2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072
fax: 716-773-5792
Karen A. Cammarata - Business Manager businessmgr@adelphia.net
716-773-7647 ext #104
Office: Sandy Beyer or Helen Lemme - 716-773-7647 ext #100 -
ststephenswny@adelphia.net Mission: To enable the people of Grand Island to encounter Jesus by sharing Word and Sacrament with a loving concern for one another. Events: Daily Mass Monday - Friday 7:30 A.M. and 12:05 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M., and 4:30 P.M. Sunday 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Open to All Help: Promote and support our church and promote and support the events that we sponsor! Strengths: A strong, stable, faith filled community that has open arms for all who enter through our doors.
St. Stephen's Church Home Show Coming To St. Stephen's - 2009 Parishioners of St. Stephen's Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island will present a Home Show at the church this weekend. Schedule follows:
Saturday, April 18 - 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, April 19 - 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
A multitude of vendors will display their products and services "and there are sure to be some special offers being made for purchases made during the show." Among the long list of products to be featured are decorative glass doors, Corian and Zodiac counter tops, foam insulation, draperies and accessories, home improvements and additions, and concrete work. The Show is open to the public.
St. Stephen's Church Ladies of Charity Book Bag Program - 2009 Every year the Buffalo Diocese, Ladies of Charity distributes school supplies to needy children, ages 5 - 17 who are referred to them by Catholic Charities case workers. Some are from low income families, victims of house fires and new immigrants to our country. This program was started about 10 years ago with 50 requests. Last year, Catholic Charities helped over 630 children be prepared for September and throughout the school year. (New) School Supplies Needed
#2 pencils
ballpoint pens
primary & regular crayons
magic markers
loose leaf paper
composition notebooks
folders, colored pencils
glue, rulers
scissors, 3 ring binders
sm. tissue packages, combs
This is a Spring Project for families, school children, discussion and prayer groups or anyone wishing to assist the Ladies of Charity. Place your donations in a specially marked box in the St. Stephen's narthex, from April 1 - May 5. Monetary donations are also accepted and supplies will be purchased. For more information, call Angelo and Barbara LaDuca, 773-2888. Supplies may also be dropped off at 139 Parkview Dr., Grand Island.
Catholic Charities Drive 2009 Begins on Island Committee members shown from left are Carla Schory, Maria Schory, Fr. Nogaro, Dan Linenfelser, Jo Ann Linenfelser and Ted Korkuc.
Click photo for larger view March 19, 2009 . . . Julie Kramer, Supervisor for Catholic Charities, spoke at all masses at Saint Stephen's Church this weekend (Mar. 14-15) about the upcoming Catholic Charities Drive. She talked about the increased pressure being felt by Catholic Charities this year because of the current economic problems. Ms. Kramer said that last year over 160,000 people in eight counties were assisted by Catholic Charities, and the number will probably go up this year.
This year's drive runs from March 29 to April 5 and the goal is $11,000,000. Contributions may be made at the next three weekend masses or by contacting the rectory at 773 7647.
St. Stephen's 10th Annual Golf Challenge - 2008
Golf committee (from left) Laurie Kalman, Jude Kuehne, Ross Kaiser, Dick Crawford, John Dickenson, Kevin Slachiak, Lisa Coughlin and Pattie Frentzel
Click photo for larger view
This year's Golf Challenge will take place on Monday, October 6th at River Oaks Golf Club with lunch and the driving range at 11 a.m. and a shot gun start at 12 noon. Everyone is invited to join in the fun of this event as either a golfer, event sponsor, prize contributor or volunteer. Guests are also welcome to attend the evening dinner banquet and spectacular auction.
Per golfer cost is $125 if paid by September 22nd ($150 after this date); Dinner only is $45.
Sponsor opportunities begin at $100 for a tee sign and increase for sponsorship of contests and the day's activities. Prize donations of ANY variety are greatly appreciated and will support the Chinese and silent auctions. All proceeds to benefit St. Stephen's School athletic program.
Contact Karen Conboy at 773-7476 or kikiconboy@aol.com for complete details.
Hoopla Basketball Tournament Is Saturday - 2008 See Hoopla Form/Information 2008.
It is not too late to sign up for the 4th Annual Hoopla 3 on 3 Tournament to be held this Saturday, August 9, 2008!
Teams can be of 3 or 4 players - We are currently offering a Pre-Tournament - Special.
If you register by Friday, August 8, 2008, and pay the original fee of $75.00 per team, we will give your team a $15.00 Voucher for Food at the event.
Or you can choose to pay only $60.00 per team and then be on your own and purchase refreshments as you would like them at the event.
We will have plenty of Power Ade, Water, Pop, Sahlens Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chips, and plenty of snacks!!!!
This is such a nice event and is very family oriented, just some good clean fun!
Each player will receive a Tournament T-Shirt and the top team in each bracket will receive trophies!
Please come and join us for a great day of fun here on Sunny Grand Island!
ALPHA at St. Stephen’s, Grand Island - 2008
(seated) Beryl Kinney, Cheri Martin; (standing) John Martin, Dan Passanese, Tom Becker.
Click photo for larger view
St. Stephen’s Church, 2100 Baseline Road will host its fourteenth Alpha program. This is a 10-week course that presents some of the basic teachings of the Christian faith. Each meeting begins with a simple meal followed by a video on a subject central to the Christian faith. It is an opportunity for adults of all backgrounds to explore the meaning of life in a safe, fun and non-threatening atmosphere.
The course begins Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the hospitality room at St. Stephen's and continues for 10 Tuesday evenings. There is a $5 book fee.
See Alpha Introduction
See Alpha Registration & More
To register, call Virginia at 774-2719.
Hoopla Basketball Tournament - 2008 See Hoopla Form/Information 2008.
The 4th Annual Island Hoopla Professionally run 3 on 3 Basketball tournament
will be held on Saturday, August 9, 2008. Games begin at 9:30 a.m. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
All participants will receive a T-Shirt and Trophies will be awarded to all tops teams in each bracket.
Team of four can register for only $75.00
Held at St. Stephen’s Church Grounds
2100 Baseline Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
For additional Information call: 773-7647
Or E-Mail: businessmgr@roadrunner.com
To download your registration form visit our website at www.ststephensgi.org
Ages Brackets for boys & girls, men & women range from 11 & under up to over 40! No one is too young or too old to participate in this event. Everyone can be a spectator! Are you a player? Here’s you chance to come and show off your talents! This is a great community and family event.
"We will have amazing food hot off the grill available and plenty of beverages to keep you cool!" a spokesman for the tournament said this week.
Ladies of Charity Book Bag Program - 2009 Every year the Buffalo Diocese, Ladies of Charity distributes school supplies to needy children, referred to them by Catholic Charities case workers. Years ago they gave out 150 book bags, later 300 and last year over 600 books bags with school supplies were given to children, ages 3-17 in time for the start of the next school year. Book bags are also given throughout the school year as needs arrive.
The Grand Island community is invited to join St. Stephen's Advent/Lent Small Faith Group with this project. Needed are "new" pens, pencils, markers, erasers, crayons, colored pencils, folders, lined paper, comp. notebooks, glue, scissors, highlighters, 3-ring binders, rulers, combs and small tissue packages. Donations should be placed in a specially marked box in the St. Stephen's narthex from April 12 through May 7. Monetary donations are also accepted and supplies will be purchased in bulk. Call Angelo and Barbara LaDuca, 773-2888, for more information or to drop off at 139 Parkview Dr, Grand Island.
Catholic Charities Drive 2008 Begins on Island Committee members shown from left are Sue Robinson, Carla Schory, Don Merritt, Jo Ann Linenfelser, Dan Linenfelser, Fr. Paul Nogaro, Kathleen Murphy, Mary Merritt, Dominic De Feo and Maria Schory.
Click photo for larger view February 25, 2008 . . . Kathleen Murphy, Social Worker for the Niagara Falls Family Services Office, spoke at all the masses at St. Stephens Church this past weekend about the upcoming Catholic Charities Drive. She said that many people need the help of Catholic Charities. Last year over 160,000 received assistance, 14,000 from Niagara County and some from Grand Island. Ms. Murphy said all gifts, no matter how small, are important, quoting Mother Theresa, "We cannot do great things, only small things with love."
The 2008 Appeal runs from March 9 - March 16 and the goal is $11,200,000. Contributions may be made at weekend services or by contacting the rectory at 773 7647.
Spaghetti Dinner, Basket Raffle at St. Stephen's - 2007 St. Stephen's Holy Name Society will hold a spaghetti dinner from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, October 28, 2007 in St. Stephen School. A large screen TV will be available for watching the Bills game. The St. Stephen's Altar Society will host a basket raffle in conjunction with the dinner. The baskets will be displayed at the school entrance and the winner need not be present to win. Great baskets include a digital camera and a women's bike ("gotta be in it to win!"). Raffle ticket prices are single/$1 or 6/$5.
Haunted House Fund Raiser at St. Stephen's School - 2007 A Haunted House Fund Raiser will be held at St. Stephen School, 2080 Baseline Road, Grand Island from noon to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 13th and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, October 14th. Tickets are for sale by calling the rectory, 773-7647 or Helen, 909-5859 or Bill, 773-4920 and after all the masses on the weekend of October 6-7th. Tickets will also be available at the door. Ticket prices are $5.00 for ages 12 to adult, $3.00 for ages 6 to 11, and children 5 and under are free.
St. Stephen's Parish Annual Fall Festival - September 2007 The annual Fall Festival to benefit St. Stephen's Church will be held Saturday, September 29, 2007 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The festival is family oriented and everyone is welcome. The schedule of events follows:
9 a.m. to 6 p.m - Farmers Market - apples, cider, pumpkins, hay bales, corn stalks & mums
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Bake Sale
10 a.m. to 11 a.m - Costume Parade (2 tickets)
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Story Telling (2 tickets)
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. - lunch
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. - hot dogs and hamburgers
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. - games (1 ticket each)
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. - Face painting (2 tickets)
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Pumpkin painting (4 tickets)
1 p.m. to 10 p.m. - Haunted House!
Tickets, 12 for $5, will be available at the door for all events.
Also featured will be a Split Club Raffle and Silent Auction on Gift Baskets.
The Famous Chicken Chowder, Chili and Salad Bar will be open from 4 p.m. to 8 pm. in the cafeteria. All you can eat - seniors $7; adults $8; children ages 5 to 12, $5; and 4 years and under eat free.
Chowder and Chili will available for sale all day with chicken chowder at $6/quart and $10/1/2 Gallon and $18/gallon.
Chili will be sold at $8/quart while supplies last.
St. Stephen's Golf Challenge - 2007 St. Stephen's Golf Challenge, in its 9th year, will be held Monday, October 1st, 2007 at River Oaks Golf Club, Whitehaven Rd., Grand Island. The event is sponsored by Abraxis Pharmaceutical Products, Benefiting Youth and Community Development. Schedule follows:
10:30 a.m. - Registration, Lunch & Driving Range
12:00 noon - Shotgun Start
5:30 p.m. - Cocktail Reception
6:30 p.m. - Banquet, Awards Ceremony & Auction
Cost is $150 per golfer ($125 if paid by Sept. 15th), $45 per guest Evening Reception and Dinner banquet only. Register by email to kikiconboy@aol.com
For availability of sponsorship levels, contact Karen Conboy, 773-7476.
St. Stephen's Footprints Of God Series - September 2007
St. Stephen's Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY will host the latest in the "The Footprints of God" series - David/Solomon - Expanding The Kingdom - in a two-part series Wednesday evenings September 19 and September 26 from 7-9 p.m. in the parish hospitality Room. The series is free and there will be time for discussion following.
Why is Jesus called the Son of David and why is that important to understanding Him? Join the adventure as popular author, speaker and bible teacher Steve Ray, takes you on an exciting journey through ancient Israel following the songs of David and Solomon. Discover how David and Solomon prefigured (or foreshadows) the life of Christ. Retrace the footprints of the warrior king and his royal son to better understand the roots of our faith and the Church.
ALPHA at St. Stephen’s, Grand Island - 2007
While the worldwide Alpha Program has its roots in England, the course’s Grand Island roots are at St. Stephen’s Church, 2100 Baseline Road. The church will host its thirteenth program since beginning the study in September 2001. This Autumn’s program will begin Tuesday, September 11, 2007 from 6:30 to 9:30 in the hospitality room and run every Tuesday except Thanksgiving week until December 4, 2007.
Alpha presents some of the basic teachings of the Christian faith. It is an opportunity for adults of all backgrounds to explore the meaning of life in a safe, fun and non-threatening atmosphere. Alpha began in London over 25 years ago and is now offered all over the world in thousands of churches in virtually all denominations.
Virginia Mariani and her husband are long-time members of the Alpha group. “It is educational as well as inspirational. We have many dedicated parishioners and those from other parishes as well who are devoted to using this program to not only tell others about Jesus, but to lead them to know Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well as God the Father,” Mariani said. “During catechism, you learn about your faith at a certain level. Alpha takes you to the next level as an adult.”
Each evening begins with a meal, followed by worship in song, a video presentation on a subject central to the Christian faith and then a small group discussion. The video presentations explain the Gospel clearly, in a way that is relevant for today. Discussions include ‘Who is Jesus?’, ‘Why did Jesus die?’, ’Why and How Should I Read the Bible?’ and ‘How Can I Overcome Evil?‘ among others. The small groups provide a chance to discuss issues raised during the talks.
Alpha is for anyone and everyone who wonders, “Does God really love me?” Can I re-kindle or deepen my faith? Grow in the love and knowledge of God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit? Alpha is for anyone who has unanswered questions such as ‘What happens when I die?'
These are some comments we received from those who participated: “This program affected me profoundly. It impressed upon me the love of my Lord, and opened my heart and mind. I did not believe it could happen to me.” Another, “It filled a void I was looking for. I feel complete.” And, “Before I was guilt ridden. Now I am at peace.” “Before this program, I did not understand the role of the Holy Spirit in my life and that He has always been with me.” “The language of the videos is sensible, simple, and truthful. I feel I can tell others now.”
Adults of all ages are welcome. If you are not sure, try the first two sessions and bring a friend. There is no obligation. There is a $5.00 book fee. A simple meal is provided. To register, call Virginia Mariani at 774-2719. Alpha is non-denominational and so people of all faiths are welcome. You may visit the website at www.alphausa.org.
St. Stephen's Hosts Footprints Of God Series - 2007
St. Stephen's Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY will host a Bible Study from the series of "The Footprints of God: Mary: The Mother Of God." This two-evening study will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9 and Wednesday, May 16 in the Hospitality Room at St. Stephen's Church.
In this presentation, we will follow Mary's extraordinary journey on location in Israel, Turkey, and Greece with Catholic author and speaker Steve Ray as our guide. Together we'll travel the dusty paths that took Mary to the heart of the salvation story. Discovering Mary will help us know and love her Son. We'll clearly understand Mary's Immaculate Conception, her role as intercessor, her Assumption into heaven, and more. A high-impact adventure that's a travel documentary, biography, Bible study, apologetics course, and Church history all rolled into one! Come celebrate Mary's month of May with us. We suggest you pick up a study guide ($1) and register at the Rectory (773-7647). You will also need a Bible and a Catechism of the Catholic Church.
St. Stephen's New Hour of Power Experience - Update - 2007
The next Hour of Power Experience at St. Stephen will be held Sunday, April 29 in the main church with soup served from 5 to 6 p.m. and main attraction to follow from 6 to 7 p.m. The presentation this month is the Parable of the Good Samaritan.An "Experience" for Everyone! Big and Little!
St. Stephen's Host Lenten Fish Fries - 2007
St. Stephen's Church will host Lenten fish fries from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, March 23 and Friday, March 30 in St. Stephen School cafeteria. Early bird admission will be given to senior citizens at 4:30 p.m. and take-out is available from 4:30-7 p.m.
St. Stephen's New Hour of Power Experience - 2007
The next Hour of Power Experience at St. Stephen will be held Sunday, April 1 in the main church. Soup will be served from 5 to 6 p.m. with the Experience to follow from 6 to 7 p.m. (This is a time change from the previous month.) The presentation this month is the Parable of the Sower. Puppet Show with children's action songs.
Catholic Charities Drive 2007 Begins on Island - 2007 Committee members shown from left are Maria Schory, Erin Hamblin, Fr. Paul Nogaro, Jo Ann Linenfelser, Dan Linenfelser and Dana Spinelli. March 15, 2007 . . .Erin Hamblin, and Dana Spinelli, of Catholic Charities, spoke about the upcoming Catholic Charities Drive at all masses at St. Stephen's Church over the weekend of March 10-11, 2007. Ms. Hamblin and Mrs. Spinelli, who work in the MST Program helping teens solve their problems, pointed out that last year Catholic Charities assisted over 180,000 people in the eight counties of Western New York. Fr. Paul Nogaro, pastor of St. Stephen's Church said that this year the parish already collected over $50,000, before the drive has officially begun. Last year the parish collected over $178,000 towards the Diocesan goal. Contributions may be made at weekend masses or dropped off at the rectory.
St. Stephen's New Hour of Power Experience - 2007
Enter into old Jerusalem as stories from the Bible come to life with the new Hour of Power Experience at St. Stephen's Church, 2100 Baseline Road. The upcoming live episode, "Woman at the Well" (John 4:4-42), will take place from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 11, 2007 in the main church. Come early and enjoy a bowlful of warm soup from 5:30-6:30 p.m. There will be macaroni and cheese for the younger folks. The "Experience" is for every family!
St. Stephen's Hosts Footprints Of God Series - 2007
St. Stephen's Church, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY will host another incredible journey into "The Footprints of God Series - Jesus: The word became flesh." This Bible study will be held on Wednesday evenings, March 14 and 21st at St. Stephen's Church Hospitality Room from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
How could a laborer who chiseled rocks and cut wood forgive sins, heal the sick and raise the dead? Who was this first-century carpenter who changed the whole course of history-eternity? As he trudged the dusty paths of Israel, he was worshiped as God; as he performed signs that revealed his divinity, he was executed as a traitor. Join us in this DVD presentation by Steve Ray, best-selling author and popular Bible teacher, as he takes us on an incredible journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb, to the Resurrection and Pentecost. During this Lenten season gain a deeper appreciation for our Savior and the salvation he purchased for the world. To register, call St. Stephen's Rectory, 773-7647. You may also pick up a comprehensive study guide there for #1. The rectory is located at the Church, 2100 Baseline Road.
St. Stephens Lenten Mission - February 2007
St. Stephens Lenten Mission - Coming soon to the Catholic Church near you. Parishioners of St. Stephen's Church on Baseline Road will hold an eight-day retreat during Lent from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. each evening from Saturday, February 24th through Saturday, March 3rd. The "Mission" will provide a different topic every night, along with food and conversation. For more information or to register, call 773-7649 and ask for Helen or Sandy.
St. Stephen's Evening of Wine & Roses Valentine Dinner Dance - 2007 This 14Kt Custom White, Red and Green Gold Heart Pendant on an 18" Yellow Gold Anchor Link chain, donated by deSignet International www.raru.com (value $399.00) will be included in the numerous raffles taking place at
St. Stephen School's "An Evening of Wine and Roses" dinner dance from 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 10 at the school, 2080
Baseline Road. Scroll down for complete information on this Valentine Dinner dance to benefit the St. Stephen School scholarship fund.
St. Stephen's Evening of Wine & Roses Dinner Dance - 2007
Valentine Dinner Dance St. Stephen School will sponsor An Evening of Wine and Roses dinner dance on Saturday, February 10 from 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at St. Stephen School, 2080
Baseline Road. The Valentine Dinner Dance will benefit the scholarship fund of the school. Dinner will
include hors d’oeuvres and strip steak or chicken. Music will be
provided by the Pyramid Band, playing the big band sound, easy – listening
and contemporary hits. The evening will include an opportunity to taste a
variety of wines that will compliment the foods served.
In addition, there will be raffles on a necklace fashioned by an
deSignet International, theater tickets, restaurant certificates, and an overnight
getaway for two. Single tickets at $25 and $50/couple will be available after weekend
Contact Linda, 773-2251 or Mary, 773-4908 (wait until the A.M. message
ends) for more details.