This page is deSigned to support Grand Island churches. It is our goal to inform Island people of events and activities via the internet. If you are interested in adding information to this site, email information with your name and phone number.
Christian Assembly
2060 Grand Island Blvd
Grand Island, NY 14072
| Ph: 773-7990 |
Friday Service.........7:00 pm
Sunday Service........10:30 am
Saint Martin-in-the-Fields
2587 Baseline Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
| Ph: 773-3335 |
Worship Hours:
Holy Eucharist........8:00 am and 10:00 am on Sundays (Nursery provided at 7:55 a.m.)
Christian Education: (Elementary thru Adult)...9 a.m.
Daily: Morning Prayer... 8:30 a.m. Weekdays
July/August Worship...9:00 a.m.
St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church
1453 Staley Road at Stony Point
Grand Island, NY 14072
Pastor: Dean M. Hunneshagen
| Ph: 773-4400 |
Worship Hours:
June 19 through September 7.....
8:00 am outdoors (weather permitting) bring lawn chairs.
9:30 am indoors
Visit our Web Site
Harbor Lights Fellowship
1821 Grand Island Blvd.
Grand Island, NY 14072
Harbor Lights Fellowship News Page
Harbor Lights Fellowship Website
Saturdays - 7:00 pm - Flower in the River Meetings
Sunday: 9:00 am - Sunday School
Sunday: 10:00 am - Celebration Service
Tuesday: Men & Women GBible Study – various locations – call for information
Wednesday: 7 p.m. - Bible Study
Thursday: 7-9 p.m. - House of Prayer
For additional services, check out website at
Worship Hours:
Early worship: 8:00 am (Informal, 45 minute worship)
Contemporary Service: 9:15 am
Sunday Worship...........10:45 am (Rainbow worship for children 3 years to 3rd
No children or youth Sunday School during the summer
There is one adult Sunday School class at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School...............(Sept.-June) 9:00 am (all ages)
Infant and Child Care available at all services.
Visit our Web Site
Bible Presbyterian Church
1650 Love Road just off Beaver Island Pkwy.
Grand Island, NY 14072
Pastor: Rev. Kevin M. Backus, Ph.D
Ph: 773-7303
Visit our Web Site or
Email:Rev. Kevin Backus
Worship Hours:
Sunday School...........9:30 am (all ages)
Sunday Worship........10:45 am (Nursery and Children' Church)
Evening Gospel Hour....6:00
Island Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church (USA)
1822 Huth Road
Grand Island, NY 14072-1019
| Ph: 773-4849 |
Worship Hours:
Sunday Worship........10:30 am
Sunday School...........9:30 am
Special Events:
Saint Stephen's
2100 Baseline Road
Grand Island, NY 14072-2059
Pastor: Rev.Paul M. Nogaro
| Rectory Phone: 773-7647 |
School Website Phone:
773-4347 | Convent Phone: 773-2231 |
EMAIL | Religious Education (CCD): 773-2002 | Fax Number: 773-5792 |
Saturday............4:30 pm(New Church)
Sunday...............7:30 am, 9 am, 11:00 am (New Church)
Please check the bulletin
Office Hours (Monday - Friday)
Rectory....8:30 am- 4:30 p.m.
School.......8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Rel. Ed......9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Sept. - June)
Reconciliation (Confession)
Saturday............3:30-4:00 pm
Riverside-Salem United Church of
Environmental Chapel
3449 West River Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
| Ph: 773-1426
Official Riverside Salem United Church of Christ Web Page
Worship Hours:
Sunday Worship........4:00 pm (Worship, program and potluck)
1997-98 Study of I Kings to Esther
1998-99 Study of I & II Corinthians & Galations
For more information call:
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Please Email News Releases to Teddy
Linenfelser, Thank You.
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