Grand Island Groups and Associations
We Need Your Help

Grand Island Group Website List
American Legion
Art Society
Bible Fellowship Center
Bible Presbyterian Church
Boy Scout Troop #254
Boy Scout Troop #510
Boy Scout Troop #630
Bridgeview Garden Club
Buffalo Launch Club
Bus Garage
Business & Professional Women
Chamber of Commerce
Cinderella Isle Garden Club
Citizen Corps Council
Connections News
Connor Middle School
Community Chorus
Conservative Committee
Cooperative Nursery School
Cub Pack #254
Cub Pack #425
Cub Pack #510
Cub Pack #630
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Democratic Committee
East Park Garden Club
Eggertsville-Grand Island Masonic Lodge
Emmanuel Community Bible Church
Fire Company
Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary
Friends of the Grand Island Memorial Library
Girl Scouts
Golden Age Center
Grand Island Foundation
Grand Island Gallopers 4-H Club
Grand Island Garden Club
Grand Island High School
G. I. Soccer Club
Grand Niagara Hockey League
Harbor Lights Fellowship Church
Historic Trinity
Historical Society
Holy Name Society (St. Stephen's)
Home Bureau II
Huth Road Elementary School
Independence Party
Island Presbyterian Church
Islettes Elite
Jack and Jill Community Preschool
Jr. Viking Football
Kaegebein School
Knights of Columbus
League of Women Voters
Lions Club
Little League
Moose Lodge #180
MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers
Neighbors Foundation
Niagara Power Squadron
Niagara River Station Fishing Club
Niagara Sailing Club
Parent Teachers Associations
Quality Quest
Reality Cafe
Recreation Department
Red Hat Society - Grande Dames
Relay For Life
Republican Women's Club
Republican Committee
River Lea Quilters
Riverside Salem United Church of Christ
Rotary Club
Sandy Beach Park Club
Sandy Beach Yacht Club
Sidway Reunion
Sidway School
Snowmobile Club
St. Martin-in-the-Fields
St. Stephen's Altar Society
St. Stephen's Church
St. Stephen's Holy Name Society
St. Stephen's Parish Players
St. Stephen School
St. Stephen's Youth Group
St. Timothy Lutheran Child Care
St. Timothy Lutheran Church
GI Teachers Association
Teddy's Islettes
Tuesday Crafters
Trinity UM Church
VFW 9249
West River Homeowners Assoc.
Whitehaven Road Baptist Church
Women's Club
Women Of The Word (WOW)
GI Wrestling Club
Youth Advisory Board
Youth Court
Zonta Club

We have partnered with CONNECTIONS to help Grand Island as a community "Get it Together." If you would like us to list your group please visit our website G-I-Together.ORG and fill out our SURVEY. Every group on Grand Island will have its own FREE webpage. If you currently have your own domain, we will gladly link to it. You might even consider, using the page we create with your news on your site. Please include; Meeting times and location, contact persons, your Mission Statement and a Listing of Events. We will also be linking your news releases that appear on IsledeGrande.Com Grand Island's #1 News Source with over 4500 Unique Visitors per week. Browse the 100+ Group pages we currently maintain below. . . .
This is a perfect opportunity for your group to connect with new members and the community and help us put Grand Island New York on the map.
Please Send Us Your News

    We welcome news from groups, organizations, and individuals, submit to Teddy Linenfelser.
Your News and Photos WILL BE used on
Please include names, date of event, location, just follow the,
"who, what, why, where and when rule" and your email address and phone number, if we have questions.
Scanned photos may be attached as "jpegs" and not too large?
If it is more convenient you may drop them off at our Isledegrande Office at 1871 Whitehaven or next door at deSignet International our principal sponsor, 1869 Whitehaven Road.
Here is a link to the Connections "Press Release Form" which will help you publicize your events to other Media, including Radio and Television.

Other Grand Island Pages to Visit:
Churches | Email Directory | Government | Groups
GIHS Grad List | Guestbook | Please sign in! | Local Artists | Photo Album | Town History | Useful Links
| Website Design | Wildlife | Isledegrande's Home Page | GIECOM.NET'S Home Page  
Please Email News Releases to Teddy Linenfelser, Thank You.

This website was created and updated weekly since September of 1997.
Our sponsor is GIECOM.Net Inc., "Grand Island's E-Commerce Network", 
providing Webhosting to the Grand Island Community. 
If you are interested in participating as a sponsor, please email.
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