More Teddy's Islettes July 4th Photos - 2008
Cheryl Bailey photos - click for larger view
Members of the former Teddy's Islettes Baton and Drum Corps, 1961-1987, who made a reunion appearance in the July 4, 2008 parade are shown at the Sunoco Station waiting for their turn to get out on the Boulevard. Beth Hamilton~Boening photo - click for larger view
Send your photos for consideration to
(left photo) banner carriers Marie Long and Amy Valone; (center) flag carrier Terrie Sledziewski, Teddy Linenfelser and banner carrier Marie Long; (right) Teddy Linenfelser
Kim Ludwig photos - click for larger view
Nancy Aydelotte (right) and Cindy Bleich behind her are shown along the yellow line doing their tosses.
Carrying the American Flag is Terry Sledzinski and banner carriers are Marie Long and Amy Valone. Teddy Linenfelser is shown just behind them.
Mary Stewart photos - click for larger view.
(left) Director Teddy Klingel Linenfelser
Jodi Robinson photos - click for larger view
Members of Teddy's Islettes, 1961-1987, came together to "show their stuff" one more time in Grand Island's Independence Parade on Friday morning, July 4, 2008. Most of the women, average age 49, have been practicing twice a week and up to five times a week immediately before the parade to sharpen their baton twirling skills for this special event.
Twirlers coming in from out of town were Michelle Gaydica Wolgast (Livonia, NY), Cathy Haller Contino (Palmyra, NY), Robin Schendel Klonarides (Leesburg, VA), Amy Valone (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and Valerie Goris Downey (Florida). Also participating were Cindy Birke Gorko, Debbie Bleich, Cindy Bleich, Cheryl Goris Kloesz, Nancy Sasala Aydelotte, Jennifer Galbo Przybylski, Lynn Gaydica Wuerzer, Diane Gaydica Mahfoud, Karen Macumber Scalise, Valerie Buckley Swain, Sonja Miller, Kathy Snelling Kemp, Jackie Sullivan Kane, Terry Gardner Sledziewski, and Marie Foote Long.
More photos of the Teddy's Islettes Reunion appearance in the July 4, 2008 parade will appear as they are submitted.
Teddy's Islettes Practice Schedule - Parade Information - 2008
The following is the practice schedule for Teddy's Islettes reunion group meeting at Swains' barn, 1890 Webb Road, approximately one hour or longer (outdoors when possible):
6 p.m. - TUESDAY, July 1
6 p.m. - WEDNESDAY, July 2
6 p.m. - THURSDAY, July 3. - note time change
PARADE - 8 a.m. FRIDAY, July 4 - line up at Super Gas (same as ’02) just north of Webb Road.
Friday, July 4th
The Dick Bessel Kids Race (9 a.m.) and Dick Bessell Road Race (9:15 a.m.) will precede the annual July 4th parade. Roads will be closed at 8:45 a.m., so get to lineup location early!
We will line up at Super Gas (same as ’02) which is just north of Webb Road.
Twirlers/banner carriers (we still need them!) should be dropped off. Do not leave cars in this parking lot.
For more information, scroll up down.
Teddy's Islettes Needs Banner Carriers - 2008
Former members of Teddy's Islettes Baton and Drum Corps, Classes 1961 through 1987, will be marching and twirling in the July 4, 2008 parade. Former members not already participating are invited to volunteer to carry the banner. Contact Teddy at if this is something you would like to do. (see practice schedule below)
Teddy's Islettes Practice Schedule - June/July 2008
The following is the practice schedule for Teddy's Islettes reunion group meeting at Swains' barn, 1890 Webb Road (outdoors when possible):
Friday, May 30 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 31- NO PRACTICE
Friday, June 6 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, June 7 - 10 a.m.
Friday, June 13 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, June 14 - 10 a.m.
Friday, June 20 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, June 21- 10 a.m.
Friday, June 27 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, June 28 - 10 a.m.
Click photo for larger view Teddy's Islettes July 4th - 2002
The Teddy's Islettes Reunion group will practice in Swains' barn 1890 Webb Road (outdoors when possible) as follows.
Friday, May 2 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 3 - CANCELLED
Friday, May 9 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 10 - 10 a.m.
Friday, May 16 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 17 - 10 a.m.
Friday, May 23 - NO PRACTICE
Saturday, May 24 - NO PRACTICE
Friday, May 30 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 31 - NO PRACTICE Cancelled
Former members (1961-1987) wishing more information are asked to mail to have information mailed out. (Scroll down for more information)
Teddy's Islettes Reunion Practice Schedule - 2008 Click photo for larger view Teddy's Islettes July 4th - 1971 -
Marching down Grand Island Blvd. are (front row left) Holly Smith and Karen White; (2nd row) unknown and Robin Schendel; (3rd row) Jacqueline Barker and unknown.
The Teddy's Islettes Reunion group will practice on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in Swains' barn 1890 Webb Road (outdoors when possible).
Friday, April 18 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 19 - 10 a.m.
Friday, April 25 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 26 - 10 a.m.
Friday, May 2 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 3 - 10 a.m.
Friday, May 9 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 10 - 10 a.m.
Friday, May 16 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 17 - 10 a.m.
Friday, May 23 - NO PRACTICE
Saturday, May 24 - NO PRACTICE
Friday, May 30 - 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 31 - NO PRACTICE Cancelled
Former members (1961-1987) wishing more information are asked to mail to have information mailed out. (Scroll down for more information)
Teddy's Islettes Reunion - 2008
Shown practicing just before an "off Island" parade in the 1980s are, from left up in front, Mary Smyth, Bonnie Janowsky and Barb Gill. Darlene Russell (Passarelli) is to the left of Richard Lozo in the second row. Last row are unidentified, Jan Boyd, Terrie Samrany and Shirley Russell (dark glasses).
For more photos See Teddy's Islettes 2002 Reunion Webpage
The Teddy's Islettes Reunion group continues practicing on Fridays at 6 p.m. at 1890 Webb Road. A Saturday practice schedule will be posted soon. If you are reading about the Teddy's Islettes Reunion for the first time, please know that if you were a member of this group between 1961 and 1987, it is not too late to join. The group will twirl in the July 4th parade this summer. Email to for complete information.
Teddy's Islettes Reunion To Practice March 28 - 2008
The Teddy's Islettes Reunion group will practice at 6 p.m. Friday, March 28 at 1890 Webb Road (Swain's Barn on south side of road). Scroll down for other practice dates and locations.
Attention Teddy's Islettes Members 1961-1987 - 2008
A reunion of Teddy's Islettes twirlers, former members from 1961-1987, will take place with an appearance in the Independence Day Parade 2008. Practices are being held on Friday nights. Those living out of town are encouraged to contact Teddy for everything you will need to know to be a part of the July 4th marching unit. Former members wishing more information are asked to check the Teddy's Islettes Reunion web site at or email to have information mailed out. (Scroll down for more information)
Teddy's Islettes Reunion To Practice March 21 - 2008
Teddy's Islettes C Corps, 1980s
The Teddy's Islettes Reunion group will practice on Friday, March 21 at Miss Cathy's Dance Studio on Staley Road at Baseline. Scroll down for other practice dates and locations.
Teddy's Islettes Reunion - 2008
For more photos See Teddy's Islettes 2002 Reunion Webpage
The Teddy's Islettes Reunion group will practice on Friday, March 7 at Miss Cathy's Dance Studio on Staley Road at Baseline and again on March 21, also at the dance studio. The Friday, March 28 practice will be held at 1890 Webb Road (Swain's Barn on south side of road). Teddy's Islettes will continue to practice at 1890 Webb Road on April 4, April 11, April 18 and April 25.
Members of Teddy's Islettes, 1961-1987, are urged to come forward if interested in joining the group for an appearance in the July 4th parade on Grand Island Blvd. Uniform will be the same as worn in 2002 - white golf shirt, red shorts, white sneakers and red practice caps on batons (exact details to follow by email to those who have responded). Those needing a instruction video/dvd, baton or practice caps are asked to email Teddy immediately. For more information, contact "Miss Teddy" at
Friday, March 21 - 6 p.m. - Dance Studio - Staley Road at Baseline
Friday, March 28 - 6 p.m. - Swain's Barn - 1890 Webb Road
Friday, April 4 - 6 p.m. - Swain's Barn - 1890 Webb Road
Friday, April 11- 6 p.m. - Swain's Barn - 1890 Webb Road
Friday, April 18 - 6 p.m. - Swain's Barn - 1890 Webb Road
Friday, April 25 - 6 p.m. - Swain's Barn - 1890 Webb Road
May/June will follow same place & Friday schedule.
Teddy's Islettes Reunion Practicing Friday, February 22nd - 2008
For more photos See Teddy's Islettes 2002 Reunion Webpage
The Teddy's Islettes Reunion group (1961-1987) will practice on Friday, February 22 at Miss Cathy's Dance Studio on Staley Road at Baseline. If you were a member of Teddy's Islettes, 1961-1987, you are invited to join the group, geering up for an appearance in the July 4th parade on Grand Island Blvd. (Scroll down for schedule).
"We are working hard to locate as many former T.I. members as possible so that they may be informed about the event."
Scroll down for information on ordering batons, video etc.
For questions and more information, contact "Miss Teddy" at
Teddy's Islettes Reunion Off To Great Start - 2008
For more photos See Teddy's Islettes 2002 Reunion Webpage
A good contingent of members of the Teddy's Islettes Reunion group (1961-1987) attended the first practice on Friday, February 8 at Miss Cathy's Dance Studio on Staley Road at Baseline. A decision on uniforms should be made in just a few weeks. Suggestions from those participating are welcome. The next practice at the dance studio is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 22 - 6 p.m. (Scroll down for dates and information).
Several members of the group are working hard to locate as many former T.I. members as possible so that they may be informed about the event. For questions and more information, contact "Miss Teddy" at
Attention Teddy's Islettes Members 1961-1987 Practices Announced
Order Batons, Video, DVD, Practice Caps - 2008
For more photos See Teddy's Islettes 2002 Reunion Webpage
A letter with information on ordering batons, practice caps, DVDs or videos was sent out by email on Tuesday, February 5, 2008. The address for sending checks, baton sizes, requests for dvd or video, is
Teddy Linenfelser
2098 Ferry Road
Grand Island, NY 14072.
The first practice for the Teddy's Islettes reunion appearance will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, February 8, 2008 at Miss Cathy's Dance Studio, on Staley Road near Baseline Road (formerly Quality Cleaners). The scheduled practices follow however the location may change:
Friday, Feb. 22 - 6 p.m.
Friday, Mar. 7 - 6 p.m. cancelled
Friday, Mar. 21 - 6 p.m.
Friday, Apr. 11 - 6 p.m.
Please email me at if you plan to attend the practice. Scroll down for more information.
Attention Teddy's Islettes Members 1961-1987 - 2008
(Scroll Up for further information)
A Teddy's Islettes reunion appearance is planned for this year's July 4th parade down Grand Island Blvd. Practices will be scheduled and all necessary information will be emailed to everyone including those who are out of town but interested in joining our marching/twirling unit on July 4, 2008. Please email me at with your full name, email address (US address) and I will contact you with information. If you have names and email or US mail contacts for other twirlers from the classes of 1961 through 1987, send them along.
Teddy Linenfelser Posted January 17, 2008