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News Page 2011

1690 Love Road

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Kaegebein Elementary School District's Website

Mary E. Haggerty

Alex Melisz Featured In Holiday Pops Concert - December 2011

   Alex Melisz, a 5th grader at Kaegebein Elementary, was selected to sing with the Buffalo Niagara Youth Chorus and the Buffalo Philharmonic this past weekend at Kleinhans Music Hall. The Holiday Pops performance was Saturday, December 10th and was a sold-out show.

4th Grade Class Colonial Day - November 2011

Left photo, from left: Grandmother Elaine Clark, Parents: Jennifer Keller, Jeff Zdrojewski, Julie Krueger and Kappi Sprenkle with girls. Right: Teacher Mrs. Kathy Chadwick with boys.
Click photos for larger view

    Mrs. Kathy Chadwick’s 4th grade students at Kaegebein Elementary celebrated “Colonial Day” on Tuesday, November 22nd. This day is based on a class novel the students read called "Felicity Learns a Lesson". The girls prepare the dinner meal. They make applesauce, butter, peel and mash potatoes, and prepare the stuffing. The boys learn lessons from hornbooks. The girls learn how to cross stitch and have a tea party. The boys learn about Colonial occupations and construct a sign to go with an occupation they are interested in. Both the boys and girls make soap, carve soap, write with a quill feather and ink, and stencil. This year Mr. Rizzuto, an Old Fort Niagara re-enactor, taught the students Colonial games. All the boys and the girls enjoyed this authentic experience of Colonial times.

Kaegebein Reflections Competition Winners - November 2011

Left: Reflections winners. Right: Honorable Mention awards. - Click photos for larger view

   Reflections is a National PTA competition to promote participation in the arts. The Kaegebein PTA held its annual Reflections Assembly on Thursday, November 10th. This year’s assembly was very special because it began with a memorial to honor two former Kaegebein teachers, Mrs. Susan Kupiec and Mrs. Orphia Casper. These teachers always strived to inspire creativity and promote the arts in the students at Kaegebein. A plaque in their honor will be hung with the PTA plaques at Kaegebein so that all students will remember their contributions.
   The Kaegebein PTA is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Reflections competition. The theme this year was “Diversity Means…” Over 100 students participated this year. Kaegebein’s winners who are moving on to regional PTA judging are:
Visual Arts:
Emily Kwiecinski, Sydney Mazur, Graham Zorich
Kaylee Boyle, Haylee Kuhn, Jack Faso
Benjamin DeFranks, Katelyn Giambra, Anna Martin
Film Production:
Ryan Wellence
Dance Choreography:
Caitlin Kleinschmidt
Musical Composition:
Joy Vander Mey

The following students received “Honorable Mention” Awards:
Rhys Mendel			Camryn Santa Lucia
Hayley Falter			Trisha Sander
Sebastian Koschuk		Jacob Cali
Zander Crvelin			Jett Garrison
Michael Percival		Kiersten Winstel
Dawson Mazur			Daniel Gruber
Ava Eichel			Joshua Henderson
Michael Greer			Jacob Nelson
Celia Wood			Ryan Sander
Gabrielle Martell		Jacob Jayme
Avery Andrews			Gabriel Agnello
Lauren Baeumler			Eliza Sarigiannis
Katherine Squires

Students Chosen for Fire Truck Ride To Kaegebein School - October 2011

Click photos for larger view
    Eight very excited Kaegebein Elementary School students had an unusual but exciting ride to school on Monday, October 17. They were picked up and driven to school in Grand Island Fire Trucks. Their names were selected from a drawing and each student was picked up from their house and brought to school. Pictured left are: Firefighter Jeremy Pullano, Gabrielle Ducette, William Worral, Riley Kane, and Jayce Clause and Firefighter Jeremiah Anderson. Pictured right are Marie Wagar, David Snell, Ryan Wellence and Parker Cinelli with Captain Ed Krecisz and Fire Chief Kevin Koch standing behind the group
   Thank you to the Grand Island Volunteer Firemen!!

First Day Of School - 2011

Mary Stewart Photos
   The Grand Island School District was one of the first in the area to start the 2011-2012 school year on Wednesday, August 31st. Kaegebein Elementary had lots of happy kids ready to begin the year.
Slide Show

Gold "K" Awards Presented - 2011

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   The Gold "K" is awarded to a fifth grade student who is well-rounded and has achieved much in his/her years at Kaegebein.
   The criteria are: Academic Excellence-high achievement and high effort, Citizenship; helpfulness to others and the student's relationship with peers, Exemplary Behavior in the regular classroom; in special areas-participation in extra-curricular activities, and Leadership Qualities; the ability to lead in a positive way.
   This year's winners are: Sara Wolcott, Grace LoTempio, Sophia Grupp, Megan Stanley, Kurtis Wozniak, Nicholas Kam, Conner Hutton, Katherine Reiderer, Isabel Dickinson, Philip Gentz, Kobe Swain-Bruyere, Lauren Chadwick, Cross Kalp, Sarah Bykowicz, Julia Less, David Matthews, Anthony Leone and Jacob VeRost.

Kaegebein Presidential Awards - 2011

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   The President's Educaton Awards Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, is an important program developed to help principals recognize and honor those students who have achieved high academic goals by their hard work and dedication to learning.
   This year's winners are: Grace Federico, Alexander Dodge, David Matthews, Philip Gentz, Carly Sozio, Allison Sorri, Chloe McQuestion, Nicholas Nowocien, Kurtis Wozniak, Sarah Bykowicz, Jessica Faso, Nicholas Kam, Jenna Travano, Anthony Leone, Alyssa Ruminski, Sara Wolcott, Cross Kalp, Julia Less, Grace LoTempio and Sophia Grupp.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Kaegebein Character Trait: Perseverance - 2011

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   The month of May's character trait was Perseverance. Perseverance is defined as "persisting in or remaining constant to a purpose, idea or task in spite of obstacles." Students who demonstrate perseverance show commitment, hard work, patience and endurance in all they do. They have an attitude to try and try again to reach their goals without giving up. Most of all they keep their heads up and overcome any obstacle that comes their way. The winners for May are Sarah Reeves, Parker Cinelli, Allyson Bellinger, Jack Dlugokinski, Stephanie Cox, Kenny Carter, Dawson Mazur, Rachel Soluri, Rhys Mendel, Emily Kurtzhalts, Mike McGuire, Maddie Mesmer, Johnny VanderMey, Sarah Burns, Grace LoTempio and Steven Bachman.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Kaegebein Character Trait: Sportsmanship - 2011

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   Sportsmanship is difined as the practice of participating in sports with a conduct and attitude considered to be befittinfg of a participant in that sport, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing. It encompasses both ethical behavior and acts of integrity. Good sportsmanship is achieved when a person stops and thinks before they act, and they replay this thinking whenever they have an important decision to make in sports or in life.
   April winners are: Isabella Harper, Riley Kane, Stephen Leone, Morgan Proctor, Benny DeFranks, Brooke VeRost, Rovert Currie, Kursten Garcia, Dylan Russo, Allison Fluker, Anna DiBello, Trevor Samplinski, Sara Wolcott, Ryan Buzby, Michelle Wadell, and Nick Phinney.

Author Visits Huth, Kaegebein - April 2011

See Kaegebein Students.
See Huth Road Students.
   Kaegebein and Huth Road Elementary schools had the privilege of hosting award winning author, Cynthia DeFelice on April 4th and 5th. DeFelice is the author of over 25 books for young readers, including novels and picture books. In preparation for her visit, students learned about her life and were exposed to her books, in the library and in the classroom.
    During her visit, she spoke to the students about where ideas come from and how those ideas can be turned into stories. All of the students experienced first hand a writer's gift and gained a greater understanding of the writing process. DeFelice shared how she became an author and described her goal of writing books that she would have loved to read as a child. A group of students at each school had the opportunity to attend a special author luncheon in the library with Cynthia DeFelice.
   This program was a joint venture between the schools' PTAs and the Grand Island Central School District. Author visits focus on literacy by putting reading and writing in the spotlight. Students were made aware of their own creative potential as authors and came away from DeFelice's visit excited to immerse themselves in new literary experiences.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Spelling Bee Winners - April 2011

(right) Fourth graders moving on to the Niagara Regional competion on April 9th representing Kaegebein: William Person, Gianna Hrovath, and Sebestian Koshuck.
(left) Fifth graders moving on are: Zachary Vanderzell, Jackson Slahta and Chloe McQuestion.
   Kaegebein School students participated in a spelling bee on March 29. The winner of the 4th grade spelling bee was Gianna Horvath. Jackson Slahta was the 5th grade winner. Fourth graders moving on to the Niagara Regional competition on April 9th and representing Kaegebein are William Person, Gianna Horvath, and Sebestian Koshuck. Fifth graders moving on are: Zachary Vanderzell, Jackson Slahta and Chloe McQuestion. "We are all very proud of our students," a spokesman for the school said. "Good luck in Regional competion."

Kaegebein Elementary News
Kaegebein Character Trait: Creativity - 2011

Click photo for a larger view
    CREATIVITY is the character trait for February. Students who exhibit creativity always generate ideas by exploring their options and creating unique combinations. They make connections to previous knowledge and demonstrate outstanding problem solving skills.
   Winners are Joseph Knight, Taylor Kullerkupp, Grace Wenner, William Worrall, Nicholas Keller, Natalie Grupp, Thomas Shemik, Ben Moskala, Alexander Melisz, Alicia Marlin, Laura Schultz, Terri Johnson, Eva Bobeck, Tyler Knight, Sophia Grupp, Steven Pufpaff.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Kaegebein Character Trait: Responsibility 2011

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   The character trait for January at Kaegebein Elementary School was RESPONSIBILITY. This character trait is critical for personal success and growth. Students who show RESPONSIBILITY are accountable for their actions. They turn in completed assignments on time and they are always prepared for classes and lessons. Responsible students know and understand what is expected of them in each class. In school, a responsible student makes learning a priority.
   Winners are Anthony Leone, Julia Less, Carly Sozio, Rhett Robinson, Ashley Hurley, Easton Speer, Gianna Horvath, Ryan Jellinick, Jack LoTempio, Charley Giglia, Anthony Muscoreil, Brooke VeRost, Julia Braun, Peyton Shearer and Zoe Kowalski.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Reflections Program – Jan. 2011

Shown front are M. Proctor, C. Hill, A. Homa; (back) J. Dlugokinski, C. Kleinschmidt, J. Faso, L. Chadwick and D. Cleveland

   "Reflections" is a national PTA program that encourages participation in the arts. This year's theme was "Together We Can". The Niagara Region PTA Reflections' results have been released. The Niagara Region PTA consists of 16 school districts (including Grand Island and 37 units in Niagara, Orleans, and Northern Erie County. Congratulations to the following Kaegebein School students who received awards at the regional PTA competition level:
First place:
Primary:  Justin Archer, grade 2
Visual Art
Primary:  Jack Dlugokinski, grade 2
Special Category:  Anthony Homa, grade 2
Primary:  Morgan Proctor, grade 2
Intermediate: Caitlin Kleinschmidt, grade 3 
Film Production
Primary:  Danniel Cleveland, grade 2
 Second Place:
Primary:  Connor Hill,  grade 2
Film Production
Intermediate:  Jessica Faso, grade 5 
Third Place:
Visual Art
Intermediate:  Lauren Chadwick, grade 5 

   The first place winners' entries (Justin Archer, Jack Dlugokinski, Anthony Homa, Morgan Proctor, Caitlin Kleinschmidt, and Danniel Cleveland) will advance to the NY State PTA level campetition. The state level judging results will be known in mid-March.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Character Trait - Tolerance – Jan. 2011

    This month's character was TOLERANCE. Prossessing this character trait is critical for personal success and growth. Students who demonstrate TOLERANCE exhibit the ability to be flexible, patient and creative when dealing with difficult or unusual situations or circumstance. They are students who are forbearing and respectful to everyone they encounter. They do not make fun of students who are different from themselves. The are kind, polite and helpful to those who need assistance.
    Winners were Kiana Bracero, Katherine Riederer, Miranda Proctor, Cheyenne Carr, Joshua Kam, Anthony Muscoreil, Ben DePranks, Brook Zdrojewski, Dominic Gramza, Callie Sommer, Morgan Proctor, and Stephen Leone.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Character Trait - CARING – Jan. 2011

    This month's character trait was CARING. Possessing this character trait is critical for personal success and growth. Students who are CARING are able to feel concern and empathy for others. This means that they are thoughtful, helpful to other students, and aware of other's feelings. Students who exhibit caring behavior are sometimes called "compassionate."
    This month's winners are: Elyssa Carfley, Emily Fred, Celia Jones, Will Person, Daniel Gruber, Ben Moskala, Rachel Dolan, Jenna York, Ryan Hallilman, Sara Wolcott, Chloe McQuestion, Lauren Baeumler, Ryan Wellence, Kira Hutton, Joseph Cali, Griffin Sykes, Amber Morales, and Grace Samplinski.

Kaegebein Elementary News
Character Trait - RESPECT – Jan. 2011

    The month of December's character trait was RESPECT. Possessing this character trait is critical for personal success and growth. Students who show RESPECT are able to be kind to their classmates, value another's opinion and lend a helping hand. They respect their teachers by being patient, always listening and following directions. These students show respect for the school community by cleaning up after themselves, walking in the hallways and displaying the Viking value of "be respectful" wherever they go.
   Winners were: Cheyenne Carr, Kelsey Burns, Dvid Schnell, Gabby Bergstrom, Nolan Massaro, Sebby Koschuk, Philip Gentz, Sophia Grupp, Nick Carey, Joshua Vizzi, Ulhaika Valera, ALeksandra Tirone, Destiny Denz, Pascual Munoz, Paul Sprenkle, and Jessica Backlund.