Veronica E. Connor Middle School 2009
Mr. Bruce F. Benson

Veronica Connor Middle School District's Web Page.

Previous Middle School News Pages

Seventh Grade Student Is Connor’s Monthly Master - Jackeline Wilson - June 2009

   The final “Connor’s Monthly Master” for the 2008-2009 school year is seventh grade student Jackeline Wilson. Jackeline has liked and valued art for as long as she can remember. She says, “Art is important because it brings something different into your everyday life.” Although many artists and all kinds of art interest her, she is personally fond of working in either paint or pencil. In her free time, Jackeline likes to draw, paint and listen to music. She is pictured here holding her latest abstract works. Painted to the music of Cole Porter and Van Morrison, both works translate musical sounds and patterns into rhythmic marks and rich color harmonies. They are her favorite works yet. A natural painter, Jacqueline’s talent seems to run in her family; she has an aunt who she says is a gifted painter as well. Jackeline counts her seventh grade art class as being among her favorite art experiences and her teacher, Nora Klein, on behalf of the VCMS Art Department, would like to acknowledge her outstanding work, achievements and efforts by selecting her as the June, 2009 Monthly Master.

Modified Softball Completes 2nd Undefeated Season In Row - June 2009

(top row) Coach Meaney, R. Russell, J. Paternostro, E.E. Edwards, J. Amsdill, C. Alcorn, A. Kalinowski, Scorekeeper T. Moran; (middle) J. Sheehan, G. Scherrer, B. Little, K. Kalman, N. Argy, E. Glose, M. Ruffolo; (bottom) Captain M. Gibson, Asst. Captain J. Kelly.
Click photo for larger view

   The Connor Middle School Modified Softball program showed itself to be the class of the Niagara Frontier League once again, taking the field 14 times and coming away victorious each game. The girls are a well-oiled hitting, pitching, and fielding machine that will no doubt continue their success throughout their high school years.
   The team had 11 new players from last year's dominant squad and didn't miss a beat. The seventh graders included Natalie Argy, an outstanding player who had the team's third highest batting average (BA). Natalie loves the game and always brought a positive attitude to the ballpark -- we hope to see more of her as a lefty next year. Emily Edwards played a very solid first base and wants to hone her skills at every turn. Jillian Sheehan was an exciting lefty pitcher who won two games and also saw some quality time at first base. Jillian will be an important part of the rotation next season. Alexa Kalinowski was a versatile player with a great deal of energy who saw time at second base and the outfield. Kristy Kalman continued to improve as the season went by, bringing her on-base percentage (OB%) up over .600 by the end of the year. Jenna Paternostro had a .500 OB% and played a solid outfield in her contribution to the team. Brittany Little took over some of the catching duties as the season moved along and did a fine job. Brittany led the team in walks; perhaps because of her familiarity with the strike zone. Emily Glose brought some spark to the team, playing with heart and dedication. Emily also provided the team with an excellent commemorative DVD of the season. Other seventh graders included Marissa Ruffolo, Grace Scherrer, and Assistant Captain Julia Kelly. These three provided a good deal of offensive firepower and fielding savvy. Ruffolo led the team in home runs and played the infield corners flawlessly. Some shots were just towering. Scherrer led the team in hits, RBIs, and stolen bases. Watching Grace steal home is like watching a cat toying with a mouse -- it's almost unfair. Julia Kelly was a leader in the dugout and on the field. Kelly led the team in batting average and HBPs --anything to get on base, anything to stop a ball from leaving the infield. Next season looks more than promising.
   The team had four eighth grade "seniors," all of whom played vital roles in the team's success over the past two years. These girls leave the middle school having never lost a modified softball game -- 28 wins, zero losses. This is quite an accomplishment. Ciara Alcorn won this year's Most Valuable Player Award. She was third in on-base pct. and had an earned run average of less than one -- outstanding. Jessica Amsdill played an exceptional second base, had an OB% of almost .500, and pitched well when called upon. She was a solid veteran player. Rosalie Russell gave up only two earned runs in over 30 innings of pitching to post an ERA of 0.46 -- she dominated the league. Rosalie also contributed with a BA of almost .400. And finally, Captain Melissa Gibson. Melissa is a quiet leader who can organize, direct, and lead by example. She was the only player to go the whole season without recording a strikeout and had a solid .500 BA. Melissa must have thrown out at least eight attempted base stealers from behind the plate and will be backstopping in the high school for many years to come. Make sure you get out and watch her ply her craft -- she is an artist.
    The season was a great success thanks to the players, the fans, and the town groundskeepers. We would also like to thank scorekeeper Taylor Moran for her solid effort behind the pencil. Best of luck to those moving to the high school and "see ya next year" to those returning to the middle school in the fall.
   The team is coached by Arthur Meaney

First Place Middle School Concert Band - June 2009

   The Veronica E. Connor Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Concert Band competed at the Springville Pageant of Bands on Saturday, May 16, 2009. Under the direction of Miss Shannon Smith, the band performed two pieces and sight-read together as a group. The band received a very high score, winning first place at the competition! We are very proud of the students for all of their hard work.

Middle School Bald For Bucks Raises $9790 - June 2009

Click photos for larger view.

    The Goin’ Bald for Bucks 2009 season is in full-swing! Dozens of schools and organizations from across Western New York are hosting Goin’ Bald events to raise funds for Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Grand Island's own Connor Middle School recently participated in this Worthwile event. Over 45 students and faculty donated their hair for "locks of love" or had their head shaved in support for those who lose their hair during cancer treatments. Connor Middle school raised over $9,790 Goin bald for bucks. The top fundraisers were Lance Russo ($2,000), Christopher Swagler ($890), Ben Wright ($435), Shawn Fermoile ($367). Check out the photogallery of Connor Middle school or donate to Roswell Park through

Middle School Orientation - June 2009

   Orientation for students new to Veronica E. Connor Middle School, will be held on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 10 a.m. This orientation is for all new students, registered to start in September 2009, and their parents. The orientation will take place in the Little Theater and run for approximately an hour and a half.
   At the orientation, students and their families will be given helpful information regarding their new school. Topics discussed will include 6th, 7th and 8th grade curriculum, extra curricular activities, adolescent developmental milestones, and other helpful information to assist your child to be successful in middle school. The school's curriculum and student handbooks will be handed out and a tour of the school will conclude the orientation.

Connor’s Monthly Master - June 2009

Art Student Michael Battaglia

   Pictured with his contour shoe drawing is art student Michael Battaglia, “Connor’s Monthly Master” for May 2009. Michael, a seventh grade student at Connor Middle School, is a talented student with many interests and ample creative ability. He has been interested in art since second grade and likes to spend his time drawing and making things from clay, his favorite medium. Many people recognize Michael’s innate artistic abilities. Beside the good grades he earns in his art class, friends and family recognize his talents and encourage and inspire him. Family members encourage Michael by commenting on his artworks; telling him what they like about his pictures and clay pieces. In addition to the encouragement he finds from his family, Mike’s artistic brothers serve as inspiration for him; in fact, Michael lists his brother, Alex, as his very favorite artist. When asked what he likes best about art, Michael says: “it allows me to be creative and open-minded.” Another inspiration and favorite art experience for this student was a trip with his family to the Vatican. The Connor Middle School Art Department is proud to recognize this student’s artistic achievements and the ways in which his work habits make him an artistic role model for his peers. It is a pleasure to name Michael “Connor’s Monthly Master” for May.

Middle School Character Connection Awards - May 2009

Kindness Awards Recipients
Click photo for larger view.

    Connor Middle School is pleased to announce several recent recipients of the Connor Character Connection (C3). The recipients of the Kindness award had their posters on display in the front foyer of Connor Middle School for the month of April. In order to receive an Connor Character Connection award, a student must be nominated by a faculty or staff member at Connor Middle School. Students are chosen when their actions or behavior represent the monthly character trait. In order to nominate a student, teachers write a paragraph about the student. These inspirational paragraphs mention specific details about each child and how, in their everyday lives, they exemplify the character trait being awarded that month.

The complete list of nominated students for the kindness award are:
* indicates not present for the photo
Eyad Abdellatif
Jessica Amsdill*
Jenn Argy*
Michelle Aronica
Chris Barberic*
Christian Baumann
Selina Bichler
Kristen Call
Robert Carroll*
Alyssa Cinelli*
Angelina Colucci
Lauren Cook
Hannah Corrao*
Charles Corwin*
Nancy Dahlquist*
Anna DeMartin*
Chad Ducette
Joyce Endozo
Carleshia Evans
Brianna Farmer*
Leah Geis
Katie Gentz
Dylan Graff
Maxwell Grenda
Andrew Grinchinsin
Kassy Guyette*
Darren Huttenmeir
Kaitlyn Jennings
Kurtis Johnson*
Alyssa Karb
Jackie Kehoe
Christian LaMarco*
Michael McMahon*
Orendael Miller*
Catherine Navagh
Robin Neary
Maggie Nobumoto*
Aaron Noyes
Yiannis Papavramidis*
Alyssa Pizzuti
Sydney Quarantillo*
Kris Rassega
Andrew Reiderer
Eric Reiderer
Alyssa Schmidt
Brandon Stevenson*
Emilie Stinner
Joaquin Vasquez*
Madz Wright*

7th/8th Grade Middle School Concert Band Takes First Place - May 2009

Connor Middle School 7/8 Concert Band members
Click photo for larger view.

   The Connor Middle School 7/8 grade Concert Band competed at the Springville Pageant of Bands on Saturday, May 16th. Under the direction of Miss Shannon Smith, the band performed two pieces and sight-read together as a group. The band received a very high score, winning first place at the competition! "We are very proud of the students for all of their hard work," Miss Smith said.

Connor Middle School Honor Roll - May 2009
The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the honor roll for the third quarter, 2008-2009 school year:

High Honor Roll

Grade 6: Jessica Ackendorf, Joshua Barrett, Hannah Bastian, Carly Bernatovicz, Bradley Boreali, Giuseppe Campanella, Marissa Catanzaro, Natalia Christiano, Caitlin Conlon, Enrico D'Abate, Isabel Dengos, Shannon Driess, Eric Dudley, Joseph Egloff, Robert Ellegate, Joseph Farrell, Katherine Fonte, Ashley Franz, Alexander Garey, Rebekah Gaydosh, Kathryn Gentz, Graciana Giambra, Kasandra Guyette, Carly Hand, Christian Hilts, Grant Johnson, Jack Kennedy, Marah Killian, Leah Killian, Kurt Laschinger, Taylor Latvala, Colton McGraw, Michaela McMahon, Nolan Miles, Alyssa Pelosi, Michael Podgorny, Brendan Pratt, Jenna Reinard, Andrew Riederer, Eric Riederer, Margaret Rustowicz, Joseph Santa Lucia, Benjamin Shaw, Rebecca Slowinski, Amelia Stepnoski, Laura Taylor, Melissa Ullrich, James Wilson, Timothy Winder
Grade 7: Brian Ailinger, Kali Aronica, Sukhdeep Bajwa, Michael Battaglia, Liana Buscaglia, Emily Certo, Magdalyn Chauby, Quinton Corrao, Brian DeRubes, Frank DeRubes, Sarah Dollendorf, Jenell Duxbury, Erika Ewert, Elizabeth Figler, Tyler Ford, Kevin Freedman, Emily Glose, Ashley Gugino, Steven Howard, Ciara Howley, Henry Huang, Zachary Jones, Addison Joslyn, Kristina Kasprzycki, Julia Kelly, Emily Kernin, Kathryn Lamarco, Justin Lavis, John Lillian, Elizabeth LoBrutto, Emma MacIntyre, Justin McCarthy, Brentyn Mendel, Anna Nicolia, Jenna Paternostro, Michael Paternostro, James Pufpaff, Zachary Remers, Kyle Schoener, Jillian Sheehan, Vincent Shores, Lucas Siebert, Jeremy Smith, Tara Stewart, Christopher Swagler, Brock Tetreault, Stephanie Voyzey, Jackeline Wilson, Brigid Wilton, Nicholas Young
Grade 8: Alexandra Bahgat, Rachel Bailey, Lydia Bernatovicz, Jessica Brownschidle, Sara Carlson, Megan Carroll, Sarah Chamberlain, Alexis Cino, Alyssa Cino, Sam Clarke, Jane Cooke, Laura Dolan, Keelan Erhard, Meghan Federico, Brianna Gibney, Melissa Gibson, Alexandra Griffin, Kourtney Hoppel, Mark Hughes, Sage Kashmanian, Manjinder Kaur, Zaineb Khawar, Bridget Kennedy, Mary Kneer, Christopher Komin, Mandy Liesenfeld, Stephanie LoTempio, Ellen Lutnick, Orendael Miller, Maggie Nobumoto, Marisa Phillips, Benjamin Purrington, Christina Richard, Rachael Ruszkowski, Katelyn Ruszkowski, Marina Scerra, Lauren Shepard, Nicholas Soos, Lillian Thompson, Joshua Tixier, Kimberly Yaeger, Christina Zytariuk
Honor Roll

Grade 6: Ryan Allen, Abigail Armitage, Christian Bauman, Elaina Bolles, Nicholas Bonora, Alyse Borelli, Brianna Brandon, Sierra Brooks, Robert Carroll, Sara Cichon, Andrew Colautto, Sara Colon, Kayla Conway, Lillian Cultrara, Nancy Dahlquist, Abigail Dallessandro, Anna DeMartin, Jared Eichel, McLain Erhard, Alura Fike, Austin Fisher, Halle FitzGerald, Jessica Foote, Andrew Fred, Leah Geis, Kyle Graves, Marissa Gress, Balraj Grewal, Albert Grupp, Nikolai Harper, Benjamin Jensen, Khristian Kline, Austin Mahoney, Thomas Major, Nathan Marino, Mark McKenna, Devlin McMaster, Matthew McNaughton, Alexandra Miller, Madeline Mitchell, Kayla Myers, Robin Neary, Jazmine Nijjar, Meaghan O'Leary, Colin Osborn, Kelsey Percival, Mary Kate Petz, Miranda Phillips, Anne Pilie, Lauren Rogoza, Raymond Rott, Kaitlyn Rudney, Lydia Senger, Pushpinder Singh, Meghan Sonnenberg, Emily Szabo, Jordan VeRost, Apelasan Wigneswaran, Corey Wilkinson, Jessica Wing, Emily Wolcott, Bennett Wright, Bethany Wynne, Jordan Yamonaco, Brenna Young, Taylor Zoldowski, Jessica Zoldowski
Grade 7: Natalie Argy, Jacob Athoe, Marisa Atkinson, Griffin Atkinson, Robert Augugliaro, Alexander Baker, Natalie Baldassarre, Keegan Belstadt, Sierra Besl, Grace Bolton, Kevin Borowicz, Jack Boyko, Jacob Burford, Qian Chen, David Cich, Aaron Cook, Brian Cooper, Sean DeRubes, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, Michael Diletti, Matthew DiMura, Thomas Doctor, Ashley Dragonette, Heavyn Dreher, Alexandra Dzielski, Yousuf Eltagouri, Shawn Fermoile, Emma Garten, Joseph Gioeli, Benjamin Goc, Jack Gorman, Bianca Gowanny, Andrew Grinchishin, Alyssa Heitman, Ryan Held, April Hippert, Amanda Jelonek, Alexa Kalinowski, Brad Kaminski, Mary Frances Koch, Stephanie Kowalak, Ashley Kroetsch, Kyle Krueger, Julianne Lavallee, Brittany Little, Johnna Marinello, Andrew Masiello, Austin McCoy, Jacob McMahon, Elliott Michki, Benjamin Morrish, Catherine Navagh, Gregory Nicolia, Anna Niland, Aaron Noyes, Zoann Pittman, Alessandra Price, Shannon Robillard, Marissa Ruffolo, Maren Russell, Derrick Schutrum, Chelsea Sinicki, Tanner Speer, Lindsey Spiker, Jenna Stufkosky, Timothy Utz, Emily Valint, Mia Villani, Lillian von Reyn, Jadon Wegrzyn, Matthew Zabaldo
Grade 8: Corey Adamshick, Ciara Alcorn, Jennifer Amato, Jessica Amsdill, Conor Atkins, Nicholas Bonarek, Johnathan Boorady, Alexander Brink, Alexandra Brown, Mitchell Cancilla, Courtney Collignon, Christopher Connors, Annaliese Corrao, Jenna DelSignore, Mark Dryfhout, Brittany Faulise, Madeleine Goc, Kristen Greinert, Tyler Jackman, Hayley Keane, Shannon Kieffer, Grace Kulikowski, Christian Lamarco, Jake Lawley, Evan Leffler, Jessica LoBrutto, Alexandria London, Vincent LoPresti, Gurwinder Nijjar, Samantha Oriani, Rachel Orton, Cassandra Oursler, Samantha Pangborn, Michelina Pariso, Alyssa Pizzuti, Dominica Roberts, Kelly Ruminski, James Rustowicz, Kelsey Ruszkowski, Kevin Salonek, Taylor Scheuing, Ashley Serianni, Christopher Serra, Adam Stanczyk, Matthew Sutton, Jacob Sweeney, Elena Watt, Margaret Weiser, Megan Wendt, Andrew Yarnes, Joshua Zernickel

Connor Middle School Merit Roll - May 2009
The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the merit roll for the third quarter, 2008-2009 school year:
Grade 6: Eric Ackerman, Devan Aponte, Christopher Barberic, Zachary Boudrow, Brian Brennan, Nicholas Brink, Vincent Bruno, Nicole Burley, Alexa Calandra, Colin Carey, Destanee Cope, Alexandra Cutting, Colton Czajka, Genevieve Davis, Kelsi Dellapenta, Andrew Dyet, Daniel Edel, Joyce Endozo, Morgan Finn, Emily Fuoco, Patrick Gallagher, Nicolette Golden, Connor Harrigan, Natalie Henderson, Keegan Hirtreiter, Alexander Hollatz-Guastella, Scott Holmes, Joshua Horvath, Kimberly Huffnagle, Grey Johnson, Jacqueline Kehoe, Ryan Kennedy, Travis LeFevre, Joshua Less, Jonathan Link, Alexa Lombardo, Ryan Marlin, David Mongan, Anthony Mosher, Stephanie Muranyi, Jacob Neumann, Ashley Niemann, Nicholas Paolini, Devon Perri, Emilie Phinney, Jordan Piershalski, Michael Podlucky, Amanda Proctor, Zachary Sikora, Colin Smith, Alexandra Sponn, Emilie Stinner, Armand Swanson, Mark Valle, Brian Verso, Matthew Wellence, Amara Wingrove, Caitlyn Yensan, Alexander Zimmermann
Grade 7: Rana Abdelal, Michele Aronica, Alicia Bianco, Kirsten Burtch, Ashley Butler, Bryce Callen, Amanda Cancilla, June Chadima, Jason Cichon, Thomas Corrao, Nicholas DeMita, Jensen Dorey, Michael Dzielski, Hannah Edwards, Kai Ellsworth, Justin Graesser, Anthony Grana, Patrick Hall, Joseph Halpin, Andrew Hannah, Christine Herman, David Holler, Sala Islami, Madeline Jackson, Alyssa Karb, Jessica Keller, Michael Kleinschmidt, Jacob Ladouceur, Gabriella Liberatore, Kyle Lindquist, M. Matthew Madigan, William Madigan, Vincent Malpica, Wyatt Mock, James Osborn, Dominic Prine, Daniel Ray, Grace Scherrer, Natalie Schultz, Molly Smith, Timothy Sutton, Raymond Tafelski, Brianna Turello, Taylor Weis, Ashley Weiser, Madalyn Wright, Brandon York
Grade 8: Tanner Atkinson, Shelby Bailes, Brittney Banks, Kassandra Bennett, Nathan Bundscho, Zachary Burns, Allysa Bush, Ronald Clark, Samuel Colao, Samantha Conner, Jamie Dobson, Katarina Eichel, Sarah Ernst, Joseph Fanara, Alexandra Filips, Michael Giambra, Andrew Gilbert, Emily Harnden, Adam Heftka, Matthew Higgins, Megan Hoople, Robert Johnson, Daniel Konopski, Carolyn Kruszona, Alexia Malpica, Taylor Marino, Joseph Martin, Michaela McDonald, Brianna McGuire, Taylor Moran, Matthew Osinski, Catherine Otto, Michael Palazza, Alyssa Quarantello, Katrina Rockwood, Daniel Rott, Alexa Santa Lucia, Aaron Schauger, Taylor Schiffhauer, Cole Smith, Javier Solis, Alexander Tollner, Joshua Ungaro, AmyJo VeRost, Kayleigh Weselak, Emily Ziurinskas, Anthony Zogaria

Author Visits Middle School - April 2009

Students and author Vivian Vande Velde
   Connor Middle School hosted an author visit by Rochester teen author, Vivian Vande Velde on Wednesday, April 22. Ms. Vande Velde is a well-known fantasy writer with over 30 young adult books published, including Edgar Mystery Award winner, Never Trust a Dead Man. Eighth grade students at Connor Middle received writing tips and got the chance to have many of their questions answered. Vande Velde told students, “Don’t give up and don’t become discouraged if you hear no.” Vande Velde is referring to getting stories published which she further explained to students that her first book published was rejected thirty-two times before being accepted on the thirty-third try.
   Vande Velde also told students that she became a writer because she “loves to tell stories” and considers herself a storyteller. She also stressed to students to “write about what interests you if you want to be a writer” and to “write a little bit every day because the more you do it, the easier it becomes.”

Veronica E. Connor Middle School Students Experience Medieval Times - March 2009

Students pictured with author Lorna MacDonald Czarnota are Ashley Serianni, Caitlin Conlon and Raj Dhaliwall, demonstrating medieval armor
Click photo for larger view.

   The sixth grade students at Veronica E. Connor Middle School were recently treated to a demonstration by storyteller, author and educator, Lorna MacDonald Czarnota. Lorna, a professional storyteller, specializes in presentations and facts related to medieval times as well as colonial America. She is the author of several books and audio recordings. During her presentation at the middle school, she focused specifically on the artifacts and elements present during Medieval Times.
   Lorna’s medieval presentation began with a demonstration of the harp that she played while the boys and girls settled into their seats. She continued by welcoming the sixth graders and describing her clothing to them. Dressed as a peasant, she explained to the students what the life of a peasant was like during medieval times. The students remained enthralled throughout the exhibit as she shared several re-created artifacts that she has gathered throughout the years. Amongst her collection were a sword, chain mail armor and a helmet. Classmates were invited to the front of the room to try on the armor.
   Lorna has been visiting Veronica E. Connor Middle School for several years through funding generously provided by the Grand Island - Tonawanda Teacher Center. Her visit supplements the study of medieval times in the sixth grade social studies/ELA curriculum.

Eighth Grade Artist Named Connor’s Monthly Master - March 2009

Catherine Otto
Click photo for larger view.

   “Art is important because it is a way to help people express their feelings,” says fourteen year old Catherine Otto; “Art is whatever you make it out to be. It doesn’t need to be something completely amazing, it can be very simple.” Catherine, who is an accelerated eighth grade art student at Connor Middle School, has been named Connor Middle School’s Monthly Master for March.
   Catherine has enjoyed art for a very long time. She remembers drawing pictures of princesses when she was three years old and says that she has been seriously interested in art since the third grade. She loves to draw and says that her favorite piece was a drawing that she made in her sketchbook about one month ago. Catherine is encouraged and inspired artistically by her family. Says Catherine, “my entire family wants me to paint for them, my mom always tells me how good I am and that I should be an artist. They are very encouraging. I have a great family, and two loving dogs.” In addition to her artistic interests, Catherine skates at Niagara University and plays the violin. She loves animals and hopes to be a marine biologist when she grows up.
   The Connor Middle School Art Department is proud to recognize this student’s accomplishments and is pleased to name Catherine their Monthly Master for March, 2009.
   Pictured is Catherine with her recently completed painting of River Lea. Catherine’s work, as well as the work of many other young district art students, will be on display for the community to see during the art department’s annual district-wide art show in May.

"Bugsy Malone Jr" - Middle School Musical - March 2009

See Complete Cast/Crew
   Connor Middle School students are in rehearsal for their musical, "Bugsy Malone Jr." It is a 1920's gangster musical around the time of prohibition. The gang splurges each other rather than use violence. In gangsters terms when you are "splurged," it simply means you are all washed up, not dead. A cast of 60 plus 10 stage crew members have been rehearsing daily since early January. Director is Annalea Masiello, with some assistance from Joanna Farrell. The choreographer is Debbie LaFevre. "Bugsy Malone Jr" stars Ben Purrington as Bugsy, Travis LaFevre as Dandy Dan, Alex Garey as Fat Sam, Sage Kashmanian as Lena Marelli, Lydia Bernatovicz as Louella, Grace Kulikowski as Tallulah, Brianna Gibney as Blousey Brown, and Zacjh Jones as Fizzy.
    The performance in the Grand Island High School auditorium takes place on Tuesday, March 31, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 available at the door or through a cast member.

Student Art Display Celebrates “Youth In Art Month” - Mar. 2009

(left) Annie Corrao with her Persian-Inspired ceramic tiles and Jessica Brownschidle with her drawing.

    In celebration of March as “Youth In Art Month”, Veronica E. Connor Middle School proudly announces an art display at the Grand Island Memorial Library featuring the works of seventh and eighth grade students. The show is designed to hi-light both cognition and creation. A wide variety of two and three-dimensional art pieces including works in graphite, pastel, oil pastel, ink, charcoal and ceramics; as well as written student reflections can be viewed during regular library hours throughout the month of March.
   Artworks currently on display represent a small portion of the learning taking place by art students during their art classes within the middle school. Cognitive, expressive and creative problem-solving skills are evident in the student work. The display also demonstrates the various ways middle-level learners are meeting the rigorous New York State Standards for the Visual Arts.
   Many thanks to the Friends of the Library for their continuing support of the students’ artistic efforts. Their very generous donation of frames and a brand new hanging system, as well as space to display has allowed young artists the opportunity to view their work displayed professionally and in a public forum. Middle school art teachers Nora Klein and Andrew Dulak invite the community to view the “Youth In Art Month” show, as well as a second display featuring the work of sixth and seventh grade students to follow during the month of April.
   Students with work on display: Grade 7: Kyle Krueger, Katie Lamarco, Jesse Miller, Lucas Siebert, Tanner Speer; Grade 8: Eli Brennan, Jessica Brownschidle, Mitch Cancilla, Alexis Cino, Alyssa Cino, Annie Corrao, Megan Federico, Brianna Gibney, Kristen Greinert, Manjinder Kaur, Carly Kruszona, Evan Leffler, Jessica LoBrutto, Joe Martin, Orendael Miller, Cassie Oursler, Nick Soos

Girls' Modified Basketball Has Successful 2009 - Feb. 2009

Shown front are Asst Coach S. Senn, A. Kalinowski, Asst. Capt. J. Kelly, Capt. M. Gibson, J. Amsdill; (middle) Asst. Coach A. Gilbert, M. Ruffalo, Z. Dodd, J. Brownschidle, K. Hazelet; (back) Coach A. Meaney, T. Moran, K. Stark, J. Dhaliwall, K. Bennett. Missing from the photo is S. Knight
Click photo for larger view.

   The 2009 Girls' Modified Basketball Squad had a very successful '09 campaign. The team consisted of only two returning players from the 2008 undefeated NFL champions. It was a testimony to their dedication and focus to be the best that they could be.
   The seventh graders who made the team were a highly skilled group of individuals, led by assistant captain Julia Kelly. Julia became only the second seventh grader in Modified history to become a member of the prestigious "Viking Centurion Club" (scoring 100 points in a season). Julia was a leader on and off the court with her lead-by-example mentality, making others play to their highest level. Marissa Ruffalo and Kara Hazelet were a very valuable tandem of pure shooters from the outside -- do not engage them in a game of Horse! Their kind of accuracy, while being well-defended, is rarely seen in middle school players. Alexa Kalinowski played a solid point guard, dribbling and penetrating through most defenses. At the forward position, we will have two solid returning players next season -- Kristen Stark and Jess Dhaliwall. Kristen really came on as a rebounder as the season progressed and Jess was the team's second leading scorer -- much of it on put-backs. They should be quite a force next year.
    Eighth graders to whom we say good-bye and thank you include the only two players from last season -- Taylor Moran and Stephanie Knight. These two girls shared with the team insight and experience that they had acquired in their first season. Both forwards played a much more dominant game than last season, fighting to the whistle for every free ball. They were an excellent example of effort. The team's two other forwards were Kassie Bennett and Zoe Dodd. Zoe was the lighter side of the team in practice, but gave her all during the contests. Kassie was a solid force under the boards and was often on the court in the final minutes of games. Jessica Amsdill was also new to the team this year and worked as hard as anyone during practices and games. She was often in the right place at the right time. Jessica Brownschidle was/is a converted hockey player (only during basketball games). She was a tenacious defender who understood team defense from the get-go and was responsible for some of the best passes of the season. A great addition to the team. And finally, team captain Melissa Gibson. Melissa is an excellent softball player who chose to try her hand at basketball and found out that she was pretty good. More importantly, she was a respected voice in the locker-room who kept the team pulling together in the same direction. Melissa's stat contribution was valuable, but her true value was not quantitatively measurable. She was an excellent captain.
   This season was a great success thanks to the hard work of the players, Assistant Coaches Alexis Gilbert and Stephanie Senn, and our loyal fans. The team improved as the campaign went on. Some highlights include the North Park game (in which every player scored) and the Gaskill game (they came to Connor MS in the final week of the season undefeated and your lovely Lady Vikings earned a 31-22 victory). Once again, the future of girls' basketball on Grand Island continues to look bright -- step out and see a game.

Connor Middle School Honor Roll - Feb. 2009
The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the honor roll for the second quarter, 2008-2009 school year:

High Honor Roll

Grade 6: Jessica Ackendorf, Joshua Barrett, Hannah Bastian, Carly Bernatovicz, Bradley Boreali, Giuseppe Campanella, Robert Carroll, Marissa Catanzaro, Natalia Christiano, Sara Cichon, Caitlin Conlon, Kayla Conway, Lillian Cultrara, Enrico D'Abate, Isabel Dengos, Shannon Driess, Eric Dudley, Joseph Egloff, Robert Ellegate, Joseph Farrell, Katherine Fonte, Ashley Franz, Alexander Garey, Rebekah Gaydosh, Kathryn Gentz, Carly Hand, Jack Kennedy, Marah Killian, Leah Killian, Kurt Laschinger, Taylor Latvala, Colton McGraw, Michaela McMahon, Nolan Miles, Colin Osborn, Alyssa Pelosi, Brendan Pratt, Jenna Reinard, Andrew Riederer, Eric Riederer, Raymond Rott, Margaret Rustowicz, Joseph Santa Lucia, Benjamin Shaw, Pushpinder Singh, Rebecca Slowinski, Amelia Stepnoski, Emily Szabo, Laura Taylor, Jessica Wing
Grade 7: Natalie Argy, Michael Battaglia, Liana Buscaglia, Emily Certo, Magdalyn Chauby, Quinton Corrao, Brian DeRubes, Frank DeRubes, Sarah Dollendorf, Jenell Duxbury, Elizabeth Figler, Kevin Freedman, Benjamin Goc, Andrew Grinchishin, Zachary Jones, Addison Joslyn, Kristina Kasprzycki, Julia Kelly, Emily Kernin, Kathryn Lamarco, Justin Lavis, Emma MacIntyre, Justin McCarthy, Brentyn Mendel, Benjamin Morrish, Anna Nicolia, Jenna Paternostro, Michael Paternostro, James Pufpaff, Kyle Schoener, Jillian Sheehan, Vincent Shores, Lucas Siebert, Tara Stewart, Brock Tetreault, Jadon Wegrzyn, Jackeline Wilson
Grade 8: Conor Atkins, Alexandra Bahgat, Rachel Bailey, Lydia Bernatovicz, Jessica Brownschidle, Sara Carlson, Megan Carroll, Sarah Chamberlain, Alyssa Cino, Sam Clarke, Jane Cooke, Keelan Erhard, Brianna Gibney, Melissa Gibson, Madeleine Goc, Alexandra Griffin, Kourtney Hoppel, Mark, Hughes, Sage Kashmanian, Manjinder Kaur, Bridget Kennedy, Zaineb Khawar, Mary Kneer, Mandy Liesenfeld, Stephanie LoTempio, Ellen Lutnick, Orendael Miller, Marisa Phillips, Benjamin Purrington, Christina Richard, Rachael Ruszkowski, Katelyn Ruszkowski, Kevin Salonek, Marina Scerra, Lauren Shepard, Nicholas Soos, Adam Stanczyk, Lillian Thompson, Joshua Tixier, Kimberly Yaeger, Christina Zytariuk
Honor Roll

Grade 6: Ryan Allen, Abigail Armitage, Christian Bauman, Elaina Bolles, Nicholas Bonora, Alyse Borelli, Brianna Brandon, Brian Brennan, Sierra Brooks, Vincent Bruno, Andrew Colautto , Sara Colon, Nancy Dahlquist, Abigail Dallessandro, Genevieve Davis, Anna DeMartin, Andrew Dyet, Jared Eichel, McLain Erhard, Austin Fisher, Halle FitzGerald, Jessica Foote, Andrew Fred, Leah Geis, Graciana Giambra, Nicolette Golden, Kyle Graves, Marissa Gress, Balraj Grewal, Kasandra Guyette, Nikolai Harper, Christian Hilts, Scott Holmes, Ryan Kennedy, Khristian Kline, Travis LeFevre, Jonathan Link, Thomas Major, Nathan Marino, Mark McKenna, Matthew McNaughton, Alexandra Miller , Madeline Mitchell, Kayla Myers , Robin Neary, Meaghan O'Leary, Kelsey Percival, Devon Perri, Mary Kate Petz, Emilie Phinney, Jordan Piershalski, Michael Podgorny, Michael Podlucky, Kaitlyn Rudney, Lydia Senger, Emilie Stinner, Armand Swanson, Melissa Ullrich, Jordan VeRost, Mitchell Weis, Apelasan Wigneswaran, Corey Wilkinson, James Wilson, Timothy Winder, Emily Wolcott, Bennett Wright, Bethany Wynne, Jordan Yamonaco, Brenna Young, Taylor Zoldowski, Jessica Zoldowski
Grade 7: Brian Ailinger, Kali Aronica, Jacob Athoe, Griffin Atkinson, Marisa Atkinson, Robert Augugliaro, Sukhdeep Bajwa, Alexander Baker, Natalie Baldassarre, Keegan Belstadt, Sierra Besl, Alicia Bianco, Kevin Borowicz, Jack Boyko, Jacob Burford, Ashley Butler, Bryce Callen, Qian Chen, David Cich, Brian Cooper, Sean DeRubes, Jaskiran Dhaliwall, Thomas Doctor, Heavyn Dreher, Alexandra Dzielski, Yousuf Eltagouri, Erika Ewert, Tyler Ford, Emma Garten, Joseph Gioeli, Emily Glose, Bianca Gowanny, Anthony Grana, Ashley Gugino, Ryan Held, April Hippert, Steven Howard, Ciara Howley, Henry Huang, Amanda Jelonek, Alexa Kalinowski, Brad Kaminski, Mary Frances Koch, Ashley Kroetsch, Kyle Krueger, Julianne Lavallee, Gabriella Liberatore, John Lillian, Brittany Little, Elizabeth LoBrutto, Johnna Marinello, Austin McCoy, Elliott Michki, Gregory Nicolia, Aaron Noyes, James Osborn, Zoann Pittman, Alessandra Price, Daniel Ray, Zachary Remers, Marissa Ruffolo, Maren Russell, Derrick Schutrum, Chelsea Sinicki, Jeremy Smith, Tanner Speer, Lindsey Spiker, Jenna Stufkosky, Christopher Swagler, Brianna Turello, Timothy Utz, Emily Valint, Lillian von Reyn, Stephanie Voyzey, Brigid Wilton, Brandon York, Nicholas Young, Matthew Zabaldo
Grade 8: Ciara Alcorn, Jennifer Amato, Jessica Amsdill, Nicholas Bonarek, Johnathan Boorady, Alexander Brink, Alexandra Brown, Allysa Bush, Mitchell Cancilla, Alexis Cino, Ronald Clark, Samuel Colao, Courtney Collignon, Samantha Conner, Christopher Connors, Annaliese Corrao, Jenna DelSignore, Laura Dolan, Katarina Eichel, Joseph Fanara, Brittany Faulise, Meghan Federico, Adam Heftka, Tyler Jackman, Hayley Keane, Shannon Kieffer, Christopher Komin, Carolyn Kruszona, Grace Kulikowski, Christian Lamarco, Evan Leffler, Jessica LoBrutto, Alexandria London, Alexia Malpica, Brianna McGuire, Maggie Nobumoto, Rachel Orton, Matthew Osinski, Cassandra Oursler, Michael Palazza, Michelina Pariso, Alyssa Pizzuti, Dominica Roberts, Kelly Ruminski, James Rustowicz, Kelsey Ruszkowski, Aaron Schauger, Taylor Scheuing, Taylor Schiffhauer, Ashley Serianni, Cole Smith, Javier Solis, Matthew Sutton, Elena Watt, Margaret Weiser, Andrew Yarnes

Connor Middle School Merit Roll - Feb. 2009
The following Veronica E. Connor Middle School students have been named to the merit roll for the second quarter, 2008-2009 school year:
Grade 6: Alwareed Abdellatif, Devan Aponte, Zachary Boudrow, Nicholas Brink, Michael Brown, Nicole Burley, Alexa Calandra, Abigail Chambers, Alexandra Cutting, Colton Czajka, Ian Eisenberger, Alura Fike, Morgan Finn, Jacob Foote, Emily Fuoco, Ian Hardison, Connor Harrigan, Natalie Henderson, Keegan Hirtreiter, Alexander Hollatz-Guastella, Joshua Horvath, Kimberly Huffnagle, Andrew Husted, Benjamin Jensen, Jacqueline Kehoe, Kelsey Ketterer, Joshua Less, Austin Mahoney, Ryan Marlin, Devlin McMaster, Kevin Minton, Anthony Mosher, Stephanie Muranyi, Jacob Neumann, Ashley Niemann, Jazmine Nijjar, Nicholas Paolini, Miranda Phillips, Anne Pilie, Drew Pitts, Amanda Proctor, Lauren Rogoza, Colin Smith, Meghan Sonnenberg, Alexandra Sponn, Mark Valle, Brian Verso, Matthew Wellence, Amara Wingrove, Jillian Wohlfehrt, Alexander Zimmermann
Grade 7: Rana Abdelal, Michele Aronica, Grace Bolton, Kirsten Burtch, David Byrne, Amanda Cancilla, June Chadima, Jason Cichon, Aaron Cook, Hannah Corrao, Nicholas DeMita, Michael Diletti, Matthew DiMura, Jensen Dorey, Ashley Dragonette, Michael Dzielski, Hannah Edwards, Kai Ellsworth, Shawn Fermoile, Jack Gorman, Justin Graesser, Patrick Hall, Joseph Halpin, Vanessa Haynie, Alyssa Heitman, Christine Herman, Sala Islami, Madeline Jackson, Katlyn Jennings, Kurtis Johnson, Kristen Kalman, Jessica Keller, Stephanie Kowalak, Jacob Ladouceur, M. Matthew Madigan, William Madigan, Vincent Malpica, Andrew Masiello, Jacob McMahon, Wyatt Mock, Catherine Navagh, Anna Niland, Yiannis Papavramidis, Shannon Robillard, Ryan Ross, Grace Scherrer, Natalie Schultz, Molly Smith, Paul Sukmanowski, Timothy Sutton, Max Tafelski, Raymond Tafelski, Victoria VanNorman, Mia Villani, Taylor Weis, Ashley Weiser, Madalyn Wright
Grade 8: Corey Adamshick, Kevin Aronica, Shelby Bailes, Brittney Banks, Kassandra Bennett, Eli Brennan, Nathan Bundscho, Danae-Grace Busch, Tiffany Carlson, Jacob Dixon, Jamie Dobson, Mark Dryfhout, Sarah Ernst, Michael Giambra, Andrew Gilbert, Kristen Greinert, Nicole Hall, Emily Harnden, John Holody, Megan Hoople, Stephanie Knight, Daniel Konopski, Jake Lawley, Vincent LoPresti, Taylor Marino, Michaela McDonald, Christina McGuire, Collin McMahon, Courtney Mergel, Gurwinder Nijjar, Samantha Oriani, Catherine Otto, Samantha Pangborn, Alyssa Quarantello, Katrina Rockwood, Daniel Rott, Alexa Santa Lucia, Christopher Serra, Emily Steinbrenner, Jacob Sweeney, Ashley Tillett, Joshua Ungaro, Megan Wendt, Kayleigh Weselak, Joshua Zernickel, Anthony Zogaria

Connor Middle School Students Host Charity Breakfast - Jan. 2009

Click photos for larger view.

   Students of Veronica E. Connor’s Life Skills Program prepared a Charity Breakfast for parents, faculty and staff on Friday, January 23, 2009. Javier Solis, Samantha Bartolotta, Mitchell Weis, and Tamara Khairallah worked diligently with FACS teacher, Mrs. Mary Jane Fonte and Life Skills teacher, Ms. Tracy Shores to prepare a hot breakfast on a very frigid morning to over 50 people.
   The students prepared the meal, sold tickets, made centerpieces, and set up and cleaned up. The whole mood was complete with Chef Aprons that the students made in FACS class. Faculty and staff were greeted at the door with a handshake and a picture taken with the Life Skills students. The money that was earned will be given to National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), Little People of America (LPA), and Veronica E. Connor’s Life Skills Program. Altogether the students raised $275!!! It was a wonderful experience and something we all will look forward to again next year.

Connor’s Monthly Master - Cassie Oursler - Jan. 2009

Click photos for larger view.

   Pictured with several art pieces from her portfolio is art student, Cassie Oursler. Cassie, who is an eighth grader at Connor Middle School, has been named “Connor’s Monthly Master” for the first month of the new year. The Monthly Master award showcases the achievements of middle school students whose hard work and artistic dedication are exemplary and who also shows a great deal of creativity and originality in their designs.
   Cassie is a very talented and hard working young artist. She reports that she has been interested in art for most of her life and has always found time to explore many kinds of materials. One of her favorite art memories is winning a savings bond in the Lion’s Club Peace Poster contest when she was in grade six. Asked what her favorite media to work with is, Cassie says that she can’t choose; there are many fun and different ways to use all the ones that she’s tried. She is inspired by nature and everything that she sees and, enjoys drawing what is on her mind and expressing her feelings.
   Cassie credits her art teacher and her family for their encouragement and support. Her uncle shares his art abilities and techniques and Cassie in turn, passes on her talents by teaching techniques that she’s learned with her younger brother. She hopes to have a career someday that involves sports or animals, but is sure that art will always figure prominently in her life.
   The VCMS Art Department is proud to make Cassie their January 2009 “Connor's Monthly Master.”

Middle School 2009 News - JULY - DEC.
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