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Zonta Club of Grand Island
P. O. Box 1104, Grand Island, NY 14072

Previous Zonta Club News

Contact person: President Maria Burns
Vice President: Agnes Becker
Secretary: Karen Keefe
Treasurer: Linda Isenhart
Assistant treasurer: Sue Fleming-Brusino
Directors: Linda Mosher, Marty Kennell, Joan Droit and Barbara Sherman
Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the Buffalo Launch Club.

The purpose of Zonta Club of Grand Island is to advance the status of women,
to award scholarships to women of Grand Island and to provide service to Grand Island.
Major activities of the club are the annual antique show and monthly business and program meetings.

Zonta Donates $1,500 to Neighbors Foundation - December 2012

(left) Debbie Spencer and Ann Dahl

   In keeping with the holiday spirit of giving, the Zonta Club of Grand Island donated $1,500 to the Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at the Zonta Club's annual Christmas Party at the Buffalo Launch Club. In the photo, Debbie Spencer, left, Zonta's Service Committee chair, gives the holiday donation check to Ann Dahl, who is a member of both the Neighbors Foundation board of directors and of the Zonta Club. The Neighbors Foundation is preparing to give holiday help to more than 50 Island families in need, with baskets of food and with gifts for kids. People can contribute to the Foundation's "Share Your Happiness" fund drive through donations to PO Box 155, Grand Island, NY 14072 or through online donations at gineighbors.org. The Zonta Club is a service organization whose goal is to advance the status of women worldwide. The club supports a variety of community projects and gives annual scholarships to women.

Zonta Members Learn About Family Justice Center - October 2012

Family Justice Center Executive Director Mary Travers Murphy, center, is seen with Zonta Club of Grand Island President Maria Burns, left, and Town Justice Sybil Kennedy, who is a Zonta member. Murphy talked to the club on Oct. 23 about support services available at the center for victims of domestic violence. October is Domestic Violence Month.

   There have been three dozen murders of women by a husband or boyfriend in the past five years in Erie and Niagara counties. The cold hard facts of domestic abuse were the topic Tuesday (Oct. 23) as the Zonta Club of Grand Island heard about the work of the Family Justice Center from its executive director, Mary Travers Murphy. Her talk was part of a special focus during Domestic Violence Awareness month.
   The center is a one-stop resource where domestic violence victims can access all the services they need to establish a safety plan for themselves and their children. The center has 12 on-site partners, offering services that range from law enforcement, to legal assistance, housing, family medicine and child care.
   �Domestic violence does not stop at any zip code or line,� Murphy told the Zonta members. She said the problem tears through every part of society, affecting young and old, women and men, rich and poor.
   In the past year, there were 12,000 reported cases of domestic abuse, in Erie County. Murphy said only one of every seven cases of such abuse is reported, and she talks to groups year-round in an effort to increase awareness and encourage more victims to seek help. She said one of the main reasons victims return to their abusers is that they can�t access the services to help them escape. The Family Justice Center offers solutions through free, confidential services at the downtown Buffalo office and a satellite office in Orchard Park.
   �Everyone leaves the Family Justice Center headed for hope, safe havens and healing,� Murphy said. If you or someone you know is being abused, call (716) 558-SAFE (7233) In an emergency, call 911. Murphy, former supervisor of the Town of Orchard Park, was a broadcast journalist for more than 20 years with Channel 7 news. The Zonta Club is a service organization whose goal is to advance the status of women worldwide. The Grand Island club has awarded more than $95,000 in scholarships over the years. The club also works to help women in developing countries and supports a variety of community projects, including the Grand Island Relay For Life, the Miracle League, Grand Island Neighbors Foundation, the Grand Island Rotary's Haiti Clinic Project, the Buffalo Habitat for Humanity and Carolyn's House in Niagara Falls.

Zonta Awards Five Scholarships - July 2012

The Zonta Club of Grand Island awarded five scholarships to local women in ceremonies June 26 at the Buffalo Launch Club. The recipients are, from left, Samantha Kahn, Kallen McMillan, Kathleen Rustowicz, Kathryn Cobello and Janice Glose.

   The Zonta Club of Grand Island awarded $750 scholarships to five women in ceremonies on June 26 at the Buffalo Launch Club. The 2012 scholarship winners are Samantha Kahn, Kallan McMillan, Kathryn Cobello, Kathleen Rustowicz and Janice Glose. All are Grand Island women who have achieved excellence in academics, but who also were chosen for their volunteer work as stewards of their community and churches.
   The awards, presented by President Maria Burns and Sue Fleming-Brusino of the club�s Scholarship Committee, were in three categories: the Veronica Connor Scholarship for two graduating high school seniors; the Zonta Memorial Scholarship for two young women from 18 to 25 who are currently enrolled in higher education; and the Career Advancement Scholarship for a woman over 25 who is working to continue her education toward a post-graduate degree or to pursue courses to enable her to re-enter the work force.
    Samantha Kahn and Kallan McMillan, 2012 graduates of Grand Island High School, are this year�s winners of the Veronica Connor Scholarships, established in memory of the trailblazing educator for whom Grand Island�s middle school was named. Miss Connor, supervising principal of the Grand Island School District, was a charter member of Grand Island�s Zonta chapter. Kahn, described by a nominator as a �deep thinker� and �creative student,� plans to attend Washington University in St. Louis to major in art history and environmental studies with the career goal of being a curator. She was a member of the Donate Life Chapter at GIHS and has volunteered with Friends of the Night People. She was at the top of her class academically and was a member of the varsity track and field team and the varsity swimming team.
    McMillan�s nominator calls her �creative,� �artistic� and �determined.� She plans to attend the SUNY College at Purchase to become a filmmaker. A top student in high school, she won honors for her bassoon playing and her participation as a member of select choral groups. She gives bassoon lessons and has her own reed-making business.
    Kathryn Cobello and Kathleen Rustowicz were presented with the 2012 Memorial Scholarships established in memory of deceased members of the Grand Island club whose achievements ranged from gemologist to nurse to Girl Scout director to a journalist who participated in the U.S. Olympic fencing team as a young woman.
    Cobello, a GIHS graduate, is pursuing a degree in special education and literacy at Niagara University. Her professors applaud her work ethic, organizational skills and compassion. She has achieved excellent grades while working two part-time jobs.
    Rustowicz, also a GIHS grad, is an Army ROTC cadet majoring in mathematics and accounting at Canisius College. She has participated in a number of projects as a member of a sorority dedicated to service to the community. An Irish dancer, she also is a member of the St. Stephen�s Parish Players. A nominator states that Rustowicz�s approach to life is governed by a �service above self� philosophy.
    Janice Glose, the recipient of the Career Advancement Award, is a Registered Nurse pursuing a doctorate in nursing from the Sage Graduate School in Albany. She earned her master of science degree with a specialty in rehabilitation and worked part-time in the nursing field while raising her children. Glose�s doctoral studies are focused on identifying the training needs, skills, knowledge and attitudes of Certified Nursing Assistants. Her research is aimed at improving the effectiveness and upward mobility of CNAs, as well as improving the quality of care provided to the aging population in New York state. Glose plans to teach nursing at the college level. She has led medical missions to Haiti and took students to Costa Rica on a medical mission. Glose, a graduate of GIHS, Roberts Wesleyan College and the University at Buffalo, is active in local school, church and community activities.
    �The Zonta Club of Grand Island raises funds all year so that we can award scholarships to these deserving women,� said Linda Isenhart, a member of Zonta�s Scholarship Committee and the club�s treasurer. She cited events such as the club�s annual fashion show in October, managing a stroller and tote concession at the Buffalo Convention Center, basket raffles and an upcoming garage sale set for July 28.
    Zonta is a service organization, with 31,000 members worldwide, that is dedicated to advancing the status of women. The Grand Island Club has awarded a total of $100,000 in scholarships, and helps women in developing countries around the world. The club also contributes locally to the Neighbors Foundation, the Relay For Life, Grand Island�s Miracle League, Rotary�s Haiti medical mission, Child and Family Services, Hospice, Carolyn�s House, Habitat for Humanity, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Read and Seed and St. Vincent DePaul, among others.

Zonta Installation - May 2012

(Left photo) New officers for the Zonta Club of Grand Island were installed May 22 in ceremonies administered by past president Andrea Moreau, far right, at the Buffalo Launch Club. From left are: Board Members Joan Droit, Linda Mosher, Barbara Sherman and Joan Pax; Secretary Karen Keefe, Treasurer Linda Isenhart, Assistant Treasurer Sue Fleming-Brusino. Not shown: President Maria Burns and Vice President Agnes Becker.
(Right photo) New members were inducted into the Zonta Club of Grand Island in ceremonies held May 22 at the Buffalo Launch Club. From left are Rose Kud, Ann Dahl, Denise Dunbar, Stacey Watt and Joan Allen. Not shown: Joanne Kud.

   The installation and oath of office was administered by Zonta Club past president Andrea Moreau. New officers for 2012-13 are: President Maria Burns, Vice President Agnes Becker, Treasurer Linda Isenhart, Assistant Treasurer Sue Fleming-Brusino, Secretary Karen Keefe, and Directors Joan Droit and Barbara Sherman (two-year term), Directors Linda Mosher and Joan Pax, (one-year term).
    New members installed were: Joan Allen, Ann Dahl, Denise Dunbar, Joanne Kud, Rose Kud and Stacey Watt.
   Each officer and new member was presented with a Zonta yellow rose, provided by Flower-A-Day Florist. The yellow rose is a symbol for Zonta International, a global service organization of business professionals working together to advance the status of women.
   Zonta will hold its annual Scholarship Award Night on June 26 at the Buffalo Launch Club. Memorial and career college scholarships will be awarded to Grand Island women who are selected winners in the categories of high school seniors, women between the ages of 18 and 25 and women over 25.
   The Grand Island Zonta Club has awarded more than $95,000 in scholarships over the years. The club also works to help women in developing countries and supports a variety of community projects, including the the Grand Island Relay For Life, the Miracle League, Grand Island Neighbors Foundation, the Grand Island Rotary's Haiti Clinic Project, the Buffalo Habitat for Humanity and Carolyn's House in Niagara Falls.

Zonta Club Announces 2012 SCHOLARSHIPS - March 2012

   Members of the Zonta Club of Grand Island will be awarding 4 scholarships in three categories this year at their annual awards dinner in June.
"Veronica Connor Scholarship Award"
Two $750.00 awards named for charter member, Veronica Connor, will be presented to two high school seniors. To be eligible the senior high school candidate must reside on Grand Island and be accepted at a college. For those seniors attending Grand Island High School, applications are available through the guidance department (due 4/17/12). For those attending other area high schools, applications (due 4/30/12) are available online through the Isledegrande.com website, your school�s guidance office or by calling 479-2599.
Memorial Scholarship Award
One $750.00 scholarship will be presented to a woman between the ages of 18-25. This award is in memory of our deceased Zontians who gave of their time and resources to improve the status of women. To be eligible for this award the applicant must be at least 18 years old (not a high school senior) and be enrolled in a degree or certification program. Applications are available online through the Isledegrande.com website or by calling 479-2599. (due 5/15/12)
Career Advancement Scholarship Award
Our Career Advancement Scholarship will recognize one woman over 25 with a $750.00 award. She must be a resident of Grand Island and be attending or have proof of acceptance in a program to further her education or help reenter the job market. These applications are also available online through the Isledegrande.com website or by calling 479-2599. (due 5/15/12)
   Click the links for complete information.