![]() Fifth Grade Artwork |
![]() Fourth Grade Artwork |
![]() Third Grade Artwork |
![]() Second Grade Artwork |
2nd Grade Clay Hearts: Kyle Graves, Matthew Wellence, Ryan Allen, Carly Bernatovic, Michael Podgorny, Jacelyn Maller, Ben Shaw, and Marissa Gress Warhol Flowers: Annie Pilie, Connor Harrigan, and Carlos Taylor Four Hearts: Kaitlyn Rudney, Brianna Brandon, and Brenna Young 3rd Grade Clay Hearts: Kyle Schoener, Joel Spencer, Emira Islami, Marissa Ruffolo, Sala Islami, Michael Kleinschmidt, Addison Joslyn, and David Madigan Product Collage: Magdalyn Chauby, Justin McCarthy, Brian Cooper, Sydney Quarantillo, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, and Jeremy Meer 3D Painting: Ashley Dragonette, Richard Shanor, and Jillian Sheehan 4th Grade Pop Flowers: Emily Harnden, Steven Sereby, Taylor Moran, Dallas Taft, Stephanie LoTempio, Rachel Orton, Rachael Gebhart, Jessica Hiser, Andrew Sander, Matthew Higgins, Lauren Cook, Jessica Pierce, Alexandria London, Stephanie Knight, Kevin Salonek, Jessie Melgar, Amanda Passarelli, and Katrina Rockwood Tile: Andrew Sander, Jessica Hiser, Mitchell Cancilla, Leah Watkins, Ellen Lutnick, Robert Johnson, Elena Watt, and Samie Spero L O V E: Mandy Liesenfeld, Zaineb Khawar, Zachary Burns, Joseph Torregrossa, Tracy Marrs, Sarai Darby, Christina McGuire, Andy Sendlbeck, Alexia Maalpica, Jessica Brownschidle, Alexandra Filips, Stephanie Grant, Shannon Kieffer, Nichole Hall, Samantha Oriani, Kelly Ruminski, Elizabeth Houck, and Zaida Smith Black And White Illusion: Cassie Oursler, and Daniel O’Farell 5th Grade Small Campbells Soup Cans: Rachel Watts, Cassidy Smith, Katelyn Benns, Joshua Miller, Joey Guenther, Bridget Thompson, Lenny Fike, and Jessie Knab Large Campbells Soup Cans: Brandon Graff, Elliot Busch, Katlyn Holt, and Sarah Brady Hearts: Dylan Martinie, Erica Surdi, and Maggie De Marco 3D Paintings: Brendon Lutnick, and Dominic Morell Portraits: Mary Irving, and Josh Pierce Heart Tiles: Nigel Miichki Joseph Cornell Boxes: Cassidy Smith, Talia Fabilli, Chris Brownschidle, and Stephanie Senn
Earth Day At Kaegebein - 2005
Second grade students in Mrs. Patricia Ludwiczak's class and completed bags.
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click photos for larger view.
Kaegebein School has participated for the last nine years in the Earth Day grocery bag project. The project was started in a Seattle elementary school in 1994 when students were asked to decorate donated paper grocery bags with Earth Day pictures and slogans. It has grown over the years and last year over 500,000 bags were distributed throughout the country. This year, Tops Market donated 500 paper grocery bags to decorate with the school name, artists age and/or grade and first name along with environmental pictures and slogans. Tops Grand Island will use the bags on Friday, April 22, 2005 to package groceries for customers. For more information about this project, visit www.earthdaybags.org.
Concert at Kaegebein Showcases Strings and Concert Band - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click photos for larger view.
The students of Kaegebein Elementary School were entertained on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 by their musically talented peers at the Spring Concert. String Orchestra Director Kelly Robertson led the musicians in selections that included "Fiddles on Fire" and "Resolution." Band Director Sherman Lyke led the 4th & 5th grade band and concert band in playing "Rio Bravo," "Big Rock Candy Mountain" and "Galactic Episode." The concert band also played "Simple Gifts" and "Fanfare For Freedom." A Wednesday evening (Apr. 20) concert was performed for the parents and families of the musicians.
Kaegebein 4th Graders Visit Historic River Lea - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click photos for larger view.
Every year at this time, the fourth grade students of Kaegebein, Huth and St. Stephen School participate in the Grand Island Historical Society's historic tour of Grand Island. The students and their guides travel by school bus and visit River Lea, Ferry Village, the ice house on East River Road, the site of what was the Whitehaven Sawmill Settlement on the Holiday Inn property, the SS Corona off of Kirkwood Drive and a tour of the Town Hall. Pictured above are Kaegebein students who toured on Tuesday, April 19, 2005.
Kaegebein PTA Sponsors Visiting Author - 2005
(Left) Visiting author Steve Swinburne; (right) Steve Swinburne and 2nd grade teacher Barbara Leifer-Lavitz.
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click photo for a larger view.
Author Stephen Swinburne visited Kaegebein Elementary School on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 where he presented three performances, thanks to the Kaegebein PTA. A photographer and naturalist as well as an author, Mr. Swinburne has written many books and has taken the photographs that are in many of them. Most of his books are related to science and nature, such as coyotes, bobcats, the beaks of birds and more.
Mr. Swinburne was born in London, England and came to the United States by way of sailing on the Queen Elizabeth across the Atlantic Ocean at the age of seven. He discovered his love of animals and nature after becoming a Boy Scout and went on to receive degrees in English and Biology at college in Vermont. Mr. Swinburne worked in many different jobs during his life including as a naturalist in many Vermont state parks and as a ranger in several national parks.
Steve's favorite career is his current one. He loves being an author and it shows during his presentation. His first book, "Swallows in the Birdhouse," was published in 1996 with many more to follow. He gets his ideas from keeping his "eyes open and ears on." The second grade students were the first audience of the day and they along with their teachers were delighted!
Family, Friends Enjoy Kaegebein Students' "An Irish Tale" - 2005
Story and Photo by Joanne Kud - Click for larger view
Second grade students at Kaegebein School celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by performing
“An Irish Tale” for their families and friends in the school auditorium. The play was directed by teachers, Mrs. Patti Ludwiczak and Mrs. Sue Kupiec. The eight fairies who performed in the play were: Anne Pilie, Caitlin Conlon, Carly Bernatovicz, Emily Wolcott, Abigail Chambers, Shannon Driess, Amelia Stepnoski, and Alasia Adams.
Kaegebein School Bunny Staff - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photo - Click for larger view
Staff members at Kaegebein Elementary School
were decked out for the Easter holiday on
Thursday, March 24, 2005. They are (left)
Carol Hamlin, Carol Pizur, Mary Ann Stanko and Ann Marie Stewart.
"Don't Forget Your Smile" - Kaegebein Fourth Grade Class - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click for larger view
The fourth grade students of Kaegebein School teacher, Mrs. Tricia McDonald, performed in a charming play written by Mrs. McDonald. It is the story of bored students in teacher Mrs. Wonder's classroom who are saved by the super hero, "The Dreary Snatcher."
Through song, violin playing, jokes, food, Beanie Babies and sports, all the students end up happy and smiling.
Kaegebein Talent Show - 2005
Students of Kaegebein Elementary School took part in the annual talent show on
Friday, March 11, 2005. Pictured is Katelyn Benns performing an acrobatic dance to "Forgotten".
Kaegebein Second Graders Perform "An Irish Tale" - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click for larger view
The second grade classes of Mrs. Patti Ludwiczak and Mrs. Sue Kupiec appeared in a darling story of fairies and leprechauns on Friday, March 18, 2005 on the Kaegebein auditorium stage. Many songs and dances were performed by the very talented second grade students. The Sidway first graders were the lucky attendees of the morning show. A second performance was scheduled for the afternoon. Nice job students and teachers!
Kaleidoscope Concert - March 2005
The Grand Island School District's annual Kaleidoscope Concert will be held at 3 p.m., Saturday, March 19, 2005 in the High School
Auditorium, 1100 Ransom Road. The choral concert will feature the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students from Kaegebein Elementary, Huth Road Elementary and the Connor Middle School.
Kaegebein 5th Grade Ethnic Luncheon - 2005
Teresa Price Story & Photo - Click for larger view
Fifth grade students, their teachers, principal John Wiertel and school superintendent Tom Ramming, along with many parent volunteers took part in an Ethnic celebration on Thursday, March 10, 2005. The students have been studying Immigration as a Social Studies Unit and to compliment the unit the staff at Kaegebein has created this annual Ethnic Luncheon. It is a wonderful way for the children to experience and share many delicious foods from countries around the world.
The parents are asked to send in a dish of ethnic origin for the celebration. This year we are proud to say that more than 50% of the families participated. As the children entered the luncheon they were greeted and presented with a Statue of Liberty hat that was donated by the Liberty Tax Services, in Buffalo. The kids were given a passport which allowed them to "pass without delay or hindrance" through the buffet. They were very excited and very willing to try the diversity of foods . . . especially all the wonderful desserts.
We were also fortunate to have two very talented Irish dancers at Kaegebein, to entertain the children as they made their way through the line. Mr. Wiertel recited the oath of citizenship to the entire group and spoke to them about how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful country. How very fortunate we are to be exposed to all these tasty dishes and how grateful we should be for all the things we take for granted.
All in all everyone left the cafeteria with a sense of pride for their school, their country, and their family. And no one left with a empty stomach!
Thank you to all who sent in a dish, and to all who came out to help . . . it is experiences like these that enrich all our lives.
Kaegebein Book Fair - 2005
Kim Schopp Photos - Click for larger view
The Kaegebein School Book Fair was held the week of March 7, 2005 and sponsored by the Kaegebein PTA. Hundreds of books were set up on the auditorium stage for everyone to choose from. The students were lucky enough to enjoy a buy one, get one free deal for books this year.
"Tacky the Penguin" Performance By Kaegebein 2nd Grade Students - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photos
Kaegebein School second grade teachers, Mrs. Kathy Fik and Mrs. Joanne Piccione, have plenty to be proud of after the performance by their students of a play entitled "Tacky the Penguin." Student teacher Courtney Wahl, a graduate student from Medaille College, directed the play and music teacher Renee Michki accompanied the students on the piano. It was an adorable presentation, with humor, songs, dancing and great costumes adding up to a very enjoyable play about a penguin that saves his friends in spite of his differences.
Courtney Wahl is a graduate of Grand Island High School.
Kaegebein Students Complete Million Minute Reading Marathon - 2005
Carol Hamlin Photo
Kaegebein Elementary School students were challenged to read for one million minutes at home from October 1, 2004 through January 31, 2005. The challenge began and ended with a pep rally for the whole school. Students charted their progress weekly as they enjoyed a wide variety of materials and gained valuable reading practice.
The top individual readers were:
Fifth grade – Rachel Watt, 11,445 minutes
Fourth Grade – Sam Clarke, 19,456 minutes
Third Grade – Jacob McMahon, 6,370 minutes
Second Grade – Ashley Franz, 7,538 minutes
The top classes were:
Gold – Mr. DiFonzo/Mrs. VanderMey’s Class
Silver – Ms. Zimmerman’s Class
Bronze – Mrs. Skrabacz’s Class
The students suggested ideas for a school reward when they reached their goal and a movie day was selected. They enjoyed a choice between nine family classics for an extra special afternoon.
Congratulations to Kaegebein Students who are all winners for exceeding their reading goals.
Mrs. Janet Gorfien
Mrs. Heidi Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Pat Rizzuto
Mrs. Patricia Ludwiczak
Kaegebein Expanded Band Tunes Up For Concert - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photo
The Kaegebein expanded fifth grade band will be performing at 7 p.m. on Thursday evening, February 17, 2005 at the High School auditorium. The group of fourth and fifth graders entertained family and friends during a practice at the Kaegebein auditorium Thursday afternoon. Band Director Sherm Lyke invited everyone to the evening concert which will also feature the Huth Road Band, Connor Middle School sixth grade band, the 7th & 8th grade band and the Grand Island High School wind ensemble.
Pop-Art At Kaegebein - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click for extra large view
Kaegebein art teacher Alexann Incao has been keeping her students busy with wonderful art projects, some that tie in with Valentine's Day. Lining the halls of the school are posters designed by the second graders that depict four hearts filled in with dots and lines in bright colors. The soup cans created by the fifth grade students are in the style of Andy Warhol's famous Campbell's soup can. The twist here was in using pastel paints and mixing them into interesting colors. The fourth grade students painted LOVE pictures in the style of Robert Indiana who is well known for his U.S. postal stamp. Coming soon will be more wonderful photographs of art created with the use of a special gift from the Kaegebein PTA.
Kaegebein School Book Exchange - 2005
Shown above are students from Mrs. Eileen Mitchell's third grade.
Jodi Robinson Photo - Click for extra large view
The Kaegebein PTA's annual used book exchange took place on Wednesday and Thursday, February 2-3, 2005. The event is held every year during the first week of February. The books are collected throughout the school year in a receptical located in the foyer of Kaegebein School. Chairperson Marie Lillian, who has been in charge for the last three years, also visits the Grand Island Memorial Library's used book sale to add to the inventory. This year's students were able to choose 2-3 books each when it was their class time. Residents can donate their age appropriate books (0-10 years) by dropping them off at Kaegebein School anytime during the school day. Books for younger children are also collected and students are allowed to bring them home to their siblings.
Kaegebein PTA Fun Night and Basket Raffle - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photo
Click for extra large view
The Kaegebein PTA is hosting a Family Fun Night and Basket Raffle on Thursday, January 27, 2005. Each classroom was asked to make a theme basket to raffle and baked goods will be available for purchase. The gymnasium is set up for games for the students and face painting will be located in the hallway. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
New Program "Becoming a Peacemaker" Introduced At Elementary Schools - 2005
Kaegebein students taking part in the "Peace Bridge" Program.
Click for extra large view
The following information outlining a new elementary program has been announced by Huth Road and Kaegebein Social Worker Heather Maras and Huth Road Principal Mary Haggerty.
Conflicts are inevitable in the classroom – they can be a disturbance or interference or they can present an opportunity for students to learn peaceful ways to resolve their conflicts. Teaching students positive ways to communicate their feelings and to work out their interpersonal problems can create a peaceful, comfortable classroom and school environment that is conducive to learning. It can also reduce the amount of time and energy spent managing classroom conflicts that take away from teaching time.
At the Huth and Kaegebein Elementary School buildings, the "Becoming a Peacemaker" program was launched during the 2004 - 2005 school year. This program teaches students skills in positive communication, active listening, and creative problem-solving. The students learn the "Rules for Working it Out" and use the "Peace Bridge" to walk through steps to resolve interpersonal conflicts. This school-wide effort is a component of the district's character education development. The program currently used by both schools is an adaptation of conflict resolution materials developed by the Grace Contrino Abrams Peace Education Foundation, Inc.
“Becoming a Peacemaker” teaches students five “Rules for Working it Out.” They are:
1. We find out the problem, 2. We attack the problem, not the person
3. We listen to each other
4. We care about each other’s feelings
5. We are responsible for what we say and do.
These rules emphasize communicating your feelings respectfully and taking responsibility for your part in the problem and the solution. The students have been or will be trained in the use of the “Peace Bridge” that will guide them step by step in the process of peaceful conflict resolution. Ultimately, the students will learn to use this strategy independently and know when they need to ask for help.
Huth Road Elementary students were introduced to the peacemaking methods in October and students at Kaegebein began the program through assemblies on January 18, 2005, appropriately connected with activities recognizing Martin Luther King Day. The following activities will be conducted at both district elementary schools during the 2004-2005 school year:
1. Grade level assemblies to introduce the Rules and The Peace Bridge including role-plays to begin to apply the model to real situations.
2. Follow-up in the classroom as a smaller group to reinforce learning and practicing use of the Rules and The Peace Bridge.
3. Other follow-up activities to practice “I-messages,” active listening skills and creative problem-solving using The Peace Bridge.
4. Posters of the Rules will be posted in every classroom and in the hallways.
5. Peace Bridge game boards will be made for each classroom and for the principal’s and social worker’s offices so students can “walk” through the steps to resolve their conflict together. With facilitation by Elementary School Social Worker Heather Maras, a grant from the Grand Island/Tonawanda Teacher’s Center was obtained to help fund this initiative. The grant will be used to cover expenses for the posters.
Much success in use of the Peacemaking methods has been noted by teachers at Huth Road Elementary. In the classroom, teachers encourage students to follow the “Peace Bridge” steps in order to resolve a conflict between two students. Many teachers have commented that students have been able to come to a successful, lasting resolution to their problem using these steps.
Kaegebein School Participates in National PTA Creative Arts Contest - 2005
Left: Contest Winners Right: Contest Honorable Mention Winners
Jodi Robinson Photo - Click for extra large view
One hundred and thirty-two students from Kaegebein Elementary participated in the 2004/2005 National PTA's Reflections Program. Through the sponsorship of the Kaegebein School PTA, the students were able to enter the annual creative arts contest in four categories: Literature, Music, Photography and Visual Arts.
This year's theme, "A Different Kind of Hero," was developed in a wide variety of ways including: original musical compositions, paintings, collages, stories, photographs and poetry. After judging was completed, a special assembly took place to announce the winners and present framed certificates and ribbons.
The school winners were:
Literature: 1st Place: Christopher Brownschidle
2nd Place: Nigel Michki
3rd Place: Dylan Phillips
Music: 1st Place: Eric Riederer
2nd Place: Alexandria London
Photography: 1st Place: Michael Kleinschmidt
2nd Place: Ryan Marlin
3rd Place: Melissa Ullrich
Visual Arts: 1st Place: Rachel Watt
2nd Place: Kevin Aronica
3rd Place: Travis Kelley
These entries were sent on to the next level of competition at the Niagara District PTA. At this level, the students' entries will be judged against submissions from many other local elementary schools. If chosen as winners at this level, they will go on to compete at the state level and possibly national recognition. A reception and display of the Niagara District entries will take place on Sunday, February 13th at the Keenan Center in Lockport. At this time, the entries to be sent to the state level of judging will be announced and all school winners will be honored.
Along with the winning twelve entries, thirty other entries were recognized for Honorable Mention distinction at the assembly. They are Paul Arida, Tanner Atkinson, Robby Becker, DanaeGrace Busch, Caitlin Conlon, Alley Cutting, Jamie Dobson, Ashley Franz, Lucas Fry, Connor Harrigan, Joshua Horvath, Clifford Lapp, Travis LeFevre, Mandy Liesenfeld, Alexia Malpica, Colton McGraw, Robert Meer, Kevin Minton, Dominic Morell, Cassie Oursler, Joseph Pusateri, Andrew Riederer, Dominica Roberts, Lance Russo, Benjamin Shaw, Codie Thomas, Joseph Torregrossa, Branden Tripi, Emily Wolcott and Joshua Zernickel.
Every student who participated in the program will be recognized with a certificate and ribbon of participation.
"A Flood Of Coins" at Kaegebein School - 2005
Click photos for extra large view
Second grade teachers, Mrs. Patricia Ludwiczak and Mrs. Joanna Piccione, spear-headed the effort to support the Tsunami Relief Fund of the Red Cross with donations from students, teachers and parents of Kaegebein School. The fundraiser began on Wednesday, January 12th and ran through January 19, 2005. The teachers were invited to donate and "dress down" on the last day of the fundraiser and students were asked to dress "comfy" as a thank you for their donations. By noon of the last day, over $2,800 was raised with more money coming in! Kaegebein Kids really do care.
Pop Art Showcased In Kaegebein School Hallways - 2005
Jodi Robinson Photos
The school district wide theme in art classes this year is "Op Art and Pop Art." Art teacher, Alexann Incao, has been keeping the students of Kaegebein busy with many eye catching projects. Displays in the hallways include "Pop Art Flowers" made from painted foam board by the fourth graders. The third graders created the "Popular Products" posters, in the style of New York City artist Michael Albert. Taking boxes of "popular products," the students cut the boxes into shapes and glued these pieces to posters. The fifth grade students created drawings of "Campbell Soup Cans" and "Pop Art Hearts." Next time you're in the school district buildings, make sure you look around at the different art displays located in the hallways. Our students are very creative.
Kaegebein PTA Seeks Executive Committee Member - 2005
Interested in being more involved in your child(ren’s) education? How about being a part of the PTA’s Executive Committee? The Kaegebein PTA is currently looking for candidates to fill a vacant position on our Executive Committee for the 2005-2006 school year.
The Executive Committee is made up of the following positions:
1st Vice President of Programs (1 parent/1 teacher)
2nd Vice President of Membership (1 parent/1 teacher)
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
First Council Delegate
Second Council Delegate
The Corresponding Secretary position will become vacant as of June 2005. Thos interested in this position or or more information are asked to contact Amy Nicolia at 774-1106 or Liz Lutnick at 775-0509 by February 15th.
"If you know someone who would make a great officer and would like to nominate them for the position, please contact Amy Nicolia at 774-1106 or Liz Lutnick at 775-0509 by February 15th," a spokesman for the Committee said this week. "Of course, you may inquire about any of our Executive Committee positions at any time," she said. Elections for the 2005/2006 Executive Committee will be held at the March 3rd meeting at Kaegebein.
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