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Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249

2121 Grand Island Blvd.

Previous VFW News

Veterans Of Foreign Wars Official Web Site
Veterans Administration Official Web Site
325th Glider Infantry Association Web Site
Department of New York VFW Web Site
VFW Erie County Council Web Site

The Digitized wall was recently made public for those friends and relatives who are not able to visit the full wall in Washington, DC. Interactive Vietnam Veterans Memorial is available to view the names of the loved one who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Information may be added by following directions on the site.
See http://www.aogusma.org/class/1961/ or http://go.footnote.com/thewall

VFW Officers 2010-2011:

Commander Alan Lee Sr., Senior Vice Commander John Thompson, Junior Vice Commander Kelly Carrigg, Quartermaster Richard Lozo Sr., Surgeon Matt Fox, Judge Advocate Joseph Synakowski, Chaplain Michael Rogan, Trustees Wally Wigdorski, Jim Skindell, Ann Marie Pfohl, and Adjutant Mark Steward
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Officers 2010-2011: President Laura Sexton, Senior Vice President Rosemary Wojick, Junior Vice President Donna Cameron, Secretary Dedi Secic, Treasurer Kathie Blake, Jr. Treasurer Susanne McMahon, Chaplain Terri Majewicz, Guard Nancy Secic, Conductress Marilyn Burak, and Trustees Joanne Lozo, Marilyn Burak, Liz Stoklosa
VFW Men's Auxiliary Officers 2010-2011: President Chris McMahon, Senior Vice President Bill Derwin, Junior Vice President Gary Kratz, Treasurer Bruce Wojick Sr., Secretary Pat Patterson, Chaplain Don Tranter, Guard Steve DeMarco, Advocate Mark Gollwitzer, and Conductor Bill Brice.

Pearl Harbor Day – December 2011


Left: VFW Color Guard with Commander Alan Lee Sr., Supervisor Peter McMahon and Chaplain Michael Rogan.
Right: VFW Honor Guard
Mary Stewart Photos - Click photos for larger view

   A remembrance service was held on Wednesday, December 7th to honor Pearl Harbor Day - "A day that will live in infamy." The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 hosted the event, and units of the Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars were also in attendance.

Pearl Harbor Day Observed at VFW Post - Dec. 2011

    Wednesday, December 7th is Pearl Harbor Day - "A day that will live in infamy." A memorial service is being held at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 flag pole at noon. Taking part will be the Island units of the Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Hot Turkey Sandwiches at VFW Post - Nov. 2011

   The Ladies Auxiliary at Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 will offer Hot Turkey Sandwich dinners at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. (or until sold out) on Saturday, November 19
   Dinner includes open faced hot turkey sandwich and gravy, with vegetable and cranberry sauce and slice of apple pie..
$7.00/plate, Early Birds, 4-5 PM, $6.50
Take Out: $8.00
Also available will be 50/50 drawing and lottery tree.

VFW Chili Cookoff - Oct. 2011

Pictured are winners Pat Doyle who stood in for his sister, Kathy Hillman, Sarah Kielaszek and Tony Majewicz.
Mary Stewart Photo

  VFW Post #9249 held its annual chili cookoff contest Saturday, October 8. It was not an easy job for judges Supervisor Peter McMahon, Councilman Gary Roesch and Kelly Carrigg, junior vice commander of post 9249. After a lot of tasting the many pots of chili, judges came up with the three winners. They are Kathy Hillman - first place, Tony Majewicz - second place, and Sarah Kielaszek - third place.

Iron Mike Wounded Warrior Bike Ride Complete - Sept. 2011

   Iron Mike Wounded Warrior Bike Ride is complete. The Mike Mehltretter's completed their ride for Wounded Warriors this morning (Thurs., Sept. 15, 2011) at the department (state) headquarters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at 69 Sand Creek Road, Albany. Past Department Commanders Art Koch, III and Hal Burke were on hand to greet Mike and Mike. Their ride began Sunday, September 11th from the Niagara Falls Air Base. Their over night stops included VFW posts in Brockport, Hinsdale, Mattydale, Amsterdam and finally the VFW Headquarters. See below for more details.

VFW To Host Chili Cook-off - Sept. 2011

   The VFW 9249's Annual Chili Cook-Off will take place on Saturday, October 8th at 4 p.m. at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Activities will include kids' games and live music/"open mic" featuring local area musicians. Registration is $10 .Entries for the cook-off will be accepted at the VFW Post prior to the event or from 2-3 p.m. the day of cook-off. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place are $100.00, $50.00 and $25.00. For more information, call the VFW Post at 773-6343.

Casino Night! At VFW Post 9249 - August 2011

Casino Night! will be held at the Grand Island VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY., 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday, September 16. Admission is $20.00 and includes plate of BBQ and Fixins, a drink and door prize ticket. Also, you will enjoy music from "Sleepless City." Proceeds raised will be go to The Wounded Warrior Project. Tickets will go on sale September 1st at the Grand Island VFW Post 9249. For additional information, contact Dona Cameron, 392-6606

Iron Mike Wounded Warrior Bike Ride - August 2011

Veterans Bicycling From Buffalo To Albany for the Wounded Warrior Project
   What started as a Father & Son Trip has become The First Annual Iron Mike Wounded Warrior Bike Ride. The ride will be starting out on Sunday Morning, September 11th. It will begin at the Niagara Falls Air Base's 'Thunder of Niagara' Air Show and head East making its way to the new VFW State Headquarters in Albany. The cyclists will be taking the State Bicycling Route 5 which is mostly along the Erie Canal, with stops at VFW Posts along the canal, to meet with fellow veterans and fund raise. Participants will be passing through downtown Rochester and Northern Syracuse, and are hoping people will meet them along the way to ride for the day. You will be able to follow their progress via Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/IronMikeWWRide) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/IronMikeWWRide).
   Michael P. Mehltretter (son) spent 6 years in the Marine Corps Reserve deploying to Iraq in 2005 as an Infantryman with India Company 3rd Battalion 25th Marines out of Buffalo, New York. He was wounded in October 2005 in Hit, Iraq from a Suicide Borne Vehicle Improvised Explosive Device. He currently resides in Rochester, NY working for Nixon Peabody LLP. >
   Michael J. (Dad) Served in the U.S.M.C. Active duty from 1982 to 1991. After returning from Saudi Arabia he left the Marines to become a professional fireman with the Buffalo Fire Dept. Michael is currently a Registered Representative for The Legend Group, a financial services broker-dealer. >
   We the people borrowed the money for 10 years of war and asked 1 percent to serve. It's time for regular people to help those who gave so much! IRON MIKE WOUNDED WARRIOR BIKE RIDE, help us help them.
   Donate to our cause. All donations can be sent to the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 2121 Grand Island Boulevard, Grand Island, NY. Please make checks payable to: “VFW Post 9249” memo: “Wounded Warrior: Iron Mike” 100% of the donations will be passed along to the Wounded Warrior Project.
   Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/IronMikeWWRide
   Follow us on twitter:
   "Etiam in pugna" - Still in the Fight

Thomas S. Kalman, VFW Scholarship Recipient - August 2011

Post Commander Alan Lee, Winner Thomas Kalman, Ladies Auxiliary President Laura Sexton, and Men's Auxiliary President Chris McMahon.
Mary Stewart photo

Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249’s 2011 Scholarship award was presented to Thomas S. Kalman, grandson of the late Louis Kalman, a Veteran and former member of Post 9249. Tom’s essay, based on a patriotic theme, was judged the best of the entries received. Thomas is the son of Laurie Kalman and Scott Kalman, both of Grand Island and will be attending Alfred State College this year. The Veterans of Foreign Wars annually presents a scholarship to a graduating senior, based on the Patriotic essay. The 2012 essay theme will be announced in the scholarship program booklet issued by the Grand Island High School Guidance Department early in 2012. The scholarship award is open to all Grand Island High School seniors.

Jessica Ackendorf, State Winner - August 2011

Mary Stewart photo
Jessica Ackendorf, a high honor roll student entering her freshman year at Grand Island High School in September entered the Patriot's Pen Essay competition at the middle school level. Her entry was submitted and judged with 80+ others at the Post level then advanced through the County, District and Department (state) levels to finish in 6th place. Jessica is shown with Dan McMahon, commander of the Erie County Council Veterans of Foreign Wars and member of the local VFW #9249, who presented her with a trophy and a US savings bond in the amount of $4000 to be used towards her college education.
For more information, see VFW - Patriot's Pen Competition

Another Grand Garage Sale - August 2011

Another Grand Garage Sale takes place at the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post 9249 at VFW 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY 14072. All are welcome to come set up a table. A picnic table under the pavilion is $20.00.
Lawn sites are $10.00 - with your own table and tent of choice.
All money from registration will be donated to The First Annual Iron Mike Wounded Warrior Bike Ride
Early registration preferred by Aug 31st
To sign up please contact Dona Cameron 392-6606
For more info on this howntown based ride, see Iron Mike Wounded Warrior Bike Ride on Facebook

VFW Men's Auxiliary presents 3rd Annual Acoustic Night Open Mic - June 2011

   The Grand Island VFW #9249 Men's Auxiliary will present its 3rd Annual Acoustic Night Open Mic from 7 p.m. to ? on Friday, July 22 in the Pavilion, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. The event is a fundraiser to help provide a baseball experience on Grand Island for mentally/physically disabled children players. Admission is free and the event features a cash bar, food available, raffles and 50-50s. Performers must sign up by July 15 by calling Mark, 773-3058; Steve, 990-6976; or Pat, 472-3148.

County VFW Installation - May 2011

Mary Stewart Photo
The installation of the 77th Annual Erie County Council Veterans of Foreign Wars took place Saturday, May 21, 2011 at the VFW Convention at VFW Post 8113 in West Seneca, NY. Installed were Commander Daniel McMahon, Quartermaster Richard Lozo and Trustee Alan Lee of Grand Island and Trustee Kelly Carrigg. Ladies Auxiliary President Susanne McMahon was also installed. Unable to attend the installation were Auxiliary officers Junior Vice President Kathy Blake and Assistant Guard Molly McMahon.

VFW Ladies Host Corned Beef Dinner – March 2011

Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary will host a "Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner" from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, March 12th at the Post. Cost is $8/Adults, $7/Early Birds and $4/Children. Desserts will be available. There will be a raffle and 50/50 split. The public is welcome. Proceeds to benefit the Local Food Pantries, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY 14072

VFW Ladies Host Spaghetti Dinner – Feb. 2011

The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary will host a Spaghetti Dinner from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, February 26th at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Cost is $6 and includes bread and salad. Desserts will be available. 50/50 Raffle and Money Tree.

914th Deployed To Middle East – Jan. 2011

Erie County Council VFW Commander Dan McMahon Commander (Life and local VFW member), Col Mark Murphy, USAF (Life and local VFW member), David Czarnecki, Commander District 6 Department of New York VFW.

Members of the Erie County Council Ladies Auxiliary, Ann Ferguson, Unknown, President Debb Fucina, Marilyn Burak, Kathy Macris, Mary Becker and Jo-Ann Thompson
Click photos for larger view
   Members of 914th Air Reserve Wing, on Saturday, January 8, deployed for a tour in the Middle East. Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their Ladies and Men’s Auxiliaries went to the Niagara Falls Air Base for the departure. What started as a phone call to the Commander of the Erie County Council Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dan McMahon ended with a send off rarely seen in Western New York. Col. Mark Murphy, USAFR acting 914th Wing Commander, called Mr. McMahon to ask if there wasn’t something which could done for the soon to deploy members of the 914th Air Wing from Niagara Falls. "It was suggested we put on a BBQ for the some 300 Air Force personnel and their families," McMahon said. Phone calls and emails were exchanged for the next few days to the National Headquarters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the various Veterans organizations throughout Erie County. "We needed to raise enough money and manpower to take care of the needs of the families and personnel for the day," he said. After enough commitments were received, Dan notified Col. Murphy that the task could be handled as requested. Donations were received from National VFW Headquarters’ M.A.P. Program, Erie County American Legion, VFW Posts 9249, 205, 1419, American Legion Posts 362 & 1346, D.A.V. Chapter #168, East Aurora Chapter Viet Nam Veterans, and Ladies Auxiliaries of Post 1488 and 9249. Vital information about benefits and contact information was provided to deploying personnel and their families. The Veterans and Auxiliaries served dinner to all as their way to thank them for their service. As the busses arrived, the Veterans provided an honor guard and salute to those leaving for duty.