Grand Island News update November 3, 2000
GIFTS Family
Day of
<Complete Story>
GI Chicks soccer
team seeks
sponsors GI E-News announces a coloring contest in three age groups (4-6,
7-9, and 10-12). A twenty-dollar gift certificate will be awarded for
the winner of each age group.
Contestants may download the GIECOM Turkey and the Contest Rules online. Additional copies are available at the GIECOM Office. They may be mailed or dropped off our office, 1871
Whitehaven Rd., Grand Island, NY 14072. All entries must arrive on or
before November 15, 2000. |
needed for
Kids Voting Island students from kindergarten through 12th grade will vote with their parents at one of the eight polling places on Election Day, November 7, through the Kids Voting program. Kids Voting Coordinator Lee Tetkowski, 773-3266, is asking for volunteers to help with the program. A short training will be available for all volunteers. Isle firemen fight Tonawanda grass fire By Ray Pauley (GIFC Information Officer) Grand Island firefighters responded to a District One Alarm sounded by the Town of Tonawanda Volunteer Fire Companies shortly before noon Monday, October 30 when a “major” fire was discovered burning across grass lands adjoining the Tonawanda Coke Plant at 3875 River Road. <Complete Story> UNICEF Day -
still time to
donate |
GI Chamber
Expo 2000 ![]() More than thirty-five businesses and civic organizations displayed their wares at the ninth annual Grand Island Chamber of Commerce Business and Community Exposition, last Saturday (Oct.28), in the Bible Presbyterian Family Life Center on Love Rd. <Complete Story> GIE-News - Internet Grand Island newspaper ![]() Teddy Linenfelser and Kim Baldassare show off Grand Island E-News at the Expo. (photo by Fred Claus) Longtime resident and jeweler Reg Schopp has accomplished his dream, providing Grand Island, New York with online news. has been featuring island information to the world since 1997. Connecting hundreds of old friends with its Email Directory and Grad List. Isledegrande.Com is sponsored by GIECOM.NET his new Internet Company. <Complete Story> ![]() Growing up on the Island 1942 - 1950 'The Beginning' By Ted Kumlander In the fall of 1942 my parents purchased a farm house at 3114 Baseline Road. That's near Long Road. The lot was a little over 1 acre. The previous owners were Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Zehnder, the price was $2450, and that's not a typo. <Complete Story> |
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Please Email News Releases to Teddy
Linenfelser, Thank You.
This website was created and updated weekly since
September of 1997.
Our sponsor is GIECOM.Net
Inc., "Grand Island's E-Commerce Network",
providing Internet Access and Webhosting to the Grand Island Community.
If you are interested in participating as a sponsor, please email.
1871 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, New York, 14072-1803 USA
GIECOM.Net Inc. is owned by
deSignet International
a "World Class Jewelry Manufacturer and Retailer"
Store Hours: Noon-5PM Tues-Friday and
Saturdays 10AM-3PM, and by Appointment
1869 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, New York, 14072-1803 USA,
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