Grand Islanders in the News
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Margie Rall Engaged
Former resident Margie Rall became engaged to Brian Hunter on Friday, November 3rd while walking on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Vacationing here in September, the couple is shown while siteseeing at Niagara Falls. A September 2001 wedding is being planned.

Welcome Jaidan Kheara Hiam

Jaidan Kheara Hiam, daughter of Janie Martin and Dan Hiam arrived on October 2, 2000 weighing seven pounds, three ounces. She is the granddaughter of Dan and Michelle Hiam and Ellen Martin and Glenn Martin, all of Grand Island.
Kogut - O'Neill
The Rev. Emil P. Swiatek of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Elma performed the 4 o'clock marriage ceremony September 21 in St. Flannon's Church, Kinnitty, County Offaly, Ireland for Amy Elisabeth Kogut and Ryan Patrick O'Neill, both of Dublin, Ireland.
Michael and Marilyn Kogut of Fernwood Lane, Grand Island and Tampa Bay, Florida are the bride's parents. The bridegroom is the son of Joseph and Dolores O'Neill of Wilmington, Delaware.
A reception was given in the Great Hall of the O'Carroll's at Kinnitty Castle. The couple traveled to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.
They will be at home in Dublin, where they are employed by MBNA of Ireland, the bride as an assistant vice president and director of personnel, and the bridegroom as senior vice president and site director. The bride is a graduate of Nardin Academy and John Carroll University. The bridegroom is a graduate of the University of
Jennifer Hitcho, Cornell graduate
Miss Cathy's 30th Year of Dance Instruction

Cathy Thomas of Miss Cathy's Dance Academy, is celebrating her 30th year of dance instruction in her new studio next to Jaco's Pizza. Shown are students in Miss Cathy's four-year-old tap and jazz class as they practice on the beautiful, new, wood dance floor. Miss Cathy's Dance Academy is the longest running dancing school on Grand Island with the new facilities located at 2488 Grand Island Boulevard. A former Buffalo Jill, Miss Cathy is a former student and teacher of noted local ballet teacher Norma Ferrara Gelose, and has taught several local students who have gone on to dance professionally. Special classes in pre-ballet, elementary and professional ballet including pointe work, tap, jazz, acrobatics and gymnastics instruction are offered at Miss Cathy's Dance Academy.
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