Grand Island School Board News Page

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Two High School Seniors
Receive National Honors For PSAT Performance
By Donna M. Webb
   Monday, December 9, 2002...
At Monday night’s School Board meeting, High School Principal Dr. James Dempsey announced that two seniors have received honors for the scores they achieved on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT). Christian Dommell was named a Semi-Finalist, which means he will go on to compete for scholarship money. Caren Bartosz received a “Commended” designation. Dr. Dempsey explained that the PSAT was administered to over 1.3 million American students. Certificates were presented to both students in recognition of their achievement.
   Under Personnel actions, Josephine J. Hegarty was granted a childcare leave of absence, effective Feb. 14, 2002, through June 30, 2003. The Board also granted an Elementary Substitute position to David Schakey for the rest of the 2002-2003 school year. The following two appointments were approved: 1) Temporary Part-time Clerk Typist, effective December 10, 2002, for Deborah Henry and 2) Probationary Personnel Clerk, effective January 6 through July 6, 2003, for Carol Kaufman.
   Next Dr. Dempsey reviewed a draft of the High School Planning Guide for the 2003-2004 school year. The hope is that it will be finalized in time to be printed over the holidays and then given to the Middle School counselors in January to aid in their work with eighth graders. A number of changes have been made to the Planning Guide. An English Literature, Film and Music course has been added as an elective. The High School is hoping to set up an agreement with a local university so that students could take college-level French or Spanish courses and receive college credit. In the Math area, Algebra for the College Bound is a new course, as is Math A/B for Graphing Calculators. The latter will teach students how to use the TI-83 (Texas Instruments) calculator, which is required on some math exams.
   Several other new courses will be offered. In the Music Department there will be Introduction for the Guitar. American Wars in the Twentieth Century will be a new offering in Social Studies. Also there will be AP (Advanced Placement) Microeconomics and AP U.S. Government courses offered. The new High School Planning Guide will clarify the process for Honors students in the Science Department.
   Dr. Dempsey noted that a few courses have been discontinued including Production Systems; Math A3 Modified; Humanities 9, 10, and 11 for English and Social Studies; and Sociology. The Planning Guide will be reviewed at least one more time before it is finalized.
   Trustee Lee Cohen asked Dr. Dempsey if a student could take part in the Honors Program in the High School if he/she was not part of it in the Middle School. Dr. Dempsey replied that Middle School and High School coordinators are currently working on this issue with Dr. Karen Karmazin, who is the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. In response to Ms. Cohen’s question about the standardization of courses, the Principal explained that through curriculum mapping the High School is striving to standardize course content in each class, even though two or more instructors may teach it.
   A resolution was presented which had been prepared by Mr. Larry Schaller, Assistant Superintendent for Business. The Board approved the resolution, creating a special fund for the monetary awards which are arising out of Tax Certiorari cases. These cases involve the School Board having to make mandatory refunds of tax dollars to businesses that have successfully challenged their tax assessments. The Board hopes, toward the end of each school year, to be able to set aside surplus money into the special fund to cover the returned tax dollars. According to Trustee Lee Cohen, after the last school budget was passed, the Board faced a staggering $277,927 in mandatory tax refunds that it must pay.
   The Board also approved three policies which affect students. These include one on Smoking/Tobacco Use, Administration of Medication, and Immunization of Students. School Board President Jeri Schopp remarked that these three policies are all in keeping with current practices of the school district.
   Jack Weisenborn, Director of Special Services, gave a presentation with photos of the construction work that has been completed thus far in the district. A concrete foundation has been poured and ten-foot block walls have been erected for the new music suite at the High School. Acoustical blocks will be put in at a later date when the weather is consistently above freezing. Workers are putting electrical conduit in the foundation so that wires can be run through in the spring. The Grand Island High School letters will eventually be moved to an outer wall of the Music suite.
   The vast majority of the High School has a new rubber roof. This project is 90% complete, with only the library and part of the gym yet to be done. A sealant will be applied to the new roof in the spring when the weather is warmer.
   As far as parking is concerned, a new lot has been added in front of the Middle School and is currently in use. A top coat will be put on in the spring or summer. The West driveway and the parking lot in back of the Middle School have been redone. Mr. Weisenborn stated that all the old parking lots and driveways near the Middle and High Schools will be ripped out, as they are 38 years old and have been repaired numerous times.
   A new gym is under construction in back of the High School. The concrete foundation should be completed by December 20. The project will then be shut down for the winter. Electrical workers are currently putting in new fire exit signs in the basement and emergency lighting and conduit for the new gym and music suite. Also, a new smoke detection system is being installed in the Middle School.
   Later this month the High School Senior Cafeteria will be updated with a new ceiling, drop lighting, and acoustical tile. A new hall corridor will be added to provide an emergency exit. Two of the High School lavatories will also be updated in January and February.
   Trustee Lee Cohen mentioned her displeasure at the prospect of losing some of the Class of 2003’s beautiful artwork in the Senior Cafeteria. This will happen because of the installation of the acoustical tile. Dr. Dempsey noted that a number of the students are unhappy about this as well.
   Donn Perry, Supervisor for Buildings and Grounds, informed the School Board of an emergency project necessitated at Sidway because of the failure of one of the boilers. It was installed in 1980. Only one boiler is running now, but two new ones will be put in once the state approves the paperwork, which has been submitted. Mr. Perry was told that the state’s turnaround time is about two weeks for emergency situations. Then the project will be put out for bids. Mr. Perry estimated that the cost for this project will be $60,000-$65,000. State aid will be available, however.
   Dr. Thomas Ramming spoke about the Budget Development Calendar which lists a timeline for various budget items to be completed. This is more comprehensive than those of the past, Larry Schaller noted. He said that because the Board will be doing budget projections for three years, they will need to take enough time to review every major impact item. The Budget Development Calendar lists January 13, 2003 as the date that the budget process will begin, with the board setting budget goals. Review of the working draft of the budget, including initial revenue projections, will be done by February 24. A special Board meeting will be held April 7 to approve the budget. The public will vote on the budget’s acceptance on May 20.
   Dr. Ramming, with suggestions from School Board President Jeri Schopp and Vice-President David Goris, compiled a Board of Education Suggested Agenda Format. It has a different organizational structure than the one currently in use. Trustee Frank DelSignore said that he liked this streamlined agenda format. Trustee Myrna Blair stated that Board members should continue to regularly receive revenue information. Lee Cohen concurred. President Schopp commented that when individuals speak during the Voice of the People, it is the Board’s duty to refer them to the proper person/area in the district for handling their concerns and questions. The Board approved the Suggested Agenda Format, noting the change concerning the revenue numbers.
   Trustee Myrna Blair asked the Board to approve a resolution asking the state for “adequate and predictable funding to meet New York State Learning Standards.” The Board passed this resolution unanimously.
   The next regular meeting of the School Board will occur at 7 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2003, in the Huth Road Elementary School Cafeteria.

Board of Education Meeting - December 9, 2002

7:00 P.M. - High School Senior Cafeteria

1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order at High School Senior Cafeteria
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Voice of the People
4. Correspondence
5. Pupil Services
   A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 11/14/02, 11/19, 11/20, 11/21 and 11/22/02
   B. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 12/3/02
6. Business and Finance
   A. For Your Information
      i. Payroll - 11/27/02
7. Personnel
   A. Leave of Absence
   B. Appointments
8. Curriculum and Instruction
   A. High School Planning Guide
9. Board of Education
   A. Tax Certiorari Resolution
   B. Budget Development Calendar
   C. Board of Education Suggested Agenda Format
10. Next Meetings:
   A. Monday, January 13, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Huth Road Elementary School Cafeteria

Sidway Students Give Special Presentation at School Board Meeting
By Donna M. Webb
   Monday, November 25, 2002...
The kindergarten classes of Ms. Barb Goldman and Mrs. Pat Hitcho performed songs and recited poetry in front of a large crowd that had gathered at the School Board meeting held Monday night at Charlotte Sidway School. The boys and girls had recently done the same presentation for the residents at the Riverwood Health Care Center on Grand Island Boulevard. This marks the tenth fall visit that Sidway children have made to Riverwood, according to the Activity Director, Ms. Betty Fronckowiak. She also explained that each spring some of the Riverwood residents pay a visit to Sidway to see the kindergarteners and share a meal.
   During the Voice of the People, Ms. Terri Pitts, President of the Sidway PTA, congratulated Dr. Thomas Ramming on being named as the district’s new Superintendent of Schools. To welcome him, Ms. Pitts presented Dr. Ramming with a sweatshirt.
   Under Correspondence, it was reported that Mrs. Diane Rumsey, Spanish Teacher at Connor Middle School, was named as Membership Chairperson of the Western New York Foreign Language Educators’ Council (WNYFLEC) for the 2002-2004 school years. She will be responsible for developing a computerized system for maintaining all pertinent information for about 400 WNYFLEC members. WNYFLEC promotes professional development for foreign language teachers.
   In the next portion of the meeting, the Board approved minutes from their meeting on October 28, 2002. Minutes of the following meetings of the Committee on Special Education were also approved: October 9, 16, 22 and 31 as well as November 7. Finally, the Board approved the minutes of the November 13 meeting of the Committee on Pre-school Special Education.
   Under Personnel, the School Board approved the creation of two Teacher’s Aide positions and accepted the resignations of the following three individuals: (1) Ivy Dodge from her position as Messenger, effective 12/31/02; (2) Karen Krentz from her position as Cleaner, effective 11/22/02; and (3) Barbara Hubbard from her position as Contingent Cook, effective 11/04/02. Mrs. Hubbard will return to her previous position as Food Service Helper.
   Three professional appointments were made by the Board. Andrew Dulak was granted a Middle School Art Club Advisor position for the 2002-03 school year. Both Michelle LeFauve and Deborah Reid were granted substitute teacher appointments for the remainder of this school year.
   Five appointments were made, some on a probationary basis, covering the following positions: food service helper, cleaner, maintenance mechanic helper, and custodians. Nine other people were granted substitute positions as school monitor, teacher aide, nurses, mail carrier, clerical/school monitor, and food service helpers.
   Under Curriculum and Instruction, it was announced that 50 new teachers in the district attended a New Teacher Orientation. Next, Dr. James Dempsey, Principal of the High School, gave a report concerning the Regents examination results for the 2001-02 school year. He began by stating that 149 students (or 68.7%) of 217 seniors in the last school year received a Regents diploma. That is the highest percentage awarded to date. What follows is a table showing the percentage of those students tested who passed various Regents examinations in the 2001-02 school year, as well as the 2000-01 school year, for comparison.
Click For
Percentage of Students Tested Who Passed (scores of 65-100)
   Dr. Dempsey remarked that although the results in Chemistry and Physics were disappointing, Grand Island High School still finished above the results for the state as a whole. The percentages shown for Earth Science do not include the 52 Middle School students who took the Earth Science Regents and passed it. Dr. Dempsey stated that item analysis has been done on all the Regents exams, and this information has been incorporated into the curriculum.
   Next, Ms. Bobbie Frisoni, Chairperson of the Business Studies Department at the High School, gave a presentation about the Grand Island School/Business Association (GISBA). GISBA provides the financial support and guidance for a number of programs that benefit our high school youth as they prepare themselves for future employment. These programs include a job search seminar, shadow day, internship opportunities, the creation of employment portfolios, and the Corporate Bowl. For this school year, the Job Search Seminar will be held on March 13, 2003. The Shadow Day will be on April 10, 2003 - each student involved will spend the day at a business site, learning about a particular career path. Each year internships are offered at various places of business, and these teach workforce competencies. Students research career paths and prepare resumes and applications prior to their internships. Also, students can put together an employment portfolio, which highlights their academic and technical skills. Members of industry evaluate these portfolios and issue employability certificates. Also, scholarships are awarded based on these portfolios.
   Jennifer Walowitz, Senior Research Associate at GIBCO/Invitrogen Life Technologies, presented information about the Corporate Bowl. She is the chairperson for the Fifth Annual Corporate Bowl. It will be held on March 12 and March 20, 2003. It is an academic competition during which teams of high school students vie for scholarships by answering questions in a number of subject areas. These include math, science, history, geography, art, music, languages and current events. Scholarships totaling $7,000 were awarded in 2002, and the hope is to meet or exceed that amount this school year.
   Ms. Kathy Scarafia, one of the Senior Class Advisors, spoke about the planned senior class trip to Colonial Williamsburg/Busch Gardens and asked for the Board’s approval. After hearing from several senior class officers, the Board granted approval for the trip, which will take place May 16-19, 2003. A student must have a “C” average or better in order to attend and must also have teacher approval. The cost will be $369 per person. Various fundraisers will be held during this school year. Thus far, 48 students have signed up for the Colonial Williamsburg trip.
   The School Board appointed Marilyn Gates Kurzawa as Technology Consultant and Facilitator. She will update the technology plan by identifying the needs of the district and developing goals related to curriculum, equipment and facilities.
   School Board Trustees Myrna Blair and Lee Cohen spoke of the various information sessions they attended while at the School Board Convention. These included one on early reading programs and others which spoke of how to deal with difficult people, education through art, open board meetings, forms of communication beyond newsletters, and what works at the middle school level.
   Policies covering three different subjects were distributed to School Board members for their initial reading. Discussion and approval will take place at the next School Board meeting. These policies are as follows: (1) Smoking/Tobacco Use, (2) Administration of Medication, and (3) Immunization of Students.
   The next regular business meeting of the School Board will take place on December 9, 2002, at 7 PM in the High School Senior Cafeteria.

Board of Education Meeting - November 25, 2002

7:00 P.M. - Sidway Elementary Dining Room

1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order at Sidway
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Sidway Presentation
4. Voice of the People
5. Correspondence
6. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 10/28/02
7. Pupil Services
   A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 10/9/02, 10/16, 10/22, 10/31 and 11/7/02
   B. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 11/13/02
8. Business and Finance
   A. Approval of General, Cafeteria and Federal Fund Automated and Manual Checks - 9/10 and 9/24/02
   B. For Your information
      i) Budget Transfers
      ii) Treasurer's Report - September 2002
      iii) Payroll information - 11/1, 11/8 and 11/15/02
      iv) Revenues - July, August and September 2002
9. Personnel
   A. Status Report
   B. Resignations
   C. Leave of Absence
   D. Appointments
10. Curriculum and Instruction
   A. New Teacher Orientation and Staff Development Brochures
   B. Regents Exams/Results
11. Board of Education
   A. Grand Island School/Business Association (GISBA) presentation
   B. Senior Class Trip to Colonial Williamsburg/Busch Gardens - 5/16-19/03
   C. Policies - 1st Reading
      i) Smoking/Tobacco Use - replaces policy number 5640
      ii) Administration of Medication
      iii) Immunization of Students
12. Next Meetings:
   A. Monday, December 9, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - High School Senior Cafeteria
   B. Monday, January 13, 2003 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Huth Road Elementary School

Board of Education Meeting- November 18, 2002

5:30 P.M. - District Office Conference Room

1. 5:30 P.M. - Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Board of Education
   a) Personnel and Legal

School Board Receives Cake and Kudos In Celebration of Empire State's School Board Recognition Week
By Donna M. Webb
   Monday, October 28, 2002...
School Board members and those in attendance at Monday’s meeting at the Transportation Center were treated with a cake in honor of New York State’s School Board Recognition Week. School Lunch Manager Dennis Donovan provided the cake. Interim School Superintendent Dr. Vincent Coppola read a proclamation which was signed by Gov. Pataki and stated that October 28 through November 1, 2002, is recognized as School Board Recognition Week in honor of the school boards across the state which put in “many hours of service, strive for excellence in education . . . and serve the best interests of school children.”
   During the Voice of the People, both Tracy Beatty, President of the Grand Island Teachers’ Association (GITA), and Don Perry, President of the Administrators’ Association, spoke. They complimented the Board on their accomplishments and ability to put the needs of the children first before all else and thanked them for all of their efforts.
   It was mentioned that there will be a special meeting of the School Board on November 18, 2002, which will be an executive session. Dr. Coppola told those in attendance that this October 28 meeting would be his last one in front of the public. He, too, offered accolades, saying that this school board is supportive and respectful of all employees and puts a major focus on improving instruction in the schools. Dr. Coppola introduced the district’s new Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Thomas Ramming, whose official start date will be November 25, 2002.
   Jack Burns, Supervisor for Transportation, gave those in attendance a better idea of the many challenges which his department faces, including maintaining the buses, bussing 393 children to off-island schools, running buses to half-day programs such as those run by the Niagara/Orleans BOCES, conducting road tests and written tests, and offering a defensive driving review to bus drivers. Mr. Burns stated that school district buses log about 715,000 miles per year. He mentioned that the transit-style buses the district has recently purchased, even though more expensive than conventional school buses, allow an extra margin of safety for Island children. These buses have a flat front, since the engines are located in the back; the drivers can see much better because they don’t have a hood obstructing their view. Buses are retired after 10-12 years because oil leaks and other problems develop after that time due to the corrosion from road salt.
   Under Correspondence, School Board Trustee Lee Cohen noted the receipt of an e-mail from the IsledeGrande asking permission to notify teachers about the e-news in the hopes that they would submit articles about what is happening at the various Island schools. It was also reported that the five school principals and Dr. Karen Karmazin, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, will be meeting with Jodi Dodd of GIECOM, the sponsor of, in order to discuss how to get more stories out about the schools and their students.
   Director of Special Services, Jack Weisenborn, along with Jack Burns and Donn Perry have been doing a study of Sidway Elementary’s parking lot situation. Frank Cannata, Principal of Sidway, noted that an additional 35 parking spaces have been added in back of the school, and he has requested that faculty and staff park in back. The creation of the additional spaces now means that 92 spaces are available for public parking when events are in progress at Sidway.
   Trustee Lee Cohen mentioned the wonderful appearance of the school district’s web page. Debra Eppolito, District Technology Coordinator, set up the web page and was thanked for her efforts. Students in High School Teacher Mary Smith’s class will maintain the web page.
   Minutes of the Board of Education’s meetings on September 9, 23 and 30, 2002 were all approved, as were those of the Committee on Special Education, which met on September 18, 23, 24, 25, 27 and October 2 and 3, 2002. In the next portion of the meeting, the Committee on Special Education gave a presentation. Carol Jones, Director of Pupil Services, who is also on the committee, introduced all the members. These four special education teachers spoke about two new programs, which are running at Sidway: kindergarten inclusion and class-within-a-class. The inclusion program has students who have been identified as having special education needs by the Education Intervention Program (EIP) and also those considered at risk, meaning they need a little additional help. These students comprise about 30% of the class, while the other 70% consists of children with regular education needs. In the class-within-a-class, students who would typically have been in an 8-1-1 setting (8 children with one special ed teacher and one teacher’s aide) are now included in a regular classroom situation. The teachers spoke of how supportive Mr. Cannata has been and how well these two programs are going at Sidway.
   Lawrence Schaller, Assistant Superintendent for Business, introduced an auditor from Lumsden and McCormick, LLP. This individual performed an audit of the school district’s financial statements, payroll, transaction processing, contracts and federal funds programs for the year ending June 30, 2002. He stated that no unusual adjustments were made, and he saw no irregularities. Also, the auditor mentioned the board’s history of moving its surplus forward each year to the next year’s tax levy and noted that a surplus may not always be available. He recommended maintaining a healthy fund balance. Currently the minimum fund balance is required to be at least 2%. This means that 2% of next year’s budget must be kept in reserve as unappropriated funds. In the case of the Grand Island School District, this translates into $600,000. Legislation is presently pending in the Senate that would increase the percentage in increments until it reached 4%.
   Dr. Coppola noted that automated external heart defibrillators are mandated in each of the school buildings, as well as on buses for games, which are played away from home. These cost $1,900 each, for a total cost of $24,000. Dr. Coppola will soon be meeting with Senator Byron Brown to request that he consider devoting some of his discretionary funds to the Grand Island school district for the purchase of the defibrillators.
   The School Board accepted the resignation of Nanci Backlund from her position as Cleaner, effective November 1, 2002. The board also accepted Douglas Keleher’s resignation from his position as Temporary Custodian, effective October 11, 2002. These positions will be posted: winter sports coaches for 2002-2003 and a probationary teaching position created due to a resignation. In a sweeping motion, the Board approved various professional and volunteer coach appointments. They also granted Barbara Russo a position in the Alternative Academic Program on an as-needed basis and Kimberly Russo a Probationary Teacher Assistant position effective 10/29/02 – 10/29/05. Also numerous substitute teacher and teacher’s aide appointments were made, as well as one for a probationary personnel clerk, a substitute cleaner, and a permanent bus driver, auto mechanic, and food service helper.
   Jack Weisenborn updated everyone concerning the capital improvements. The front parking lot and West driveway projects near the Middle School are well underway. Curbs and black topping there will be done next. Starting October 29, 2002, the walls will be going up for the new Music Wing at the High School. The roofing of the High School is 90% complete, with only the gym and the library to be done yet. Mr. Weisenborn gave photos to the Board members to peruse.
   The Board noted the donation of a teacher’s desk and a two-drawer filing cabinet. Also Carl Guidotti and Carol Jones each donated a computer, monitor and keyboard to the district.
   Dr. Coppola stated that the Substitute Teacher’s Aide pay rate will be increased in order to make it more competitive and thereby attract more applicants. He also said that the November 18, 2002, special meeting of the Board of Education will take place in the District Office. The next regular meeting will be at 7 p.m. on November 25, 2002, at Sidway Elementary School.

$18.4 Million Grand Island Schools Overhaul

   For School District Construction Project News click
District News for News story.

Board of Education Meeting- October 28, 2002

7:00 P.M. - Transportation Center

1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Voice of the People
4. Transportation Center Presentation
5. Correspondence
6. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 9/9, 9/23 and 9/30/02
7. Pupil Services
   A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 9/18, 9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/27, 10/2 and 10/3/02
   B. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education - 10/10/02
   C. District Plan for Special Education Services for Children with Disabilities - 2002-04
8. Business and Finance
   A. Approval of General, Cafeteria and Federal Fund Automated and Manual Checks - 8/13/02
   B. Audit Report - 2002
   C. For Your information
      1) Treasurer's Report - August 2002
      2) Payroll information - 9/20, 10/4 and 10/18/02
      3) Budget Transfers
      4) Extracurricular Activity Fund - September 2002
         a) Middle School
         b) High School
   D. BOCES Cooperative Bids
      1) Automated External Defibrillators
      2) Motor Fuel
9. Personnel
   A. Status Report
   B. Resignations
   C. Creation of Position
   D. Appointments
10. Board of Education
   A. Approval of Safety Committee Team Members for 2002-03
   B. Capital Project Update
   C. Donations
      1) Huth - Teacher desk - Two drawer file cabinet
      2) Technology - Computers
11. Next Meetings:
   A. Monday, November 25, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - SidwayElementary School
   B. Monday, December 9, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - High School Senior Caafeteria

Schools Superintendent Appointed

Dr. Thomas Ramming

   Monday, September 30, 2002. . .The Grand Island School District Board of Education announced the appointment of Dr. Thomas Ramming as Superintendent of Schools effective November 25, 2002. The initial contract between the board and Dr. Ramming expires on June 30, 2006.
   A highly respected administrator in New York State, he presently serves as assistant superintendent for Human Resources for the Williamsville Central School District. Prior to joining the Williamville district, Dr. Ramming worked in the West Seneca Central School District as Director of Personnel. Dr. Ramming began his career as a social studies teacher and later became an Administrative Assistant at Royalton-Hartland Central School District. Dr. Ramming is also an adjunct professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo and Niagara University.
   Dr. Ramming is married and has a daughter, Julie, a recent graduate of Canisius College. Dr. Ramming's wife, Kate is an elementary teacher in the Royalton-Hartland Central School District.    A reception for Dr. Ramming to provide an opportunity for the staff and community to meet him personally will be announced by the Board of Education.

School Board Report -
Special Board of Education Meeting - September 30, 2002
   Monday, September 30, 2002. . .Prior to the School Board's 7-0 vote to appoint Dr. Thomas Ramming as Superintendent of Schools, Child Care Leaves of Absence were granted to Karen Grande (change from leave granted at 6/10/02 meeting) and to Lori Muller (change from leave granted at 8/26/02 meeting).
   The board granted Alternative Academic Program (AAP) appointments on an as needed basis to Jodie Swain and Sean Reddein. Julie Roth was granted a Modified Boys Volleyball coach appointment for the fall 2002. Substitute appointments for the 2002-03 school year were granted to Barbara Fenner, Julie Kuebler, Kimberly Russo and Theodore Tsembells.
   The following appointments were also made: Lisa Hogrewe, Contingent Teacher Aide, effective September 30, 2002 through March 28, 2003; Ursula Mallais, substitute Food Service Helper (9/12-9/30/02); Ursula Mallais, substitute Food Service Helper (10/1/02-4/1/03); and Christine Mellon, substitute Food Service Helper (9/12-6/30/02).

Board of Education Meeting- September 23, 2002

7:00 P.M. - High School Senior Cafeteria

1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Voice of the People
4. Correspondence
5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 9/9/02
6. Pupil Services
   A. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 9/17/02
7. Business and Finance
   A. Approval of General, Cafeteria and Federal Fund Automated and Manual Checks - 7/31/02
   B. For Your information
      1) Budget transfers
      2) Payroll information - September 6 and 13, 2002
8. Personnel
   A. Personnel Status Report
   B. Resignations
   C. Appointments
9. Curriculum and Instruction
   A. AP Results
   B. No Child Left Behind
10. Board of Education
   A. Grand Island Ski Club 2002-03
   B. 2003 Graduation - Kleinhans Music Hall
   C. NYSSBA Proposed Bylaw Amendments & Resolution-2002
11. Next Meetings:
   A. Monday, October 28, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Transportation Center
   B. Monday, November 25, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Elementary School

Phase II of Capital Project Underway
(Picture 1 left) Walkway to the high school is broken up for removal as workmen prepare site for music addition.
(Picture 2) Safety fence protects students and staff.
(Picture 3) Front entrance of high school is still accessible. All fire exits are open.
(Picture 4) Front entrance of high school is still accessible. All fire exits are open.
(Picture 5) Heavy equipment removes soil at entrance to construction site. The site is gated and padlocked at the close of the construction day.

   Construction has begun on three phases of the Ransom Road project, according to interim school superintendent Dr. Vincent Coppola. One contractor is working on replacement of the high school roof, to be completed this season. The paving and landscaping contractor is preparing the areas in front of and behind Connor Middle School for new parking lots, again with work scheduled for completion this fall. The general contractor is clearing and grading the area for the new music wing, as shown in pictures. That work will not be completed this construction season, but according to director of Special Services Jack Weisenborn, who serves as clerk of the works, the foundation work should be done within the next couple of weeks. Coppola reported that district personnel are meeting with contractors to develop a time schedule for the music suite. He said that everything is being done to assure student and staff safety during the project and added that people report that they are becoming used to the noise level, so that it simply becomes background noise.

Enrollment Down Slightly
    Monday, September 9, 2002. . .The brief meeting, held at Eco Island, dealt mainly with personnel issues. Dianne Tiede, director, exhibited the latest additions to the nature center, including insects and ticks preserved in plastomount, allowing students to view them from all sides. They were donated by Sue Canavan’s 3rd grade class at Huth Rd. Two stuffed mink were a generous donation from an Islander. Tiede reported that the adult education course, “Grand Island, Yesterday and Today,” to be held on Monday nights, would include a trip to Eco Island. She hopes that new teachers will have a chance to become acquainted with the nature center through a course offered by the Teacher Center.
   Interim superintendent Dr. Vincent Coppola reported that the opening of school had gone smoothly, with no complaints. Enrollment is down by approximately 40 students, but Connor Middle School gained about 35 students. He noted that each school would be observing appropriate ceremonies to mark 9/11 on Wednesday.
   In personnel action the resignation of Michael Cole as varsity volleyball coach was accepted and Daneen Gallagher was given a volunteer girls volleyball coach appointment for the year. Carter Blair and Bridgett O’Keefe were appointed probationary food service helpers. The position of assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction was created and Dr. Karen Karmazin, formerly director of curriculum and instruction, was appointed to the post.
   When the board convened at a special meeting on August 28, the following personnel action was taken. Resignations accepted: Laura Sexton; leaves of absence: Margaret Cammarano, Victoria Strano, as teacher aides; Joann MacClellan, as cook. The latter three were appointed school monitors. Debra Eppolito was named probationary director of Instruction and Technology, and Robin Kwiatek, a .6 teacher and .4 teaching assistant at the high school.
   The board will meet again on Monday, September 23 at 7 p.m. in the high school senior cafeteria.

High School Volleyball Coach Arrested

   Michael D. Cole, 21, Girls' Volleyball coach at Grand Island High School, was arrested Thursday, September 5, 2002 after being accused of e-mailing sexually explicit messages to a 15-year-old girl on the team. Cole, who was not a teacher in the school district, was charged with disseminating indecent materials to a minor, a felony; third-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child after State Police executed a search warrant at his North Lane home, where two computers were confiscated.
   Cole, who submitted his resignation on Friday, September 6, 2002 after coaching the team for about a year, pleaded not guilty at arraignment in Grand Island Town Court and was granted an adjournment until a court date on Monday, September 9, 2002. The School Board accepted Cole's resignation at its Monday evening meeting. Parents of the 15-year-old girl reported the alledged situation to the State Police.
   Grand Island's Interim Schools Superintendent Vincent J. Coppola said this was a "one-time only unfortunate incident."

Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Named

   Karen Karmazin has been named assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction. Now beginning her third year with the district, as director of curriculum and instruction she has been responsible for developing the district's Comprehensive Education Plan, as well as directing the mapping and aligning of all curriculum in the district, with the support of faculty and administration. Curriculum councils are now in place at the elementary schools and will be organized at the middle and high schools under her leadership. Also in conjunction with faculty and administration, she led the development of a new evaluation plan for staff: the Annual Professional Performance Plan Review.

New 'Critters' at Eco Island

   Dianne Tiede, Eco Island director, welcomes two new critters to the nature center collection. Thanks to the generosity of an Islander, these mink, a male and female, now are available for youngsters to study. Mink are found on Grand Island along the river.

Board of Education Meeting- September 9, 2002

7:00 P.M. - Eco Island

1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order at Eco Island
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Eco Island Presentation
4. Voice of the People
5. Correspondence
6. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 8/26 and 8/28/02
7. Business and Finance
   A. For Your Information
      1) Extracurricular Activity Fund - High School - June 2002
8. Personnel
   A. Status Report
   B. Abolish Position
   C. Create position
   D. Resignations
   E. Appointments
9. Next Meetings:
   A. Monday, September 23, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - High School Senior Cafeteria
   B. Monday, October 28, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Transportation Center

New Technology Director Brings Impressive Credentials

   Debra D. Eppolito, the new director of instruction and technology, comes to the district by way of Singapore, where she was director of information technology for the Singapore American School.
   Truly a global educator, she also spent three years as head of technology at an international school in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
   In Singapore she supervised a staff of 12, responsible for supporting 1200 computers, 25 file servers, a video distribution system, a telephone/voicemail system, and a wireless network.
   She also designed a training program for K-12 teachers and administrators, designed and coordinated the creation of an instructional web site, implemented wireless networking to provide all math and science classes access to laptop computers, and worked with local businesses to establish partnerships between business and education.
   Locally, she was technology coordinator in Akron and in Barker before heading overseas. She holds an MS in secondary education from Canisius and a bachelor of business administration degree from General Motors Institute, Flint, Michigan. Eppolito has been involved in numerous volunteer activities, including serving as parent representative on the School Improvement Team for Clarence High School, acting as a contributing web designer for the Buffalo chapter of Habitat for Humanity, and participating in community service projects.

Trustees Award Site Work Contract

School Board members (left) Dr. Richard McCowan,
Lee Cohen, Frank DelSignore, Susan Gill, Myrnia Blair, Jerri Schopp and David Goris.

    Monday, August 26, 2002. . .Ontario Specialty Contract, Inc. was approved to do paving work at the Ransom Road complex with a bid of approximately $1 million. The company had done the paving at Sidway and the bus garage. Donn Perry, supervisor of buildings and grounds, reported that construction vehicles will use the western driveway (beside Connor Middle School) only, and safety officer Chris Pyc will help with traffic flow. Student, faculty and staff parking will be limited during construction.
   Interim Superintendent Dr. Vincent Coppola reported that the school tax rate will be 21 cents less than the original estimate, now $31.29/$1000 of assessed valuation. The district had to estimate the rate at the time of the budget vote because complete figures were unavailable.
   The task of hiring more than 50 new staff members is almost complete, Dr. Coppola said,commenting that Grand Island’s recruitment drive has been the largest of his long career. He commended principals and staff members who had worked diligently this summer, putting in extra hours to make sure that only the best were hired.
   Still remaining to be hired are food service helpers, a computer teacher/teaching assistant, a maintenance mechanic helper and director of technology. Two new positions were created: senior clerk typist (at Connor Middle) and part-time cleaner (Kaegebein). Long lists of names on substitute lists for teacher, teacher aide, monitor, clerical, and mail carrier were approved for removal. People either have found jobs or asked to be removed from the list.
   Trustees approved the following: Sharon Mudd, Connor library media specialist; Mary Kate Corbett and Corinne Dunkle, high school English; Marcy Odell, school social worker (Kaegebein & Huth); Janet Gorfien, teacher on special assignment/reading professional development (following approval of a leave of absence as Kaegebein reading teacher); Heidi Fiedler, long term reading specialist substitute (Kaegebein); Sue Szczublewski, short-term substitute teaching assistant; Lynn Makowski Mele and Mike Murray, Mock Trial Team co-advisors. Appointed probationary bus drivers were Carl Antholzer, Gerald Weeks, Amy VeRost and Ken Bucholtz. Lori Muller was granted unpaid child-car leave.
   At Connor Middle team leaders were named as follows: Camille Starck, A; Nicole Oursler, B; Craig Davis, C; Sandra Lamb, D; Sally Zelasko, E; Sue Campbell, grade 8. Also at Connor Middle activity advisors were appoimted: Marlaine Kaniecki, Destination Imagination; Diane Rumsey/Tanya Weidner, foreign language club; Marlaine Kaniecki/Kathy Ginty, girls club; Marlaine Kaniecki/Diane Rumsey, International Night; Clarke Elliott, jazz ensemble; Camille Starck, Mathletes; Tom Alberalla, Mathletes assistant; Don Sauer/Debra Killian, MSSADD; Debra Remson, musical; Debra Killian/Lori Ohrum, newspaper; Don Sauer/Debra Killian, peer mediation; Sue Campbell/Sandra Lamb, readers/writers club; Anna Lea Masiello, Syncopations; Kay Saunders/Patty Myer, student council advisor/assistant.
   Trustees met again briefly Wednesday night for a special meeting. Their next regular meeting will be on Monday, September 9, 2002 at 7 p.m. at Eco Island. LFC

New Huth Principal Has Strong Academic, Special Ed. Background

   Mary E. Haggerty, Huth Road’s new administrator, left a tenured principalship at Pinehurst Elementary School in the Frontier Central School District to come to Grand Island. An Amherst resident, she looks forward to working with a unique school configuration (grades 2-5) and in a true community situation. (Grand Island is one of the few school districts where all students come from the same town.)
   As Pinehurst principal she implemented inclusion classes (class within a class program) for special education students, facilitated curriculum mapping for math and English/language arts district-wide, promoted writing programs and computer use, developed a parent library, instituted a character education program, created a K-5 curriculum guide for a balanced literacy program (working with the district’s reading teachers), and served on several district committees.
   She began her career as an elementary teacher in the Sweet Home School District in 1990, where she was also PTA liaison and advisor to the high school drama club. While working toward her master’s degree in educational administration at SUNY Buffalo, she was an intern with the Niagara Falls School District. Her undergraduate degree, from Buffalo State College, is in elementary education/exceptional education/learning and behavioral disorders. She has a second master’s degree (in elementary education) as well as her School District Administrator certificate from SUNY Buffalo.
   Haggerty has been a mentor to teachers and principals, and has worked on the Frontier district Strategic Planning Committee. She is a published writer, having co-authored the instructor’s manual for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics. In addition she has written several articles dealing with hemophilia, including “What’s Missing,” a booklet for young children describing the disorder, and “Princess Addi,” a mathematical fairy tale. In 1995 she received the Women Leaders Award from the Western New York Women in Administration organization, presented to outstanding female leaders in the educational community.
   Thanks to a grant from the American Federation of Teachers, Haggerty participated in a two-year “Thinking Math” training program, which she then shared with the teachers in her district. At Pinehurst she instituted a unique math-challenge program. Once a month classes would try to come up with a math problem to “stump the principal.” If she was unable to solve the problem, she would supply ice cream from the school cafeteria for the class. It happened only once, she reported, when a 5th grade class came up with a magic square that stumped the principal.
   Haggerty began her duties here on August 22nd and was greeted with a large fruit basket, presented by the PTA, as well as flowers and chocolates from the staff. Also, former principal Peg Koppmann stopped by to say “Hello” and offer assistance. “I was overwhelmed by such a generous welcome,” she said. “This is truly a wonderful community. It’s a privilege to be a part of it, and I hope to do some good and serve it well by living up to their expectations.”

Board of Education Meeting- August 26, 2002

7:00 P.M. - High School Senior Cafeteria

1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Voice of the People
4. Correspondence
5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 8/12/02
6. Pupil Services
   A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 8/7/02.
   B. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 8/7/02
7. Business
   A. For Your Information
      1) Payroll - 8/9/02
      2) Treasurer's Report - June, 2002
8 Personnel
   A. Personnel Status Report
   B. Terminations
   C. Creation of Positions
   D. Leave of Absence
   E. Appointments
9. Board of Education
   A. Approval of Site Construction Work for Capital Project
10. Next Meetings:
   A. Monday, September 9, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Eco Island
   B. Monday, September 23, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - High School Senior Cafeteria

Huth Principal Named - Capital Project Bids Awarded
    Monday, August 12, 2002. . .Voting at two special meetings, on July 31 and August 5, 2002 trustees named Amherst resident Mary Haggerty, currently a tenured elementary principal in the Frontier Central School District, as the new Huth principal (beginning August 22), and awarded nine contracts for capital project construction and renovation at the Ransom Road complex.
   Summit Construction Group was named general contractor; Cayuga Piping, Inc., HVAC work; Industrial Powers & Light, electrical; Ackerman Mechanical Services, plumbing; All-Weather Contractors, roofing; CIR Electrical Construction, telephone/data services; E&B Equipment, gym equipment and lab equipment. The site work contract will be rebid, on recommendation of interim superintendent Dr. Vincent Coppola.
   Project cost is estimated at $12.7 million, leaving $3.2M for Huth Road and $2.1M for Kaegebein, negating predictions by some Islanders that there would not be enough money for renovations at the elementary schools.
   In personnel action at the July 31, 2002 meeting, the resignation of district social worker Elizabeth Borenzweig was accepted and the following appointments were approved: Camille DellaTorre, science, and Christina Fancher, math, both at Connor Middle; Tony Miller, high school English; Janet Goodsell (following her resignation as teacher aide) and Cheryl Chamberlin, high school teacher assistants.
   At this week’s meeting, in the high school, trustees approved two policies, which had been tabled from a previous meeting, pending revisions. They are Home Instruction (Permanent Instruction) and Drug Free Workplace. A report by Jenepher Banker, the district’s new director of Community Education, indicated that the summer program had set an attendance record, with more than 1500 students enrolled in community education, regular summer school or the “Y” program. There were 34 classes enrolling 533 students for enrichment and intervention, including English/Language Arts at Kaegebein, ESL and Begindergarten at Sidway, and Reaching Out at Connor Middle. The “Y” program, also at Connor, enrolled 628 students, while the regular academic summer school enrolled 353, about the same number as last year.
In school board action trustees
  • declared as obsolete an ancient upright untuneable piano, currently at Huth Rd.;
  • approved the YWCA Before and After-School Agreement for 2002-3 at all three elementary schools;
  • approved the legal notice for bus purchases, as per the bond issue, passed by the voters in May, for four 66-passenger buses and two passenger vans;
  • awarded BOCES cooperative bids for cafeteria & paper products, breakfast/lunch foods, bread & bread products, ribbons & cartridges, AV supplies & equipment, microcomputer supplies, software, and office & art supplies;
  • extended the retirement incentive window for Peg Koppmann, former Huth Rd. principal, who had worked beyond the resignation deadline, and for former teacher Judy Wynne, whose paperwork had not reached Albany in time to qualify for the Grand Island incentive;
  • set the tax warrant at $31.299/$1000 of assessed valuation, approximately an 80-cent increase. The warrant noted that $2.8 million of unexpended surplus funds from the 2001-2 budget had been used to lower the 2002-3 tax rate.
       In personnel action trustees approved probationary appointments for Greg Garzon, high school science; Craig Reynolds and Jodi Swain, high school special ed.; Tracy Shores, Connor Middle special ed.; Karen Schauger and Charlene Kelly, teaching assistants (at Kaegebein and Huth, respectively); Sara Sahagion, long-term high school math sub; Mike DiFonzo, grade 6 computers (following his resignation as high school computer teacher/assistant); Debbie Cich and Nicolina Oliverio, teacher aides; Jeff Kirsch and Tom McMahon, maintenance mechanics (after receiving leaves of absence as maintenance mechanic helpers); John Busch, cleaner; and Kelly Keleher, summer laborer. Several of the appointees were introduced to trustees by Dr. Coppola, who also provided background information on them. Donna Spiker was named permanent cafeteria monitor at Huth, and the following Connor Middle program coordinators were okayed: Kathy Ginty, English; Bill Brodie, math; Jayne Schaber, science, Jim Randles, social studies; Kay Saunders, technology; Diane Rumsey, foreign language; Carol Kimmerle, reading; Ray Hartmann, unified arts.
       Dr. Coppola announced that the district will publish a back-to-school newsletter (the Bridge) at the end of August which would include information about new faculty and the capital project. The board will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at 7 p.m. in the high school senior cafeteria. LFC

    Board of Education Meeting- August 12, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - High School Senior Cafeteria

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 7/22/02
    6. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 7/16, 7/23 and 7/31/02.
       B. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 7/31/02
    7. Business and Finance
       A. Warrants
       B. For Your Information
          1) Payroll - 7/12 and 7/26/02
          2) Budget Transfers
    8. Personnel
       A. Personnel Status Report
       B. Resignations
       C. Appointments
    9. Board of Education
       A. Policies - 2nd Reading
          1) Home Instruction (Permanent Instruction)
          2) Drug Free Workplace
       B. Obsolete Equipment
       C. YWCA Before and After School Agreements for the 2002-03 school year
       D. Legal Notice - Bus purchases
       E. BOCES Cooperative Bid Awards:
          1) Cafeteria and Paper Products
          2) Breakfast/Lunch Foods
          3) Bread and Bread Products
          4) Ribbons/Cartridges
          5) Audio Visual Supplies and Equipment
          6) Microcomputer Supplies
          7) Software
          8) Office and Art Supplies
    10. Next Meetings
       A. Monday, August 26, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 pm. - High School Senior Cafeteria
       B. Monday, September 9, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 pm. - Eco Island
       C. Monday, September 23, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 pm. - High School Senior Cafeteria

    Board of Education Meeting- August 5, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - High School Senior Cafeteria

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Board of Education
       A. Approval of Capital Project Bids

    Board of Education Meeting- July 31, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - District Office Conference Room

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Personnel
       A. Appointments

    Superintendent Announces Capital Project Bid Schedule
        Monday, July 22. . .The board’s brief regular meeting concluded with a report by interim superintendent Dr. Vincent Coppola regarding bidding on the second phase of the capital project. Bids will be open on Wednesday, July 31 and reviewed on Thursday, with recommendations prepared for board approval. Trustees will meet briefly on August 5 to approve bids, and work should begin by September on the High School music wing addition. The replacement of the Connor Middle School gym floor is scheduled for August, and work probably will begin on the Ransom Road parking lots this fall.
       Personnel action, however, took up most of the brief meeting. Several new appointees were in the audience and introduced to board members. Appointments at the high school include Elizabeth Dunn and Amanda Souliske, English; Lee Nowocien and Arron Fisher, science; Brian Kindron, social studies; Connor Middle: Marcia McHenry, home & careers, Jill Williams, foreign language long-term substitute; Susan Trabert, French; Dawn Brooks and Tom Feeney, social studies; Huth: Roseanne Russo, gr. 4/5 special ed.; David Burgstahler, long-term substitute.
       Other appointments: Jim Isenhart, temporary messenger; and permanent approval for Linda Sobieski, food service helper; Colleen King, cleaner; Robin Higgins (Sidway) and Sylvia Connors (Connor Middle), teacher aides; and Carol Tamalko, RN. The motion to grant Patricia Grupka probationary personnel clerk status was rescinded and she was given a substitute clerical appointment instead. Fall coach appointments were granted to Brian Willat, JV assistant football, and to volunteers Pat Krawczyk, football, and Marnie Jasinski, tennis. Resignations accepted: John Brenon, buildings & grounds (summer), and Donna McGilveary, food service helper.
       In regular business trustees heard the second reading of the following policies and approved them: Dual Enrollment, HIV, Screening New School Entrants, Impartial Hearing Officers, and Fields Trips. Two policies: Home Instruction and Drug Free Workplace, are scheduled for approval at the August 12 meeting. The board will convene for two regular meetings in August: the 12th and 26, both at 7 p.m. in the high school senior cafeteria.
       During Voice of the People Jim Mulcahy of West River read from a prepared statement regarding the pace of the capital project. He alleged that the 2002 construction season was lost. “It’s been two days short of six months since the plans were approved,” he said. “I’m the only citizen who cares enough,” he added.
       In reply, Dr. Coppola said that the board, as well, had been frustrated by some of the delays. He noted that Assistant Superintendent Larry Schaller had been seriously injured in May, but that the bidding process was now underway. Coppola added that a meeting of school personnel with the architects and engineers had been held on July 15 to work out a schedule that would minimize disruption for students and the athletic program once construction began. LFC

    Board of Education Meeting- July 22, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - High School Senior (Small) Cafeteria

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 7/8/02
    6. Approval of Reorganizational Meeting Minutes - 7/8/02
    7. Business and Finance
       A. For Your Information
          1) Extra Classroom Activity Fund - Middle School - June 30, 2002
          2) Treasurer's Report - May, 2002
    8. Personnel
       A. Personnel Status Report
       B. Creation of Position
       C. Termination
       D. Appointments
    9. Board of Education
       A. 2nd Reading of Policies
          1) Duel Enrollment
          2) HIV
          3) Screening New School Entrants
          4) Impartial Hearing Officers
          5) Field Trips
          6) Home Instruction (hold for 8/12 mtg.)
          7) Dog Free Workplace (hold for 8/12 mtg.)
    10. Next Meetings
       A. Regular Business Meetings - 7:00 p.m. - High School Senior Cafeteria
          1) Monday, August 12, 2002
          2) Monday, August 26, 2002

    Jeri Schopp, Dave Goris to Head School Board
        Monday, July 8. . .By unanimous vote, trustees elected Jeri Schopp president, and Dave Goris vice president at the board’s annual reorganization meeting. Schopp had served twice previously as president. The oath of office was administered to re-elected trustee Sue Gill (her 6th term) and to newly elected trustee Lee Cohen, who had served on the board from 1979-1983. Appointments to Erie County School Board committees were as follows: Myrna Blair, representative to the delegate assembly, with Cohen as alternate; Blair, legislative committee representative; and Goris, representative to the budget & finance team. Gill was named delegate to the NYS School Board Association annual meeting (to be held in Syracuse), with Cohen as alternate.
       A regular business meeting, dealing mainly with personnel matters, followed the reorganization meeting.
       Trustees approved adoption of a new textbook, Street Law, 1999 edition, published by McGraw-Hill/Gleneen, for the criminal law course, and okayed the GIFTS contract for 2002-2003, tabled from the last meeting. They heard the first reading of seven policies, which are being updated to conform with state requirements. They are titled Dual Enrollment, Drug-Free Workplace, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Related Illnesses, Screening of New School Entrants, Home Instruction (Permanent Instruction), Impartial Hearing Officer, and Field Trips.
       Trustee Blair questioned the wording of the policy “Drug-Free Workplace.” The policy, geared toward personnel, prohibits the use of “controlled substances,” which includes prescription medications. Blair pointed out that there are occasions when adults need to take prescription medication during school hours and that the wording of the policy would prohibit that. School attorney Chris Trapp will rework the wording.
       Frank DelSignore questioned the policy “Screening of New School Entrants.” He noted that the policy states that if screening indicates a possibly gifted child, “the name and finding shall be reported to the superintendent of schools and to the parents/legal guardians.” He asked, “Then what? What happens with the information?”
       Dr. Coppola indicated that reporting the information is required by law. Since Grand Island currently has no gifted and talented program, that could be something for the district to investigate.
       Attention was called to a memo indicating that 19 students had not graduated in June, with nine students having failed the same course, “Participation in Government.” Dr. Coppola characterized the course as one of the easiest to pass (“It’s not calculus.”), and Principal Jim Dempsey added that the student had to attend a school or town board meeting and write a report. “They had to hand their work in.” He added that warnings were sent home, so parents were not unaware of their child’s status. The course is being offered in summer school.
       In personnel action Dr. Gerald Glose was granted an interim central office administrator position, effective July 9 until the end of September. Interim superintendent Dr. Vincent Coppola introduced Glose to the board and explained that he had been hired to work two days a week in the temporary absence of Assistant Superintendent Larry Schaller, who had been seriously injured in an automobile accident earlier this year. Glose will assist with the hiring of personnel, the capital project, and transportation, buildings & grounds and food service departments.
       Resignations were accepted from Michael Dunlop, teaching assistant, and Veronica Shisler, teacher aide. Four new positions – for two special education teachers and two teaching assistants – were created, with funding supported by federal grants.
       Probationary appointments approved: Mike Stauffer and Jennifer Marsala, Sidway phys. ed.; Blake Lang, Lori Deal, high school math; Julie Camilleri, high school social studies; Frances Redlinski, Heidi Mesmer, Julie Roth and Melissa Tweedy (following her resignation as teaching assistant), all at Huth; Sonya Raby (Kaegebein); Janice Ahne and Kathleen Brock (6th grade). Several new faculty were in the audience and introduced by their respective principals to the board.
       Also approved: Brain Willats as .5 teacher and .5 long-term phys. ed. substitute; Kelly Robertson, .4 strings at Huth; Barb Russo, .6 high school science; Mike DiFonzo, .6 high school computers and .4 teaching assistant; Marnie Jasinski and Al Lutz Jr., long-term elementary substitutes. Jim Szafran, who had retired as technology coordinator, was hired to work three days a week during the summer to upgrade the district’s technology system.
       Named Huth Rd. program coordinators are Ann Agnello, gr. 2; Celeste Angelo, gr. 3; Elaine Kasprzyk, gr. 4, and Michelle Graziano, gr. 5. Named Kaegebein program coordinators: Cyndi Booker, gr. 2; Maria Seibert, gr. 3; Kathy Fik, gr. 4, and Max Pikula, gr. 5. High school program coordinators are Mary Therrien, social studies; Claire Cieslewicz, science; Mary Smith, technology; Debbie Billica, math; Mark Lamparelli, foreign language; John Arnone, English; Bobbie Frisoni, school-to-work, business/technology and home & careers.
    Following an executive session trustees reconvened to appoint high school phys. ed. teacher Jenepher Banker director of the district’s Community Education program, replacing Jim Mazza, who has retired.
       Trustees will reconvene on Monday, July 22 at 7 p.m. for a regular meeting, to be held in the high school senior cafeteria.
    Reorganization Meeting

       At the reorganization meeting the following designations were made. Nancy Sandford, Blaise Nicola Jr. and Debbie El Houssieny (senior account clerk), were appointed respectively district clerk, district treasurer and alternate treasurer. Continuing as school attorneys are Chris G. Trapp, from the law offices of Bouvier, O'Connor, and John Del Monte, attorney at law. Lumsden & McCormick, LPP will continue as the auditing firm with John Schiavone as auditor.
       The Buffalo News and the Island Dispatch were named official newspapers, and this e-paper,, was recognized, although it could not be named an official paper because it is not a subscription service. All board policies were renewed, and a mileage reimbursement rate of 36 & 1/2 cents/mile was established. Petty cash funds of $100 each were approved for each school, the district office, and the transportation, continuing education, and buildings and grounds departments, with $200 allocated for interscholastic athletics and the school lunch office. Principals James Dempsey, high school, and Bruce Benson, Connor Middle, were designated central treasurers for extra-classroom activity funds in their buildings.
       Trustees approved the superintendent to borrow maximum amounts allowed on revenue notes and tax anticipation notes in expectation of revenue from real estate taxes and state aid. The following authorizations were made: chief school officer to certify payroll; approve attendance at conferences, conventions, and workshops within the scope of program budgets; approve budget transfers; be Title IX coordinator; be sexual harassment complaint officer; okay signatures for vehicle registrations; be civil service appointing officer; be alternate purchasing agent.
       Also Larry Schaller, assistant superintendent for business & finance, as purchasing agent, investor of district funds, signatory on transfers from savings to checking accounts (with senior account clerk as alternate) and for vehicle registrations. Schaller also is designee for monitoring federal fund expenditures, carryover of Title I funds, reviewing fiscal expenditures and assuring Title I funds are used to supplement and not supplant state and local funds. Other designations: Nancy Sandford, records retention and disposition officer; Dr. Karen Karmazin, curriculum director, as Title I coordinator; Carol Jones, director of Pupil Personnel Services, as Chapter 504 coordinator; Jack Weisenborn, safety risk management officer.
       Bank designations are as follows: JP Morgan Chase, CitiBank New York State, Key Bank of N.Y., M&T Trust, HSBC, Fleet. Official depositories are M&T: checking accounts for general fund, school lunch fund, trust & agency fund, capital fund, payroll; savings account for general fund and school tax collection account; HSBC: federal aid, extra-classroom activity funds for high and middle school; JP Morgan Chase: savings accounts for general fund money market and trusty & agency money market. Facsimile signatures of the treasurer and alternate treasurer were approved for use for all bank accounts. The district, alternate and central treasurers are all bonded through the district's general liability policy. (LFC)

    Bittersweet Good-by at Superintendent's Last Board Meeting
    By Lee Cohen
       Monday, June 24, 2002...
    Board members said good-by and paid tribute not only to Dr. Paul Fields, but to trustee Michael Dlugosz at the meeting, which had been preceded by a retiree reception in the Connor Middle School cafeteria, catered by Dennis Donovan, food service director. Parting gifts, prepared by district clerk Nancy Sandford, who also served as mistress of ceremonies, were presented to the 55 retirees, representing more 1250 years of service to the district. Each department head introduced his/her retirees with brief comments and the gifts were handed out by Dr. Richard McCowan, board president, and Superintendent Paul Fields.
       In regular business, trustees approved a health services contract for the coming year with Promedicus Health Group, at half the cost of last year's retainer, with an hourly rate of $100 for physicians and $60 for nurse practitioners or physician assistants. Trustees tabled approval of the GIFTS contract because there was no backup information. Because of new state regulations regarding borrowing, the district had to refinance its installment lease agreement for the cost of the Energy Performance Contract. They accepted a bid of 4.77 percent from M&T Bank, down from 5.39 percent from the former provider. Trustees heard the second reading and approved policies dealing with attendance, child abuse, procurement of goods & services, and exclusive contracts.
    Four textbooks were adopted: Science Explorer: Life Science (gr. 6); World History Patterns of Interaction (gr. 10 global studies); and Psychology: Myers in Modules (gr. 12 AP psychology).
       In personnel action trustees accepted with regret the resignations for retirement purposes of Peg Koppmann, Huth Rd. principal, Judy Wynne, gr. 3 Huth; Peter Prozik, math, and Bill Riffel, physics (high school). Also Barbara Miller, Ann Klein, Roxanne Russell, bus drivers; Barb Jarzab, Huth secretary; and Marion Shreder, Connor Middle guidance secretary.
       Tenure appointments approved: (Connor Middle) Mary Jane Fonte, Home & Careers; Mary Reisdorf, foreign language; (high school) Lora Ohrum, English; Laura Briganti and Mary Walter, science; John Ball and Michael Zuch, social studies; Bill Brodie, math; Harold Cushing, teaching assistant; (Kaegebein) Sandra Liddle, special ed; Karen Reddien, teaching assistant. Also Lynda Keipper, speech & language, and Susan Pell, elementary. Patricia Grupka, who was in the audience, was granted a probationary personnel clerk appointment on the recommendation of interim superintendent Dr. Vincent Cappola. He also commended Jennifer Appenheimer, business office secretary, who had been handling both her position and personnel clerk responsibilities.
       Approved for summer school teaching, based on student enrollment: Jon Head, earth science; Carolyn Manzo, social studies; Mike Grosso & Sarah Bifaro, math; Craig Davis, math & science. Other summer appointments include special ed. bus drivers Janie Campbell, Nancy West, Marcy Buell, Barbara Backlund, and Sharlene Raepple; special ed. bus monitors Kathy Menter, Arlene Graff, Carolyn Pittman, and Kathy Jackson; detail workers Kathy Monaco, Sharlene Raepple, Faith Mantione, and Carolyn Pittman. Named summer laborers for buildings & grounds: Christina Astridge, Donnie Astridge, Kyle Berger, John Brenon, Bryan Mesmer, Lee Richard, Mike Schoenle, Tim Szczykutowicz and Kory Watts.
       Kaegebein activity club advisors for the 2002-3 year are Kelly Robertson, string ensemble; Sherm Lyke, band, Alexann Incao, art club; Sue Waters, choir (gr. 4-5); Kathy Chadwick & JoAnne Piccione, homework club; Cyndi Booker, computer club; Nanci Peita, Destination Imagination; Sandy Liddle & Karen Cartwright, mentor program; Christine Clendening, gr. 3 choir; and AnnMarie Steward, safety patrol.
    High school club advisors are Cindy Wynne, art club; Dave Lilleck, DECA; David Reddien & Sean Reddien, Class of 2006; Cindy Wynne & Carolyn Lokken, Humanities Club; Maggie Kennedy, International Club; Carrie Earnst & Andy Bowen, Class of 2004; Carolyn Lokken, Madrigals; Carrie Earnst, Masterminds; Andy Bowen, National Honor Society; Marty Allen, pep band; Amanda Becker & Ardeth Kasahara, SADD; Kathy Scarafia & Tom Gorman, Class of 2003; Julie Johnson & John Ball, Class of 2005; Megan Hoy & Kathy Scarafia, Spotlighters; Sherm Lyke & Marty Allen, stage band (jazz ensemble); Gary Jackson, stage crew director; Kathy Scarafia & Mary Walter, student council; Mary Smith, Website; Bobbie Frisoni & Mary Smith, yearbook. Advisors for the musical are Nancy Lang, choreographer; Marty Allen, orchestra director; Carolyn Lokken & Nancy Lang, play co-directors; Sarah Russo, producer; Carolyn Lokken, publicity & vocal director.
       High school volunteer positions: Sandy Burns, Entrepreneurship; Lynn Makowski, Kids Vote; Lynn Makowski & Mike Murray, Mock Trial; Kevin Murray, Rotary: Interact; Jon Head & Bob Collard,Recycle club.
       Fall coaches were named as follows: (football) Dean Santoria, head varsity; Steve Steck & Mike Stauffer, assistant varsity; Mike Zuch, head JV; Hank Carney & Jim Randles, modified; (soccer) Pete Prozik, girls varsity; Dave Bowman, girls JV; Peter Kuehne, boys varsity; Russ Certo, boys JV; (volleyball): Dave Kelly, boys varsity; Bill Schultz, boys JV; Mike Cole, girls varsity; Mary Colpoys, girls JV; Nancy Keller, girls modified; Daneen Gallagher, boys modified. Also Don Sauer, boys & girls cross country; Craig Warthling, golf; Tami Lewis, gymnastics, and Lindsey Andreini, assistant; Debbie Billica, cheerleading, and Karen Surdyke, assistant; Ray Billica, boys soccer volunteer; Terry Butler, girls swimming volunteer.
       Trustees voted to move regular board meetings to the high school senior cafeteria, beginning with the Monday, July 8, 2002 meeting, which will also include the reorganization meeting for 2002-3.

    School District To Spray Athletic Fields
       The Grand Island School District will apply weed control spray to the football, baseball and soccer fields behind the high school on Ransom Road on Saturday, June 22, 2002. In case of rain, the spraying will be done on Saturday, June 29. For further information call Director of Special Services Jack Weisenborn, 773-8881.

    Scholar/Athlete Teams Recognized at School Board Meeting
    By Lee Cohen
       Seven winter/spring scholar/athlete teams as well as the 2001-2202 outstanding class athletes were recognized at the school board’s meeting Monday evening.
       The scholar/athlete award is presented by the NYS Public High School Athletic Association to varsity teams that meet certain criteria, including a team academic average of 90 percent.
       Jon Roth, director of athletics, and Dr. Jim Dempsey, high school principal, presented the awards to members of the following teams: girls basketball (92.19 average), coached by Jen Banker; boys basketball (90.22 average), coached by Chris Simpson; girls track (93.08 average) coached by Andy Curtis and Craig Davis; boys track (90.45 average), coached by Don Sauer and Chris Simpson; girls lacrosse (91.80 average), coached by LeeAnn Knotke; boys lacrosse (93.12 average), coached by Bill Riffel; and boys tennis (91.07 average), coached by Don Pray.
       Also recognized were the boys and girls selected by the coaches as Grand Island’s 2001-2002 Outstanding Athletes of the Year. They are Meghan McGuire and Jeff Pickel, gr. 9; Jessica Skelly, Lauren Nedwick and Mike Feathers, gr. 10; Savannah Stolzenburg, Jamie Dougherty and Jeremy Roberts, gr. 11; Sally Head, Val Gasbarro, Mick Gallagher and Chris Martello, gr. 12.
       Members of the scholar/athlete teams recognized are (girls basketball) Jen Breier, Christina Breier, Ingrid Dahlberg, Ashton Duda, Val Gasbarro, Becky Goelz, Sally Head, Megan MacGuire, Rosanne Oliverio, Jessica Skelly; (boys basketball) Steve Asbach, Bryan Brown, Josh Bonaquist, John Colosi, Mick Gallagher, Jacob LaLiberty, Phil Lee, Chris Martello, Nick Rossi; (girls track) Kelly Beatty, Erica Burns, Tina Coates, Christy Gibney, Rebecca Goelz, Elly Henderson, Margaret Kiehl, Mary Beth Lacki, Alexis Mioducki, Danielle Podlucky, Jessica Skelly, Cory Stolzenberg; (boys track) Kyle Berger, Bryan Brown, Kyle Bullock, Kevin Buzelli, Tom Digati, Doug Ingraham, Brett Kern, Joe Pasqualichio, Jim Paoli, Kevin Rader, Chris Sica, Jeff Sipos, Tim Szczykutowicz.
       Also (girls lacrosse) Lauren Angelo, Caitlyn Bozek, Stephanie Brown, Rene Dodge, Stephanie Fick, Holly Gallagher, Kathy Rogers, Gretchen Schumacher, Kim Shoemaker, Jamie Stickl, Jessica Stickl, Karen Stipp, Savannah Stolzenburg, Nikki Walker; (boys lacrosse) Mike Blocho, Dave Blonski, Josh Bonaquist, Bill Breier, Adam Fetzer, Ethan Gietz, Chris Heftka, Ted Lee, Jim Lichenthal, Pat McCarthy, Brad Namaste, Neil Reddien, Harrison Rogers, Paul Scappechio; (boys tennis) Drew Armusewicz, Steve Asbach, David Chambers, Matt Fields, Adam Kaiser, Steve Kopf, Scott McMichael, Stephen Pfetsch, Mohsin Syed.
       Roth, as well as the coaches, expressed their appreciation for the support given the athletic program by the board of education and Superintendent Paul Fields.

    Update on Superintendent Search
    By Lee Cohen
       Interim Superintendent Vincent Coppola reported on the status of the superintendent search during Voice of the People at Monday (June 10, 2002) night’s school board meeting.
       He has met with several focus groups (parents, students, teachers, administrators, community members, trustees) to determine what their profile is for the next superintendent. He has shared a summary of that information with the board, which has set salary parameters and conditions of employment. Advertisements have been placed in professional journals as well as other locales and a brochure has been prepared for distribution. Deadline for applications is August 9, 2002. Coppola will screen applicants and present 12-15 names to trustees, who will reduce that number to seven. Five finalists will be invited to interview in September with Coppola and the board. The new superintendent should be in place by the beginning of November.

    More Than 40 School Staff To Retire
    By Lee Cohen
       Tuesday, Monday, June 10, 2002...
    Taking advantage of the state’s retirement incentive, many longtime teachers plus other personnel have opted to retire this year, the majority at Connor Middle School.
       Trustees accepted with regret the resignations of Gail Lazenby, English and social studies (program coordinator) and GITA president; Mary Fran Lovelance, foreign language (coordinator); Marie Kronenwetter, Home & Careers and mentor; Bob King, English (coordinator); Pat Collins, social studies; Karolynne Cox, Home & Careers; Mary Berthalter, librarian; Mary Domanski, social studies; Donald D’Avolio, English; Susan Fleming-Brusino, reading (coordinator); Pat Muffoletto, phys. ed.; Dave Sherriff, science (coordinator); Don Bish, math; Mike Manzo, science; Donna Hirsch, special ed. Also at Connor: hall monitors Joanna Howe and Pat Conta, and Jane Consier, cleaner.
       Other retirements: Jim Szafran, technology coordinator; Jim Mazza, biology and Community Ed. director; Barbara Naradowski, English; Marlowe Beis, English (coordinator); Nancy Lang, social studies; Pat Thomas, English; Roseanne Cascio, special ed; Bill Stuckwisch, chemistry; Tim Oldenburg, business and DECA coordinator; Dorea Holmes, social studies and Humanities program; John Tornabene, hall monitor, all at the high school.
       At the elementary level: Mary Panagoulacos, gr. 1; Donna Lewis, phys. ed., Sidway; Sue Canavan, Betty King, Jan Guzzetta, all gr. 3; Marsha Pinzotti, gr., 2; all at Huth; and Lesli Sandusky, gr. 2, Kaegebein. Also retiring: Karen Lefler, senior clerk steno and Community Ed. secretary in district office.
       In other personnel action trustees gave one-year leaves of absence to Mike Grosso (math) and Bev Molak (elementary) and appointed them mentor teachers for the coming year. Resignations accepted: Jodi Parsons, Huth teaching assistant; Lisa Dane, technology; Jim Wysocki, math; Nicolina Oliverio, food service helper. Karen Grande was granted child-care leave for the fall. Appointments: Susan Schultz, (on leave as special ed. teacher) CSE chairman; Sara Bifaro, probationary math.
       Huth co-curricular appointments include Alan Ripley, band; Carol Horrigan, 3rd grade chorus, girls chorus and select chorus; Pete Sloan, art club; Cyndi Kaiser, safety patrol; Michelle Graziano, homework club; Kelly Robertson, string ensemble; Robin Crowden, boys chorus.
       Approved as summer school teachers: English: Loretta Condino-Grupp, Sandy Beach, Tony Miller, Debra Killian, Lori Ohrum, John Arnone; social studies: Mike Murray, Lynn Makowski, Kevin Murray, Tom Feeney; math: Marlene Winkler, Mike Manzo; phys. ed.: Richard Dommer; science: Mary Walter; driver ed.: Pat Muffaletto (coordinator), Don Sauer, Dan Gietz, Dan Weselak; library: Winanne Messing, Karen Beacher; study skills: Mike Zuch. Also for summer school: Joanna McClellan, hall monitor; Cyndi Kaiser, Emma Kutlina, Mary Buyer, Carol Tomaklo, Ann Marie Stewart, Bonnie DeSarno, nurse.
       Okayed for kindergarten screening: Joyce Cowan, and Marie Hartz, kindergarten; Maureen Littlefield and Cheryl Stott, gr. 1; Karen Tracy, speech; Mary Beth Bush, nurse.
       Program coordinators appointed: Nancy Petersen, gr. 1 and Pam Shoemaker, kindergarten (Sidway); Sherm Lyke, music K-12; Dianne Tiede, Eco Island; Jon Roth, phys. ed. K-12 (districtwide).

    Curriculum Plan Approved

       Trustees unanimously approved a three-year Comprehensive District Education Plan (CDEP) designed to enhance student performance in four core academic areas.
       Dr. Karen Karmazin, director for curriculum and instruction, said that the plan was generated by a 24-member team, representing faculty, parents, business representatives, administrators, students and a school board liaison. "It sets up our goals and what we'd like to address in the four core subjects - social studies, science, math and English/language arts (ELA)," she said.
       The plan will now be sent to the State Education Department for review and an evaluation report sent to the district. The CDEP, which was about two years in the making, puts Grand Island about two years ahead of a state-mandated deadline, according to Karmazin.
       All districts are being required to complete such plans to improve student achievement and to reduce the number of students with special needs while increasing regular education placement, Karmazin stated.
       She said the chief goals of Grand Island’s plan are to reach the state's 90 percent threshold for proficiency on ELA assessment tests for grades 4, 8 and 11, as well as on math assessments for grades 4 and 8.
       To reach its goals the district is in the process of aligning its curriculum content, instructional practices and classroom assessments with the state core curriculum. It also plans to encourage family and community involvement in improving student success and to conduct regular data analysis as a means of assessing student progress.
    In Other Board Action

  • accepted bids from four sources totaling approximately $10,000 for five used buses.
  • awarded bids for Connor Middle science supplies totaling $2540.
  • gratefully accepted the donation of two computers which will be put to immediate use: from Ken Orlowski and Rob Collard.
  • voted to continue participation in the Employee Assistance Plan for confidential counseling services for district employees.
  • accepted the district’s updated School Safety Plan, which will be forwarded to Albany for approval.
  • accepted the revised Code of Conduct, which will include new attendance procedures.
  • tentatively approved a trip by the girls basketball team to Orlando. Fla., in December to participate in a tourney, requiring a $1500 deposit. The first reading of four new policies was given: Attendance Policy; Child Abuse in an Educational Setting and Prohibition of Silent Resignations; Procurement of Goods and Services, and Exclusive Contracts.
    Following an executive session the board reconvened to take the following action:
  • approval of an extension of the contract with the Grand Island Teachers Association to 2007,
  • approval of an extension of the contract with School Related Personnel to 2006,
  • approval of extending the retirement incentive to administrators with a 30-day window.
    The school board recognized its seven winter/spring scholar/athlete teams and outstanding class athletes (reported elsewhere) and also heard an update on the superintendent search (also reported elsewhere).
    Prior to the meeting a reception was held for the members of the CDEP committee, with enough refreshments left over to include the scholar/athletes, following their recognition. The next meeting of the board will be Monday, June 24 at 7 p.m. at Connor Middle, following a reception for retirees.

    Board of Education Meeting- June 10, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Middle School Little Theater

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 5/13 and 5/30/02
    6. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 4/18, 4/30/02, 5/2, 5/29 and 6/6/02.
       B. Approval of Committee on PreSchool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 5/29 and 6/6/02.
    7. Business and Finance
       A. Warrants
       B. For your information
          1) Payroll 5/10, 5/17 and 5/31/02
          2) Treasurer's Report - April 2002
          3) Budget Transfers
    8. Personnel
       A. Status Report
       B. Resignations
       C. Appointments
    9. Curriculum and Instruction
       A. Comprehensive District Education Plan (CDEP which includes AIS, PDP, APPR and Guidance Plan for the district)
    10. Board of Education
       A. Approval of Bids
          1) Used Buses
          2) Science - Middle School
       B. Donation - 2 computers
       C. Employee Assistant Program (EAP) Agreement
       D. School Safety Plan
       D. Code of Conduct
    11. Next Meeting
       A. Monday, June 14, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater.

    Budget, Bus Proposition Pass;
    Gill, Cohen Elected

    School District Election Inspectors (left) Clarice Samland and Shirley Johnson
    Jodi Hayes Dodd Photo

       With 926 Islanders voting, the 2002-3 budget passed easily, 580 to 329. As usual, the bus proposition received a smaller favorable vote: 545 to 360. Sue Gill, seeking her sixth term, garnered the most votes, 616. Lee Cohen, who had served previously on the board, from 1979 to 1983, captured 564 votes. Running as a write-in candidate, James Mucahy received 153 votes.

    Dr. Vincent Coppola Named Interim Superintendent
    By Lee Cohen
       Tuesday, May 13, 2002...
    Former West Seneca school chief Vincent J. Coppola was appointed both temporary superintendent and consultant in the new-superintendent search by school trustees Monday night. He will work one or two days a week with Dr. Fields (who retires June 30, 2002) to familiarize himself with the district, taking over officially July 1 as interim superintendent.
       As director of the WNY Educational Service Council at UB, Coppola has been involved in numerous searches for superintendents, more recently for the Tonawanda City schools. He served 27 years as an administrator, retiring in 1998 from the Corning-Painted Post area school district. In 1990 he received the Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award from UB. He was selected as one of the top 100 managers in North America by Executive Educator Magazine, as well as being named the West Seneca Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year in 1993. In 2001 he was recognized as one of 24 educators nationwide who have made significant contributions to the improvement of school administrators.
       Monday's meeting, held at Huth Road, was preceded by a concert by the school's Select Choir, under the direction of Carol Horrigan. In a surprise conclusion to their program the choir and their director presented a tribute to principal Peggy Koppmann, who is planning to retire this year, although there has not been an official announcement as yet.
       Foreign language teacher Mary Fran Lovelace was recognized as having received the Outstanding Educator Award from the WNY Foreign Language Educators organization and 8th graders Laura Lang and Diane Meyer also received recognition for their winning entries in the organization's annual poster contest.
       In regular business trustees awarded bids for containerized disposal to Waste Mangement Services for $16,478 and for high school science supplies, $4,537, and Connor Middle technology supplies, $1,716.
       In personnel action the resignation of former math teacher Denise Cuneo was accepted; Michele Thiele was granted an extension to her child care leave, Diana Perri was appointed a probationary food service helper and Doug Keleher, a temporary custodian.
       Curriculum director Dr. Karen Karmazin presented the New York State report card for the district. She noted that in addition to the current state tests there would be more mandated testing, in grades 3, 5 and 7, with little financial support from the state for the extra costs that would entail. In reply to a question from board president Richard McCowan, she said that there was no reliability between current tests and predictability of Regents exam results.
       In Voice of the People James Mulcahy asked whether bids for the capital project had gone out and when the community could expect construction to begin. Trustees will meet again at the annual meeting and budget/trustee vote on Tuesday, May 21. The next regular business meeting will be on Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m. in the Middle School Little Theater.

    School District Report Card

       General information about the district shows that student enrollment was 3, 227 in 2000-01, with 234 teachers, 32 other professionals and 51 paraprofessionals. Nine teachers were teaching out of their certification area in 2000-01. There were 25 students with limited English-language ability (compared with four the year before) and 170 students were eligible for free or reduced lunch. The district expended $9,572 per pupil, in 1999-2000, compared with the state average of $11,040.
       The dropout rate has risen, from 21 students (2.1 percent) the year before to 35 students (3.4 percent) in 2000-1. As of 1999-00 the annual attendance rate was 95.4 percent and there were 105 student suspensions (3.3 percent), down from 135 the year before, and 176, the year before that. Sixty percent of the class earned a Regents diploma in 2000-1, the highest yet. Of high schoolers with disabilities, 14 earned local diplomas and six IEP diplomas or certificates.
       Racial/ethnic origin shows that 63 students (2 percent) were American Indian, Alaskan, Asian or Pacific Islander, up from 49 the year before. Thirty (.9 percent) Hispanics were enrolled, up five from the year before, and 52 (1.6 percent) classified as black, down from 64 the year before. The white (non-Hispanic) population was 95.5 percent. Average class size ranged from 19 in grade 8 English to 26 in grade 8 science, with an average of about 22 districtwide.
       State tests (other than Regents) now make no differentiation between general education and special education students: results are combined. On the 4th grade English/Language Arts (ELA) test 77 percent of students performed at levels 3 or 4, meaning they met or exceeded the standards set by the state, as compared with 60 percent statewide. On the 4th grade math test 83 percent performed at levels 3 and 4, compared with 70 percent statewide. The science test showed similar results, with 83 percent above the state standard compared with 67 percent statewide.
       Grade 8 ELA performance showed only 54 percent performing at levels 3 and 4, down from 64 percent the year before. State levels also dropped, with 45 percent at levels 3 and 4. In math also there was a drop from the year before, with 52 percent at or above state standards compared with 61 percent the year before. On the state level 38 percent met or exceeded state standards. Students who score at levels 1 or 2 are required to receive extra help or remediation.
       Regents results for 2001-2: English, 86 percent passed; French, 100 percent; Spanish, 94 percent; math I, 75 percent; math III, 88 percent; living environment (new name for biology), 99 percent; chemistry, 79 percent; global history & geography, 85 percent; and U.S. history & government, 78 percent.

    School District Budget Vote 2002

    The Grand Island School District Budget Vote takes place May 21 from 10 a.m.-9 p.m. in the high school, 1100 Ransom Road.

    Board of Education Budget Hearing Agenda - May 13, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Huth Road Elementary School

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Huth Road Elementary program
    4. Voice of the People
    5. Correspondence
    6. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 4/23/02
    7. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 4/11 and 4/16/02
    8. Business and Finance
       A. Approval of General, Cafeteria and Federal Fund Business Office and Date Center Checks - 3/5 and 3/19/02
       B. For your information
          1) Payroll 4/19 and 5/3/02
          2) Revenues - February and March, 2002
          3) Treasurer's Report - March 2002
          4) Budget Transfers
    9. Personnel
       A. Personnel Status Report
       B. Resignations
       C. Leave of Absence
       D. Appointments
    10. Board of Education
       A. New York State District Report Card
       B. Bids Awards
          1) High School Science
          2) Middle School Technology
          3) Containerized Disposal Service
       C. Interim Superintendent appointment
       D. Superintendent Search Consultant
    11. Next Meetings
       A. Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - Budget/Trustee Vote - 10 a.m.-9 p.m. - High School Gym
       B. Monday, June 10, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater
       C. Tuesday, June 24, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater

    Board of Education Budget Hearing Agenda - May 7, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Middle School Little Theater

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. 2002-03 Budget Hearing

    School Board Approves $35.9 Million Budget
    By Lee Cohen
       Tuesday, April 23, 2002...
    Trustees approved a $35,991,736 spending plan for 2002-3 at a meeting which also saw Grand Island's section of the BOCES administrative budget ($87,637) okayed as well.
       The Grand Island budget was reduced from an original request of $36.9 million. The district is anticipating several retirements, which would favorably affect personnel costs. Several elementary teachers had been hired this school year as part of a state grant to help reduce class size, but at the last minute the program was not funded. The district elected to pay the teachers with its own funds, but in 2002-3 no money will be available. Changes in class size should be minimal, however, according to administrators.
       The $35.9 million budget has a projected tax rate of 31.59 percent, an increase of approximately $1.18. The tax rate increase is in the three percent range, but no property tax assessment figures are available at this time to provide an accurate figure. According to Board President Richard McCowan the 2.93 percent increase from the 2001-2 budget is less than allowed by state law for a contingency budget, so that even if the 2002-3 spending plan is rejected by the voters, spending could legally go higher.
       Assistant Superintendent Larry Schaller pointed out that without a state budget in place, it is difficult to project revenues. He said that he "played it conservative" and used the same state aid figures as last year in preparing the budget.
       In regular business trustees approved the 2002-3 school calendar. School will begin for students on Wednesday, Sept. 4. Winter break will run from Monday, Dec. 23 through Wednesday, Jan. 1. Spring break will run from April 14 through the 25th. School will end for students approximately June 23, depending on the number of snow days used.
       Appointed to handle the budget vote and election on Tuesday, May 21 are Ruth Baker, honorary chairman; Fayne Certo, chief election inspector; and Melissa Bruno, Maureen Cardin, Shirley Johnson, Mary Ellen Kippley, Alphia Prosser, Nancy Prusak, Pat Pullano, Clarice Samland, and Sherry Schimley, inspectors.
       In personnel action the resignation for retirement purposes of Superintendent Paul Fields was reluctantly accepted with deep regret (story elsewhere). Appointments: Debbie Beyer, probationary bus driver; Fran Fanara, permanent food service helper. Trustees voted to elect John Sherman and Janet M. Plarr as BOCES area trustees.
       The board will meet for a budget hearing on Tuesday, May 7 at 7 p.m. in the Connor Little Theater and for a regular business meeting on Monday, May 13 at 7 p.m. at Huth Rd.
       In Voice of the People following the meeting it was announced that the budget would be available for public perusal on Monday. James Mulcahy continued to comment on the capital project, and Patricia Weiser asked about progress on the project. Dr. Fields reminded audience members that anyone with questions was welcome to contact district office.

    School Superintendent Retires;
    Accepts Post at Canisius College

    By Lee Cohen

       Tuesday, April 23, 2002. . .Trustees were reluctant to accept Dr. Paul Fields's letter of resignation Tuesday night, but finally did so "with deep regret." The superintendent, who turns 55 next month, is retiring June 30 after 10 years with the district, and has accepted a position as director of the Canisius College Educational Administration degree program.
       Fields received a standing ovation from the audience, and several administrators and trustees reminisced about his contributions to the district and community. School trustee Dave Goris was particularly appreciative of Fields's willingness to interact with students and take the time to listen to them.
       Sidway principal Frank Cannata also praised Fields' involvement with students. "He put students first, treated them with dignity." But he went on to commend Fields for the fact that he "worked hardest to establish a partnership with the town and businesses, the likes of which had not been seen before. We will miss his expertise and the fact that we were given opportunities to try new ideas."
       Donn Perry, director of Buildings and Grounds and president of the Administrators and Supervisors Council, spoke up to wish Fields the best. "We didn't always see eye to eye, but he was there when I needed him. He got up in the middle of the night more than once to work with me."
       Trustees went out of their way to praise Fields. Jeri Schopp commented, "Now I know how the people in Alden felt when he left them."
       Frank DelSignore stated that his five years on the board had been a wonderful experience under Fields's leadership. "Thank you for all you've done for children."
       Myrna Blair called it a "sad day for us" but wished him well in his new job, as did Sue Gill.
       Board President Richard McCowan called it a wonderful 10 years for the school district. "We accomplished a lot and you saw us through some difficult times. You'll be hard to replace."
       Fields, in turn, said it had been "a true honor to have been superintendent here. I'm indebted to the board for hiring someone with such little experience 10 years ago. I'm leaving with mixed feelings," he added, "but I'm confident with this administration and staff that we've built a foundation for future success."
       A retrospective of the superintendent's 10 years with the district will be featured in a later issue.

    School Spending Plan Reduced by One Million
    By Lee Cohen
       Thursday, April 18, 2002...
    After two work sessions this week, early indications are that the 2002-2003 budget will increase less than the rate of inflation (currently at 2.8 percent). That would mean a tax rate in the three percent range, Superintendent Paul Fields said.
       Final budget figures will not be available until Tuesday, April 23, 2002 when the board will meet to approve the district spending plan as well as the BOCES budget.
       Fields noted that 90 percent of administrators' requests for increases had to be denied in order to reduce expenditures. More than one million dollars was removed from the initial spending plan. Changes include eliminating purchases of desks, chairs and shades ($14,000), reducing hospital and medical/dental expenses by $200,000, restructuring debt services for a savings of $100,000, and reducing staffing for a $150,000 savings.
       Last year the district had hired five teachers because of promised state and federal aid to reduce class size. The district never received the dollars for that program; therefore the positions will be cut. Savings are also projected as a result of teacher retirements and from reduction of BOCES services, overtime, purchase of science and other equipment, and postponement of technology equipment updates.
       Also helping to reduce the tax rate is a new revenue projection of an increase in the district's fund balance, according to Assistant Superintendent Larry Schaller.

    Board of Education Work Session Agenda - April 23, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Middle School Little Theater

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order at Transportation Center
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 4/8/02
    6. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on PreSpecial Education Meeting Minutes - 4/15/02
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 3/21 4/9 and 4/10/02
    7. Business and Finance
       B. For your information
          1) Extra Classroom Activity Fund - Middle School - 3/31/02
          2) Extra Classroom Activity Fund - High School - 3/31/02
    8. Personnel
       A. Resignations
       B. Appointments
    9. Board of Education
       A. BOCES Administrative Budget 2002-03 Resolution
       B. BOCES Trustee Vote
       C. Appointments - Budget Vote May 21, 2002
          1) Chairperson
          2) Chief Election Inspector
          3) Election Inspector
       D. 2002-03 School Calendar
       E. Approval of proposed 2002-03 school budget
    10. Next Meetings
       A. Tuesday, May 7, 2002 - Budget Hearing - 7 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater
       B. Monday, May 13, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7 p.m. - Huth Road Elementary Cafeteria
       C. Tuesday May 21, 2002 - Budget/Trustee Vote - 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. - High School Gym
       D. Monday, June 10, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater
       E. Monday, June 24, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater

    Absentee Ballot Applications - Budget/Trustee Vote

       On Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Grand Island residents will have the opportunity to cast their ballots for the school district budget vote and trustees. For those voters who qualify, absentee ballots will be available. Specific reasons for the use of absentee ballots are listed below. To be considered, a voter must fit one of the following categories:
    1. Duties, Occupation or Business outside of County
    2. Vacation outside the County
    3. Patient in hospital
    4. Unable to appear personally at the polling place on such day because of illness or physical disability
    5.   A. Will be detained in jail for an offense other than a felony or awaiting trial or Grand Jury action
      B. Will be confined in prison after conviction for an offense other than a felony
    6. Absence from the school district on the day of election by reason of accompanying or being with a spouse, child or parent who is an eligible district voter and is eligible for an absentee ballot due to one of the above or below listed reasons.
    7. Confinement due to permanent illness or disability
    1. REQUEST AN APPLICATION. Call (773-8801) or write the District Clerk, Mrs. Nancy A. Sandford, Grand Island Central School District, 1100 Ransom Road, Grand Island, New York 14072, for an application.
    2. RETURN YOUR APPLICATION. Once you have completely filled out the application for an Absentee Ballot, you must return it to the District Clerk's Office located in the District Offices adjacent to the High School. It may be mailed or hand-delivered, but must be received at least 7 days before the election in order for the ballot to be mailed to the voter. 3. FILL OUT YOUR BALLOT AND TURN IT IN. Assuming the above instructions have been properly completed and you have qualified for an Absentee Ballot, you will receive a ballot in the mail which will take the same basic form as that inside the voting machine. Follow the instructions on the ballot and either mail it or hand deliver it to the District Clerk's Office. However, it must be received by the District Clerk's Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the vote (May 21, 2002.

    School Trustees Face Bleak Revenue Picture
    By Lee Cohen
       Monday, April 8, 2002...
    The meeting, held at the Transportation Center, began with a minute of silence in memory of sophomore Cole Ayedotte.
       Jack Burns, director of transportation, presented a report on the use of seat belts on school buses. He said that lap belts could cause serious injury or death, depending upon the type of accident. A national study concluded that three-point lap/shoulder seat belts are the best safety combination. Installing them on school buses would mean one-third less carrying capacity on most buses, however. On Grand Island that could mean increasing the fleet size by about 20 buses, putting an addition on the bus garage, hiring more mechanics, increasing the size of the parking lot, increasing maintenance and fuel costs approximately 33 percent, a capital project to upgrade and enlarge bus loading zones, and hiring 20 new drivers.
       In addition, if such belts were mandated, there would not be room for student equipment (instruments, book bags, lunch boxes); monitors would have to be on buses to make sure seat belts were fastened; and bus drivers would have to wait in the road to make sure belts were secure, tying up traffic. Burns said that in a review of school bus related injuries or fatalities, such belts would have had a minimum impact. He raised the issue because the federal government and New York State are considering requiring three-point belts on buses.
       Superintendent Paul Fields presented an overview of the revenue picture for the 2002-03 budget. First projections show a one million-dollar loss of revenue, compared with the current budget. Grand Island, as well as other districts, will be badly affected by reductions not only in state aid, but in interests and earnings as well. Last year interest and earnings were at five to six percent; this year the district is projecting no more than 2.5 percent. Grand Island also will be losing revenue, as compared with last year, in tuition from out-of-district (foster) children, from refunds from other years, in BOCES aid, and from a lower fund balance. Fields pointed out that this is the 18th year that school districts have had to plan their budgets without a state budget being passed. He noted that aid for special education may be capped, which means that even though the district could enroll more such students, aid would not be available for all the extra services they require. Board President Richard McCowan commented that the town needs business and retail to help reduce school taxes; because houses would have to sell for at least $225,000 to offset the cost of educating additional students.
       School Resource Officer Chris Pyc reported the recommendation of the district’s Safety Committee regarding parking along Ransom Road in front the school buildings. The committee recommended that a no-parking zone along the shoulders be extended from Tracey Lane to Bishop’s Gate and International in the interests of safety. It also recommended that the district try to make sure that there were not too many major events scheduled in the same evening at the Ransom Road complex. School trustees received the report and will refer it to the town Council for their consideration.
       In other board action trustees declared as surplus equipment a long list of computers and components, some more than 20 years old. In personnel action the resignation of food service helper Barbara Briechle was accepted and volunteer coaches Scott Worthling (JV baseball), Dan Brick (baseball) and Walter Cline (track & field) were appointed, Other appointments: Timothy Blevins, probationary auto mechanic; Rosali Bell, probationary food service helper; Diana Perri, temporary food service helper.
       At the close of the meeting, McCowan presented Dr. Fields a gift on behalf of, and paid for, by all the board members, commemorating the superintendent’s completion of 10 successful years with the district. The 11x14 mounted and framed print depicts American values in a scissor-cut format and design.
       The board will hold a budget work session next Monday in the district conference room at 7 p.m.
       In Voice of the People following the meeting Dr. Fields announced that the annual Comprehensive Information Report to the community will be made at either the last meeting in April or the first one in May. Reading a prepared statement, resident Peter Killian criticized McCowan for comments he had made to taxpayers at previous meetings in relation to the capital project and questions others for remaining silent on the issue.

    Board of Education Work Session Agenda - April 15, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - District Office Conference Room

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Budget Discussion
    Note: Next Meeting, Tuesday, April 23, 2002, Special BOE Meeting and BOCES Budget/Trustee Vote - 7 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater.

    Board of Education Work Session Agenda - April 8, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Transportation Center

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order at Transportation Center
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Transportation Presentation
    4. Voice of the People
    5. Correspondence
    6. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 3/11/02; Work Session 3/18/02
    7. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 2/26, 2/28, 3/5, 3/7, 3/14 and 3/19/02
    8. Business and Finance
       A. Approval of General Fund, Data Center and Cafeteria Fund Business Office and Data Center Checks - 2/5 and 2/20/02
       B. For your information
          1) Treasurer's Report - February 2002
          2) Payroll - 3/8 and 3/22/02
          3) Investments - January 2002
          4) Revenues - January 2002
    9. Personnel
       A. Personnel Status Report
       B. Appointments
    10. Board of Education
       A. Surplus Computer Equipment
       B. District Safety Committee Report - Ransom Road Parking
       C. Budget Discussion
    11. Next Meetings
       A. Monday, April 15 - Work Session - 7:00 p.m. - District Office Conference Room
       B. Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - Special Board of Education Meeting and BOCES Budget Trustee Vote - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater

    Increased Outlay Needed For Technology, Athletics
    By Lee Cohen
       Monday, March 18 2002...
    Upgrades and replacements in system hardware are needed to keep pace with the district's expanded use of computer technology, Jim Szafran, director of technology, told school trustees at Monday night's budget work session.
       He explained that more servers are needed to keep pace with increased demand. Current servers have been running well since 1994, but the district now needs more computer power and disc space to accommodate students' as well as staff files. "We started out with two gigabytes of RAM, now we need 36 gigabytes," he said. The district's software is ahead of the hardware on which it runs, according to Szafran.
       "We need to do something soon," he added, explaining that the district is switching its email system to Lotus, which is a "huge program that provides much more than mail service."
       Technology receives state aid, but it is based on the number of free and reduced lunches served. "We have the third lowest rate in Erie County. Even Amherst has more than we do," commented Superintendent Paul Fields.
       Jon Roth, director of athletics, presented his budget with the comment that he had kept increases low for several years, but that effort had now caught up with him. One concern was replacing football helmets, which cost about $100 each. "We've been reconditioning them, but eventually it comes to a point where the company throws them out. We had 14 helmets rejected this year."
       He noted that contractual expenses for officials have increased about three percent per year. "I've been borrowing from other budget lines, but it's caught up with me," he explained. Additional sports programs also have necessitated increases. The fact that Grand Island has had winning teams adds to Roth's expenses because of post season contests. "I'm in the red in contractual costs."
       Board President Richard McCowan noted that salaries had increased in part because of difficulty in obtaining officials. "Requiring fingerprinting won't help," he added.
       Roth would like to add more co-curricular activities, but instead has had to cut back some elementary programs because of the expense of salary increases. The district will look at other ways to finance its physical exam program, now run through UB, which is required for all athletes. It is considering setting aside two days in the late spring for physicals, to be held in the gym, possibly handled by nurse practitioners.
       Although the Pepsi contract had enabled the district to provide some upgrading in the high school weight room, there are no dollars coming in now from that source, Dr. Fields said.
       Dr. Karen Karmazin presented the curriculum budget, which showed no increase. The superintendent praised her work, calling her a "phenomenal resource" for her work in providing materials and in-service training for Superintendent's Conference Days, avoiding the expense of outside sources. Karmazin noted that federal support helps reduce the cost of remedial programs.
       Ending the meeting on a somber note, Dr. Fields warned that there would probably not be an increase in STAR money, that sales tax revenue will probably be down, and assessments would not help the district.
       The board will meet for a regular business meeting after Spring Break, on April 8, at which time the budget presentation will continue.

    State Equipment Mandates Increase Budget Costs
    By Lee Cohen
       Monday, March 11 2002...
    Preliminary budgets for nine departments were presented for review, following the regular board meeting, to the six trustees present. (Michael Dlugosz was excused.)
    Commenting that he expects an increase in enrollment of about 30 students, high school principal Dr. James Dempsey is seeking additional dollars for supplies and equipment. He noted that his increased costs are being driven by state regulations which require that every student have access to a graphing calculator for math, and electric balances for science by 2003. The district needs to purchase an additional 100 calculators. Although his request for supplies shows a $25,000 increase, that is being offset by a $20,000 reduction in the textbook account. Dempsey also is asking for window shades to reduce glare and for replacement of student desks and cafeteria chairs, some of which are 30 years old.
       Donn Perry, who presented the Buildings & Grounds budget, projected a $25,000 increase in utility costs, a $7000 increase in contractual costs for operation and maintenance, and a $3000 increase for supplies, representing a 3.22 percent increase from this year. He noted that increased sewer and water taxes were one of the factors contributing to his increased costs.
    The transportation budget, presented by director Jack Burns, called for a $10,000 increase for supplies. Burns noted that the cost of parts for bus repair has risen dramatically. The music budget's proposed increase of $4500 was for contractual expenses. The Community Education budget increase of $1400 was for higher costs for printing and mailing.
       The health services and pupil services budgets are the same as this year, but the Special Education budget reflects a $114,503 increase. That, explained Pupil Personnel Services director Carol Jones, will be offset by state and federal aid, including high-cost aid. The district has had an increase in families with "medically fragile" children, and a concomitant increase in contractual and tuition expenses.
       Principal Bruce Benson's Connor Middle budget shows a decrease of $22,717, due to reductions in textbook accounts. He is asking for a $900 increase in conference and travel (offset by reductions) for his teachers to attend the NYS Middle School Association Conference in Niagara Falls next year. His faculty last attended such a conference six years ago, and Benson described it as an excellent opportunity for staff development.
       During the regular meeting trustees accepted the donation of a PC Pentium 3 computer by Connor Middle teacher Kay Saunders; approved notice of the public hearing (May 7) and budget vote (May 21); and okayed textbooks for teaching literacy according to NYS standards. They are a Scott Foresman series for K-1 and a MacMillan/MacGraw Hill series for grades 2-5.
       Jim Mazza, Community Education director and high school science teacher, reported on the success of the fall/winter session. The 989 participants enrolled represent a 200-student increase from last year. There are 65 evening classes and four at the Golden Age Center. In addition to regular evening classes the program offers Kids Basketball Club and ELA (English/Language Arts) Intervention.
       Connor Middle teacher Mary Fran Lovelace was recognized and congratulated for receiving the Maryalice Seagrave Award from the WNY Foreign Language Educators Council. The award is given annually to an outstanding classroom teacher "who is dedicated to the organization and to fostering foreign languages in general."
       In personnel action the resignation of bus driver Carol Jones was accepted and Andrew Dulak was granted an appointment as volunteer coach for JV boys lacrosse. Also approved were additions to substitute lists for the remainder of the year.
       Prior to the meeting trustees toured the Middle School and then heard and saw a presentation describing the team-teaching approach in 7th grade. Team members making the presentation were Dave Sherriff, science; Mike Zuch, social studies; Sandy Lamb, English; Sarah Bifaro, math; Sharon Costantini, foreign language. Presenters explained that team teaching allowed for coordination between subjects, such as coordinating reading assignments with social studies topics (Johnny Tremain and the Revolutionary War) and measurement in science and math.
       Trustees will hold a budget work session on Monday, March 18 at 7 p.m. in district office. The March 25 meeting has been canceled and the board will hold its next regular meeting at the Transportation Center on April 8 at 7 p.m. The following Monday there will be a work session, again at 7 p.m. in the district conference room. The April 22 meeting has been canceled and moved to Tuesday, April 23, at 7 p.m. at Connor Middle, at which time the BOCES budget and the 2002-2003 school budget will be approved.
       In Voice of the People following the meeting trustees again were questioned by audience members regarding the pace of the Capital Project. Kenneth Killian of White Tail Run asked several questions about the contract, specifically about the construction schedule, the details of the project, the schools involved, and the allocation of money.
       Board President Richard McCowan was abrupt with Killian, saying that since the district was currently in litigation with Cannon Design, it wasn't proper for anyone on the board or in the administration to answer his questions about the project since Killian is a Cannon employee.
       Board members and school officials have indicated they believe that those who questioned the project this week and in previous weeks have links to Cannon Design, the capital project's original architect who is suing the school district.
       The board had voted not to go ahead with Cannon's preliminary plans, instead bid for another architect, and hired Edwin Egan. Several of those who questioned the pace of the project also had been critical of Egan's abilities. Killian's daughter Amber, a former Cannon employee, next stood up to ask a question about Egan, was given a brief answer and then cut off by McCowan, who told her she couldn't say anything else.
       McCowan said that the school district's attorneys had told school officials not to discuss the capital project with Killian. He urged that people focus on the future and not on why the project had been delayed. After the meeting he praised Egan for his other work with the district, "The board has confidence in him. He performed well on our other projects, including the Middle School cafeteria addition and the Sidway renovation and addition. He's cooperative and he works carefully, maximizing our dollars."

    Board of Education Work Session Agenda - March 18, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - District Office Conference Room

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Budget Discussion
    Note: March 25 - canceled
    April 8 - Regular Business Meeting - Transportation Center

    School Board Agenda - March 11, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Middle School Little Theater

    6:30 p.m. - Middle School Program
    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 2/25/02
    6. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 2/14, 2/20, and 2/21/02
       B. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 3/6/02
    7. Business and Finance
       A.Approval of General, Cafeteria and Federal Fund Business Office and Data Center Checks - 1/8 and 1/23/02
       B.For your Information
          1) Treasurer's Report - January 2002
          2 Budget Transfers
    8. Personnel
       A. Personnel Status Report
       B. Resignations
       C. Appointments
    9. Board of Education
       A. Continuing Education
       B. Donation - Computer
       C. Textbook Adoption
       D. Approval of Notice of Public Hearing and Budget Vote
       E. Budget Presentation
    10. Next Meetings
       A. Monday, March 18, 2002 - Budget Work Session - 7:00 p.m. - District Office Conference Room
       B. Monday, March 25, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater
       C. Monday, April 8, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Transportation Center

    School Board Petitions Available
       Petitions to run for the Grand Island Board of Education are available from Nancy Sandford, District Clerk, beginning Monday, March 25, 2002 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There are two (2) three-year terms to be filled.
       The qualifications to run for the Board of Education are: (1) you must be a citizen of the U.S., (2) you must be at least 18 years of age, (3) you must be a resident of the district for one year prior to the election, and (4) you must be able to read and write.
       Petitions must be returned to the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 22, 2002.

    State Aid for Borrowing Delayed;
    Less Revenue for School Districts
    By Lee Cohen
       Monday, March 4 2002...
    There was little to discuss at Monday's workshop presentation of the elementary school budgets. All three reflected reductions in state aid.
     The greater part of the workshop was spent discussing the state's plan to stretch out its aid payments to school districts for their debt service.
       The state encouraged school districts to undertake capital projects. To do this, districts borrowed money to finance the projects and the state guaranteed to aid the districts in repaying the interest and the principal on the loans. In the past, districts could count on receiving their aid almost immediately. Now the governor has decided that aid payments will be drawn out over 30 years. In fact the first revenue payment for borrowing will not be received until 18 months after a project is approved. The change in aid payment affects not only capital projects but any bonded indebtedness.
       Assistant Superintendent Larry Schaller pointed out that many districts will have to refinance their loans to draw them out over a longer period and thus reduce their payments in any one year. But the cost of refinancing has gone "sky high" according to Schaller and that will increase a district's costs.
       Districts may have to stretch out capital projects because the cost of borrowing a large sum of money at one time could be prohibitive.
       Grand Island has very little debt, compared with other districts. There are three outstanding loans, one of which should be paid off next year, in addition to the Performance Contract. Schaller believes that refinancing the Performance Contract would have the smallest negative impact on the district's finances.

    Budget Process Begins with BOCES Presentation
    By Lee Cohen
       Monday, Feb. 25, 2002...
    The first round of the 2002-3 school budget process began with a presentation by Superintendent Paul Fields of Grand Island's participation in the BOCES program. He warned that the figures were preliminary and that trustees would have until April 1 to approve the budget.
       He noted that Albany will not increase funding for BOCES next year, although costs may be rising. Of the projected 11 percent increase, the largest amount is caused by additional students in special education programs, but that will be compensated for through federal dollars and a High Cost Aid reimbursement program. Other increases are in the district's alternative education program and the learning and technology program. Fields warned that there will have to be cuts in programs if funding is not found to compensate for increased costs.
       In other business trustees gave permission for Island students to participate in a four-day national wrestling tournament in Orlando at the beginning of January. Students would miss two days of school and the cost, approximately $850, would be fully funded by students and parents. The district will follow state guidelines for trips out of the area. The tournament had been held in Jamestown for the last two years.
       Jon Roth, director of athletics and physical education, was recognized for receiving the Niagara Frontier League Cornerstone Award from Grand Island and for being nominated to his high school's Athletic Wall of Fame (Tonawanda). Also receiving recognition was Kaegebein, which won a $500 grant from Exxonmobil through the efforts Sam Adymy of Sam Adymy's Service Center on Grand Island Blvd. Huth Road had the honor of being identified by New York State as a Western New York area school that had made the greatest improvement on the grade 4 ELA state assessment between 1999 and 2000. Huth was invited to make a presentation at a special program celebrating the achievement and discussing how their improvement was accomplished.
       A letter from State Senator Byron Brown was read congratulating the district for earning a check for $12,000 because of Performance Contract construction as part of the capital project.
       Trustees approved appointment of Mary Ann Kruk to the Community Education Advisory Board. A report on the program will be given at an upcoming meeting. Trustees also approved nomination of John Sherman and Janet McGregor Platt to the Erie 1 BOCES board of directors. The district Annual Report Card from the state will not be released until the end of March, Fields announced at the end of the meeting.
       In personnel action Lisa Morquecho was given child-care leave; permanent appointment were granted Jennifer Gill and Nancy Rizek, teachers aides; Deborah Mucci, cafeteria monitor; Hilda DeLong, cook manager and Barbara Darpino, cook.
       Trustees will be meeting every Monday in March. Budget reviews will be held in the district conference room on March 4 and 18, alternating with regular meetings (also with budget review) in the Connor Middle Little Theater on March 11 and 25, all at 7 p.m.

    School Board Agenda - February 25, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Middle School Little Theater

    6:30 p.m. - Middle School Program
    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order - Kaegebein Auditorium
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 2/11/02
    6. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 1/21, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 2/12 and 2/25/02
       B. Approval of Committee on Preschool Special Education Meeting Minutes - 2/15/02
    7. Business and Finance
       A.Treasure's Report - December, 2001
       B.Payroll - 2/8/02
    8. Personnel
       A. Personnel Status Report
       B. Termination
       C. Appointments
    9. Board of Education
       A. Wrestling Tournament - 2002-03 school year
       B. Erie 1 BOCES - Nomination of Two (2) board members
       C. Community Education Advisory Board appointment
       D. BOCES budget review
    10. Next Meetings
       A. Monday, March 4, 2002 - Budget Work Session - 7:00 p.m. - District Office Conference Room
       B. Monday, March 11, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater
       C. Monday, March 18, 2002 - Budget Work Session - 7:00 p.m. - District Office Conference Room
       D. Monday, March 25, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater

    Capital Project Estimated Costs Reduced by Three Million
    By Lee Cohen
       Monday, Feb. 11...
    School board members were told that the recently completed Performance Contract has saved the district approximately $3.2 million in Capital Project costs. Ken Swan, general manager from Building Controls & Services, Inc., presented trustees with a breakdown of the first phase of the Capital Project, its cost, and its guaranteed energy saving.
       The project cost $2.1 million; guaranteed savings are $127, 142 annually; and, in addition, the district will receive a $23,000 energy grant over two years from the state.
       The project included direct digital control systems at all schools; lighting system upgrades at Huth, Kaegebein, Connor Middle and the high school; roof replacement at old Sidway; energy efficient motors and boiler replacement at Huth, Connor Middle and the high school; and domestic water heater and kitchen booster heater replacements at Connor Middle and the high school. The swimming pool air handling unit also was replaced as were the windows at the Ransom road complex.
       The brief Monday night meeting, held at Kaegebein, included approval of the annual fire inspection appointment for H. Shay Fire Protection, Inc., at a cost of $1200, as well as approval of participation in Erie County bids for office supplies, equipment and furniture.
       In personnel action trustees granted permanent appointments to bus drivers Theresa Alizadeh, Beth Dommer, Kelli Porter, Kelly Watkins, and Karen Smith; to Bonnie DiSarno, RN; to clerk/typists Jane Boyle (high school), Sue Astridge (Connor Middle), and Jeannie Johnson (Sidway). Donna Spiker was granted a probationary school monitor appointment at Huth, and Carter Blair was named a substitute food service helper for the remainder of the year.
       The resignation of Bill Gugino as auto mechanic was accepted; Chris Simpson was approved as boys assistant varsity track coach, and Bill Brodie was granted a modified baseball coach appointment, both for the spring season.
       During Voice of the People Gail Lazenby, Grand Island Teachers Association president, who said he was speaking as a taxpayer and not because of his title, expressed his frustration with the slow pace of approval of Phase II of the Capital Project, and laid much of the blame with the State Education Department. "I've never personally found another bureauocracy that moves slowly like the SED."
       Lazenby was satisfied with the fact that the district did the Performance contract first. He intimated that there were other reasons for the delay, saying "I know we had an initial architectural burden that wasn't a good fit."
       The board will meet again on Monday, Feb. 25 at Connor Middle at 7 p.m.

    School Board Agenda - February 11, 2002

    7:00 P.M. - Kaegebein Elementary School Auditorium

    6:30 p.m. - Kaegebein Program
    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order - Kaegebein Auditorium
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 1/28/02
    6. Business and Finance
       A. Extra Curricular Activity Fund - High School - December 2001
       B. Payroll - 1/25/02
       C. Revenues - November and December 2001
       D. Investments
    7. Personnel
       A. Status Report
       B. Appointments
    8. Board of Education
       A. Erie County Bid
          1) Office supplies, Equipment and Furniture
       B. Annual Fire Inspection appointment
    9. Next Meetings
       A. Monday, February 25, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater

    Capital Project Wins State Approval
    By Lee Cohen

       Monday, January 28, 2002. . .Superintendent Paul Fields announced to a large audience at Monday night’s school board meeting that the district had received written approval for the second phase of the capital project. The district will now go ahead to prepare bid specifications and then put the project out for bid.
       Trustees approved the 2002-2003 budget calendar, which will begin at the Feb. 25, 2002 meeting with the presentation of the BOCES budget, as well as other reviews. Presentations will continue every Monday in March, beginning with a work session on the 4th for the program section of the budget. The meeting scheduled during spring break on the 25th could be changed to another date, however. At that meeting the budget will be reviewed, propositions determined, and approval given for the budget hearing and vote. Budget approval by the board is scheduled for April 22 at a special meeting. There will be a budget hearing on May 5 and the budget vote will be held May 21.
       Highlight of the meeting was recognition of nine scholar/athlete teams, introduced by Jon Roth, athletic director. Of 11 fall sports teams, nine received scholar/athlete recognition. Students on each team were introduced and received their scholar/athlete pin. For the first time, the football team achieved scholar/athlete status. To be recognized a team’s academic average has to reach 90 percent, and a specific number of team members also must have an average of at least 90 percent. Teams recognized, and their coaches, include tennis (John Roth), gymnastics (Tammy Lewis), girls swimming (Mike Murray), volleyball (Daneen Gallagher), boys cross-country and girls cross country (Don Sauer), golf ( Craig Warthling), girls soccer (Peter Prozik ), and football (Dean Santorio).
       Singled out for special mention were students Alison Siehnel, who won the individual sportsmanship award; Kevin Buzzelli and Carl Bullock, who went on to state in cross country; Joe Pasqualichio and Robyn Kania, who were named to the all WNY academic team; Chris Martello, Savannah Stolzenburg and Jamie Doherty, who made it to all-state in soccer. Martello also was named to the all-region team, which includes New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Grand Island once again won the Section 6 sportsmanship award.
       In personnel action Carol Tamaklo was appointed probationary registered professional nurse at the high school and introduced to the board. Tracy Shores' short-term special ed. substitute teacher position was extended to the end of the year. Spring coaches were appointed as follows: baseball: Dean Santorio, varsity; Jeff Johnston, JV; Bill Brodie, modified; softball: Dave Kelly, varsity; Dave Bowman, JV; Art Meaney, modified; track (girls): Andy Curtis, head; Craig Davis, assistant; (boys): Don Sauer, head; boys lacrosse: Bill Riffel, varsity; Steve Steck, JV; varsity tennis: Don Pray; girls lacrosse, Lee Ann Knopfke.
       In other action trustees approved entering into Erie 1 BOCES cooperative bidding for computer supplies and equipment, ribbon/cartridges, AV supplies and equipment and tires. They then passed a resolution to participate in Erie 2 BOCES cooperative bidding for musical instruments.
       The board will next meet on Monday, Feb. 11 at Kaegebein at 7 p.m.

    School Board Agenda - January 28, 2002
    7:00 P.M. - High School Sr. Cafeteria

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order - High School Sr. Cafeteria
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 1/14/02
    6. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 1/7, 1/8, 1/11, 1/15 and 1/17/02
    7. Business and Finance
       A. Approval of General, Cafeteria and Federal Fund Business Office and Data Center Checks - 12/12 and 12/18/01
       B. For Your Information
          1) Budget Transfers
          2) Payroll Information - 1/11/02
          3) Extra Classroom Activity Fund - Connor Middle School - 12/31/01
    8. Personnel
       A. Status Report
       B. Resignations
    9. Board of Education
       A. BOCES Co-operative Bids
          1) Computer supplies and equipment
          2) Ribbon/cartridges
          3) Audio Visual supplies and equipment
          4) Tires
       B. Resolution to participate in Erie2 BOCES Co-operative bidding
       C. Erie2 BOCES Bid
          1) Musical instruments
       D. 2002-03 Budget Calendar
    10. Next Meetings
       A. Monday, February 11, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Kaegebein Auditorium

    State Trooper Assigned to Island as School Resource Officer

    From left: Trooper Robert L. Sawicki, School & Community Outreach Coordinator; Jack Weisenborn, director of special services for the school district; Chris Pyc, School Resource Officer for Grand Island.

    By Lee Cohen

       Monday, January 14, 2002. . .Grand Island is one of only 35 districts in the state to be awarded a grant for s School Resource Officer (SRO). Chris Pyc, an Island resident and Class of ’81 graduate, has been assigned from the New York State Police to serve as SRO here. He will be in uniform and will work with staff as well as students. Only five districts in Western New York were successful in obtaining the four-year grant.
       Superintendent Paul Fields praised Jack Weisenborn, director of special services, for his quick, thorough work in applying for the grant. The fact that Pyc, a 13-year state police veteran, is an Island resident and has worked here helped clinch the grant and his assignment here.
       Pyc explained to trustees that he would serve in a counselor/teacher/police officer persona. “There is no set program. I will be working with the principals to set up whatever works in each building.” One of his goals is for students to see him in a proactive rather than reactive way and to know that he is here to help. At Connor Middle he will be focusing on bullying, drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence. “Working to prevent problems is better than reacting after the event,” he said. Replying to a question regarding what it was like when he was in school, Pyc said that the climate had changed. There are more two-income families and less supervision.”
       In other business the annual varsity baseball trip to Florida during spring break was approved, with the comment that it had been an annual event since the mid eighties. Students will be funding the trip themselves. The second reading of three policies: Internet Control Filtering, Home Instruction (Permanent) and Incidental Teaching was heard and the policies approved.
       In personnel action teaching assistant Mike Dunlop was granted a leave of absence; Jodie Swain was granted an extension of her short-term substitute special education teacher position. Granted permanent appointments as senior clerk typists were Sue Carter and Debbie Moriarty. Robin Higgins and Sylvia Connors were appointed probationary teacher aides; Colleen King, probationary cleaner.
       The board will meet again on January 28 at 7 p.m. in the Middle School Little Theater and twice in February, on the 11th (at Kaegebein) and the 25th.

    Capital Project Pace Questioned

       During Voice of the People at the close of the board meeting the large crowd in attendance heard James Mulcahy of West River, shout at trustees, accusing them and the administration of misleading the public about the progress of the capital project. He told board members they should resign and that they should fire the administration for "conning" the public because, he said, 32 months after the project had been approved by the voters, approval had not been obtained from Albany.
       Mulcahy had in his possession a letter written in August to Superintendent Paul Fields by Thomas Robert from the state's Office of Facilities Planning highly critical of the district's architect, Edwin Egan (Egan is the same architect who handled the Sidway addition), and rejecting his plans as including too many code violations. Egan had been selected as the architect after the school board decided not to employ Cannon Design, which had made the initial proposal for the capital project. Mulcahy stated that the superintendent had said during Voice of the People in September that the capital project was undergoing "final review," and asked how that could be so, considering the August letter. Fields denied trying to "con" the public, saying that the district was in the process of addressing the state's concerns as part of the review process.
    Although voters approved the $18.4 million capital project in 1999, the district did not submit a letter of intent for the second phase of the capital project, (which was what Mulcahy was discussing) to the State Education Department until two years later (March 2001).
       The vote had been held in 1999 so that the district would qualify for an additional 10 percent in state aid that was being offered at that time. The 2001 submission will not affect that 10 percent figure, Board President Richard McCowan stated. "The state will honor that."
       "We separated the capital project into two parts," Fields explained. "The second phase was deliberately delayed to enable us to undertake first a $2.1 million energy savings performance contract, which was recently completed, allowing us to reduce our heating and energy costs."
       That project was responsible for new reduced-heat-loss windows at the Ransom Road complex, new boilers at Huth and Ransom Road, new heating and venting systems, as well as replacement of lighting fixtures at Huth Road, plus a new roof for the old section of Sidway. The second phase of the capital project deals with construction and improvements at the Ransom Road complex, particularly at the high school.
       "There was no 32 month delay in approval for the second phase," McCowan stated, "because the letter of intent was not submitted until March."

    School Board Agenda - January 14, 2002
    7:00 P.M. - High School Cafeteria

    1. 7 P.M. - Call to Order - High School Cafeteria
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Voice of the People
    4. Correspondence
    5. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes - 12/10/01
    6. Pupil Services
       A. Approval of Committee on Special Education Meeting Minutes - 12/11, 12/13 and 12/20/01
    7. Business and Finance
       A. Approval of General, Cafeteria and Federal Fund Business Office and Data Center Checks - 11/16 and 11/28/01
       B. For Your Information
          1) Budget Transfers
          2) Payroll Information - 12/14 and 112/28/01
          3) Treasurer's Report - November, 2001
    8. Personnel
       A. Personnel Status Report
       B. Resignations
       C. Appointments
    9. Board of Education
       A. School Resource Officer introduction and presentation
       B. Varsity Baseball trip
       C. Policies - 2nd reading
          1) Internet Control Filtering
          2) Home Instruction (Permanent Instruction)
          3) Incidental Teaching
    10. Next Meetings
       A. Monday, January 28, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater
       B. Monday, February 11, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Kaegebein Elementary School
       C. Monday, February 25, 2002 - Regular Business Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Middle School Little Theater

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