International Web Site
Zonta Club of Grand Island
P. O. Box 1104, Grand Island, NY 14072
Previous Zonta Club News
Contact person: President Barbara Nowakowski, 773-9483
Vice President: Maria Burns
Secretary: Linda Isenhart
Treasurer: Andrea Moreau
Assistant treasurer: Sue Fleming-Brusino
Directors: Lyn Laman, Sue Miles, Gloria Calabro and Linda Kutzbach
Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the Buffalo Launch Club.
to award scholarships to women of Grand Island and to provide service to Grand Island.
Major activities of the club are the annual antique show and monthly business and program meetings.
Feature Story
Zonta Club 50th Anniversary
Zonta Club Helping Neighbors - December 2011

(left) Ann Dahl and Linda Isenhart
Linda Isenhart, treasurer of the Zonta Club of Grand Island, presents a check for $1,500 to Ann Dahl of the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation to help needy families in the town during the Christmas holidays through the Foundation's "Share Your Happiness" drive. The Zonta donation was made at the club's Dec. 13 Christmas party at the Buffalo Launch Club. The Neighbors Foundation helps Grand Island families with food, gift baskets and assistance toward rent and utility payments. Through its fundraisers, Zonta Club supports a variety of community projects in addition to the Neighbors Foundation, including the Miracle League, the Grand Island Rotary's Haiti Clinic Project, the Buffalo Habitat for Humanity, Carolyn's House and Relay For Life.
Zonta Club Announces Poinsettia, Wreath Sale - November 2011
The Zonta Club of Grand Island is having its annual Poinsettia and wreath sale. All proceeds are to benefit scholarships. Call Lana Redell at 773-7367 for more information or to place an order.
Zonta Club Of GI Honors Seven - July 2011

Click photo for larger view
The Zonta Club of Grand Island announced its 2011 scholarship recipients at its annual Scholarship Award Presentation on June 28, at the Buffalo Launch Club. From left are scholarship winners Ashley Kippley, Danielle Wegrzyn, Brooke DeMarco, Sarah Stewart, Karalyn Rossi and Kaitlyn Affuso and Zonta Spirit Award winner Amy Stewart, a past Zonta scholarship recipient. The Grand Island Zonta Club has awarded $95,000 in scholarships over the years. The club also works to help women in developing countries and supports a variety of community projects, including the Miracle League, Grand Island Neighbors Foundation, the Grand Island Rotary's Haiti Clinic Project, the Buffalo Habitat for Humanity, Carolyn's House and Relay for Life.
Seven young Grand Island women were recognized for their academic and community achievements by the Zonta Club of Grand Island at the organization's annual Scholarship Award Night on June 28 at the Buffalo Launch Club.
The scholarships are awarded to benefit high school seniors, women between the ages of 18 and 25 and women over 25.
The recipients of the Veronica Connor Scholarships are Brooke DeMarco and Sarah Stewart. DeMarco plans to pursue a major in physical education and health. Stewart plans to major in social work at Niagara University. Veronica Connor, for whom the memorial award was named, was a charter member of the Island Zonta Club and supervising principal of the Grand Island School District.
Receiving the Carl Detig Memorial Scholarship is Danielle Wegrzyn. She plans to attend SUNY College at Oneonta, where she'll pursue pre-med or a dual major of biology and psychology. The award is in memory of Carl Detig, a Zonta supporter whose wife, Pamela Detig, donated the scholarship in his name. He was service coordinator for Mike Smith Buick and Pontiac for more than 25 years.
Chosen to receive the Zonta Memorial Scholarships are Kaitlyn Affuso, Ashley Kippley and Karalyn Rossi. Affuso is a student at SUNY Plattsburgh, where she will be entering her sophomore year. She is majoring in English writing arts, with a minor in journalism. Kippley attends Canisius College, where she will continue the MBA program to receive a master's in accounting. She received a Veronica Connor scholarship in 2010. Rossi is enrolled at the University at Buffalo Law School and plans a career in matrimonial and family law.
The Zonta Memorial Scholarships honor deceased members of the Zonta Club, who have pursued a variety of careers, including journalist, insurance agent, educators, photographer, gemologist, historian, restaurateur, florist, union leader, campsite owner and health care provider.
Amy Stewart is the winner of the first Zonta Spirit Award, honoring her "courage, commitment, dedication and resilience." The Spirit Award credits Stewart with being "a shining example to the community of Grand Island," overcoming serious injury since an accident in 2009. Stewart's path to recovery has shown she has the "fight, stamina and bravery to be an outstanding example" to others while continuing to work for the community. She has earned a graduate degree in education and plans to pursue a career working with children who have disabilities.
The awards were presented by Zonta President Maria Burns and Scholarship Committee members Agnes Becker, Sue Brusino and Linda Isenhart.
The Grand Island Zonta Club has awarded $95,000 in scholarships over the years. The club also works to help women in developing countries and supports a variety of community projects, including the Miracle League, Grand Island Neighbors Foundation, the Grand Island Rotary's Haiti Clinic Project, the Buffalo Habitat for Humanity, Carolyn's House and Relay for Life.
Zonta Club of Grand Island Offers Scholarships - March 2011
The Zonta Club of Grand Island announces that scholarship applications are available at
the Grand Island Town Hall for the Club's 2011
awards to be presented in June.
Two $750.00 Veronica Connor Scholarships will be awarded to 2 senior high school students
who have been accepted and plan to attend an accredited college. Students may be seniors
from Grand Island High School or from an off Island high school. Grand Island seniors
should use the school district web site to obtain the scholarship application and due
dates for applications and off Island seniors should check with their guidance departments
for an application or call 773-6077.
The Carl Detig Memorial Award($500.00) will be awarded to a senior high school student
who has been accepted and plans to attend an accredited college.
The Zonta Club's Memorial Scholarship ($750.00) will be given to a woman between the ages
of 18-25 who is not a high school senior and who is in need of assistance to continue her
The final ($750.00 ) scholarship will be awarded to a woman 25 years or older. This
Career Advancement Scholarship is for a woman enrolled in a degree or non-degree program
to acquire or upgrade job skills in order to reenter the job market.
For more information, view the following applications or call 773-6077.
See Veronica Connor Scholarship - Application
See Carl Detig Memorial Award - Application
See Memorial Scholarship - Application
See Career Advancement Scholarship - Application
Zonta Presents Scholarships - June 2010

Shown from left, Kim Steinbrenner, Karen Bellanca, Ashley Kippley, Christina Englert, Kate Garten, and Elizabeth Asbach.
Click photo for larger view
Members of the Zonta Club of Grand Island held their annual scholarship award presentation on June 22, 2010 at the Buffalo Launch Club. The Club works very hard during the year to support the scholarship awards to benefit high school seniors, women between the ages of 18 and 25, and women over 25. The club also supports, The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation, Relay for Life, The Grand Island Rotary/Haiti Clinic Project, The Buffalo Habitat for Humanity, Carolyn’s House and other community projects. All is made possible through members' dues and club fund raising.
Zonta Club of Grand Island is happy to announce this year’s scholarship recipients:
Veronica Connor award - Elizabeth Asbach, and Kate Garten
Memorial Scholarship award - Karen Bellanca, Ashley Kippley, Christina Englert and Alicia Sommer
Career Advancement Scholarship award - Kim Steinbrenner.
Zonta International works both globally and locally to advance the status of women.
Zonta Club's
Grand Island Zonta Club
A mini Yellow Rose Bush is being given to a Living woman
or planted in memory of a Deceased one. They are Ladies
who have made a positive impact on the lives of others.
Mary Dunbar -sponsor Lyn Laman
Marie Zoldaz-sponsor Deb Spencer
Mary Strasburg-sponsor Sue Sullivan
Carol Kraft-sponsor Paula Kraft
Marie Taylor-sponsor The Taylor Girls
Judy Mazenauer-sponsor Skip Mazenanuer
Alice Doedline-sponsor Barbara A Sherman
Tracie Groves-sponsor Andrea Moreau
Gertrude Bir-sponsor Marty Kennell
Rose Kruse-sponsor Shirley martin
Marguarite Shonitsky-
sponsor: Kathy Shonitsky
Kali Mordaunt, Jeanne Cordaro
-sponsor Sybil Kennedy
Greta Boutlini,Theresa McDonald
sponsor-Janet Whittaker
Peggy Sirotski,Maureen Grabenstatter,
Edna Mae Kerr,
Lorraine Luntz,Susan George, Ida Irving,
Deb Blair,
Virginia Restey,Caroline Czora-
sponsor Sue Miles
Mary Smith,Florence Kutzbach,
Florence"Boots" Leto,Amy Kutzbach,
Marion Klingel,Rita Sciascia,Cheryl Collier
sponsor-Linda Kutzbach
Evelyn Simmons,Linda Simmons-
sponsor Pam Detig
Zonta Club's
Mother’s Day Yellow Rose Bush Sale - April 2010
See Rose Bush Sale Information
Members of the Zonta Club of Grand Island will hold their annual yellow rose bush sale around Mother's Day and encourage residents to purchase the bushes and make a tribute to a woman (living or deceased) "who made a positive impact on your life," with the list to be posted at Isledegrande.com and other Island publications. A new feature this year are Mini Tabletop style potted Yellow Rose bushes.
Zonta Club of Grand Island Offers Scholarships - March 2010
The Zonta Club of Grand Island announces that scholarship applications are available at
the Grand Island Memorial Library and the Grand Island Town Hall for the Club's 2010
awards to be presented in June.
Two $750.00 Veronica Connor Scholarships will be awarded to 2 senior high school students
who have been accepted and plan to attend an accredited college. Students may be seniors
from Grand Island High School or from an off Island high school. Grand Island seniors
should use the school district web site to obtain the scholarship application and due
dates for applications and off Island seniors should check with their guidance departments
for an application or call 773-6077.
The Zonta Club's Memorial Scholarship ($750.00) will be given to a woman between the ages
of 18-25 who is not a high school senior and who is in need of assistance to continue her
The final ($750.00 ) scholarship will be awarded to a woman 25 years or older. This
Career Advancement Scholarship is for a woman enrolled in a degree or non-degree program
to acquire or upgrade job skills in order to reenter the job market.
Applications are due on May 15, 2010 unless you are a Grand Island senior and your due
date is April 7, 2010. For further information concerning any of these scholarship awards,
call 773-6077.
See Veronica Connor Scholarship - Application
See Memorial Scholarship - Application
See Career Advancement Scholarship - Application
Two $750.00 Veronica Connor Scholarships will be awarded to 2 senior high school students who have been accepted and plan to attend an accredited college. Students may be seniors from Grand Island High School or from an off Island high school. Grand Island seniors should use the school district web site to obtain the scholarship application and due dates for applications and off Island seniors should check with their guidance departments for an application or call 773-6077.
The Carl Detig Memorial Award($500.00) will be awarded to a senior high school student who has been accepted and plans to attend an accredited college.
The Zonta Club's Memorial Scholarship ($750.00) will be given to a woman between the ages of 18-25 who is not a high school senior and who is in need of assistance to continue her education.
The final ($750.00 ) scholarship will be awarded to a woman 25 years or older. This Career Advancement Scholarship is for a woman enrolled in a degree or non-degree program to acquire or upgrade job skills in order to reenter the job market.
For more information, view the following applications or call 773-6077.
See Veronica Connor Scholarship - Application
See Carl Detig Memorial Award - Application
See Memorial Scholarship - Application
See Career Advancement Scholarship - Application
Zonta Presents Scholarships - June 2010

Shown from left, Kim Steinbrenner, Karen Bellanca, Ashley Kippley, Christina Englert, Kate Garten, and Elizabeth Asbach.
Click photo for larger view
Members of the Zonta Club of Grand Island held their annual scholarship award presentation on June 22, 2010 at the Buffalo Launch Club. The Club works very hard during the year to support the scholarship awards to benefit high school seniors, women between the ages of 18 and 25, and women over 25. The club also supports, The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation, Relay for Life, The Grand Island Rotary/Haiti Clinic Project, The Buffalo Habitat for Humanity, Carolyn’s House and other community projects. All is made possible through members' dues and club fund raising.Zonta Club of Grand Island is happy to announce this year’s scholarship recipients:
Veronica Connor award - Elizabeth Asbach, and Kate Garten
Memorial Scholarship award - Karen Bellanca, Ashley Kippley, Christina Englert and Alicia Sommer
Career Advancement Scholarship award - Kim Steinbrenner.
Zonta International works both globally and locally to advance the status of women.
Zonta Club's
Grand Island Zonta Club
A mini Yellow Rose Bush is being given to a Living woman
or planted in memory of a Deceased one. They are Ladies
who have made a positive impact on the lives of others.
Mary Dunbar -sponsor Lyn Laman
Marie Zoldaz-sponsor Deb Spencer
Mary Strasburg-sponsor Sue Sullivan
Carol Kraft-sponsor Paula Kraft
Marie Taylor-sponsor The Taylor Girls
Judy Mazenauer-sponsor Skip Mazenanuer
Alice Doedline-sponsor Barbara A Sherman
Tracie Groves-sponsor Andrea Moreau
Gertrude Bir-sponsor Marty Kennell
Rose Kruse-sponsor Shirley martin
Marguarite Shonitsky-
sponsor: Kathy Shonitsky
Kali Mordaunt, Jeanne Cordaro
-sponsor Sybil Kennedy
Greta Boutlini,Theresa McDonald
sponsor-Janet Whittaker
Peggy Sirotski,Maureen Grabenstatter,
Edna Mae Kerr,
Lorraine Luntz,Susan George, Ida Irving,
Deb Blair,
Virginia Restey,Caroline Czora-
sponsor Sue Miles
Mary Smith,Florence Kutzbach,
Florence"Boots" Leto,Amy Kutzbach,
Marion Klingel,Rita Sciascia,Cheryl Collier
sponsor-Linda Kutzbach
Evelyn Simmons,Linda Simmons-
sponsor Pam Detig
Zonta Club's
Mother’s Day Yellow Rose Bush Sale - April 2010
See Rose Bush Sale Information
Members of the Zonta Club of Grand Island will hold their annual yellow rose bush sale around Mother's Day and encourage residents to purchase the bushes and make a tribute to a woman (living or deceased) "who made a positive impact on your life," with the list to be posted at Isledegrande.com and other Island publications. A new feature this year are Mini Tabletop style potted Yellow Rose bushes.
Zonta Club of Grand Island Offers Scholarships - March 2010
The Zonta Club of Grand Island announces that scholarship applications are available at
the Grand Island Memorial Library and the Grand Island Town Hall for the Club's 2010
awards to be presented in June.
Two $750.00 Veronica Connor Scholarships will be awarded to 2 senior high school students
who have been accepted and plan to attend an accredited college. Students may be seniors
from Grand Island High School or from an off Island high school. Grand Island seniors
should use the school district web site to obtain the scholarship application and due
dates for applications and off Island seniors should check with their guidance departments
for an application or call 773-6077.
The Zonta Club's Memorial Scholarship ($750.00) will be given to a woman between the ages
of 18-25 who is not a high school senior and who is in need of assistance to continue her
The final ($750.00 ) scholarship will be awarded to a woman 25 years or older. This
Career Advancement Scholarship is for a woman enrolled in a degree or non-degree program
to acquire or upgrade job skills in order to reenter the job market.
Applications are due on May 15, 2010 unless you are a Grand Island senior and your due
date is April 7, 2010. For further information concerning any of these scholarship awards,
call 773-6077.
See Veronica Connor Scholarship - Application
See Memorial Scholarship - Application
See Career Advancement Scholarship - Application
Members of the Zonta Club of Grand Island will hold their annual yellow rose bush sale around Mother's Day and encourage residents to purchase the bushes and make a tribute to a woman (living or deceased) "who made a positive impact on your life," with the list to be posted at Isledegrande.com and other Island publications. A new feature this year are Mini Tabletop style potted Yellow Rose bushes.