"Grand Island Pictures from the Past"
Volume Four
by Teddy Linenfelser
Volume One
Lawnmower Ride - 1950s Click photo for larger view ![]() This photo taken on Love Road in Grandyle Village shows Danny McMahon driving, Jarmen Benns riding and Jim Benns behind on his rollerskates. Please don't tell the Benns boys' mother what they used the family lawnmower for!! Stony Point Neighbors - 1970 ![]() Diane Bykowicz Hassan submitted this photo of her 'little' brother Jeff Bykowicz and his best friend, Scott Tetreault in her dad's back yard on Stony Point Road back in 1970. Mrs. Schopp's 1st grade - 1979 Click photo for larger view ![]() Mrs. Evelina Schopp and her Huth Road School first grade class in 1979 posed for this picture shortly before her retirement. Jason Weis is on the far left, Peter Fabiano is to his right, and my daughter-in-law Laury Fred (Linenfelser) is fifth from the left of the second row seated on the floor. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you recognize anyone else. Thanks to Mrs. Schopp for the loan of this photo. She celebrated her 95th birthday in March and would love to hear from former students. You may email Evelina through her son Reg, at rms@giecom.net if you would like to say hello. Grandyle Village Friends - 1947 ![]() ![]() Click photos for larger view (left) Seated on our back terrace, Love Road in Grandyle Village in June 1947 are my sister, Mary Ellen Klingel (Stewart), Margie McMahon (Prange), myself and our next door neighbor Ricky (Eric) Stefik. The photo on the right, taken around the same time in 1947, is just us girls - me on the left, Mary Ellen, then Margie. It's interesting to look back and remember how we wore dresses almost all of the time. Old photos taken on Grand Island may be sent for consideration to me at teddy@giecom.net. July 4, 1971 Parade Click photo for larger view ![]() The year was 1971 and this group was riding in the Grand Island Independence Day parade in support of Town Councilman Candidate Jerry Youngs. Shown from left are Dory Smith, Jerry Youngs, Walt Youngs and Glenn "Bud" Smith who is driving the convertible on Grand Island Blvd. The building in the background is the fire hall as it looked before its 1981 update. Thanks to Dory Smith for the photo. . Ice Cream Stand In Edgewater Park - 1930s Click photo for larger view ![]() This Hoeflem's Fro-Joy Ice Cream stand was in Edgewater Park in perhaps the 1930s. Obviously the photo was taken in the wintertime. Edgewater Park and the Edgewater Hotel were located on East River Road in the area of Edgewater Drive. For a feature story on the park and more photographs, click Features - Edgewater. Grand Island Lodge #1138 F.& A.M. - 1977 ![]() Click photo for larger view Grand Island Lodge #1138 F.& A.M. members are shown during their installation at the Buffalo Launch Club on March 7, 1977. Front left: John Carncroff, District Deputy of 1st Erie District John Sheridan; (standing left) Senior Deacon Russell Carr, Senior Warden Dave Lantz, Charlie Austin, Junior Warden John Gast Jr. Thanks to John Gast and Dave Lantz for identifying those pictured. SPCA Contest Winners - 1974 ![]() St. Stephen School students Katherine Wozniak (Chadwick) and Karen Lunsford (Conboy) submitted the winning essay and poster for the SPCA's Humane Posters and Compositions contest in the spring of 1974. Third grader Kathy and 4th grader Karen posed for the photo with Father Richard Graeber's dog, Sandy. Special thanks to Kathy who responded to my request for this photo. Sidway School Field Day - 1953 ![]() ![]() Click photo for larger view Charlotte Sidway School students in Mrs. Gertrude Radius' third grade class are shown behind their food booth at the June 1953 field day. The sign says "delicious popcorn" but they may have been selling soda pop as well. In the photo on the right are Kathy Long (Gillespie), Mrs. Radius, Carol Warcheck, Susan Neimeier (Adams), Kay Martin (Smith), Carol Aldrich (Leavell) and James Lock (in larger view). The same girls are pictured in the photo on the right, minus their favorite teacher, Mrs. Radius. Thanks to JoAnn Vanderheite for the loan of these photos. Sidway School Field Day - 1952 ![]() Click photo for larger view Charlotte Sidway School students in grades 4-9 enjoyed a yearly field day out on the school playground each year. This was June 1952 and the group are 4th grade students of Miss Betty Long and Miss Catherine DiVizio. From left are Michael Chateauneuf, Alice Hau (McCarthy), Annette Boehm (Fuhr), Elizabeth Glor (Allen), David Butcher, Peter Fahrer, Jack Strother and on the far right (see enlarged version) is Bill Jacobs. The teachers, Miss Long and Miss DiVizio, are standing behind them. Birthday Party - 1950 Click photo for larger view ![]() These little girls are posing at what I believe is Kathleen Bradley Smith's 8th birthday party. The month was July and the year could have been 1950. The girls are (front left) JoAnn Radius (Vanderheite), unknown, Barbara Beck (Muratore); (back) Kathy Bradley (Smith), Marilyn Ford (Fortner), unknown, and Lynn Sargeant (DeJonghe). If you have an old photo you would like to have considered for this column, email it to me at teddy@giecom.net Sidway School Third Grade - 1953 ![]() Mrs. Gertrude Radius, a third grade teacher at Sidway, Kaegebein and Huth Road schools, loved the sea and shared her vast knowledge with her students each year. This set of photos was taken in her classroom in 1953. Thanks to her daughter, JoAnn Vanderheite for sharing them. Shown front left are Susan Neimeier (Adams), Karen Fitzsimmons (Fuller), David Rexford, Marilyn Bennett (Herec), and Mary Ann Howland (Snyder). The boys in back are Terry Kortum (left) and Don Saunders. ![]() Click photo above for larger view. Front(left) Larry Huse, Carol Warcheck, Kathy Long, Lorraine Wilkinson, Gary Reese; (back) Cal Gardner, Robert Bell, Mike Sceusa and Dan Killian ![]() Galen Young (left) and Calvin Gardner ![]() Mike Sceusa (left), unknown, Galen Young and Jim Linenfelser Chuck Hall's 6th Grade Party - 1954 ![]() Click photo for larger view Charles Hall of East Park Road invited four girls and three boys to his house for a party in 1954. Sidway School 6th grade classmate JoAnn Radius Vanderheite, took the photo. From left are Philip Dennis Guilfoil, Sharon Bauer, Martin O'Dea, Elizabeth Glor (Allen), Michael Chateauneuf, Carol Killian (Munsie) and Chuck Hall. Chuck's father, Mathew, was a member of the Grand Island Board of Education in the 1950s. National Champion Al Endres Remembered - 1950s Click photos for larger view ![]() Click photo for a larger view. The late Al Endres of Grand Island was a national champion and world record holding speedboat racer. This photo, taken from the Courier Express in 1954, shows inspector Fran Brobeil checking Al's motor, the last step before receiving the trophy at a 1953 regatta. For a feature story on Al, published after his untimely death at a boat race in 1953, click "Al Endres Story." Last Day Of School - 1952 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Charlotte Sidway School teacher, Mrs. Gertrude Radius, posed for this last day of school photo in June 1952 with several of her third grade students. They are from left, Linda Trautman (Murphy), Kathy Smith (Rider), unknown and Hazel Ann Henry (Murphy). Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you recognize the unidentified girl. Thanks to JoAnn Vanderheite for this photo. Fifth Grade Sidway Play - 1953 ![]() ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Mrs. Adamine Kennelly's fifth grade class at Sidway School in 1953 presented King Cole's Court, a play, in 1953. In the left photo, shown front (left) are Gail Kirby, Barbara Beck (flower), Jean Marie Dinsmore (Ensminger), Marianne Shear (Tranter) and JoAnn Radius (Vanderheite); (back) Betsy Kinsey (only shown in click to photo), Annette Boehm (watering can), unknown, Carolyn Bucknam, Merdis Dunn. Behind the unknown girl and Carolyn are Diane Mistretta and Jerilyn Stedman. Mrs. Kennelly is standing with Carol Killian on her left and Sharon Bauer (right). In the photo on the right, Roger Webster seated left, with Sharon Bauer, Marianne Shear (Tranter). Thanks to JoAnn Vanderheite for this photo. Grand Island Folks - 1930s ![]() ![]() ![]() Click photo for a larger view. (left) Nel Benner on the left and Steve Gesi on the right in 1939; (center) Gladys Fix Staffen, with hand on Kenny Brimm's shoulder, is also shown with Bob Kinney and Susie Fix; (right) Rose Fix and George Kouph. These photos were possibly taken down around the Bedell House in Ferry Village and are part of the Richard Williams estate. They were submitted by Don Allen, nephew of the late Dick Williams. Please Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you recognize anyone. Carr & Family - 1977 ![]() Carr & Family opened on Grand Island Boulevard in 1977 when this photo of the crew was taken. The shop featured unique and unusual gifts and plants. Shown from left are Joanne Carr, Mike Carr, Kay Pinner (Joanne's mother) Bob Carr, Jeff Carr and Tim Carr. Chamber Of Commerce Board of Directors - 1975-76 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce officers and board of directors for 1975-76 posed for this photo in 1976. See if you can help me out with those I can't remember!! Shown front left: Paul McCarthy, John Beishline, Harlan E. Den Beste, Skip Mazenauer, Marilyn Couch and Phil Buchanan; (back) Dieter Beck, Dan Linenfelser, Reg Schopp, Joe Gordon, Ed Schwaneke, unidentified, unidentified, Frank Costanzo, Jerry Youngs, and Paul Mann. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you recognize the two unidentified men. Edgewater Hotel - 1916 ![]() Click photo for larger view. Click photo for a larger view. For a feature story and ten different photos, click Features - Edgewater Beaver Island Club ![]() Click photo for larger view. For a feature story, click Features - Beaver Island Club Clown House - 1955 ![]() Click photo for larger view. For a feature story and several photos, click Features - Clown House Buffalo Launch Club ![]() Click 1907 photo of the original Buffalo Launch Club for larger view. For a feature story and more photos, click Features - Buffalo Launch Club High School Football Team - 1971 ![]() Left side, larger view Right side, larger view Members of the Grand Island High School football team of 1971 are shown as follows: (front left) Mike Breier, Henry Lundy, Richard Seeley, Paul Wiedemer, Robert Lewis, Ron Sepanski, Darrell Smith, John Podlucky, John Martini, Bill Ward, Chuck Bagdy, Mike Cap, Bob Bascomb, Bob Stewart, Mike Dowd; (top) Paul Jones, Tom De Ponceau, Jim Ward, R. Morrison, W. Kennedy, Peter Hayes, Mike Rodriguez, Bill Mancuso, Mark Buckley, Dave Bagdy, Mike McDonough, Gary Asbach, G. Chick, Gary Conschafter, Mike Costello - Coaches Bill Riffel, Gene Masters, Roger Wise. Easter Egg Hunt - 1977 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. The Grand Island Jaycees sponsored the Easter Egg Hunt at Sidway School on April, 11, 1977 when these kids posed with their prizes. I believe the littlest one is Jill Clinkhammer. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you recognize the others. Paul Kaegebein's 9th Birthday - 1957 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Paul Kaegebein was celebrating his 9th birthday in 1957 with a lot of close friends. Shown front left are Don Brobeil, Paul Kaegebein and Ken Coulter; (middle) Richard Franklin, John Diringer, Russ Kaegebein, David Yensan; (top) Don Kutzbach, Mike Yensan, John Killian, Bob Dick, Billy Dick and Mike O'Dea. Sidway School Class Officers - 1944 ![]() Charlotte Sidway School's eighth grade class officers posed with their teacher and school principal Veronica E. Connor (right) in the spring of 1944. Possibly finalizing graduation day plans were (front left) Treasurer Joan Buckhout (Vendely) and Secretary Mary Ekiss; (back) Class President Emery Ashley and Vice President Ernest Brown. Miss Connor served as not only the principal but the combined 7th-8th grade teacher in the four-classroom school. Baccalaureate services were held on June 18th with Rev. Marvin Rickert giving the address and graduation ceremonies for the 19 graduates took place on June 23, 1944 in the school auditorium. I welcome your submission of photos for consideration in the Old Photo Album. Email to teddy@giecom.net. Reimann Campaign - 1977 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. The committee to elect Eric Reimann posed for this photo in August 1977. From left are May M. Edwards, Elizabeth Reimann, Laurie Ellsworth, Marlene McCarthy, Jean Wholahan and Lois Morgan. Middle School - 1977 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. This March 1977 photo looks like a Social Studies class on medieval times. The middle school students are (left) Gary Stroh, Denise Stein, Bob Jellinick, Ann Drexelius, Nick Custodi, Pam Hughes, Bill Blok, Maria Santa Lucia and Darcy Nizialek. St. Stephen's Barn - 1971 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. The night was July 24, 1971 and the occasion was the Island's celebration of the sesquicentennial of Erie County held in St. Stephen's Barn. Music and a beard contest highlighted the evening. Shown are Nancy Job, Dan Linenfelser Sr. (back), Ted Filosofos and two unidentifed Islanders. If you can identify them, email me at teddy@giecom.net. Sidway's Basketball Team - 1953 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Sidway School boys gym teacher Dave Meyers coached this basketball team in 1953. Teammates are (front left) Manager David Scott, Doug Scott, Alan Howland, Sonny Murphy, Dick Nelson and Mr. Meyers; (standing) Richard Smith, Ed Pfohl, Bruce Gushue, Bill Linton, Jack Hawley, Dick Hogue and Bill Tanner. The team won all five of its games (John Fisher's team 19-17; Bill Petillon's team 25-16, Mr. Carlton Mayer's team 25-22; Niagara 35-12; and Tonawanda 30-19). The team also played a game with the faculty, however the score was not listed in the 1953 Sidway School Yearbook. Mr. Meyers recently signed on the Isledegrande.com guestbook and would love to hear from his former students. Email Dave at HEAVY1920@webtv.net. Grandyle Plaza - 1950s ![]() The Grandyle Plaza on Love Road was built by Carl Weinheimer and opened in 1952. First occupant was the pharmacy operated for years by Chuck Threiss. A new Foodmasters grocery story was opened in August 1952 by Don Tranter and Ernie Jones. Fred Strauss opened his Strauss Shoe Store Tuesday, September 2, 1952, complete with x-ray machine for accurate fit. Fran's Tot Shop and Frank Amato's barber shop completed the plaza tenants. Preschoolers Visit Fire Company - 1977 ![]() ![]() Click left photo for a larger view. The Jack & Jill Nursery School visited the Grand Island Fire Company on October 26, 1977. Firefighter Bill Wood who served two separate terms as fire chief, is shown with the tots on Engine #7. The little girl, third from the right in front, is Nicole "Tortorice" Sullivan. Can you identify any of the others? If so, e-mail me at teddy@giecom.net. Dinsmores, Bartrams and Van Sons - 1922 ![]() ![]() Click each photo for a larger view. A family reunion of the Dinsmores, Bartrams and Van Sons at the home of George Dinsmore on Love Road, Grand Island in 1922 brought together, L to R, front: Roy Dinsmore, Theodore Van Son, Mary Dinsmore (Martin), Lois Bartram, Ada Van Son, Donald Dinsmore, John Bartram; second row: Gerald and Melville Dinsmore, Margaret Dinsmore (DeGlopper), Clara Piechowiak, holding Ann Marie and Jean Bartram; Margaret Dinsmore (Roberts), holding Cory Van Son; and Mildred Bartram. Standing are Selby Landel and George, John and Daniel Dinsmore. Sidway Violinists - 1952 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Mr. Anthony Ortolano began teaching string instruments at Charlotte Sidway School in 1952. Fourteen girls in grades 4th through 9th grades were learning to play the violin that year. Practices were usually held in a tiny music room, originally built as a kitchen and connected to the gym. The violinists are (front left) Daralene Meyers Jones, Norene Miller Brent, Barbara Duncan, Alice Hau McCarthy, Judy Daggett, Elizabeth Glor Allen; (back left) Kay Ames Brooks, Peggy Webster, Bernie Glor Pagliaro, Lynn Hoerig, Trudy Reimann O'Connor, Mary Ellen Hau Nemo and Janet Lee Sunderland Bangs. The Sidway Reunion Committee (Classes 1937-1963) was never able to locate Lynn Hoerig. If you have an address for her or her brother, Mark and a younger brother, email me at teddy@giecom.net. Teddy's Islettes - 1979 ![]() ![]() The year was 1979 and members of Teddy's Islettes Baton and Drum Corps marched and performed in many parades that summer. On the left are Gregg Roesch and Julie Linenfelser (Dee) with their tamborines; and on the right, baton twirler Jean Willer (Pecoraro) and Julie are shown on the front steps of the town hall. Sidway School Industrial Arts Class - 1953 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Click photos for a larger view. Mr. Henry Fessard (left) was the Industrial Arts Teacher at Charlotte Sidway School for many years. The "shop room," state-of-the-art when added to the school in 1950, was the site of many metal and woodworking projects, some still in existence on the Island today. The two students shown are William Tanner (upper right) and Richard Hogue (black & white shirt) who were 9th graders in 1953 when these photos were taken. American Legion Officers - 1953 ![]() This American Legion Post 1346 photo was taken Wednesday, June 24, 1953 during the Post's seventh annual meeting when Regis Shannon (front) was elected commander. Also shown from left are 3rd Vice Commander John T. Lyden, Treasurer Harvey S. Long and First Vice Commander Michael Meyer. Other newly elected officers were Second Vice Commander Edward Tucker, Adjutant Robert Weatherbee; Chaplain Kenneth H. Maurer, Historian Robert K. Kaiser, and Sergeant-at-arms Howard Kaiser. The American Legion purchased the Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Ferry Village in 1948 where the Legion's meetings and functions were held for nearly 12 years. The photo appeared in the Buffalo Evening News on June 25, 1953. McNulty Kids - 1952 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Pat and Mike McNulty and their family moved to the Island on Staley Road in 1950 and resided there until 1986. Son Mike McNulty (left) and his sister Shirley McNulty and their neighbor, Mark Houseman posed for this picture on a summer day in 1952. Send me your "snap shots" for consideration in the "Old Photo Album." Islanders Assist With 1965 Heart Fund - 1965 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Original information here was incorrect. This photo is from the Elsie Stamler collection and was taken at the 1965 Heart Fund kick-off luncheon held January 28, 1965 in the Rendezvous Room of the Hotel Statler, Buffalo. There were 13 Islanders taking part in the drive. Shown front center going to the right are Marion Klingel, Mary Ognibene, Eileen Coulter, Eileen Minton and Town Clerk Elsie Stamler. Others who took part were Marilyn Albach, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kuhn, Margaret Esack, Verda Martin, Louise Gibbons, Sally Chisamore and Lee Hayman. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you can identify anyone else. Darkeye - 1970s ![]() Members of the band, "Darkeye" are (left) John Dudley, Rick Hoffer, Mike Dollard and Ken Johnson. The teen rock band posed for this photo before an appearance at the Lions Club's Grand Island Day at Fantasy Island in the mid 1970s. Grand Island Skating Club - 1970s ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Young members of the Grand Island Figure Skating Club won ribbons in a competition at the Tonawanda Sport Center on January 18, 1977. Show front left are Kathy Sweeney, Marlena Litzel, Robert Wakefield, Rachel Wakefield, Debbie Gesl Dzielski, and Margie Bessel; (back) Joanne Gorenflo Denn, Elaine Blok, Roberta Blok Murray, Karen Learman Dixson and Mike Litzel. Thanks to those who helped with the names. Email me at teddy@giecom.net. if you disagree with any of the identifications or know what the event was. Kaegebein Kids To Washington D.C. - 1977 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. These students, presumed to be fifth graders, were attending Kaegebein Elementary School in 1977 when they took a bus trip to Washington, D.C. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you are among the travelers or have anymore information. Anchor Recovery - 1970s? ![]() This Grand Island photo was probably taken by my father, the late Ted Klingel in the late 1960s or early 1970s. Could this be an 8,000 lb. anchor recovered from the Niagara River in October 1975? Since posting the photo, it has been suggested that the group and their trophy were posing on the corner of East River and possibly Towerwood Road. Do you recognized anyone and can you tell me where the photo was taken? Email me at teddy@giecom.net. Democratic Women's Club - 1977 ![]() Staunch Democratic Women's Club member Helen DuQuette (left), shown with President Joan Hein, was honored by the Club in 1977. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Click photos for a larger view. (left) Joan Hein, Arlene Echols, Jean Harper, Kitty Zilliox and (unknown); #2 Beverly Stolfo and Helen Staley; #3 Seated left are Joan Hein and Gloria Spadaro, (standing) Arlene Echols, Beverly Stolfo, Donna Krehl and Jean Harper; #4 Mrs. DuQuette, Mrs. Hein and Mrs. Harper. All photos were taken in 1977. The Democratic Women's Club was formed during a luncheon in March 1972 in the Beaver Island Casino at which time members installed first officers President Jackie Filosofos, Vice President Nancy Samrany, 2nd Vice President Kathy Meosky Head, Recording Secretary Donna Schoenle, Corresponding Secretary Rita DeGlopper, Treasurer Joyce O'Brien and Historian Norene Griffin. Members of the Democratic Women's Club voted to disband, as of January 2004. Lions Club - 1977 ![]() Grand Island Lions Club members shown during a passing of the gavel in 1977 were (left) unknown, John Beishline, John McCarthy, unknown, Jim Ehde and Lou Macro. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you can identify the two unknowns. Fantasy Island Brandon Brothers - 1970-74 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Click photos for a larger view. Thanks to Kevin Donlon, now of Columbus, OH for sending these Fantasy Island photos. Kevin was a "Brandon" Brother from 1970-74. "It's the best job I have ever had. Many Islanders worked at Fantasy Island during that time." Picture #1 shows Dave Vallina, Marshal Jim Conschafter and Kevin Donlon; #2 Lew Varga and Kevin Donlon; #3 Marshal Jim Conschafter, Dave Vallina and Kevin Donlon; #4 Marshal Jim Conschafter, Dave Vallina and Kevin Donlon. Scroll down for other Fantasy Island Brandon Brothers photos. Robbery - 1954 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Island photographer Wendell Stratton took this photo showing (left) Deputy Sheriff John Prince, Karl Buehrig, proprietor of Buehrig's Sunoco Station, and Deputy Peck inspecting a broken door and lock at Buehrig's Station on Grand Island Blvd. The thieves, three teenagers from Canada who were caught early Sunday morning, January 24, 1954, confessed to the robbery of auto mirrors, two boxes of spark plugs and change from a pop machine and cash register. Also robbed was Jim Dunn's new station, Dunn's Gulf Service at the corner of the Boulevard and Whitehaven Road. Cub Scouts - 1977 ![]() These Cub Scouts were the Pinewood Derby winners for their Pack in 1977. Is the boy in the middle Russell Wichlacz? The smallest boy on the right looks like one of Ed and Marcia Pfohl's boys. If you can identify the Cubs or the Cub Pack number, Email me at teddy@giecom.net. Girl Scouts Recognize Bi-Centennial - 1976 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Dressed in Bi-Centennial costumes, Junior Girl Scouts of Troop #204 read the history of Betsy Ross and the American Flag to the Grand Island Town Board at the first meeting of 1976. Supervisor Ray Griffin is on the left behind the girls and Town Clerk Rita DeGlopper is on the right. The girls are: Teresa Spriggs, Rashmi Pandya, Lisa Ruthel, Tracy Peter, Suzanne Leahy (English) and Lesha Dworak. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you can identify the girl on the left. Marge Murdock's Recital - 1976 ![]() Piano students of Marge Murdock were photographed at her annual recital in Mrs. Murdock's home on November 1, 1976. The children are dressed in their Halloween costumes. Beth Doebert is seated at the piano. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you can identify the other young pianists. Barge At Bedell House - 1982 ![]() This barge was hung up on river ice in front of the Bedell House in Ferry Village during the winter of 1982. Motor Island is shown in the background. The tavern, built in the 1800s, burned in March 1988. How Fantasy Island Brandon Brothers Got Their Name - 1961 ![]() ![]() ![]() Photos include Rick Hotless, Don Galmbacher and Jack Suchocki (Jack is left in photo #1, shown with girl in photo #2 and front left in photo #3) ![]() ![]() ![]() In the December 18, 2003 "Between The Bridges" column, I asked this trivia question. "How did the Brandon Brothers, Fantasy Island's cowboy desperados, get their name?" It was Jack Suchocki who worked there that first year and sent me the question to see if any of our readers had an answer. No one did. According to Jack, the genesis of the Brandon brothers' name goes back to year one at Fantasy Island. "We thought that the "bad guys" should have sort of a family name like the James brothers or Coles or Youngers. Well after considerable deliberation, thought and consideration (probably 5 minutes or so) we decided to adopt the name "the Brandon brothers" since two of the three of use smoked that brand of cigarettes. Brandon cigarettes was a new brand on the market and we thought the name was 'kinda cool. It must have been, it's lasted 42 years and is still going. I think the cigarette was dropped within a couple years," Jack explained this week. "The current cowboys don't have a clue where the name came from. When my family and I were there a couple years ago I asked a couple of them. Neither one of them had the slightest idea," Jack said. "We even had an annual event called "Brandon Day." A day when the Sheriff was put on notice that the Brandon brothers might pop up anywhere in the crowds or locations in the park and raise a little hell. We had special give aways for the kids and placed posters all over the park warning all and declaring that Fantasy Island belonged to the Brandons on that day," Jack remembers. "Anyway, we had a ball. I was there for the first three years during the summers while attending the University of Miami." If you were working as a Brandon Brother at any time in the last 43 summers, email me at teddy@giecom.net letting me know your name, when you worked there and where you are now. Woodcarver Stan Hill Remembered - 1976-77 ![]() ![]() ![]() Longtime Island resident and noted bone carver, Stanley R. Hill Sr. passed away on December 14, 2003. He was 82. Stan became a full-time bone carver in the 1970s, carving as many as a thousand pieces in a year. His work, which won him numerous awards, was featured across the nation and Canada. These photos were taken in 1976 and 1977. Click Death Notice for more on Stan's life and family. Smith Family - 1963 ![]() I believe this photo was taken in December 1963 or 1964. Shown from left are Sherrie Smith Houck, Daniel Smith, Cindy Smith Dettweiler and Bonnie Smith Trottnow. Sherrie and Bonnie were members of my Teddy's Islettes Baton and Drum Corps, and the photo was on the Christmas card they sent me that year. The children are those of Marilyn and the late Dan Smith of Staley Road. Noel and Rory Smith were born later. Home Bureau 60th - 1976 ![]() Members of the Home Bureau on Grand Island were celebrating the organization's 60th anniversary of its founding in May 1976. Shown are charter members (left) Elsie Stamler, Mabel French, Eva DeGlopper, Bertha Bucher and Lucy French. Town Employees' Christmas Party - 1965 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. This photo was taken in December 1965 during the first town Christmas Party held in the Grandyle Marina on East River at Broadway. In the front are Douglas and Florence Kutzbach. Others I'm able to identify are Athena Xanthos (upper left in white collared dress), Ray Dlugokinski, John DeGlopper, Clare Dixon, Marilyn Couch (back right), and Laura Wade. Suchocki House ![]() ![]() 1960s photo. Jodi Hayes Robinson Photo (Dec. 4, 2003) Click photos for larger view. The Suchocki House on West River Road just north of Bedell Road is up for sale after being owned by the family for over 50 years. Lottie and John Suchocki first moved to Grand Island in 1940, before son, Jack was born. They lived on Love Road until they purchased this building and approximately 25 acres of land from the Schaeffer family in 1951 just after Mr. Schaeffer died. "Two subsequent additions were built sometime before my parents purchased the place in 1951," their son, Jack explained. "It had originally been constructed back in the 1920s or '30s as a chicken farm and processing business. The building was basically rectangular in shape with three or four garage doors in the front and a chicken coop building extending to the east approximate 300 feet." "We lived in the upper east side apartment and my maternal grandfather lived in the upper west side apartment until his death in the mid 1950s. The downstairs was still unimproved and primarily garage and storage space." The Suchockis significantly remodeled the building to the colonial appearance it has today with the front overhang and six columns. "In 1955 my dad rebuilt the place as it exists today with the entire downstairs converted into a very large three-bedroom apartment where we lived while renting the two upper apartments. Another interesting fact about John and Lottie Suchocki is that in 1949 they bought five acres of land on Grand Island Blvd. (known in those days as the "highway"). They built the first motel on the Island that year, the "Grand Motor Court," and eventually tore it down to build a new two-story motel and restaurant in 1964 on the same site just south of Long Road and across from Kelly's Country Store. Jack attend college in Miami in 1961 and has lived out of state since that time. "I have always spent a bit of every summer there on the 'ol homestead and will really miss the Island after the place is sold. My parents continued to live there until my mother's death in 1979 and my father's in 2000." Brownie Troop #1312 - 1977 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. Lynn Clinkhammer was Brownie Troop #1312 leader when the group visited Charlie's Place on Grand Island Blvd., now Tai Pei. The girls, wearing Charlie's complimentary hats, were given the opportunity to watch the making of pizza in Charlie's kitchen in 1977. Charlie's was owned and operated by Charlie Satterlee. The girls in the back (left) are Jackie Kaefer, Jodi Yakam, Cindy Coffey and Patty Corcoran. Marcy Torrence is in the front. Email me at teddy@giecom.net if you know the girls' last names. Lions Club - 1978 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. The Grand Island Lions Club's handicap picnic committee members posed for this photo in the summer of 1978. Shown from left in front Jim Kennedy, Joseph Dowd, Gerry Coates and Austin Giambra; Lou Macro is on the right sitting on the table; (back) unknown, Roy Carlisi, Jim Ehde, Fred Prosser and George Casey. Can you identify the others? If so, email me at teddy@giecom.net. Santa Visits Grand Island Garden Center - 1953 ![]() ![]() Click photos above for larger view. ![]() Santa's Elves are Richard (left) and Carl Vella (right) and Jeff Stratton seated on Santa's lap. A crowd of nearly 2000 attended the Welcome Santa event at the Grand Island Garden Center on "Express Highway" on Sunday, November 29, 1953. The Island's Drum Corps provided music and Glenn Smith of Smitty's restaurant gave out his complete supply of ice cream bars (550). Nancy and Carl Vella of the Garden Center, now the site of Grand Island Auto Tech, created the plans and invited other businessmen to participate, including Dan Linenfelser of Wayside Furniture, Marty Wolverton of Marty's Mobile, Harold Long of the Service Center Appliance and Bob Smith and Ed Dunshie of Grand Island Lumber & Builders Supply. The photos were taken by the late Wendell Stratton and the boy on Santa's lap is Wndell's son, Jeff Stratton. If so, email me at teddy@giecom.net. Stoddard Grandchildren - 1924 The families of Alonzo Stoddard and his wife, Hattie Blackmore Stoddard go back to the mid 1800s on Grand Island. Alonzo is shown with granddaughter Betty Forsythe Killian on his lap. The others are Teddy Van Son, Corry Van Son Webb, Alida Van Son Aldrich on the lap of Hattie Blackmore Stoddard, and Ada Van Son Brauer. Betty Killian is the only one still living and residing on Grand Island today. Photo courtesy of Nancy Webb. East River Shoreline - 1976 ![]() Click for complete photo. The East River shoreline, photographed in July 1976, shows what originally opened as the Grandyle Marina Boat Club Inc. (lower right) in June 1949 (Click for complete photo). That building became the Figurehead and later, Starvin’ Marvin’s and is now Island Marine. The vacant lot across the road at Broadway is now the site of a large boat storage building. The photo was taken after the completion of a major project to eliminate a severe erosion problem. Homes have been built on almost all of the vacant lots shown from Broadway to the South Grand Island Bridge. Mrs. Heimlich's 2nd Grade - 1952 ![]() Click photo for a larger view. This photo of Mrs. Frances Heimlich's second grade was taken in 1952-53 at Sidway School. Mary Muench and Don Loder are shown in the first row; Billy Rupp is fourth from the left in the second row, then an unknown and then Sharon McMahon (Tokash); the blonde in the back is Diane Yakam (Nesbitt) and to her right are Kathy Grycel, unknown, Donna Pollock (Johnson), Don Kutzbach, Renee Thirion (Wulf), Carol Chateauneuf (Stevens), Kathy Cotter (Little), Jarman Benns and Jim Kaiser. John Harper is sitting at the group of vacant desks and next to him is Sharon Dinsmore (Herrald). Innertube Race - 1976 ![]() This group posed near the Bedell House just after an innertube race in the summer of 1976. Racers starting with the "shirtless" Mark Rathmann and going clockwise are Larry Rathmann Jr., Larry Rathmann Sr., Perrin "Lindy" Lindenmuth, the late Bob Jablonski, and Skip Ganger. Thanks to several readers for the names, expecially Michele Rathmann. Del & Herb's - 1954 ![]() Click photos for a larger view. Photographed by the late Wendell Stratton in 1954, this well-known landmark building on Baseline at Love Road dates back over 100 years. Members of the Maccabees, the Fraternal & Benevolent Policy Holders in the Maccabees Life Insurance of America, a farmers aliance of insurance which began on the Island around 1890, are said to have built the Maccabees Hall. Originally located midway between Love and Staley roads, it was around 1920 that the building was moved south near its resting place by the New York Central Railway and later to its present location. The building was opened as a restaurant in May of 1936 by Clement Schuerman, who added porches to the east and south sides of his new place. The restaurant had a total of four owners in its 67-year history including Siegried (Ziggy) Grom, Del and Herb Haller and present owner Ilona Lang. Names of the restaurant over the years changed from Schuerman's to Ziggy's to Del & Herb's Grand Island Grill and most recently Cathy & Jim's Del & Herb's. Now in November 2003, the restaurant has been closed for several months and is for sale at $450,000.
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