gusts - peak gusts 61 mph).

The GIHS Winter Ball 2006 was held at the High School on Saturday evening, February 11th when Chris Prygon and Jesse Remmes were chosen king and queen.

The Grand Island Relay for Life 2006 started off with a bang on Thursday, February 9, 2006. The meeting began with the presentation of a $1,500 check from Enterprise Rent-A-Car employees and Island residents Reid Heiser and Carol Giambra.

The official grand opening of the Java Shop Cafe, located at 2271 Grand Island Blvd., was held Saturday morning, February 25, 2006.
For the first time in the school’s history, members of the Grand Island High School Girls Varsity Bowling Team ended their season with a first place finish among Class B schools in the Section VI Tournament held at Thruway Lanes on Tuesday, February 28. The Lady Vikings had a very respectable 4th place overall finish.
GIHS Juniors Ian O'Rourke (1-meter diving) and Jordan Stickl (50 and 100 yd Freestyles) qualified for the New York State Swimming and Diving Championships held March 4-5, 2006 at ECC Flickenger Aquatic Center in Downtown Buffalo.
A thorough search of the Huth Road Elementary School neighborhood, after students reported seeing a suspicious person near the school on Thursday, March 9, 2006 around noon, turned up nothing.

Former Grand Island High School graduate, Mrs. Denise Dunbar, has been appointed as principal of Sidway Elementary effective April 24, 2006.
Grand Island Fire Chief Greg Butcher reported that firefighters and EMS personnel handled eleven emergency incidents on Thursday, March 2, 2006. Six overlapping MVAs occurred within a 1 1/2 hour period when a sudden snow squall created hazardous driving conditions.

The Island Deli & Meat Market opened March 22, 2006 at 2488 Grand Island Blvd. near Martin's Fantasy Island.
The Grand Island Central School District Board of Education appointed Dr. Lawrence J. Zacher as Interim Superintendent until a new superintendent to succeed Dr. Thomas Ramming is selected.

Eleven students from Grand Island High School attended the New York State DECA Conference March 8-11 with their advisors Cheryl Chamberlain and Christopher Simpson.

The final rounds of the GISBA Corporate Bowl 2006 were held Tuesday, March 21st in the Grand Island High School auditorium. A total of seven teams competed in the final rounds to narrow the field to three teams. Members of the first place team, Remson's Rainbow Quartet, are Noah Yanicki, Vincent Covatto, Alex Davis and Shannon Farmer.

Al Salamone's U.S. Paralympic Sled Hockey team won a bronze medal in Turin, Italy. The American team won over Germany 4-3 in the Bronze Medal game.

School District Clerk Nancy Sandford announced her retirement to the Board of Education at the Monday, March 27th board meeting.

Grand Island Fire Company personnel responded to a report of multiple accidents on the top of the south bound Grand Island Bridge at 7:43 a.m. Thursday, April 6, 2006. The north bound south bridge was closed to traffic to give access to the Grand Island Fire Company and ambulances. The incident involved several accidents with patients being transported by ambulance to area hospitals.

Following a lengthy and thorough search process, Sandra Anzalone was appointed principal of Grand Island High School effective this June 2006.

The Veronica Connor Middle School 2006 musical, Aladdin, Junior, was performed by the 6th, 7th and 8th grade students at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, 2006 in the Grand Island High School Auditorium.
The first steps for the formation of the Grand Island Community Chorus were announced with an informational meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday, April 28th at Historic Trinity Church.
SrA/E4 Christopher Wright wrote to from Iraq letting readers know that he was currently deployed with the 886th ESFS for about six months, and should be there until about mid September.

The Island Farm Market and Garden Center located at 2920 Grand Island Blvd. opened on Sunday, April 2, 2006.
The Erie County Industrial Development Agency announced that it would pursue a grant of up to $100,000 from the state's Build Now-NY program to salvage the Dunlop building on Grand Island Blvd. along with the 144 acres of land surrounding it.
The Town of Grand Island received an anonymous cash donation on Thursday, April 13, 2006. According to Supervisor Peter A. McMahon, an envelope with a $10 bill in it, also included a note telling the supervisor to put the money into the "doughnut fund."
All Grand Island High School groups from the District Music Department received "superior" ratings on their performances at the Dixie Classic National Festival held in Chicago April 7-9, 2006.
Work on the sewer extension project along Grand Island Blvd. from Tops Market to Staley Road was moving right along in April 2006. Due to the fact that workers were in danger from vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit on the Boulevard, existing speed limits were being enforced.

Allan Ripley, who served the Grand Island school district teaching staff since 1973, directed his last career concert at the Huth Road Elementary School on Tuesday evening, April 11, 2006. Mr. Ripley retired in June 2006.

Music teacher Sherman E. Lyke Jr., hired by the School District in 1973, conducted his last Grand Island School District concert in the Kaegebein School auditorium Tuesday evening, April 11, 2006. Mr. Lyke retired in June 2006.

“Jazz for Christine,” a benefit for Christine Ryshkus, took place on Friday, April 21, 2006 at the Buffalo Launch Club.
Reg Schopp, supporting the American Cancer Society's nationwide "Paint The Town Purple" campaign made plenty of purple ribbon available at no charge by just stopping in his deSignet Jewelry Store at 1869 Whitehaven Road.

For the second time within 18 days, Grand Island Fire Company Rescue Personnel responded to a two-car collision at the intersection of Staley and Baseline roads. Fire Chief Greg Butcher reported that the force of impact propelled both vehicles into a roadside ditch, shortly before 1 p.m. Monday, April 24th. Two people were injured.
Despite a lengthy explanation in defense of his project during a public hearing, John Stickl faced lots of neighborhood opposition to his request for rezoning 28.5 acres of land from R-1D to R-1E at the south west corner of Fix and Baseline roads to develop a patio home subdivision of 78 lots.

Grand Island High School teacher Bobbie Frisoni, employed as a faculty member in the Grand Island High School for 33 years, announced that she will retire at the end of the school year.
The Islettes Elite hosted a Spring Twirling Festival at the Grand Island High School on Saturday, April 8, 2006.
Veronica E. Connor Middle School Principal, Bruce F. Benson, announced that Business First Magazine named the Connor Middle School to its Top 10 list. Connor Middle is ranked 10th out of 141 middle schools in Western New York.

The Chamber of Commerce 40th Citizen of the Year Awards dinner in the Holiday Inn on Thursday, April 27, 2006 was attended by over 300 people including 35 past recipients. Dr. Norman G. Courey, the very first Citizen of the Year (1965), was among the guests.
Newsweek Magazine named the top 1000 high schools in the nation and Grand Island High School, Grand Island, New York made the list.
The Town Board, Monday, May 1, 2006, approved a bid from Broad Spectrum Concrete in the amount of $5,732 for construction of a sidewalk at Bishops Gate/New England Village at the rear of the high school parking lot.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 marked the 100th consecutive week the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249, through the leadership of Liane Dahlberg, shipped a CARE package to an area service man or woman stationed overseas. A CARE package had been shipped each and every week for the past 99 weeks.
It was announced that Astellas Pharma, formerly part of Fujisawa at 3125 Staley Road, would be leaving the Island.
Grand Island's Gibbous, made up of Grand Island High School students Ellen Cameron, Stephanie Cartwright and Marc Gerfin, was awarded first place in a high school rock band showcase where eight bands competed on April 21, 2006 to benefit the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life.
Grand Island voters, on Tuesday, May 16, 2006, passed the school district budget of $45.6 million in a 2065 - 1999 vote. The purchase of six replacement buses also passed (2158 - 1870). Elected were George E. Casey, Glenn J. Bobeck and James T. Hanna. Election day brought out an all time high of 4,106 voters.

Little League opening day for the 2006 season was held at Vets Park on Saturday, May 6, 2006. Trophies were awarded to those recognized for the past season performances on the baseball diamonds.

1st Lieutenant Sarah McMahon, United States Army, was currently serving in Balad, Iraq, and was featured on the "In The Service" page.

Grand Island Optical, locally owned and operated, celebrated 35 years in business.

The Grand Island American Legion Post 1346 held another very successful Mother's Day Flower Sale at the VFW Post 9249 on May 12-13, 2006 with sales of the flowering baskets reaching 1009.

The Grand Island Historical Society's "Fourth Grade Tours" around Grand Island by bus and a visit to River Lea, the society's headquarters, took place as usual, due to Historical Society members voting to pay a total of $600 for the transportation. School District budget constraints made it impossible for the district to provide the necessary transportation as was the policy in the past.

Judy Buzby, mother of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Buzby, USMC, wrote the following: "Why are we being given the negative news about Iraq, in print, on television, and on the web? This irresponsible and biased reporting is truly doing a disservice to our brave men and women who are bringing a new standard of living to the Iraqi people and who are risking their lives for our country’s ideals. This past month has brought us very negative news about the strife in Iraq. With the anniversary of the war, and the talk of Civil War, we were inundated with news that was very discouraging." Click for "Judy Buzby Story"

Invitrogen Corporation on Staley Road held its first Invitrogen Grand Island Benefit 5K in May 2006, raising $5,800 for Make-A-Wish® Foundation of WNY.

JoAnn Vanderheite was chosen for the third time to show her artistic guards, figural containers and masks in the Annual 100 American Craftsmen Festival held June 2-4, 2006 at the Kenan Center.

A 16-year-old Grand Island youth was arrested by Erie County Sheriff's deputies in connection with an early morning shooting on Carl Road on June 7, 2006. Shots were fired into back of this car. The victim sustained facial injuries described as "superficial" by GIFC medics.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday, June 5, 2006 denied the Seneca Nation’s request for Certiorari. "This ends the land claim," Supervisor Peter A. McMahon said. "There's no higher court," he said, "so it's over."

An Island resident discovered black smoke in the sky at 6:40 a.m. Sunday, June 11, 2006 in the area of Broadway near Whitney Lane. No one was hurt and the Fire Company confined the blaze to the garage.
Grand Island, New York was named #1 best inner suburb in Western New York by Business First - Western New York's Business Newspaper.

Grand Island resident Marla Crawford was named Educator of the Year for 2006 through the WBEN radio station's year-long competition.

The Town of Grand Island was said to be close to completing a municipal-wide, energy-efficiency upgrade project, involving six buildings and a wide range of energy improvements expected to save local taxpayers more than $66,000 annually. The project received $224,148 from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
The Grand Island Town Board, Monday, June 5, 2006, granted the request by Russ Certo to rezone his building at 1282 Stony Point from R1-E to R-3 with restrictions.

Island residents Chris and Ray Gress were given the impression from Canadian police that their boat, stolen from a Grand Island marina, was possibly used for illegal activities. The boat was recovered by the Canadian police at 6 a.m. Wednesday, June 7, 2006.
The Grand Island Fire Company responded to a report of a disabled, 24-foot boat in the West River heading toward the water intake at 8:51 p.m. Thursday, June 15, 2006. The boat was reported occupied and 1000 feet from Navy Island. Two adults and one 6-year-old child were safely brought to shore by Parks Police.

Goaltender Allie Weiser, a member of the NY State West Olympic Development Program soccer team, competed in the ODP Region 1 - Rider Cup Tournament in Princeton, New Jersey.

This photo, taken at the final Grand Island High School band concert, shows retiring Clarke Elliot, Allan Ripley and Sherm Lyke.

Jeffrey and Andrew Stange, members of Boy Scout Troop 254, were presented Eagle Scout proclamations by the Town Board Monday, May 19, 2006.

Fifty-two student artists from the Grand Island school district who had their artwork on display at Women & Children’s Hospital, attended an unveiling of their work on Saturday morning, June 17, 2006.
Joseph Synakowski was installed as the new commander of Grand Island Chapter 168 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) on June 15, 2006.
This year's Connor Middle School Modified Softball squad dominated play in the Niagara Frontier League, going 14 wins and zero losses for the second time in three years. The girls averaged 15 runs per game while allowing an average of three per game.

Grand Island High School Senior Prom 2006 was held at the Adam's Mark, Buffalo, on June 16, 2006.

Grand Island High School seniors, Class of 2006, graduated on Thursday, June 22nd with ceremonies held in Kleinhan's Music Hall, Buffalo. The high school's concert choir performed during the commencement.

The town's annual Boulevard Cleanup took place Saturday morning, June 24th in an effort to spruce up the Boulevard for the large crowd who would turn out for the Independence Day parade.

The fifth graders at Huth Road School celebrated the end of the year with a full day of games on Friday, June 16th.

The NY Yankees from the 9-10-year-old Minors Baseball division won the regular season title this year.

Members of the Grand Island High School Class of 1986 got together for an informal event at the Brick Oven on Friday, June 30, 2006 and again at their official reunion on Saturday, July 1, 2006 at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Members of Grand Island's first graduating class, the Grand Island High School Class of 1966, celebrated the 40th anniversary of their senior year at the new high school with an icebreaker at Island Lanes on June 30, 2006, a boat ride on the Grand Lady, followed by a picnic at classmate, Terry Swain's home on Webb Road on Saturday, July 1st.

A car that left the 190 was reported down an embankment and under the South Grand Island Bridge at 7:36 a.m. Thursday, July 6, 2006. The driver suffered only minor injuries.
Felix Angel Medina was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in jail for a March 2005 incident where he repeatedly ran over his lover, Alan Court resident Susan Moore, who has been paralyzed ever since.

Rookie firefighters were part of the Grand Island Fire Company's contingent in the July 4, 2006 parade.
The Grand Island E-News at broke another record in "unique visitors" to the site during June 2006. The total recorded for the month reached 17,287.

The Grand Island High School Class of 1981 held a class reunion at the Village Inn on July 1, 2006

The 10th annual Island Happenings and KidBiz, sponsored by the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, took place on Saturday, July 1, 2006 at the Town Commons. KidBiz drew over 100 booths.

A fire caused $30,000 damage to the structure and $30,000 to the contents of the home at 2382 Stony Point Road at 1:58 p.m. Friday, July 14, 2006.

Students from Buffalo State College completed a six-week archeological "dig" on the Martin Site along the East River on Grand Island.

The Grand Island U9-10 Girls Softball team won the district tournament Monday night, July 10th against Lockport 14-4.

Joshua Shilling of Boy Scout Troop 510 was recognized for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

Grand Island Historical Society members treated the crowd at the town sponsored July 18th concert to root beer floats at a nominal fee.

The Grand Island Alumni Association presented monetary awards to Grand Island High School seniors, Angelia Jaeger and Kaitlin Voltz.

Grand Island's West River was a mass of Kayaks of every color on Saturday, July 29th as the first "Paddles Up Niagara" took place with at least 140 boats in the Niagara.
Ian O'Rourke, a senior at Grand Island High School, was named to the National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association (NISCA) All-America Team for 1-meter springboard diving for his third consecutive time.

Myrtle Killian, who spent most of her life on Grand Island before moving to Briarwood Manor in Lockport, New York, celebrated her 100th birthday on Sunday, July 30th with a party for friends and family.

A GEM electric car was donated to the Town of Grand Island on Monday, July 31th. Assemblyman Sam Hoyt's
office orchestrated the donation.

The Islettes Elite All-Star National Team won eight plaques, two trophies and 100 plus medals in the various group and individual events at the National Baton Twirling Championships in July 2006.
"The Masters" Memorial Golf Tournament was held August 7th at River Oaks Golf Course.

Twenty-year-old Andrew M. Dlugosz was killed in a two-car accident on the 290 Saturday, August 12, 2006.

Senator Marc. A Coppola presented a check for $5,000 to the Town to be used for Veterans Park (park amenities including, picnic tables, benches and umbrellas).

A small group of Grand Island Historical Society members gathered at River Lea, the Society's headquarters, on Saturday, August 5th for the purpose of recording the memories of four native Islanders, all in their 80s.
Ferry Village Historic Walking Tours, sponsored by the Grand Island Historical Society, took place in August.
It was announced in August that the Town Clerk’s office was able to take photographs for passports and that passport applications were being accepted during regular business hours.
Supervisor Peter A. McMahon, speaking as a member of the Public Power Coalition at a news conference regarding the relicensing process for the Niagara Power Project Wednesday, August 30th, said, "It defies logic that there are impacts requiring compensation to the north and south of us, but none in the middle."
Over 200 vintage wooden boats and race boats converged on the Buffalo Launch Club site September 9th to participate in the 29th annual Antique & Classic Boat Show.

Grand Island schools opened on Wednesday, September 6th with the temperature around 60 degrees and mostly sunny skies.

Members of the GIHS Class of 1976, through their 30th reunion in July, raised $2,000 for the Grand Island Foundation (for education). Class member Lee Zeplowitz, kicked of the fundraising with a $1,000 donation n the spring and another $1,000 was raised through donations of fellow classmates.
A crowd of well over 300 people poured into the Trinity UM Church for the 7 p.m. inaugural performance of the Grand Island Community Chorus on Sunday evening, September 10th.
FBI agents arrested 12 men including an Island resident when they busted a child pornography ring.

Grand Island Fire Company personnel came to the rescue of a 6-year-old tree climber who climbed more than 30 feet when he became stuck in a tree.

The Department of the Army awarded the Army Commendation Medal to 2LT Erin M. Fred of Bravo Company, Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, Camp Hovey, Korea, for meritorious and outstanding service while serving as the small extension node platoon leader.

A full signal was put into operation at the Staley/Baseline intersection as of Wednesday, October 4th at 10:00 a.m.
A meeting to plan a Charlotte Sidway School Reunion for the members of the graduating classes of 1937-1963 and their friends was held Monday, October 2, 2006 and a date was set for Saturday, July 5, 2008.

The Columbus Day storm brought calls to the Fire Company's Incident Command Center beginning at 5:40 p.m. Thursday, October 12th. Approximately 150 incidents were handled through late Friday evening, October 13th, when normal GIFC operations resumed. Schools closed, the Fire Company's Fire Prevention program was cancelled and many school related events were postponed.

A proclamation was read at the Monday, October 2nd town board meeting recognizing the formation and opening of the Grand Island Memorial Library 60 years ago.
The Town Board approved the hiring of six part-time police officers for the town. They are Michael Cali Jr., Tim Franz, Jordan Graber, James Hatch, Robert Rine and Daniel Walczak.

Up to four town highway "chipping" crews worked dawn to dusk around Grand Island after the Columbus Day storm.

Rus Thompson announced that he was a candidate in the November election, challenging the 14-year incumbent Sam Hoyt, for the 144th New York State Assembly.
The Grand Island Central School District hired Maria Jereva, M.D. as the new school physician.
Assembly Member Sam Hoyt announced $2.7 million dollars in state aid would be available for important Grand Island transportation projects.

Bruce M. Whitford, GIHS Class of 1975, was reported missing as of Friday evening, October 20th and has not been found.

The Grand Island Youth Board sponsored a College and Career Fair on October 26th.

Joseph Rains, 12, was presented a special fire prevention award due to the fact that he had teamed up with Grand Island Firefighters and Medics to rescue a trapped homeowner the day after Christmas 2005.

The Fast By Gast Pro Stock Race Team won the ProStar World Finals in Gainesville, Florida November 5th.

Carissa Bailey, 18, of Grand Island was crowned Miss Lancaster on Sunday, November 5th.
Rus Thompson began a campaign to have the tolls removed from the Grand Island Bridges.'s very first Holiday Gift Guide made its appearance in November 2006.
The Grand Island High School Girls Soccer Team played Williamsville East in the Section VI championship game ending in a 3-2 score in favor of the Williamsville East Flames on Tuesday, November 7, 2006.
A 63-year-old Buffalo resident, who fell into the river at River Oaks Marina and did not resurface, was brought out of the water by Grand Island firefighters on Saturday, November 18, 2006.

Members of the Grand Island High School Spotlighters drama club presented the play, Voices from the High School by Peter Dee on November 17-18, 2006.
The Distinguished Alumni Award Committee of the Grand Island Foundation (for Education) will present an annual award to outstanding Grand Island High School alumni and began asking for letters of nomination.
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF on the Island resulted in $2,664 being collected.
Grand Island's Taylor Firth, 15, placed second in the Eastern Sectional Figure Skating Championships November 14-18, 2006 and will now compete in the Championship Ladies competition at the U. S. National Figure Skating Championships in January 2007.

CW3 William J. Tokash Jr., U. S. Army, was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 3 on September 1, 2006.
The Grand Island Board of Education announced the selection of Robert W. Christmann as the new Superintendent of Schools for the Grand Island District.

A Pearl Harbor Day remembrance ceremony was held at the VFW #9249.

Greg Butcher was returned to a fifth term as fire chief during Grand Island Fire Company elections.
Grand Island voters passed the $3.9M Buildings Renovation Project with a vote of 659 for and 55 against on Tuesday, December 12, 2006.

The annual International Night was held at Connor Middle School in December 2006.

The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 purchased three televisions for the Veterans Hospitals in WNY.

Golden Age Club members decorated the Golden Age Center for the holidays.

The long awaited Grand Island High School pep rally scheduled for October 13th and cancelled by the freak October storm took place on Friday, December 8, 2006.

The GIHS Homecoming dance took place in the Grand Island High School gym on Saturday evening, December 9, 2006 when James Rayhill and Devan Golda served as king and queen.
An Open House was held Thursday, December 14th for the new Aceti's Wine & Spirits that opened in the Grand Island Blvd. Plaza.

Members of the Grand Island Relay For Life 2007 began selling "Dream and Believe" tee-shirts to benefit this year's Relay For Life event on Friday, June 8, 2007 at Masters Field.
The Knights of Columbus Mary Star of the Sea, Council 4752 began a new fundraising program through paper recycling.
The first weather related motor vehicle accident of the season took place Wednesday morning, December 20th on the south Grand Island Bridge and involved five cars. Although the Grand Island Fire Company returned to service a half hour later, a massive traffic jam/slowdown continued for quite awhile.

The Chamber of Commerce elected Joanne Kud president for the coming year.

The town board recognized Anna Quider (left) and Joanne Carr with proclamations. Both women have distinguished themselves in their areas of expertise and interest.
Veronica E. Connor Middle School implemented a new Character Education program called The Connor Character Connection.
The Neighbors Foundation distributed food and gift baskets to 50 Island families in temporary need.
Dawn and Kevin Doring, owners and operators of The Java Shop Cafe, closed their business just before Christmas, much to the dismay of many Islanders.
Thank You Contributors
Thanks to everyone who contributed news and pictures to's E-News this year, especially Jodi Robinson, Joelle Logue, Dan McMahon, Ray Pauley and Mary Stewart and student writers, Caroline Boron, Kaitie Samland and Brooke Chamberlain. Thanks also to the teachers, coaches, parents and school officials who submitted school and sports news, and to those who added organization news, church events, photos, viewpoints and news of interest to anyone with a connection to Grand Island, NY. We have enjoyed another great year and look forward to serving you in 2007.
Teddy Linenfelser, Editor