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Fundraising Challenge - Class of 1976 Reunion
The Grand Island High School Class of 1976 is having a 35th reunion at the Grand Island Moose, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. on Saturday, July 2nd starting at 6pm. A cash bar will be available and hot dogs and hamburgers for sale. Lee Zeplowitz has issued a challenge to fellow classmates to raise funds for the Grand Island Foundation for Education. At the 30th reunion Lee donated $1000 and the class matched it to raise $2000 for the foundation. This year he is donating $1000 and if the class matches it he will give an additional $100.
If the class raises $1500 he will donate $250, and for an additional $2000, it will be $500! There will not be a mailing, so make sure you tell all your fellow class of 76ers about the event.
Class of 1976 Reunion, You Gotta Go! - Update
Class of 1976 Reunion Information For 2011 - Update
The committee is just starting to get it together for our 35th reunion. The casual reunion will be held at the Grand Island Moose, 2524 Grand Island Blvd. on Saturday, July 2nd starting at 6pm. If anyone is interested in helping out email jodi@giecom.net and you will be added to the committee list. The thought this time around is "keep it simple".
Class of 1976 Reunion Information - 2006
It is finally here, after many months of tracking people down and planning, the reunion is June 30th and July 2nd, 2006. The event scheduled for Friday, June 30th is at the Holiday Inn Grand Island and is FREE! Cash bar and food will be available along with great music from 6 - 10 p.m.. Sunday, July 2nd is the reserved gathering at the Buffalo Launch Club starting at 4 p.m. The cost is $35.00 per person/cash bar and you can still attend. Just let one of the committee know you are interested. There are over 130 people attending at this point so don't miss a good time. Email jodi@giecom.net for more info.
Attention GIHS Grads - Distinguished Alumni Award Announced
Class of 1976 Reunion Invitation - 2006
The committee has been working feverishly to get everyone's address (preferably email)
over the last 4 months and we finally sent out over 200 emails and 100+ snail mail invites. If you have not received either in the last week you can go to the invite posted here on Isledegrande.com. Remember it would make the job so much easier if you can email your program profile to jodi@giecom.net. We are hoping to have a great turnout at our 30th reunion. It has been a very long time since we have seen each other. Invitation
Class of 1976 Missing Classmates' List - 2006
The Grand Island High School Class of 1976 Reunion Committee is still looking for classmates' addresses (email preferred) for the July 2, 2006 Thirtieth Reunion.
Contact Jodi Robinson at 716-774-2772 or jodi@giecom.net. Invitations are being sent out in March. Classmates interested in helping with the reunion plans are urged to attend a meeting being held
at the Java Cafe-Grand Island at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 25, 2006.
See list of missing classmates below and scroll down for more reunion information.
James Benz Kevin Broad William Cook John Fetter Joanne Fisher David Forester Richard Fox Martin Gavrila Deborah Gilmore Elizabeth Hanny Dana James Jeff Jordan Randy Martin Laslo Nemeth Thomas Papson Kimberly Price G David Regan Peter Santa Lucia Bill Schultz Cheryl Smith Susan Trzeciak Charles Witnauer
Class of 1976 Looking For Classmates' Addresses - 2005
The Grand Island Class of 1976 Reunion Committee is looking for classmates' addresses (email preferred) for the July 2, 2006 30th Reunion.
Contact Jodi Robinson at 716-774-2772 or jodi@giecom.net. Invitations are being sent out mid February. Classmates interested in helping with the reunion plans are urged to attend a meeting being held
at the Grand Island Holiday Inn at 6:30 p.m. on January 31, 2006.
Scroll down for more reunion information.
Buffalo Launch Club Chosen For 30th Reunion - 2005
Our first meeting was attended by a small group who decided on Sunday, July 2, 2006 as the date of our 30th reunion. The next decision was the place and the Buffalo Launch Club was chosen by a group of voters who responded to an email. The view of the Niagara River was the deciding factor for most. Our next meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 18, 2005 will be held at the BLC to look over the menus and possibly divvy up the names of classmates to find emails or addresses to send invites. If you have any questions or comments please contact Jodi Hayes Robinson at jodi@giecom.net and I will pass along to the planning committee. We would love to have your help.
Start-up Meeting Tuesday, September 20, 2005
It's that time again! I am starting to get a persistent trickle of e-mails asking about the Class of 1976 30th reunion. So I guess....here we go again! First meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn Lobby on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. I hope we get lots of new faces to help. Contact Jodi Hayes Robinson at jodi@giecom.net if you have any questions.
For those who cannot make the meeting, please email and let me know your ideas so that I can pass them along at the meeting. Most of the classes have been having their reunions as close to July 4th as possible. In the past few years a lot of classes have had their ice-breaker at the Holiday Inn's Friday night "Jazz on the River" at no cost, cash bar and food available.
We are in need of addresses so invitations can be sent, please email to jodi@giecom.net.
Class of '76 To Plan 30th Reunion For Summer 2006
Looking for past committee members and interested classmates of the GIHS Class of 1976 who would be willing to help with the planning of a 30th reunion to be held in 2006. Contact Jodi Hayes Robinson at jodi@giecom.net
Reunion Planners - send us your news and we will post it online on our front page with a link to this page with the "complete story." How about a picture of your class from the yearbook? We can scan it if that will help. Send your email to Teddy Linenfelser
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