Democratic Women
To Hold Christmas Party
The Democratic Women's Club will hold a Christmas Party on December 12, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at River Oaks Restaurant. For reservations or information contact Robin Swedish at 773-1100.
Democratic Women
List Year's Activities
The Democratic Women's Club has announced the following club activities for the year 2001
Island Treasures Bake Sale, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 15
Potluck Dinner, "Meet Our Candidates Night" 7 p.m., September 19
Guest speaker Family Court Judge Candidate Lisa Rodwin speaks on Combating Family Violence in the New Millenium, October 17.
Democratic Women To Meet
The Grand Island Democratic Women's Club will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 16 at the Town Hall Terrace Club House.
Morgan Petri To Speak To Democratic Women
Members of the Grand Island Democratic Women's Club will host guest speaker Morgan Petri from the Grand Island Historical Society when they meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 21 at the Town Hall Terrace Clubhouse.
Isle Democratic Women To Meet
The Grand Island Democratic Women's Club will meet 7 p.m. Wednesday, February 21, 2001 in the Town Hall Terrace Club House. Annual dues in the amount of $10 are due by April 1, 2001. New members are welcome.
If you are a member of this organization we need your help. GIECOM.Net has partnered with the Connections program to help Grand Island as a community "Get it Together". Please visit our website G-I-Together.ORG and fill out our SURVEY. Every group on Grand Island will have its own FREE webpage, listing: meeting times location, contact persons, your Mission Statement and a listing of events. We will also be linking your news events that appear in the local media and on IsledeGrande.Com Grand Island's E-News Source, to your page, maintaining an archived journal of pictures and news. This is the perfect opportunity for your group to connect with potential new members and the community.
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Linenfelser, Thank You.
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