Saving Time
Residents are reminded to turn their clocks back one hour on Saturday night, October 28, as we return to Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, October 29th.
introduced at School
Board Meeting

Benevento introduces "Looping" to the Grand
Island School
By William O'Connor
Kindergarten and First Grade Teacher Ms Benevento introduced the "Looping" program at Monday's School Board Meeting in the Sidway School Cafeteria. "With Looping, the teacher has the same group of students for at least two years" according to Education Update newsletter. On Grand Island the Looping program is in Kindergarten and First Grade. When the teacher completes two years of schooling with her class, she starts with another Kindergarten class (or loops back).
Benevento is the first teacher in Grand Island to teach the same group of children in Kindergarten and First Grade in this innovative program at Sidway School. She was extremely positive about her experience as she presented her results. The continuity of the children's education was one of "so many assets to the program" according to Benevento who felt that the program made her a better teacher.
Four of the children's parents also had high praise for the program. One father relayed that he was pleased that his child was "stepping up comfortably". The program confused his child somewhat, for a little while the kindergartener thought that he was flunking. After he understood he was being promoted with the same teacher he was relieved.
A videotape presentation of the children in the program confirmed that the children also found the experience rewarding.
<Complete Story>
GI E-News
Coloring Contest
Island E-News announces a coloring contest in three age groups (4-6,
7-9, and 10-12). A twenty-dollar gift certificate will be awarded for
the winner of each age group.
Contestants may download the GIECOM Turkey and the Contest Rules online. Additional copies are available at the GIECOM Office. They may be mailed or dropped off our office, 1871
Whitehaven Rd., Grand Island, NY 14072. All entries must arrive on or
before November 15, 2000.
Available for Island
The Grand Island Connections Program is
offering a series of mini-grants to encourage Grand Island organizations to work
Initially the focus will be on working together
with and for youth. Mini-grants ranging for $100 to $300 will be available for
any collaborative project in which two or more organizations (e.g., a youth and
a civic group; two social clubs; two youth groups) work together on a common
goal. Up to $2000 may be awarded for special projects.
Ideally, these activities should support or encourage the development of
one or more assets for youth such as support from families, constructive use of
time, positive values and/or commitment to learning.
In the event that the
number of proposals exceeds available funds, grants will be awarded based on the
number of youth assets (see above) it supports, the number of youth that are
targeted, and the number of collaborating organizations. The deadline for
submissions is November 15th.
To learn more about
supporting the needs of Grand Island youth view our online application formor call the GIFTS program at 773-9600 x 690.
Seneca land claim to be decided by U. S. District Judge
Trial seems remote
Attorneys arguing since August on the validity of Grand Island's (and other islands in the Niagara) ownership by the Seneca Nation of Indians were told by U. S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara on Tuesday, October 17 that he will make the decision.
Speaking in the courtroom October 17, Arcara said, "A trial in the future seems very remote. The case is purely a matter of law at this point and I think it can be resolved by summary judgment."
The decision by Judge Arcara could most probably end up in the U. S. Supreme Court.
Grand Island Supervisor Peter A. McMahon, who spoke with reporters outside the court room said he believes that no matter what the judge's decision is, the losing side will appeal.
The Seneca Nation claims that its sale of Grand Island and other islands in the Niagara River, to the State of New York in 1815 for $1000 and yearly payments of $500 forever, was never approved by the Federal government as required by the 1790 Trade and Intercourse Act. Arguments will resume on November 21.
Flu vaccine
A Flu Vaccine Clinic will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday, November 6 at the Grand Island Golden Age Center, 3278 Whitehaven Road by appointment only. Call 773-9683.
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Quality Quest’s Buckhorn Paddle

Sixteen-month old Kelley inspects the bottom of a kayak while others talk
after the 2nd Annual Buckhorn Paddle.
About 20 people ranging in age from 16 months to over 70 years participated in the Second Annual Buckhorn Park Paddle, last Saturday. It was a cloudy day but the rain held off, and occasionally the sun poked through the clouds. Trees in the park were all different hues and the natural music of robins and other birds filled the air.
The trip was made possible for the group due to a great deal of cooperation on the part of everyone. Several people who did not have their own boats were loaned canoes or kayaks by Quality Quest members. Less experienced paddlers were paired with more seasoned participants, and everyone helped people climb in and out of the canoes or kayaks.
Four members of the group decided to hike rater than paddle 16 month-old Kelly is a little young for a canoe trip,
so her mother and two friends kept her company.
The rest of the group started at the canoe launch at Woods Creek, across from the main parking lot on East-West River Rd. They paddled their crafts through down Woods Creek, taking their boats out to cross the eastern weir. After that, they observed the beaver lodge in the center of Burnt-Ship Creek. Following Burnt Ship Creek, they paddled to near the Thruway at the base of the North Bridge.
They returned to the launch following the same route (in reverse).
Town announces "Tricks or
Treat" hours
The hours for Grand Island children to collect their Halloween candy in their neighborhood, as announced by Supervisor Peter A. McMahon, are from 5-8 p.m. on Halloween, Tuesday, October 31st.
Crime victims demand action

Deputy Fred Vincent, Legislator Chuck Swanick, Supervisor Pete McMahon and Technical Sergeant Delgato listen to concerned citizens at Wednesday's meeting.
In recent months, Halloween decorations have been damaged, pumpkins smashed, car and home windows were broken, and there have been a series of robberies in the Love Rd.- Schwegler area.
More than 80 people showed up at a meeting in the Grand Island Memorial Library, Wednesday evening. It was initated by Grand Island Supervisor Peter A. McMahon, who participated along with Erie County Legislator Chuck Swanick, County Sheriff's Deputy Fred Vincent, and County Technical Sergeant Vincent Delgato. Many of those attending are victims of a rash of crime on Grand Island. Victims at the meeting did not want to be identified for fear of retribution. They expressed concern that the police and courts are too lenient.
Love Rd. business owners presented McMahon with a petition that has more than 780 signatures calling for a curfew for youth on Grand Island. The signatures were collected from just two locations (Tim's Sonoco and Rose Liquor) on Love Rd.
McMahon promised the curfew issue would be added to the town workshop agenda.
Swanick authorized more Sheriff patrols in the area, and relayed that McMahon has authorized more hours from the Grand Island Police. He asked that citizens get involved, saying, "You have to help us catch these kids."
He promised to talk with Erie County Prosecutor Frank Clark and demand more vigorous prosecutions, and said this meeting will make everyone more alert to the problem.
Sergeant Delgato advised citizens to keep a "pad and pencil" by the phone, keep an eye out, write down any suspicious activity (including license plates, descriptions, and names). He put parents of these delinquents on notice saying "once they're 16, they're ours, not yours".
Delgato passed out crime prevention fliers and advised citizens to use the Erie County Sheriff's Web-site at, for more information about crime prevention. |