VFW Officers 2003: Commander Mike Cutini,
Senior Vice-Commander Wallace Wigdorski, Junior Vice-Commander William Kester Bleich, Quartermaster
Dan McMahon, Surgeon Jack Thompson, Judge Advocate Joe Synakowski, Chaplain Michael Rogan, Trustees Jim Skindell, Jerry Korzen, Dave Clayton and Adjutant Mike Coffman. VFW Ladies Auxiliary Officers 2003: President Sam Woodfine, Senior Vice-President Kathy Blake, Junior Vice-President Cindy Bindics, Secretary Tanis Toponak, Treasurer Kathy Mehltretter, Chaplain Terri Majewicz, Guard Rosemary Wojick, and Conductress Mary Becker. VFW Mens Auxiliary Officers 2003: President Mark Gollwitzer, Sr. Vice President Dave Brice, Jr. Vice President Rick Brice, Treasurer Bruce Wojick, Secretary Ron Borden, Chaplain Pat Patterson, Guard Phil McConnell and Conductor Don Tranter.
VFW Hosts 911 Vigil - 2004 A Patriot Day vigil for the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States will be hosted by the VFW Post #9249 at the Post flag, 8 p.m. Saturday, September 11, 2004. Councilman Richard Crawford will be the guest speaker. All are welcome to attend and pay their respects to the fallen and show support for US troops in harm's way.
Pearl Harbor Day To Be Observed At VFW Post 9249 - 2003
Click photo for larger view
A memorial service in observance of the attack on Pearl Harbor will be held
at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 flag pole, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Sunday, December 7, 2003 at noon. All
citizens are invited to the Post in remembrance of those who perished at
Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.
Remember The Guy Who Got On A Plane With A Bomb Built Into His Shoe And Tried To Light It? - 2003 This interesting story was passed on to us by Joe Synakowski, a faithful Grand Island E-News reader.
Remember the guy who got on a plane with a bomb built into his shoe
and tried to light it?
Did you know his trial is over?
Did you know he was sentenced?
Did you see/hear any of the judge's comments on TV/Radio?
Didn't think so.
Everyone should hear what the judge had to say.
Click "Remember The Guy?" for complete story.
Veterans Day 2003 by Michael J. Owen
Photos and Story by Michael J. Owen - Click photos for a larger view. Island resident and Navy Journalist Michael J. Owen, Public Affairs Officer for the United States Navy has written the attached story: "Vets honored during Grand Island ceremony at Veterans Park." Click Veterans Day On Grand Island.
Rain Doesn't Dampen Patriotic Spirit On Veterans Day 2003
#1 (left) Burgard High School students with VFW Color Guard; #2 Lefty Kendzierski in red hat; #3 VFW Chaplain Mike Rogan.
Jodi Hayes Robinson Photos - Click photos for a larger view.
(left) Lt. Col. Torgier Fadum and PFC Lefty Kendzierski; (right) Vets Day Cake
Dan McMahon Photos
Well over 100 residents turned out Tuesday, November 11, 2003 for the DeGlopper VFW Post #9249 Veterans Day services held in the rain at the Vets Wall in Veterans Park on Bedell Road. Service members were acknowledged and recognition of former Prisoners of War was made. A Salute to the Fallen was followed by Taps played by Grand Island High School Concert Band members.
Following the Veterans Day service, the VFW Pavillion, named Lefty's Place, was re-dedicated to POWs, specifically Islanders Lt. Col. Torgier Fadum and PFC Lefty Kendzierski. The Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Post #9249 hosted an open house after the re-dedication.
VFW Men's Auxiliary Trims Out Fire Hydrants - October 2003
Dan McMahon Photos - Click photos for larger view Members of the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post 9249 Men's Auxiliary spent time Friday, October 16, 2003 cutting weeds and tall grass from around fire hydrants on undeveloped property along Baseline Road. The photos show before, during and after Mark Gollwitzer trimmed out this hydrant, hidden by cattails and weeds and taking about 10 minutes to locate.
VFW, DAV Receive Awards - 2003 The Veterans Administation Hospital Volunteer Service Program presented awards to the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 and the Grand Island Chapter of the Disabled American Veterans for their volunteer service at the VA hospital. Award certificates were presented at a dinner in the Hearthstone Manor in Depew on Wednesday, October 15, 2003 honoring all veterans and non veteran organizations. During VA Facility Manager Dennis Heberling's welcome address, he commented on the the people, hours and donations received through the efforts of the volunteers. Dennis acknowledged the 868 volunteers who contributed 148,746 hours of volunteer service during the last year. Cash and non-cash donations to the VA amounted to $257,110.00 during the same period.
Volunteer Program Manager Mark J. Francis, commenting on a Thanksgiving Dinner for the homeless veterans and their families to be held on Sunday, November 23, 2003, said that they are in need of volunteers to help serve this dinner.
VFW Chili Cookoff - All The Details!! - 2003 The VFW Post #9249 Ladies Auxiliary's annual Chili Cookoff on Sunday, October 12, 2003 will feature Rock and Roll entertainment by "Elvis," and a Chinese Auction. Chili registration is from noon to 1 p.m. and judging starts at 1 p.m. Entry fee is $10 and prizes are $100 for first place, $50 for second place and $25 for third place. Click Chili Cookoff for complete details.
911 Candlelight Remembrance Hosted By VFW - 2003
Click photo for full view.
Barbi Lare Photo
The VFW Post #9249 recognized the importance of the 911 anniversary with a
Candle Lighting, 21 Gun Salute and Taps at their location on Grand Island
A fair sized group of citizens joined the Veterans, as Commander Mike Cutini
opened the program and Assistant Post Chaplin Walter Cowan gave
the Invocation. Town Supervisor Peter McMahon was the main speaker.
The Charles N. DeGlopper Post #9249 Color Guard presented a 21 Gun Salute to
the victims of the attack on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Flight #93
that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Adjutant Mike Coffman played Taps, with
an echo by Kevin Laurendi, a member of the Grand Island High School Concert Band, to close the ceremonies.
Mark B. Gollwitzer, Men's Auxiliary president, read the following Poem:
Light Your Candle
Light the candle in your soul,
Carry it into the dark.
If you find a flame that's losing its glow
Light it with a spark.
The flame only grows brighter
When it gives another light.
And a billion burning candles
Can drive away the night.
Hold up you candle for all to see,
Reach from shore to shore,
And light the world with liberty
Now and forever more!
DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249 Donates $2500 For Van Purchase - 2003
Click photo for larger view. Shown are Ronald D. Tears (DAV Dept. of NY-Commander), Grand Island DAV Chapter #168 Commander Paul F. Kane, Lee Becker, Sterling Haslam, Don Richard, Bernie Brice, Walt Cowan, Jerry Korzen, VFW Post 9249 Commander Mike Cutini, Jim Skindell, Sr. Vice Commander Wally Wigdorski and Adjutant Mike Coffman. The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249, Grand Island, NY made a donation of $2500 to help purchase vans for transporting veterans who have no other means of getting to and from medical appointments at the Veterans Hospital and Clinics. Drivers for these vans are desperately needed. Call Mark Francis, Director of Voluntary Services, 862-8667 to volunteer.
VFW Chili Cookoff The VFW Post #9249 Ladies Auxiliary has set Sunday, October 12, 2003 as the date for the annual Chili Cookoff which will feature Rock and Roll entertainment by "Elvis," and a Chinese Auction.
VFW Holds Community Candlelight Remembrance, 8:30 p.m. Sept. 11, 2003
A 911 candlelight remembrance vigil will be held 8:30 p.m. Thursday, September 11, 2003 at the Flag in front of the VFW Post #9249. Candles will be provided. Supervisor Peter A. McMahon will speak and the public is invited to participate in the remembrance vigil and also to show support for our troops.
Veterans Mobile Service Visits VFW - 2003
The Disabled American Veterans Mobile Service office visited the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 on July 23, 2003 with a fair number of Island residents taking advantage of the large amount of information available to them. Shown from left are DAV Service Officer Mike Scholl, VFW Commander Mike Cutini, DAV Service Officer Chaney Tupis and G.I. Chapter #168 Commander DAV Paul Kane.
VFW Post No. 9249 Announces Election Results - 2003
The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars has elected the following officers for 2003-2004:
Commander Mike Cutini, Sr. Vice Commander Wally Wigdorski, Jr. Vice Commander William Kester Bleich, Quartermaster Dan McMahon, Surgeon Jack Thompson, Judge Advocate Joe Synakowski, Chaplain Mike Rogan, Trustee (3 years) Jim Skindell.
Mike Coffman was appointed Adjutant. Present trustees are Jerry Korzen and Dave Clayton.
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Election Results - July 2003
The VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary election resulted in the following officers to serve the 2003-2004 term:
President Sam Woodfine, Sr. Vice President Kathy Blake, Jr. Vice President Cindy Bindics, Treasurer Kathy Mehltretter, Secretary Tanis Toponak, Chaplain Terri Majewicz, Guard Rosemary Wojick and Conductress Mary Becker.
VFW Mens Auxiliary Election Results - July 2003
The VFW Post 9249 Mens Auxiliary election resulted in the following officers to serve the 2003-2004 term:
President Mark Gollwitzer, Sr. Vice President Dave Brice, Jr. Vice President Rick Brice, Treasurer Bruce Wojick, Secretary Ron Borden, Chaplain Pat Patterson, Guard Phil McConnell and Conductor Don Tranter.
VFW Ladies Present $1,000 To Neighbors Foundation - 2003
Barbi Lare Photo
The Grand Island VFW Ladies Auxiliary has once again presented $1,000 to the Grand
Island Neighbors Foundation. This represents the proceeds from a BBQ
Chicken Dinner served in May.
Shown from left are Treasurer Kathie
Mehltretter, President Sam Woodfine presenting the check to Neighbors Foundation Secretary Robin Swedish and Senior Vice President Kathie Blake. The Ladies Auxiliary runs several functions throughout the year, raising money for
local charities. The Neighbors Foundation, serving Island residents in temporary need, receives funds from the Auxiliary every year.
VFW Officers - 2003-2004
Barbi Lare Photo
The new VFW Post #9249 officers posed for this photo Tuesday, July 8, 2003. Seated are Adjutant Mike Coffman and Senior Vice Commander Wally Wigdorski; standing from left are Quartermaster Dan McMahon, Judge Advocate Joe Synakowski, Jr. Vice Commander William Kester Bleich, Commander Mike Cutini, Surgeon Jack Thompson, and Trustee Jim Skindell.
Annual July 4th Picnic At VFW - 2003
The annual July 4th picnic at the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post 9249 across from Tops Market on Grand Island Blvd. will run from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and offers rides for kids, pop corn, clams, corn, hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage, beverages, 50/50 raffle and music by Route 66. The community is invited.
ATTENTION All Veterans
Do you have questions about benefits you have earned for serving your Country in the Military? The Disabled American Veterans Mobile Service office will visit Grand Island from 10 a.m. to 6 pm. Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Your questions will be answered by Professional DAV Service Officers. This service is free to Veterans and family members of Veterans who can avoid rumors and wrong information from sources that do not have the latest information about Veterans Benefits. Do yourself a favor and get the right information from trained veterans Service Officers whose only concern is to help you receive the benefits you have earned. You do not have to be a member of the DAV. All are welcome to this program sponsored by the DAV.
VFW Offers Father's Day Steak Dinner - 2003 The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold a Father's Day Steak Dinner 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2003. Games and Prizes will be featured at 4:00 p.m. and music will be by Deno from 7-11 p.m. It is suggested that tickets be purchased at the post by June 11 as reservations are limited.
Memorial Day Run Committee Sports Special Shirts
Barbi Lare Photo
The VFW, DAV and American Legion are combining efforts with the Town
Recreation Department to sponsor a Memorial Day Run, Saturday, May 24, 2003 in and around Veterans
Gathered for the announcement are American Legion member Joe Synakowski, DAV Commander Paul
Kane, VFW Commander Mike Cutini, VFW Member Dan McMahon, VFW Ladies Auxiliary Member Debi Schoenle, VFW
Men's Auxiliary Rick Brice, and Recreation Department
Director Linda Tufillaro.
Buddy Poppy Drive 2003 Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars will conduct the annual "Buddy Poppy Drive" Thursday, May 22, Friday, May 23 and Saturday, May 24, 2003 at various locations on Grand Island. The drive is to remind us of the sacrifice made by our comrades in arms and to support the National Home for widows and orphans of deceased veterans. Please "wear your Buddy Poppy" on Memorial Day and attend the services at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Park, Grand Island Blvd. and Baseline Road at 10 a.m., May 26, 2003 (Memorial Day Observed).
Memorial Day Services 2003 - SFC Eugene F. Dinsmore, Guest Speaker
Memorial Day Services will be conducted 10 a.m. Monday, May 26, 2003 in DeGlopper Memorial Park, Grand Island Blvd. and Baseline Road. The public is encouraged to attend. Sergeant First Class Eugene F. Dinsmore, a former Island resident with 21 years with the U.S. Army, will be the guest speaker.
The Honor Guard of the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars will conduct gravesite services at the following locations on May 26, 2003 - times approximate:
Whitehaven Cemetery - East River Rd. (near Holiday Inn) 7:40-7:50 a.m.
Maple Grove Cemetery - (resting place of C. N. DeGlopper) near Whitehaven Rd. 7:55-8:05 a.m.
Staley Cemetery - West River Rd near Staley - 8:15-8:25 a.m.
Assumption Cemetery - Whitehaven Rd, near 4th St. - 8:30-8:40 a.m.
Trinity Cemetery - Whitehaven Rd. next to Old Trinity Church 8:45-8:55 a.m.
St. Stephen's Cemetery - Baseline Rd, next to Old St. Stephen's Church - 9-9:10 a.m.
Mother's Day Brunch At VFW
A Mother's Day Brunch is being offered by the VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, May 11, 2003. Featured will be Eggs Benedict, scrambled eggs, slab bacon, fresh fruit sticks, Seafood Fettucini Alfredo, Chicken Ala King, baked ham, scalloped potatoes, bread pudding, assorted juices. Bloody Mary's and Champagne Mimosas will be available after 12 noon. Cost is $8.00 a plate.
Republic of Korea Korean War Service Medal Available To Veterans
Are you, or someone you know, a Korean War veteran?
U.S. veterans of the Korean War are now eligible to wear a medal initially offered to them more than 50 years ago, but never issued.
In a May 13, 2000 letter to Defense Secretary William S. Cohen, Republic of Korea Defense Minister Seong Tae Cho formally announced that his government would provide the Republic of Korea Korean War Service Medal (ROK KWSM) to eligible U.S. veterans of that conflict, or to their surviving next of kin. The medal will be provided at no cost to veterans.
Approximately 1.8 million U.S. veterans of the Korean War are eligible to receive it. Next of kin to eligible deceased veterans can also apply for the medal. To obtain this medal veterans must have:
served between the outbreak of hostilities, June 25, 1950, and the date the armistice was signed, July 27, 1953;
been on permanent assignment or on temporary duty for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days, and
performed their duty within the territorial limits of Korea, in the waters immediately adjacent thereto or in aerial flight over Korea participating in actual combat operations or in support of combat operations.
The U.S. Air Force has been designated the lead agency to receive and distribute the medals. To apply, veterans should provide a copy of their discharge paper, commonly known as a "DD-214."
Additional information on how to apply for or request the medal can be found by contacting the Air Force Personnel Center, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (CST) at:
(800) 558-1404, or the Awards and Decorations Section (210) 565-2432/2520/2516, fax (210) 565-3118.
For medal information the Air Force also maintains the following web site:
7th Annual Chicken BBQ at VFW Post
The Ladies and Men's Auxiliary of the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 will hold the post's 7th Annual Chicken BBQ from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, May 17, 2003 with all proceeds to benefit the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation. Price for the half chicken dinner and salads is $6. Desserts will be available at $1 a plate.
"Butch's Famous Fish Fry" Draws Large Crowd - 2003
Barbi Lare Photos
The members of the VFW Post and its Ladies Auxiliary hosted "Butch's Famous Fish Fry" on Good Friday, April 18, 2003, providing perch for the diners. Lines formed out the back door, but
all were served. Shown are the hard workers in the kitchen who took a quick moment for the picture: Chairperson Sam Woodfine, Butch Bachlund, Jimmy Golda, Vince Martello, GB Bachlund and Betty Hollinger.
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Pierogi Sale - 2003
Members of the Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #9249 will hold their 3rd annual Homemade Pierogi Sale starting Saturday, April 12, 2003 after 5 p.m. at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Prepaid orders ($7/dozen and $4/half dozen) will reserve your order. Choices this year are Farmer's Cheese & Chives, Sauerkraut and Mushrooms and (new) Potato: Cheddar Cheese and Onion.
VFW Post No. 9249 Election - 2003
The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars election of officers will be held at the 7 p.m. April 8, 2003 meeting. Nominations are still open for those who wish to run for office.
VFW Ladies Offer "Butch's Famous Fish Fry" The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #9249 will offer "Butch's Famous Fish Fry" on Good Friday, April 18, 2003. It starts at 4 p.m. and runs until it's gone!! The charge is $5.00 a plate and features "all the salad you can eat."
VFW Ladies To Send Packages To Our Troops Over Seas The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #9249 are attempting to compose a list of addresses of all Island residents who are serving their country overseas. The Auxiliary's project is to ship "packages from home" to each of our troops. Relatives with names and addresses are asked to e-mail by clicking teddy@giecom.net or mail it to the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249, C/O Ladies Auxiliary, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY 14072.
VFW "Voice of Democracy" Contest - 2003
Click photo for larger view
Shown from left: Ladies Auxiliary President Sam Woodfine, Elly Vincent, Vice President Kathy Blake, Treasurer Kathy Mehltretter, Marilyn Burak, Glen Horzatch, Jeane Nealin, Christi Busch, Debi Horzatch, VFW Commander Mike Cutini, Nancy Busch, VFW Senior Vice-Commander Tom Roberts, Eric Busch and VFW Junior Vice-Commander Wally Wigdorski.
Ladies Auxiliary members of the Grand Island VFW Post 9249 recently held their annual Voice of Democracy essay contest. This year's theme for the national contest was "Freedom's Obligation." Winners of the contests that are held all over the country go from local to state and state to the national competition. Christi Busch was declared the winner of the Post #9249 contest and received a prize of $150 from the VFW members and the Ladies Auxiliary. Christi also won first place in the Erie County VOD competition. In the advanced 6th District competition Christi finishing in 2nd place.
VFW Announces Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #9249 will host their Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, March 15, 2003 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Cost per plate will be $6.00.
VFW Donates To The “Baby Joe” Mesi Fight for Organ Donations - 2003
Barbi Lare Photo - Click photo for larger view
Proceeds from VFW fund raisers produced $2000 to help Baby Joe Mesi to
build his foundation for Organ Donations. Shown center during the presentation of the donation on February 14, 2003, he is driven to build this
charity because of a family need. Many of the helpers in the fund raising
are included in the photo: (front left) Betty Hollinger, Dianna DaMarcio, Barb Coady and Jennifer LeBlanc; (back) Terry Majewicz, Ralph Lommer, Melissa Shanley, Dennis Criddle, Kathy
Lommer, Baby Joe Messi, Lorraine Criddle, Carol Faulkner and Kathy Ricci.
Meet “Baby Joe Mesi”!
Isle residents will have another chance to meet “Baby Joe Mesi” in person. He will appear at 5:30 p.m. Friday, February 14, 2003 at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 for the presentation of $2,000 for
the “Baby Joe” Mesi Fight for Organ Donations from the VFW Ladies Auxiliary
& VFW members. Jennell Shanor will also be present depending on her health.
Spaghetti Dinner at VFW - Live Music 6-10 p.m.
The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #9249 will host a Spaghetti Dinner from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, February 15, 2003 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Dinners will include salad and bread and cost is $5 per person. Proceeds will benefit Veterans Hospital. Live Music 6-10 p.m.!!
Ladies Hold Successful Chili Cook-Off - 2003
Wendy Truesdale (left) and Kelly Lankes
Barbi Lare Photos
Members of the VFW #9249 Ladies Auxiliary staged their annual Chili Cook-off January 4, 2003 at the Knights of Columbus
Hall on Whitehaven Road with the judges deciding that Wendy Truesdale's chili was the very best and entries of Kelly Lankes and Terri Majewicz were second and third best. Proceeds went to celebrity judge Baby Joe Mesi's
favorite charity, Fight For Organ Donations.
Eighteen entries, each one slightly different than
the next were judged by Supervisor Peter McMahon, Town Justice Sybil Kennedy, County Legislator Chuck Swanick, Councilwoman Mary Cooke and Baby Joe Mesi. The Knights hall was full of supporters for the cause. In addition,
there was a Chinese Auction of beautiful and bountiful baskets, and split
club drawings. A generous donor provided the use of the Hall and everything else was
donated so the proceeds reached a good total.
VFW Donates To Vets Transportion Network
(far left photo) Commander Mike Cutini presents check to Dick Klock. From left are Color Guard Captain Bernie Brice, Trustee Joe Synakowski, Adjutant Mike Coffman, Trustee Gerald Korzen Jr., Vice Commander Wally Wigdorski, Quartermaster Bill Shickluna and Lee Becker.
The Commander and Color Guard of the Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Grand Island, NY made a donation of $2,500 to the Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network. Accepting the check from Commander Mike Cutini at the VAMC is Richard Kloc. The donation will be used to purchase vans to transport Veterans to the medical facilities. Vans presently in use are aging due to many miles of service transporting Veterans who have no other means of transportation.
Donations are tax deductible and donations from corporations, clubs and private parties are gratefully accepted. Donors will be recognized with publicity and names on vans. For more information, call Director of Voluntary Services Mark Francis, 862-8664.
Chowder/Soup Day at VFW
The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #9249 will host a chicken and beef chowder and/or potato & ham "soup day" from noon to 7 p.m. Saturday, January 25, 2003 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Prices for chicken and beef chowder and/or potato & ham soup are "All You Can Eat" with salad and bread/$5; quart container/$3; cup with bread/$1.50. Proceeds will benefit the 12th Training Regiment of the New York State Guard.
Pearl Harbor Remembered - 2002
Barbi Lare Photo - Click photo for larger view
It may have been hidden on the back pages of area newspapers, but it
was foremost in the minds of local Veterans. Pearl Harbor Day was
recognized and celebrated by members of the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 with the help of friends on a cold, wintry day. Town Justice Sybil Kennedy, representing town officials (who were representing
Grand Islanders at an early December 7th morning meeting in Buffalo), spoke of her
recollections of the day in 1941 and how we do not forget that day in
history. The short program was concluded with the playing of "Taps" and a gun salute. All were invited to join the Veterans in the post hall for refreshments.
VFW To Hold "Knock-Out" Chili Cook-Off
Baby Joe" Mesi
A "Knock-Out" Chili Cook-Off sponsored by the VFW 9249 Ladies Auxiliary and featuring "Baby Joe" Mesi as a guest appearance judge is set for 1-5 p.m. Saturday, January 4, 2003 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1841 Whitehaven Road. Prizes for the best "Knock-Out" Chili entered will be $100 for first prize, $50/second and $25/third. All proceeds will benefit the "Baby Joe" Mesi Fight for Organ Donations.
Chili registration at $10 will be between 1-2 p.m. Registration (non-refundable registration donation) may also be mailed to VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY 14072, Attention: K. Lommer. Include name and address.
Judging will take place from 3-4 p.m. A $3 donation will be taken at the door. The day features prizes, Chinese auction, a 50/50 drawing, food, and music donated by Deno.
VFW to Observe Pearl Harbor Day - 2002
Click photo for larger view
A memorial service in observance of the attack on Pearl Harbor will be held
at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Saturday, December 7, 2002 at noon. All
citizens, especially the youth of the Island, are invited to the Post in remembrance of those who perished at
Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.
Pearl Harbor Day Schedule
Ceremonies at the Post flag
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer - Chaplain
Remarks - Town Justice Sybil E. Kennedy
Salute to the Fallen - Post Color Guard
Closing Prayer of Remembrance - Chaplain
Winning Apple Pie
Barbi Lare PhotoThe women of VFW Post 9249 on Grand Island Blvd. staged an Apple Pie Baking
Contest this past weekend (Nov. 23, 2002). A small crowd was on hand, mostly looking for
tastes, but there were three assigned judges who tasted very expertly. Marg
Hokanson, Robin Adams from Channel 4, and Terrie Majewicz tested their taste
buds and settled on the creation of Sam Woodfine as the winner, hands down.
Pat Allen came in with the runner-up for second place. Following the announcement of the winner, the public was invited to buy a piece and enjoy.
The turkey raffle followed and seventeen lucky folks went
home with frozen turkeys for the Thanksgiving feasts.
Apple Pie Contest, Turkey Raffle Featured Saturday at VFW
The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post #9249 are hosting their "Apple Pie" contest Saturday, November 23, 2002 followed by a turkey raffle. Pie entries should be at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., by 11 a.m. with judging by Channel 4's Robin Adams at noon. A $50 prize goes to the first place winners and $25 will be awarded the second place apple pie baker. A turkey raffle will begin immediately after the pie contest winners are announced. Everyone welcome. For further information call the VFW Post, 773-6343. Ellie Vincent is chairman.
Veterans Day Services 2002 Held Under Cloudy Sky
Barbi Lare Photo
Dan McMahon Photos
Click photo for a larger view.
DeGlopper VFW Post #9249 members conducted Veterans Day services under cloudy skies November 11, 2002. Temperature was about 50 degrees and the earlier morning rain had stopped when ceremonies began at the Veterans Park Memorial Wall in Veterans Park on Bedell Road in recognition of U. S. Veterans. Shown are Supervisor Peter McMahon giving the welcome address, VFW and American Legion members placing the wreath, Honor Guard giving the Salute to the Fallen, and the crowd of about 100 residents who gathered to honor all veterans. VFW Post Chaplain Mike Rogan, who gave the Invocation and the Benediction, is shown on the far left of the crowd photo.
VFW Veterans Day Services 2002
Veterans Day services by the members of the DeGlopper VFW Post #9249 will be held 11 a.m. Monday, November 11, 2002 at the Veterans Park Memorial Wall in Veterans Park on Bedell Road. The following is the order of ceremony:
Pledge to the Flag - VFW Commander Mike Cutini
Invocation - VFW Post Chaplain Mike Rogan
Welcome - Town Supervisor Peter A. McMahon
Silent Prayer
Presentation of Wreath - VFW & American Legion Members
Salute to the Fallen - Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9249 - Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Color Guard
Taps - Grand Island High School Band Members
Benediction - VFW Post Chaplain Mike Rogan
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Open House will be held at VFW Post 9249 for veterans and guests.
VFW 9249 To Organize Mens Auxiliary
The Charles N. DeGlopper Post 9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars is accepting qualified applicants for membership in the newly formed VFW Mens Auxiliary. Membership applications are available at the Post and those interested in joining are asked to contact Junior Vice Commander Wally Wigdorski or any Post 9249 officer. Dues have been set at $20 annually.
DAV Mobile Service At VFW
Jodi Hayes PhotoThe PFC. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249, Veterans of Foreign Wars, hosted the Disabled American Veterans Mobile Service Office (MSO) which was stationed at the VFW Post #9249 on Friday, October 18, 2002. Shown are VFW Trustee Joe Synakowski and DAV Commander Paul Kane
VFW Lasagna Dinner
Members of the VFW Post #9249 will serve a Lasagna dinner from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, October 19, 2002 at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. New York State Guard and veterans with their friends and families are invited. For more information, call 773-6343.
VFW 911 Services At Post 9249
Barbi Lare PhotoThe PFC. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
hosted memorial services in recognition of the 9/11 events of 2001 with a
candle light service. In addition to members of the VFW Post, Grand
Island Fire Company was there in formation with men and trucks. Town Supervisor
Peter McMahon addressed the gathering as did Charles Swanick, 10th District,
Erie County Legislator. The Post's Color Guard provided a 21-gun salute following the opening remarks
by Post Commander Mike Cutini and Invocation by Assistant Post
Chaplin Walter Cowan.
Taps were played by members of the Grand Island High School Band. Following the ceremonies, refreshments were served in the hall.
The Disabled American Veterans Mobile Service Office (MSO) will be stationed at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on October 18, 2002.
Veterans and dependents of veterans are invited to inquire about benefits due veterans and their families. Veterans who have claims pending and/or wish to file a claim for benefits, are urged to speak to a well trained service officer of the DAV. This service is provided free to veterans and their dependents by the Disabled American Veterans. You may be entitled to benefits you earned while serving in the Armed Forces that you are not aware of.
The Congress of the United States of America has cut veterans' benefit funding over the past few years to the point of depriving the veterans and their families of well earned benefits. If you have had problems applying for medical care at the Veterans Hospital or getting prescription drugs from the VA, this is your opportunity to get the answers you need.
Karen Vanthoff Photo
Click photo for larger view Story By David Bronson Published in the 325th Glider Infantry Association Newsletter - Summer 2002
On June 9, 2002, on the island community of Grand Island, New York, the Charles DeGlopper VFW Post #9249 dedicated a new headstone on the grave of the island's native son, Charles N. DeGlopper, C Company, 325th Glider Infantry. The new marker recognizes the fact that Charles DeGlopper was awarded the Medal of Honor after his death during the Normandy invasion.
The service was led by VFW trustee, Joe Synakowski, and was well attended by the community, members of the DeGlopper family, and Honor Guards from the VFW Post and the Niagara Frontier Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Association. It was my honor and privilege to be invited to take part in the dedication services, reading the proclamation issued by the town council, naming June 9 (2002) as Charles DeGlopper Remembrance Day.
The dedication was part of Grand Island's Sesquicentennial celebration, a weekend-long event that also included a display at the Historic Trinity Church of World War Two and Vietnam memorabilia, a collection of model aircraft from the Niagara Sunday Flyers remote-control aircraft club, and an outstanding display of items relating to Charles DeGlopper, including the Medal of Honor that was presented to his family in 1946. Earl DeGlopper, a Navy World War II veteran and first cousin of Charles, and his wife, Rita, were my most gracious hosts during the weekend, taking me to some of the local attractions, including the farm where Charles grew up. They also treated me to an excellent dinner at The Village Inn, a unique eatery on the island.
Joe Synakowski, an 82nd Airborne veteran, and who actually served in the 325th in 1947, presented me with copies of what information he had on display for Charles. It was very touching to see the great interest and respect that so many members of the community had for Charles, and the warm welcome I received. I would also like to extend my thanks to Teddy Linenfelser; without the outstanding work she has done on the Grand Island web site (www.isledegrande.com), it is very unlikely I would have been able to make contact with DeGlopper's family, nor taken part in honoring a true hero of the 325th.
Ladies Auxiliary Lists New Officers
The VFW Post 9249's Ladies Auxiliary
elected new officers as follows:
President S. Woodfine, Senior Vice-President K. Lommer, Junior Vice-President K. Blake, Secretary A. Vincent, Treasurer K. Mehltretter, Chaplain Teri Majewicz, Guard Pat Allen, and Conductress Mary Becker.
VFW Ladies Auxiliary News
Barbi Lare Photo
The VFW 9249 Ladies Auxiliary presented a huge craft sale last Saturday (June 8, 2002) at the post on Grand Island Blvd. The wide variety of crafters included one with baskets being made on the spot. VFW members added to the festivities by providing hot dogs, hamburgers, chowder and the all the trimmings.
Veterans Display WWII Memorabilia
Barbi Lare Photo
Historic Trinity Chapel was a perfect setting for the Veterans' display of memorabilia of the World War II and Vietnam eras this past weekend (June 7-9, 2002). VFW 9249's three-day sesquicentennial event featured military uniforms, declarations, historic articles,
and a marvelous display of model airplanes.
The dedication of a new headstone, recognizing the fact that Charles N. DeGlopper was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor after his death, was a perfect tribute to Grand Island's war hero. The service, taking place under sunny skies in Maple Grove Cemetery, was led by VFW Trustee Joe Synakowski on Sunday, June 9, 2002. The well attended service drew elderly as well as very young relatives of Charles N. DeGlopper from near and far. The headstone is a gift from the members of VFW Post #9249.
2002 Flea Market and Craft Sale UPDATE - It's This Saturday!
The VFW Post 9249's Ladies Auxiliary holds its 3rd annual Flea Market and Craft Sale 9 a.m. Saturday, June 8, 2002 at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Sesquicentennial Program Books, t-shirts, hats and key chains will be available and Don Burns will be in attendance with his newly published book, "Piano People." The Ladies promise a huge turnout of flea market people and crafters, along with chowder (take-out containers available), baked goods, hot dogs and hamburgers. Proceeds to benefit Special Olympics.
Niagara Sunday Flyers To Display Model Airplanes The Niagara Sunday Flyers will present a display of model airplanes, during the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW 9249's WWII military memorabilia display in Historic Trinity Church on Whitehaven Road. The event, free and open to the public, runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, June 7 through Sunday, June 9, 2002. Members of the Niagara Sunday Flyers will also hold a Remote Airplane Show with hands-on demonstrations of their model planes from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, July 7 behind the High School on Ransom Road.
VFW Ladies Seek New Members Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 Ladies Auxiliary are in the process of inviting eligible women to join their organization. The very active Ladies Auxiliary continuously holds functions which benefit veterans, Auxiliary members, Grand Island Community and the country. The VFW Ladies were the recipients of the Chamber of Commerce "Organization of the Year" award during its Citizens of the Year Banquet in April 2002. Women desiring more information on how to join, may call the post at 773-6343. Kathie Blake is the chairman of the Membership Committee.
Veterans' Display Of WWII Memorabilia Veterans of Foreign Wars, Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 will present a military display of WWII memorabilia in Historic Trinity Church on Whitehaven Road from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, June 7 through Sunday, June 9, 2002. Displays by the 82D Airborne Association, Niagara Frontier Chapter, will include artifacts, materials, uniforms and equipment. The Medal Of Honor, awarded to Island native Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper, will also be on display. The public is invited.
Buddy Poppy Drive 2002 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249 will conduct the annual "Buddy Poppy Drive" at various locations on Grand Island. The drive, which runs from May 23-25, will help fund the National Home in Eaton Rapids, Michgan, a community of homes for widows and orphans of deceased veterans. Each state of the union is represented. The proceeds from the drive are also used to aid local veterans' needs. "Wear your Buddy Poppy on Memorial Day in memory of our comrades who made the supreme sacrifice," a spokesman for the local VFW said this week.
Memorial Day Services 2002 Memorial Day Services will be conducted 10 a.m. Monday, May 27, 2002 in DeGlopper Memorial Park, Grand Island Blvd. and Baseline Road. Charles DeGlopper, nephew of World War II hero Charles N. DeGlopper, will be guest speaker. The public is encouraged to attend.
The Honor Guard of the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post 9249 Veterans of Foreign Wars will conduct gravesite services at the following locations on May 27 2002 - times approximate:
Whitehaven Cemetery - East River Rd. (near Holiday Inn) 7:40-7:50 a.m.
Maple Grove Cemetery - (resting place of C. N. DeGlopper) near Whitehaven Rd. 7:55-8:05 a.m.
Staley Cemetery - West River Rd near Staley - 8:15-8:25 a.m.
Assumption Cemetery - Whitehaven Rd, near 4th St. - 8:30-8:40 a.m.
Trinity Cemetery - Whitehaven Rd. next to Old Trinity Church 8:45-8:55 a.m.
St. Stephen's Cemetery - Baseline Rd, next to Old St. Stephen's Church - 9-9:10 a.m.
Mother's Day Brunch At VFW
A Mother's Day Brunch is being offered at the VFW Post #9249 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mother's Day, Sunday May 12, 2002. Cost is $8.00 per plate with children 10 yrs & under at $4.00. Menu includes Scrambled Eggs, Ham, Sausage, Home Fries, Ham with raisin sauce, Chicken Ala King, Sweet Potatoes, Vegetable, Shrimp Cocktail, Fresh Fruit and Pastries. Mimosas available at bar at $1.50.
New Headstone for Charles N. DeGlopper
The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 will remember the 58th anniversary of the death of Charles N. DeGlopper by dedicating a new headstone at his grave 1 p.m. on June 9, 2002 with proper recognition of the Congressional Medal of Honor, awarded to "Charlie" DeGlopper in 1946. The headstone is a gift from the members of the VFW #9249 Post. Open House will follow at the Post clubrooms.
6th Annual Chicken BBQ
The Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 will hold its 6th Annual Chicken BBQ from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, May 18, 2002 with all proceeds to benefit the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation. Price for the half chicken dinner and all the salads you can eat is $6. Desserts/$1. "Pete Worden & The Stinger," direct from the Lafayette Tap Room will provide live music from 7-10 p.m.
2002 Flea Market and Craft Sale - It's This Saturday!
Members of the VFW Post 9249 Ladies Auxiliary will hold their 3rd annual Flea Market and Craft Sale 9 a.m. Saturday, June 8, 2002 at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Tables under the Pavillion will be rented on a first come, first served basis. Table rental reservations ($10) may be made by calling Nina Goss, 773-6892 or 773-1224 or sign up in person at the VFW Post. Chowder, baked goods, hot dogs and hamburgers will be available. Proceeds to benefit Special Olympics.
Notice of Election
VFW election of officers will take place at the regular monthly meeting, 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 9, 2002. All comrades are urged to attend this important meeting and cast their ballot for the officers of the post for the coming year. "It is your duty as a member of this great veterans organization."
Breakfast At the VFW
The VFW Post #9249 is serving breakfast from 8-11 a.m. on Sat. April 6 at $5.00 per plate. The feast will include scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, biscuit w/gravy & sausage, pancakes, french toast, oatmeal, fruit cup, pastries, and juice & coffee. Mimosas sold at the bar $1.50. Everyone welcome.
VFW Annual Pierogi Sale
Delicious Pierogi will be sold at the VFW Post 9249 on Saturday, March 23. The homemade Pierogies will be sold after 5 p.m. at $7.00 a dozen or $4.00 half dozen. Choices are Cheese or Sauerkraut and advance paid orders will be taken at the bar.
VFW Offers St. Patrick's Day Dinner
Members of the VFW Post #9249 Ladies Auxiliary will serve a St. Patrick's Day dinner from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, March 16 at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Take outs will be available. Proceeds will benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Association.
Meat Loaf Makers
Members of the DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post #9249 Ladies Auxiliary served a hearty Meat Loaf Dinner to all comers last Saturday (Mar. 3, 2002). Kathy
Lommer (third from left) chaired the event, a complete sell out, with the assistance of (left) Jennifer
Wilson, Nina Goss and Jennifer LeBlanc. The VFW Ladies Auxiliary have been chosen to be honored for their Community Service at the Chamber of Commerce Citizens of the Year dinner April 11th.
VFW Offers Saturday Breakfast
Members of the VFW Post #9249 Ladies Auxiliary will offer a breakfast from 8-11 a.m. on Saturday, March 9 at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Take outs will be available.
The DeGlopper VFW Post 9249, on Grand Island Blvd. held a Spaghetti Dinner as a
charity fund raiser on Saturday, February 19, 2002. Karen and Tom Roberts
chaired the event with the able assistance of Jo-Ann Thompson. No
one went away hungry that evening after more than 100 dinners were served. Later that week, the ladies and men of the VFW presented $1,000 to the Grand Island
High School Wind Ensemble for travel expenses to a Conference, and $100 and $50 awards were presented to winners of a Youth
Essay Contest.
VFW Presents $2,000 Check to Make-A-Wish
VFW Ladies Auxiliary President Kathy Lommer presents the VFW #9249 check to Make-A-Wish Foundation Public Relations Director Judi Downey. Also shown are (left) Mike Cutini, Mrs. Lommer, Jerry Coates, VFW Commander Ralph Lommer, Sabre Star Rob Ray, Town Councilmember Mary Cooke, VFW Member Wally Wigdorski and Dan McBride of McBride Media. Shown front are Kristy Kalman, Tommy Kalman, Cappy Cooke, Barbara Coady and Brandon Gleave.
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Western New York was the recipient of a check for $2,000 presented Friday, January 11, 2002 by members of the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post #9249 and its Ladies Auxiliary. Attending the presentation at the Post on Grand Island Blvd. were Rob Ray of Buffalo Sabre fame and Marketing/Public Relations Coordinator Judi Downey of the Make-A-Wish Foundation who accepted the check on behalf of the organization. The $2,000 check was the proceeds of the very successful VFW Chili Cook-off held on October 13, 2001 for the benefit of Make-A-Wish.
VFW St. Patrick's Day Dinner
The VFW will hold a St. Patrick's Day Dinner ($6) from from 4 p.m. until the food runs out(!) on Saturday, March 16, 2002 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd.
VFW Meatloaf Dinner and "Kentucky Derby Nite"
The VFW will hold a Meatloaf Dinner from 4-6:15 p.m. Saturday, March 2, 2002 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. The dinner will include meatloaf, real mashed potatoes w/gravy, sweet & sour cabbage, veggie, salad, homemade bread & butter, cake and coffee at
$5.00 per plate. Immediately following the dinner and back by popular demand will be a "Kentucky Derby Nite" (7-10 p.m.). Everyone is welcome.
VFW Spaghetti Dinner
The VFW will hold a Spaghetti Dinner from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, February 16, 2002 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. The event will feature live entertainment. Details to follow.
VFW Offers Groundhog Day Breakfast
Members of the VFW Post #9249 will offer a Groundhog Day Breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to ? on Saturday, February 2, 2002 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Cost of $5 per plate will include scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage & biscuits w/gravy, home fries, pancakes, fruit, bagels, pastries, juice & coffee "and fresh road kill." Mimosas will be available at the bar $1.50.
Pearl Harbor was remembered by veterans and Isle residents at services on December 7, 2001 at the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post #9249. Shown in the Color Guard photo are Colorguard Captain Bernie Brice out in front and from right are Harry Jerge, Kestor Bleich, Wally Wigdorski, Don Richard, Sam Morris, Jim Skindell, Sterling Haslam, Les Lablank and Lee Becker. Shown at the podium (left) are Joe Synakowski and Walter Cowan.
VFW to Observe Pearl Harbor Day
Memorial services in observance of the attack on Pearl Harbor will be held
at the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post #9249 Friday, December 7, 2001 at noon. All
citizens are invited to the Post in remembrance of those who perished at
Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941. The service will also be in memory of the
victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City and
Washington, D.C. Councilman Mike Heftka reminded Islanders during Monday's town board meeting to fly their flags at half staff December 7.
Eldein Godzisz, pictured center, entered the winning pie in Saturday's VFW Pie Contest and Turkey Raffle. Sam Woodfine was chairman of the event that drew 12 entries. Judging was done by Pete Martin andCouncilwoman Mary Cooke on the left, Carolyn Jones, right and Lorraine Criddle, 2nd from right. Entries were judged on appearance, crust, texture, originality and taste.
Veterans Day Observance
Fred Claus photo
Veterans Day ceremonies took place Sunday at Veterans Park in honor of all veterans who served the United States in time of war. Services were held on the 83rd anniversary of the end of World War I, on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour.
Town Supervisor Peter A. McMahon led the Pledge to the Flag and gave the opening address. "November 11th is a day this nation sets aside to recognize its veterans. November 11th, 2001 is especially appropriate to stop and recognize our veterans for two reasons," the supervisor said. "Today it has been exactly two months since terrorists hijacked four airliners, crashing them into buildings deliberately targeting civilians and military alike. Two months since the worst terrorist act in history, an act which this nation must not forget. November 11, 2001 is also appropriate because again, on this Veterans Day, like too many other Veterans Days before it, we are at war. The brave men and women of this nation's armed forces are once again in harm's way for us and for our freedom," McMahon said. "This new war against terrorism, will certainly increase the number of proud Americans who have earned the honor to be called veterans," he said. Supervisor McMahon also reminding those in attendance that the Veterans Wall was the dream project of former Supervisor Bunny Luther who started the project just before his untimely death.
VFW Chaplain Mike Rogan gave the invocation and Earl DeGlopper and Mr. Rogan presented a wreath at the Wall to the fallen veterans. The Charles N. DeGlopper Veterans of Foreign Wars #9249 Color Guard provided the gun salute, and Taps was played by Grand Island High School students Adam Fetzer and Chris Goelz.
VFW Ladies To Hold Apple Pie Contest, Turkey Raffle
The VFW Post #9249 Ladies Auxiliary will host an apple pie contest followed by a turkey raffle on Saturday, November 17, 2001. Pie registration starts at noon and judging takes place at 2 p.m. The turkey raffle starts 1 p.m. and the birds will be raffled until 5 p.m. Last year's pie contest drew close to 20 entrants. Everyone welcome. For further information call the VFW Post, 773-6343 or Sam Woodfine, 775-0162.
VFW Ladies Auxiliary members who coordinated the event are (from left) Nina Goss, Betty Hollinger, Kathy Lommer, Sue Cason,
and Kathy Blake.
Fred Claus photo
Members of the VFW and its Ladies Auxiliary held a very successful Chili Cook Off on Saturday, October 13, 2001 and will be presenting a check for $2000 to the "Make a Wish Foundation." Judging of the crockpots of chili was done by Buffalo Sabre Rob Ray, County Legislator Chuck Swanick, Danny McBride of McBride Media and Councilwoman Mary Cooke. Glenn Martin was declared the first place winner. Other winners were BJ Chapman (2nd), Keith Jolombrewski (3rd), Michael Linenfelser (4th honorable mention), and Joyce Goodwin (5th honorable mention). This year's annual cookoff drew a total of 26 entries and also featured a Chinese Auction for 31 theme trays and
baskets, a 50-50 split drawing and music for dancing by the "Diamond Sound." An excellent crowd consumed all of the chili and also purchased nearly 20 lbs. of hot dogs. For information on the Make-A-Wish Foundation, click Make-A-Wish.
Veteran's Day at Post
The VFW Post #9249 has announced November 11 Veteran's Day ceremonies, to begin at 11 a.m., in Veteran's Park on Bedell Road, will be immediately followed by a brunch and music by Diamond Sound 2-6 p.m. at the post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd.
Veterans Helping Veterans
Members of Grand Island VFW 9249 would like to remind everyone that veterans are eligible for a variety benefits that many families and veterans are not aware of.
Stand Down 2001 - Veterans Helping Veterans, a joint effort between the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) and many veterans and community human service agencies, is planned for 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, September 22, 2001 at the VA Western New York Health Care System, 3495 Bailey Ave. to offer all levels of service to veterans.
Included will be VA benefits counseling, health screening examinations, employment assistance, information on housing opportunities, etc. Representatives of veterans' organizations will be available to advise veterans, along with VA and New York State Department of Veterans Affairs staff.
Additional information on Stand Down 2001 is available by calling 881-5855, ext. 239. Transportation to the event may be arranged by calling 862-6544.
Chili Cook Off
The VFW Post 9249 will hold its annual Chili Cook Off beginning at noon on Saturday, October 13, 2001 at the Post, 2121 Grand Island Blvd. Judging will be done by Rob Ray of the Buffalo Sabres. Entry fee is $10.00 (includes $3 general admission). Bring your own crock pot. Chili registration time is noon to 2:30 p.m. Judging will take place between 3 and 4 p.m. Prizes, a Chinese Auction and a 50/50 Raffle will be held and music by the Diamond Sound will be featured from 5-9 p.m. Chili will be sold after the contest at $1.00 per bowl. General admission is $3 per person. All proceeds to benefit "Make a Wish Foundation."
Past Post Commander and present Adjutant Gary Howard of Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post #9249, Veterans of Foreign Wars formally gave the oath of office to the following officers for 2001-2002: Commander Ralph Lommer; Senior Vice Commander Mike Cutini; Junior Vice Commander Tom Roberts; Quartermaster Bob Moore; Surgeon Wally Wigdorski; Judge Advocate Leo Ricci (not in picture). The membership wishes the officers a banner year while serving in their respective offices. Members enjoying refreshments after the swearing in ceremonies at the Post Club Room.
Joe Synakowski presented a model of a World War II PT Boat similar to the boats VFW member Walter Cowan served on in the Pacific Theater of War. Walter has been a key member of the Charles N. De Glopper Memorial Post for many years and has served in many capacities. He has been a true comrade to his fellow Veterans and the Post.
Members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW held their 2nd annual Flea
Market June 16, 2001, to benefit Special Olympics. The outdoor facility was
ideal on the warm day that saw some rain. Side curtins protected the
vendors as they sold their wares of crafts, baskets, puzzles, and
miscellaneous items for all tastes and desires. Forty-one dealers were on hand
for the day. Members Marilyn Howard and Marie Saskowski, as well as Chairman Nina Goss,
are shown with Sherry Olrogge with Sherry's Baskets & Crafts.
Supervisor Peter McMahon reads a Proclamation of support to
Veterans Walter Wigdorski and Joe Synakowski for the Veterans of Foreign Wars
“Buddy Poppy Days.” The event takes place May 24 – May 26. Citizens are
urged to support the VFW generously during this effort.
“ The red petals of the Buddy Poppy are symbolic of the
vast outpouring of blood; the yellow and black center is a reminder of the
mud and desolation of all the battlefields; the green of the stem is symbolic
of the forests, meadows and fields where generations of Americans have
perished to make this land free; the stem represents the courage and
determination of our fallen warriors and the assembled product, a flower, is
a symbol of Resurrection.” – Col. John J. McRae 1915. (William O'Connor photo)
VFW Ladies Auxiliary members and friends (left) Marilyn Burak, Eldein
Godzisz, Barbara Coady, Marilyn Howard, Betty Hollinger and Katherine Lommer
took a break from their day's work at the VFW Chicken BBQ to pose for this
photo. In the right photo, Master Chef Pete Martin is showing one of the
delicious chickens served up by the VFW on Saturday, May 19, 2001, for the
benefit of the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation. Chef Martin, who volunteers
his time unselfishly every year for this BBQ, was aided by Assistant Chef Bob
Moore. Click on photos for larger view.(Fred Claus photo)
Chicken Barbecue To Benefit Neighbors
Post #9249's 5th annual chicken barbecue to benefit the Grand Island
Neighbors Foundation takes place at the VFW Post from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, May 19,
2001. Live music will feature the Wolves of Graceland. The menu is half chicken,
and all the side dish food you can eat for $6. Desserts, $1.
Post Announces Annual Golf Grill Raffle
Winners of the April 28, 2001 Golf Grill Raffle are as follows: 1st
prize, Grill, L. Vincent; 2nd prize, $100, Dick Matylo; 3rd prize, $50, Danny
Hayes; 4th prize, $50, Lynn Kalman.
Attempted Burglary At Post
An attempted burglary took place at the VFW Post 9249 on Grand Island Blvd. on
the morning of April 23, 2001. Perpetrators almost succeeded breaking into the
post through the rear door but were scared off by the alarm system. Quick
response to the alarm by Sheriff's Deputies saved the Post from further
attempts. A parking lot light was damaged in the attempted break-in, causing a
fire. Due to the observance by Deputy Sheriff Jack Thompson who rechecked the
premises, a major fire was averted. Damage has been repaired, and the rear
entrance has been re-enforced.
Buddy Poppy Sale
The annual Buddy Poppy Drive takes place from May 24 through May 26,
2001. "Buddy Poppy Pals" will be around town next Thursday, Friday and
Saturday to distribute the poppies, an event that raises millions of dollars to
benefit disabled and other needy veterans. Give generously. For the history of
the Buddy Poppy drive, click Buddy Poppy.
VFW Ladies Plan Flea Market - Craft Sale
A Flea Market and Craft Sale sponsored by the VFW Ladies Auxiliary will
take place Saturday, June 16, at the V.F.W. Post #9249, 2121 Grand Island Boulevard.
The sale starts at 9 a.m. Table rental at $10 may be made by calling Nina Goss,
773-6892 or 773-1224 or sign up at the Post. Baked goods, hot dogs, hamburgers
and Marilyn Howard's famous chowder (take-out containers available) will be
featured. All proceeds will benefit "Special Olympics."
Joanne Thompson of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary chaired Saturday (Mar. 31)
night's very successful 50s dance at the VFW Hall with proceeds going to
charity. There were hula hoops and music for twist dancing, limbo dancing and
lots of great fun. Music by "Wolves of Graceland" (Shannon, Brenda,
Lisa and Bernie) kept the party going, and eventually everyone took part in
having a good time. Kathleen Ford, Kathy Lommer, and Gail and Richard Byron,
shown above, won prizes for their dancing techniques. The evening was
highlighted by a surprise visit from "Elvis" in costume, singing, and
playing a mean guitar. (Barbi Lare photo)
VFW 50s Party
The VFW Ladies are sponsoring a 50s Dance from 7-11 p.m. Saturday,
March 31, 2001. The dance will feature the music of "Wolves of
Graceland" as well as hula hoop, twist and limbo contests. No cover charge.
Joanne Thompson is Chairperson. Call 773-6343 for more information.
The Charles N. DeGlopper VFW POST 9249 of Grand Island is
pleased to announce that one of the Island's own teachers has been selected as
Teacher of the Year. Joyce Cowan, kindergarten teacher at Sidway School, has
been selected to receive this honor for the many years of support she has given
to veterans in her personal life as well as in her classroom, and for the
personal essay written about honoring living veterans. She was nominated for
this award by Commander Ralph H. Lommer of VFW POST 9249.
Miss Cowan began attending the various ceremonies honoring
veterans since taking part in the program while playing in the high school band.
She continues to support these ceremonies by her attendance, but now encourages
her students to attend as well. Miss Cowan believes that it is important to
teach children patriotism and respect for our country at an early age. It is
important for children to personally meet the men and women who sacrificed so
much to defend this country.
Miss Cowan began incorporating patriotic lessons when teaching
third grade at Huth Road School during the Gulf War. She participated in the
school's support of the military by displaying yellow ribbons and by having her
students correspond with the active servicemen that they knew. After the
servicemen returned home, she arranged for a soldier to visit the class, where
he thanked them for the kind words, thoughts and stories while he was away.
At Sidway School, Miss Cowan has organized the collection and
distribution of Valentines to the VA Hospital and the Post, helped to organize
the "Penny Project" for the Veterans Wall and has contributed service
ideas to Post 9249 for its community service projects. But, most importantly,
Miss Cowan and her class remember the veterans and their families each year by
displaying a wall of honor. Each serviceman (past and present) has a star with
his/her name written on it, and placed under the military branch in which he/she
has served. It is displayed for Veterans Day in the hopes that each family will
remember its loved ones who deserve to be honored and recognized for their
bravery, courage and support of their country.
Members of Post 9249 visited Miss Cowan and her students to
thank them personally for the Valentines and kind thoughts that were sent to
them. Appreciation was expressed to Miss Cowan for teaching her students about
the veterans and to let her know that she has been recommended for the Veterans
State Teacher of the Year Award.
VFW Offers Spaghetti Dinner
The VFW Ladies Auxiliary will offer an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner from 5-7
p.m. on Saturday, February 17, 2001 at the Post. All proceeds to benefit
Muscular Dystrophy. Chairperson is Marilyn Howard, 774-0194.
The VFW Ladies Auxiliary has planned a St. Patrick's Day Dinner from
4-7 p.m. Saturday, March 17, 2001. Dinners are $6 a plate with proceeds
benefitting Juvenile Diabetes. The dinner, chaired this year by Lorraine
Criddle, is said to be a sell out so get there early.
Vets Day at the Veterans Wall
By Fred Claus Members of the Charles N.
DeGlopper Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9249 and the American Legion
post joined residents Saturday as Grand Island held its Veterans Day Service for
the first time at new Veterans Park Memorial Wall on Bedell Road. Town
Councilwoman, Mary Cooke began the service with the pledge to the flag, and then
turned the program over to VFW Chaplain Mike Rogan for a short prayer. VFW
Commander Ralph Lommer spoke briefly on the history of Armistice Day, and also
his appreciation for his fellow veterans. After a moment of silence for the
veterans who are no longer with us, Grand Island High School students Shannon
Peters and Cindy Gratton performed the traditional "Taps" which was
followed by a 21-gun salute by the VFW honor guard. The service ended with the
dedication of a wreath presented by VFW Chaplain Mike Rogan on behalf of the VFW
along with Earl DeGlopper on behalf of the American Legion.
VFW Chaplain Mike Rogan and Earl DeGlopper of the American Legion presenting the wreath.
Mike then gave a short Benediction, and invited all in attendance, along with
all Grand Island residents to the VFW post for a brunch. Mrs. Cooke announced
that this was going to be an Island tradition taking place every year at
Veterans Park.
to observe Veterans Day
Grand Island residents will remember our men and women who
served their country in time of war at ceremonies at 11 a.m., Saturday, November
11 at the Veterans Park Memorial Wall, Bedell Road.
The United States Marine Corps is celebrating its 225th
birthday and former and present members of the United States Marine Corps from
Grand Island will be in attendance at Saturday's services. A message for the
225th Marine Corps Birthday is now available at the Commandant's webpage (http://www.usmc.mil/cmc).
Members of the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249
will be celebrating the 35th anniversary of the post with a brunch at VFW
immediately after Veterans Day services. A Turkey raffle will take place from
2-4 p.m. and music by Diamond Sound may be heard from 6-10 p.m.
Island residents are urged to attend the remembrance of
those who fought for America's freedom - an observance that began in 1921 when
the Unknown Soldier from World War I was buried in Arlington National Cemetery
near Washington, D.C. Armistice Day as it was formerly known, November 11,
marked the anniversary of the end of World War I. It was after the start of
World War II that the name changed to Veterans Day and all Americans who served
in the wars were remembered. Government offices will be closed on November 10
and President Bill Clinton will lay wreaths on the tombs of the identified
VFW has first apple pie bake off
Activity on Sunday, November 5 at the VFW Post on Grand Island Blvd. was brisk
during the Bills football game but after the nail biting conclusion, judging for
an Apple Pie Bake-off began with an examination of the 18 pies and then tasting
of the creations by the judges, John Lexo, Al Coppola and John Simon. After some
deliberation, the judges called for a second taste of some of the pies, with a
final decision that Amanda Morris (shown 2nd from right) was the first place
winner. Sam Woodfine, chairman of the event is on the left. Slices of each pie
were sold to raise funds for the Grand Island Golden Age Center and the Grand
Island Neighbors Foundation, Inc. (Barbi Lare photo)
If you are a member of this organization, we need your help. GIECOM.Net has partnered with the Connections program to help Grand Island as a community "Get it Together." Please visit our website G-I-Together.ORG and fill out our SURVEY. Every group on Grand Island will have its own FREE web page showing: meeting times and location, contact persons, your Mission Statement and a listing of events. We will also be linking your news events that appear in the local media and on IsledeGrande.Com, Grand Island's E-News Source, to your page, maintaining an archived journal of pictures and news. This is the perfect opportunity for your group to connect with potential new members and the community.