Sunday school during the 10:30 a.m. service
Professional Child Care provided during the 10:30 service
St. Timothy Church - Fall 2010 Sunday Sept 19 from Noon until 5pm members of St. Timothy Church will hold their 3rd annual Spaghetti dinner at the Church in the Fellowship hall. Dinner includes Spaghetti and Meatballs, Salad, Bread and Butter and Dessert and Beverages. Prices are $6.00 for Adults and $3.00 for Children ages 12 and under. There will be Basket Raffles. Sunday, October 17 at 10:30 am St Timothys will be hosting once again the Nationally Known Skyline Boys Gospel Quartet... Please join us for this uplifting musical event. A Free will offering will be collected and Pot Luck Lunch will follow the Service.
St. Timothy Chicken BBQ - May 2010
St. Timothy Lutheran Church and Childcare Center, 1453 Staley Road, is holding a Krolick's chicken bbq on May 8, 2010 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. Chicken dinners are $8.00 and rib dinners are $11.00. Tickets may be purchased at the Childcare center in advance or at the door. Rib tickets are presale only. All dinners include two sides, beverage and dessert. Eat in or take out is available. Call 773-9249 or 773-4400 for additional information.
St. Timothy Potluck & Pound Auction - Feb. 2010
Enjoy a winter afternoon at St. Timothy annual salad bar potluck luncheon and pound auction at noon, Saturday February 6 at the church, 1453 Staley Road at Stony Point. Bring any kind of salad and a pound of something cleverly wrapped and money to bid with. Proceeds also supported by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to help Passage House Helping Abused Women and Children. R.S.V.P. by calling 773-6096.
21 Days Of Renewal Bible Study at St. Timothy Church - 2009
Pastor Dean Hunneshagen of St. Timothy Lutheran Church will lead a "21 Days of Renewal" bible study on Wednesdays, starting September 9, 2009. The Bible study is open to everyone, ages 11 to Adult (grade 6 and up) and all churches are welcome to participate. There will be child care provided at no charge. See Wednesday Format Schedule for complete information.
Skyline Boys Southern Gospel Quartet To Perform at St. Timothy Church - 2009
Parishioners of St Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church invite the community to hear the Skyline Boys Southern Gospel Quartet at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, June 21 in the church. This is a free concert with a free will donation and a brunch will follow. For more information call 716-773-4400. "We hope that everyone will take part in this glorious concert and share with us the ministry of music."
St. Timothy's Third Annual Chicken & Rib Dinner - 2009
The third annual chicken and rib dinner by Krolick's will take place at St. Timothy Church from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, May 9. The church is located at 1453 Staley Road right behind Tim Horton's. The ticket price is $8.00 for the chicken dinner. The cost of the pre-sale only rib dinner it is $11.00. The dinners come with two sides, rolls, beverage, and dessert. Both dinners are either eat in or take out. "WE SELL OUT - BUY EARLY. Last year we sold 375 chicken and 75 rib dinners." To purchase tickets call 773-4400 or 773-9249.
St. Timothy Spaghetti Dinner - 2009
St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church will host its 2nd annual Spaghetti Dinner from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, March 22, 2009. Cost is $7/adults, $5/ages 4-12 and 3 and under free. For presale tickets call 773-4400. Tickets will be available at the door. Take-outs will be available and there will be door prizes. Proceeds to benefit Community Missions of Niagara Falls. This fundraiser is supported by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
St. Timothy Youth Offer Holiday Childcare - 2008
Would you like an afternoon out to Christmas shop, wrap or bake cookies without your kids? The St. Timothy Youth Group would like to help watch your kids (no infants, please) on Saturday, December 13 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road, Grand Island. We will have crafts, face painting, games, cookie decorating, movies, etc. A Free Will offering will be accepted as all proceeds will help support their mission trip in 2009.
St. Timothy Youth Group
Do you Hate Returning Cans and Bottles, Or Just Throw Them Out? - 2008
The St. Timothy Lutheran Youth Group would LOVE THEM to support their mission trip next year! Please call Karen Rose at 774-1228 or Jim Smith at 774-8039 for a pick up or kindly drop them off in front of St. Timothy Lutheran Church at 1453 Staley Road. (If you would please leave your name and address, our youth will mail you a donation receipt for your taxes). "Please help us . . . help others . . . any way we can! Thank you in advance for your support!"
St. Timothy Announces Rummage Sale - July 12, 2008
Parishioners of St. Timothy Lutheran Church will hold a Rummage Sale
from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 12. All proceeds will benefit the STLC Youth Mission Trip later in July and items unsold will be donated to the Community Missions in Niagara Falls. Those wishing to donate items to sell (instead of throwing it out or having a garage sale of your own), are asked to call Karen at 774-1228.
BBQ Chicken and Ribs Dinner At St. Timothy Church - 2008
A BBQ Chicken and Ribs dinners at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, corner of Staley and Stony Point roads, will be held from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 10. Chicken dinners are $8.00 and Rib dinners are $10.50 (presale only). "You get two sides, dessert, and a beverage with your dinners." Eat in and take out orders are available. It is advisable to purchase tickets early as this dinner usually sells out with over 373 dinners sold last year. Tickets may be purchased by calling the day care, 773-9249 or the church office at 773-4400.
Spaghetti Dinner At St. Timothy Church - April 2008
St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church will hold a spaghetti dinner from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 27, 2008. Take out will be available and the event will feature door prizes. Costs follow:
Adults - $7
Ages 3-13 - $5
Under 3 years - free
For presale tickets, call 773-4400. Tickets will be available at the door. Proceeds to benefit The Music Ministry and The Community Missions of Niagara Falls. See St. Timothy "Flyer."
Community Healing Service At St. Timothy Church - 2007
This past year and particularly this summer has been difficult for many people on Grand Island. Beloved friends and family members have died through illness and tragic accidents. St. Timothy Lutheran Church located at 1453 Staley Road would like to offer a Service for Prayer and Healing on Sunday evening, October 28 at 7 p.m.
"We would like to invite the entire community to join us for this evening. What will the service be like? We will sing songs of healing, read scripture, hear words of reflection and offer corporate prayers. There will also be opportunities for individual prayer with the laying on of hands and anointing with oil."
"Please join us, and bring a friend. We pray that this will be a night of renewal and peace for all."
Krolick's Chicken BBQ and Ribs Dinner At St. Timothy Church - 2007
A Krolick's Chicken BBQ and Ribs Dinner will be held at St. Timothy Lutheran Church And Child Care Center,
1453 Staley Road from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, May 12. Eat in or Take out at $7.50 Presale and $8.00 at door. BBQ Ribs available presale only at $10.50. For tickets, call 773-4400 (church) between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. or call 773-9249 (child care center) between 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
St. Timothy Announces New Pastor - April 2006
The congregation of St. Timothy Lutheran Church welcomed their new pastor, Mary Anne Nelson-Loefke during Palm Sunday (April 9) services at the church. Rev. Nelson-Loefke, who has lived in Western New York for 11 years, was originally from the plains of South Dakota, growing up in a farming community. She graduated from a little high school in Springfield, South Dakota with a graduating class of 33, and went on to attend Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD where she completed two master's degrees, one in Theatre and one in Music, Applied Voice.
For the next 8 years, Rev. Nelson-Loefke pursued a career in acting and singing, performing in clubs and regional theatres across the Midwest. She also studied acting, dance and voice in New York City.
"In 1984, I finally answered a call that God had been pursuing me with for over 13 years. I entered the Masters of Divinity program at Luther-Northwestern Seminary (now Luther Seminary) in St. Paul, MN," she said. "During the years I had developed a love for urban ministry, working with inner city children in Cleveland, Minneapolis and St. Louis. I had also worked with Native American high school students at a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) school in Flandreau, SD. Although I had a general seminary education, I was very much interested in multi-cultural ministry. My internship was at a large center/inner city church in Milwaukee, WI. I thought that I would end up in a multi-cultural setting. God had other plans, however. My first call was to a large middle-class congregation comprised of members who farmed or worked at the Mayo Clinic and IBM in Rochester, MN. When I left, there were 3,200 members at St. John's. My role was as Youth and Family Pastor. I supervised two lay professionals who worked in Youth Ministry and Christian Education," she said.
"My husband, Bill, and I moved to Niagara Falls in 1994 where I took a call to St. Paul Lutheran Church. I remained in that position for 10 years. The last two years of my tenure, my husband had become ordained, and he and I served St. Paul Zion and Calvary Lutheran Churches in team ministry." Rev. Nelson-Loefke said.
In June of 2004, she became the Intentional Interim Pastor of First Lutheran Church in Jamestown, NY. She has also served as a very part-time member of the Synod Staff with Bishop Lee Miller and presently with Bishop Marie Jerge. She has served in the capacity of Program and Ministry Consultant for Youth Ministry and presently serves as Program and Ministry Consultant for Evangelism.
The new pastor and her husband have been married for almost 16 years. Bill continues to serve Calvary Lutheran and Zion Lutheran Churches in Niagara Falls. They are the parents of Hannah, 12, and Jonathan, 8. The children attend St. Peter's Lutheran School in Sanborn, NY.
Chicken and Biscuit Dinner At St. Timothy Church - 2005 A Chicken and Biscuit Dinner will be served at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Rd. (corner of Stony Point Rd) from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, May 21, 2005. Cost is $7/Adults and take out available.
St Timothy's Lutheran Church will conduct healing
services at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 16, 2001.