Huth Road Elementary School News Web Page - 2008

1773 Huth Road - 773-8850

Huth Road Elementary School District's Website.

Principal - Mary E. Haggerty

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Ho-Down and Hootenanny at Huth Elementary - 2008

(left) Maria & Gabriella Sciortino - (right) Second graders enjoying the hootenanny!
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   After reading literature about life on a ranch, second graders at Huth Road School made their reading come to life! Students dressed in their finest western gear to add to the fun. The cowboys and cowgirls gathered together in the gym for a Hoe-down, complete with a Hootenanny with singing and dancing. Music teacher Mrs. Carol Horrigan led the western themed singing with her piano, and the second grade teachers led the cowpokes in country line dancing. Participating classes were those of Mrs. Anna Agnello, Miss Kristin Donnelly, Miss Heidi Mesmer, Mrs. Jeanne Percival, and Mrs. Janine Schroeder. A good time was had by all - yee-haw!

Huth Road Elementary
Hawk Creek visits Huth Road Elementary - 2008

(left) Huth Road student, Wyatt Tollner, with an artifact of a skunk from Hawk Creek - (right) A porcupine from the rescue center
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    As part of Huth Road Elementary School's enrichment program, sponsored by the PTA, Hawk Creek Wildlife Center was invited to visit the school and teach the second graders about the many Myths, Magic & Mystery of Mammals. Mammals are known for baffling predators and prey by the use of unique adaptations. This program looked at the way these animals survive and dispelled some of the common misconceptions surrounding them. The presentations included live mammals and touchable animal artifacts.

Huth Road Elementary
Fun With Hands-On Social Studies - 2008

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   Miss Melissa Marciszewski's third grade class at Huth Road Elementary School enjoyed doing their hands-on social studies project. Students had the opportunity to make their own globes using balloons, sta-flow, and newspapers. Once the balloons were completely dry, they painted them blue, and boy, was that messy, but fun. After the paint dried, they added the continents.
   These are some of the things the students had to say about the recent project:
Pictured right to left above:
Victoria Botticello- "I learned that globes can tell us where a lot of places are. My favorite part was gluing on newspapers onto the balloon."
Jack Steinagel- "I learned that it is hard to make paper mache globes in one day. It took us 3 days. Boy, it was worth it, though."
Taylor Zajdowicz- "I think the globes are really cool because they represent our world and it shows that we care about our world."

Huth Road Elementary School 1958-2008

Tom Tierney, first principal of Huth Road Elementary School

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Photos show the new ceramic tile mural, the large windows in the front hall and the kindergarten wing as it looked in September 1958.
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By Teddy Linenfelser

   Grand Island's population began to grow beginning in the 1940s due mostly to the development of the Sandy Beach neighborhood and Grandyle Village. The opening of the Huth Road Elementary School 50 years ago this week would not entirely alleviate the overcrowding that had become the norm in Island schools. The Island was growing faster than our schools could be built or enlarged.

(left) The auditorium, with seating for 350, was designed with exposed brick side walls and decorative acoustic panels at the rear; (right) The cafeteria had seating for 200 children

   School voters approved a $1,250,000 bond issue for construction of Huth Road School on October 11, 1955, by a 419-177 vote. School Board members at the time were President John Fontana, Vice President Walton B. Tanner, Charles J. Soch, Richard B. Hogue and Eugene R. Schutt.
   The building was on a 25-acre plot and held an area of floor space of 56,880 square feet. Plans called for a 600-pupil school with three kindergarten rooms of 1000 square feet each plus toilet, storage and wardrobes, and 18 classrooms for pupils in first through sixth grade, a gymnasium, auditorium and cafeteria. The classrooms for grades 1 through 3 were 900 square feet each and those for grades 4 through 6 were 770 square feet each. The gym was to be 4,200 sq. ft. plus lockers and showers and bleachers to seat 108. The auditorium and stage took up 3,830 square feet with seating for 350. The Cafeteria measured 2,680 sq. ft. plus kitchen.

Supervising Principal of Island schools Veronica E. Connor and school board member Frederick P. Turner are shown turning the first spade at the ground breaking in July 1956. Board member Charles J. Soch, board President Dr. John Fontana, board members Walton B. Tanner and Richard B. Hogue, Robert J. Stoll of the architectural firm and town Supervisor George J. Burgstahler are shown behind them.

   A ground breaking ceremony for Huth Road School was held July 31, 1956. The invocation was given by Rev. Richard H. Baker, vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, and musical selections were played by the Grand Island Community Band under the direction of William Pinkow. School Board President John Fontana spoke on "Our Schools for Today and Tomorrow." For the benediction, Heber Ashley Jr. sang "Bless This House." Pfohl & Stoll were the architects. Frederick T. Williams Company was the building contractor.
   A school district vote of 149 to 90 on May 7, 1957 showed residents in favor of naming the school on Huth Road after Island native and World War II hero, Charles N. DeGlopper. The Island Dispatch reported: "The name of the Island hero was selected as the name of the new elementary school." At the time, some residents wanted the new building to be called the Sandy Beach School, but in the end the school was named the Huth Road Elementary School by school board action.
    The history for the naming of Huth Road follows: The new school was named for the road it was built on. The location of the elementary school bordered on the farmland of a farmer by the name of Frederick Huth, born in Grabso, Prussia in 1812. He came to Grand Island with his wife and children in 1856 and farmed the land here for 52 years until his death in 1908 at age 97.
   The cornerstone for the school was laid on May 21, 1958 and included clippings from the Buffalo Evening News. All were contained in a box that was sealed in the cornerstone at 7 p.m. ceremonies. Master of Ceremonies was School Board President John Fontana. Rev. Rupert Wright of St. Stephen's Church gave the Invocation; Rev. Eldon D. Snyder, pastor of Emmanuel EUB Church on Baseline Road, was the principal speaker; and Mrs. Ora Glazener sang "The Lord's Prayer" for the benediction.
    The new Huth Road Elementary School, held up due to a series of strikes, opened on Friday, September 26, 1958. Kaegebein School, with its own newly completed addition, was forced to open on schedule earlier in the month with double sessions for all elementary grades.
   A Buffalo Evening News story quoted Miss Connor: "Although the school won't be completed, custodians next week will begin preparing classrooms for use. The contractors may have to work around us but we are moving in."
    A total of 1945 pupils were enrolled in Island school in 1958, 200 more than when school closed in June 1958. With the opening of the new Huth Road School, Kaegebein School, rated a capacity of 900 students, had 910. The Huth Road School housed 660 or 60 over normal capacity. Sidway Junior High School's enrollment was 375.

Kindergarten students standing outside the school on November 25, 1958 - See also Old Photo Album

   Until this time there was one PTA unit known as the Grand Island Parent-Teachers Association. With the opening of the Huth Road School, three separate units were formed.
   Dedication of the school took place on December 7, 1958.
   By October 1958, the school board authorized the architectural firm of Pfohl, Stoll & Roberts to prepare preliminary plans for an addition to the new school (ten classrooms and an auxiliary cafeteria) to accommodate an additional 300 students.
   Tom Tierney, a former member of the school board, was appointed principal and serving for many years. Mr. Tierney was followed by L. Jeffrey Baltes, Peg Koppman and current principal, Mary E. Haggerty who has held the position since 2002.
   Happy 50th birthday Huth Road School! Celebration activities will be announced as they become available.
Posted September 25, 2008

Kids On The Block Visit Huth Road Elementary School - 2008

Samantha Pusatier, Puppets Mark Riley and Melody James and student Matthew Giordano
   To kick off this year’s assemblies, Huth Road Elementary School welcomed "Kids on the Block," a program of puppets and puppeteers presented by the Museum of disABILITY History, a project of People Inc. Third and fourth grade classes enjoyed the puppets and presentation. The mission of the "Kids on the Block" is to use the power of puppetry to inspire children to appreciate differences, say no to all forms of prejudice, and develop skills to grow up healthy and safe. This is knowledge that will not only serve them well now, but throughout their lives, making children - and our whole community - stronger. The children at Huth Road Elementary now truly have a better understanding and acceptance of other children regardless of their disabilities.

Welcome back to school! - 2008

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   Huth Road Elementary School’s teachers and staff welcome students back to school for their 50th Anniversary year beginning! Students eagerly arrived to school Tuesday morning dressed in their best, rested and ready to learn! Along to welcome them are our 5th grade safeties Tanner Morrow, Emelie-jo Scheffler, and Laura Szczepankiewicz who gladly hold the doors for the students at the main entrance daily!

Readers are Leaders at Huth Road Elementary School - 2008

Pictured are from top left to right: Nicholas Bailey, Ryan O’Neil, Alex Whetham, Lauren Rogoza, Benjamin Jensen, and Madelyn Webb. Middle are left to right: Sara Kwarciak, Maya Harper, Leora Bellia, Brianna Little, and Alana Enright. Bottom left to right are: Julia Pino, Michael Mankowski, Amanda Moran, Andrew Thompson, and Taylor Zajdowicz.
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   Throughout the school year, the students at Huth Road Elementary School were encouraged to keep track of the many books that they read. At the end of the school year, an awards ceremony took place where it was announced that the school grand total number of books read was over 12,000! Students were awarded with certificates, medals, and t-shirts for their hard work, based on their number of books read. It is important that parents encourage their children to read over the summer. Here are some Reasons why reading to, or with, your children every day will help them become leaders. Because when you hold them and give them this attention, they know you love them. Because reading to your children will encourage them to become readers for life. Because children's books today are so good, they are even fun for adults. Because illustrations in children's books often rank among the best, giving children a life long feeling for good art. Books will enable your child's imagination to soar. Because every teacher and librarian they encounter will thank you.
   Here are some more ideas that may be helpful to you and your family over the summer on how to raise a bookworm: Make regular trips to the library. Help each child acquire their very own library card. Keep a special place at home especially for library books, so they are easy to find on the due date! Set up a bookshelf in your child’s room or in a corner of another room to keep their own books. Play Scrabble and Boggle and other word games. Model yourself as a reader. Curl up with a good book today. Remember the TV has an off button too. Give books as gifts for Birthdays, Christmas and other holidays. Plan a trip together -- read maps and travel brochures etc. Have your child keep a diary of the trip. Read aloud a lot and encourage quiet alone reading time every day. Discuss the books you and your child read. "Would you like to live during those times?" "Would you have chosen him as a friend?" "How do you think she felt when...?" "What would you have done?" Provide an unlimited amount of reading material... Magazines, newspapers, comic books, paperback books, encyclopedias, story books etc.-(courtesy of the Children’s Librarians of LMX)

Huth Road Moving Up Day - 2008

   The following Huth Road Elementary 5th grade students have been recognized with an honorary “H” pin at the moving up day ceremony for the 2007-2008 school year:
Carly Bernatovicz, Jordan VeRost, Enrico D’Abate, Emily Szabo, Leah Killian, Alyssa Pelosi, Joshua Less, Taylor Latvala, Bethany Wynne, Natalie Henderson, Marissa Catanzaro, Katherine Fonte, Eric Dudley, Halle Fitzgerald, Margaret Rustowicz, Kayla Conway, Rebecca Slowinski, Emilie Stinner, Kim Huffnagle, Carly Hand, Marah Killian, and Kurt Laschinger.
   The presidential awards went to the following 5th grade students:
Natalia Christiano, Nick Bonora, Khristian Kline, Carly Hand, Jenna Rienard, Lillian Cultrara, Kayla Conway, Eric Dudley, Taylor Latvala, Leah Killian, Margaret Rustowicz, Kasandra Guyette, McLain Erhard, Alyssa Pelosi, Marah Killian, Carly Bernatovicz, Christian Hilts, Jack Kennedy, Brendan Pratt, Timothy Winder, Kurt Laschinger, Katherine Fonte, Emily Szabo, Bennett Wright, Jessica Foote, Joseph Egloff, and Bradley Boreali.
   Congratulations to the Huth Road 5th graders who are all shining stars.

Huth Road Character Award Winners - 2008

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   The following students at Huth Road Elementary school have been recognized by their teachers for exemplifying the character trait of The Golden Rule which is to treat others the way that you want to be treated. The winners are:
Second grade: Hallie Mingoia, Joelle-Yvette Scheffler, Matthew Giordano, Evan Bender, Joshua Hannibal, and Marissa Hovey
Third grade: Jenna Koyn, Jessica Myers, Karli Burford, Amanda Jordan, Kelsey Mahoney, Juleeann Nyitrai
Fourth grade: Cailin Atkins, Liana Lombardo, Jimmy Martin, Tanner Morrow, Maggie Rennells.

Playground Ribbon Cutting Benefits School, Community - 2008

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    It was an exciting moment for all involved as a large circle of students surrounded the Huth Road Elementary School ’s playground. Committee Chairwoman, Barbara Swagler, and committee members, Diane Lipp, and Kathy Brown to name a few, can all breathe a sigh of relief after all of their efforts. They were presented on Friday with a bouquet of flowers and a pin of appreciation, for all of their teamwork, time, dedication, and determination, for their three-year long fundraising effort and perseverance throughout the process. This committee gave more than all of that – they all gave both their heart and soul for this effort. It was prevalent as the ceremony began and tears were shed. The committee made a huge difference with their efforts, and it showed with the smiles on the hundreds of children’s faces as they can now play on safer playground equipment.
   "Many thanks must go out to some of our local leaders who were at our ribbon cutting ceremony," a spokesman for the gathering said. "They are Assemblyman, Sam Hoyt, Town Supervisor Peter McMahon, Representatives from the Rotary Club, School Superintendent Robert Christmann, Board of Education President Richard Little, and Huth Road PTA President Reenie Peppers.For anyone who donated to make this new playground possible, THANK YOU!"
   Both the school and community benefit from the playground updates. At any given time during the day students may be seen playing at the playground; and in the evening families enjoy it as well. Looking into the future the committee has plans for a garden and basketball hoop. The Huth Road Elementary School Playground is truly a safer and more enjoyable place for children to play today and well into the future.

Huth Road Elementary Honors Flag Day - 2008

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   Huth Road Elementary School students presented a special Flag Day program on Friday, June 13, beginning with the presentation of the flag by Cub Scouts Ryan O'Neil, Kam Olin, Ryan Frost and Richard Little. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by the song, "The Flag," sung by member of the Select Chorus under the direction of music teacher, Carol Horrigan. The 4th and 5th grade band, under the direction of Craig Poissant, also enhanced the ceremony by playing "Star Spangled Banner," " America," and "America, the Beautiful." The following Huth Road students narrated the patriotic program: Kate Fonte, Maggie Rustowicz, Lauren Rogoza, Jill Anderson, Jenna Corrao, Joseph Boyko, Sam Eichel, Anna Ungaro, Abigail Fay and Arthur Meaney.
   The highlight of the program was a very moving flag folding ceremony led by Air Force Honor Guards Master Sargent Jon Saunders and Senior Airman Schonle. With white gloves and full military honor, the Honor Guards performed a very poignant ceremony helping Huth Road students carry on the tradition of celebrating the first Flag Day observance. The students and teachers alike, wore red, white, and blue to show their own patriotic support of the American Flag and to remember those in uniform whose courage and sacrifice inspire us.

Huth Road Spelling Bee - 2008

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   The annual Huth Road Elementary School’s Spelling Bee is open to students in fourth and fifth grades. Two students as well as an alternate are chosen from each class. This year Huth Road Elementary school is proud to announce the following fifth grade students as finalists in this year’s annual spelling bee: (left) Jenna Reinard, and (right) Lauren Rogoza. Holding the first place and winning certificate is the 2008 Spelling Bee winner, Leora Bellia, who is a fourth grade student.

Character Counts at Huth Road Elementary School - 2008

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   The following students have been recognized by their teachers for exemplifying the character trait of perseverance as a part of Huth Road Elementary School's continuing Character Counts program.
From Grade 2: Matthew Carlson, Ricky Little, Breonah Brown, Mark Seibert, Taylor Zajdowicz, and Tyler Bernatovicz.
From Grade 3: Madisyn Pezzino, Ayah Abdelal, Marcy Barberic, Caleb Stallard, and Jake Tucker.
From Grade 4: Hope LoHouse, Kyle Frascatore, Alexis Belstadt, Edward Logel, Emily Jo Scheffler.
From Grade 5: Morgan Finn, Christian Hilts, Andrew Colautto, Ian Eisenberger, and Carleshia Evans.
    Special Area Nominees were: Colin Osborn, Jessica Patterson, Adam Bahgat and Austin Mahoney. These students have demonstrated that Perseverance is commitment, hard work, patience, endurance. It’s being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint. And to always try again and again and never give up.

Huth Road Students Take Part In Mini Relay - 2008

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   Huth Road Elementary School students showed their support of the Grand Island Relay For Life by participating in a mini-relay held on the school grounds. Spirits were high as the students wore purple, brought in donations and walked for 30 minutes to show they cared. Music and balloons were added to the festive occasion. After the walk, the Huth Road Playground Committee treated everyone to a freezie pop. The event ended with time to enjoy the new Huth playground. Team Huth would like to thank all the parents and students for showing their amazing team spirit and dedication to this worthy cause.

Celebrating Mini Relay Accomplishments - 2008
(Left) Mrs. Lipp, Supervisor McMahon and Mrs. Dent; (right) Mrs. Schroeder and class.

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   The 210 students of Huth Road Elementary who participated in raising funds for the Grand Island Relay For Life got a special treat on Wednesday, June 11th. An awards ceremony was held and great big popsicles were served. As the children enjoyed their cool treat, the top fundraisers were announced by Mrs. Diane Lipp and given a certificate by Supervisor and co-chair of Relay For Life Peter McMahon. American Cancer Society Relay partner Mrs. Jane Dent was also on hand to thank the students and pass out small gifts. Second grade teacher Mrs. Janine Schroeder was the proud teacher of the most students from a class to be involved. Over $6000 was raised by the students. The grade level winners of most money raised are: 2nd - Elizabeth Ishmael; 3rd - Julia Buscaglia; 4th - Cariss Parsons and 5th - Kate Fonte.

Huth Road Elementary
Our Favorite Stories from Wayside School - 2008

Pictured are the students of the Huth Road Elementary 3rd Grade classrooms of Mrs. Lipp, Mrs. Kopf, Mrs. Schmitt, and Mrs. Dickinson.
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   The students from the Huth Road Elementary 3rd Grade classrooms of Mrs. Lipp, Mrs. Kopf, Mrs. Schmitt, and Mrs. Dickinson are putting on a play and "you're" invited to join us! This is the 3rd annual production of the play and may be seen on Friday, June 6th at 1 p.m. The students have worked for six weeks on character development, stage presence, voice inflection and memorization of lines. The play was written by the teachers and adapted from the popular children’s book series, Wayside School by Louis Sachar. Music Teacher Mrs. Horrigan once again provided accompaniment on the piano, and helped to bring the play to life! Thank you to all for your help in making this years play a great success!

Huth Road 4th Graders Take Historic Tour - 2008

Huth Road Elementary students listen as Maggie Gushue explains the intricacies of doing laundry in the 1800's.
Jodi Robinson Photos - Click photos for larger view
   The 4th grade classes of Huth Road Elementary were the first to enjoy the annual Grand Island Historical Society's historic tour of Grand Island on Friday, May 16. Classes from St. Stephen School and Kaegebein Elementary are scheduled for next week. The students and their guides travel by school bus and visit River Lea, Ferry Village, the ice house on East River Road, the site of what was the Whitehaven Sawmill Settlement on the Holiday Inn property, the SS Corona off of Kirkwood Drive and a tour of the Town Hall.

Character Trait of Cooperation Recognized at Huth Road Elementary - 2008

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   The following students have been recognized by their teachers for exemplifying the character trait of cooperation. Pictured from Second grade are Alicia Haak, Savanah Turello, Joshua Saunders, Mark Giancola, Jason Lupp, and Matthew Logel; Third Grade, Katie Kovacs, Louis Fabiano, McKenna Collignon, Cassandra Shores, and Jacob Dollendorf; Fourth Grade, Alexa Graff, Cameron Colan, Marissa Freedman, Mikayla Reading and Leah Jasek; Fifth Grade, Alexa Lombardo, Joseph Egloff, Apelesan Wigneswaran, Marissa Catanzaro, and Jessica Foote. Special Area Teacher Nominees are Noah Syed, Lily Cultrara, and Smeen Shah.

Huth Road Teachers Go To Jail For Charity! - 2008

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   The teachers on the Team Huth Relay For Life Team recently got put "in jail" temporarily to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Wanted posters were displayed throughout Huth Road School with the faces of the teachers who would be "arrested" during the Huth Road Bazaar, which had a western theme. Deputy Dads made the arrests, and students gave donations to get their teacher out of jail. Many thanks to the families of Huth Road Elementary School who participated in this fun event, that raised $400.00 for the American Cancer Society. Pictured are Deputy Dads Mr. Freedman and Mr. Richard Little with teachers Miss Kristin Donnelly and Mrs. Beth Boron.

Poetry Comes Alive at Huth and Kaegebein Elementary Schools - 2008
(left) Kaegebein Elementary School, Alyssa Ruminski, Grace Federico, Charles from Poetry Alive!, Madeleine Husvar, and Katie from Poetry Alive!
(right) Left to right top: Katie and Charles from Poetry Alive!; bottom: From Huth Road Elementary, Drew Callen, Matthew O'Brien, Maggie Schultz and Cassidy Siebert.
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   Thursday, April 30, 2008 . . . The students at Huth Road Elementary and Kaegebein Elementary schools recently had a wonderful opportunity to experience poetry in action. The group "Poetry Alive!" visited the two schools last month in conjunction with “April is National Poetry Month.” This program was organized by Huth and Kaegebein school librarians, Ms. Vinnie Passanese and Mrs. Pat Rizzuto, and was sponsored by the PTA.
   "Poetry Alive" is comprised of theatrical performers who travel across the country and perform poetry for audiences ranging from Kindergarten though the university level. They also conduct workshops for educators. This high energy group incorporates a variety of performance techniques when acting out poems written by traditional, as well as, contemporary poets. Their goal is to improve student literacy by instilling in children a love and appreciation of poetry through the reading, writing and performing connection.
   In preparation for the visit, students at both schools were exposed to many different types of poetry. The students participated in writing and reciting their own poetry and performing before their peers and parents. Poetry books from the school libraries have been “flying” off the shelves.
   The interest and excitement generated by the "Poetry Alive!" presentations were wonderful to see and continued long after their visit to the Island schools.

Huth Road Elementary Celebrates Earth Day - 2008

(left) Collin Tolsma and Claire Brandon - Click photos for larger view

   Earth Day 2008 was celebrated by the Huth Road Elementary School classes of Mrs. Diane Lipp, Mrs. Mary Kopf, Mrs. Penny Schmitt and Mrs. Jeanne Percival. Students spent the day learning about the environment and their part in keeping Earth clean. Everyone had lunch outdoors and cleaned up the playground area. Collin Tolsma and Claire Brandon show some of the things they found during the cleanup. Second graders also spent the day using no electricity and using solar energy to light up their classrooms. What did you do to help the Earth?

Huth Road Elementary School
Character Counts Program Reinforces Viking Values - 2008

Pictured are the winners of the Character Trait Award for Trustworthiness.
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   The following students have been recognized by their teachers for exemplifying the character trait of trustworthiness as a part of our Character Counts program that reinforces the school districts “Viking Values” of Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe. Teachers and staff at Huth Road Elementary strive to encourage students to be honest, not to deceive, cheat or steal, to be reliable — do what you say you’ll do, have the courage to do the right thing, build a good reputation and lastly to be loyal — stand by your family, friends and country. The following students have earned the honor of being called a winner!
Second grade winners: Samantha Pusatier, Jacob Ford, Emily Cordero, Eliza Dudziak, Nico Catenzaro, and Courtney Wendling
Third grade winners: Tyler Muggli, Madelyn Webb, Jason Kubanek, Charlie Pratt, and David Pachla
Fourth grade winners: Cameron Smith, Chance Warmus, Maria Ramsperger, Sydney Keane, and Matthew Tollner
Fifth grade winners: Rebecca Slowinski, Nathan Marino, Laura Taylor, Jared Eichel, and Anna DeMartin
Special area teacher nominees: Leah Killian and Johnny Eckman, both fifth graders
   The teachers and staff at Huth Road Elementary congratulate all of this month's winners.

A Unique Global Experience at Huth Road Elementary - April 2008

(left) Joel Peppers and Alexa Graff are in cutouts representing Holland.
Picture #2: Mrs. Jill Koelmeyer, Christina Sutton, Kaitlin Hoy and Drew Callen dressed in attire from Yemen.
Picture #3: Dancer from Dance China NY
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   Students at Huth Road Elementary School had the recent opportunity to see Dance China NY; it is America's premier traditional Chinese dance company. Performing a vast and dynamic range of Chinese dance, the Company transported our audience to a world of colorful myths, historical drama, and timeless beauty. DCNY's repertoire of traditional and contemporary folk and classical dances weaves a vibrant vision of China's ancient indigenous folk cultures across varied terrains of time and region - legend and reality. All of the students embraced their experience and the Chinese culture. As part of the curriculum, the fourth grade students expanded their experience with a visit from Explore and More from East Aurora. Culture Day was celebrated as classes were decorated with cultural artifacts. The students rotate from classroom to classroom representing five different countries including China. Each country’s program included a discussion period about the way people live, eat, play and learn; followed by an interactive activity or craft that is particular to the country represented. Explore and More will visit the Huth Road fifth graders in the near future to expand their global experience as well. Overall, the students at Huth Road Elementary School were greatly enriched by the programs that the PTA sponsored for the 2007-08 school year. Thank you to Dance China NY, Explore and More and the Huth Road PTA for all of their help to enlighten the lives for our students!

Character Counts At Huth Road Elementary - 2008

The following students have been nominated to receive the award for the Fairness Character Trait:
2nd Grade, bottom row left - Jessica Gonda, Sama Abdelal, Jacob Weise, Joseph Killian, Natalie O’Brien, and Allison Greer;
3rd Grade, 2nd row - Shelby Seese, Marianthi Vasiliadis, Liam Atkins, Samuel Eichel, and Todd Domowicz;
4th Grade, 3rd row - Maxwell Verost, Eric Albrecht, Hailey Randle, Benjamin Abbott, Joshua Burger, and Edward Logel;
5th Grade, top row - Eric Dudley, Zachary Boudrow, John Eckman, Natalie Henderson, Jenna Reinard, and Kurt Lashinger.
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   At the beginning of the school year Huth Road Elementary School implemented a program called Character Counts. Overall it would reinforce the current Viking Values that are “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe.” Each month a character trait is concentrated on during the town meeting assembly. For the month of February, fairness was the trait discussed. Teachers then select and write about one student in their class who models the character trait the best. In order to be considered for the Fairness character trait award, the students must have displayed the following: Cooperate with others, Play by the rules, Take turns and share and Be open-minded and listen to others.

Huth Road Elementary Celebrates the National Read Across America Day - 2008
"You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child."

(front left) Jonathan Abbott, Matthew Tollner, and Adam Bevilacqua - (right) Nicholas Gioeli, Hailey Randle, Mrs. Kwarciak, Parker Morrow, Tanner Morrow (in the face of the Cat in the Hat), Madelyn Heyden, Joelle-Yvette Scheffler, Johnathan Roberts and Mrs. Boron.
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   What better way to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday than reading to a child? Huth Road Elementary School celebrated both events with activities that took place throughout the school day on March 3, 2008. Second grade teachers, Mrs. Beth Boron and Mrs. Janine Schroeder’s students teamed up with fourth grade students from Mrs. Patricia Kwarciak and Mrs. Jennifer Kropidlowski’s class as reading buddies to read their favorite Dr. Seuss books. As part of the celebration, students wore their craziest socks to school in honor of Dr. Seuss’ book, Fox in Socks. They ended their celebration with a snack of pink lemonade and rainbow colored goldfish crackers (One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish). It was a great afternoon of reading and fun!
   WHY CELEBRATE DR. SEUSS? Dr. Seuss epitomizes a love of children and learning. Also, his use of rhyme makes his books an effective tool for teaching young children the basic skills they need to be successful. When we celebrate Dr. Seuss and reading, we send a clear message to America's children that reading is fun and important.

Committee Kicks Off Huth Road 50th Anniversary Celebration - 2008

Committee members (left) Joan Droit, Frank Ciszek, Debbie Beis, Roseanne O’Brien, and Maryann D’Avolio; (back) Carol Horrigan, Peter Sloan, Janine Schroeder, Sheryl Sacco, Diane Lipp and Mary Kopf.
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   A committee has been selected to plan the 50th anniversary celebration of the opening of Huth Road Elementary School, and recently held its first meeting. Comprised of retired and current staff members, the group includes Frank Ciszek who was head custodian for 29 years, and Joan Droit, a 5th grade teacher at Huth Road who went on to teach at the middle and high school before her retirement. Both were "on board" in 1958 when the Island's third school building was opened. Others working on the 50th birthday event are Committee Chairwoman Debbie Beis, Carol Horrigan, Peter Sloan, Janine Schroeder, Sheryl Sacco, Diane Lipp, Mary Kopf, Roseanne O’Brien and Maryann D’Avolio.

Huth Road Elementary -
Valentines For Veterans, Soldiers and Seniors - 2008

(back) VFW Post 9249 Commander Dan McMahon was greeted with a Valentine from Alyssa Pelosi as well as, Jessica Rennells. In front are (left front) Sammantha Reynolds, Ethan Petz, Maria Schnettler, Giana Aiello, Nicholas Szabo, and Brianna Little.
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   This year for the approaching Valentines Day, the students at Huth Road Elementary school made over 1,200 cards, and placemats for local Veterans, seniors, and soldiers overseas. This project was a part of Huth Road Elementary's character trait program. Character Traits are an outgrowth of the PBIS (Viking Values) initiative throughout the school district. Monthly assemblies are held and focus on a particular character trait, a poster defining each character trait, and a school wide project that have been incorporated. The most recent trait was caring. Second grade teachers, Kristen Donnelly and Heidi Mesmer, are the co-chairs of the committee that initiated and have maintained this successful program since September. The traits are reinforced in the morning announcements where the Grade Level winners of the most Valentines made were announced. “Congratulations to Mrs. Schroeder’s 2nd grade class, Mrs. Lipp’s 3rd grade class, Mrs. Kropidlowski’s 4th grade class, and Mrs. Gormley’s 5th grade class.” Pictured are two students representing each class that won the honors of being the most caring. 150 placemats were given to Elderwood Health Care Center at Riverwood, 120 Valentines went to the Golden Age Center, and over a thousand went to the Veteran at the VA Hospital in Buffalo.

Budding Authors Bloom at Huth Road Elementary - 2008

(front left) Jacob Myers, Colin Navaugh, Robert Hodan, Jessica Gonda, and Dylan DeGlopper; (back) Julianna DeSimone, Matt Logel, Courtney Wedling, Savanah Turello, Mark Seibert, Aaron Syed, and Breonah Brown
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   The second grade students at Huth Road Elementary have experienced first hand what it feels like to be a published author! Students in Mrs. Anna Agnello, Mrs. Beth Boron, Miss Kristin Donnelly, Miss Heidi Mesmer, Mrs. Jeanne Percival, Mrs. Mary Kopf and Mrs. Janine Schroeder’s classes recently had the opportunity to order a hard cover copy of their very own published book. Each student worked diligently for nearly a month to brainstorm, draft, edit, illustrate and complete a page that was included in the class book. Their book is available for all of the students to check out at the school library media center.
   The teachers are proud of these young authors who now have a cherished keepsake.

Ice Sculptures Do More Than Just Amaze Students At Huth Road School - 2008

From left: Mrs. Diliberto, Doreen Matwijkow, Jacob Matwijkow, and Ice Sculptor, John Matwijkow

(left) Ice Sculptor, John Matwijkow using liquid nitrogen to show the children how the ice crystallizes; (right) Sabres Ice Sculpture made by John Matwijkow
Click photos for larger view

   As a follow up to Mrs. Elizabeth Diliberto’s 5th graders Career Day project, the parents of Jacob Matwijkow, John and Doreen Matwijkow, volunteered their time and materials to teach the children about his trade of being an ice sculptor. Mr. Matwijkow spoke to the students about his 20-plus-year career and what he had to learn to create such breathtaking sculptures. He told the students that for the first ten years of sculpting, nothing ever turned out the way he had envisioned it! The students were inspired to hear of his perseverance and dedication to his craft.
   As the vice president of the American Culinary Federation, Greater Buffalo Chapter, John Matwijkow has established a professional network and trusted relations with many local Western New York facilities. He spoke to the children about his recent work of art that was displayed at Ralph Wilson Stadium for the Sabres Winter Classic game. He brought the Sabres section of the Ice Bowl sculpture in to show the children and displayed it in the courtyard for all of Huth Road to enjoy! In addition, he built another ice sculpture for the students using the school emblem of a Viking.
   The students practice the "Viking Values" of being respectful, responsible, and safe. They were truly amazed as Mr. Matwijkow molded and shaped the ice, using various tools such as a heated iron, chainsaw, liquid nitrogen, and water. There is more information, including photos, available at his website: He shared with the children that he loves what he does for a living and how important that is when you’re looking for a career - and WOW! What a fantastic career to have!

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