Each year, for the past twenty years, the Grand Island Teachers’ Association has recognized outstanding students with the Pride of the Island Award. Each GITA member can nominate only one student who consistently demonstrates the following characteristics: Positive, Responsible, Interested, Determined and Energetic and sets a fine example for his/her fellow classmates. The week of May 10th, the families of the P.R.I.D.E. 245 winners each received a letter, certificate and license plate holder to recognize their accomplishment. Watch for the return of the GITA float including this fine group of students and their proud teachers in the July 4th parade!
GITA P.R.I.D.E of the Island 2009
Huth Road School PRIDE Recipients 2009
Carraro, Jacob 2
Colan, Ryann O. 2
Dworak, Sydney M. 2
LoHouse, Grace J. 2
Neyra, Jose L. 2
Samplinski, Trevor J. 2
Ziehm, Amanda M. 2
Boyko, Rosemarie E. 3
Ford, Jacob R. 3
Fusillo, Maricella K. 3
Gibbons, Katherine K. 3
Samplinski, Joseph R. 3
Shickluna, Megan R. 3
Hess, Marilyn 4
Major, Julianna L. 4
Merletti, Catherine A. 4
Moss, Kassie L. 4
Nyitrai, Juleeann 4
Smith, Angela S. 4
Vasiliadis, Marianthi 4
Augugliaro, Emily E. 5
Bellia, Leora T. 5
Eltagouri, Mohamed 5
Kavanagh, Julia 5
Keane, Sydney P. 5
Mankowski, Michael C. 5
Morrow, Tanner S. 5
Nobumoto, Emily A. 5
Reading, Mikayla 5
Rennells, Margaret A. 5
Robillard, Chelsea A. 5
Schultz, Maggie R. 5
Smith, Cameron 5
VeRost, Maxwell J. 5
Violino, Samantha M. 5
William M. Kaegebein PRIDE Recipients 2009
Carey, Nicholas 2
Carr, Forrest M. 2
Jones, Celia C. 2
Proctor, Miranda L. 2
Schoener, Allyson 2
Sikora, Josephine 2
Tillett, Nicholas 2
Ullrich, Hannah E. 2
VanderMey, Joy 2
Buzby, Ryan C. 3
Cook, Joshua 3
Ramos, Nelson K. 3
Ruffolo, Jacob A. 3
Swain-Bruyere, Kobe J. 3
Wadell, Michelle M. 3
Zherebilov, Sumalmita G. 3
Baughman, Theresa S. 4
Brandon, Devin R. 4
Buzby, Conner 4
DiBerardino, Megan 4
Gagliardi, Gabrielle M. 4
Kullerkupp, Rachel 4
Massaro, Nathaniel 4
Meng, Eric A. 4
Norgiel, Jack 4
Proctor, Lindsay A. 4
Rallo, Nicholas 4
VeRost, Madison J. 4
Watt, Cameron J. 4
Zacher, Sophia 4
Bellinger, Sarah R. 5
Brady, Troy T. 5
Bykowicz, Caitlyn 5
Cecere, Taylor P. 5
Duck, Danielle 5
Fischer, Brenton S. 5
Gruber, Victoria 5
Harris, Taj M. 5
Holt, Shannon 5
Husvar, Joshua C. 5
Melendez, Tiffany A. 5
Melisz, Haley 5
Wiktorowski, Hannah C. 5
Wozniak, Kassidy R. 5
Charlotte Sidway PRIDE Recipients 2009
Atkinson, William E. 1
Bielec, Blake 1
Currie, Robert W. 1
Dahlberg, Cayden C. 1
Foglia, Jenna A. 1
Juntunen, Michael B. 1
Kam, Joshua R. 1
Kleinschmidt, Caitlin M. 1
MacNeil, Madison E. 1
Maye, Mia B. 1
McGuire, Kaitlyn R. 1
Merletti, Lauren J. 1
Messier, Michael J. 1
Nitsche, Aubrey 1
Phillips, Emily N. 1
Pridgen, Isabella 1
Princess, Tyler J. 1
Saunders, Faith E. 1
Scott, Mia A. 1
Shemik, Thomas A. 1
Sorri, Jason J. 1
Vanini, Sean P. 1
Braun, Julia K
Castellino, Matthew R. K
Cleveland, Danniel K
Cohen, Emily R. K
Cramer, Zachary B. K
Fabiano, Thomas J. K
Hanlon, Matthew R. K
Hoover, Carissa A. K
Leone, Stephen K
Nitsche, Amelia M. K
Suffoletta, Kendall H. K
Tollner, Morgan R. K
Wadell, Jillian C. K
Warmus, Pierce K
Zacher, Vivienne K
Connor Middle School PRIDE Recipients 2009
Brooks, Sierra A. 6
Carroll, Robert J. 6
Chambers, Abigail 6
Edel, Daniel S. 6
Eisenberger, Ian 6
Fonte, Katherine L. 6
Harper, Nikolai C. 6
Horvath, Joshua J. 6
Mahoney, Austin 6
McMahon, Michaela R. 6
Myers, Kayla M. 6
Newmann, Jacob 6
Podgorny, Michael 6
Sikora, Zachary 6
Singletary, Keona 6
Taylor, Laura 6
VeRost, Jordan 6
Wilkinson, Corey 6
Wing, Jessica R. 6
Wingrove, Amara M. 6
Atkinson, Marisa C. 7
Certo, Emily D. 7
Chen, Qian 7
DeRubes, Frank W. 7
Dhaliwall, Jaskiran 7
Everett, Joshua K. 7
Gorman, Jack A. 7
Grinchishin, Andrew 7
Hippert, April L. 7
Kernin, Emily 7
Krueger, Kyle 7
Kubik, Ryan 7
Lamarco, Kathryn R. 7
Pufpaff, James W. 7
Siebert, Lucas J. 7
Sinicki, Chelsea A. 7
Smith, Molly E. 7
Stromberg, Jacob J. 7
Utz, Timothy 7
Wright, Madalyn J. 7
Alcorn, Cyle A. 8
Alcorn, Ciara A. 8
Cinelli, Alyssa 8
Cook, Lauren G. 8
Cummings, Adam J. 8
Czajka, Courtney 8
Kaur, Manjinder 8
Kellner, Alexander F. 8
Lamarco, Christian M. 8
London, Alexandria M. 8
Lutnick, Ellen 8
McMahon, Collin T. 8
Melgar, Jessica L. 8
Orton, Rachel 8
Pangborn, Samantha L. 8
Pizzuti, Alyssa M. 8
Ruszkowski, Katelyn 8
SantaLucia, Alexa F. 8
Scerra, Marina 8
Swiantek, Nicole 8
Tixier, Joshua W. 8
VanNorman, Gregory E. 8
High School PRIDE Recipients 2009
Brownschidle, Christopher 9
Howe, Mackenzie 9
McNamara, Casey 9
Phillips, Jamison 9
Reynolds, Victoria 9
Rivera, Genesis 9
Verdi, Anthony 9
Zannin, Dominic 9
Brady, Kathleen 10
Call, Justine 10
Corrao, Nicolette 10
DeGregorio, Dominique 10
Frentzel, John 10
Hodan, Lindsay 10
Rupert, Chelsea 10
Seaman, Michael 10
Zimmerman, Nikki 10
Affuso, Kaitlyn 11
Amantia, Richard 11
Banker, Kolby 11
Buscaglia, Alexandra 11
Cerrillo, Kenneth 11
Chapin, Krystal 11
Chapin, Kaitlyn 11
Conrad, Amanda 11
Cribbs, Thomas 11
Harnden, Eric 11
Kustra, Savanna 11
LaLonde, Andrew 11
McDonnell, Thomas 11
Mucci, Michael 11
Pizzimenti, Gabriella 11
Randhawa, Jessica 11
Rassega, Kellsi 11
Scherrer, Mary 11
White, Margaret 11
Adams, Zachary 12
Barrett, Nichole E. 12
Booker, Courtnie 12
Caruana, Jonathan 12
Coffas, Maggie 12
Duda, Amber 12
Egloff, Mary Grace 12
Holler, Scott 12
Hutzler, Jenna 12
Hyland, Molly 12
Incorvia, Kaitlin 12
Jackson, Taylor M. 12
King, Alexandra 12
Kowzan, Victoria 12
Lewis, Damone 12
Lewis, Timothy 12
Maitner, Jacqueline 12
Oliverio, Joseph 12
O'Rourke, Shawn 12
Pezzino, James 12
Rutland, Robert 12
Seiling, Zachary 12
Shoemaker, Kaileen 12
Stessing, Mitchell 12
Stoddard, Joshua 12
Szczepaniak, Jeffrey 12
Wognar, Brianna 12
Grand Island Teachers
Salute The Pride Of The Island - 2008

Each year, for the past nineteen years, the Grand Island Teachers’ Association has recognized outstanding students with the Pride of the Island Award. Each GITA member can nominate only one student who consistently demonstrates the following characteristics: Positive, Responsible, Interested, Determined and Energetic and sets a fine example for his/her fellow classmates. The week of May 16th, the families of the P.R.I.D.E. 260 winners each received a letter, certificate and license plate holder to recognize their accomplishment. Watch for the return of the GITA float including this fine group of students and their proud teachers in the July 4th parade!
GITA P.R.I.D.E of the Island 2008
Benjamin T. Abbott
Melina S. Aceti
Ava G. Ackerman
Giana R. Aiello
Gabrielle K. Ailinger
Samira M. Amin
Jill M. Anderson
Giovanna M. Andolina
Jordan M. Anthony
Alma L. Aponte
Jennifer L. Argy
Stephanie Aronica
Jacob Athoe
Griffin G. Atkinson
Alexandra T. Baghat
Chelsea L. Baran
Dale B. Baran
Lee M. Becker
Colin J. Bellinger
Chelsea L. Bergmann
Chelsea C. Bernardi
Carly J. Bernatovicz
Jackson D. Besl
Derek J. Blanchard
Daniel S. Blocho
Bradley J. Boreali
Eric A. Boudrow
Diana N. Boulden
Nicole A. Brady
Alexandra D. Brown
Jessica Brownschidle
Luke Burkhart
Joseph M. Cali
Danielle R.Canazzi
Brennan P. Carey
Holly N. Carfley
Andrew Carlson
Anthony J. Carrato
Samuel T. Castellino
Nico A.Catanzaro
Philip J. Cavuoto
Anthony P. Ceccato
Aaron Certo
June Ann Chadima
Sarah R. Chamberlain
Mary A. Chiaravalle
Natalia E. Christiano
Mariah K. Ciffa
Kathryn Cobello
Andrew E. Colautto
Sara Colon
Caitllin G.Conlon
Christopher Connors
Alexis M. Conway
James M. Corrao
Theresa Covatto
Lillian M. Cultrara
Nancy B. Dahlquist
Alexandra J. Davis
Bailey C. DeGlopper
Kelsi L. Dellapenta
Kira J. Dennis
Annaliese J. DiCarlo
Sari A. Dickinson
Daijia Digaetano
Felicia Digaetano
Austin M. DiSanto
Heavyn A. Dreher
Michael A. Duda
Megan E. Eerhart
Katarina A. Eichel
Kai Ellsworth
Donald J. Failing
Chelsea E. Fairbairn
Joseph Fanara
Joseph M. Farrell
Abigail T. Fay
Gregory A. Feathers
Meghan A. Federico
Shaye J. Fermoile
Kelsey R. Foote
Tyler G. Ford
Victoria E. Fortman
Timothy S. Franklin
Ashley M. Franz
Kevin A. Freedman
Meghan K. Frisch
Patrick K. Gallagher
Matthew R. Gannon
Rebecca A. Gasiorek
Shari C. Geblein
Graciana A. Giambra
Nicholas P. Giancola
Jonathan M. Goc
Ashley Gorman
Justin D. Gorrell
Ashley L. Green
John P.Griffin
Victoria R.Gruber
Brianna H. Guagliano
Patrick Hall
Carly F. Hand
Molley E. Hayes
Meaghan A. Hayes
Susan J. Head
Adam Heftka
Rebecca C.Hennessy
Ian G. Hennessy
Michael C. Higgins
Michael J.Hillock
Jessica A. Hiser
Madeline R. Hjalmarson
Sean A. Hook
Jennifer L. Huber
Kimberly T. Huffnagle
Ryan Hughes
Lisa K. Huttenmaier
Addison M. Joslyn
Megan C. Karpie
Michael C. Karpie
Kristina M. Kasprzycki
Jacqueline M. Kehoe
Maxwell Keller
Nicholas R. Keller
Bridget Kennedy
Nicole L. Kerr
Samuel T. Kilb
Krysta M. Kinmartin
Madelyn G. Konopczynski
Victoria L. Kowzan
Justin J. Kozlowski
Katherine G. Kuch
Emily A. Kurtzhalts
Hannah G. Lamarco
Kurt M. Laschinger
Hayley A. Latvala
Jodi Lee
Evan T. Leffler
Jacob E. Leffler
Anthony J. Leone
Joshua J. Less
Taylor D. Loder
Kelly Lorence
Michael J. Loss
Michael J. Magaris
Kurt S. Makowski
Alexa C. Mallare
Kelly E. Maloney
Michael C. Marino
David J. Matthews
Kirk McCabe
Courtney M. McCoy
Shannon M. McNaughton
Craig H. Meaney
Arthur J. Meaney IV
Courtney A. Mergel
Kayla Montes
Michelle R. Morgan
Darryl M. Myles
Jazmine Nijjar
Gianna M. Novelli
Dalton K. Nyitrai
Sean O'Donnell
John P. Osberg
Ryan M. Osvath
Samuel P. Oursler
Jessica C. Oyer
Brittany M. Papaj
Carmen A. Pariso
Shawn J. Passero
Marvin J. Pawlowski
Alexis T. Pearce
Destiny M. Perez
Jayshana A. Perez
Marisa A. Phillips
Madison E. Phillips
Annie M. Pilie'
Julia A. Pino
Olivia C. Pino
Christopher M. Podlucky
Thomas J. Podsiadlo
Anthony N. Poupalos
Ryan T. Proctor
Brittanee K. Ramallo
Sarah C. Ramsperger
Daniel M. Ray
Sabrina A. Reagle
Jenna M. Reinard
Zachary A. Remers
Alexander M. Richter
Andrew K. Riederer
Mikayla M. Robinson
Paige J.Rockwood
Kenneth R. Rogoza
Lauren A. Rogoza
Rosalie E. Russell
Lance R. Russo
Dylan M. Russo
Margaret Rustowicz
Daniel C. Ryan
Jenna N. Sansalone
Joseph Sarratori
Jennifer R. Schaber
Kelly A. Schlifke
Kristine M. Schlifke
Kyle H. Schoener
Natalie C. Schultz
Gabriella M. Sciortino
Anthony M. Seifert
Christopher J. Serra
Timothy E. Shantler
Ryan P. Sharrow
Jessica L. Sharrow
Brett W. Shickluna
Vanessa R. Shores
James V. Sica
Emma R. Sickles
Dana M. Simmons
Damanpreet Singh
Sydney E. Smith
Benjamin J. Soos
William V. Soos
Lindsey R. Spiker
Sarah Stanczyk
Lauren E. Stanwick
Rachel B. Starr
Zachary J. Steinbrenner
Amelia M. Stepnoski
Tara E. Stewart
Kyle M. Stockle
Savanna R. Stoddard
Paul Sukmanowski
Jessica S. Surace
Anthony V. Surace
Mary H. Szumla
Suha S. Taffal
Eugenia E. Taylor
Caitllin J. Taylor
Alexa R. Territo
Randy Z. Thomas
Samantha J. Tilkins
Wyatt K. Tollner
Emily C. Valint
Taylor A. Vanderzell
Jacob W. VeRost
Bradley D. VeRost
Jenelle E. Walters
Alexander S. Webb
Eric Weigold
Taylor J. Weis
Jacob G. Weise
Alexandra M. Weiser
Edward G. Weiser IV
Taya T. Wiesmore
Apelasan Wigneswaran
Jackeline G. Wilson
Bethany F. Wynne
Jenny Xiang
Kimberly Yaeger
Joshua M. Zernickel
Grand Island Teachers
Salute The Pride Of The Island - 2007

Each year, for the past eighteen years, the Grand Island Teachers’ Association has recognized outstanding students with the Pride of the Island Award. Each GITA member can nominate only one student who consistently demonstrates the following characteristics: Positive, Responsible, Interested, Determined and Energetic and sets a fine example for his/her fellow classmates. The week of April 15th, the families of the P.R.I.D.E. 261 winners each received a letter, certificate and license plate holder to recognize their accomplishment. Watch for the return of the GITA float including this fine group of students and their proud teachers in the July 4th parade!
The 2007 winners are:
Ayah A. Abdelal
Danya O. Abdellatif
Brian D. Ailinger
Karl Albrecht
Laura Amantia
Janeen M. Amantia
Jennifer L. Amato
Antonio S. Amin
Kaitlin I. Arida
Christopher R. Aronica
Kimberly L. Asbach
Conor Atkins
Lauren K. Aughey
Hayden R. Backlund
Adam T. Bahgat
Samantha L. Bailey
Rachel Bailey
Jessica Bamberg
Makallie L. Banker
Brianna Beadles
Brandon L. Beiter
Lillee T. Bellia
Keegan G. Belstadt
David R. Benko
Kassandra L. Bennett
Alicia M. Bianco
Marissa A. Booker
Shannon M. Boreali
Allison M. Boron
Kevin A. Borowicz
Thomas M. Botticello
Jack M. Boyko
Troy T. Brady
Natalie M. Braun
Brandon B. Bruner
Jason A. Buchanan
Juliana L. Burkhart
Sarah M. Burns
Krista L. Burzynski
Liana R. Buscaglia
Maria D. Buyer
Sarah J. Bykowicz
Roman A. Cacciatore
Justine H. Call
Kristen L. Call Call
Alexander J. Cancilla
Sara Carlson
Amber L. Carpenter
Joseph Carrato
Christopher S. Carter
Lauren Chadwick
Magdalyn R. Chauby
Kong X. Chen
Joseph C. Chiaravalle
David J. Cich
Sara J. Cichon
Jessica L. Cieri
Bethany Cinelli
Abigail E. Cliff
Joseph R. Connors
Taylor M. Cool
Denise Curcio
Samantha DeMarco
Brooke DeMarco
Ashley M. DeMaria
Alexandra J. DeMita
Nicholas O. DeMita
Michael R. Diletti
Aubrie L. DiTullio
Brett M. Dlugosz
Sarah E. Dollendorf
Ashley R. Dragonette
Joshua Edwards
Robert J. Ellegate
Madeline I. Emmi
Kate L. Endres
Talia K. Fabiilli
Hayley R. Falter
Brianna N. Fetzer
Brett L. Fiedler
Christopher Field
Jennifer Fiels
Karen A. Figliotti
Tyler G. Ford
Kelsey M. Fortman
Elizabeth A. Foster
Christopher L. Franklin
James T. Franz
Emily M. Fred
Meghan K. Frisch
Samantha P. Garcia
Carmela E. Gentile
Philip J. Gentz
Brianna Gibney
Melissa C. Gibson
Bradley Gibson
Sabrina N. Giordano
John D. Glose
Heather N. Graff
Anthony Grande
Jonathan Grenda
Thomas Grenke
Anmol Grewal
Ashley L. Gugino
Alicia M. Haak
Gregory J. Hackney
Joseph F. Halpin
Allie E. Hanlon
Vanessa K. Haynie
Matthew W. Hays
Alyssa D. Heitman
Jason A. Held
Meghan A. Higgins
Karen M. Hillock
David B. Holler
Paul W. Holler
Megan Hoople
Gianna R. Horvath
Timothy J. Howley
Nicole A. Hoy
Amanda N. Jaeger
Alyssa M. Jaenecke
Andrew J. Jasek
Leah N. Jasek
Courtney R. Justus
Rachael M. Kaplan
Richard Karpie
Raman Kaur
Nicholas Kellner
Alex Killian
Marah K. Killian
Amanda A. Kinmartin
Nicholle M. Kitkowski
Jonathan Kneer
William Koller
Ryan Kozek
Ashley N. Kroetsch
Taylor M. Latvala
David Lesinski
Damone A. Lewis
Ryan Link
Brianna L. Little
Ernest R. Little
Abigail J. Lizewski
Kelsie Loos
Amanda Lore
Grace A. LoTempio
Stephanie LoTempio
Emma F. MacIntyre
Megan M. Mahiques
Marisa E. Marino
Joseph K. Mash
Amanda J. Mayes
Chelsea L. Mazurkiewicz
Ryan McCarthy
Justin P. McCarthy
Sean M. McDermott
Ryan M. McDonald
Brianna McGuire
Justin P. McInerney
Sara R. McMahon
Orendael R. Miller
Madeline A. Mitchell
Andrea M. Monaco
Joshua S. Moore
Angelina M. Morales
Kristiana A. Morell
Owen W. Morrish
Pascual Munoz
Sarah C. Mye
Kevin Neary
Kayli H. Nelson
Gregory B. Nicolia
Jared R. Northrup
Joseph Oliverio
Jennalise E. Olson
Jessica Osvath
Sarah M. Palazzolo
Nicole L. Paolini
Yiannis Papavramidis
Michelina D. Pariso
Jenna Paternostro
Anthony Perna
Bryce E. Pfalzer
Hannah Pfalzer
Lauren K. Piechowiak
Jordan R. Piershalski
Susan E. Pioli
Zoann R. Pittman
Macey Porter
Robert D. Potter
Lydia K. Pratt
Emily M. Prawel
Vincent W. Quarantello
Emma C. Railey
Taylor M. Raine
Kathryn E. Raiser
Alex Rallo
Ashley P. Ray
Eric T. Riederer
Matthew R. Riley
Kate E. Rinolo
Jasmine Rivers
Rhett B. Robinson
Tara C. Rogers
Raymond D. Rott
Marissa R. Ruffalo
James Rustowicz
Kaitie L. Samland
Eric M. Scalise
Michael Scappechio
Rachel Schauger
Mary E. Scherrer
Derrick D. Schutrum
Spencer D. Seese
Jeremy Seiling
Kodie D. Shamrock
Evan W. Shaw
Benjamin G. Shaw
Nicholas Shemik
Cassandra J. Shores
Theodore J. Slipko, III
Rebecca A. Slowinski
Javier Solis
Vincent Spada
Jessica Spiesz
Brittany A. Stallard
Kristen M. Stark
Christopher R. Stessing
Sarah E. Stewart
Katherine Studley
Kasey Sumner
Taylor R. Sweet
Ashley Swiantek
Max C. Tafelski
Lillian Thompson
Ashley Tillett
Chandon Tiwana
Kristin M. Toellner
Marie E. Tomasula
Benjamin Tomkins
Harlyn M. Torres
Jordan A. Toth
Evan T. Tsembelis
Kaitlynn D. Tuohy
Natalie G. Turck
Olivia J. TurcK
Evan J. Valint
Richard G. Vanthoff
Katherine M. Verso
Sara Victor
Stephen Vitello
Keith Wegrzyn
Elena Weis
Margaret Weiser
Philip Wendt
Brianna M. Wik
Bethany J. Wolcott
Colton R. Wright
Douglas P. Yockey
Alicia Zartman
GITA Provides Flowers For Elderwood - 2007

Ann Perkovich (left) and Connie Maellard.
Jodi Robinson Photo - Click for larger view.
The Grand Island Teachers' Association raised $4,179.00 this year to benefit the Hospice Bouquet Sale Fundraiser February 28 through March 3rd. This is the 14th year the teachers have participated. A total of 114 Tribute bouquets were donated to the Hospice patients compliments of the GITA. The teachers raise money for the flowers through dress-down days at the schools. This year, residents of Elderwood have a bouquet in each guest room, in the dining rooms and also at the nurses' stations, conference room and lobby. The vases were all donated by the teachers. The following current and retired teachers made this happen: Linda Harbison, Debbie Beis, Dana Allen, Mary Jane Fonte, Jennifer Kropidlowski, Charlene Burchfield and Kathy Fik.
Grand Island Teachers
Salute The Pride Of The Island - 2006
Each year, for the past seventeen years, the Grand Island Teachers’ Association has recognized outstanding students with the Pride of the Island Award. Each GITA member can nominate one student who consistently demonstrate the following characteristics: Positive, Responsible, Interested, Determined and Energetic and sets a fine example for his/her fellow classmates. On April 25th, the families of the P.R.I.D.E. 233 winners received a letter, certificate and license plate holder to recognize their accomplishment. The GITA is also planning to further recognize this fine group of students in the July 4th parade.
The 2006 winners are:
Ackendorf Jessica
Adams Alasia
Adams Joselyn
Ali Sarah
Amsdill Jessica
Amsdill Joseph
Aronica Tori
Asbach Elisabeth
Asbach Lauren
Avery Alexandria
Bailey Nicholas
Bascello Elora
Baughman Theresa
Bender Evan
Bernatovicz Lydia
Bernatovicz Tyler
Bidell Amy
Bleistein Ashley
Bogue Jason
Boss Megan
Boudrow Phillip
Boyko Joseph
Boyle Steven
Bruno Anthony
Bruyere Kobe
Bundscho Nathan
Burford Karli
Burke Sean
Buscaglia Julia
Butcher Thomas
Cancilla Mitchell
Capizzi Julianna
Carroll Megan
Cartwright Stephanie
Cheema Amandip
Chen Jing
Chiarenza Vincent
Cichon Jason
Ciechoski Joseph
Cieri Brittany
Clark Ian
Cline Catherine
Connors Lianna
Cook Aliena
Cooper Brian
Corrao Michael
Coryn Tucker
Cummings Adam
Dallessandro Madeline
Damiani Christopher
D'Angelo Shawn
Darby Samantha
Darby Sarai
Davis Jordan
DelSignore Jenna
DelSignore Mallory
DenBeste Gerrit
DiLaura Jenette
Dinsmore Michael
Dixon Jacob
Dobson Kevin
Doctor Thomas
Doermer Timothy
Dolan Laura
Drozdowski Julie
Ducette Samantha
Dudish Jordan
Dudley Eric
Duggan Kristin
Duxbury Jenell
Edwards Matthew
Ellegate Michael
Ernst Nicholas
Ernst Sarah
Faturas Andrew
Fermoile Kayla
Field Christopher
Filips Alexandra
Foote Matthew
Foster Christopher
Franklin Christopher
Frieday Ashleigh
Gaydosh Rebekah
Gentz Kathryn
George Colleen
George Mary
Giambra Ashley
Gibney Brianna
Gilbert Alexis
Gilbert Kaitlyn
Golda Vincent
Grana Sara
Graves Kyle
Grinchishin Daniel
Grunzweig Carmella
Hall Nicole
Harper Christopher
Hayden Kelsey
Henderson Emma
Higgins Meghan
Higgins Michael
Holt Katlyn
Hoover Richard
Hoppel Kourtney
Hoppel Krystin
Hovey Marissa
Howell Kaitlynd
Howley Ciara
Hunt Stephanie
Husted Andrew
Irving Mary
Islami Emira
Jackson Ava
Jaeger Angelia
Jasek Leah
Jellinick Bryce
Johnson Sara
Joslyn Brennen
Jurga Mark
Kaczmarowski Morgan
Kalp Cross
Kashmanian Sage
Kaufman Jordan
Kaufman Toni
Kippley Paige
Klock Matthew
Kondziela Laura
Krecisz Edward
Krueger Kyle
Lesinski Samantha
Lewandowski William
Liberatore Gabriella
Lipp Sarah
Little Brittany
Lizewski Emma
LoTempio Jonathan
Lutnick Holly
Mankowski Kelsey
Marino Taylor
Masse' Rebecca
Mastrangelo Anna
McGilveary Travis
McKenna Nicholas
McLean Elizabeth
McMillan Kallan
McNulty Sara
Melisz Haley
Mendel Brentyn
Mendel Jarrad
Mesmer Lucas
Michaels Robert
Millar Kristin
Mingoia Hallie
Mongan David
Moran Chad
Morano John
Mrzygut Andrew
Mrzygut Steven
Navagh Catherine
Neumann Jacob
Nicolia Andrea
Nicolia Anna
Nijjar Gurwinder
Nordvik Katie
O'Brien Matthew
O'Donnell Sean
Pangborn Julie
Pariso Alaina
Pease Emily
Pelosi Alyssa
Percival Kelsey
Peters Alexandra
Pickel Shannon
Pierce Jessica
Pratt Brendan
Prevete Andrew
Price Corey
Prine Dominic
Proctor Lindsay
Purrington Benjamin
Raepple Jamie
Raepple Jenna
Ramos Nelson
Remmes Jessica
Riniolo Thomas
Rizek Ramcy
Roach Kelsey
Rogers Alexa
Rosati David
Rossi Karalyn
Rossi Michele
Rudney Kaitlyn
Rutland Ashley
Samra Sarnjit
Scherrer Grace
Schmidt Kayla
Schoener Brandon
Schuerholz Cora
Segarra Taylor
Serra Nicole
Shah Smeen
Shamrock Kodie
Sheehan Jillian
Smith Griffin
Smith Rohan
Soos Michael
Soos Nicholas
Sorri Allison
Stewart Robert
Stewart Tara
Stromberg Jacob
Suffoletta Carson
Swanson Lauryn
Szabo Emily
Szczepaniak Dana
Szczepankiewicz Laura
Torregrossa Joseph
Turner Donald
Turner Kathryn
Ungaro Joshua
Valvo Sarah
VeRost Olivia
Von Reyn Lillian
Warner Ronald
Watt Elena
Wegrzyn Kristin
Wellence Sarah
Winder Nathalie
Wolcott Sara
Wolf Dakota
Young Sarah
Zartman Ashley
Zhang Bessie
Hospice Bouquet Sale And Elderwood Benefit From G.I.T.A. - 2006

(left) Shawney Swope, Vinnie Passanese, Maria Connell, Katherine Fonte, Mary Jane Fonte, Kathy Fik and Linda Harbison.
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click photos for larger view
For the thirteenth year in a row, the Grand Island Teachers' Association participated in the Hospice Bouquet Sale. Besides buying bouquets for themselves or as gifts, the teachers raise money through "dress-down" days to purchase the bouquets to take to Elderwood Healthcare at Riverwood on Grand Island Blvd.
"Every resident gets a bouquet, and we arrange flowers for the dining room, too," Debbie Beis said. "This year, we also bought matching vases for the tables in the dining room. We sold $3,681 in bouquets, and we have raised over $20,000 for the Hospice Foundation in the past 13 years," she said.
Chairing this year's event are Linda Harbison (retired) and Debbie Beis, a teacher at Huth Road School. Members of their Committee include Betsy Biro (high school), Mary Jane Fonte (Connor Middle), Kimberley MacDonell (Sidway), Kathy Fik (Kaegebein) and Vinnie Passanese and Maria Connell (Huth Road School).
Grand Island School Staff Makes Donation To Niagara Children ETC - 2006

Grand Island Teachers' Association Representatives: (left)
Mark Lamparelli, Union President; Carolyn Manzo, Charity Chairperson; Brian Winger, Senior Building Represesentative present a check to John Reardon, NCP Deputy Director; Cheryl Oliver, NCP Associate Education Director; and Denise Winger, R.N., NCP Clinic and Preschool Nurse.
Click photo for a larger view.
The Grand Island Teachers' Association, staff and faculty collected donations over the past few months to support a local preschool. More than $700 was presented to Niagara Children ETC, a division of Niagara Cerebral Palsy, in January to purchase Occupational and Physical therapy equipment for children with disabilities.
Grand Island Teachers Win Awards - 2005
Mrs. Loretta Condino-Grupp, an English teacher at Grand Island High School, has been honored by the College of the University of Chicago with its Outstanding Teacher Award. She was nominated by a former student who attends the University of Chicago. Mrs. Condino-Grupp has been a faculty member at the high school for 13 years and is presently attending the University at Buffalo Ph.D program in English Education.
Ms. Frances Burczynski, a teacher at Huth Road Elementary School, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the New York State United Teachers’ Association Retired Teachers. The scholarship is given to two WNY teachers working on their master’s degrees in the field of teaching. Ms. Burczynski will be honored at a reception at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens.
Many Grand Island teachers have been honored this year in the ninth edition of “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.” A student must nominate a teacher that has inspired them and made a difference in their lives. The following teachers have been inducted into “Who’s Who” this year:
High School:
Mary Crippen- nominated by Koya Wilson
Blake Long- nominated by Julie Drozdowski
Amanda Becker- nominated by Brandon Antonelli and Justin Dowd
Timothy Williamson- nominated by James Paupolos and Meher Singh
Laura Briganti- nominated by Sean McDermott
Debra Remson
Johnathan Head- nominated by Justine Kirsch
Loretta Condino-Grupp- nominated by Devon Toth
Magdalene Kennedy- nominated by Russ Gainer
Daneen Gallagher- nominated by Christina Maroulis
Connor Middle School:
Susan Campbell- nominated by Sarah Mye
Nicole Oursler
Katherine Chadwick- nominated by Stephanie McGowan
Michael Zuch
Tanya Weidner
Lori Ohrum
Donald Sauer- nominated by Brett Fiedler
Marcia McHenry
James Randles- nominated by Elise Loiselle
Clarke Elliott- nominated by Carrie Johnson
Huth Road Elementary:
Jeannie Percival
Jill Koelemeyer
Candise Mye
Elizabeth Diliberto
Patricia McGowan- nominated by Rebecca Stenson
Michelle Smith- nominated by Amanda Arki
Mary Kopf
Elaine Kasprzyk
Kaegebein Elementary:
Lynn Ackendorf- nominated by Katie Endres
Susan Latona
Susan Skrabacz- nominated by Dana Szczepaniak
Julie Gajewski
Janice Ahne
JoAnne Piccione
Sidway School:
Patricia Kwarciak
Susan Andrews
Additional Name Added To The Pride Of The Island List - 2005
The name, Sarah Williams, was inadvertently left off the list of the Grand Island Teachers' Association Pride of the Island award recipients submitted to Isledegrande.com last week. Scroll down for the complete and updated list.
Additional Names Added To The Pride Of The Island List - 2005
The names, Jill Greinert, Sydney Quarantillo, and Jessica Young were inadvertently left off the list of the Grand Island Teachers' Association Pride of the Island award recipients submitted to Isledegrande.com last week. Scroll down for the complete and updated list.
Grand Island Teachers
Salute The Pride Of The Island - 2005
The Grand Island Teachers' Association each year recognizes outstanding students with the Pride of the Island awards. Each GITA member may nominate one student who consistently demonstrates the following characteristics: Positive, Responsible, Interested, Determined and Energetic, and sets a fine example for fellow classmates. These awards have been presented for the past 16 years.
Each family of the 244 winners received a letter, certificate and license plate holder in early April 2005 to recognize their student’s accomplishments.
2005 winners are:
Eric Ackerman
Clare Ahne
Ryan Allen
Jill Anderson
Brandon Antonelli
Johanna Aponte
Kali Aronica
Kevin Aronica
Michael Asbach
Kelly Astridge
Alexandra Bahgat
Natalie Baldassarre
Kailie Baldes
Shannon Barr
Karen Bellanca
Sarah Bellinger
Alexis Belstadt
Betsy Bergmann
Carly Bernatovicz
Jovanna Bichler
Selina Bichler
Amy Bidell
Nicholas Bonarek
Christopher Boulden
Amy Boutet
Kathryn Boutet
Troy Brady
Lauren Brindisi
Isaiah Brown
Erich Burchfield
Maria Buyer
Caitlyn Bykowicz
Christine Call
Michael Campanella
Anthony Capone
Natalie Carpenter
Kelly Carter
Marissa Catanzaro
Benjamin Certo
Udeyvir Cheema
Paul Chiaravalle
Mary Chiaravalle
Alyssa Cinelli
Alexis Cino
Mikayla Claus
Cassandra Coffey
Renee Collins
Jaclyn Colosi
Dana D'Angelo
Sara DeBole
Bailey DeGlopper
Darren DelSignore
Erin Dent
Brian DeRubes
Kaleigh Deuser
Michael Digati
Shannon Doctor
Courtney Donner
Courtney Donovan
Zerena Drake
Sean Driscoll
Amber Duda
Sydney Dudish
Caitlin Dwyer
Timothy Dyet
Thomas Dzielski
Megan Eerhart
Kai Ellsworth
Alexander Fabiilli
Kodie Fahrer
Chelsea Fairbairn
Rachael Farmer
Kathryn Figliotti
Ashley Fike
Morgan Finn
Rahsanica Ford
Kelly Frantz
Korin Frantz
Ashley Franz
Alyssa Fuoco
Maria Fusco
Kayla Gallagher
Leah Gangloff
Matthew Gannon
Edward Gauthier Jr.
Rachel Gaydosh
Amanda Geis
Shelly Giambelluca
Jonathan Goc
Olivia Goc
Devan Golda
Morgan Goris
Lena Gormady
Dylan Graff
Jill Greinert
Sydney Guarantillo
Korey Hagen
Alicia Harrison
Ryan Harvey
Julie Hasselbeck
Nicholas Heftka
Amanda Heftka
Kyle Held
Lindsey Henderson
Natalie Henderson
Molly Higgins
Sara Hilliard
Tara Hook
Mark Hughes
Amber Hultgren
I - J
Emily Incorvia
Ashley Johnson
Joshua Kaplan
Megan Karpie
Nathaniel Keefe
Jessica Keller
Dylan Kelly
Zaineb Khawar
Joseph Khreis
Shannon Kieffer
Gretchen Kiehl
Maxwell Kilb
Leah Killian
Daniel Kim
Ashley Koerntgen
William Koller
Nicole Komin
Steven Kopf
Genavieve Koyn
Natalie Krieger
Ryan Kubik
Allison Kulak
Mary Beth Lacki
Julia Lawley
Alissa Leckey
Joshua Less
Catherine Lewis
Joshua Little
Kori Loder
Edward Logel
Stephanie LoTempio
Nicholas Lovetro
Vincent Malpica
Dylan Martinic
Andrew Masiello
Nathaniel Massaro
Sean Mattrey
Ashley Mazurkiewicz
Shannon McDonough
Kevin Mehltretter
Courtney Mergel
Elliot Michki
Shelbi Milkas
Kristin Millar
Joshua Miller
Taylor Moran
Tanner Morrow
Natalie Mucci
Tyler Muggli
N - O
David Nardozzi II
Jacob Neumann
Carisa Neyra
Maggie Nobumoto
Meaghan O'Leary
Sara Orsolits
Samuel Oursler
Michael Palazza
Valerie Paris
Deanna Paternostro
Eric Pease
Destiny Perez
Jacqueline Phillips
James Poupalos
Q - R
Shane Quarantillo
Sydney Quarantillo
Joshua Raiser
Kathryn Raiser
Maria Ramsperger
Christine Ray
Michael Rayhill
Alexander Re
Sammantha Reynolds
Rachel Ripellino
Katharine Rogers
Christopher Rose
Kaitlyn Rose
Nicholas Russo
Kathleen Rustowicz
Alexi Salamone
Kaitie Samland
Nicolette Scerra
Aaron Schauger
Tracey Schmidt
Jacqueline Schmit
Adam Schopp
Alexandra Seibert
Nicole Serra
Aren Shanor
Richard Shanor
Lauren Shepard
Devin Shepherd
Cassie Shickluna
Meher Singh
Kuljit Singh
Erich Skelly
Keith Skelly
Zachary Smith
Kevin Sobol
Lisa Sonnenberg
Brittney Sonnenberg
Vincent Spada
Tina Sparks
Lindsey Spencer
Caleb Stallard
Kelly Stark
Evan Stein
Zachary Steinbrenner
Sara Stenzel
Jenna Stufkosky
Robert Sugar
Jessica Surace
Kari Suszczynski
Amanda Sutter
Christopher Swagler
Armand Swanson
Nicholas Szabo
Heather Szflarkski
Elizabeth Szpala
Ryan Tetreault
Nicholas Thompson
Brandon Tripi
Evan Tsembelis
Maritina Tsembelis
V - W
Ryan Vertino
Jason Walker
Mark Webb
Madelyn Webb
Matthew Webber
Charles Whiting
Zakiyyah Wilbert
Kelly Williams
Brigid Wilton
Shaun Winter
Madalyn Wright
X - Y - Z
Tyler Yockey
Kyle York
Brenna Young
Jessica Young
Amanda Zernickel
Erik Zito
Grand Island Teachers
Salute The Pride Of The Island - 2004
For the past 14 years, the Grand Island Teachers' Association has recognized outstanding students with the Pride of the Island awards. Each GITA member may nominate one student who consistently demonstrates the following characteristics: Positive, Responsible, Interested, Determined and Energetic, and sets a fine example for fellow classmates.
Families of the 257 winners each received a letter, certificate and license plate holder to recognize their student’s accomplishments.
Winners are:
Rana Abdelal, Alyssa Accardo, Steven Accardo, Stephanie Affuso, Joseph Aladeen, Janeen Amantia, Samira Amin, Robert Amsdill, Michael Antonelli, Carla Aponte, Jennifer Argy, Marissa Arki, Keriann Armusewicz, Lindsay Aronica, Lauren Aughey
Emily Bakkila, Nicholas Battaglia, Lee Becker, Keegan Belstadt, Malorie Bennett, Katelyn Benns, Chelsea Bergmann, Kelsey Bettinger, Alicia Bianco, Shelbey Bidell, Amanda Blanton, John Blanton, Alexandria Bleich, Joseph Been, Elaina Bolles, Allison Boron, Caroline Boron, Andrew Boron, Brianna Brandon, Brett Brennan, Alexander Brink, Brian Brink, Jacob Britten, David Britten, Conor Bryan, Jacob Burford, Alexandra Buscaglia, Brianna Busch, Danielle Bush
Amanda Camizzi, Alexander Cancilla, Dominique Capizzi, Andrew Carlson, Kahla Cerillo, John Russell Certo, June Ann Chadima, Sarah Chamberlain, Magdalyn Chauby, Simarjot Cheema, Jing Chen, Brian Choi, Jessica Cieri, Tyler Ciffa, Amanda Cinelli, Alyssa Cino, Jaclyn Coe, Nicholas Colao, Joseph Connors, Daniel Conrad, Jane Cooke, Lauren Culp, Katherine Czamara
Abigail Dallessandro, Genevieve Davis, Jason Davis, Alexandra Davis, Maggie De Marco, Samantha De Marco, Bailey DeGlopper, Allison DeMartin,
Joshua Deuble, Michael Dinsmore, Jamie Dobson, Daniel Drabik, Shannon Driess, Brittney Ducette, Sara Dzielski
John Eckman, Emily Eisenberger, Rachel Eisenhauer, Alicia Ellson,
Daniel Elmer, Amanda Elsaesser, Kerney Erhard, Anna Ferrante, Lauren Fonte, Michelle Fox, Ashleigh Frieday, John Gannon, Christopher Gibney, Alexis Gieselman, Madeleine Goc, Mark Goff, Heather Goris, Alex Grace Gormady, Carl Grant, Alex Gregorski, Nicolia Gregory, Amy Grenke, Meaghan Grotz, Ashley Gugino
Meghan Haley, Patrick Hall, Maya Harper, Stacey Helf, Timothy Henderson, Gretchen Hildebrandt, Cathryn Hilliard, Ryan Hughes, Karen Hutzler
Shaughn Irving, Amanda Jaeger, Angelia Jaeger, Addison Joslyn, Amanda Kaiser, Scott Kaniecki, Kelsey Ketterer, Margaret Kiehl, Alex Killian, Timothy Krecisz, Savanna Kurstra
Gabrielle Lapp, Muriel Lapp, Clifford Lapp Jr., Sarah Lew, Kandy Liesenfeld, Mandy Liesenfeld, Ernest Little, Matthew Little, Alexa Lombardo, Kelly Lorence, Kaitlyn Lozo, Ellen Lutnick
Eric Madia, Michael Magaris, Michael Mankowski, Kelsey Mash, Rikki Mawotka, Sean McDermott, Michaela McDonald, Gregory McDonnell, Matthew McNaughton, Shannon McNaughton, Ariana Mendel, Nicole Miller, Kristiana Montaldi, Erik Moore, Rachel Morgan, Kayla Mornelli
Nichole Nash, Kayla Nash, Jaren Northrup, Jaclyn Nusstein, Alexis Odasz, Joseph Oliverio, Shawn O’Rourke, Joseph Orsolits, Christopher Ortiz, Erika Osberg, Jessica Osvath, Ryan Osvath, Mirando Oursler
Michael Paasch, Dylan Pachla, Nicholas Paolini, Jillian Pappagallo, Joel Peppers, Devon Perri, David Perri, Richelle Piccolo, Vernique Pitner, Anthony Poupalos, Joshua Prygon, Joseph Pusateri
Sarah Ramsperger, Guy Reckart, Zack Reese, Ashley Remmes, Laura Remmes, Margaret Rennells, Elizabeth Restey, Miranda Riley, Brandon Rivers, Gabrielle Robinson, Paige Rockwood, Joseph Rossi, Karalyn Rossi, Chelsea Rupert, James Rustowicz, Michael Rustowicz, Richard Ryder
Tatiana Salamone, Lindsey Samland, Rachel Schauger, Sally Schmit, Stephanie Seen, Sydney Seese, Audrey Senf, Andrew Sharpe, Benjamin Shaw, Brendan Sheehan, Jessica Skelly, Forrest Smith, Kimberly Snell, Joshua Snyder, Emily Sommer, Alyssa Spada, Kyle Spratford, Jacob Stamler, Jeffrey Stange, Kristen Stark, Christopher Stessing, Amy Stewart, Joshua Stoddard, Corrine Stolzenberg, John Stoneham, Charles Stube, Mathew Studley, Jessica Sturniolo, Paul Sukmanowski,
Lindsey Supparits, Scott Suszczynski, Melanie Switalski, Twila Swope
Sarah Tanbakuchi, Caitlin Taylor, Nicholas Taylor, Marc Thompson, Amanda Thompson, Elijah Thompson, Kari Tondera, Devon Toth, Johanna Turnwall, Lindsay Utnik, Megan Wagner, Christina Ward, Ronald Warner, Rachel Watt, Christine Webb, Jonathan Weber, Alexandra Weiser, Amanda Weselak, Kacey White, Zoe Wilson, Emily Wolcott, Patrick Worbs, Bethany Wynne, Noah Yanicki, Andrew Yarnes, Andrew Yockey, Tyler Zikuski, Steven Zippier.
Teachers' Association 2003 Hospice Flower Sale Nets $2,207

Linda Harbison arranges bouquets at Riverwood.
Mike Mehltretter Photos - Click photo for a larger view.

Arranging the flowers into vases for dining room tables and for residents'
rooms are: Kathy Fik, Linda Harbison, Maria Connell, Judy Wynne, Debbie
Beis, Joanne Piccione, Tammy Von Wryeza-Ras, Mary Jane Fonte and student
helpers, Lauren and Katherine Fonte.
Barbi Lare Photo - Click photo for a larger view.
The Grand Island Teachers' Association has once again participated in the Spring Hospice Bouquet Sale with this year's proceeds to benefit the Hospice Foundation, supporting Hospice Buffalo, Home Care Buffalo, Kresge Residence and Life Transitions Center. In its 10th year of fundraising for Hospice, the Teachers' Association raised a total $2,207 which includes donations from a dress-down day at the schools and the sale of 348 bouquets. Linda Harbison is shown on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 arranging the bouquets to be distributed to the residents at Elderwood Healthcare Center at Riverwood. Bouquets will be available at Flower A Day, 1879 Whitehaven Road (773-4252) for $6 each through Saturday, March 8, 2003.
Grand Island Teachers
Salute The Pride Of The Island
The Grand Island Teachers’ Association presented Pride of the Island Awards on March 30, 2001. This year the award will be in the form of a license plate holder.
Students are chosen by their individual teachers for this award, considered one of the highest honors a teacher may present to a student. The following students have been chosen as the "pride of the classroom" based upon criteria that go far beyond grades.
Joseph D. Aladeen, Amanda N. Albertsson, Julie A. Amato, Michael S. Amato, Giovanna Andolina, Alexandra Armusewicz, Kimberly L. Asbach, Carissa M. Bailey, Adam C. Bakula, Taylor K. Bedford, Teighlor L. Bennett,
Ashleigh E. Bennett, Katelyn S. Benns, Amanda Bentley, Nichola P. Bergman, Chelsea L. Bergmann, John C. Blanton, Amy E. Blocho, Emily J. Bolles, Anthony J. Borelli, Caroline E. Boron, Cortney A. Bota, Amy L. Boutet, Thomas J. Breier, Dana E. Brindisi, Beatrice P. Bruno, Jennifer L. Bullock, Zachary Burns, Jeanette M. Buscaglia, Brianna A. Busch, Jason M. Caldwell, Christine G. Call, Marshall Cancilla, Cassondra K. Carlson, Casey E. Carminati,
Kimberlee A. Carter, Lindsay A. Chambers,
Mariah Christie, Melinda L. Christie, Kyle J. Clark, Aaron J. Clark, Jaclyn E. Coe, Maggie R. Coffas, Lianna J. Connors, Lynn N. Conschafter,
Taylor M. Cool, Cody L. Csendom, Lauren A. Culp,
Dana L. D'Angelo, Samantha M. Darby, Christopher G. Dayton, Chelsea M. DeGlopper, Gabrielle R. DeRose,
Kayla Deuble, Paul Dhand, Tiffani A. Dickinson, Shannon Doctor, Steven J. Doermer,
Courtney A. Donner, Courtney A. Donovan, Jeanmarie Dragonette, Caitlin B. Driscoll, Markos Drossos, Kelly A. Edwards, Stacey L. Edwards, Daniel J. Elmer, Jr., Melissa Fabio, Dominick W. Farbo,
Brianna N. Fetzer, David T. Franckowiak, Sara B. Franklin, Ashleigh A. Frieday, Erin E. Frieday,
Robert Joshua Garcia, Kristia L. Gatti, Bridget K. George, Joshua C. Gerace, Robert J. Glownia, Alex G. Gormady, AnnMarie Goss, Morgan J. Green,
Joseph D. Guenther, Nicholas A. Hahn, Michael Hall, Peter J. Hardman, Emily H. Harnden, Kelly L. Hayes, Amanda Heftka, Adam Helman, Michael Higgins, Adam J. Horrigan, Amber S. Hultgren,
Kristie Jankowski, Emily Kahn, Michelle M. Kalisz, Nicole J. Kalisz, Heather A. Keller, Julie D. Kilmer, Ben Kim, Joel A. Klock, Sara M. Knab,
Christine A. Knab, Kimberly A. Knab, Joseph Kobza, Kristen Kobza, Kindrah T. Kohne, Steven T. Kopf, Paul G. Kramer, Timothy E. Krecisz, Robert J. Kujawa, Brian G. Kulak, Jeffrey Lariviere, Timothy M. Lavallee, Gary M. Leckey, Jr., Megan E. Little,
Michael J. LoFaso, Kelly Lorence, Maria T. Lorence, Stephanie LoTempio, Jonathan LoTempio, Jr., Jessica Lundquist, Jamie L. Mallo,
Jamie L. Mangus, Ayla Marino, Jessica L. Martina, Kelsey A. Mash, Christina M. Mayes, Samantha J. McCollum, Victoria M. McCraith, Jessica L. McIntyre, Shannon M. McNaughton, Nigel S. Michki, Benjamin J. Mikac, Mercedes R. Miles, Dana L. Mitri, Dale A. Mock, Abram L. Morgan, Christine L. Morgante, Keith R. Morningstar, Courtney M. Mulvey, Katherine J. Neely, William P. Newsome,
Emily Nitkowski, Paula M. Nuchereno,
Marina C. Ortiz, Jessica Osvath, Ryan M. Osvath,
Samuel P. Oursler, Amy C. Padowski, Brittany M. Papaj,
Stefanie M. Penque,
David R. Perri, Jr.,
Jessica L. Perry,
Alexandra R. Peters,
Michael W. Pfetsch,
Susan E. Pioli,
Alissa M. Pioli,
Dalton J. Pitts,
Robert J. Podlucky,
Luke L. Price,
Benjamin R. Purrington,
Shannon C. Quinn,
Thomas J. Rajczak,
Sarah C. Ramsperger,
Juliane E. Rees,
Jennifer M. Reisdorf,
Thomas E. Richter,
Amanda Richter,
Zachary J. Rodriguez,
Vida Rostami,
Nicolette Scerra,
Rachel Schauger,
Carrie L. Schooping,
Michael S. Seaman,
Alexandra Seibert,
Zachary T. Seiling,
Timothy E. Shantler,
Kelly L. Shoemaker,
Kimberly Shoemaker,
Kuljit Singh,
Damanpreet Singh,
David C. Sipos,
Erich P. Skelly,
Sara R. Slovick,
Cassidy A. Smith,
Brittani E. Smith,
Alicia J. Sommer,
Tina L. Sparks,
Sarah I. Spence,
Michael A. Sperrazza,
Timothy S. Spratford,
Rachel B. Starr,
Krystalore S. Stegner,
Joshua A. Stoddard,
Kelly R. Strano,
Katherine E. Studley,
Robert E. Sugar,
Kasey Sumner,
Scott J. Suszczynski,
Kelly A. Tambe,
Kristina A. Tetkowski,
Lillian Thompson,
Scott J. Thompson,
Maria T. Todaro,
Nicole M. Tourot,
Jordan A. Tripi,
Zachary S. Vasi,
Nicholas H. Wallinder,
Kristina H. Waz,
Stephanie N. Weisnet,
Shana A. Wierchowski,
Kelly E. Williams,
Katherine A. Yaksich,
Mark D. Young, Jr.,
Craig D. Zeis
Teachers' Association Sells Flowers

Shown are Kathy Fik, Mary Domanski, Debbie Beis, Maria Connell, Lorraine Szczublewski and Linda Harbison with Georgiana Allein, Vivian Lund and Doris Huck who reside at Riverwood Healthcare Center.
The Grand Island Teachers' Association has conducted a
flower sale that created $2,532 for Hospice Foundation. A total of 383 bouquets were sold with 95 being donated to residents' rooms and the dining room tables at Riverwood Health Care
Center. After delivering the bouquets at the schools, the committee of Linda Harbison and Debbie Beis and their assistants, Kathy Fik, Maria Connell, Mary Domanski and Lorraine Szezublewski arrived at Riverwood with boxes of bouquets which had to be arranged and put in vases for distribution throughout the Center. Since their first bouquet sale in 1994, GITA has raised $11,346 for Hospice. Marlowe Beis, also on the committee, was not available for this delivery.
If you are a member of this organization we need your help. GIECOM.Net has partnered with the Connections program to help Grand Island as a community "Get it Together". Please visit our website G-I-Together.ORG and fill out our SURVEY. Every group on Grand Island will have its own FREE webpage, listing: meeting times location, contact persons, your Mission Statement and a listing of events. We will also be linking your news events that appear in the local media and on IsledeGrande.Com Grand Island's E-News Source, to your page, maintaining an archived journal of pictures and news. This is the perfect opportunity for your group to connect with potential new members and the community.