Bible Presbyterian Church
1650 Love Road just off Beaver Island Pkwy.
Grand Island, NY 14072
Pastor: Rev.Kevin M. Backus, Ph.D
Assistant to the Pastor: Rev. Len Pine, D. Min.

Phone: 773-7303
Visit our
Web Site or
Email:Rev. Kevin Backus

Worship Hours:
Sunday School...........9:30 am (all ages)
Sunday Worship........10:45 am (Nursery and Children's Church)
Evening Gospel Hour....6:00

2012 Easter Services at Bible Presbyterian Church - March 2012

Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Tony Curto, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Holy Week Services:
Wednesday - Friday, April 4-6 at 7:00 PM.
Communion will be observed on Good Friday.
Easter Sunday: 7:30 AM Sunrise Service at the Beaver Island Park Overlook with Dr. Kevin Backus speaking; 9:30 AM Sunday School for all ages; 10:45 AM and 6:00 PM Worship Services with Rev. Dr. Tony Curto.

Bible Presbyterian Church Christmas Calendar - December 2009

• Dec. 6 - Carol Sing at our 6:00 PM Service
• Dec. 10 - Christmas Caroling - Meet at the Church at 6:00 PM
• Dec. 13 - Christmas Concert at our 6:00 PM Service
• Dec. 20 - Christmas Cantata - "A Winter Rose" - 6:00 PM
• Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - "Festival of Lessons & Carols" - 7:00 PM

Rev. Kevin Backus Returns From Preaching In Colombo, Sri Lanka
Tidal Wave Hits Shortly After - 2004

(left) Rev. Backus shown left rear with one of the missionaries and his family; (center) Workers on a tea plantation; (right) Rev. Backus, shown right rear with one of the congregations he preached to.
Click photos for larger view

   Rev. Kevin Backus, senior pastor at Bible Presbyterian Church, Love Road, Grand Island, NY has just returned from Colombo, Sri Lanka where he spent ten days working with Calvary Reform Presbyterian Chapel, training people in Biblical counseling and preaching in Colombo and outlying regions.
   "The church that I was ministering at was a quarter mile or less from the Bay of Bengal," Rev. Backus said this week. This is in the area that was just extremely hard-hit by the tidal wave and he was glad to say he was back home when it hit.
   Rev. Backus told the Grand Island E-News on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 that he and others ministered to many of those in the "shanty town" down on the beach which has since been wiped out. There are about 175 refugees now being ministered to and being provided with medicine, food, water and shelter.
   "The congregation there is uniquely positioned to care for people. Four of the members of my class were MDs," Rev. Backus said. "They have Information Technology people, accountants and engineers, all part of the congregation who are now caring for the people in that vicinity. They are using their gifts full time in caring for the people in that vicinity," he said.
   "Our mission board, Presbyterian Missionary Union, located on Grand Island, NY, will receive and forward any funds donated for the purpose of relief to Calvary Reform Chapel in Colombo," Rev. Backus said.
   Rev. Backus has taught in Africa and South Korea and will be in Rwanda in February 2005.

Oct. 27, 2002 Speaker - "Possible Views of God"

Elliot Miller of the Christian Research Institute, who has been conducting a free seminar on "Possible Views of God" at various area churches, will preach at services 6 p.m. Oct. 27, 2002 in Bible Presbyterian Church, 1650 Love Road. Miller is an author who serves as editor-in-chief of publications for the Christian Research Institute.

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