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Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249

2121 Grand Island Blvd.

Previous VFW News

Veterans Of Foreign Wars Official Web Site
Veterans Administration Official Web Site
325th Glider Infantry Association Web Site
Department of New York VFW Web Site
VFW Erie County Council Web Site

The Digitized wall was recently made public for those friends and relatives who are not able to visit the full wall in Washington, DC. Interactive Vietnam Veterans Memorial is available to view the names of the loved one who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Information may be added by following directions on the site.
See http://www.aogusma.org/class/1961/ or http://go.footnote.com/thewall

VFW Officers 2012:

Commander Michael Mehltretter

Pearl Harbor Day - November 2012

Friday, December 7th is Pearl Harbor Day - "A day that will live in infamy." A memorial service is being held at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 flag pole at NOON. Taking part will be the Island units of the Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Public is welcome to participate in this Memorial Service. Please show your patriotism by attending.

VFW Adds to "Sandy" Emergency Relief Fund - November 2012

    Members of the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 donated $700.00 to the Department of New York Veterans of Foreign Wars’ Emergency Relief Fund for victims of the Hurricane Sandy in New York City and Long Island. Monies were raised during the year from the 4th of July picnic and other fund raising efforts. Department Membership Chairman Dan McMahon (center) accepted the check from Post Commander Michael Mehltretter (left) and Post Quartermaster Richard Lozo on behalf of Department Commander James Durkin.

VFW Ladies Hosts Hot Turkey Sandwich Event- Nov. 2012

The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary will host a Hot Turkey Sandwich Dinner on Saturday, November 17th from 4 p.m. until sold out.
2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY
Cost: Per Plate $6.00 Take Out Available
Early Bird (4-5pm) $5.00
Dinner includes Open Face Hot Turkey Sandwich & Gravy and Cranberry sauce, chips, includes Dessert
50/50 & Lottery Tree
A portion of the proceeds will be going to MDA & Cancer Aid Research
Excepting Can Goods for needy

VFW Ladies Hosts Chili Fest - Oct. 2012

The Ladies Auxiliary of Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 will host a Chili Fest Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 1 p.m. until sold out. The chili fest will be held at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. (across from Tops). Also available will be hot dogs, desserts, cider and beverages. Also featured will be a 50/50 raffle, lottery tree and prize giveaways. Proceeds to benefit our troops, veterans and The American Cancer Society.

VFW Mem. Service - Terrorist Attack - Sept. 2012

    The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars will conduct a memorial service honoring the victims of the terroist attack on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. The Memorial Service will take place at the Post Flag, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. at 7 p.m., Tuesday, September 11, 2012. Please attend this Memorial in honor of the Victims and first Responders.

VFW To Hold Casino Night - August 2012

    The VFW Post #9249 will hold a Casino Night at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. on Friday, August 24. For ticket information and more details see - Casino Flyer.

Annual Dick & Carol Pendleton Mem. Super Cruise - July 2012

   The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 and Cruise Control presents the 11th annual Dick & Carol Pendleton Memorial Super Cruise on Sunday, July 29th, with gates open at 10:00 a.m. Judging begins at noon. The event is being held at the VFW Post 9249 grounds, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island. Proceeds to benefit The Town Boys & Girls Club’s Summer Camp.
Dash Plaques to the first 125 cars and over 75 awards.
Live Music with “Big Wheelie” 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Awards will be presented at 3 p.m.
Sponsors are Paddock Chevrolet, Tread City Tire, VFW Post 9249 and the Ladies and Men’s Auxiliaries Post 9249.
   The public is invited and there is no admission. Refreshments will be available.

WWII Memorial and Sister City Project in Normandy - July 2012

    On Tuesday, July 10, 2012, six Western New Yorkers will travel to Normandy, France on a two-fold mission. They will be present at the dedication of a memorial on July 15 to a WWII hero and 1931 graduate of St. Francis High School, Father Ignatius Maternowski. Father Maternowski was a Chaplain and Paratrooper with the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division. He was killed in Picauville, France on June 6, 1944 while aiding wounded American paratroopers. The group of WNYers will also hand deliver a letter from Town of Grand Island Supervisor, Mary Cooke, to the mayor of Amfreville, France proposing a sister city project. Amfreville is the closest town to the site where Grand Island native, PFC Charles N. DeGlopper, gave his life on June 9, 1944 during the D-Day campaign. PFC DeGlopper was later awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions which helped to secure a bridgehead at La Fière, France and ultimately enable the Allies to advance inland from the D-Day beaches.

Flags For Individual Veterans' Graves - May 2012

    Anyone wishing to place a Flag on an individual Veterans Grave, may pick one up at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post Thursday, May 24th, Friday, May 25th, Saturday, May 26th, between the hours of 12 Noon and 9 PM. A limited number of flags are available. These flags are donated by your Grand Island Post #1346, American Legion and the VFW Post #9249 who will make their facilities available for distribution. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249 is holding its annual Buddy Poppy Drive and asks for your support. Thank You.

Chiavetta's Chicken - May 2012
Please help support our local VFW Post #9249

    The VFW Post #9249 host a Chiavetta's Chicken event.
Three Dates to choose from
Wednesdays May 9th, 16th and 23rd
3pm to 7pm or Gone!
Take-Out or Dine with us under our Pavilion
Pre-sale tickets available and encouraged!
Dinner price is $8.00
Includes; Chicken, Salad, Potato Salad, Dinner Roll and butter.
For pre-sale tickets, please stop by the post! 2121 Grand Island Blvd, Grand Island

Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner - March 2012

    A Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner will be held at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, March 17th. Cost is $8/Adults includes Dessert, Early Birds/$7.50 . Public Welcome and music provided - portion of the proceed will be donated to the Local Food Pantry - 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072

"All You Can Eat" Spaghetti Dinner - Feb. 2012

    The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary will host an "All You Can Eat" spaghetti dinner from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, February 18th at the Post, Early Birds welcome. Cost is $7 for dinner including bread, salad and dessert. Public welcome - 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072

Soup Night at VFW - Jan. 2012

   The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. will host an all you can eat soup night from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, January 21st. Eat in or take out. Early bird dining is from 4-5 p.m. $7.00 includes a dessert of your choice.