If you are a member of this organization, we need your help. GIECOM.Net has partnered with the Connections program to help Grand Island as a community "Get it Together." Please visit our website G-I-Together.ORG and fill out our SURVEY. Every group on Grand Island will have its own FREE web page showing: meeting times and location, contact persons, your Mission Statement and a listing of events. We will also be linking your news events that appear in the local media and on IsledeGrande.Com, Grand Island's E-News Source, to your page, maintaining an archived journal of pictures and news. This is the perfect opportunity for your group to connect with potential new members and the community.
St. Stephen’s Cub Pack Round-Up - May 2007
Cub Scouting wants you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of America’s foremost youth program for boys, Cub Scouting. A sign–up and information night will be held for St. Stephen’s Cub Pack #630 on Monday, May 14th at 6:30 p.m. at 2100 Baseline Road in the Old Church Basement.
Designed for boys ages 6-10 (first grade through fifth grade), Cub Scouting combines outdoor activities, sports, academics, and more in a fun and exciting program that helps families teach ideals such as honesty, good Citizenship, and respect.
The Boy Scouts of America is composed of more than 1.27 million volunteers working together for the sole purpose of helping its more than 3 million youth succeed in life. For more information contact Claudia O’Neil, Committee Chair, at 773-8023 or Greg Robinson, Cub Master, at 773-1524.
Cub Packs Enjoys "Race Day" 2007
Pack 630 Finishers: (front) Christopher Swagler, Ryan O'Neil and Brian Verso; (back) Kevin O'Neil and Kevin Schoener
Pack 510 Finishers: Left to right: 3rd place Jason Held - Tiger Scout, First place Travis LaFevre - Webelo's I Scout, First place Chris Burris - Webelo's II Scout
Pinewood Derby All Island Finishers: (front) Garrett Robinson, Brian Verso and Ryan O'Neil; (back) Greg Robinson and Kevin Schoener
Click photos for larger view
January 6, 2007 was the date all Grand Island Cub Scouts were waiting for. "Race Day"!! The 2007 All Island Pinewood Derby was held at St. Stephen School cafeteria. Packs 630, 254 and 510 enjoyed the day-long event.
Packs 254 and 510 raced in the morning with their top racers being chosen:
Pack 254
1st - Mitchell Weis
2nd Ryan Buzby
3rd Maxwell Keller
Pack 510
1st Travis LaFeure
2nd Chris Burris
3rd Jason Held
Pack 630, the host of the event, raced in the afternoon. Over 70 cars raced, each one racing on a steel raised track four times . Each scout created his own car out of a block of wood. The cars varied in type. There were a few "tank" cars, race cars, flat cars and even a bus. The top racers for Pack 630 were (see photo):
1st Ryan O'Neil
2nd Brian Verso
3rd Christopher Swagler
"Race Day" continued with an open class event where parents, siblings, and former and current scouts could enter another car. This was unique because the open class had much more creativity on the cars. The most creative was a "bathtub" car. The top racers for the open class were:
1st place Claudia O'Neil
2nd place Christopher Swagler
3rd place Alex Turner
The day culminated in the All Island Race. There were 22 cars that raced four times with their total race time determining the winners.
All Island Top Cars:
1st Ryan O'Neil - Pack 630
2nd Brian Verso - Pack 630
3rd Garritt Robinson - Pack 630
The race also determined the top Island Racers by rank:
Top Tiger - Jason Held - Pack 510
Top Wolf - Garrett Robinson - Pack 630
Top Bear - Ryan O'Neil - Pack 630
Top Webelo I - Brian Verso - Pack 630
Top Webelo II - Christopher Swagler - Pack 630
This annual event is one of the highlights of the Cub Scouting year. Fun was had by all.
Cub Scouting Wants You! Sign-up/Information Night - 2006
Grand Island, New York – Cub Scouting wants you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of America’s foremost youth program for boys – Cub Scouting.
A sign – up and information night will be held for St. Stephen’s Cub Pack #630 at 6:30 p.m. September 18, 2006, in the Old Church Basement, 2100 Baseline Road. Flyers with additional details will be distributed at school.
Designed for boys ages 6-10 (first grade until fifth grade), Cub Scouting combines outdoor activities, sports, academics, and more in a fun and exciting program that helps families teach ideals such as honesty, good citizenship, and respect.
The Boy Scouts of America is composed of more than 1.27 million volunteers working together for the sole purpose of helping its more than 3 million youth succeed in life.
For more information contact Committee Chair Barb Swagler at 773-8056 or Cubmaster Devin Schoener at 773-6065.
Pack 630 Celebrates Scout Sunday - 2006
Click photo for larger view
Cub Scouts of Cub Pack 630 celebrated their duty to God during Scout Sunday on February 5, 2006. Many scouts as pictured, work on
a variety of religious emblems that bring the scouts knowledge and further participation in their faith. The boys earned
the Light of Christ and Parvuli Day emblems blessed during the mass by Father Paul Nogaro.
St. Stephens Pack 630 Holds Island Wide Pinewood Derby - 2006
Pictured with Cub Master Kevin Schoener (right to left) are Pack 630's first through third place overall winners. Pack 254 Cub Master Dean Rallo is on the right. - Click photo for larger view
The Cub Scout Pinewood Derby hosted by St. Stephen's Pack 630 is a race filled day held every January when scouts design a wooden five-ounce car of any imaginable shape and color with full accessories.
Races of four cars over multiple heats find the winner only thousandths of a second ahead of the next, leaving all in suspense until the final race.
The Boy Scouts from Troop 630, the leaders and the many parents who helped keep the day in order are most appreciated.
Grand Island Pinewood Derby January 21, 2006
Click Jan. 21, 2006 Island Pinewood Derby
Cub Pack 630 Donates Toys To Neighbors Foundation - 2005
Cub Scouts of Pack 630 and gifts they donated to Neighbors Foundation - Click photo for larger view
Members of Cub Scout Pack 630 concluded the year 2005 at their December Pack meeting disguised in grand Christmas spirit. Each Cub Scout brought in a new toy to be delivered to the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation for children's Christmas presents. The meeting was held in St. Stephen's old church basement with craft tables, Christmas carols and hot fudge sundaes to top off the night.
Cub Scouting Wants You! Sign-up/Information Night - 2005
Grand Island, New York – Cub Scouting wants you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of America’s foremost youth program for boy’s – Cub Scouting.
A sign – up and information night will be held for St. Stephen’s Cub Pack #630 at 6:30 p.m. September 12, 2005, in the Old Church Basement, 2100 Baseline Road. Flyers with additional details will be distributed at school.
Designed for boys ages 6-10 (first grade until fifth grade), Cub Scouting combines outdoor activities, sports, academics, and more in a fun and exciting program that helps families teach ideals such as honesty, good citizenship, and respect.
The Boy Scouts of America is composed of more than 1.27 million volunteers working together for the sole purpose of helping its more than 3 million youth succeed in life.
For more information contact Barb Swagler at 773-8056.
Cub Pack 630 Cubmaster Retires - 2005
Retiring Cubmaster Frank Kovacs (left) and new Cubmaster Kevin Schoener - Click photo for larger view
St. Stephen’s Cub Scout Pack 630 started a new year with many changes to its exciting scouting agenda. A special thanks to our retiring Cubmaster Frank Kovacs (left) for his years of inspiring leadership and a huge welcome to our new Cubmaster Kevin Schoener (right). The pack of Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos totaling 54 cub scouts began their ways of earning badges, pins, patches and awards for their understanding and participation in scouting achievements. Many upcoming events including Niagara hockey, Globetrotter basketball, and the Pinewood derby will be enjoyed by all. The pack meets once a month in the St. Stephen School cafetorium and as individual dens once a week during the remainder of the month.
Cub Pack 630 Meeting Features Fire Safety - 2005
Grand Island Fire Company members instruct our scouts on fire safety - Click photo for larger view
St. Stephen’s Cub Scout Pack 630 held its monthly pack meeting and was privileged to have members of the Grand Island Fire Company and Lane Fire Extinguisher explain fire safety and allow the Cub Scouts hands-on fire fighting experiences. Firefighters Joe Torregrossa and Tom Dewey taught fire safety and demonstrated how all the fire gear is used while Bill Lewis of Lane Fire allowed the scouts hands-on training of CO2 powder fire extinguishers. A special thanks to our guests for their dedicated work with our town and scouts.
Boy Scout Sunday - Boy Scouts Awarded Religious Emblems - 2005
Boy Scout Sunday was celebrated on February 6, 2005 at Saint Stephen's Church. Four Cub Scouts from Pack 425 and Pack 630
received their religious emblem awards. Michael Brown and Zachary Cooney received the "Light of Christ" emblem. The program helps
younger scouts develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Alec Buffamonte and Lucas Siebert received the "Parvuli Dei" emblem, an award that allows the boys a wide range of activities to discover God in their lives. Pictured are emblem recipients Alec Buffamonte, Michael
Brown, Zachary Cooney and Lucas Siebert and Father Paul Nogaro (center front); (back left) Pack 425 Cubmaster Steven Heeb, Religious Emblems
Coordinator Carol Hamm, and James Pritchard, Greater Niagara Frontier Council Professional Catholic Committee Advisor.
Boy Scout Sunday Celebration - All Cubs, Scouts Invited - 2005
Boy Scout Sunday will be celebrated at the 9 a.m. Mass at Saint Stephen’s Church on Sunday, February 6, 2005. All Cub and Boy Scout units on Grand Island are invited to participate. Scouts are asked to arrive at church at 8:30 a.m. in full uniform with their Unit Flag, ready to process down the aisle at the beginning of the Mass.
Several Cub Scouts from Pack 630 and Pack 425 will be honored for their participation in religious activities at Scout Sunday Mass. The Light of Christ emblem, a stepping stone award toward developing a personal relationship with Jesus, will be presented to Michael Brown of Cub Pack 425 and Zachary Cooney of Cub Pack 630.
Receiving the Parvuli Dei emblem for advancement in religious and spiritual knowledge will be: Alec Buffamonte and Lucas Siebert, members of Cub Scout Pack 630.
Congratulations go out to these boys who have worked hard since September to receive these awards.
Grand Island Pinewood Derby Run-off - 2005
Winners, all from Cub Pack 630, are (front left) Zachary Re, Ryan O'Neil and Kyle Schoener;
(back) Den Leaders
Kevin Schoener (Bears), Jackie Zukic (Tigers) and Bob Verso (Wolves)
and Pack 630 Cub Master Frank Kovacs.
Click photo for a larger view.
Another great pinewood derby has faded into history. Three Cub Packs on Grand Island competed for the 75th anniversary of Cub Scouting Grand Island Pinewood Derby trophy. The first Pack to race was Pack 510 from Huth Road School on Saturday January 15, 2005. Winners are:
3rd place - car 42 by Thomas McDonald
2nd place - car 20 by Frank DeRubes
1st place - car 21 by Sean DeRubes
Overall 36 cars were entered with designs ranging from a pirate ship to Homer Simpson in bed.
Next to race was Pack 254 from Kaegebein School.
3rd place - car 14 by Chad Ducette
2nd place - car 15 by Alex Rallo
1st place - car 8 by Ryan Falter
Overall 16 cars raced including the lizard mobile.
The afternoon started with Pack 630 finishing up the preliminary heats. Cars included Spongebob (not on a car but the car) and a pencil.
3rd place - car 27 by Zachary Re
2nd place - car 37 by Kevin Freedman
1st place - 6 by Ryan O'Neil
50 cars competed in the Pack races
The top finishers in each Pack went on to the Island finals. Sixteen in all were competing for the prestigious trophies.
3rd place - car 47 by Kyle Schoener - Bear Pack 630
2nd place - car 6 by Ryan O'Neil - Tiger Pack 630
1st place - car 27 by Zachary Re - Webelos I Pack 630
Webelos den leader John Siegel was race coordinator. Den leaders are Kevin Schoener (Bears), Jackie Zukic (Tigers) and Bob Verso (Wolves) and Cub Master of Pack 630 is Frank Kovacs.
Congratulations to all the kids for the hard work they put into crafting their cars. Some of the races were tied to .001 seconds.
Cub Pack #630 Donates Toys To Neighbors Foundation - 2004
Click photo for a complete view - Cubs are shown with Assistant Cub Master John Siegel and Cub Master Frank Kovacs
St. Stephen's Cub Scout Pack #630 held its annual toy drive at the December 13, 2004 pack meeting. The Cub Scouts donated over 50 toys that will be forwarded to the Neighbors Foundation for Christmas this year. Members of Pack #630 also brought in enough candy to fill 85 bags to brighten the stockings of needy children. The candy will be sent along with the toys, for helping those in our town who are less fortunate. Great job Cub Scouts.
Cub Pack #630 Plants Tree For Boy Scout 75th Anniversary - 2004
Click photo for a larger view.
St. Stephen's Cub Scout Pack #630 celebrated the upcoming 75th anniversary of Boy Scouting by planting a tree. The birch tree was planted on the grounds of St. Stephen School in honor of all past, current and future Cub Scouts.
Grand Island Pinewood Derby Run-off - 2004
Click photo for a larger view.
Three Grand Island Cub Scout Packs got together, courtesy of St. Stephen School, for the first Grand Island Pinewood Derby Run-off on Saturday, January 10, 2004.
Each Pack (Pack 510 meets at Huth Road School, Pack 254/Kaegebein School and Pack 630/St. Stephen School) held its own pinewood derby in the school cafeteria. To begin with, each cub scout receives a block of wood, four tires and nails for axles and has a month to transform these materials into a racer. Each year the cub scouts amaze the leaders and parents with their creativity. This year's cars included a hummer, complete with "army guys" inside, a snow covered mountain complete with snowboarders coming "down the mountain," and an inch worm carved out of the block. The race takes place on a 26-foot track with timing to 1/1000th of a second.
The official winners for Grand Island this year are:
First Place Car 9 - Nicholas Paolini - a Tiger from Pack 510
Second Place Car 47 - Sam Oursler - a First year Webelos from Pack 510
Third Place Car 28 - Christopher Boulden - second year Webelos from Pack 254
Rounding out the Top racers are
Fastest Wolf Car 17 - David Mongan Pack 510 tied with
Car 413 - Jadon Wegrzyn Pack 630 to 1/1000th of a second on 4 races
Fastest Bear Car 55 - Zachary Re Pack 630
Fun was had by all and John Siegel and his Race Committee wish to congratulate all the Cub Scouts for all the hard work they put into their creations. "We expect even more fun next year when Pack 425 (meets at St. Martin's Church) joins in the fun."
Cub Scout Pack 630 Makes Gift Bags As "Do A Good Deed" Project - 2003
Neighbors Foundation Member Henry Kammerer is standing behind Cub Pack 630. Click photo for a much larger view.
Members of Cub Pack 630 used their Christmas pack meeting at St. Stephen's as chance to "do a good deed." Each Cub Scout was asked to bring an unwrapped toy and some wrapped candy to the December 2003 meeting. The kids had fun sorting candy into gift bags for distribution to the Island's needy, through the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation.
Cub Scout Pack 630 Holds Blue & Gold Dinner
Cub Pack 630 held its annual Blue and Gold Dinner when numerous badges and recognition went to various Cub Scouts. Cubs of Den 4 Webelos graduated to Boy Scouting through the Arrow Of Light Award ceremony. Thanks to John Siegel for photos shown below.
Den 4 Webelos graduate to Boy Scouting through the Arrow Of Light Award ceremony
Den #1
Den #2
Den #3
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